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June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

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해외취업 가이드



서론 34 2


Unit 6 Let s Talk Doing Things 학생용교재레벨 6, Unit 6, 페이지 우리아이가배운내용은 대화문 : I m sorry I m late. That s OK. Have you already bought your ticket? Yes,

1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Dad, look at this. I made a birthday card for Grandma. M: Wow, you decorated it with dried flowers. W: Yes

0125_ 워크샵 발표자료_완성.key

1967년 비틀즈는 ‘Sergeant Pepper


강사 마스터메이슨 2년 한국에 들어와 사업을 하다 4년 우연한 기회에 영어강사가 되어 수 많은 학생들을 만나면서 강사 자신의 유학생 시절 그리고 일을 하며 겪었던 어려움을 토대로 어떻게 하면 좀 더 쉬운 방향으로 배울 수 있고 해결할 수 있는지를 제안하는 솔루션 미드로 배우는 영어회화(구 네이버 오늘의회화)와 EBS 메이슨의 어순트레이닝의 통해 강의하고 있다. State University of New York, Brand management (현) EBS 메이슨의 어순트레이닝 진행 (현) EBS 메이슨의 귀가 뻥 뚫리는 리스닝 진행 (현) EBS 메이슨의 퀴즈로 배우는 영어어휘 진행 (현) 유투브 영어방송 미드로 배우는 영어회화 진행 (현) 미디어라인 엔터테인먼트 영어강사 (현) CJ E&M 영어강사 (현) 법무부 교정방송 영어강사 (전) 강남 YBM어학원 강사 출강/개인지도/컨텐츠제작 문의

오늘배울내용을미리책으로훑어보고어떠한내용을배울지를미리상상하고 QR 코드를스캔하여강의를시청한다. 다시한번책에필기된내용을보면서오늘어떤것들을배웠는지정리한다. 오늘공부한내용중에서 EBS 어순트레이닝과연계가된강의들을확인하고 QR 코드를스캔하여시청한다. 그룹스터디팀원들과만나미리공부한내용을확실하게숙지하여내것으로만든다. 또한, 대화문에서패턴화시킬수있는문장들과 EBS 어순트레이닝에서배웠던표현들을다양하게패턴으로바꾸어팀원들과응용한다. 스터디팀원들과함께단어혹은표현들을퀴즈로만들어스터디시간에꼭자기것으로만들수있도록한다. 나머지시간을간단하게영어로대화를해보거나팀원들과상의하여토익단어암기하기혹은다른책을선정하여공부하는등다양한방법을통해서공부해본다.

< QR 코드를 스캔해서 어순트레이닝 복습하는 방법 >. 네이버/혹은 다음 어플을 실행하세요. 2. 검색창 우측 버튼을 터치하세요. 3. 휴대폰에 QR코드를 스캔하시면 아이콘이 생깁니다. 그 파란 아이콘을 클릭하시면 강의가 재생됩니다.

Unit 495. end up + 형용사 Unit 496. 구동사 drop off 2 Unit 497. How was ~? 3 Unit 498. shouldn t have + p.p 4 Unit 499. 구동사 stand up 5 Self-Test : Unit 495-499 6 Unit 500. be / get stood up 8 Unit 50. What 사람 to 대상 9 Unit 502. 동사 in 색상/ 사이즈 0 Unit 503. on sale for 가격 Unit 504. like it or not 2 Self-Test : Unit 500-504 3 Unit 505. believe it or not 5 Unit 506. 부사 technically 6 Unit 507. not care for + 무엇 7 Unit 508. cut down on + 무엇 8 Unit 509. cut down on + ing 9 Self-Test : Unit 505-509 20 Unit 50. 횟수 time + ing 22 Unit 5. want + 무엇 + 형용사 23 Unit 52. Guess what 주어동사 24 Unit 53. Guess what + 동사 25

Unit 54. Guess who + 주어 + 동사 26 Self-Test : Unit 50-54 27 Unit 55. Guess who + 동사 29 Unit 56. in public 30 Unit 57. alternative to 3 Unit 58. What are the chances of 32 Unit 59. What are the chances of + 대상 + ing 33 Self-Test : Unit 55-59 34 Unit 520. advantage of 36 Unit 52. danger of 37 Unit 522. importance of 38 Unit 523. be famous / notorious for 39 Unit 524. What is the point of 40 Self-Test : Unit 520-524 4 Unit 525. What is the point of + ing 43 Unit 526. What is the point of + 비판 44 Unit 527. no use + ing 45 Unit 528. have a crush on 46 Unit 529. feel up to 47 Self-Test : Unit 525-529 48 Unit 530. Here s to 대상 50 Unit 53. be working on 5

Unit 532. take responsibility for 52 Unit 533. be in charge of 53 Unit 534. no harm in + ing 54 Self-Test : Unit 530-534 55 Unit 535. Let s not 57 Unit 536. had better not 58 Unit 537. be into 59 Unit 538. compare A to B 60 Unit 539. A be compared to B 6 Self-Test : Unit 535-539 62 Unit 540. A nothing compared to B 64 Unit 54. Compared to 대상 65 Unit 542. 전치사 considering 66 Unit 543. 대상, of all people 67 Unit 544. on a 기간 basis 68 Self-Test : Unit 540-544 69 Unit 545. on a 방법 basis 7 Unit 546. in 무엇 case 72 Unit 547. in detail 73 Unit 548. on behalf of 대상 74 Unit 549. Needless to say 75 Self-Test : Unit 545-549 76

Unit 550. Chances are 78 Unit 55. 감탄문 How 79 Unit 552. On second thought 80 Unit 553. It s not like 8 Unit 554. Chances are + 확률 82 Self-Test : Unit 550-554 83 Unit 555. Chances are + 확률 + 사건 85 Unit 556. whole + 시간 86 Unit 557. 숫자 whole 시간 87 Unit 558. 무엇 by 무엇 88 Unit 559. in exchange for 89 Self-Test : Unit 555-559 90

Unit 495 end up + 형용사 일련의사건의결과를말할때 주어 + end up + (being) 형용사 난결국됐다 / 홀로. ( I, (being) alone, ended up ) 2 그미팅은결국끝났다 / 생산적으로. ( ended up, the meeting, (being) productive ) A : How did your interview go? 다행히도, 결국엔잘끝났어.( it, (being) okay, ended up, thankfully ) 난결국홀로됐다. 2 그미팅은결국생산적으로끝났다. 3 다행히도, 결국엔잘끝났어.. I ended up (being) alone. / 2. The meeting ended up (being) productive. 3. Thankfully, it ended up (being) okay.

Unit 496 구동사 drop off ~ 를 OO 에내려놓을때 주어 + drop off + 대상 주어 + drop + 대상 + off 내가태워다줄것이다 / 메이슨을 / 집에. ( Mason, at home, going to drop off, I m ) 2 난맡겼다 / 옷들을 / 세탁소에. ( at the laundry, some clothes, dropped off, I) A : Can you give me a ride? 알겠어, 내가집에가는길에널태워다줄게 ( home, drop off, you, on my way, I ll, Okay ) 내가메이슨을집에태워다줄것이다. 2 난세탁소에옷들을맡겼다. 3 내가집에가는길에널태워다줄게.. I m going to drop off Mason at home. / 2. I dropped off some clothes at the laundry. 3. I ll drop you off on my way home.

Unit 497 How was~? 일의결과나상태를물어볼때 How was + 궁금한일 ~? How were + 궁금한일들 ~? 어땠나요? / 오늘하루는 ( was, your day, How ) 2 어땠나요? / 그영화는 ( the movie, was, How ) A : 치과, 예약어떻게되었어? (was, your, dentist, appointment, How) It was terrible! I had five cavities filled. 오늘하루는어땠나요? 2 그영화는어땠나요? 3 치과치료는어땠어요?. How was your day? / 2. How was the movie? 3. How was your dentist appointment?

Unit 498 shouldn t have + p.p ~ 하지말았어야하는 후회를표현할때 주어 + shouldn t have + 과거분사 난말하지말았어야했다 / 선의의거짓말을 / 그녀에게. ( shouldn t have told, to her, I, a white lie ) 2 우리는먹지말았어야했다 / 저녁식사를 / 여기에서. ( shouldn t have had, we, dinner, here ) A : This is your gift. 이러실필요없어요. ( You shouldn t have ) 난그녀에게선의의거짓말을말하지말았어야했다. 2 우리는여기에서저녁식사를먹지말았어야했다. 3 이러실필요없는데.. I shouldn t have told a white lie to her. / 2. We shouldn t have had dinner here. 3. You shouldn t have.

Unit 499 구동사 stand up ~ 를바람맞힐때 라고표현할때 주어 + stand up + 사람 주어 + stand + 사람 + up 나는바람맞혔다 / 내여자친구를. ( stood up, I, my girlfriend ) 2 그녀는바람맞혔다 / 메이슨을. ( stood up, she, Mason ) A : 내가들었어. 그가너를바람맞혔다고. (I heard he stood you up.) Yes, he said he fell asleep. 나는내여자친구를바람맞혔다. 2 그녀는메이슨을바람맞혔다. 3 그가널바람맞혔다고들었어.. I stood up my girlfriend. / 2. She stoop up Mason. / 3. I heard he stood you up.

Self-Test : Unit 495 ~ 499 unit 495 : end up + 형용사 난결국됐다 / 홀로 ( I, (being) alone, ended up ) 2 그미팅은결국끝났다 / 생산적으로 ( ended up, the meeting, (being) productive ) 3 다행히도, 결국엔잘끝났어. ( (being) okay, ended, Thankfully, it, up ) unit 496 : 구동사 drop off 4 내가태워다줄것이다 / 메이슨을 / 집에 ( Mason, at home, going to drop off, I m ) 5 난맡겼다 / 옷들을 / 세탁소에 ( at the laundry, some clothes, dropped off, I) 6 내가집에가는길에널태워다줄게. ( I ll, drop, home, you, off on my way ) unit 497 : How was ~? 7 어땠나요? / 오늘하루는 ( was, your day, How ) 8 어땠나요? / 그영화는 ( the movie, was, How ) 9 치과치료는어땠어요? ( How, dentist, appointment, was, your )

unit 498 : shouldn t have + p.p. 0 난말하지말았어야했다 / 선의의거짓말을 / 그녀에게 ( shouldn t have told, to her, I, a white lie ) 우리는먹지말았어야했다 / 저녁식사를 / 여기에서 ( shouldn t have had, we, dinner, here ) 2 이러실필요없는데. ( shouldn t, have, You ) unit 499 : 구동사 stand up 3 나는바람맞혔다 / 내여자친구를 ( stood up, I, my girlfriend ) 4 그녀는바람맞혔다 / 메이슨을 ( stood up, she, Mason ) 5 그가널바람맞혔다고들었어. ( heard, I, stood, you, he, up )

Unit 500 be / get stood up ~ 에게바람맞을때 주어 + be + stood up + (by 대상 ) 주어 + get stood up + (by 대상 ) 나는바람맞았다. ( stood up, got, I ) 2 바람맞았니? ( you, did, stood up, get? ) A : 너바람맞아본적있어? ( Have you ever been stood up? ) 아니요, 누군가를바람맞혀본적은있어요. ( No, but I ve stood someone up. ) 나는바람맞았다. 2 바람맞았니? 3 바람맞아본적있어요?. I got stood up. / 2. Did you get stood up? / 3. Have you ever been stood up?

Unit 50 What 사람 to 대상 결과에대한부정적인응답이나놀람을표현할때 What did 사람 do + to 대상 : A 가 B 에게뭘한거니? (A) (B) 너대체무슨짓을한거니? / 네머리에 ( to your hair, what did, do, you? ) 2 아버지가대체뭘하신거지? / 내컴퓨터에 ( what did, to my computer, do, Dad? ) A : 너내휴대폰가지고대체뭘했니? 작동이안되잖아. ( What did you do to my phone? It s not working ) Seriously, I didn t do anything. 너대체네머리에무슨짓을한거니? 2 아버지가내컴퓨터에대체뭘하신거지? 3 내휴대폰가지고대체뭘했니?. What did you do to your hair? / 2. What did Dad do to my computer? /3. What did you do to my phone?

Unit 502 동사 in 색상 / 사이즈 상품의색상이나사이즈의여부를묻고답할때 주어 + have own want + 상품 + in + 색상사이즈 전이셔츠를원합니다 / 빨간색으로. ( in red, like, this shirt,i d ) 2 우리는저재킷이없습니다 / 사이즈 46 으로. (that jacket, in size 46, don t have, we ) A : XS 사이즈를갖고계신가요? ( Do you have it in size XS? ) Yes, but we only have it in blue. 전빨간색으로이셔츠를원합니다. 2 XS 사이즈를갖고계신가요? 3 우리는파란색만재고가있어요.. I d like this shirt in red./ 2. Do you have it in size XS? /3. We only have it in blue.

Unit 503 on sale for 가격 ~ 의가격을할인할때 주어 + be on sale + for + 최종가격 XX% off 모든상품이할인중입니다 / 반값으로. ( are on sale, for half, all items, the price ) 2 과일은할인중입니다 / 30% 저렴하게. ( the fruits, for 30% off, are on sale ) A : All the clothes on the rack are on sale? 그것들은 20% 할인중입니다. ( Yes, they re on sale for 20% off. ) 모든상품이반값으로할인중입니다. 2 과일은 30% 저렴하게할인중입니다. 3 그것들은 20% 할인중입니다. All items are on sale for half the price./ 2. The fruits are on sale for 30% off. /3. They re on sale for 20% off.

Unit 504 like it or not 말하는대상에게선택권이주어지지않을때 (Whether 주어 ) Like it or not, 문장. 문장, (whether 주어 ) like it or not. 좋거나말거나 / 우리지금일하러가봐야해. ( we, have to go, now, like it or not, to work. ) 2 난사실을말할거야 / 네가좋아하든말든. ( I ll tell, you, whether, the truth, like it or not.) A : I don t want to study (or work) today. 좋든싫든, 우린선택의여지가없어. (Like it or not, we have no choice. ) 좋거나말거나, 우리지금일하러가봐야해. 2 난사실을말할거야, 네가좋아하든말든. 3 좋든싫든, 우린선택의여지가없어.. Like it or not, we have to go to work now./ 2.I ll tell the truth, whether you like it or not. /3. Like it or not, we have no choice.

Self-Test : Unit 500 ~ 504 unit 500 : be/get stood up 6 나는바람맞았다. ( stood up, got, I ) 7 바람맞았니? ( you, did, stood up, get? ) 8 바람맞아본적있어요? ( you, stood, Have, been, ever, up? ) unit 50 : What 사람 to 대상 9 너대체무슨짓을한거니? / 네머리에 ( to your hair, what did, do, you? ) 20 아버지가대체뭘하신거지? / 내컴퓨터에 ( what did, to my computer, do, Dad? ) 2 내휴대폰가지고대체뭘했니? ( you, to, What, my phone?, did, do ) unit 502 : 동사 in 색상 / 사이즈 22 전이셔츠를원합니다 / 빨간색으로. ( in red, like, this shirt,i d ) 23 우리는저재킷이없습니다 / 사이즈 46 으로. (that jacket, in size 46, don t have, we ) 24 우리는파란색만재고가있어요. ( blue, We, have, in. only, it )

unit 503 : be on sale for 가격 25 모든상품이할인중입니다 / 반값으로. ( are on sale, for half, all items, the price ) 26 과일은할인중입니다 / 30% 저렴하게. ( the fruits, for 30% off, are on sale ) 27 그미팅은결국끝났다 / 생산적으로 ( ended up, the meeting, (being) productive ) unit 504 : like it or not 28 좋거나말거나 / 우리지금일하러가봐야해. ( we, have to go, now, like it or not, to work. ) 29 난사실을말할거야 / 네가좋아하든말든. ( I ll tell, you, whether, the truth, like it or not.) 30 좋든싫든, 우린선택의여지가없어. ( Like, or no,t it, have, we, choice, no )

Unit 505 believe it or not 듣는사람이믿기힘든이야기를말할때 Believe it or not, 문장. 문장, Believe it or not. 믿기힘들겠지만 / 나오늘밤에그녀와데이트를할거야. ( I have a date, believe it or not, with her tonight. ) 2 제가지금회사에돌아가봐야해요 / 믿기힘들겠지만. ( get back to work, I have to right now, believe it or not.) A : Why did you come late again? 믿기힘드시겠지만, 차사고가있었어요. (Believe it or not, there was a car accident. ) 믿기힘들겠지만, 난오늘밤에그녀와데이트를할거야. 2 제가지금회사에가봐야해요, 믿기힘들겠지만. 3 믿기힘드시겠지만, 차사고가있었어요.. Believe it or not, I have a date with her tonight. / 2. I have to get back to work right now, believe it or not./ 3. Believe it or not, there was a car accident.

Unit 506 부사 technically 잘못된부분을정확하게정정하고자할때 Technically, 사실 엄밀히따지면, / 그녀와나는그렇게가까운사이는아냐. ( she and I, Technically, that close., are not. ) 2 엄밀히따지면, / 토마토는과일이야. ( is a fruit, Technically, a tomato.) A : Is this your first time in Seoul? 엄밀히따지면, 두번와봤어요. (Technically, I ve been here twice. ) 엄밀히따지면, 그녀와나는그렇게가까운사이는아냐. 2 엄밀히따지면, 토마토는과일이야. 3 엄밀히따지면, 두번와봤어요.. Technically, she and I are not that close. / 2. Technically, a tomato is a fruit. / 3. Technically, I ve been here twice.

Unit 507 not care for + 무엇 ~ 을좋아하지않을때 주어 + do not + care for + 무엇 그녀는좋아하지않는다 / 고수를. ( She, cilantro, for, doesn t, care ) 2 난맘에들지않았다 / 그의행동이. ( I, care, didn t, for, behavior, his ) A : How about we eat cheonggukjang? 난그냄새가싫더라. ( I don t care for the smell. ) 그녀는고수를좋아하지않는다. 2 난그의행동이맘에들지않았다. 3 난그냄새가싫더라.. She doesn t care for cilantro.. / 2. I didn t care for his behavior. / 3. I don t care for the smell.

Unit 508 cut down on 무엇 ~ 의양을줄일때 주어 + cut down on + 무엇 0 대들은줄일필요가있다 / 소셜미디어를. (Teenagers, on social media, need to cut down.) 2 난줄일수없다 / 잠자는시간을. (I, cut down on, can not, my sleeping hours.) A : 어떻게전기요금을줄이셨어요? ( How did you cut down on your electric bill? ) I bought a fan. 0 대들은소셜미디어를줄일필요가있다. 2 난잠자는시간을줄일수없다. 3 어떻게전기요금을줄이셨어요?. Teenagers need to cut down on social media. / 2. I can t cut down on my sleeping hours. / 3. How did you cut down on your electric bill?

Unit 509 cut down on + ing 하고있는일의양을줄일때 주어 + cut down on + ing 너와난줄일필요가있다 / 술마시는것을. (You and I, on drinking, need to cut down ) 2 난줄이려노력중이다 / 늦잠을자는것을. (I'm cut down, trying to, on oversleeping. ) A : I spent l a lot more than I thought. 너쇼핑하는것을줄이는게어때? ( How about cutting down on shopping? ) 너와난술마시는것을줄일필요가있다. 2 난늦잠을자는것을줄이려노력중이다. 3 쇼핑을줄이는건어때?. You and I need to cut down on drinking. / 2. I'm trying to cut down on oversleeping. / 3. How about cutting down on shopping?

unit 505 : believe it or not Self-Test : Unit 505 ~ 509 3 믿기힘들겠지만 / 나오늘밤에그녀와데이트를할거야. ( I have a date, believe it or not, with her tonight. ) 32 제가지금회사에돌아가봐야해요 / 믿기힘들겠지만. ( get back to work, I have to right now, believe it or not.) 33 믿기힘드시겠지만, 차사고가있었어요. ( Believe, there was, it or not, a car accident ) unit 505 : 부사 technically 34 엄밀히따지면, / 그녀와나는그렇게가까운사이는아냐. ( she and I, Technically, that close, are not ) 35 엄밀히따지면, / 토마토는과일이야. ( is a fruit, Technically, a tomato.) 36 엄밀히따지면, 두번와봤어요. ( I ve been, twice, Technically, here ) unit 507 : not care for + 무엇 37 그녀는좋아하지않는다 / 고수를. ( She, cilantro, for, doesn t, care ) 38 난맘에들지않았다 / 그의행동이. ( I, care, didn t, for, behavior, his ) 39 난그냄새가싫더라. ( I, the, don t, smell, care for )

unit 508 : cut down on 무엇 40 0 대들은줄일필요가있다 / 소셜미디어를. (Teenagers, on social media, need to cut down.) 4 난줄일수없다 / 잠자는시간을. (I, cut down on, can not, my sleeping hours.) 42 어떻게전기요금을줄이셨어요? ( How, your, cut down, electric, did you, on, bill? ) unit 509 : cut down on + ing 43 너와난줄일필요가있다 / 술마시는것을. (You and I, on drinking, need to cut down ) 44 난줄이려노력중이다 / 늦잠을자는것을. (I'm cut down, trying to, on oversleeping. ) 45 쇼핑을줄이는건어때? ( cutting, down, How, shopping?, about, on )

Unit 50 횟수 time + ing ~ 을하는데있어경험의횟수를말할때 my It is + + 숫자 + time + ing your 이번이처음입니다 / 혼자여행하는게. ( It's my, traveling alone, first time ) 2 처음이신가요? / 여기방문하시는게 ( first time, Is this your visiting here? ) A : Thank you for helping me 이번까지만도와줄거예요. ( This is my last time helping you. ) 이번이처음혼자여행하는겁니다. 2 여기처음방문하시는건가요? 3 이번까지만도와줄거예요.. It's my first time traveling alone. / 2. Is this your first time visiting here? / 3. This is my last time helping you.

Unit 5 want + 무엇 + 형용사 무엇이 ~ 한상태가되기를원할때 주어 + want 목적어 (to be) 형용사 주어 + want 목적어 (to be) 과거분사 저는이스테이크를원합니다 / 중간으로. ( my steak, I want medium. ) 2 이것은원하시나요? / 완성되도록 / 오늘까지 ( by today, Do you want, this done? ) A : Here's your coffee. 저는아이스커피를주문하지않았어요. ( Sorry, I didn't want my coffee iced. ) 저는스테이크를중간으로익혀주세요. 2 오늘까지이것이완성되길원하시나요? 3 저는아이스커피로주문하지않았어요.. I want my steak medium. / 2. Do you want this done by today? / 3. Sorry, I didn't want my coffee iced.

Unit 52 Guess what 주어 + 동사 뭔가놀라운일을말해줄때 Guess what + 주어 + 동사 맞혀봐 / 내가뭘가져왔는지 ( I brought, Guess what, you.) 2 맞혀보세요 / 우리아기가오늘뭘했는지. (Guess what, today, our baby did) A : Guess what day it is today? 저는아이스커피를주문하지않았어요. ( Oh! It's our anniversary! I forgot. ) 내가뭘가져왔는지맞혀봐. 2 우리아이가오늘뭘했는지맞혀보세요. 3 오늘이무슨날인지맞혀볼래?. Guess what I brought you. / 2. Guess what our baby did today. / 3. Guess what day it is today?

Unit 53 Guess what + 동사 뭔가놀라운일을말해줄때 Guess what + 동사 맞혀보세요 / 오늘무슨일이일어났는지. ( Guess, today, what happened.) 2 맞혀보세요 / 안에무엇이있는지. (what, Guess, is, inside.) A : 뭐가도착했게? (Guess what came in?) Is my package delivered? 오늘무슨일이일어났는지맞혀보세요. 2 안에무엇이있는지맞혀보세요. 3 뭐가도착했게?. Guess what happened today. / 2. Guess what is inside. / 3. Guess what came in?

Unit 54 Guess who + 주어 + 동사 뭔가놀라운일을말해줄때 Guess who + 주어 + 동사 맞혀봐 / 내가누구를봤게 / 오늘. ( Guess, I, today, saw. ) 2 맞혀봐 / 메이슨이누구와데이트를하게. ( Mason, who, Guess, is dating. ) A : 누구게맞혀봐. (Guess who it is) Who is this? 오늘내가누굴봤는지맞혀봐. 2 메이슨이누구와데이트를하는지맞혀봐. 3 누구게.. Guess who I saw today. / 2. Guess who Mason is dating. / 3. Guess who it is.

Self-Test : Unit 50 ~ 54 unit 50 : 횟수 time + ing 46 이번이처음입니다 / 혼자여행하는게. ( It's my, traveling alone, first time ) 47 처음이신가요? / 여기방문하시는게 ( first time, Is this your visiting here? ) 48 이번까지만도와줄거예요. ( you, This, is, helping, my last time ) unit 5 : want + 무엇 + 형용사 49 저는이스테이크를원합니다 / 중간으로. ( my steak, I want medium. ) 50 이것은원하시나요? / 완성되도록 / 오늘까지 ( by today, Do you want, this done? ) 5 저는아이스커피로주문하지않았어요. ( I, want, iced, didn t, coffee, my ) unit 52 : Guess what 주어 + 동사 52 맞혀봐 / 내가뭘가져왔는지 ( I brought, Guess what, you.) 53 맞혀보세요 / 우리아기가오늘뭘했는지. (Guess what, today, our baby did) 54 오늘이무슨날인지맞혀볼래? ( today?, Guess, it, what day, is )

unit 53 : Guess what + 동사 55 맞혀보세요 / 오늘무슨일이일어났는지. ( Guess, today, what happened.) 56 맞혀보세요 / 안에무엇이있는지. (what, Guess, is, inside.) 57 뭐가도착했게? ( Guess what came in? ) unit 54 : Guess who + 주어 + 동사 58 맞혀봐 / 내가누구를봤게 / 오늘. ( Guess, I, today, saw. ) 59 맞혀봐 / 메이슨이누구와데이트를하게. ( Mason, who, Guess, is dating. ) 60 누구게. ( who, it, Guess, is )

Unit 55 Guess who + 동사 뭔가놀라운일을말해줄때 Guess who + 동사 맞혀봐 / 누가집에왔는지. ( Guess, is, home, who.) 2 맞혀봐 / 누가이걸했는지. (who, Guess, this did.) A : 이노래누가부르는지맞혀봐. (Guess who is singing this song.) Is it Michael Jackson? 누가집에왔게. 2 누가이걸했게. 3 이노래누가부르게.. Guess who is home. / 2. Guess who did this. / 3. Guess who is singing this song.

Unit 56 in public 사람들앞에나서거나, 공공장소를말할때 문장 + in public 넌해야해 / 목소리를줄이는걸 / 사람들이있는곳에선. ( You, keep your voice down, should, in public.) 2 긴장되지않으세요? / 말하는것이 / 사람들앞에서 (Aren't, to speak in public, you nervous ) A : what (on earth) happened? 사람들앞에서사장님이창피를줬어요. (My boss humiliated me in public.) h 사람들이있는곳에선목소리를줄여야해. 2 사람들앞에서말하는게긴장되지않으세요? 3 사람들앞에서사장님이창피를줬어요.. You should keep your voice down in public. / 2. Aren't you nervous to speak in public? / 3. My boss humiliated me in public.

Unit 57 alternative to ~ 의대안을말할때 a/an + ( 형용사 ) + alternative to + 무엇 꿀은몸에더좋은대안이다 / 설탕의. ( Honey, is, to sugar, a healthier, alternative.) 2 어떤대안이있을까요? / 예를들어 라는말에 (Is there, alternative, to, any, for example?) A : USB 보다더안전한대안이뭘까? (What is a safer alternative to flash drives?) How about sending an email to yourself? 꿀은설탕의대안이다. 2 예를들어 라는말에어떤대안이있을까요? 3 USB 보다더안전한대안이뭘까?. Honey is an alternative to sugar. / 2. Is there any alternative to for example? / 3. What is a safer alternative to flash drives?

Unit 58 What are the chances of ~ 의가능성을묻고자할때 What are the chances of 무엇 + What are the odds of ~ing 확률이어떻게될까? / 복권에당첨되는건 ( What are winning, the chances, of the lottery?) 2 확률이어떻게될까? / 성공할 (What, of success?, are the chances ) A : 비가올확률이얼마나될까? (What are the chances of rain?) It s nearly 00% 복권에당첨되는건확률이어떻게될까? 2 성공할확률이어떻게될까? 3 비가올확률이얼마나될까?. What are the chances of winning the lottery? / 2. What are the chances of success? / 3. What are the chances of rain?

Unit 59 What are the chances of + 대상 + ing ~ 의가능성을묻고자할때 What are the chances of + 대상 + ing What are the odds of + 대상 + ing 확률이얼마나될까? / 내가취직을할 ( What are, getting a job?, the chances of me ) 2 확률이얼마나될까? / 이일이일어나는데 ( What, of this happening, are the chances? ) A : 우리가그시험에합격할가능성이있을까? (What are the chances of us passing the test?) The chances are slim. 내가취직을할확률이얼마나될까? 2 이일이일어나는데확률이얼마나될까? 3 우리가그시험에합격할가능성이있을까?. What are the chances of me getting a job? / 2. What are the chances of this happening? / 3. What are the chances of us passing the test?

unit 55 : Guess who + 동사 Self-Test : Unit 55 ~ 59 6 맞혀봐 / 누가집에왔는지. ( Guess, is, home, who.) 62 맞혀봐 / 누가이걸했는지. (who, Guess, this did.) 63 이노래누가부르게. ( Guess, is sining, who, this song ) unit 56 : in public 64 넌해야해 / 목소리를줄이는걸 / 사람들이있는곳에선. ( You, keep your voice down, should, in public.) 65 긴장되지않으세요? / 말하는것이 / 사람들앞에서 (Aren't, to speak in public, you nervous ) 66 사람들앞에서사장님이창피를줬어요. ( in public, humilated, My boss, me ) unit 57 : alternative to 67 꿀은몸에더좋은대안이다 / 설탕의. ( Honey, is, to sugar, a healthier, alternative.) 68 어떤대안이있을까요? / 예를들어 라는말에 (Is there, alternative, to, any, for example?) 69 USB 보다더안전한대안이뭘까? ( a safer alternative to, What is, flash drives? )

unit 58 : What are the chances of 70 확률이어떻게될까? / 복권에당첨되는건 ( What are winning, the chances, of the lottery?) 7 확률이어떻게될까? / 성공할 ( What, of success?, are the chances ) 72 비가올확률이얼마나될까? ( rain?, What are, chances of, the ) unit 59 : What are the chances of + 대상 + ing 73 확률이얼마나될까? / 내가취직을할 ( What are, getting a job?, the chances of me ) 74 확률이얼마나될까? / 이일이일어나는데 ( What, of this happening, are the chances? ) 75 우리가그시험에합격할가능성이있을까? ( us, the test?, passing, What are the chances of )

Unit 520 advantage of ~ 의장점을말할때 주어 + 동사 + the advantage(s) of + 무엇 ing 그것이바로장점입니다. / 온라인교육의. ( That is, online learning, the advantage of ) 2 그건장점중의하나이다 / 인터넷을사용하는. (the advantages of, It's one of, using the internet.) A : 차가있으면어떤점이좋아요? (What is the advantage of having a car?) I can go everywhere I want. 그것이바로온라인교육의장점입니다. 2 그건인터넷을사용하는장점중하나이다. 3 차가있으면무슨점이좋아요?. That is the advantage of online learning. / 2. It's one of the advantages of using the internet. / 3. What is the advantage of having a car?

Unit 52 danger of ~ 의해로움, 위험함을말할때 주어 + 동사 + the danger(s) of + 무엇 ing 대부분사람은 ~ 에대해알고있다 / 흡연의해로움을. ( Most people, the dangers, know about, of smoking. ) 2 무엇이해로운가요? / 너무오래앉아있으면 ( the dangers, What are, of sitting, too much?) A : Stop drinking so many energy drinks. 난에너지음료의해로움을신경쓰지않아. (I don't care about the dangers of energy drinks.) 대부분의사람은흡연의해로움에대해알고있다. 2 너무오래앉아있으면무엇이해로운가요? 3 난에너지음료의해로움을신경쓰지않아.. Most people know about the dangers of smoking. / 2. What are the dangers of sitting too much? / 3. I don't care about the dangers of energy drinks.

Unit 522 importance of ~ 의중요성을말할때 주어동사 the importance of + 무엇 주어동사 the importance of + ~ing 그는과소평가했다 / 그문제의중요성을. ( He, of the matter, underestimated, the importance ) 2 어머니는강조하셨다 / 돈을절약하는것의중요성을. ( the importance, Mom stressed, of saving money. ) A : Sorry, I'm late. 내가늦지않는게중요하다고말했잖아요. (I told you about the importance of not being late.) 그는그문제의중요성을과소평가했다. 2 어머니는돈을절약하는것의중요성을강조하셨다. 3 내가늦지않는게중요하다고말했잖아요.. He underestimated the importance of the matter. / 2. Mom stressed the importance of saving money. / 3. I told you about the importance of not being late.

Unit 523 be famous / notorious for ~ 로유명할때 / 악평으로유명할때 주어 + be 동사 + famous for notorious for + 무엇 ing 밀라노는유명하다 / 패션으로. ( Milan for, is famous, fashion.) 2 이음식점은해산물이좋지않기로유명하다. (is notorious, This restaurant, for seafood.) A : 파리는무엇이유명해요? (What is Paris famous for?) I don't know, maybe the Eiffel Tower? 그는그문제의중요성을과소평가했다. 2 이음식점은해산물이좋지않기로유명하다. 3 파리는무엇이유명해요? / 파리는뭐가안좋기로유명해요?. Milan is famous for fashion. / 2. This restaurant is notorious for seafood. / 3. What is Paris famous for?/ What is Paris notorious for?

Unit 524 What is the point of ~ 의취지, 목적, 요지를물어볼때 What is the point of + 무엇 무엇이핵심인가요? / 그질문의 ( What is, the questions, the point of ) 2 무엇이목적인가요? / 삶의 ( the point, What is, of life ) A : 해시태그의목적이뭘까? ( What's the point of hashtags? ) Is it called hashtag? I've called it pound. 그질문의핵심이무엇인가요? 2 삶의목적이무엇인가요? 3 해시태그의목적이뭘까?. What is the point of the questions? / 2. What is the point of life? / 3. What s the point of hashtags?

Self-Test : Unit 520 ~ 524 unit 520 : advantage of 76 그것이바로장점입니다. / 온라인교육의. ( That is, online learning, the advantage of ) 77 그건장점중의하나이다 / 인터넷을사용하는. (the advantages of, It's one of, using the internet.) 78 차가있으면무슨점이좋아요? ( having a car?, the advantage of, What is ) unit 52 : danger of 79 대부분사람은 ~ 에대해알고있다 / 흡연의해로움을. ( Most people, the dangers, know about, of smoking. ) 80 무엇이해로운가요? / 너무오래앉아있으면 ( the dangers, What are, of sitting, too much?) 8 난에너지음료의해로움을신경쓰지않아. ( the danger of, energy drinks, I don t care about )

unit 522 : importance of 82 그는과소평가했다 / 그문제의중요성을. ( He, of the matter, underestimated, the importance ) 83 어머니는강조하셨다 / 돈을절약하는것의중요성을. ( the importance, Mom stressed, of saving money. ) 84 내가늦지않는게중요하다고말했잖아요. ( I told you about the importance of not being late ) unit 523 : be famous / notorious for 85 밀라노는유명하다 / 패션으로. ( Milan for, is famous, fashion.) 86 이음식점은해산물이좋지않기로유명하다. (is notorious, This restaurant, for seafood.) 87 파리는무엇이유명해요? ( Paris, famous, for?, What is ) unit 59 : What are the chances of + 대상 + ing 88 무엇이핵심인가요? / 그질문의 ( What is, the questions, the point of ) 89 무엇이목적인가요? / 삶의 ( the point, What is, of life ) 90 해시태그의목적이뭘까? ( hashtags?, the point of, What s )

Unit 525 What is the point of + ing ~ 을하는것에취지, 목적, 요지를물어볼때 What is the point of + 무엇 목적 / 이유가무엇인가요? / 대학에가는 ( the point of, What is, going to college? ) 2 목적 / 이유가무엇인가요? / 줄을서는 ( point of waiting, What is the, in line? ) A : 일을열심히하는목적이무엇인가요? ( What is the point of working hard? ) I want to get promoted this year. 대학을가는이유가무엇인가요? 2 줄을서는이유가무엇인가요? 3 일을열심히하는목적이무엇인가요?. What is the point of going to college? / 2. What is the point of waiting in line? / 3. What is the point of working hard?

Unit 526 What is the point of + ( 비판 ) ~ 을하는것이소용이없다 ( 비판 ) 할때 What is the point of + 무엇 무슨소용이있는가? / 그것에대해걱정하는게 ( worrying about, What is the point of, it? ) 2 무슨소용이있는가? / 그것에대해걱정하는게 ( What, of all this, is the point? ) A : Sorry, all of it was my fault. 그것에대해지금얘기해서무슨소용이있겠어. ( What's the point of talking about it right now? ) 그것에대해걱정하는게무슨소용이있겠어요? 2 이게다무슨소용이있겠어요? 3 지금그걸얘기해봤자무슨소용이니?. What is the point of worrying about it? / 2. What is the point of waiting in line? / 3. What's the point of talking about it right now?

Unit 527 no use + ing ~ 을하는것이소용없을때 It is + (of) no use + ing There is + (of) no use + ing 소용없다 / 숨기는것이. ( no use, It's, hiding. ) 2 소용없다 / 불평하는것이. ( no use, There's, complaining. ) A : Why don't you apologize to your boyfriend? 이미엎질러진물이지뭐. ( It's no use crying over spilled milk.) 숨겨도소용없다. 2 이게다무슨소용이있겠어요? 3 이미엎질러진물이지뭐.. It's no use hiding. / 2. There's no use complaining. / 3. It s no use crying over spilled milk.

Unit 528 have a crush on ~ 에게반할때 주어 + have a crush on + 대상 난반했다 / 직장동료에게. ( a crush, I have, on my coworker. ) 2 당신은반했나요? / 메이슨에게 ( have a crush, Do you, on Mason? ) A : 너고등학교때, 누구한테반했던거니? ( Who did you have a crush on in high school? ) I had a (huge) crush on you. 난직장동료에게반했다. 2 이게다무슨소용이있겠어요? 3 누구에게반한거니?. I have a crush on my coworker. / 2. Do you have a crush on Mason? / 3. Who did you have a crush on?

Unit 529 feel up to ~ 할기력이없거나하기싫을때 주어 + don't feel up to + 무엇 ing 난 ~ 할기운이없다 / 밖에나갈. ( I, to going out, don't feel up ) 2 어머니는 ~ 할힘이없으셨다 / 저녁에만들. ( Mom, up to, didn't feel, making dinner. ) A : Why don't you join us, if you feel up to it? 오늘몸상태가별로예요. ( Sorry, I don't feel up to par. ) 전밖에나갈기운이없어요. 2 어머니는저녁을만들힘이없으셨다. 3 오늘몸상태가별로예요.. I don't feel up to going out. / 2. Mom didn't feel up to making dinner. / 3. I don t feel up to par.

Self-Test : Unit 525 ~ 529 unit 525 : What is the poing of + ing 9 그것이바로장점입니다. / 온라인교육의. ( That is, online learning, the advantage of ) 92 목적 / 이유가무엇인가요? / 줄을서는 ( point of waiting, What is the, in line? ) 93 일을열심히하는목적이무엇인가요? ( working hard?, the point of, What is ) unit 526 : What is the poing of + 비판 94 무슨소용이있는가? / 그것에대해걱정하는게 ( worrying about, What is the point of, it? ) 95 무슨소용이있는가? / 그것에대해걱정하는게 ( What, of all this, is the point? ) 96 지금그걸얘기해봤자무슨소용이니? ( right now?, talking about it, What s the point of )

unit 527 : no use + ing 97 소용없다 / 숨기는것이. ( no use, It's, hiding. ) 98 소용없다 / 불평하는것이. ( no use, There's, complaining. ) 99 이미엎질러진물이지뭐. ( crying, spilled milk, over, It s no use ) unit 528 : have a crush on 00 난반했다 / 직장동료에게. ( a crush, I have, on my coworker. ) 0 당신은반했나요? / 메이슨에게 ( have a crush, Do you, on Mason? ) 02 누구에게반한거니? ( on?, have a crush, Who did you ) unit 529 : feel up to 03 난 ~ 할기운이없다 / 밖에나갈. ( I, to going out, don't feel up ) 04 어머니는 ~ 할힘이없으셨다 / 저녁에만들. ( Mom, up to, didn't feel, making dinner. ) 05 오늘몸상태가별로예요. ( par, feel up to, I don t )

Unit 530 Here's to 대상 건배를하며 ~ 의행운을빌때 Here's to + 대상! 행운이있기를바랍니다 / 꿈을꾸는자들에게! ( Here's, who dream, to the ones! ) 2 행운이있기를바랍니다 / 메이슨, 당신에게! ( to you, Here's, Mason! ) A : 당신이하는모든일에행운이있기를! ( Here s to all that you do! ) Here s to us! 꿈을꾸는자들에게행운이있기를! 2 메이슨, 당신에게행운이있기를! 3 당신이하는모든일에행운이있기를!. Here's to the ones who dream! / 2. Here's to you, Mason! / 3. Here s to all that you do!

Unit 53 be working on ~ 을하려애쓰거나, 열심히할때 주어 + be working on + 무엇 ing 전열심히일하는중이에요 / EBS 와함께하는프로젝트를. ( I'm, the project, working on, with EBS. ) 2 그녀는공을들이는중이다 / 대출을받으려고 ( She, on getting, is working, a loan. ) A : 뭘그렇게열심히하세요? ( What are you working on? ) We're working on a paper. peak up! 전그프로젝트를하는중이에요. 2 그녀는대출을받으려고애쓰는중이다. 3 뭘그렇게열심히하세요?. I'm working on the project with EBS. / 2. She is working on getting a loan. / 3. What are you working on?

Unit 532 take responsibility for 잘못에책임을질때 주어 + take responsibility + for 잘못 그회사는책임을질것입니다 / 리콜수리에. ( will take, for the recalls., The company, responsibility ) 2 누가책임을질거죠? / 이일에 ( will take, for this?, responsibility, Who ) A : 뭘그렇게열심히하세요? ( Why do you avoid responsibility for your actions? ) Me? No, don't judge me. peak up! 그회사는리콜수리에책임을질것입니다. 2 누가이일에책임을질거죠? 3 넌왜네책임을회피하니?. I'm working on the project with EBS. / 2. The company will take responsibility for the recalls. / 3. Why do you avoid responsibility for your actions?

Unit 533 be in charge of 가 ~ 를담당할때 주어 + be in charge of + 무엇 메이슨은담당할겁니다 / 새로운부서를. ( Mason, in charge of, will be, the new department. ) 2 누가담당합니까? / 마케팅을 ( in charge of, Who is, marketing? ) A : 제가뭘맡을까요? ( What am I in charge of? ) Can you help Mason? He needs some help. peak up! 메이슨은새로운부서를담당할겁니다. 2 누가마케팅을담당하나요? 3 제가뭘맡을까요?. Mason will be in charge of the new department. / 2. Who is in charge of marketing? / 3. What am I in charge of?

Unit 534 no harm in + ing ~ 을하는것에있어손해볼게없을때 There is no harm + in ~ing 손해볼것없다 / 그것을확인해봐서. ( no harm, it out. There's, in checking ) 2 손해볼것없다 / 친절하게행동해서. ( no harm, There's, in being, friendly. ) A : What's the point of asking? 한번시도해서나쁠건없잖아. ( There's no harm in trying. ) peak up! 그것을확인해봐서손해볼것없어. 2 친절하게행동해서손해볼거없잖아요. 3 한번시도해서나쁠건없잖아.. There's no harm in checking it out. / 2. There's no harm in being friendly. / 3. There s no harm in trying.

Self-Test : Unit 530 ~ 534 unit 530 : Here s to 대상 06 행운이있기를바랍니다 / 꿈을꾸는자들에게! ( Here's, who dream, to the ones! ) 07 행운이있기를바랍니다 / 메이슨, 당신에게! ( to you, Here's, Mason! ) 08 당신이하는모든일에행운이있기를! ( do!, Here s to, that, all, you ) unit 53 : be working on 09 전열심히일하는중이에요 / EBS 와함께하는프로젝트를. ( I'm, the project, working on, with EBS. ) 0 그녀는공을들이는중이다 / 대출을받으려고 ( She, on getting, is working, a loan. ) 뭘그렇게열심히하세요? ( working, What, on?, are, you )

unit 532 : take responsibility for 2 그회사는책임을질것입니다 / 리콜수리에. ( will take, for the recalls., The company, responsibility ) 3 누가책임을질거죠? / 이일에 ( will take, for this?, responsibility, Who ) 4 넌왜네책임을회피하니? ( avoid, reponsibility for, Why do you, your actions? ) unit 533 : be in charge of 5 메이슨은담당할겁니다 / 새로운부서를. ( Mason, in charge of, will be, the new department. ) 6 누가담당합니까? / 마케팅을 ( in charge of, Who is, marketing? ) 8 제가뭘맡을까요? ( in charge of?, am I, What ) unit 534 : no harm in + ing 9 손해볼것없다 / 그것을확인해봐서. ( no harm, it out. There's, in checking ) 20 손해볼것없다 / 친절하게행동해서. ( no harm, There's, in being, friendly. ) 2 한번시도해서나쁠건없잖아. ( trying, in, no harm, There s )

Unit 535 Let s not ~ 을하지말자고제안할때 Let's not + 동사 ~ 하지맙시다 / 그일이다시일어나도록. (not let that, Let's happen, again.) 2 ~ 하지맙시다 / 서두르지. ( not, Let's, be hasty. ) A : 이제앞으로 TV 보지말자. ( Let's not watch TV all day. ) Then, what should we do? 그일이다시일어나도록하지맙시다. 2 서두르지맙시다. 3 우리 TV 만온종일보지말자.. Let's not let that happen again. 2. Let's not be hasty. 3.Let's not watch TV all day.

Unit 536 had better not ~ 을하지않는게좋을거라충고할때 주어 + (had) better not + 동사 당신은 ~ 하지않는게좋겠다 / 아침을거르는것을. ( You, not skip, had better, breakfast. ) 2 우리는 ~ 하지않는게좋겠다 / 그를기다리게하는것을. ( We, had not, better, keep him, waiting. ) A : 이제앞으로 TV 보지말자. ( You (had) better not be late again. ) Please hear me out. 당신은아침을거르지않는게좋겠어요. 2 우리는그를기다리게하지않는게좋겠어요. 3 자네는다시는늦지않는게좋을거야.. You had better not skip breakfast. 2. We had better not keep him waiting. 3.You (had) better not be late again.

Unit 537 be into ~ 에푹빠져서좋아할때 주어 + be into + 무엇 ing 믿을수가없네 / 그녀가좋아하다니 / 저런녀석을. ( I, that guy, can't, she's, believe, into ) 2 전완전히빠져있어요 / 옛날영화보는것에. ( into watching, I'm really, old movies. ) A : What kind of stuff are you into? 저는영국축구리그를좋아해요. ( I'm into the English Premier League. ) 그녀가저녀석에게푹빠졌군. 2 전옛날영화를보는것에푹빠졌어요. 3 저는영국축구리그를좋아해요.. She's into that guy. 2. I'm really into watching old movies. 3.I'm into the English Premier League.

Unit 538 compare A to B ~ 가 A 를 B 와비교할때 주어 + compare + A to B 어머니는비교하신다 / 나를 / 형과. ( my brother, compares, Mom, me to. ) 2 비교하지마 / 너의남자친구를 / 연예인과. ( your boyfriend, Don't compare, to a celebrity. ) A : 지금나와너의예전남자친구를비교하는거니? ( Are you comparing me to your ex-boyfriend? ) No, how could I compare him to you? 어머니는나와형을비교하신다. 2 너의남자친구와연예인을비교하지마. 3 지금나와너의예전남자친구를비교하는거니?. Mom compares me to my brother. 2. Don't compare your boyfriend to a celebrity. 3. Are you comparing me to your ex-boyfriend?

Unit 539 A be compared to B A 가 B 와비교당할때 A be compared to B 난비교당해왔다 / 엄마친구의아들과. (I have, mom's friend's son, been, compared, to my.) 2 어떤연예인과 / 비교당해본적있나요? ( compared to?, have, What celebrities, you been ) A : 나는우리아빠와비교하는것을별로좋아하지않아. ( I don't really like being compared to my dad. ) No one wants to be compared to someone else. 난엄마친구의아들과비교당해왔다. 2 어떤연예인과비교당해본적있나요? 3 나는우리아빠와비교하는것을별로좋아하지않아.. I have been compared to my mom's friend's son. 2. What celebrities have you been compared to? 3. I don't really like being compared to my dad.

Self-Test : Unit 535 539 unit 535 : Let s not 22 ~ 하지맙시다 / 그일이다시일어나도록. (not let that, Let's happen, again.) 23 ~ 하지맙시다 / 서두르지. ( not, Let's, be hasty. ) 24 우리 TV 만온종일보지말자. ( all day, not, Let s, watch TV ) unit 536 : had better not 25 당신은 ~ 하지않는게좋겠다 / 아침을거르는것을. ( You, not skip, had better, breakfast. ) 26 우리는 ~ 하지않는게좋겠다 / 그를기다리게하는것을. ( We, had not, better, keep him, waiting. ) 27 자네는다시는늦지않는게좋을거야. ( again, You, better, had, be late, not )

unit 537 : be into 28 믿을수가없네 / 그녀가좋아하다니 / 저런녀석을. ( I, that guy, can't, she's, believe, into ) 29 전완전히빠져있어요 / 옛날영화보는것에. ( into watching, I'm really, old movies. ) 30 저는영국축구리그를좋아해요. ( I m, the English Premier League, into ) unit 538 : compare A to B 3 어머니는비교하신다 / 나를 / 형과. ( my brother, compares, Mom, me, to ) 32 비교하지마 / 너의남자친구를 / 연예인과. ( your boyfriend, Don't compare, to a celebrity. ) 33 지금나와너의예전남자친구를비교하는거니? ( your ex-boyfriend?, Are, comparing, you, me, to ) unit 539 : A be compared to B 34 난비교당해왔다 / 엄마친구의아들과. (I have, mom's friend's son, been, compared, to my.) 35 어떤연예인과 / 비교당해본적있나요? ( compared to?, have, What celebrities, you been ) 36 나는우리아빠와비교하는것을별로좋아하지않아. ( being compared to, my dad, I don t really like )

Unit 540 A nothing compared to B A 가 B 에비할바되지못할때 A is nothing compared to B 그는상대가되지못한다 / 너에겐. ( He, compared, is nothing, to you. ) 2 도쿄는상대가되지못한다 / 여기엔. ( Tokyo, compared, is here, nothing, to. ) A : 누구도너와비교할수없지. ( Nothing can be compared to you. ) Then why did you stare at that woman? 그는너에겐상대가되지못해. 2 도쿄는여기에비하면상태가되지못해. 3 누구도너와비교할수없지.. He is nothing compared to you. 2. Tokyo is nothing compared to here. 3. Nothing can be compared to you.

Unit 54 Compared to 대상 어떠한대상과비교를할때 Compared to 대상, 문장 문장 compared to 대상 서울은안전하다 / 미국과비교했을때. ( Seoul, compared to, is safe, the U.S. ) 2 그는잘해냈다 / 내가한것에비교했을때 (He, a good job, what, did, I, compared to, did.) A : 지난회사와비교해서, 급여는적게받아. ( Compared to my previous job, I get paid less. ) But do you like your new job more? 서울은미국과비교했을때안전하다. 2 그는내가한것에비교했을때잘해냈다. 3 지난회사와비교해서, 급여는적게받아.. Seoul is safe compared to the U.S. 2. He did a good job compared to what I did. 3. Compared to my previous job, I get paid less.

Unit 542 전치사 considering ~ 을고려해볼때 Considering + 무엇, 문장 문장 considering + 무엇 가격은합리적이다 / 이것의상태를고려하면. ( its condition, is reasonable, considering, The price. ) 2 난일찍집에도착했다 / 차가밀리는것을고려했을때. (I, home early, considering, arrived at, the heavy traffic..) A : 그의나이를고려했을때그는연봉이높다. ( Considering his age, he has a high salary. ) I wish I made as much as him. 이것의상태를고려하면가격은합리적이다. 2 차가밀리는걸고려했을때난일찍집에도착했다. 3 그의나이를고려했을때그는연봉이높다.. The price is reasonable, considering its condition. 2. I arrived at home early, considering the heavy traffic. 3. Considering his age, he has a high salary.

Unit 543 대상, of all people 지시하는대상의행동에놀람을강조할때 대상, of all people, + 동사 다른사람은그렇다해도메이슨은 / 이해를해줘야해. ( of all people, should understand, Mason ) 2 믿을수가없네 / 다른사람도아닌네가 / 그렇게말하다니. ( I, of all people, can't believe, you are saying this. ) A : 다른사람도아니고우리부모님은내편들어줘야지. ( My parents, of all people, should be on my side. ) I think you should follow their opinion. 다른사람은그렇다해도메이슨은이해를해야지. 2 다른사람도아닌네가그렇게말하다니. 3 다른사람도아니고우리부모님은내편을들어줘야지.. Mason, of all people, should understand. 2. You, of all people, are saying this. 3. My parents, of all people, should be on my side.

Unit 544 on a 기간 basis 일정한주기로 ~ 를할때 문장 + on a 기간 basis 저는이메일을확인합니다 / 매일. ( I, my email, check, a daily, on, basis. ) 2 저는월급을받습니다 / 격주로. ( I, get, paid, a, on, biweekly basis. ) A : What shift do you work at the coffee shop? 저는 3 교대로일해요. ( I work on a three-shift basis. ) 저는매일이메일을확인합니다. 2 저는격주로월급을받습니다. 3 저는 3 교대로일해요.. I check my email on a daily basis. 2. I get paid on a biweekly basis. 3. I work on a three-shift basis.

Self-Test : Unit 540 ~ 544 unit 540 : A nothing compared to B 37 그는상대가되지못한다 / 너에겐. ( He, compared, is nothing, to you. ) 38 도쿄는상대가되지못한다 / 여기엔. ( Tokyo, compared, is here, nothing, to. ) 39 누구도너와비교할수없지. ( can, you, be compared to, Nothing ) unit 54 : Compared to 대상 40 서울은안전하다 / 미국과비교했을때. ( Seoul, compared to, is safe, the U.S. ) 4 그는잘해냈다 / 내가한것에비교했을때 (He, a good job, what, did, I, compared to, did.) 42 지난회사와비교해서, 급여는적게받아. ( I get paid less, my previous job, Compared to )

unit 542 : 전치사 considering 43 가격은합리적이다 / 이것의상태를고려하면. ( its condition, is reasonable, considering, The price. ) 44 난일찍집에도착했다 / 차가밀리는것을고려했을때. (I, home early, considering, arrived at, the heavy traffic..) 45 그의나이를고려했을때그는연봉이높다. ( a high salary, he has, Considering his age ) unit 543 : 대상, of all people 46 다른사람은그렇다해도메이슨은 / 이해를해줘야해. ( of all people, should understand, Mason ) 47 믿을수가없네 / 다른사람도아닌네가 / 그렇게말하다니. ( I, of all people, can't believe, you are saying this. ) 48 다른사람도아니고우리부모님은내편을들어줘야지. ( My parents, should be on my side, of all people, ) unit 544 : on a 기간 basis 49 저는이메일을확인합니다 / 매일. ( I, my email, check, a daily, on, basis. ) 50 저는월급을받습니다 / 격주로. ( I, get, paid, a, on, biweekly basis. ) 5 저는 3 교대로일해요. ( I, a three-shift basis, work, on )

Unit 545 on a 방법 basis 규칙적인일을 ~ 한방법으로할때 문장 + on a basis 그학교는운영됩니다 / 비영리적인방식으로. ( The school, is, a non-profit basis, run on ) 2 자리를잡을수있습니다 / 방문하는순서대로. ( You, on a drop-in, can have, the table, basis) A : Can I hire my assistant? 필요에따라사람을고용하시면됩니다. ( Yes, you can hire on an as-needed basis. ) 그학교는비영리적으로운영됩니다. 2 방문하는순서대로자리를잡을수있습니다. 3 필요에따라사람을고용하시면됩니다.. The school is run on a non-profit basis. 2. You can have the table on a drop-in basis. 3. You can hire on an as-needed basis.

Unit 546 in 무엇 case ~ 한경우를한정해서말할때 in 무엇 case, 문장 그렇다면, 우리커피숍에가는건어때요? ( Why don t we, In that case, the coffee shop, go to? ) 2 대부분의경우, 합격점수는높다. ( In most cases, score, the cut-off, is high. ) A : I think it s broken, what should I do? 이런경우엔, A/S 센터에맡겨. ( In this case, just drop it off at the customer service. ) 그렇다면, 우리커피숍에가는건어때요? 2 대부분의경우, 합격점수는높다. 3 이런경우엔, A/S 센터에맡겨.. In that case, Why don t you go to the coffee shop? 2. In most cases, the cut-off score is high. 3 In that case, just drop it off at the customer service.

Unit 547 in detail ~ 을좀더상세하게알아볼때 문장 + in detail 그녀는말했다 / 여행계획에대해서 / 상세하게. ( She, the travel plan, talked about, in detail. ) 2 무엇이무언지말해줄수있나요? / 상세하게 ( what s wrong, Can you tell me, in detail ) A : 우리그문제를상세하게살펴보자. ( Let s look over the issue in detail. ) Okay, I ll go get a chair. 그녀는여행계획에대해상세하게말했다. 2 무엇이문제인지상세하게말해줄수있나요? 3 우리그문제를상세하게살펴보자.. She talked about the travel plan in detail. 2. Can you tell me what s wrong in detail? 3. Let s look over the issue in detail.

Unit 548 on behalf of 대상 ~ 을대표하거나대신해야할때 on behalf of 대상, 문장 문장 + on behalf of 대상 팀을대신해서, 그소음에대해사과를드리고싶습니다. ( I just want, On behalf of the team, to apologize, for the noise. ) 2 제가당신께전화를드렸습니다 / 저희직원을대신해서. ( on behalf of, I m calling you, our employee. ) A : 저희부모님을대신해서제가여기에왔습니다. ( I m here on behalf of my parents. ) Okay, can I have your ID? 팀을대신해서, 그소음에대해사과를드리고싶습니다. 2 제가저희직원을대신해서당신께전화를드렸습니다. 3 제가부모님대신여기왔습니다.. On behalf of the team, I just want to apologize for the noise. 2. I m calling you on behalf of our employee. 3. I m here on behalf of my parents.

Unit 549 Needless to say 너무도당연한일을강조해서말할때 Needless to say, 문장 말할필요도없이, 우리는너무바쁘다. ( Needless, so busy, to say, We re ) 2 말할필요도없이, 저녁식사는너무형편없었다. ( to say, The dinner, Needless, was a disaster. ) A : 말할필요도없이, 난완전히감명을받았어. ( Needless to say, I m impressed. ) They worked very hard on the presentation. 말할필요도없이, 우리는너무바쁘다. 2 말할필요도없이, 저녁식사는너무형편없었다. 3 말할필요도없이, 난완전히감명을받았어.. Needless to say, We re so busy. 2. Needless to say, The dinner was a disaster. 3. Needless to say, I m impressed.

Self-Test : Unit 545 ~ 549 unit 545 : on a 방법 basis 52 그학교는운영됩니다 / 비영리적인방식으로. ( The school, is, a non-profit basis, run on ) 53 자리를잡을수있습니다 / 방문하는순서대로. ( You, on a drop-in, can have, the table, basis) 54 필요에따라사람을고용하시면됩니다. ( You, hire, on, can, an, as-needed basis ) unit 546 : in 무엇 case 55 그렇다면, 우리커피숍에가는건어때요? ( Why don t we, In that case, the coffee shop, go to? ) 56 대부분의경우, 합격점수는높다. ( In most cases, score, the cut-off, is high. ) 57 이런경우엔, A/S 센터에맡겨. ( at the customer service, In that case, just drop it off )

unit 547 : in detail 58 그녀는말했다 / 여행계획에대해서 / 상세하게. ( She, the travel plan, talked about, in detail. ) 59 무엇이무언지말해줄수있나요? / 상세하게 ( what s wrong, Can you tell me, in detail ) 60 우리그문제를상세하게살펴보자. ( look over, in detail, Let s, the issue ) unit 548 : on behalf of 대상 6 팀을대신해서, 그소음에대해사과를드리고싶습니다. ( I just want, On behalf of the team, to apologize, for the noise. ) 62 제가당신께전화를드렸습니다 / 저희직원을대신해서. ( on behalf of, I m calling you, our employee. ) 63 제가부모님대신여기왔습니다. ( my parents, here, I m, on behalf of ) unit 549 : Needless to say 64 말할필요도없이, 우리는너무바쁘다. ( Needless, so busy, to say, We re ) 65 말할필요도없이, 저녁식사는너무형편없었다. ( to say, The dinner, Needless, was a disaster. ) 66 말할필요도없이, 난완전히감명을받았어. ( impressed, I m, Needless to say, )

Unit 550 Chances are 사건이일어날가능성이있을때 Chances are + 문장 Chances were + 문장 가능성이있다 / 그가배탈이날. ( Chances, a stomachache, are he ll have ) 2 가능성이있다 / 그것이시간안에완성이되지못할. ( it s not, Chances, in time, be done, are, going to ) A : 비올가능성이있다. ( Chances are it ll rain. ) I ll bring an umbrella. 그가배탈이날가능성이있다. 2 그것이시간안에완성이되지못할가능성이있다. 3 비가올것같다.. Chances are he ll have a stomachache. 2. Chances are it s not going to be done in time. 3. Chances are it ll rain.

Unit 55 감탄문 How 앞서내용에나의의견을말할때 How + 형용사! 정말끔찍하네요! ( terrible, How ) 2 정말세심하네요! ( thoughtful, How ) A : I got you a present. 이렇게친절하다니! ( How kind! ) 정말끔찍하네요! 2 정말세심하네요! 3 정말이상하군요! 4 정말굉장하네요!. How terrible 2. How thoughtful! 3. How weird! 4. How nice!

Unit 552 On second thought 하려했던일을정정하고자할때 On second thought, 문장 다시생각해보니, 난치즈버거를주문할래요. ( On, I d like, second thought, a cheeseburger. ) 2 다시보니까, 이거안될것같다. ( thought, it won t, On second, work. ) A : Do you want to change your order? 다시생각해보니까, 그냥같은걸로할게요. ( On second thought, I ll have the same. ) 다시생각해보니, 전치즈버거를주문할래요. 2 다시보니까, 이거안될것같다. 3 다시생각해보니까, 그냥같은걸로할게요.. On second thought, I d like a cheeseburger. 2. On second thought, it won t work. 3. On second thought, I ll have the same.

Unit 553 It s not like 상대방의의견을반대하거나핀잔을줄때 It s not like + 문장 ~ 건아니다 / 당신이모든걸알고있는. ( you know, It s not like, everything. ) 2 ~ 건아니다 / 내가집에가고싶은. ( It s, I want, not like, to go home. ) A : What if I fail the test? 시험결과가나온것도아니잖아. ( It s not like the result came out. ) 당신이모든걸알고있는것도아니잖아요. 2 내가집에가고싶어서그러는건아니야. 3 시험결과가나온것도아니잖아.. It s not like you know everything. 2. It s not like I want to go home. 3. It s not like the result came out.

Unit 554 Chances are + 확률 가능성에일정한확률을말할때 Chances are + 형용사 ( 확률 ) 가능성은 / 높다. ( are, high, Chances ) 2 가능성은 / 낮다 ( Chances, low, are. ) A : Will the flight arrive on time? 가능성은반반이야. ( Chances are fifty-fifty. ) 3 가능성은상당하다. 4 가능성은없다. 5 가능성은반반이야.. Chances are high. 2. Chances are low. 3. Chances are good. 4. Chances are bad. 5. Chances are fifty-fifty.

Self-Test : Unit 550 ~ 554 unit 550 : Chances are 67 가능성이있다 / 그가배탈이날. ( Chances, a stomachache, are he ll have ) 68 가능성이있다 / 그것이시간안에완성이되지못할. ( it s not, Chances, in time, be done, are, going to ) 69 비가올것같다. ( it ll, are, Chances, rain ) unit 55 : 감탄문 How 70 정말끔찍하네요! ( terrible, How ) 7 정말세심하네요! ( thoughtful, How ) 72 정말이상하군요! ( weird how ) 73 정말굉장하네요! ( nice, how ) 74 이렇게친절하시다니! ( kind, How )

unit 552 : On second thought 75 다시생각해보니, 난치즈버거를주문할래요. ( On, I d like, second thought, a cheeseburger. ) 76 다시보니까, 이거안될것같다. ( thought, it won t, On second, work. ) 77 다시생각해보니까, 그냥같은걸로할게요. ( thought, On, second, I ll have the same ) unit 553 : It s not like 78 ~ 건아니다 / 당신이모든걸알고있는. ( you know, It s not like, everything. ) 79 ~ 건아니다 / 내가집에가고싶은. ( It s, I want, not like, to go home. ) 80 시험결과가나온것도아니잖아. ( like, It s, came out, not, the result ) unit 554 : Chances are + 확률 8 가능성은 / 높다. ( are, high, Chances ) 82 가능성은 / 낮다 ( Chances, low, are. ) 83 가능성은반반이야. ( Chances, are, fifty-fifty ) 84 가능성은없다. ( Chances, are, bad ) 85 가능성은상당하다. ( Chances, are, good )

Unit 555 Chances are + 확률 + 사건 구체적인사건이일어날확률을말할때 Chances are + 확률 + (that) + 사건 ( 형용사 ) ( 문장 ) 가능성은적다 / 내일날씨가화창할. ( are, tomorrow, low, it ll be, sunny, Chances ) 2 가능성은반반이다 / 그가이미사무실을퇴근했을. ( Chances, left, the office, are, he, fifty-fifty, already ) A : Can we book a flight ticket to Japan? Chances are slim we can get the ticket. 3 내일날씨가화창할가능성은적다. 4 그가이미사무실을퇴근했을가능성은반반이다. 5 티켓을구하기어려울거야.. Chances are low it ll be sunny tomorrow. 2. Chances are fifty-fifty he already left the office. 3. Chances are low it ll be sunny tomorrow. 4. Chances are fifty-fifty he already left the office. 5. Chances are silm we can get the ticket. - 85 -

Unit 556 whole + 시간 계속된동작을하는데있어시간을언급할때 문장 + 한정사 + whole + 시간 난시간을보냈다 / 주말내내 / 제주도에서. ( I, Jeju Island, the whole weekend, spend, in ) 2 그들은휴가를보냈다 / 그달내내. ( month, were, They, the whole, vacation, on, for ) A : I m sorry I wasted your whole day. You don t have to be sorry. 3 난주말내내시간을보냈다. 4 그들은그달내내휴가를보냈다. 5 미안하게도제가당신을하루를통째로망쳤네요.. I spend the whole weekend in Jeju Island. 2. They were on vacation for the whole month. 5. I m sorry I wasted your whole day. - 86 -

Unit 557 숫자 + whole + 시간 계속된동작에정확한시간을언급할때 문장 + 숫자 + whole + 시간 그들은줄을섰다 / 이틀내내. ( waited, in line, days, for, the whole, They ) 2 난교육을받았다 / 3 주내내. ( whole, had, some training sessions, for, weeks, I, three ) A : How long did it take to get to EBS? It took me two whole hours. 3 그들은이틀내내줄을섰다. 4 난교육을 3 주내내받았다. 5 딱 2 시간걸렸어요.. I waited in line for two whole days. 2. I had some training sessions for three whole weeks. 3. I waited in line for two whole days. 4. I had some training sessions for three whole weeks. 5. It took me two whole hours. - 87 -

Unit 558 무엇 by 무엇 동작을조금씩발전시킬때 문장 + 무엇 by 무엇 넌가야한다 / 차근차근. ( You, step by step, to go, need ) 2 저는천천히하려고노력중입니다 / 조금씩조금씩. ( trying, I m, slow down, bit by bit, to ) A : Did you cross-check this page by page? No, it would take me forever. 3 넌차근차근가야해. 4 저는조금씩조금씩천천히하려고노력중입니다. 5 이거하나하나대조조사를했니?. You need to go step by step. 2. I m trying to slow down bit by bit. 3. You need to go step by step. 4. I m trying to slow down bit by bit. 5. Did you cross-check this page by page? - 88 -

Unit 559 in exchange for 어떤행동에대한구체적인보상을말할때 In exchange for 무엇, 문장 문장 in exchange for 무엇 내삶을포기해야했다 / 경력을쌓는대신에. ( sacrifice, I had to, in exchange for, my life, my carrer ) 2 나는상품을받았다 / 기부를하는대신에. ( some items, in exchange for, I ve received, the donation ) A : How did your refund go? We were given coupons in exchange for cash. 3 경력을쌓는대신내삶을포기해야했다. 4 나는기부를하는대신상품을받았다. 5 현금을받는대신에쿠폰을받았어.. I had to sacrifice my life in exchange for my career. 2. I ve received some items in exchange for the donation. 5. We were given coupons in exchange for cash. - 89 -

Self-Test : Unit 555 ~ 559 unit 555 : Chances are + 확률 + 사건 86 가능성은적다 / 내일날씨가화창할. ( are, tomorrow, low, it ll be, sunny, Chances ) 87 가능성은반반이다 / 그가이미사무실을퇴근했을. ( Chances, left, the office, are, he, fifty-fifty, already ) 88 티켓을구하기어려울거야. ( silm, Chances are, can, we the ticket, get ) unit 556 : whole + 시간 89 난시간을보냈다 / 주말내내 / 제주도에서. ( I, Jeju Island, the whole weekend, spend, in ) 90 그들은휴가를보냈다 / 그달내내. ( month, were, They, the whole, vacation, on, for ) 9 미안하게도제가당신을하루를통째로망쳤네요. ( whole day, I m sorry, your, I wasted ) - 90 -

unit 557 : 숫자 + whole + 시간 92 그들은줄을섰다 / 이틀내내. ( waited, in line, days, for, the whole, They ) 93 난교육을받았다 / 3 주내내. ( whole, had, some training sessions, for, weeks, I, three ) 94 딱 2 시간걸렸어요. ( It, took, whole, me, hours, two ) unit 558 : 무엇 by 무엇 95 넌가야한다 / 차근차근. ( You, step by step, to go, need ) 96 저는천천히하려고노력중입니다 / 조금씩조금씩. ( trying, I m, slow down, bit by bit, to ) 97 이거하나하나대조조사를했니? ( cross-check, Did, you, page by page? ) unit 559 : in exchange for 98 내삶을포기해야했다 / 경력을쌓는대신에. ( sacrifice, I had to, in exchange for, my life, my carrer ) 99 나는상품을받았다 / 기부를하는대신에. ( some items, in exchange for, I ve received, the donation ) 200 현금을받는대신에쿠폰을받았어. ( in exchange for, We were given, cash, some coupons ) - 9 -