외국인유학생보험 Q & A 외국인유학생보험가입종류외국인유학생에대한건강의료보험혜택을받을수있는사보험또는국민건강보험가입가능 부산대유학생단체보험 1. Q: 보험번호를모르고있는데진료를받을수있나요? A: 간혹이메일계정으로보험카드를수령못할경우가있습니다. 하지만, 카드수령여부와상관없이보험보장기간에는보험보상처리를요구할수있습니다. 2. Q: 병원에서보험가입되어있는지문의하는데보험가입되어있는지어떻게확인하나요? A: 부산대유학생단체보험은동부화재인바운드유학생보험이며사보험입니다. 현재협약중인대동병원이외에기타병원에서보험가입은조회안됩니다. 보험가입여부를확인하시려면동부화재에게문의부탁드립니다. 병원에서조회가능한보험은사보험이아닌국민건강보험입니다. 3. Q: 대동병원이외에, 다른병원에서진료를받을수있나요? A: 진료병원에제한이없습니다. 단, 대동병원제외한타병원을방문시, 전액지불후보험보상신청해야됩니다. 보험청구방법은 [ 첨부 1] 참조부탁드립니다. 4. Q: 치료받기전에보험보상비용을알수있나요? A: 환자상태및진료과목이다르기때문에진료받기전에는알수없습니다. - 1 -
5. Q: 단체보험가입된유학생은해외여행중상해혹은질병시보상청구 가능한가요? A: 유학생단체보험은해외여행에적용안되어여행보험을반드시가입 6. 한후에출국하셔야됩니다. 교환학생으로파견될경우미리해외여행보험을신청필요. 또한, 보험증서를 insurance@pusan.ac.kr 로제출권장 Q: 타보험가입, 졸업, 등록포기, 휴학등경우보험료환급받을수있나 요? A: 보험해지에따른환급신청은아래와같이실시하고있습니다. - 이메일로신청 : insurance@pusan.ac.kr 로학번, 이름, 휴학일자 ( 해당자 ), 은행명및계좌번호와통장사본제출 - 환급금액 : 보험회사의환급처리법에따름 - 환급조건 : [ 첨부 2] 참고 7. Q: 복학한학생은어떻게단체보험신청하나요? A: 복학한학생은등록금납부기간에보험료납부가능합니다. 학생지원시스템홈페이지 (http://e-onestop.pusan.ac.kr) 에서보험료고지서출력후보험료납부하시면됩니다. 출력이안될경우, 유학생지원센터방문하여고지서발급신청하거나이메일 (insurance@pusan.ac.kr) 로발송신청 ( 반드시학번기재 ) 8. Q: 수료후연구생은어떻게단체보험신청하나요? A: 수료후연구생중 1년체류예정인학생도 1학기보험가입만가능합니다. 수료후연구생등록기간과보험가입가간이달라서대외교류본부홈페이지 (www.international.pusan.ac.kr) 에서 보험가입안내문 을확인필요 고지서출력방법 : 학생지원시스템 - 등록 - 등록금고지서출력 - 외국인유학생보험료고지서출력 - 2 -
국민건강보험 가입자가부담하는보험료를기금으로, 의료서비스가필요한때에보험 지급이받아들여지는것으로, 가입자간리스크를분담하여의료서비스가 제공되는제도이다. 1. 주관 : 한국정부 ( 국민건강보험공단 ) 2. 가입대상 : 학부생, 대학원생, 연구원 본인외가족도가입가능 3. 가입시기 : 최근입국일로부터 90 일이후 유학생일경우, 한국입국날짜로등록가능 4. 가입수속 : 관할지역소재공단지사를통해신청 5. 보험료 : 약 50,000 원 / 월 유학생일경우, 보험료 50% 경감 6. 외국인의보험수혜는한국국민과똑같이적용 7. 부산금정지사위치 : 부산광역시금정구중앙대로 1925( 금정타워 16 층 ) 지하철 1 호선두실역 1 번출구인근 8. 문의 : 1577-1000( 전국공통 ), 82-33-811-2000( 영어 ) 9. 홈페이지 : www.nhic.or.kr - 3 -
학생의료공제회비 1. Q: 학생의료공제회비는무엇인가요? A: 학생의료공제회는질병또는부상으로치료받는부산대학교재학생에게치료비일부를지원하기위한학생복지제도입니다. 2. Q: 이미보험을가입되어있는유학생인데학생의료공제회비는반드시납부해야되나요? A: 기존보험에가입여부와상관없이부산대재학생이면학생의료공제회비를납부한것을권장합니다. 단, 환불을희망하거나자퇴등으로반환사유발생시환불혹은반환은가능합니다. 자세한방법은 학생지원시스템 -대학생활- 학생의료공제회 참고부탁드립니다. 3. Q: 학생의료공제어떻게가입하되나요? A: 학생의료공제는학기단위로납부하며학기당비용은 3,000원입니다. 2017년 8월부터등록금과합산되어같이납부가능합니다. 4. Q: 학생의료공제어떻게받을수있나요? A: 학생의료공제는보험회사관계없이지급됩니다. 혜택받은방법은아래와같습니다. 1 학생지원시스템온라인신청 : 대학생활 학생의료공제회 급여신청및확인 2 제출서류 - 진단서또는진료확인서 1부, 진료비계산서영수증 ( 병원발급원본 ) 1부 - 진료비영수증중약값, 의료보조기를구입하기위해지출한영수증 내역서필히제출, 내역서없는영수증및카드영수증은인정안됨 진료비용은 3 만원초과시신청가능하면한학기에한번에한해신청가능. 3제출처 : 본관 2층학생과 051-510-1271-4 -
보상처리절차 1. 병원혹은약국에서반드시영수증을발급받아야한다. - 단치료비가 10 만원이상이면병원에서 초진기록지 도받아야함. 2. 받은영수증과외국인등록증을스캔한다. 3. 이메일에본인명의로된통장계좌번호와어디가아파서병원을갔는지를적는다. 4. 스캔받은영수증과외국인등록증과함께담당자에게메일을보낸다.( 휴대폰번호도남길것 ) 언어별보험담당자 언어 담당자 전화번호 이메일주소 중국어 이은선 080-088-0077 baoxiangongsi@gmail.com 영어 박원일 080-116-4949 aigrookie@naver.com 한국어및기타언어 박원일 010-2537-4495 aigrookie@naver.com Claim Procedure 1. You should take a receipt from a hospital or drug store. - You have to take a medical record( 초진기록지 ) if the medical expenses is over 100,000. 2. Scan those documents. 3. Please write down your bank account number and symptom on email. 4. Email your scanning documents to an insurance manager and leave phone number also. Language Name Tel Email-Address Chinese Eun Seon Lee 080-088-0077 baoxiangongsi@gmail.com English Wonil Park 080-116-4949 aigrookie@naver.com Korean and others Wonil Park 010-2537-4495 aigrookie@naver.com 赔偿金申请方法 1, 请妥善保管医院或药店收据 - 医疗费用超过 10 万韩元时, 需向医院索要初诊病历 ( 诊断书 ) 2, 准备收据, 外国人登录证和存折的扫描件 3,E-MAIL 中需记载手机号码, 并仔细描述病情 保险公司职员表 语言 负责人 电话 邮箱 汉语 이은선 080-088-0077 baoxiangongsi@gmail.com 英语 박원일 080-116-4949 aigrookie@naver.com 韩国语或其他 박원일 010-2537-4495 aigrookie@naver.com - 5 -
유학생단체보험비환불및반환안내 1. 적용대상 환불 학기중보험해지희망하는경우 보험자격이상실됨 반환 학기시작전에반환사유발생시 2. 지급기준 : 보험사의환급처리에따름 3. 신청시간및처리과정 4. 환불및반환절차 - 6 -
Insurance for International student Q & A Type of Insurance for international student International students can apply for a private insurance or national health insurance in Korea. PNU international Student group insurance 1. Q: Can I receive treatment if I do not know insurance ID? A: Sometimes you can not receive insurance card via e-mail. However, you can apply for the insurance claim during the insurance period regardless of whether you have received the insurance card or not. 2. Q: How can I check whether I have joined the insurance or not in the hospital? A: PNU group insurance is one private inbound insurance item of DB Insurance. Except Daedong Hospital which is in cooperative relationship with PNU, you cannot check your insurance membership in other hospitals. Please contact the DB Department for confirmation of your insurance membership. * The type of insurance you can check in the hospital is not the private insurance, but the national health insurance. 3. Q: Can I receive medical treatment in other hospitals except Daedong Hospital? A: There is no limit for the hospital where you can receive medical treatment. However, if you visit other hospitals, you need to apply for insurance cliam after you pay for the medical treatment. * Please refer to the appendix 1 for the method of applying insurance. 4. Q: Can I check the insurance coverage costs before I receive treatment? A: Because of the difference in patient s condition and diagnosis, you are not able to check the insurance coverage. - 7 -
5. Q: Are students with PNU group insurance able to request compensation for injuries or disease during oversea travel? A: Since group insurance does not cover oversea travel, students should apply for travel insurance before going abroad. * Students who will go abroad as exchange students need to apply travel insurance in advance and then send the certificate of travel insurance to insurance@pusan.ac.kr. 6. Q: Can I get an insurance refund if I graduate, buy other insurance, leave or drop a registration? A: The methods of application of insurance refund can be carried out as follows. - Application by email: Submit student number, name, date of absence, bank name and bank account number and bank account by e-mail to insurance@pusan.ac.kr - Refund amount: it depends on the rule of the insurance company - Please refer appendix 2 for Refund date and process. 7. Q: How does re-enrolled students apply for insurance? A: Re-enrolled students are able to pay insurance fee during the period of registration payment. After printing out the bill of payment through the webpage (http://e-onestop.pusan.ac.kr), you can pay insurance fee. * In the case of the printing is not allowed, please visit the International Student Center and apply for the bill or apply by e-mail with your student number to insurance@pusan.ac.kr 8. Q: How does a diploma&ph.d candidates apply for the insurance? A: Diploma&Ph.D candidates who will stay one year should register per semester. The date of insurance payment differs from the payment of registration fee. Please refer to the homepage of PNU International for insurance guidelines. * The method of printing the bill is as following: Student Support System - Registration Print out the bill of tuition fee - overseas student insurance invoice printing - 8 -
National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) NHIS is the system aiming to improve public health and promote social security by insurance fee payment for disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery or injury. The system also shares the burden among insured persons and the beneficiaries of the medical services. 1. Management Agency: NHIS(National Health Insurance Service) 2. Subject: Undergraduates, Graduates, Researchers 3. Date of Acquisition of Eligibility: 3 months after the entry(last entry date) to Korea From the date of entry to Korea when it is clear that the purpose is to reside in Korea for more than 3 months for study 4. How to Apply: Please visit the nearest NHIS branch office 5. Contributions: Approximately KRW50,000 for per month In the case of studying abroad: 50% reduced 6. Foreigners are entitled to the same insurance benefits as Korean citizens. 7. Location of NHIS Geumjeong Branch: 16 th Floor of Geumjeong Tower, 1925, Chung-Ang dae-ro, Geumjeong-gu, Busan 051-580-8120 (Subway Line No.1, Dusil Station( 두실역 ) Exit 1) 8. Contact: 1577-1000(Whole Korea), 82-33-811-2000(for English service) 9. Homepage: www.nhic.or.kr - 9 -
Students Deduction of Medical Expenses Fee 1. Q: What is students deduction of medical expenses fee? A: It is a student welfare system which can compensate portion of medical costs for PNU students. 2. Q: Do international students who already have insurance also have to pay students deduction of medical expenses fee? A: Students in PNU are advised to pay students deduction of medical expenses fee no matter they have already joined insurance or not. Students who want to get refund out of personal reasons or dropout, please refer to notices through 학생지원시스템 대학생활 학생의료공제회 in http://e-onestop.pnu.ac.kr 3. Q: How can students apply for students deduction of medical expenses fee? A: It costs 3,000 won for each semester. From August of 2017 on, it can be paid with tuition fee. 4. Q: How can students receive the compensation? A: Students deduction of medical expenses system would compensate students for their loss regardless of their participation of insurance. The methods are shown as following: 1 Make a request online at http://e-onestop.pnu.ac.kr 대학생활 학생의료공제회 급여신청및확인 2 Required Documents - Doctor s note (diagnosis or consultation) - Receipts of treatment fee and pharmacy fee 3 Where to submit: Student Office(Main Administration Building, 2 nd floor) 051-510-1271-10 -
[Appendix 1] 보상처리절차 1. 병원혹은약국에서반드시영수증을발급받아야한다. - 단치료비가 10 만원이상이면병원에서 초진기록지 도받아야함. 2. 받은영수증과외국인등록증을스캔한다. 3. 이메일에본인명의로된통장계좌번호와어디가아파서병원을갔는지를적는다. 4. 스캔받은영수증과외국인등록증과함께담당자에게메일을보낸다.( 휴대폰번호도남길것 ) 언어별보험담당자 언어 담당자 전화번호 이메일주소 중국어 이은선 080-088-0077 baoxiangongsi@gmail.com 영어 박원일 080-116-4949 aigrookie@naver.com 한국어및기타언어 박원일 010-2537-4495 aigrookie@naver.com Claim Procedure 1. You should take a receipt from a hospital or drug store. - You have to take a medical record( 초진기록지 ) if the medical expenses is over 100,000. 2. Scan those documents. 3. Please write down your bank account number and symptom on email. 4. Email your scanning documents to an insurance manager and leave phone number also. Language Name Tel Email-Address Chinese Eun Seon Lee 080-088-0077 baoxiangongsi@gmail.com English Wonil Park 080-116-4949 aigrookie@naver.com Korean and others Wonil Park 010-2537-4495 aigrookie@naver.com 赔偿金申请方法 1, 请妥善保管医院或药店收据 - 医疗费用超过 10 万韩元时, 需向医院索要初诊病历 ( 诊断书 ) 2, 准备收据, 外国人登录证和存折的扫描件 3,E-MAIL 中需记载手机号码, 并仔细描述病情 保险公司职员表 语言 负责人 电话 邮箱 汉语 이은선 080-088-0077 baoxiangongsi@gmail.com 英语 박원일 080-116-4949 aigrookie@naver.com 韩国语或其他 박원일 010-2537-4495 aigrookie@naver.com - 11 -
[Appendix 2] 1. Object 2. Payment Standard : 3. Application & Process 4. Procedures of Refund and Return - 12 -
外国人留学生保险答疑 外国人留学生加入保险种类 外国人留学生可以加入有健康医疗保险优惠的私人保险或者国民健康保险 釜山大学留学生团体保险 釜山大学留学生团体保险是指东部火灾入境留学生保险, 是一种私人保险 1. Q: 没有保险卡也可以接受治疗吗? A: 加入保险后的一个月内保险公司会通过邮箱发送保险卡和索赔指南 若未能收到, 请直接向保险公司咨询 只要是在保险期限内, 没有保险卡也不影响申请保险赔偿 2. Q: 医院方面如果咨询是否加入保险, 要怎么确认? A: 现在除了与釜山大学建立合作关系的大同医院以外, 其它医院无法查询保险的加入情况 如果想要确认保险加入与否, 请直接咨询东部火灾保险公司 医院里可以查询的保险是国民健康保险, 并非个人保险 3. Q: 除了大东医院以外, 可以在其他医院接受治疗吗? A: 接受治疗的医院是不受限制的 但是除了大东医院以外, 在其他医院接受治疗后, 请先全额支付再申请保险赔偿 保险申请方法请参考附件 1 4. Q: 接受治疗之前, 可以知道保险赔偿的金额吗? A: 因为患者状态以及诊疗项目不同, 在治疗之前无法获知赔偿金额 - 13 -
5. Q: 在海外旅行中受伤或是产生疾病时, 能否申请保险赔偿? A: 留学生团体保险不适用于海外旅行 出境旅行前请务必加入海外旅行保险 参与本校交换生项目的留学生, 请在出行前申请好旅游保险并将保险单据发送至 insurance@pusan.ac.kr 6. Q: 由于加入其它保险, 毕业, 休学, 退学等, 能否退出保险? A: 请按照如下步骤申请保险解除和退款 - 通过电子邮件申请 : 把学号, 姓名, 休学日期 ( 当事人 ), 银行名称以及存折号码和存折复印件发送至 insurance@pusan.ac.kr - 退款金额 : 根据公司的退款处理方法决定 - 退款条件 : 请参考附件 2 7. Q: 复学的学生如何申请团体保险? A: 复学的学生在缴纳学费期间可以缴纳保险费 在学生支援系统主页 (http://e-onestop.pusan.ac.kr) 上打印保险费缴纳单后, 即可缴纳 如无法打印, 请访问留学生支援中心或通过邮件 (insurance@pusan.ac.kr) 申请 8. Q: 结业后研究生如何申请团体保险? A: 结业后研究生的保险交纳采取学期制, 无法一次性缴纳一年的费用 结业后研究生的登录时间和保险缴纳时间不同, 请务必确认对外交流本部主页 (www.international.pusan.ac.kr) 的 " 保险指南 " 缴费单打印方法 : 学生支援系统 - 登录 - 打印学费通知单 - 打印外国留学生保险费通知单 - 14 -
国民健康保险 国民健康保险分为单位健康保险和地区健康保险 该保险是以投保人支付的保 险金作为基金, 在投保人需要治疗时用来支付, 可分担投保人的风险便于其接 受医疗服务 1. 运营机构 : 韩国政府 ( 国民健康保险公团 ) 2. 适用对象 : 本科生, 研究生, 研究员 ( 可以家庭为单位加入 ) 3. 投保时间 : 以最近的入境日期为准, 入境 90 天之后 ( 留学生入境当日即可申请 ) 4. 投保方法 : 访问管辖地所在的国民健康保险公团支社 5. 保险费 : 每月约 5 万韩元 ( 留学生享受 50% 的减免优惠 ) 6. 保障条件 : 与韩国人相同 7. 国民健康保险公团釜山金井区分社 : 釜山广域市金井区中央大道 1925 号 ( 金井大楼 16 层 ), 临近地铁一号线斗实站 ( 두실역 )1 号出口 8. 咨询 :1577-1000( 全国 ),82-33-811-2000( 英语 ) 9. 主页 :www.nhic.or.kr - 15 -
学生医疗共济会费 1. Q: 什么是学生医疗共济会费? A: 针对患有疾病或受伤的釜山大学在校生, 所提供的学生福利制度, 可用于支付一部分医疗费 2. Q: 已加入保险的留学生还需要缴纳 学生医疗共济会费吗? A: 与是否加入现有的医疗保险无关, 建议在校生缴纳 学生医疗共济会费 退学等情况出现时, 可申请退款 具体方法请参考 " 学生支援系统 - 大学生活 - 学生医疗共济会费 " 3. Q: 学生医疗会费如何参加? A: 学生医疗会费按学期交纳, 每学期的费用为 3000 韩元 自 2017 年 8 月起, 可与学费一起缴纳 4. Q: 如何获得学生医疗费用减免? A: 学生医疗费用的减免与团体保险无关, 可单独申请支付 获取减免的方法如下 1 在学生支援中心网站上申请 : 大学生活 学生医疗共济会 福利申请与确认 2 缴纳材料 - 诊断书或者诊疗确认书一张, 诊疗费用收据 ( 医院原件 ) 一张 - 诊疗费用收据中药费, 购买医疗辅助机的收据 - 必须提交费用明细, 没有明细的费用收据和银行卡收据无法得到认可 诊疗费超过 3 万韩元可以申请, 每学期限申请一次 3 提交地点 : 本馆二楼学生科 051-510-1271-16 -
附件 1 보상처리절차 1. 병원혹은약국에서반드시영수증을발급받아야한다. - 단치료비가 10 만원이상이면병원에서 초진기록지 도받아야함. 2. 받은영수증과외국인등록증을스캔한다. 3. 이메일에본인명의로된통장계좌번호와어디가아파서병원을갔는지를적는다. 4. 스캔받은영수증과외국인등록증과함께담당자에게메일을보낸다.( 휴대폰번호도남길것 ) 언어별보험담당자 언어 담당자 전화번호 이메일주소 중국어 이은선 080-088-0077 baoxiangongsi@gmail.com 영어 박원일 080-116-4949 aigrookie@naver.com 한국어및기타언어 박원일 010-2537-4495 aigrookie@naver.com Claim Procedure 1. You should take a receipt from a hospital or drug store. - You have to take a medical record( 초진기록지 ) if the medical expenses is over 100,000. 2. Scan those documents. 3. Please write down your bank account number and symptom on email. 4. Email your scanning documents to an insurance manager and leave phone number also. Language Name Tel Email-Address Chinese Eun Seon Lee 080-088-0077 baoxiangongsi@gmail.com English Wonil Park 080-116-4949 aigrookie@naver.com Korean and others Wonil Park 010-2537-4495 aigrookie@naver.com 赔偿金申请方法 1, 请妥善保管医院或药店收据 - 医疗费用超过 10 万韩元时, 需向医院索要初诊病历 ( 诊断书 ) 2, 准备收据, 外国人登录证和存折的扫描件 3,E-MAIL 中需记载手机号码, 并仔细描述病情 保险公司职员表 语言 负责人 电话 邮箱 汉语 이은선 080-088-0077 baoxiangongsi@gmail.com 英语 박원일 080-116-4949 aigrookie@naver.com 韩国语或其他 박원일 010-2537-4495 aigrookie@naver.com - 17 -
附件 2 留学生团体保险费退款以及返还通知 1. 适用对象 退款 : 学期中 ( 保险生效后 ) 希望解除保险的情况 返还 : 学期开始前 ( 保险生效前 ) 发生返还事由的情况 2. 支付条件 : 根据保险公司的退款处理基准进行 3. 申请时间及申请机构 适用对象申请时间退款 / 返还时间备注 学籍变动者 ( 毕业 ) *2018 年 2 月 23 日毕业生 : 第一次 :2018.2.14.( 周三 ) 截止 第二次 :2018.3.1.~3.16.( 周五 ) *2018 年 2 月 23 日毕业生 : 第一次 :2018.2.28.( 周三 ) 第二次 :2018.3.30.( 周五 ) 不能通过他人代理领取, 只能向本人名义下的韩国国内账户汇款 逾期申请时, 请直接向保险公司申请 退款处理时间较长, 且只能向本人名义下的韩国国内账户汇款 学籍变动者 ( 休学 / 开除学籍 ) 2018.4.23.( 周一 ) 截止申请后两周以内 不能通过他人代理领取, 只能向本人名义下的国内账户汇款 逾期申请时, 请直接向保险公司申请 退款处理时间较长, 且只能向本人名义下的韩国国内账户汇款 新生 ( 退学 / 未缴学费 ) 事由发生日起两周以内 申请后两周以内 可以代理申请 通过海外账户领取退款时, 中间手续费需由本人负担 加入其他保险者 ( 包括海外派遣生 ) 随时 申请后两周以内 不能通过他人代理领取, 只能向往本人名义下的国内账户汇款 4. 退款及返还手续 退款 / 返还申请 通过邮箱 (insurance@pusan.ac.kr) 申请 学号, 姓名, 申请事由, 本人名义的存折复印件 * 加入其他保险者需提交保险证明 退款 / 返还金 申请退款 / 返还时, 丧失该学期保险资格 - 18 -