ISWG-AP 1 차회의결과 장상운과장

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나. 회사의 법적,상업적 명칭 당사의 명칭은 주식회사 한진해운 홀딩스 라고 표기합니다. 또한 영문으로는 HANJIN SHIPPING HOLDINGS CO., LTD. 라 표기합니다. 단, 약식으로 표기할 경우에는 한 진해운홀딩스 또는 HJSH라고 표기합니다. 다. 설립



ISWG-AP 1 차회의결과 장상운과장

회의개요 회의개요 - 회의명 : ISWG-AP 1차회의 - 일시 : 18. 7. 9.( 월 )~7.13.( 금 ), - 장소 : IMO 본부, 영국런던 - 참석자 : 46개회원국, 22개정부간 / 비정부간기구등, 193명참석

2020 Sulphur Cap 논의개요 0.5% 황함유량논의근거 - MARPOL 협약부속서 6장 14.1규칙 (General Requirement) The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships shall not exceed the following limits: 0.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2020 - MARPOL 협약부속서 6장 14.10규칙 (Review Provision) If a decision is taken that it is not possible for ships to comply, then the standard in that subparagraph shall become effective on 1 January 2025 - 대기오염의사회경제적비용발생 ( 조기사망, 폐질환, 산성비등 )

2020 Sulphur Cap 논의개요 0.5% 황함유량논의경과 - MEPC 61차통신작업반개설, 62차결과보고 ( 11) - MEPC 66차통신작업반개설, 67차결과보고 ( 14) 연료유수요 / 공급예측방법결정, 연료유이용가능성평가개시 - MEPC 70차연료유이용가능성평가결과보고서제출 ( 16) 2020.1.1를 Sulphur Cap 시행일자로결의, 이행방안논의결정 - PPR 4차 /5차 2020 Sulphur Cap 이행방안논의 ( 17/ 18) 2020 Sulphur Cap 이행지침개발을위한회기간작업반개최결정

지침서개발목표 준비및과도기적문제점해소 - 회원국간이해관계해소및이행방안합의필요 선주단체및개도국 선진국및환경단체 저유황유공급만족부정적 시행초기유예기간요구 ( 고유황유잔량보유허용 ) 혼합연료유의안전성과호환성문제우려 저유황유공급만족긍정적 시행초기유예기간불인정 ( 고유황유잔량양륙요구 ) 기술정보제공연료유문제해소가능

선박이행계획서개발 Ship Implementation Plan ( 본선비치, 자발적 ) - Planning and Preparation 연료시스템개조및탱크소제계획수립 - 연료유저장탱크용량점검 - 연료유수급계획수립 + 수급불가시보고사항 - 연료유전환계획 (3.5% 0.5%) 전환절차수립및선원교육시행 부록 : 기기시스템영향 ( 잔사유 혼합잔사유, 경질유 ) 및탱크소제지침

지침서개발목표 연료및기계시스템영향도확인 - 연료유점도, 불순물이슈 연료유이송시스템효율저하, 윤활기능저하 기기마모및손상, 선박추진손실발생 - 연료유의저장및안정성문제 연료유표준사양부재, 연료유균일혼합불가능 안전성이슈는 PPR 6차추가논의후 MSC 101차 ( 19.6) 보고

지침서개발목표 연료유이용불가보고및조치사항합의 - 저유황유수급불가시항만국및기국보고사항정의 항해계획및선박기술정보 고유황유보유현황및저유황유수급계획 저유황유수급을위한최선의노력증거요구 - 항만국및기국의조치사항 저유황유공급불가항만및이용불가보고선박을 IMO 데이터베이스등록 항해지연, 항로이탈방지우선 ( 항해유지 > 규정준수 )

지침서개발목표 항만국통제지침서개정 - 2020 Sulphur Cap 이행확인을위한검사항목개정 탈황장치가설치된선박, 저유황유사용선박검사항목추가 SO2/CO2 배출비율, 연료유공급증서, 기록서, 증서점검등 - 연료유표본분석방법논의사항 표본수집을위한표본채취장소의본선지정 표본의황함유량분석 / 평가방법합의

지침서개발목표 연료유검증표준안 (ISO Standard) 합의사항 - ISO 8754, ISO 14596, ISO 4259 적용방안 ISO 8754 : 황홤유량연료유분석범위 : 0.03%~5.00% ISO 14596 : 황홤유량연료유분석범위 : 0.001%~2.4% ISO 4259 : 황홤유량연료유분석결과 5% 허용오차인정 황함유량분쟁개선을위해 ISO 4259 표준도입지지 황함유량분석기준의통일화를위해 ISO 14596 도입반대

기타사항 연료유표준안 (ISO Standard) 논의경과 - MEPC(71차 ) 는 ISO 에 Sulphur Cap 이행조치요청 - 임시표준개발을과제제안 ( 17.11) 및채택 ( 18.2) - 19.8.27 임시표준개발완료예정 연료유임시표준안 (ISO PAS) 참여현황 - 제조사 : Alfalaval, Wartsila, MAN - 정유사 : Exxonmobil, Chevron, BP, Total - 해운사 : Maersk, CMA-CGM, NYK, MOL, JSA

향후계획 OCIMF, IPIECA 기술정보산업계전파 - MEPC 74차 ( 19.4) 제출예정 선주단체사전협의 - ICS, BIMCO, INTERTANKO, WSC 외주요기국 혼합연료유의안전성과호환성문제공동대응 주요회원국네트워크구축 ( 現 18개회원국네트워크구축 ) - 문서제출국접촉및의견교류 ( 유럽연합, 개도국 )

2020 Global Sulfur Cap Impact on MAN ES 2st engine TaeHyung Kim Sales Promotion 27 July 2018

Change of Company Name The name of MAN Diesel & Turbo (MDT) was changed to MAN Energy Solutions (MAN-ES) 2

Change of Company Name Homepage : 3

The future Marine Emission Regulation We are here Scrubbers All vessels (old and new) - Two-stroke 17.0 14.4 Only newbuildings US-ECA 3.4 N-EU-ECA 4

SOx Emission Controlled Areas 5

What Fuel will be used in 2020 and beyond? 6

Influencing Factors on Fuel Choice 7

Fuel type Residual Distillates ULSFO Methane Methanol LPG Ethane Biofuel (2 nd +3 rd gen.) MAN Energy Solutions supports all 8

Where does the Fuel come from? The fuels come from the refineries and many blend plants and many suppliers. Many kind of different streams will be used. The fuels in 2020 will most probably be blended so they comply with ISO 8217. Examples of 0.50% S fuels Blends of residuals Hydro-treated residuals Heavy fractions from hydro-crackers Lighter hydro-treated fractions Various fuel grades of very high density 9

Fuel 2020 - Commercial Commercial standards for purchase of marine fuel: ISO 8217-2017: Specification of marine fuels New: ISO/PAS 23263: Guidelines for fuel suppliers and users regarding marine fuel quality considering the implementation of max. 0.50%S in 2020. 10

ISO 8217:2017(E) Specification for Distillate & Residual Marine Fuels Note: ISO 8217 limit is for bunker not at engine inlet Petroleum products Fuels (class F) Specifications of marine fuels, Tables 1 and 2 are reproduced with the permission of the International Organization for Standardization, ISO. This standard can be obtained from any ISO member and from the Web site at Copyright remains with ISO. 11

2020: Fuel and lube test plan In order to prepare for the new types of 0.50%S fuels, test engine, service tests and lab tests will be carried out. This will be done in collaboration with lube oil suppliers, fuel oil suppliers, ISO 8217 WG, CIMAC WG Fuels, ship owners and other relevant partners. Potential challenges: Fuel: a. Technical: i. Stability ii. Compatibility iii. Ignition knocking iv. Burn out deposits b. Commercial: i. ISO 8217 -> ISO/PAS or CIMAC Lube: a. Deposit b. Corrosion how much? c. Smearing Feedback from market? 12

Engine design for L.S fuel only Engines for max. 0.50% S VLSFO These vessels will operate on fuels with a sulphur content of less than 0.10% S and 0.50% S. The design is optimized as follows Cermet-coated ring pack will be the standard design LDCL system and RDL concept can be omitted as cylinder liner cold corrosion will be low Cooling water outlet set point on engine outlet will be 80 C, whic h must be taken into account for other components in the cooling water system, such as the fresh water generator MUN 2017-11-24 13

Low sulphur HFO Quality problems Petroleum products of different origin may lead to instability in blended fuel and during mixing onboard. Different blends of different types of fuel can lead to additional quality problems e.g. ignition and combustion problems Waste streams (polypropylene/polystyrene) Increased cat fine levels 14

Fuel quality issue Engine troubles plague ships that fueled up in Houston The problem, which has affected at least 30 vessels belonging to VPS clients, is not limited to a single supplier, which Bee said could indicate the source is in upstream production. Eight different marine fuel suppliers and 17 tankers so far have delivered contaminated. s/article/engine-troubles-plague-ships-thatfueled-up-in-12958765.php?cmpid=gsachron-result 15

We can learn from the 0.10% SECA ULSFO < 0.10% Sulphur There are a range of different types fuels. These are not distillate types, rather new blends or types. General characteristics are: Higher viscosity than distillate Some have high pour points Compatibility with other fuels may also be an issue. Some contain cat fines (Al+Si) Service letter SL2014-593 16

We can learn from the 0.10% SECA ULSFO < 0.10% Sulphur Cat Fines Tech. Paper Link to paper: 17

Cleaning of fuel: Remove cat fines SL2017-638 Service Letter SL2017-638 includes information on: Wear from cat fines Best practice for cleaning of fuels 10 µm filter before engine 18

Cleaning of fuel: Remove cat fines SL2017-638 Best practice for cleaning of fuels Separator operation High temperature Low flow Separator layout: 0.23 l/kwh in relation to CFR 19

Cleaning of fuel: Remove cat fines SL2017-638 Tank cleaning: Must be possible in service! Use sloped tank bottom Let the overflow pipe in the service tank go to the bottom Use a separate line to recirculate the the fuel from service tank to settling tank 20

Fuel Oil Cleaning, Requirements Database with Replica Examination Replica examinations of cylinder liner running surface show: Size distribution of cat fines: 0-30 µm Most cases show a size distribution of 5-25 µm A 10 µm filter will indicate such insufficient fuel cleaning -> Crew should improve fuel cleaning Service experience show that 10 µm filter before the engine reduces the high wear cat fines cases 21

Use of High-Sulphur fuel after 2020 MC/ME/-C engine 0-5%S fuels: HFO/MDO + Scrubber MC/ME/-C engine 0-5%S fuels: HFO/MDO + No Scrubber 22

Why Sulphur scrubbers? Environmental view SO2 removed from exhaust; Large fraction of particulate matter trapped Scrubbers have a lower abatement Well-to-Wake CO2 imprint than compliant fuels. 23

Why Sulphur scrubbers? Engine maker view Scrubbers can be applied to almost all our two and four stroke engines new or retrofit. Allows full fuel flexibility = free choice for owners -(World wide bunkering) Eliminates concerns of new blended fuel qualities. 24

Sulphur scrubber overview In 2020 and beyond Other significant points for MAN. Vital also for simple systems: Backpressure - the exhaust gas flow at MCR (supplied by MAN) must be stated also at lower loads especially during start up (high back pressure will increase the start air consumption). More than one engine connected to the same scrubber needs special consideration as the back pressure is influenced by other engines. Operational safety! Engine operational safety must be ensured in the event of scrubber malfunction, failure or wrong operation. 25

Application of SOx Scrubber on MDT 2st Engine Back pressure MUN 2017-06-21 Air flow SFOC Exh. gas temp. Thermal Loading 26

SOx-scrubber retrofit 27

Fuel price development $/GJ 40 Fuel Price 35 30 25 20 15 MGO (Rotterdam) HFO (Rotterdam) Methanol (US)* 10 5 0 * US Export prices LNG (US)* Propane (US)* Data retrieved end May 2018, Dept. EELC Source: Bunkerindex, EIA & Methanex 28

SOx Emission Controlled Areas Compliant fuels 0.1% SECA In order to be compliant all fuels used to have Sulphur content of max 0.10%. Example: ME-GI engines have 5 possibilities: 1. LNG + 0.10% distillate 2. LNG + 0.10% ULSFO 3. 0.10% distillate 4. 0.10% ULSFO 5. Scrubber (maybe not relevant for ME-GI case, but for ME engines) From actual footage (colorized) Yellow = pilot oil Blue = gas fuel 29

Dual fuel engine reference list Orders including options No. of engines Engine type Mk. Gensets 5 S 90 ME-C-GI 10.5 12 G 90 ME-C-Gl 9.5, 10.5 4 S 80 ME-C-GI 9.5 6 S 70 ME-C-GI 7, 8.2, 10.5 6 x 9L28/32 DF 164 G 70 ME-C-GI 9.2, 9.5 8 x 7L35/44 DF 5 L 70 ME-C-GI 8.2 15 x 9L28/32 DF 2 S 60 ME-C-GI 10.5 8 S 50 ME-C-GI 8.2, 9.5 5 G 50 ME-C-GI 9.5 8 x 7L28/32 DF / 4 x 5L28/32 DF 4 G 45 ME-C-GI 9.5 4 X 5L23/30 DF / 8 x 8L23/30 DF 11 G 50 ME-B/ME-C LGIM 9.3, 9.5 3 S 50 ME-B-LGIM 9.3 6 G 60 ME-C-GIE 9.5 3 G 50 ME-C-GIE 9.5 10 G 60 ME-C-LGIP 10.5 Total dual fuel engines including options Total power main engine Total dual fuel 2-Stroke in service 248 engines 4.96 GW 52 engines 30

The first official order! World s first LPG powered VLGC for Exmar Hanjin Heavy Industries has announced that it will construct 2 VLGCs (Very Large Gas Carriers) in Korea for EXMAR, the Belgian energy-supply-chain provider. The 79,500-m 3 new buildings will each be powered by individual MAN B&W 6G60ME- LGIP Mk9.5 engines 31

ME-GIE Engines in Service on ethane gas Big milestone achieved GasChem Beluga, commissioned on gas March 2017 GasChem Orca, commissioned on gas July 2017 10.000 hours gas running 32

Dual Fuel engines conversion ME-GI(E) & ME-LGIP(M) MDT site team Vessel: FGSS: Yard: Rasheeda TGE Germany NKOM Qatar Engine work 33

Outlook: Future Marine Fuels MAN ES Two stroke No one knows for certain the actual balance of fuel use in 2020. Many surveys have been conducted. Every party has their own and different view. LNG is likely to remain small. Some may be over 3.5% S 34

2020 -> Solutions Fuel tanks Pre 2020: Few big fuel tanks Post 2020: Multiple smaller fuel tanks 35

Summary Future fuels 1. Max. 0.1% S fuels a. Distillate New SL on pist b. More ULSFO on rings in prog 2. Max. 0.5% S fuels ress a. Very diverse properties b. Challenges similar to ULSFO 3. High-S fuels a. Up to 4.5-5% S 4. Alternative fuels a. LNG b. Methanol, LPG, Ethane, biofuel, 5. Cat fines (Al+Si) are and will be in the fuels and they h ave to be removed. Service Letters SL2014-587 SL2014-593 SL2015-604 SL2016-633 SL2017-638 36

Disclaimer All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially specific site and operational conditions. 37

Thank you very much! TaeHyung Kim Sales Promotion +82 10 3818 5445 27 July 2018

EGCS 국제동향 2018. 07. 27 김민 ( 재 ) 한국조선해양기자재연구원 E-mail : 2018-07-27 1

전세계선박용스크러버판매현황 - 2018 년 5 월 31 일기준 EGCSA(Exhaust gas cleaning systems assosiation) 자료 선박의 63 % 가개조되었거나개조될예정이며 37 % 는신규설치예정 EGCSA 회원사스크러버 983 기설치및수주 ( 현재총 1561 기설치되어있음 ) 대형컨테이너선에도적용이확대되고있음 Open Loop 타입이많이설치되었지만 Hybrid 타입점유율이확대될예정 2018-07-27 2

해운사별스크러버설치예정선박 해운사설치예정선박보유선박 Angelicoussis Shipping Group 77 105( 탱커 50, 카고 48, LNG/LPG 7) 대한해운 39( 벌크선29, LNG 10) 9 에이치라인 50( 벌크선43, LNG 7) 현대상선 20 128( 컨터에너선 90, 벌크및탱커 38) DHT 14 39( 탱커 39) Frontline 46 62( 탱커 62) Hunter Group 7 370( 여객선 164, 컨테이너 121, 탱커및벌크 85) Okeanis Eco Tankers 8 15( 탱커 15) ADS Crude Carriers 3 Torm 13 86( 탱커 86) MarLink Project Management 10 Star Bulk 22 89( 탱커 89) gs 칼텍스 ( 상지해운 ) 1 4(LPG 2, 탱커 1, 화학제품선 1) 참고 : 2018 년선박뉴스자료 대형해운사중 MSC 가스크러버설치를적극적으로추진하고있으며, 다양한해운사에서스크러버설치를계획하고있음 국내에중소해운선사도스크러버설치에적극적이며, 신규스크러버제조업체들과많은협의들이이루어지고있음 2018-07-27 3

스크러버업체현황 (EGCSA 회원 ) 스크러버제조업체 스크러버관련기자재업체 2018-07-27 4

스크러버업체현황 ( 국내 ) No. 업체명홈페이지대표번호지역비고 1 강림중공업 - 경남제품납품중 2 파나시아 051-831-1010 부산시제품납품중 3 STI Marine 02-3281-0960 서울제품납품중 4 아틱스 엔지니어링 031-375-9355 경기도제품납품중 5 애니텍 031-695-6210 경기도제품납품중 6 정원 ENC - 충청도제품납품중 7 현대중공업 052-202-2114 울산시개발完 8 세코 010-5546-4258 울산시개발完 9 전진엔텍 051-315-2371 부산시개발完 10 현대머티리얼 main.php 02-2188-3300 서울시개발完 11 광성 ( 주 ) 010-7318-6806 경남선급도면승인 12 삼진야드 - 051-831-7525 부산시개발中 13 하이에어 코리아 055-340-5000 경남개발中 2018-07-27 5

저유황유수요 / 공급 - EnSys-Navigistics 2017 년 EnSys-Navigistics 보고서에따르면규제가시행되는 2020 년저유황유공급에는문제가없을것으로보고있음 그러나지속가능한정제시설용량에는한계가있으며, 장기적인관점에서저유황유공급이부족할가능성을시사함 장기적으로저유황유의유가상승을예측하고있으며, 정제시설, 스크러버, LNG 등다양한투자를촉구하고있음 결과적으로황산화물규제를만족시키기위한방법들 ( 저유황유, 스크러버, 대체연료 ) 은함께유지될것임 2018-07-27 6

ISO 8754 + ISO 4259 도입영향 장상운과장

ISO 8754 (MARPOL Annex Ⅵ, 부록 Ⅵ) Stage 1 시험기관 A Compliant X <= 0.5% Go to Stage 2 X <= 0.53%

ISO 8754 (MARPOL Annex Ⅵ, 부록 Ⅵ) Stage 2 Compliant X <= 0.5% Non - Compliant X > 0.5% 시험기관 B

ISO 8754 (MARPOL Annex Ⅵ, 부록 Ⅵ) Stage 1 ( 개정안 ) Compliant X <= 0.53% 사용중연료유 Sampling 검사시규제만족신뢰성개선 절차간소화 (Stage 1+2 Stage 1) 결과조기확인