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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의


Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you



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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370



April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습



LESSON 5 5 A 1 machine 2 exhibition 3 similar 4 popular 5 famous 6 peasant 7 complete 8 movement 9 costume 10 choose 11 cheerful 12 active 13 adventure 14 performance 15 agree 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 famous for 2 How happy 3 take place 4 On the other hand 5 similar to 1 peasant 2 simple 3 agree 4 choose 5 title 7 1 Why don t you sorry afraid doesn t he 2 Why don t you learn to play the violin? Taeho is painting flowers, isn t he? How about visiting the art gallery this weekend? 3 Let s, How What about 4 doesn t he 5 1 (1) Why don t you ~? (2) I m afraid sorry I can t. (3) 2 (1) Why don t you ~? (2) (3) How about -ing? (1) (2) (3) 3 Why don t we ~? Let s How What about -ing ~? 4 3 does doesn t Brian he A Brian B 5 is he 1 (1) who that (2) (3) which that (1) (2) (3) 2 (1) (3) How (2) Whata(n) 3 (1) a woman who that (2) Whata(n) (1) (2) 4 (1) How(2) my friend who that (3) fruits which that (1) (2) Kate (3) 5 9 1 who that which 2 How What How 3 My mother is talking with a woman who that is wearing a beautiful scarf. What a handsome man he is! 4 What How which who that who which that 5 of at for from as 10

12~13 At will for from of at like 14~15 01 02 03 How happy 04 05 06 He has a dog which that runs very fast. 07 08 09 who that which that 10 11 12 How large this pizza is! What a small dog it is! What long hair she has! 01 artist 02 be famous for 03 how How 04 A B A 05 Yes No A B 06 a dog which that 07 my brother who that 08 On the other hand The Dance in the City The Dance in the Country 09 peasants who that a dance which that The Wedding Dance in the Open Air [10 ~ 11] The Star 10 ballet dancers was were 11 The Star 12 How Whata(n) (3) hair a(n) -s David David David 16~17 01 02 How, What 03 04 05 06 07 don t you 08 for 09 10 11 didn t you won t you 01 that 02 Whata(n)

How children a(n) 03 The children makes make 04 on the other hand 05 How Whata(n) What How A B [06 ~ 07] A Kate B A B Brian A B A 06 I m afraid I can t. / I m sorry, but I can t. 07 do you don t you? [08~10] The Wedding Dance in the Open Air 08 be famous for 09 look active 10 11 be be do/does/did Jane Jane Jane 18~21 01 02 03 04 the same time as 05 06 aren t they is she 07 08 didn t you 09 10 11 I m afraid sorry I can t. 12 I m afraid sorry I can t why don t you I d love like to. That sounds good great. 13 How What 14 a kind woman (she is) 15 16 which who that who which that How What 17 that 18 19 20 21 22 23 How happy she looks! 24 Blue Dancers Degas dancers who that are wearing blue dresses 01 similar simple 02 exhibit exhibition 03 take place take classes 04 the same A as B BA 05 A B A B A B A B A B

A B 06 (1) be They aren t they? (2) be Jane is she? (1) A B (2) A Jane B 07 Sounds great. [08~09] A B A B 08 You didn t you? 09 Yes No [10 ~ 11] A B A B A B A 10 Why don t you ~? How What about -ing ~? 11 12 Why don t you ~? I d love to. That sounds good great. Brian Kate Kate Brian Kate Brian Brian Kate Brian Kate Brian Brian Kate 13 what Whata(n) a(n) 14 Whata(n) 15 which that who which that 16 (1) who that (2) which that (3) what how [17 ~ 18] 17 people or animals that 18 [19~20] The Wedding Dance in the Open Air

19 It The Wedding Dance in the Open Air 20 peasants were [21 ~ 23] 1883 The Dance in the City The Dance in the Country The Dance in the City The Dance in the Country 21 which that who that 22 On the other hand 23 How 24 title artist subject Blue Dancers 22~25 01 02 air 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Kate 10 11 12 13 14 that 15 16 17 18 He liked to paint peasants who were working or playing. 19 20 21 22 who, that 23 How happy she looks! 24 25 26 the artist who that painted Guernica a girl who that is reading a book What a wonderful painting! 01 famous 02 air in the open air into the air 03 the same A as B BA [04 ~ 05] A B A B A B 5 04 05 A B A B B B [06~07] A B A B A B A 06 will you won t you 07 I will stay in Korea. B B [08 ~ 09] Brian Kate Kate Brian Kate Brian Brian Kate Brian Kate Brian Brian Kate 08 do don t you 09 why don t you come to my brother s birthday party? Kate Brian I d love to. Brian Kate

10 How What a(n) How What flowers the flowers are 11 who that which that 12 which that which that 13 Whata(n) How What a pretty girl (she is)! 14 that [15 ~ 17] 15 it is because ~ 16 17 [18~20] The Wedding Dance in the Open Air 18 who like to 19 a dance which that 20 simple [21 ~ 23] 1883 The Dance in the City The Dance in the Country The Dance in the City The Dance in the Country 21 On the other hand Similarly 22 a couple who that 23 How [24 ~ 25] The Star 24 who ballet dancers be were 25 26 (1) (2) who that who that (3) what Whata(n)

A B C 26~29 01 (a)gree (c)ostume (c)hoose 02 What How How a happy How happy How What 03 movement excitement agreement 04 as for 05 that 06 took place Why don t good idea 07 beautiful the woman is an expensive bag it is active children they are 08 I want to buy the book which has many colorful pictures. I want to meet lots of people who can give me some advice. I see the boy and the dog that are running fast. 09 I m afraid sorry I can t / I m sorry, but I can t 10 11 is Blue Dancers who that painted who that are wearing blue dresses a wonderful painting 12 The Star, is Degas, He is famous for his paintings of ballet dancers. This painting shows ballet dancers who are moving. Degas made this painting while he was in a theater. What a beautiful painting it is! 13 This is a picture which shows my family vacation. My mother She is talking with a woman who is wearing a beautiful scarf. My father He is taking a picture of children who are smiling brightly. 14 What a tall building it is! How large the pizza is! What a small dog puppy it is! What long hair she has! 01 (1) agree (2) costume(3) choose 02 How Whata(n) (1) how (2) how a(n) (3) what 03 excite move agree -ment 04 the same A as B B A be famous for 05 people or animals that A B 06 (1) take place happen (2) How about -ing ~? Why don t you ~? (3) That sounds good great wonderful That s a good idea. 07 (1) How (2) What a(n) expensive an (3) Whata(n) children a(n) 08 who that which that that (1) the book which that (2) lots of people who that (3) the boy and the dog that (1) which (2) who (3) that (1) (2) (3) 09 I m afraid sorry I can t. I m sorry, but I can t. A B Brian A B

10 It is because many artists want to paint people or animals that are moving. 11 (1) Blue Dancers (2) (3) who that (4) 3 What a(n) Blue Dancers SPECIAL LESSON 1 31 A 1 simple 2 prepare 3 tear 4 offer 5 turn over 6 meaningless 7 repair 8 trash 9 shake 10 mistake 11 conversation 12 price 13 pay 14 carry 15 thief 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 making a mistake 2 kept talking 3 used to 4 taking care of 5 full of filled with 1 tear 2 market 3 prepare 4 fully 5 free 32 In to of with 12 Whata(n) How for of out over about of 34 The Star 13 (1) which (2) (3) who (1) (2) (3) 14 Whata(n) How (4) hair a(n) -s (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 36~37 01 02 full of 03 04 05 06 shaking 07 08 talking doing 09 TV 10 gave her a piece of paper 11 12 13 14 I spent 5 dollars buying hamburgers and cokes. I spent 12 dollars watching a movie with Jane I spent 3 dollars paying bus fare 01 price 02 be filled with be full of 03 what that 04 be found to was found to be 05

06 as he shook the thief s hand ashe shook shaking 07 the thief who that who 08 keep-ing spend -ing 09 TV TV TV 10 give A B A B a piece of paper 11 everything ARE IS 12 what 13 14 spend -ing 2 01 repair 02 used to 03 take Take make take care of make a mistake take a rest take off take out 38~39 01 02 used to 03 04 This man was found to be the one who did it. 05 06 07 who he is 08 09 10 11 12 what 13 14 what you wear to see well what you drink when you are thirsty what you take when you are sick 04 A be found to ~ A who 05 06 the thief who that 07 08 keep-ing talking used to to spend spend -ing doing to to to read save A from B B A 09 I can say I wasted my precious time. TV TV 10 during for for 11 TV 2 12 what the thing which 13 free 14 what Mike Mike Mike Mike

LESSON 6 41 A 1 mind 2 talent 3 blind 4 share 5 donate 6 barber 7 senior 8 elderly 9 character 10 record 11 haircut 12 receive 13 brush 14 precious 15 by the way 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 turn, down 2 in need 3 be able to 4 at least 5 and so on forth 1 barber 2 senior 3 blind 4 character 5 share 43 1 have, been been great good Do Would you mind if Is it okay if 2 Do you mind if I sit here? How have you been? Do you mind taking a picture of us? 3 it okay if, Can May 4 not at all 5 1 (1) (2) How have you been? I ve been great good. (3) Do Would you mind if ~? Is it okay if ~? 2 (1) Do you mind if I ~? (2) How have you been? (3) Do you mind -ing? (1) (2) (3) 3 4 Do you mind if ~? mind A TV B 5 Do you mind if ~? No, not at all. / Of course not. / Certainly not. A B 45 1 too too that 2 too heavy to think that so, that, can t 3 It is too cold to go out. Do you know that she lives next door? 4 to wear it to wear which that so too 5 1 (1) (2) too to (3) know that (1) (2) (3) 2 (1) too to (2) think that (3) so that can t 3 (1) too to (2) Do you know that ~? (1) (2) 4 (1) too ~ to... to to (2) know that (3) too to = so that can t (1) (2) (3) 5 1 Mike at with to in On At 50~51 46 01 02 03 04 that 05 06 07 Do you mind if I turn the music down turn down the music a little? 08 09 10 Some of them are too weak to go out 11 12 too hot to drink too dangerous to climb is too dirty to touch are too young to ride 48~49 on By for to about and over

01 barber 02 senior 65 03 too to 04 think that 05 A B A Do you mind if ~? 06 Do you mind if I ~? No, not at all. / Of course not. A B A [07~08] A B A B A 07 Do you mind if I ~? turn down a little 08 focus on concentrate on [09~11] 3 09 elderly people which who that 10 too to 11 12 too to (1) (2) (3) (4) 52~53 01 02 too full to eat 03 04 05 06 that her son can win the race 07 08 09 10 11 How have you been? Do you mind if I open the window? 01 02 sothat can t too to 03 think that that 04 A B A 05 Do you mind if ~? No, not at all. / Of course not. A B A 06 believe that

07 Tom Mike 08 meaningless precious 09 who that by -ing 10 11 (1) How have you been? (2) Do you mind if I ~? Mike Mike Mike 54~57 01 02 need 03 04 at least 05 No, not at all. / Of course not. 06 07 08 09 Do you mind taking a picture of us? Do you mind if you take a picture of us? 10 Long time no see. 11 12 How have you been? Do you mind if I visit you? No, not at all. 13 so too 14 I heard that it will take place next week. I know that it s about B-boy dance. I think that it will be very exciting. 15 16 sleepy to study more hungry to exercise 17 18 19 and so on and so forth 20 21 who that that 22 I think that it is both giving and receiving. 23 to make the stories more excitingly to make the stories more exciting 24 Computer skills (At) 10 a.m. every Saturday (At) The community center 01 blind deaf hear see blind 02 in need don t need to 03 donation 04 at least 05 Do you mind if ~? No, not at all. / Of course not. / Certainly not. A B A 06 How have you been? Sounds good. A B 07 Do you mind if ~? No, not at all. / Of course not. No, not at all. / Of course not. A B A A 08 ABrian B A B

09 mind Do you mind -ing? / Do you mind if you ~? [10 ~ 11] 10 Long time no see. 11 my club came here to paint on the wall 12 How have you been? Do you mind if ~? No, not at all. Smith Smith L.A. L.A. Smith 13 too to 14 hear know think that A B A B A B 15 hear know think that which that 16 so that can t couldn t too to (1) (2) [17 ~19] 17 18 share A with B A B with 19 and so on and so forth etc. [20 ~ 22] 3 20 3 21 elderly people who that say that 22 I think that ~ both A and

B A B 23 make 24 Cathy Cathy Cathy 10 010 1234 5678 10 58~61 01 02 and so on and so forth, etc. at least 03 04 Do you mind if I turn on the light? 05 06 07 08 09 so too 10 11 It is too hot to eat. 12 that 13 14 to read reading 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 moving moved to watch watching 25 26 that you make a cake very well if I borrow your chocolate cake recipe that it will be very helpful 01 talent 02 and so on and so forth etc. at least 03 I ve been great. Not so good. I broke my leg in a soccer game. A B A B A B A B A B 04 Do you mind if I ~? A B 05 Brian 06 Do you mind if I open the window? Do you mind opening the window? 4 07 Do you mind if ~? Of course not. / No, not at all. Of course not. 08 I m also here with my friends who are in an art club. 09 too to 10 that what 11 too to A B [12~13] 12 hear know think that 13 enjoy -ing spending one of the and so on from all over the world 14 learnto by 15 to

16 think that that 17 [18~20] 18 19 20 [21~23] 3 21 who that which who that in need too to very too bying donate donating be able to helping help 22 so but 23 24 move moved spend -ing playing watching or 25 26 (1) (3) hear think that (2) Do you mind if I ~? Kate Kate Kate 62~65 01 (p)recious (s)kill (e)lderly 02 so too too so to eat it to eat 03 barber Seniors character 04 (h)aircut 05 if on 06 doesn t need to am able to too weak to go out 07 I believe that he will come to the party. Do you know that she lives next door? I think that he is doing his best. 08 in need at least 09 It is too cold to go outside. It is so cold that I can t go outside., The book is too difficult to understand. The book is so difficult that I can t understand it. 10 No, not at all. / Of course not. / No, I don t mind. 11 12 that he is kind and handsome that I must come home by 7 p.m that she will get well soon 13 children at the daycare center last summer, painting, share my painting skills, many children who wanted to learn to paint well. I taught them painting skills every Tuesday and Friday. The children loved learning to paint so much and I had a lot of fun, really happy when I saw their big smiles 14 Don t climb the

tree. It s too dangerous to climb. Don t touch the trash. It s too dirty to touch. Don t ride that bike. You re too young to ride. 15 that she will win the first prize that she is only 12 that I can sing well like her that you can be a good singer 01 (1) precious(2) skill (3) elderly 02 (1) too to (2) so that can t (3) too ~ to to to (1) (2) (3) 03 65 04 haircut 05 Do you mind if I ~? focus on A B A B A 06 (1) don t have to don t need to, need not (2) can be able to (3) sothat can t too to (1) (2) (3) 07 believe know think that 08 Mike 09 too to so that can t / 10 Do you mind if ~? mind A TV B 11 I think that it is both giving and receiving 3 12 think say hope that (1) A B (2) A 6 B 7 (3) A B 13 14 Don t too to (1) (2) (3) 15 think hear know believe that A 1 B A 12 B A B A

LESSON 7 67 A 1 healthy 2 focus 3 habit 4 nutrition 5 source 6 growth 7 damage 8 routine 9 once 10 bone 11 recover 12 plenty 13 sunlight 14 skip 15 receive 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 both, and 2 be able to 3 As a result, focus on 4 get well 5 make, difference 1 recover 2 focus 3 nutrition 4 source 5 sunlight 69 1 How often three times a week I hope 2 How often do you go to the library? I play computer games twice a week. I hope you do better next time. 3 How many times 4 I hope you find it. 5 1 (1) How often ~? (2) once twice / three times a day week / month (3) I hope (that) ~. 2 (1) How often ~?: (2) twice a week: (3) I hope (that) ~.: (1) (2) (3) 3 4 I hope (that) ~. A: B: A: 5 How often ~? A: B: 71 1 If if If 2 was written by is cleaned by was thrown by 3 If you are cold, wear a coat. If you get up late, you will miss the bus. 4 wrote was written broke broken will be is 5 1 if (1) (2) (3) 2 be by (1) (2) (3) Jane Jane 3 If (1) (2) 4 (1) (2) be write wrote written break broke broken (3) if (1) (2) Jane (3) 5 be Tom hit was hit Tom Tom and up for on to As to by in than on up up to 76~77 72 74~75 01 02 03 The window was broken by Tom. 04 05 06 I hope he gets well soon. 07 08 How often 09 10 11 12 was invented by Edison was written by Shakespeare was painted by Van Gogh

01 nutrition 02 skip 03 be by be was Tom Tom 04 If 05 How often ~? A: B: 06 I hope (that) ~ get well A: B: A: B: [07 ~ 08] A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 07 as as more much 08 How often [09 ~ 10] John D 09 be sure to to get like to Regular exercise is help to grow 10 D 11 5 12 beby (1) (2) (3) 78~79 01 02 once a week 03 04 05 06 Many famous stories were written by him. 07 If you read in the dark, your eyes can be damaged. 08 09 As a result 10 11 How often do you play? I hope(that) you get healthier soon. 01 nutrition source 3 02 once a week 03 damage is damaged 04 A: B:

05 if will snow snows 06 beby be were write written 07 If [08 ~ 10] John 08 So If 09 as a result 10 11 (1) How often ~? (2) I hope (that) ~. Brian: Brian Brian: Brian: Brian: 80~83 01 02 growth grow to grow 03 04 05 I hope your team does better next time. 06 07 08 Five days times 09 10 11 12 How often do you swim? Three times days a week. I hope you become healthier. 13 will come comes 14 If you finish your homework, you can go outside. If you take a bus, you will not be late for school. If you buy cookies with bread, you can get them at half price. 15 16 Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. The ball was thrown by her. 17 18 and 19 20 on 21 22 strongly strong 23 24 If I get up early, I can eat breakfast. If I drink three glasses of milk a day, I can grow taller. If I exercise every day, I can build up my strength. 01 damage recover 02 growth help to 03 routine 04 05 I hope (that) A: B: A: 06 How often ~? 07 B A: B: A: [08~09] A: B:

A: B: 5 5 A: B: 8 10 08 5 5 09 8 10 [10 ~ 11] A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 10 of learn learning 11 A B B A A A B B A A 12 How often ~? 3 Three times days a week. I hope (that) ~. Brian Brian Brian Brian 3 13 if 14 If (1) (2) (3) 15 be to clean to be cleaned 16 beby (1) (2) [17 ~ 18] Healthy Teen John 17 John John 10 18 both A and B: A B [19~20] 7 30 8 19 During while 20 focus on: 21 John [22 ~ 23] D

22 grow strong 23 24 If 84~87 01 02 As a result 03 04 How often do you drink milk?, Three times a day. 05 06 than as 07 08 09 If 10 11 12 13 14 15 vitamin D 16 17 damages is damaged 18 19 20 21 22 23 to 24 25 26 gives energy to both your body and brain be sure to get a lot of exercise listen to music through speakers take a five-minute break 01 damage 02 as a result: 03 A: B: A: 04 How often ~? once twice / three times... a day week / month... 05 I hope you become healthier. I hope to become healthier. A: B: Brian A: B: A: B: [06 ~ 07] A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 06 thanas as 07 A 08 I see what the problem is 09 If 10 As a result 11 The ball was hit by the player. 12 If if that [13 ~ 16] John

D 13 sunlight much plenty of a lot of lots of many 14 as as 15 D D it vitamin D 16 D [17 ~ 19] John 5 17 be 18 However 19 5 [20 ~ 22] 7 30 8 20 leave for focus on 21 while during while 22 [23~25] John 23 give to give 24 if As a result 25 26 (1) 3 to (2) be sure to (3) listen to music (4) five-minute break a 5 88~91 01 (f)ocus (r)ecover (s)unlight 02 broke was broken wrote written was were 03 (s)kip 04 source growth routine 05 How often I hope 06 The book was written by her. The can was thrown by him. 07 I hope (that) he gets well soon. I hope (that) you become healthier. I hope (that) you win the prize next time. 08 If you don t wear warm clothes, you will catch a cold. If you eat too many cookies,

you will get fat. 09 If you feel sick, you should see a doctor. If you don t do your best, you will fail the exam. If you finish your homework, you can go out and play. 10 I swim once a week. I swim three times days a week. 11 12 The Starry Night was painted by Van Gogh. The first smartphone was made by Apple. 13 If I get up early, I can eat breakfast., If I drink three glasses of milk a day, I will become taller., If I exercise every day, I can build up my strength. 14 Sunflower was painted by Vincent van Gogh. Hangeul was made by King Sejong. The law of gravity was discovered by Newton. 15 If you read in the dark, your eyes can be damaged. If you eat too much chocolate, your teeth will go bad. If you don t wear a coat, you will catch a cold. 01 (1) focus (2) recover (3) sunlight 02 be by (1) (2) write written (3) be were (1) John (2) Shakespeare (3) Van Gogh 03 skip 04 05 How often ~? I hope (that) ~. A: B: A: 06 beby (1) (2) 07 I hope (that) ~. 08 If (1) (2) 09 If (1) (2) (3) 10 once twice / three times... a day / week / month... A: B: A: 3 11 So use speakers ~ every hour. John 5 12 beby (1) (2) 13 If 14 beby (1) (2) (3) 15 If (1) (2) (3)

LESSON 8 93 A 1 appreciate 2 kindness 3 aquarium 4 sail 5 exhibit 6 organization 7 experience 8 explore 9 discover 10 harbor 11 aboard 12 submarine 13 gallery 14 treasure 15 creature 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 would love like 2 come true 3 not only 4 planning to 5 in danger 1 gallery 2 submarine 3 exhibit 4 aquarium 5 sailor 95 1 planning to planning to appreciate 2 What are you planning to do this Sunday? I m planning to go to the museum. I appreciate your help. 3 thank, for, Thank you 4 I m planning going to go camping. 5 1 (1) (2) be planning to ~ (3) I appreciate it. 2 (1) What are you planning to do ~? (2) I m planning to ~. (3) I appreciate ~. (1) (2) (3) 3 I appreciate = (I) Thank ~ for... 4 I m planning going to ~ A: B: A: 5 A: B: 97 1 which that whom 2 but also climbing, fishing not only, but also 3 She likes the dress which she bought yesterday. This is the boy whom I met yesterday. 4 watches watch skate skating who which that 5 1 (1) (2) the picture small fish which that (3) the girl whom (1) (2) (3) Tom 2 not only A but also B: A B B as well as A (1) (2) Tom (3) 3 (1) the dress which (2) the boy whom (1) (2) 4 (1) (2) not only A but also B A B (3) The book who which that (1) (2) (3) 5 who(m) that which that the shirt whom which that Jane David to but also than on in for in on at like on on 98 100~101

102~103 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 She is the girl who(m) that I met at the park yesterday. 08 09 10 11 12 Sumi is good at skiing as well as swimming. Tom can speak not only Spanish, but also French. 01 aquarium 02 free 5 03 What are you planning to do ~? A: B: 04 A: B: [05~06] A: B: A: Blue Sea B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: 05 be good at -ing take taking 06 A A A A B A A A B Blue Sea 07 the girl who(m) that 08 the book which that [09~10] Blue Sea 09 to talk talking stop+-ing cf. stopto 10 Blue Sea 11 12 not only A but also B = B as well as A: A B (1) (2) Tom 104~105 01 not only, but also 02 03 04 05 06 He wrote many famous stories which that many people wanted to read. 07 They are the students whom Mr. Kim is teaching. 08 09 talking 10 11 I m planning going to go to the science museum. Would you like to go with me? 01 not only A but also B: A B 02 a dog whom which that David 03 would love like to would love to see 04 A: B:

05 Jane 06 stories which that 07 whom 08 Blue Sea 09 stop-ing cf. stopto 10 Blue Sea 10 5 11 (1) be planning going to (2) Would you like to ~? Brian Brian Brian 9 106~109 01 02 experienced information 03 04 come true 05 06 07 08 09 10 in at 11 12 What are you planning going to do I m planning going to do volunteer work. I really appreciate it. 13 whom which that 14 who(m) that Tom helped with her homework which that he wanted to buy which that she took in Jejudo 15 16 Cathy is good at not only studying, but also singing., Cathy is good at singing as well as studying. 17 18 will make your dreams come true 19 but also 20 21 22 sharks 23 24 blue whales the most they are the largest of all sea animals eat small fish look like fish, they are not they cannot breathe under water, They must come up for air 01 explore save 02 experienced information 03 species 04 come true 05 A B: 06 A: D D [07~08] A: Brian B: Sea Shepherd A: Sea Shepherd B: A: B: 07 in danger focus on 08 A [09~11] A: B: A: Blue Sea B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: 09 A

B I really appreciate it. 10 be interested in be good at 11 A B B A B A A B B A A B A 12 What are you planning going to do ~? I m planning going to ~. I (really) appreciate it. Kate Kate Kate Kate 13 activities whom which that 14 who(m) that which that (1) Tom Tom (2) (3) 15 16 not only A but also B = B as well as A: A B Cathy 17 Blue Sea Blue Sea [18 ~ 20] Blue Sea 10 5 18 make come true 19 not only A but also B: A B 20 [21 ~ 23] 500 40 21 ships which that 22 them sharks 23 500 24

110~113 01 02 03 04 appreciate 05 What are you planning to do this weekend? 06 at like 07 08 09 10 to help sea animals in danger 11 saving 12 13 14 15 but also 16 which that 17 that you will enjoy 18 19 20 21 catching 22 23 24 25 26 I m planning going to go to The Blue Sea Museum It opens at 10 a.m. on Saturday. How old free five dollars for adults I appreciate 01 gallery 02 creativity creature 03 A: B: 04 I (really) appreciate ~. [05 ~ 07] A: B: A: Blue Sea B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: 05 What are you planning to do ~? 06 be good at sound like 07 I have to interview the staff there A A [08 ~ 09] A: B: C: B: Blue Sea A: B: Blue Sea C: A: B: A: C: B: C: 08 not only A but also B A B B as well as A explore a lot of exhibits have a sailing adventure you can have a sailing adventure as well as explore a lot of exhibits 09 [10 ~ 12] A: Brian B: Sea Shepherd A: Sea Shepherd B: A: B: 10 to help an organization to in danger 11 on 12 Sea Shepherd A B B Sea Shepherd B B 13 who(m) that which that the book which that 14

15 not only A but also B = B as well as A: A B 16 the pictures turtles small fish which that A: B: A: [17~19] Blue Sea 10 5 12 5 5 6 16 1 5 2 17 special activities 18 feel free to 19 10 5 12 5 20 birds which that 21 not only A but also B A B A B be good at -ing 22 [23 ~ 25] 23 24 John 25 26 Dan Blue Sea Dan 10 Dan Dan 4 5 10 1 Dan 114~117 01 (g)allery (s)ubmarine (e)xhibit 02 whom which that which who(m) that who which that 03 not only, but also 04 creature species discover 05 like to come true 06 He wrote the book which that many people wanted to read. We have many activities which that you will enjoy. They are the students who(m) that Mr. Kim is teaching. 07 He is good at not only English, but also math. She will not only play tennis, but also go hiking this weekend. 08 This is the food which my dad cooked. He is the man who(m) I saw at the bus stop. 09 He is a writer as well as a teacher. I take not only the subway, but also the bus to go to the park. 10 I am planning going to watch a

movie. I really appreciate it. 01 (1) gallery (2) submarine(3) exhibit 02 who(m) that which that (1) Tom (2) (3) 03 not only A but also B: A B 04 200 05 would like to come true A: B: A: B: 06 who(m) that which that (1) (2) (3) 07 not only A but also B: A B A B 08 who(m) that which that that 11 12 It opens from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. / It opens at 12 p.m. on Sunday. How much are the tickets? / Do you know the price of the tickets? it is free for her / she is free 13 penguins, they are very cute, not only swimming, catching fish, gentlemen who are wearing tuxedos, because they are black and white birds, have wings, but they cannot use them to fly 14 which that Minho s dad took in Paris is (very) beautiful which that Minho s grandfather made for Minho is really comfortable which that Minho bought last weekend 15 not only a teacher, but also a writer speak not only French, but also Spanish not only handsome, but also kind 09 not only A but also B = B as well as A: A B (1) (2) 10 (1) be planning going to (2) I really appreciate it. A: B: A: 11 At The Blue Sea Museum, you can not only explore a lot of exhibits, but also have a sailing adventure. / You can build model boats and climb on tall ships. B 12 Dan Blue Sea Dan 12 5 Dan Dan 4 5 10 1 Dan 13 14 which that Mike Mike Mike (1) Mike (2) Mike (3) Mike 15 not only A but also B: A B A B Brown Amy Brown Amy

120~121 one of among It is because that take a look at is famous for who took place look lively that Both who look different from On the other hand How the same, as who while What Lesson 01 one of the most popular subjects On the other hand is famous for look active 02 The women look different from each other. It is because many artists want to paint people or animals that are moving. Degas lived at the same time as Renoir. Why is dance a popular subject among so many artists? 03 How happy she looks! It is of a dance that which took place in a village after a wedding. Let s take a look at some paintings of dancers. Renoir completed two paintings which that look very similar. What a beautiful painting it is! He liked to draw ballet dancers who that were moving. 122~123 Have, heard share, with doesn t have to by and so on at least who give haircuts seniors in need too weak to go out by donating that both, and be able to On weekends the blind who While characters that Lesson 01 and so on forth share, not, with unimportant, precious Here are 02 Some of them are too weak to go out to a barber shop. I feel happy to be able to help them. I read books to blind children who have not yet learned to read Braille. I never thought that I could help people just by reading. 03 Have you heard about talent donation? It doesn t have to be a special talent. Everyone has at least one talent. I give haircuts to elderly people who that live alone. People usually say that donating is giving. I read a newspaper article about seniors in need. 01 (1) one of the (2) on the other hand (3) be famous for (4) look 02 (1) look different from each other (2) it is because ~ (3) the same A as B BA (4) among (1) (2) (3) (4) 03 (1) How How (2) of take place after a dance which that (3) Let s ~ take a look at (4) two paintings which that (5) What Whata n (6) ballet dancers who that 01 (1) and so on and so forth (2) share A with B A B A, not B B A (3) unimportant precious (4) here are 02 (1) too to (2) feel be able to (3) who have not yet learned (4) think that by-ing (1) (2) (3) (4) 03 (1) Have you hear about (2) don t have to (3) everyone at least (4) give haircuts elderly people who that (5) say that donating that giving that (6) senior in need

124~125 daily routine both, and leave for During focus on while If As a result plenty of Be sure to more than Once is damaged make, difference 01 (1) both A and B: A B (2) as a result focus on (3) while (4) once be able to 02 (1) often be (2) like to (3) help (4) make a difference (1) John (2) John (3) (4) 03 (1) tryto have a good breakfast (2) if enough nutrition (3) be good for (4) plenty of (5) take a break a five-minute break 5 Lesson 01 both, and As a result, focus on while Once, be able to 02 John often skips breakfast. John likes to play sports. It helps your bones grow big and strong. These simple habits can make a big difference. 03 Try to get up early and have a good breakfast. If you don t eat breakfast, your brain doesn t receive enough nutrition. Your brain doesn t receive enough nutrition if you don t eat breakfast. Regular exercise is good for your health. You also get plenty of sunlight when you exercise outside. When you exercise outside, you also get plenty of sunlight. Take a five-minute break every hour. Now you know how to stay healthy. (6) howto 126~127 How often would like to stop talking come true not only, but also Enjoy seeing kinds of in front of like that with more than If that Sit back spend 01 would like love to Stop talking come true not only, but also 02 Enjoy seeing different kinds of ships. We have more than 40 of them. Do you want to sail on the sea? You can even spend a night on a ship. 03 They are all there at the harbor in front of the museum. They have treasures like the world s oldest boat. You can also see ships that which people made with soda cans. If you want to see sharks, it is the right place for you. It is the right place for you if you want to see sharks. We offer special activities which you will enjoy. Sit back and enjoy the view. 01 (1) would like love toaboard (2) stop-ing (3) come true (4) not only A but also B: A B 02 (1) enjoy-ing (2) more than (3) want to (4) spend (1) (2) 40 (3) (4) 03 (1) at the harbor in front of (2) like world s oldest boat Lesson (3) ships that which (4) if want to (5) activities which (6) sit back

Lesson 128~129 01 02 03 didn t you won t you 04 05 06 07 How wonderful, What a wonderful painting 08 Sam is wearing pants which that are too tight for him. 09 10 11 12 What a wonderful painting it is! 01 gallery 02 I m afraid I can t. A B 03 You didn t you? will You won t you? A B A B 04 A 5 [05 ~ 06] Brian Kate Kate Brian Kate Brian Brian Kate Brian Kate Brian Brian Kate 05 Yes No don t you? Yes, I do. 06 why don t you come to my brother s birthday party? Kate I d love to. Brian Brian Kate 07 Whata(n) How 08 pants which that Sam Sam [09 ~ 10] 1883 The Dance in the City The Dance in the Country The Dance in the City The Dance in the Country 09 How How 10 the women look different from each other 1883 The Dance in the Country The Dance in the City [11 ~ 12] Blue Dancers 11 the artist dancers who 12 What Whata(n)

Lesson 130~131 01 02 03 04 Do you mind if I use your brush? 05 06 07 08 You have such a beautiful heart. 09 10 too tall to wear, so tall that I can t wear 11 (t)alent 12 01 character 02 A B Do you mind if ~? Of course not. / No, not at all. A B 03 No, not at all. Yes, I do mind. I have a cold. A B A B A B A B A B [04~05] 04 Do you mind if I ~? 05 I m in an art club in my school, and my club came here to paint on the wall. I m also here with my friends who are in an art club. They are painting over there. [06 ~ 07] Teens Report 3 06 mind giving 07 [08~09] A B A B A B 08 sucha(n) 09 Don t you ever just want to play with your friends? A B Not really. B B B B B 10 too to

so that can t [11 ~ 12] 11 12 Lesson 132~133 01 02 03 04 How often do you go to school by bike? 05 06 07 Once your hearing is damaged 08 09 10 will rain rains call off be called off 11 12 01 focus 02 If if because 5 [03 ~ 04] A: B: A: B: 5 A: B: 8 10 03 see tryto cf. try+-ing 04 How often ~? by bike [05~06] A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: 05 less more 06 [07 ~ 09] A: B: A: B: A: 5 B: 07 once 08 instead of 09 10 (1) if (2) be call off [11 ~ 12] D 11 D sunlight Sunlight 12

Lesson 134~135 01 02 03 04 (p)hotographer 05 take taking going go 06 07 I like not only Korean food, but also Italian food., I like Italian food as well as Korean food. 08 09 come true 10 11 that which 12 01 submarine 02 03 come true 10 [04 ~ 05] A: B: A: Blue Sea B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: 04 A B photographer 05 (1) be good at -ing (2) would like to 06 cell phone who which that 10 5 08 to talk talking stop-ing 09 make come true 10 weekdays 10 5 [11~12] Blue Sea 500 40 11 ships which that 12 They have treasures like the world s oldest boat. 500 40 500 40 07 not only A but also B = B as well as A: A B [08 ~ 10] Blue Sea