Happy Listener 2 ANSWERS and SCRIPTS Unit 01 SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Today Is Monday. Dialogs Word Check p. 9 A. Look and listen. Mom, what day is it to

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I&IRC5 TG_08권

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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

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Happy Listener 2 ANSWERS and SCRIPTS Unit 01 SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Today Is Monday. Dialogs Word Check p. 9 A. Look and listen. Mom, what day is it today? B 엄마, 오늘 무슨 요일이에요? W Today is Monday. 오늘은 월요일이란다. B Oh, no. I don t like Mondays. 아, 안 돼. 나는 월요일을 좋아하지 않아요. G Is today Tuesday? 오늘 화요일이니? B No, it isn t. It s Wednesday. 아니, 그렇지 않아. 수요일이야. Answers A 1. 2. 3. 4. B 1. 2. 3. 4. C 1. X 2. X 5. Oh, I see. 아, 알았어. B What day is it today? 오늘은 무슨 요일이야? G Today is Sunday. 오늘은 일요일이야. B How s the weather today? 오늘 날씨는 어때? G It s sunny. I love Sundays. 맑아. 나는 일요일이 정말 좋아. I A 1. G 2. A. Listen and match. B 1. M: Sunday 일요일 C Thursday, Friday 2. W: Tuesday 화요일 3. M: Thursday 목요일 4. W: Wednesday 수요일 A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M: Friday 금요일 5. B C 1. B. Listen and check. 2. 1. M: a. Today is Tuesday. 오늘은 화요일입니다. D b. Today is Thursday. 오늘은 목요일입니다. 2. W: a. I like Saturdays. 나는 토요일을 좋아합니다. b. I like Sundays. 나는 일요일을 좋아합니다. 3. M: a. Today is Monday. 오늘은 월요일입니다. 1 b. Today is Tuesday. 오늘은 화요일입니다. p. 10

4. W: a. I don t like Wednesdays. 나는수요일을좋아하지않습니다. b. I don t like Fridays. 나는금요일을좋아하지않습니다. C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. B: What day is it today? 오늘무슨요일이에요? W: Today is Tuesday. 오늘은화요일이야. B: I like Tuesdays. 전화요일이좋아요. W: No, it isn t. Today is Thursday. 아니, 그렇지않아. 오늘은목요일이란다. You can play basketball tomorrow. 농구는내일하렴. Today is Thursday. 오늘은목요일입니다. Tomorrow is Friday. 내일은금요일입니다. Let's READ p. 12 Q. The boy doesn t like Tuesdays. 소년은화요일은좋아하지않습니다. 2. G: Is today Sunday? 오늘일요일이니? B: No, it isn t. It s Monday. 아니, 그렇지않아. 월요일이야. G: How s the weather today? 오늘날씨는어때? B: It s rainy. 비가와. Q. Today is Sunday. 오늘은일요일입니다. 나는일요일을정말좋아합니다! 월요일, 화요일수요일, 목요일그리고금요일. 오늘은토요일입니다. 나는토요일을좋아합니다. 내일은일요일입니다. 나는일요일을정말좋아합니다. I p. 11 오늘은무슨날입니까? 오늘은내생일입니다! A. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. G: Is today Tuesday? 오늘화요일이니? B: Yes, it is. 응, 그래. G: I don t like Tuesdays. 나는화요일을좋아하지않아. 2. B: Mom, what day is it today? 엄마, 오늘무슨요일이에요? W: Today is Wednesday. 오늘은수요일이야. B: How s the weather today? 오늘날씨는어때요? W: It s sunny. 맑구나. G: I like Sundays. I don t like Wednesdays. Today is Saturday and the weather is very sunny. I am very happy. 나는일요일을좋아합니다. 나는수요일은좋아하지않습니다. 오늘은토요일이고날씨가매우맑습니다. 나는매우기분이좋아요. Q. 내일은무슨요일인가요? C. Listen and write. B: Mom, can I play basketball today? 엄마, 오늘농구해도돼요? W: No, you can t. 아니, 안돼. B: Is today Friday? 오늘금요일이에요? A. Listen and fill in the missing word. 1. M: What day is it today? 오늘은무슨요일입니까? 2. W: Today is Sunday. 오늘은일요일입니다. 3. M: Is today Thursday? 오늘은목요일입니까? 4. W: Today is Saturday. 오늘은토요일입니다. 5. M: Is today Friday? 오늘은금요일입니까? B: What day is it today? 오늘은무슨요일이니? G: Today is Tuesday. 오늘은화요일이야. B: Do you like Tuesdays? 너는화요일을좋아하니? G: Yes, I do. 응, 그래. p. 13 C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. B Mom, is today Sunday? 엄마, 오늘일요일이에요? W No, it isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. B What day is it today? 오늘무슨요일이에요? W Today is Saturday. 오늘은토요일이야. 1. 오늘은무슨요일인가요? a Sunday 일요일 b Monday 월요일 c Friday 금요일 d Saturday 토요일 2

2. 내일은무슨요일인가요? a Monday 월요일 c Saturday 토요일 b Sunday 일요일 d Tuesday 화요일 Unit 02 It s 1 o clock. D. Listen and choose the best response. Word Check G What day is it tomorrow? 내일은무슨요일이니? B Tomorrow is Thursday. 내일은목요일이야. G What day is it today? 오늘은무슨요일이니? B a Today is Wednesday. 오늘은수요일이야. b Yes, it is. 응, 그래. c No, I don t. 아니, 그렇지않아. d Today is Friday. 오늘은금요일이야. Answers A 1-3-4-2-5 B 해석참조 C 1. O 2. X I A 1. b 2. a B 해석참조 C five fifteen, 5:15 A 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. e B b C 1. b 2. a D d 3

SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Dialogs A. Look and listen. B What time is it? 몇시니? G It s 3:45. 3시 45분이야. B Let s go! 우리가자! G Is it 12 o clock? 12시니? B No, it isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G What time is it now? 지금몇시야? B It s 12:30. 12시 30분이야. p. 15 C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. G: Is it eleven o clock? 11시니? B: No, it isn t. It s eleven fifteen. 아니, 그렇지않아. 11시 15분이야. G: Oh, no! 아, 안돼! Q. It s eleven fifteen now. 지금은 11시 15분입니다. 2. B: Is it twelve thirty? 12시 30분이니? G: No, it isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. B: What time is it? 몇시야? G: It s one thirty. 1시 30분이야. Q. It s twelve thirty now. 지금은 12시 30분입니다. B What time is it? 몇시야? G It s 11:15. 11시 15분이야. B Thank you. 고마워. A. Listen and number. 1. M: It s eight o clock. 8시입니다. 2. W: It s eleven o clock. 11시입니다. 3. M: It s three fifteen. 3시 15분입니다. 4. W: It s twelve thirty. 12시 30분입니다. 5. M: It s ten o clock. 10시입니다. p. 16 I A. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. B: Is it four o clock? 4시니? G: No, it isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. B: What time is it now? 지금몇시야? G: It s four forty-five. 4시 45분이야. 2. B: Mom, is it nine o clock? 엄마, 9시예요? W: Yes, it is. 응, 그래. B: Good night, Mom. 엄마, 안녕히주무세요. B. Listen and draw. p. 17 B. Listen and draw. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. M: What time is it? 몇시입니까? W: It s six o clock. 6시입니다. B: I play the piano at two o clock. I swim at three o clock. Now it s four thirty. I can play soccer. 나는 2시에피아노를칩니다. 나는 3시에수영을해요. 지금은 4시 30분입니다. 나는축구를할수있어요. 2. M: What time is it? 몇시입니까? W: It s seven thirty. 7시 30분입니다. 3. M: What time is it? 몇시입니까? W: It s one fifteen. 1시 15분입니다. 4. M: What time is it? 몇시입니까? W: It s nine o clock. 9시입니다. Q. 지금은몇시인가요? C. Listen and write. G: Is it five o clock? 5시야? B: No, it isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G: What time is it now? 지금몇시야? B : It s five fifteen. 5시 15분이야. It s five fifteen now. 지금은 5시 15분입니다. 4

Let's READ p. 18 D. Listen and choose the best response. 좋은시간입니다! 1시야. 우리축구하자! 2시야. 우리수영하자! 3시야. 우리가자! 4시 15분입니다. 5시 30분입니다. 6시 45분입니다. 지금몇시입니까? 12시 20분입니다. G Is it nine forty-five? 9시 45분이야? B No, it isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G What time is it now? 지금몇시야? B a Yes, it is. 응, 그래. b Yes, it s time. 응, 시간이야. c Today is seven o clock. 오늘은 7시야. d It s ten o clock. 10시야. p. 19 A. Listen and fill in the missing word. 1. M: What time is it now? 지금몇시입니까? 2. W: It s eight o clock. 8시입니다. 3. M: It s ten thirty. 10시 30분입니다. 4. W: Is it twelve fifteen? 12시 15분입니까? 5. M: It s eleven forty-five. 11시 45분입니다. W: a It s three forty-five. 3시 45분입니다. b It s nine fifteen. 9시 15분입니다. c It s seven forty-five. 7시 45분입니다. d It s five thirty. 5시 30분입니다. C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. B Is it two thirty? 2시 30분이야? G No, it isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. B What time is it? 몇시야? G It s three thirty. 3시 30분이야. B Oh, yes. 아, 그래. At four o clock, we can play baseball. 4시에우리야구할수있어. 1. What time is it now? 지금은몇시입니까? 2. They can play baseball at. 그들은시에야구를할수있습니다. a 4 시 b 3 시 c 2 시 30 분 d 5 시 5

Unit 03 I Have Two Hands. Word Check SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Dialogs A. Look and listen. p. 21 M How many hands do you have? 너는몇개의손을가지고있지? G I have two hands. 두개의손을가지고있어요. M How many fingers do you have? 너는몇개의손가락을가지고있지? G I have ten fingers. 열개의손가락을가지고있죠. M How many legs does it have? 그것은몇개의다리를가지고있지? G It has eight legs. 그것은여덟개의다리를가지고있어요. Answers A 해석참조 B 1-3-4-2 C 1. X 2. X M That s right. 맞았단다. G Does it have two eyes? 그것은두개의눈을가지고있니? B No, it doesn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G How many eyes does it have? 그것은몇개의눈을가지고있어? B It has one eye. 그것은한개의눈을가지고있어. G Wow! 와! I A 1. b 2. b B It has four arms. C hand, fingers A 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. e B c C 1. c 2. d D b p. 22 A. Listen, write the correct number and match. 1 arm eye 3 5 finger toe 2 4 ear leg 6 1. M: arm 팔 2. W: toe 발가락 3. M: eye 눈 4. W: ear 귀 5. M: finger 손가락 6. W: leg 다리 B. Listen and write the correct number. 1. B: How many legs do you have? 너는몇개의다리를가지고있니? 6

G: I have eight legs. 나는여덟개의다리를가지고있어. 2. B: How many ears do you have? 너는몇개의귀를가지고있니? G: I have two big ears. 너는나는두개의큰귀를가지고있어. 3. B: How many toes do you have? 너는몇개의발가락을가지고있니? G: I have eight toes. 나는여덟개의발가락을가지고있어. 4. B: How many eyes do you have? 몇개의눈을가지고있니? G: I have one eye. 나는한개의눈을가지고있어. C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. B: Jenny, how many legs do you have? 제니, 너는몇개의다리를가지고있니? G: I have two legs. 나는두개의다리를가지고있어. B: How many legs does your dog have? 너의개는몇개의다리를가지고있니? G: It has four legs. 네개의다리를가지고있지. G: No, it doesn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. B: How many legs does it have? 그것은몇개의다리를가지고있니? G: It has ten legs. 그것은열개의다리를가지고있어. B. Listen and draw. B: It has one eye and three ears. It has four arms and two legs. 그것은한개의눈과세개의귀를가지고있습니다. 그것은네개의팔과두개의다리를가지고있습니다. Q. 그것은몇개의팔을가지고있나요? C. Listen and write. B: How many hands does it have? 그것은몇개의손을가지고있니? G: It has one hand. 그것은한개의손을가지고있어. B: Does it have five fingers? 그것은다섯개의손가락을가지고있니? G: No, it doesn t. It has four fingers. 아니, 그렇지않아. 그것은네개의손가락을가지고있어. It has a hand and four fingers. 그것은한개의손과네개의손가락을가지고있습니다. Q. Jenny s dog has two legs. 제니의개는두개의다리를가지고있습니다. 2. G: Ben, how many toes does your bird have? 벤, 너의새는몇개의발가락을가지고있니? B: It has eight toes. 여덟개의발가락을가지고있어. G: How many toes do you have? 너는몇개의발가락을가지고있니? B: I have ten toes. 나는열개의발가락을가지고있어. Q. Ben s bird has ten toes. 벤의새는열개의발가락을가지고있습니다. Let's READ 나는두개의손을가지고있어요! 개는네개의다리를가지고있습니다. 새는여덟개의발가락을가지고있습니다. 고양이는두개의큰눈을가지고있습니다. 햄스터는한개의작은코를가지고있습니다. 금붕어는손이없어요. 그것은몇개의발을가지고있습니까? 그것은두개의큰발을가지고있습니다. p. 24 I A. Listen and choose the right picture. p. 23 1. G: How many arms does it have? 그것은몇개의팔을가지고있니? B: It has four arms. 그것은네개의팔을가지고있어. G: How many ears does it have? 그것은몇개의귀를가지고있니? B: It has two ears. 그것은두개의귀를가지고있어. 2. B: Does it have eight legs? 그것은여덟개의다리를가지고있니? A. Listen and fill in the missing word. p. 25 1. M: How many feet do you have? 당신은몇개의발을가지고있습니까? 2. W: It has one foot. 그것은한개의발을가지고있습니다. 3. M: Does it have two arms? 그것은두개의팔을가지고있습니까? 7

4. W: It has three fingers. 그것은세개의손가락을가지고있습니다. 5. M: I have ten toes. 나는열개의발가락을가지고있습니다. G: How many legs and arms does it have? 그것은몇개의다리와팔을가지고있니? B: It doesn t have any legs and arms. 그것은다리와팔을가지고있지않아. G: Wow! How about eyes? Does it have eyes? 와! 눈은? 눈은가지고있니? B: It has two eyes. 그것은두개의눈을가지고있어. C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. M Does a dog have two legs? 개는두개의다리를가지고있나요? G No, it doesn t. It has four legs. 아니요, 그렇지않아요. 그것은네개의다리를가지고있어요. M How about a turtle? 거북은어떻죠? G It has four legs too. 그것도네개의다리를가지고있죠. M That s right! 맞아요! 1. 개는몇개의다리를가지고있나요? a two 두개 b three 세개 c four 네개 d eight 여덟개 2. 거북은몇개의다리를가지고있나요? a one 한개 b two 두개 c three 세개 d four 네개 D. Listen and choose the best response. B Susan, do you have pets? 수잔, 너애완동물가지고있니? G Yes, I do. I have a bird. 응, 그래. 나는새한마리를가지고있어. B How many feet does it have? 그것은몇개의발을가지고있니? G a It has one foot. 그것은한개의발을가지고있어. b It has two feet. 그것은두개의발을가지고있어. c It has no feet. 그것은발이없어. d It has four feet. 그것은네개의발을가지고있어. Review Test 1 Unit 01 ~ Unit 03 Answers A 5-4-6-2-1-3 B 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 3. a 4. b C 1. two ears 2. five fingers 3. an arm 4. a foot 5. four toes 6. a nose D 1. b 2. b E 4-6-1-5-2-3 F 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. d G 1. b 2. a 3. c H 1. d 2. b SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION A. Listen and number the words. 1. M: Thursday 목요일 2. W: Sunday 일요일 3. M: Friday 금요일 4. W: Monday 월요일 5. M: Saturday 토요일 6. W: Wednesday 수요일 B. Listen and choose the right sentence. 1. W: a It s six forty-five. 6시 45분이다. b It s seven fourteen. 7시 14분이다. c It s seven forty-five. 7시 45분이다. d It s nine thirty. 9시 30분이다. 2. M: a It s twelve o clock. 12시이다. b It s one o clock. 1시이다. c It s twelve ten. 12시 10분이다. d It s eleven o clock. 11시이다. 3. W: a It s two fifteen. 2시 15분이다. b It s two thirty. 2시 30분이다. c It s three fifteen. 3시 15분이다. d It s four thirty. 4시 30분이다. pp. 26-29 4. W: a It s eight o clock. 8 시이다. b It s eight thirteen. 8 시 13 분이다. c It s eight fifteen. 8 시 15 분이다. 8

d It s eight thirty. 8시 30분이다. 5. W: a It s five fifteen. 5시 15분이다. b It s five ten. 5시 10분이다. c It s four forty-five. 4시 45분이다. d It s three fifteen. 3시 15분이다. 6. W: a It s twelve ten. 12시 10분이다. b It s ten o clock. 10시이다. c It s twelve fifteen. 12시 15분이다. d It s ten forty-five. 10시 45분이다. C. Listen, find the right words and write. 1. M: two ears 귀두개 2. W: five fingers 손가락다섯개 3. M: an arm 팔한개 4. W: a foot 발한개 5. M: four toes 발가락네개 6. W: a nose 코한개 D. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. B: What is it, Jenny? 제니, 그게뭐야? G: It s a robot. 로봇이야. B: How many legs does it have? 그것은몇개의다리를가지고있니? G: It has four legs. 이것은네개의다리를가지고있어. F. Listen and choose the right sentence. 1. M: a It s Friday. 금요일이다. b It s Thursday. 목요일이다. c It s Sunday. 일요일이다. d It s Tuesday. 화요일이다. 2. W: a Today is Saturday. 오늘은토요일이다. b Tomorrow is Tuesday. 내일은화요일이다. c Today is Wednesday. 오늘은수요일이다. d Tomorrow is Monday. 내일은월요일이다. 3. M: a Today is Monday. Tomorrow is my birthday. 오늘은월요일이다. 내일은내생일이다. b This Saturday is my birthday. 이번토요일은내생일이다. c This Sunday is my birthday. 이번일요일은내생일이다. d Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is my birthday. 오늘은목요일이다. 내일은내생일이다. 4. W: a Tomorrow is Sunday. 내일은일요일이다. b It s Wednesday. 수요일이다. c Today is Friday. 오늘은금요일이다. d Tomorrow is Tuesday. 내일은화요일이다. G. Listen and choose the right answer. 2. G: Wow! It s a monster. 와! 괴물이다. It has four arms. 팔이네개나있어. B: Does it have two eyes? 눈은두개야? G: No, it doesn t. It has one eye. 아니, 그렇지않아. 눈이한개야. G Is today Monday, Fred? 프레드, 오늘이월요일이니? B Yes, it is. 응, 그래. G Do you like Mondays? 넌월요일을좋아하니? B No, I don t. I like Fridays. 아니, 싫어해. 나는금요일이좋아. E. Listen and number. 1. W: What time is it now? 지금몇시예요? M: It s eleven thirty. 11시 30분이에요. 2. W: What time is it? 몇시예요? M: It s six fifteen. 6시 15분이에요. 3. W: What time is it now? 지금몇시예요? M: It s four forty-five. 4시 45분이에요. 1. 프레드는무슨요일을좋아하나요? B Is it two fifteen now? 지금이 2시 15분이니? G No, it isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. B What time is it? 몇시야? G It s two thirty. 2시 30분이야. 2. 지금은몇시인가요? 4. W: What time is it? 몇시예요? M: It s nine twenty. 9시 20분이에요. 5. W: What time is it now? 지금몇시예요? M: It s one o clock. 1시예요. 6. W: What time is it? 몇시예요? M: It s five o clock. 5시예요. G How many ears do you have? 넌몇개의귀를가지고있니? B I have three ears. 난세개의귀를가지고있어. G Do you have two eyes? 넌두개의눈을가지고있니? B No, I don t. I have one eye. 아니, 그렇지않아. 난한개의눈을가지고있어. 3. 괴물은몇개의귀를가지고있나요? 9

H. Listen and choose the incorrect dialog. 1. a G: Is it eight o clock? 8시야? B: Yes, it is. 응, 그래. b G: How many hands does it have? 그것은몇개의손을가지고있어? B: It has two hands. 그것은두개의손을가지고있어. c G: Does it have one nose? 그것은코가한개야? B: No, it doesn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. d G: Is today Thursday? 오늘이목요일이니? B: It s 5:45. 5시 45분이야. Unit 04 I m Happy. Word Check 2. a B: What time is it? 몇시야? G: It s seven forty-five. 7시 45분이야. b B: Do you like Sundays? 넌일요일을좋아하니? G: Tomorrow is Monday. 내일은월요일이야. c B: Does it have two feet? 그건발이두개니? G: No, it doesn t. It has four feet. 아니, 그렇지않아. 그건발이네개야. d B: Is it three fifteen? 3시 15분이니? G: Yes, it is. 응, 그래. Answers A 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. e B 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b C 1. O 2. O I A 1. b 2. b B a C sad, angry A 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d B a C 1. b 2. b D c 10

SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Dialogs A. Look and listen. M Are you happy? 기분이좋니? G Yes, I m very happy. 네, 매우좋아요. Dad, how do you feel? 아빠는기분이어떠세요? M I feel happy too. 나도기분이매우좋단다. p. 31 G: How do you feel? 기분이어때? B: I feel angry. 화가나. Q. Jason is not happy now. 제이슨은지금행복하지않습니다. 2. B: Jenny, how does your brother feel? 제니, 너의남동생은기분이어떠니? G: He feels thirsty now. 그는지금목말라해. B: How about you? 너는어때? G: I m tired. 나는피곤해. B Are you hungry? 너배고프니? G No, I am not. 아니, 배안고파. B How do you feel now? 지금기분이어떠니? G I m thirsty. 나는목이말라. B How does she feel? 그녀는기분이어때요? W She s very tired now. 그녀는지금매우피곤하단다. B I m tired too. 저도피곤해요. A. Listen and match. 1. M: angry 화가난 2. W: sad 슬픈 3. M: tired 피곤한 4. W: thirsty 목이마른 5. M: hungry 배가고픈 B. Listen and check. 1. B: a. I feel angry. 나는화가납니다. b. I m hungry. 나는배가고픕니다. 2. W: a. They re sad. 그들은슬퍼합니다. b. They re excited. 그들은신납니다. 3. M: a. She feels happy. 그녀는기분이좋습니다. b. She s tired. 그녀는피곤합니다. 4. W: a. I m hungry. 나는배가고픕니다 b. I feel thirsty. 나는목이마릅니다. p. 32 Q. Jenny s brother is thirsty now. 제니의남동생은지금목이마릅니다. I A. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. B: How do you feel? 너는기분이어떠니? G: I feel hungry. 나는배가고파. B: What do you want? 뭘원하니? G: I want a hamburger. 나는햄버거를원해. 2. B: Let s play soccer. 우리축구하자. G: Sure. 물론이야. B: I m very excited. 나는너무신나. G: Me too. 나도그래. G: I m very happy now. Today is Sunday. The weather is sunny and we can swim. 나는지금매우행복해요. 오늘은일요일입니다. 날씨는맑고우리는수영을할수있어요. Q. 소녀의기분은어떤가요? C. Listen and write. G: Does he feel sad? 그는슬프니? B: No, he doesn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G: How does he feel? 그는기분이어때? B: He feels angry. 그는화가났어. He s not sad. 그는슬프지않습니다. He s angry. 그는화가났습니다. p. 33 C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. G: Jason, are you happy now? 제이슨, 너지금행복하니? B: No, I m not. 아니, 그렇지않아. 11

Let's READ 나의가족들기분은. p. 34 오늘제니의기분은어떠합니까? a 행복한 b 신난 c 슬픈 d 피곤한 나의아버지는피곤합니다. 나의어머니는화가났습니다. 나의언니는목이마릅니다. 나의오빠는신납니다. 우리는식당에있으며모두배가고픕니다. 나는기분이어떠냐고요? 나는지루합니다. p. 35 D. Listen and choose the best response. B Is your mother angry? 너의어머니는화나셨니? G Yes, she is. 응, 그래. B How do you feel now? 너는지금기분이어때? G a Yes, I am. 응, 그래. b No, I m not. 아니, 그렇지않아. c I feel sad. 나는기분이슬퍼. d She s angry. 그녀는화가났어. A. Listen and fill in the missing word. 1. M: I m very thirsty now. 나는지금매우목이마릅니다. 2. W: Are you excited? 당신은신납니까? 3. M: Does he feel tired now? 그는지금피곤합니까? 4. W: How do you feel today? 당신은오늘기분이어떠합니까? 5. M: I feel angry. 나는화가납니다. a B: Susan, are you angry? 수잔, 너화났니? G: No, I m not. I feel bored. 아니, 그렇지않아. 나는지루해. b B: Susan, how do you feel? 수잔, 너기분이어때? G: I feel happy. 나는행복해. c B: Susan, are you thirsty? 수잔, 너목이마르니? G: Yes, I am. 응, 그래. d B: Susan, are you tired? 수잔, 너피곤하니? G: No, I m not. 아니, 그렇지않아. C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. G Brian, are you sad today? 브라이언, 너오늘슬프니? B No, I m not. 아니, 그렇지않아. G How do you feel now? 지금기분이어때? B I feel tired. How about you, Jenny? 나는피곤해. 제니, 너는어떠니? G I m very excited today. 나는오늘매우신나. 1. How does Brian feel now? 지금브라이언의기분은어떠합니까? 2. How does Jenny feel today? 12

Unit 05 What a Nice Jacket! Word Check SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Dialogs A. Look and listen. p. 37 M It s cold outside. 밖이추워요. This is your new coat. 이거당신의새코트예요. W Wow! How do I look? 와! 나어때보여요? M You look nice! 멋지네요! W Thank you so much! 정말고마워요! G Whose jacket is it? 그거누구재킷이야? B It s my jacket. 그건내재킷이야. G What a nice jacket! 정말멋진재킷이구나! B Thanks! 고마워! Answers B Is that a dress? 저거원피스야? G Yes, it is. How do I look? 응, 그래. 나어때보여? B You look great! 너정말멋지다! A 5-2-1-3-4 B 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b C 1. X 2. O I A 1. a 2. b B c C shirt, pants A. Listen and number. 1. M: pants 바지 2. W: skirt 치마 3. M: shirt 셔츠 4. W: jacket 재킷 5. M: dress 원피스 p. 38 A 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. e 5. c B c C 1. a 2. c D b B. Listen and check. 1. M: a. This is my shirt. 이것은나의셔츠입니다. b. This is my jacket. 이것은나의재킷입니다. 2. W: a. I want a purple dress. 나는보라색원피스를원해요. b. I want a pink skirt. 나는핑크색치마를원해요. 3. W: a. What a nice shirt! 멋진셔츠구나! b. What a nice hat! 멋진모자구나! 4. G: a. They re my new pants. 나의새바지예요. b. It s my new skirt. 나의새치마예요. C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. G: Jason, how do I look? 제이슨, 나어때보여? B: Susan, you look nice. Is that a new shirt? 13

수잔, 너멋져보여. 그거새셔츠니? G: Yes, it is. 응, 그래. Q. Susan has a new skirt. 수잔은새치마를가지고있습니다. 2. B: Jenny, is this your hat? 제니, 이거네모자니? G: Yes, it is 응, 그래. B: What a nice hat! 멋진모자구나! G: Thanks! 고마워! Q. Jenny has a nice hat. 제니는멋진모자를가지고있습니다. Let's READ 나는내옷들을좋아합니다. 나는파란바지세벌이있습니다. 나는셔츠가다섯벌이있습니다. 나는재킷두벌이있습니다. 나는빨간새코트를좋아합니다. 나는지금멋져보여요! 그것은누구의블라우스입니까? 그것은메리의블라우스입니다. 정말멋진블라우스군요! p. 40 I A. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. G: You look very nice today. 너오늘정말멋져보여. B: This is my new jacket. 이거내새재킷이야. G: What a nice jacket! 정말멋진재킷이구나! B: Thanks! 고마워! 2. G: Whose pants are these? 이거누구바지야? B: Those are my pants. 그거내바지야. G: These pants look nice. 이바지멋있는걸. B: Thanks a lot! 정말고마워! B: My sister has a new hat. My brother has new pants. I have a new coat. We all look nice. 나의누나는새모자를가지고있습니다. 나의형은새바지를가지고있습니다. 나는새코트를가지고있습니다. 우리모두멋져보여요. Q. 그의누나는무엇을가지고있나요? C. Listen and write. p. 39 B: Jenny, how do I look? 제니, 나어때보여? G: Oh, Jason. You have a new shirt and new pants. 아, 제이슨. 너새셔츠와새바지가지고있구나. B: Do I look nice? 나멋져보이니? G: Yes, you look great! 응, 너정말멋져보여! Jason has a new shirt and new pants. 제이슨은새셔츠와새바지를가지고있습니다. A. Listen and fill in the missing word. 1. W: What a nice dress! 정말멋진원피스다! 2. M: Whose shirt is it? 그것은누구의셔츠입니까? 3. W: This is my purple skirt. 이것은나의보라색치마입니다. 4. M: How do I look? 나어때보여요? 5. W: Those are his pants. 그것은그의바지입니다. B: Is that your new skirt? 그거너의새치마니? G: Yes, it is. How do I look? 응, 그래. 나어때보여? B: You look nice! 너멋져보여! G: I like this skirt. 나는이치마가좋아. p. 41 C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. G Jason, whose coat is it? 제이슨, 그거누구코트야? B It s my coat. I don t like my coat. It s too big. 그건내코트야. 나는내코트를좋아하지않아. 그건너무커. G Really? 정말? B I want a new coat and a new hat. 나는새코트와새모자를갖고싶어. 1. 코트는어떤가요? a It s too big. 너무크다. b It s too small. 너무작다. c It s too long. 너무길다. d It s too short. 너무짧다. 2. 제이슨은무엇을원하나요? a a new shirt and a new hat 새셔츠와새모자 b a new blouse 새블라우스 c a new coat and a new hat 새코트와새모자 14

d a new jacket 새재킷 D. Listen and choose the best response. G How do I look? 나어때보여? B You look great! 너멋져보여! Unit 06 I m in the Kitchen. Word Check G Thanks. 고마워. B Whose dress is it? 그거누구원피스야? G a It s a new dress. 그거새원피스야. b It s my sister s dress. 그거내언니의원피스야. c You look nice! 너보기좋다! d It s my skirt. 그거내치마야. Answers A 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5.e B 1-3-4-2 C 1. O 2. X I A 1. a 2. b B b C bedroom, dining room A 1. a 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. b B d C 1. b 2. c D c 15

SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Q. Tom s dog is in the yard. 톰의개는마당에있습니다. Dialogs A. Look and listen. G Mom, where are you? 엄마, 어디계세요? W I m in the kitchen. 나주방에있어. G I m hungry now. 저지금배고파요. W Okay. 알았다. p. 43 2. B: Mom, where are you? 엄마, 어디계세요? W: I m in the kitchen. 주방에있단다. B: Mom, where is my blue shirt? 엄마, 내파란색셔츠어디있어요? W: It s in your bedroom. 그건네침실에있지. B: Thank you! 고마워요! Q. Mom is in the bedroom. 엄마는침실에있습니다. B Where is Jenny? 제니는어디에있니? G She s in the bedroom. 그녀는침실에있어. B How does she feel? 그녀의기분은어때? G She s very angry. 그녀는매우화가났어. B Is my dog in the living room? 나의개는거실에있니? G No, it isn t. It s in the yard. 아니, 그렇지않아. 마당에있어. B Oh, no! It s rainy outside. 아, 안돼! 밖에비가와. A. Listen and match. 1. W: bedroom 침실 2. M: bathroom 화장실 3. W: kitchen 주방 4. M: living room 거실 5. M: dining room 식당 p. 44 B. Listen and write the correct number. 1. B: Where are you? 너어디에있니? G: I m in the bathroom. 나는화장실에있어. 2. M: Where are you? 당신들은어디에있습니까? W: We re in the yard. 우리들은마당에있어요. 3. G: Where is he? 그는어디에있니? B: He s in the bedroom. 그는침실에있어. 4. B: Where are they? 그들은어디에있니? G: They re in the living room. 그들은거실에있어. I A. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. G: Alex, where are you? 알렉스, 너어디에있니? B: I m here. 나여기에있어. G: Are you in the bathroom now? 너지금화장실에있니? B: Yes, I am. 응, 그래. 2. B: Is this your living room? 이게너희집거실이니? G: Yes, it is. 응, 그래. B: Wow! It s very big. 와! 매우크다! G: My father is in the bathroom. My mother is in the kitchen. And my brother is in his bedroom. 나의아버지는화장실에있습니다. 나의어머니는주방에있습니다. 그리고나의남동생은그의침실에있습니다. Q. 그녀의남동생은어디에있나요? C. Listen, unscramble and write. p. 45 G: Is Ben in his bedroom? 벤은그의침실에있니? B: No, he isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G: Where is he? 그는어디에있니? B: He s in the dining room. 그는식당에있어. Ben is not in the bedroom. 벤은침실에있지않습니다. Ben is in the dining room. 벤은식당에있습니다. C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. G: Tom, do you have a dog? 톰, 너개있니? B: Yes, I do. 응, 그래. G: Where is it? 개는어디에있어? B: It s in the yard. 마당에있어. 16

Let's READ 나의행복한집나의오빠는거실에있습니다. 나의언니는화장실에있습니다. 나는식당에있습니다. 그리고나의고양이는마당에있습니다. 나의삼촌은어디에있냐고요? 그는차고에있습니다. p. 46 p. 47 D. Listen and choose the best response. B Susan, is your mother in the bedroom? 수잔, 너의엄마는침실에계시니? G No, she isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. B Where is she now? 지금어디에계셔? G a Yes, she is. 응, 그녀는그래. b He s in the bedroom. 그는침실에있어. c She s in the living room. 그녀는거실에있어. d I m in the kitchen. 나는주방에있어. A. Listen and fill in the missing word. 1. M: Are they in the dining room? 그들은식당에있습니까? 2. W: Jenny is in the kitchen. 제니는주방에있습니다. 3. M: Is he in the bathroom now? 그는지금화장실에있습니까? 4. W: I m in the bedroom. 나는침실에있습니다. 5. M: They re in the living room. 그들은거실에있습니다. B: a My mom is in the kitchen and my sister is in the dining room. 나의엄마는주방에있고나의누나는식당에있습니다. b She s in the kitchen and he s in the garage. 그녀는주방에있고그는차고에있습니다. c My mom and my brother are in the living room. 나의엄마와형은거실에있습니다. d My mom and my sister are in the kitchen. 나의엄마와누나는주방에있습니다. C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. B Whose bedroom is this? 이건누구의침실이야? G It s Amy s bedroom. 에이미의침실이야. B Where is she now? 그녀는지금어디에있어? G She s in the yard. 그녀는마당에있어. Review Test 2 Unit 04 ~ Unit 06 Answers A 1. thirsty 2. bored 3. happy 4. hungry 5. tired 6. excited B 1. a pants 2. a coat 3. a shirt 4. b jacket 5. a skirt 6. b dress C 1. f dining room 2. b bathroom 3. d living room 4. c kitchen 5. e garage 6. a bedroom D 1. a 2. c E 1. d 2. a 3. b F 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. c G 1. b 2. d H 1. a 2. b 3. d 4. c I 1. b 2. d 1. Where are they now? 그들은지금어디에있습니까? 2. Where is Jenny now? 제니는지금어디에있습니까? a 침실 b 주방 c 마당 d 식당 SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION A. Listen and circle the right word. 1. M: thirsty 목마른 2. W: bored 지루한 pp. 48-51 17

3. M: happy 기쁜 4. W: hungry 배고픈 5. M: tired 피곤한 6. W: excited 신난 B. Listen, choose and find the right word. 1. M: pants 바지 2. W: coat 코트 3. M: shirt 셔츠 4. W: jacket 재킷 5. M: skirt 치마 6. W: dress 원피스 C. Listen, write the word and the matching letter. 1. M: dining room 식당 2. W: bathroom 화장실 3. M: living room 거실 4. W: kitchen 주방 5. M: garage 차고 6. W: bedroom 침실 D. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. B: How do you feel now? 지금기분이어떠니? G: I feel very thirsty. 나는매우목이말라. 2. G: How do you feel? 기분이어떠니? B: I feel hungry. I want pizza. 나는배가고파. 피자가먹고싶어. E. Listen and choose the right sentence. 1. W: a It s my brown shirt. 그것은나의갈색셔츠입니다. b It s a nice skirt. 그것은멋진치마입니다. c This is my new dress. 이것은나의새원피스입니다. d It s my long coat. 그것은나의긴코트입니다. 2. M: a They re my pants. 그것은나의바지입니다. b It s her blouse. 그것은그녀의블라우스입니다. c They re her hats. 그것들은그녀의모자들입니다. d It s his jacket. 그것은그의재킷입니다. 3. W: a It s my pink skirt. 그것은나의분홍색치마입니다. b This is my new shirt. 이것은나의새셔츠입니다. c It s my new dress. 그것은나의새원피스입니다. d This is my new jacket. 이것은나의새재킷입니다. F. Listen and choose the correct response. 1. G: Hello! I m home. 안녕! 나집에왔어. B: Hi, Laura. 안녕, 로라. G: Where is Mom? 엄마는어디계신데? B: a She s in the bathroom. 화장실에계셔. b She s in the bedroom. 침실에계셔. c She s in the dining room. 식당에계셔. d She s in the yard. 마당에계셔. 2. B: Are you in the bedroom, Kate? 케이트, 너침실에있니? G: Yes, I am. 응, 그래. B: Is Mike in the bedroom too? 마이크도침실에있니? G: a Yes, she is. Kate is in the living room. 응, 그래. 케이트는거실에있어. b Yes, he is. He s in the kitchen. 응, 그래. 그는주방에있어. c No, I m not. I m in the bedroom. 아니, 난그렇지않아. 나는침실에있어. d No, he isn t. He s in the bathroom. 아니, 그는그렇지않아. 그는화장실에있어. 3. G: Are you in the garage? 넌차고에있니? B: No, I am not. 아니, 난그렇지않아. G: Where are you, Jack? 잭, 너는어디에있니? B: a I m in the yard. 나는마당에있어. b He s hungry. 그는배가고파. c Yes, I am. 응, 난그래. d We re in the dining room. 우리는식당에있어. 4. G: Look! It s my new bike. 봐! 나의새자전거야. B: Wow! How do you feel? 와! 기분이어때? G: a I feel angry. 난화가나. b I feel happy. 난기뻐. c I feel sad. 난슬퍼. d I feel bored. 난지루해. 5. B: Is that a hat? 저것은모자야? G: Yes, it is. 응, 그래. B: Whose hat is it? 누구의모자야? G: a It s my pencil. 나의연필이야. b It s Mary s hat. 메리의모자야. c It s in the kitchen. 그것은부엌에있어. d What a nice hat! 정말멋진모자다! 18

6. B: Where is Mom? 엄마는어디계시니? G: She s in the bedroom. 그녀는침실에계셔. B: Is Dad in the bedroom too? 아빠도침실에계시니? G: a Yes, she is. She s in the garage. 응, 그래. 그녀는차고에있어. b I m in the bathroom. 나는화장실에있어. c No, he isn t. He s in the garage. 아니, 그렇지않아. 그는차고에있어. d He s tired. 그는피곤해해. G. Listen and choose the right answer. B How do I look? 나어때보여? G You look great! 멋져보여! B Thanks. 고마워. G Is that a new jacket? 그건새재킷이니? B Yes, it is. 응, 그래. 1. 무엇이새것인가요? a 모자가새것이다. b 재킷이새것이다. c 블라우스가새것이다. d 바지가새것이다. W Is Brian angry? 브라이언은화가났니? B Yes, he is. 네, 그래요. W Where is he? 그는어디에있니? B He s in his bedroom. 그의침실에있어요. 2. 브라이언의기분은어떤가요? a 행복하다. b 배가고프다. c 신이났다. d 화가났다. b 응, 그래. c 난빨간색바지를가지고있어. d 난긴코트를원해. 3. G: My sisters are in the living room. 나의여동생들은거실에있어. B: Where are your brothers? 너의남동생들은어디에있니? G: a 그것들은녹색이야. b 나는식당에있어. c 그녀는침실에있어. d 그들은마당에있어. 4. G: How do you feel? 기분이어떠니? Are you thirsty? 너목마르니? B: a 아니, 그는신났어. b 응, 나는행복해. c 아니, 그렇지않아. 난배가고파. d 응, 난슬퍼. I. Listen and choose the incorrect dialog. 1. a G: How does she feel? 그녀는기분이어때? B: She feels bored. 그녀는지루해해. b G: What a nice blouse! 멋진블라우스구나! B: You re welcome. 천만에. c G: Where are you? 너어디에있니? B: I m in the kitchen. 나는주방에있어. d G: Is this your hat? 이것이너의모자니? B: Yes, it is. 응, 그래. H. Listen and choose the best response. 1. B: Hi, Sandy. 안녕, 샌디. G: Hi, Mark. How do you feel? 안녕, 마크. 너기분이어떠니? B: a 난피곤해. b 응, 난행복해. c 난검은색셔츠를가지고있어. d 아니, 그녀는배가고파. 2. a B: Where is Gina? 지나는어디에있니? G: She s in the bedroom. 그녀는침실에있어. b B: Whose dress is it? 그것은누구의원피스야? G: It s Jenny s dress. 제니의원피스야. c B: You look great! 너멋져보여! G: Thank you very much. 정말고마워. d B: Are you sad? 너슬프니? G: Yes, they are. 응, 그들은그래. 2. B: Look at me! 나좀봐! G: Are those your new pants? 그것은너의새바지니? B: a 그들은거실에있어. 19

Unit 07 There Is a Bed. Word Check SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Dialogs A. Look and listen. p. 53 G What s in your bedroom? 너의침실에는무엇이있니? B There is a bed. 침대가있어. G Is there a lamp? 램프는있니? B No, there isn t. 아니, 없어. B Is there a sofa in the living room? 거실에소파가있니? G Yes, there is. 응, 그래. We have a big sofa in the living room. 우리는거실에큰소파를가지고있어. Answers A 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. e B 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True C 1. O 2. X B How about a table? 테이블은? G No, there isn t a table. 아니, 테이블은없어. G What s in the dining room? 식당에는무엇이있니? B There are chairs. 의자가있어. G How many chairs are there in the dining room? 식당안에는몇개의의자가있어? B There are four chairs. 네개의의자가있어. I A 1. b 2. b B b C wardrobe, dresser A 1. a 2. b 3. e 4. c 5. d B b C 1. a 2. c D d A. Listen and match. 1. M: desk 책상 2. W: chair 의자 3. M: wardrobe 옷장 4. W: sofa 소파 5. M: dresser 서랍장 B. Listen and check True or False. p. 54 1. M: What s in the living room? 거실에는무엇이있습니까? W: There is a lamp in the living room. 거실에는램프가있습니다. 2. M: How many beds are there in the bedroom? 침실에는몇개의침대가있습니까? W: There are two beds in the bedroom. 침실에는두개의침대가있습니다. 3. M: How many chairs are there in the dining room? 식당에는몇개의의자가있습니까? W: There are two chairs in the dining room. 식당에는두개의의자가있습니다. 20

4. M: What s in your bedroom? 당신의방에는무엇이있습니까? W: There is a desk in the room. 방안에는책상이있습니다. C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. B: Jenny, what s in your bedroom? 제니, 침실에는무엇이있니? G: There is a bed in the room. 방에는침대가있어. B: Is there a desk in the room? 방에책상이있니? G: No, there isn t. 아니, 없어. Q. Jenny doesn t have a desk in her room. 제니는그녀의방에책상을가지고있지않습니다. 2. G: James, are there chairs in the dining room? 제임스, 식당에의자가있니? B: Yes, there are. 응, 있어. G: How many chairs are there? 몇개의의자가있어? B: There are eight chairs. 여덟개의의자가있어. Q. There are six chairs in the dining room. 식당에는여섯개의의자가있습니다. C. Listen and write. B: Susan, is there a dresser in your room? 수잔, 너의방에서랍장이있니? G: No, there isn t. 아니, 없어. B: Do you have a wardrobe in your room? 너의방에옷장을가지고있니? G: Yes, I do. 응, 그래. There is a wardrobe in Susan s room. 수잔의방에는옷장이있습니다. There isn t a dresser in Susan s room. 수잔의방에는서랍장이없습니다. Let's READ 정말멋진방이다! 나의방에는큰침대가있습니다. 옷장이있습니다. 나는그방안에흰색소파를가지고있습니다. 나는두개의분홍색램프를좋아합니다. 큰서랍장도있어요. 그서랍장에는서랍이매우많습니다. p. 56 I A. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. B: Is there a lamp in your room? 너의방에램프가있니? G: Yes, there is. 응, 있어. B: How many lamps are there? 램프가몇개있어? G: There are two lamps. 두개의램프가있어. 2. G: What s in the living room? 거실에무엇이있니? B: There are two sofas and a table. 두개의소파와테이블이있어. G: What color is the table? 그테이블은무슨색이야? B: It s white. 흰색이야. p. 55 G: This is my room. There is a bed. I have a wardrobe in my room. There isn t a lamp. 이것은나의방입니다. 침대가있습니다. 나는방안에옷장을가지고있습니다. 램프는없습니다. Q. 그녀의방에는무엇이없나요? 그방에는무엇이있냐고요? 책장이있습니다. A. Listen and fill in the missing word. 1. M: Is there a wardrobe in the room? 그방에는옷장이있습니까? 2. W: There are three tables. 세개의테이블이있습니다. 3. M: Are there two chairs in his room? 그의방에는두개의의자가있습니까? 4. W: There is a dresser in my room. 나의방에는서랍장이있습니다. 5. M: There isn t a desk in the bedroom. 침실에는책상이없습니다. G: What s in the room? 그방에는무엇이있니? B: There are two beds. 두개의침대가있어. G: Is there a dresser? 서랍장이있니? B: Yes, there is. 응, 있어. p. 57 21

C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. B Are there chairs in the room? 그방에의자들이있니? G Yes, there are. There are six chairs. 응, 있어. 여섯개의의자가있어. B Is there a table in the room? 그방에테이블이있니? Unit 08 It s on the Table. Word Check G Yes, there is. 응, 있어. 1. 그방에는무엇이있습니까? a a table and chairs 테이블과의자들 b a desk and chairs 책상과의자들 c tables and sofas 테이블들과소파들 d chairs and sofas 의자들과소파들 2. 그방에는몇개의의자가있습니까? a two 두개 b four 네개 c six 여섯개 d eight 여덟개 D. Listen and choose the best response. G Is there a sofa in the living room? 그거실에소파가있니? B No, there isn t. 아니, 없어. G What s in the living room? 그거실에는무엇이있니? B a There is a sofa. 소파가있어. b Yes, there is. 응, 있어. c I m in the living room. 나는거실에있어. d There is a desk. 책상이있어. Answers A 1-2-5-4-3 B 1. a 2. e 3. c 4. d C 1. X 2. O I A 1. a 2. a B b C on, hairbrush A 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. b B d C 1. d 2. b D c 22

SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Dialogs A. Look and listen. B Where are my glasses? 내안경어디에있니? G They re on the desk. 그거책상위에있어. B Oh, thanks! 아, 고마워! G You re welcome. 천만에. p. 59 2. B: Mom, where are my glasses? 엄마, 내안경어디에있어요? W: They re on the sofa. 그거소파위에있어. B: Thank you, Mom. 고마워요, 엄마. W: You re welcome. 천만에. Q. The boy s glasses are on the sofa. 소년의안경은소파위에있다. I p. 61 B Do you have a mirror? 너거울가지고있니? G Yes, I do. 응, 그래. B Where is it? 그거어디있어? G It s in my backpack. 내배낭안에있어. A. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. G: Where are my slippers? 내슬리퍼어디에있니? B: They re under your desk. 그거네책상밑에있어. G: Oh, here they are. 오, 여기있구나. G Where are the slippers? 슬리퍼는어디에있니? B They re under the bed. 그것들은침대밑에있어. G Oh, there they are. 아, 거기있구나. 2. B: Do you have a watch? 너손목시계있니? G: Yes, I do. 응, 그래. B: Where is it? 어디에있어? G: It s in the drawer. 서랍안에있어. A. Listen and number. 1. M: hairbrush 머리빗 2. W: mirror 거울 3. M: glasses 안경 4. W: watch 손목시계 5. M: slippers 슬리퍼 p. 60 G: I have a mirror and a hairbrush in my backpack. My glasses are on the desk. My red slippers are under the bed. 나는배낭안에거울과머리빗을가지고있습니다. 나의안경은책상위에있습니다. 나의빨간색슬리퍼는침대밑에있습니다. Q. 안경은어디에있나요? B. Listen and match. M: 1. A mirror is on the desk. 거울은책상위에있습니다. 2. Keys are in the drawer. 열쇠들은서랍안에있습니다. 3. A hairbrush is under the desk. 머리빗은책상밑에있습니다. 4. A watch is on the chair. 손목시계는의자위에있습니다. C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. G: Tom, where is my key? 톰, 내열쇠어디에있니? B: It s in your backpack. 네배낭안에있어. G: It s not in my backpack. 그거내배낭안에없어. B: Oh, Jenny, it s here. It s under the table. 아, 제니, 여기있다. 테이블밑에있구나. C. Listen and write. G: What s on the table? 테이블위에무엇이있니? B: There is a mirror on the table. 테이블위에거울이있어. G: Where is the hairbrush? 머리빗은어디에있니? B: It s under the chair. 그건의자밑에있어. There is a mirror on the table. 거울은테이블위에있습니다. There is a hairbrush under the chair. 머리빗은의자밑에있습니다. Q. Jenny s key is under the backpack. 제니의열쇠는배낭밑에있다. 23

Let's READ 나는내물건들을좋아합니다! 내안경은테이블위에있습니다. 거울은서랍장위에있습니다. 내슬리퍼는침대밑에있습니다. 나는내손안에손목시계를가지고있습니다. 컴퓨터는어디에있습니까? 그것은책장옆에있습니다. A. Listen and fill in the missing word. p. 62 p. 63 1. M: Where is the mirror? 거울은어디에있습니까? 2. W: A watch is in the backpack. 손목시계는배낭안에있습니다. 3. M: Where are my glasses? 내안경은어디에있습니까? 4. W: Slippers are under the table. 슬리퍼는테이블밑에있습니다. 5. M: There is a key on the desk. 책상위에열쇠가있습니다. 2. Where are the books? 책들은어디에있습니까? a 그것은책상위에있다. b 그것들은책상위에있다. c 그것들은배낭안에있다. d 그것은책상아래에있다. D. Listen and choose the best response. B Do you have a hairbrush? 너머리빗가지고있니? G Yes, I do. 응, 가지고있어. B Where is it? 어디있어? G a Yes, there is. 응, 있어. b They re in the dresser. 그것들은서랍장안에있어. c It s in the dresser. 그것은서랍장안에있어. d No, it isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. a G: Where are the glasses? 안경은어디에있니? B: They re in my hand. 그것은내손안에있어. b G: Where are the slippers? 슬리퍼는어디에있니? B: They re in the wardrobe. 그것은옷장안에있어. c B: Where are my glasses? 내안경은어디에있니? G: They re on the table. 그것은테이블위에있어. d B: Where are the slippers? 슬리퍼는어디에있니? G: They re under the bed. 그것은침대밑에있어. C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. G What s in your backpack? 네배낭에무엇이있니? B There are pencils in my backpack. 내배낭안에연필들이있어. G Where are your books? 너의책들은어디에있니? B They re on the desk. 그것들은책상위에있어. 1. Where are the pencils? 연필들은어디에있습니까? a 그것은배낭안에있다. b 그것은책상위에있다. c 그것들은책상아래에있다. d 그것들은배낭안에있다. 24

Unit 09 He s a Teacher. Word Check SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Dialogs A. Look and listen. p. 65 B Who s that? 저분은누구야? G He s my father. 나의아버지야. B What does he do? 무슨일을하시니? G He s a doctor. 의사셔. G Is your mom an artist? 너의엄마는화가시니? B No, she isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G What does she do? 무슨일을하시니? B She s a cook. 요리사셔. Answers A 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d B 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b C 1. O 2. X I A 1. a 2. b B c C teacher, police officer A 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b B b C 1. c 2. d D a M What do you do? 당신은무슨일을하십니까? W I m a police officer. How about you? 저는경찰관입니다. 당신은요? M I m a firefighter. 저는소방관입니다. A. Listen and match. 1. M: police officer 경찰관 2. W: cook 요리사 3. M: artist 화가 4. W: firefighter 소방관 5. M: doctor 의사 1. G: What does your uncle do? 너의삼촌은무슨일을하시니? B: My uncle is an artist. 나의삼촌은화가셔. 2. G: What does she do? 그녀는무슨일을하니? B: She s a teacher. 그녀는선생님이야. p. 66 3. M: What do you do? 당신은무슨일을합니까? W: I m a police officer. 나는경찰관입니다. 4. M: What does he do? 그는무슨일을합니까? W: He s a cook. 그는요리사입니다. 25

C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. B: Judy, who is she? 주디, 그녀는누구야? G: She s my sister. 나의언니야. B: What does she do? 그녀는무슨일을하니? G: She s a student. 학생이야. Q. Judy s sister is a student. 주디의언니는학생입니다. 2. G: Danny, is your father a teacher? 대니, 너의아버지는선생님이시니? B: No, he isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G: What does he do? 무슨일을하시니? B: He s a doctor. 그는의사셔. Q. Danny s father is a teacher. 대니의아버지는선생님입니다. I A. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. B: Who s that tall woman? 저기키큰여자는누구니? G: She s my aunt. 그녀는나의이모야. B: What does she do? 그녀는무슨일을하시니? G: She s an artist. 화가야. 2. W: What s your name? 이름이무엇입니까? M: My name is Sam. 저는샘입니다. W: What do you do? 당신은무슨일을하십니까? M: I m a cook. 저는요리사입니다. B: My father is an artist and my mother is a cook. My uncle is a doctor and my aunt is a teacher. 나의아버지는화가이고나의어머니는요리사입니다. 나의삼촌은의사이고나의이모는선생님입니다. Q. 그의삼촌의직업은무엇인가요? C. Listen and write. p. 67 B: Who are they? 그들은누구니? G: They re my parents. 그들은나의부모님이셔. B: What do they do? 그들은무슨일을하시니? G: My mother is a teacher and my father is a police officer. 나의어머니는선생님이고나의아버지는경찰관이셔. My mother is a teacher. 나의어머니는선생님입니다. My father is a police officer. 나의아버지는경찰관입니다. Let's READ 나는학생입니다. 이분은나의아버지입니다. 그는의사입니다. 이분은나의어머니입니다. 그녀는화가입니다. 이분은나의형입니다. 그는소방관입니다. 나는톰입니다. 나는학생입니다. 나의누나는무슨일을하냐고요? 그녀는사무원입니다. A. Listen and fill in the missing word. 1. M: Is your uncle a police officer? 당신의삼촌은경찰관입니까? 2. W: My aunt is a cook. 나의이모는요리사입니다. 3. M: Are you an artist? 당신은화가입니까? 4. W: She s a doctor. 그녀는의사입니다. 5. M: My mother is a teacher. 나의어머니는선생님입니다. G: Who s that man? 저남자는누구야? B: He s my brother. 그는나의형이야. G: What does he do? 그는무슨일을하니? B: He s a teacher. 그는선생님이야. p. 68 p. 69 C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. W Are you Jenny s father? 당신은제니의아버지입니까? M Yes, I am. 네, 그렇습니다. W What do you do? 당신은무슨일을하십니까? M I m a firefighter. 저는소방관입니다. 1. 남자는누구인가요? a Jenny 제니 b Jenny s mother 제니의어머니 c Jenny s father 제니의아버지 d Jenny s teacher 제니의선생님 2. 그는무슨일을하나요? a cook 요리사 b student 학생 c doctor 의사 d firefighter 소방관 26

D. Listen and choose the best response. G Who is she? 그녀는누구야? B She s my aunt. 그녀는내이모야. G What does she do? 그녀는무슨일을하시니? B a She s an artist. 그녀는화가야. b No, she doesn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. c He s a police officer. 그는경찰관이야. d Yes, she does. 응, 그녀는그래. Review Test 3 Unit 07 ~ Unit 09 Answers A 5-6-2-4-1-3 B 1. watch 2. slippers 3. key 4. mirror 5. glasses 6. hairbrush C 1. doctor 2. firefighter 3. office worker 4. student 5. artist 6. cook D 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b E 1. c 2. d 3. b F 1. b 2. b G 1. d 2. d H 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c I 1. c 2. d SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION A. Listen and number the words. 1. M: lamp 램프 2. W: bookcase 책장 3. M: chair 의자 4. W: dresser 서랍장 5. M: bed 침대 6. W: sofa 소파 B. Listen, circle and write the right word. 1. M: watch 손목시계 2. W: slippers 슬리퍼 3. M: key 열쇠 4. W: mirror 거울 5. M: glasses 안경 6. W: hairbrush 머리빗 C. Listen, find the right word and write. 1. M: doctor 의사 2. W: firefighter 소방관 3. M: office worker 사무원 4. W: student 학생 5. M: artist 화가 6. W: cook 요리사 pp. 70-73 27

D. Listen and check the right sentence. 1. M: a There is a table in the living room. 거실에테이블이있다. b There is a lamp in the living room. 거실에램프가있다. 2. W: a There are beds. 침대들이있다. b There is a bed. 침대하나가있다. 3. M: a There are sofas in the dining room. 식당에소파들이있다. b There are chairs in the dining room. 식당에의자들이있다. 4. W: a There is a bookcase. 책장이있다. b There isn t a bookcase. 책장이없다. c The glasses are on the chair. 안경은의자위에있어요. d The glasses are on the backpack. 안경은배낭위에있어요. F. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. B: Who s that? 저사람은누구야? G: He s my uncle. 그는나의삼촌이야. B: What does he do? 그는직업이뭐야? G: He s an artist. 그는화가야. 2. G: Is your mother a teacher? 너의어머니는선생님이시니? B: No, she isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G: What does she do? 무슨일을하시니? B: She s a cook. 그녀는요리사야. 5. M: a There is a wardrobe in the room. 방에옷장이있다. b There is a desk in the room. 방에책상이있다. 6. W: a There is a chair. 의자가있다. b There is a dresser. 서랍장이있다. E. Listen and choose the right sentence. 1. W: Where is the mirror? 거울은어디에있나요? B: a The mirror is under the table. 거울은테이블밑에있어요. b The mirror is in the backpack. 거울은배낭안에있어요. c The mirror is on the table. 거울은테이블위에있어요. d The mirror is on the dresser. 거울은서랍장위에있어요. 2. W: Where are the keys? 열쇠들은어디에있나요? B: a The keys are on the table. 열쇠들은테이블위에있어요. b The keys are on the sofa. 열쇠들은소파위에있어요. c The keys are under the chair. 열쇠들은의자밑에있어요. d The keys are under the desk. 열쇠들은책상밑에있어요. 3. W: Where are the glasses? 안경은어디에있나요? B: a The glasses are on the bed. 안경은침대위에있어요. b The glasses are in the backpack. 안경은배낭안에있어요. G. Listen and choose the right answer. B What s in your room? 너의방에는무엇이있니? G There is a desk. 책상이있어. B Is there a bed in your room? 너의방에는침대가있니? G No, there isn t. There is a wardrobe. There is a lamp too. 아니, 없어. 옷장이있어. 램프도있고. 1. 소녀의방에없는것은무엇인가요? a 옷장 b 램프 c 책상 d 침대 G Where are my slippers, Dad? 아빠, 내슬리퍼는어디에있어요? M They re under the sofa. 소파밑에있단다. G No, they are not. 아니요, 없는데요. M Oh! They re under the table. 아! 그것들은테이블밑에있구나. 2. 소녀의슬리퍼는어디에있나요? a 소파밑에있다. b 배낭안에있다. c 테이블위에있다. d 테이블밑에있다. H. Listen and choose the best response. 1. M: Are you a teacher? 당신은선생님이신가요? W: Yes, I am. What about you? 네, 그래요. 당신은요? What do you do? 직업이뭐예요? a 그것은테이블위에있어요. b 난사무원이에요. c 난행복해요. d 그녀는선생님이에요. 28

2. G: There is a big table in the dining room. 식당에큰테이블이있어. B: Are there chairs in the dining room? 식당에의자들이있니? d B: Is there a dresser in the living room? 그거실에는서랍장이있니? G: No, they aren t. 아니, 그것들은그렇지않아. a 응, 있어. b 응, 그것은그래. c 아니, 그것들은그렇지않아. d 아니, 그것은그렇지않아. 3. B: What s in your room? 너의방에는무엇이있니? G: There is a bed. 침대가있어. B: Do you have a wardrobe in your room? 너의방에는옷장이있니? a 그것은책상옆에있어. b 천만에. c 이것은내배낭이야. d 아니, 가지고있지않아. Unit 10 I Wake Up at 7. Word Check 4. G: Do you have a hairbrush? 넌머리빗이있니? B: Yes, I do. 응, 그래. G: Where is it? 그건어디에있니? a 이것은내새셔츠야. b 그것들은배낭안에있어. c 그것은서랍안에있어. d 그녀는침실에있어. I. Listen and choose the incorrect dialog. 1. a G: What does she do? 그녀는무슨일을하니? B: She s a police officer. 그녀는경찰관이야. b G: How many lamps do you have? 너는몇개의램프를가지고있니? B: I have two lamps in my room. 나는나의방에두개의램프를가지고있어. c G: Is your brother a firefighter? 너의형은소방관이니? B: Yes, I am. 응, 난그래. d G: What s in her room? 그녀의방에는무엇이있니? B: She has a bed. 그녀는침대를가지고있어. 2. a B: Does he have a watch? 그는손목시계를가지고있니? G: Yes, he does. 응, 그래. b B: Are there slippers in the living room? 거실에는슬리퍼가있니? G: No, there aren t. 아니, 없어. c B: Where is the hairbrush? 머리빗은어디에있니? G: It s in the bathroom. 그것은화장실에있어. Answers A 4-1-3-2-5 B 1. True 2. False 2. True 2. True C 1. X 2. O I A 1. b 2. c B c C eat dinner, come home A 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. e 5. b B b C 1. a 2. d D c 29

SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Dialogs A. Look and listen. p. 75 G Do you wake up at 7? 너는 7시에일어나니? B Yes, I do. I wake up at 7. 응, 그래. 나는 7시에일어나. G What time do you go to sleep? 너는몇시에자니? B I go to sleep at 10. 10시에잠자리에들어. B When do you go to school? 너는언제학교에가니? G I go to school at 8. 나는 8시에학교에가. B When do you come home? 너는언제집에와? G I come home at 3:30. 나는 3시 30분에집에와. G What time do you eat lunch? 너몇시에점심먹니? B I eat lunch at 12. 나는 12시에점심을먹어. G Let s eat lunch together. 우리점심같이먹자. C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. G: Chris, do you go to school at 9? 크리스, 너 9시에학교에가니? B: No, I don t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G: What time do you go to school? 너몇시에학교에가니? B: I go to school at 8:30. 나는 8시 30분에학교에가. Q. Chris goes to school at 9. 크리스는 9시에학교에갑니다. 2. B: Mom, I m hungry. 엄마, 저배고파요. What time do we eat dinner? 우리몇시에저녁먹어요? W: We eat dinner at 7. 우리는 7시에저녁을먹어. B: Okay. 알았어요. Q. They eat dinner at 7. 그들은 7시에저녁을먹습니다. I p. 77 A. Listen and choose. A. Listen and number. 1. M: come home 집에오다 2. W: wake up 일어나다 3. M: eat breakfast 아침을먹다 4. W: go to sleep 잠자리에들다 5. M: go to school 학교에가다 B. Listen and check True or False. p. 76 1. G: What time do you go to school? 너는몇시에학교에가니? B: I go to school at 9. 나는 9시에학교에가. 2. B: When do you go to sleep? 너는언제잠자리에드니? G: I go to sleep at 11. 나는 11시에잠자리에들어. 3. B: What time does she wake up? 그녀는몇시에일어나니? G: She wakes up at 8:30. 그녀는 8시 30분에일어나. 4. B: When do they eat lunch? 그들은언제점심을먹니? G: They eat lunch at 12. 그들은 12시에점심을먹어. 1. B: Sue, when do you go to school? 수, 너는언제학교에가니? G: I go to school at 9. 나는 9시에학교에가. B: Let s go together. 우리같이가자. G: Okay. 알았어. 2. W: Fred, it s late. 프레드, 시간이늦었구나. B: What time is it now? 지금몇시인데요? W: It s 10 o clock. 10시란다. B: Oh, I go to sleep at 10. Good night, Mom. 아, 저는 10시에자요. 안녕히주무세요. 엄마. G: I wake up at 7 and I eat lunch at 12:30. I go to sleep at 10. 나는 7시에일어나고 12시 30분에점심을먹습니다. 나는 10시에잠자리에듭니다. Q. 그녀는언제점심을먹나요? C. Listen and write. B: Mom, when do we eat dinner? 엄마, 우리저녁언제먹어요? W: We eat dinner at 7. What time do you come home? 우리는저녁을 7시에먹는단다. 너몇시에집에오니? B: I come home at 5. 저는 5시에집에와요. W: Okay. See you! 알았다. 이따보자! 30

We eat dinner at 7. 우리는저녁을 7시에먹습니다. I come home at 5. 나는 5시에집에옵니다. Let's READ 나의일과나는 7시에일어납니다. 나는 7시 30분에아침을먹습니다. 내남동생과나는 8시에학교에갑니다. 우리는 12시에점심을먹습니다. 우리는 3시에집에옵니다. 나는 9시에잠자리에듭니다. 나는언제숙제를하냐고요? 나는 4시에숙제를합니다. p. 78 p. 79 1. What time does Tom wake up? 톰은몇시에일어납니까? a 8시 b 8시 30분 c 9시 d 9시 30분 2. What time does Tom go to sleep? 톰은몇시에잠자리에듭니까? a 8시 b 8시 30분 c 9시 d 9시 30분 D. Listen and choose the best response. G Do you eat breakfast at 9? 너 9시에아침먹니? B No, I don t. 아니, 그렇지않아. G When do you eat breakfast? 너언제아침먹니? B a I eat lunch at 12. 나는 12시에점심을먹어. b I eat dinner at 6. 나는 6시에저녁을먹어. c I eat breakfast at 8:30. 나는 8시 30분에아침을먹어. d Yes, I do. 응, 그래. A. Listen and fill in the missing word. 1. M: When do you go to sleep? 당신은언제잠자리에듭니까? 2. W: I wake up at 6:30. 나는 6시 30분에일어납니다. 3. M: What time do you go to school? 당신은몇시에학교에갑니까? 4. W: Do you come home at 3? 당신은 3시에집에옵니까? 5. M: We eat breakfast at 8:30. 우리는 8시 30분에아침을먹습니다. a G: When do you wake up? 너언제일어나니? B: I wake up at 9. 나는 9시에일어나. b G: What time do you eat dinner? 너몇시에저녁먹니? B: I eat dinner at 7. 나는 7시에저녁먹어. c G: Do you go to school at 8:30? 너는 8시 30분에학교에가니? B: Yes, I do. 응, 그래. d G: When do you come home? 너언제집에오니? B: I come home at 3:30. 나는 3시 30분에집에와. C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. G Tom, what time do you wake up? 톰, 너몇시에일어나니? B I wake up at 8. 나는 8시에일어나. G When do you go to sleep? 너언제잠자리에드니? B I go to sleep at 9:30. 나는 9시 30분에잠자리에들어. 31

Unit 11 I m Going to the Library. Word Check SCRIPTS & TRANSLATION Dialogs A. Look and listen. p. 81 B Hi, Susan! 안녕, 수잔! Where are you going? 너어디가고있니? G I m going to the library. 나도서관에가고있어. B Oh, I m going to the library too. 아, 나도도서관에가고있어. G Are you going to the park? 너공원에가고있니? B Yes, I am. 응, 그래. Answers A 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b B 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b C 1. O 2. O Where are you going? 너는어디가니? G I m going to the movie theater. 나는영화관에가고있어. B Is she going to the restaurant? 그녀는음식점에가고있니? G No, she isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. B Where is she going? 그녀는어디에가고있니? G She s going to the hospital. 그녀는병원에가고있어. I A 1. a 2. b B c C library, movie theater A 1. e 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. a B b C 1. c 2. b D d A. Listen and match. 1. M: hospital 병원 2. W: restaurant 음식점 3. M: movie theater 영화관 4. W: park 공원 5. M: library 도서관 p. 82 1. M: Where are you going? 당신은어디에가고있습니까? W: I m going to the supermarket. 나는슈퍼마켓에가고있습니다. 2. M: Where are you going? 당신은어디에가고있습니까? W: I m going to the library. 나는도서관에가고있습니다. 3. M: Is he going to the park? 그는공원에가고있습니까? W: No, he isn t. He s going to the movie theater. 아니요, 그렇지않아요. 그는영화관에가고있습니다. 4. M: Where is she going? 그녀는어디에가고있습니까? W: She s going to the restaurant. 그녀는음식점에가고있습니다. 32

C. Listen and circle O or X. 1. B: Sarah, are you going to the park? 새라, 너공원에가고있니? G: Yes, I am. Matt, where are you going? 응, 그래. 맷, 너는어디가고있니? B: I m going to the library. 나는도서관에가고있어. G: Oh, I see. 아, 그렇구나. Q. Sarah is going to the park. 새라는공원에가고있습니다. 2. G: Eric, where are you going? 에릭, 너어디가고있니? B: I m going to the movie theater. How about you, Tina? 나는영화관에가고있어. 티나, 너는? G: I m going to the hospital. 나는병원에가고있어. The boy is going to the library. 소년은도서관에가고있습니다. The girl is going to the movie theater. 소녀는영화관에가고있습니다. Let's READ 우리는공원에갑니다. 제니는도서관에가고있습니다. 톰은병원에가고있습니다. 수잔은영화관에가고있습니다. 나의엄마는슈퍼마켓에가고있습니다. 나의가족은음식점에가고있습니다. p. 84 Q. Eric is going to the movie theater. 에릭은영화관에가고있습니다. 나는어디에가냐고요? 나는동물원에가고있습니다. I p. 83 p. 85 A. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. B: Mom, are you going to the supermarket? 엄마, 슈퍼마켓에가세요? W: Yes, I am. 응, 그래. B: Let s go together. 우리같이가요. W: Sure. 물론이지. 2. B: Susan, where are you going? 수잔, 너어디가고있니? G: I m going to the restaurant. 나는음식점에가고있어. B: I m going there too. 나도거기가고있어. G: What do you want? 무엇을원하니? B: I want pizza. 나는피자를원해. B: I wake up at 7 and I m going to school. My brother eats breakfast at 9 and he goes to the park. 나는 7시에일어나고학교에가고있습니다. 나의남동생은 9시에아침을먹고공원에갑니다. Q. 나는어디에가고있나요? A. Listen and fill in the missing word. 1. M: We re going to the restaurant. 우리들은음식점에가고있습니다. 2. W: Are you going to the library? 당신은도서관에가고있습니까? 3. M: She s going to the movie theater. 그녀는영화관에가고있습니다. 4. W: He s going to the park. 그는공원에가고있습니다. 5. M: Are they going to the hospital? 그들은병원에가고있습니까? B: Grace, are you going to the movie theater? 그레이스, 너영화관에가고있니? G: Yes, I am. How about you? 응, 그래. 너는어때? B: I m going there too. 나도거기에가. G: That s great! Let s go together. 그거잘됐다! 우리같이가자. C. Listen and write. B: Jenny, I m going to the library. Let s go together. 제니, 나도서관에가고있어. 우리같이가자. G: Sorry, I can t. 미안, 안돼. B: Where are you going? 너어디가고있니? G: I m going to the movie theater. 나는영화관에가고있어. 33

C. [1-2] Listen and answer each question. G Andy, where are you going? 앤디, 너어디가고있니? B I m going to the park. 나는공원에가고있어. G Oh, I m going there too. Can you play tennis? 아, 나도거기가고있어. 너테니스칠줄아니? B Yes, I can. Let s play tennis! 응, 칠수있어. 우리테니스치자! Unit 12 I m Reading a Book. Word Check 1. 그들은어디에가고있나요? a school 학교 b library 도서관 c park 공원 d supermarket 슈퍼마켓 2. 그는어떤운동을할수있나요? a soccer 축구 b tennis 테니스 c swim 수영 d baseball 야구 D. Listen and choose the best response. Answers B Is she going to the supermarket? 그녀는슈퍼마켓에가고있니? G No, she isn t. 아니, 그렇지않아. B Where is she going? 그녀는어디에가고있니? G A 1. a 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. c B 2-1-4-3 C 1. X 2. O a I m going to the hospital. 나는병원에가고있어. b Yes, she is. 응, 그녀는그래. c We re going to the library. 우리는도서관에가고있어. d She is going to the restaurant. 그녀는음식점에가. I A 1. True 2. False B a C studying English, listening to music A 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b B c C 1. a 2. d D a 34