1. 영유아 _ 우유병을물리고재워도되나요 2. 이가나지않았는데입안을닦아주어야하나요 3. 엄마의충치가아기의충치가될수있어요 1. Infants _ Is it okay to let the baby sleep with the milk bottle in h

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1. 영유아 _ 01 1. 우유병을물리고재워도되나요 2. 이가나지않았는데입안을닦아주어야하나요 3. 엄마의충치가아기의충치가될수있어요 1. Infants _ 01 1. Is it okay to let the baby sleep with the milk bottle in his or her mouth? 2. Do I have to clean the baby s mouth, even when the baby has no teeth? 3. Can a mother transmit a cavity to a baby? 2. 유아 _ 04 1. 엄마가아이의이를닦아주세요! 2. 치약을삼켜도되나요 2. Toddlers _ 04 1. Brush toddlers teeth! 2. Is it okay for them to swallow toothpaste? 3. 어린이 _ 06 1. 새로난큰어금니는영구치에요! 2. 구강양치액사용시이것만은주의하세요 1

3. Children _ 06 1. The big molar that has just come in is a permanent tooth! 2. Gargling tips 4. 청소년 _ 08 1. 콜라나청량음료는치아건강에좋지않아요! 2. 구강양치액을사용하면입냄새가제거되나요 3. 구강양치액도충치예방효과가있나요 4. Young Adults _ 08 1. Pop and cola are not good for oral health. 2. Can bad breath be cured by gargling? 3. Can cavities be prevented by gargling? 5. 성인 _ 11 1. 치아사이를관리하세요! 2. 입냄새, 혀를조심하세요! 3. 구강내에는어떤세균이있나요 5. Adults _ 11 1. Floss your teeth! 2. Clean your tongue to prevent bad breath! 2

3. Bacteria in the mouth 6. 노인 _ 15 1. 입이마른다고사탕을먹어도되나요 2. 틀니를끼는잇몸도휴식이필요해요! 3. 틀니도닦아주나요 6. Elderly _ 15 1. Is it okay to have candies when the mouth is dry? 2. Give your gums a rest when you use dentures 3. Do I have to wash my dentures? 3

1. 영유아 1.1 우유병을물려서재워도되나요? ( ) 아기에게우유병을물려서재울경우아기의구강건강을해칠수있는 우유병 우식증 ( 충치 ) 이생길수있어요. 이를막기위해서는우유를먹인후생수나보리차가 든우유병으로바꾸어입안을헹군후잠들게하는것이좋아요. 특히아기의치아가난후에는당분이있는음료를우유병에담아주는것은피해야 해요. 왜냐하면아기가자는동안에는침의흐름이감소하여음료가치아주위에계속 머물게되어충치가발생하기쉬운환경이되기때문이에요. 1. Infants 1.1 Is it okay to let the baby sleep with the milk bottle in his or her mouth? ( ) If a baby sleeps with the milk bottle in his or her mouth, he or she can get milk bottle caries, which may cause oral health problems. To prevent this, give the baby a bottle with mineral water or barley tea after feeding it milk to rinse the mouth. Once the baby is growing teeth, do not give it sweet drinks in the bottle, because the flow of saliva decreases while the baby sleeps, creating the ideal environment for cavity formation when there are the remains of a sweet drink near the tooth. Rinse the baby s mouth after feeding milk 4

2. 이가나지않았는데입안을닦아주어야하나요?( ) 네. 물론이에요. 영유아의치아는잇몸을뚫고나오지못했을뿐잇몸안에유치가 존재하고있어, 음식물찌꺼기를닦아주어야해요. 이때거즈를생수나보리차에적셔서사용하거나의약외품인구강청결용물휴지또는 유아용고무칫솔제품을손에끼어서닦아주세요. 이때이가나올잇몸뿐아니라뺨의 안쪽, 입술, 혀를깨끗이하는것도꼭필요해요. 수유후매번닦아주는것이좋지만여의치않다면목욕이나세수시킬때는꼭 닦아주세요. 2. Do I have to clean the baby s mouth, even when it has no teeth? ( ) Yes. The baby will still have teeth in its gums that have not grown yet, requiring cleaning residue of foods. To clean your baby s mouth, use gauze soaked in mineral water or barley tea, wet tissue paper or a rubber toothbrush for infants. Do not forget to clean the inner part of the cheeks, lips and the tongue. It is recommended to clean the mouth after feeding your baby milk. If it is not easy to clean after every milk feeding, clean the mouth when giving a bath or washing the baby s face. 5

3. 엄마의충치가아기의충치가될수있어요! 처음아기가태어났을때는입안에충치유발균이없지만젖니가완성되어가는시기에 충치가있는보호자가아기와입을맞추거나아기에게음식물등을보호자의입으로 잘라서먹일때아기에게충치유발균이전염될수있어요. 이렇게충치유발균이아이의입안에서발견되기시작하는생후 19~31 개월을 감염의 창 이라고해요. 이처럼아기의건강한치아를위해서는보호자의구강건강이무엇보다중요하다는걸알 수있겠죠! 3. A mother can transmit a cavity to a baby Newborn babies do not have the bacteria causing caries in their mouth, but an adult with a cavity can transmit the bacteria that causes caries to a baby when the baby s teeth are growing by kissing the baby, or by giving food to the baby that has been in the adult s mouth. The period from the 19 th month to the 31 st month when the bacteria causing caries are discovered in the mouth of a baby is called the Window of Infection. To protect the oral health of babies, the oral health of the adults looking after them is more important than anything else. Bacteria Glittering Bacteria 6

2. 유아 1. 엄마가아이의이를닦아주세요! 유아의경우아이스스로놀이삼아이를닦게하는것도좋지만적어도자기전에는 반드시보호자가직접구석구석빠짐없이닦아주세요. 유아용칫솔을선택할때는칫솔머리크기가 2 cm이하이고형태가둥글고칫솔모가 부드러운것이좋아요. 이를닦아줄때는윗니, 아랫니가닿은상태에서입술을벌리고, 칫솔을치아에직각이 되게하여앞니에서어금니쪽으로둥글게큰원을그리면서닦아주어야해요. 그다음입을벌려서앞뒤로칫솔을치아에쓱싹쓱싹문질러닦고혀도뒤에서앞쪽 방향으로닦아주세요. 유아의경우전동칫솔을사용하면아이에게이닦기에대한흥미를유발하면서 효과적으로닦을수도있어요. 2. Toddlers 1. Brush toddlers teeth! It is great to let a toddler clean his or her own teeth for fun, but an adult should brush the toddler s teeth carefully before he or she goes to bed. Choose a toothbrush with a head that is 2 cm long or smaller, which is round and which has a soft brush for a toddler. Let the toddler open his or her mouth and smile, and brush the teeth in a large circular motion from front teeth to back teeth with the brush. 7

After brushing the teeth in a circular motion, let the toddler open his or her mouth and brush the teeth back and forth, then brush the tongue by moving the brush forward. Use an electric toothbrush to stimulate the curiosity of the toddler and brush the teeth effectively. 2. 치약을삼켜도되나요 흔히어린이용치약은다양한과일향이나맛이첨가되어있어 6 세미만유아의경우 스스로칫솔질을할때습관적으로치약을삼키는경우가있어요. 치약에는충치를효과적으로예방할수있는불소가들어있는데, 치아발생기의 어린이가많은양의불소치약을반복적으로삼키게되면영구치의발생과정에영향을 미쳐서법랑질표면에흰색의반점이생기는 치아불소증 이생길수있어요. 그러므로유아들이스스로칫솔질을할때에는반드시보호자가옆에서치약을삼키지 않는지확인하고, 1 회사용량은대략완두콩크기만큼만짜주는것이좋아요. 8

2. Is it okay to swallow toothpaste? Toothpastes for children often have the aroma or taste of fruits, and toddlers under age six tend to swallow toothpaste when brushing their teeth by themselves. Toothpaste contains fluorine, which prevents cavities. If a child in the tooth development stage repeatedly swallows large amounts of toothpaste, the fluorine will affect the growth of permanent teeth, causing fluorosis, which will show as white dots on the tooth enamel. Ensure than the toddler does not swallow toothpaste by watching them brushing their teeth by themselves, and give then only a small amount of toothpaste (a pea-sized amount). 3. 어린이 1. 새로난큰어금니는영구치에요! 만 6 세부터나오는어금니는젖니와다르게평생사용해야할영구치에요. 그런데가장 안쪽에나오는치아라서칫솔이잘닿지않아치아가올라오면서이미충치가진행되어 있는경우도있어요. 어린이는구강크기에맞춰서칫솔머리의크기를달리하는것이필요해요. 입안에서 칫솔모의옆면이잇몸에닿을수있도록하고윗니는위에서아래로, 아랫니는아래에서 위로쓸어닦아주세요. 이때혀도닦아주는것이중요해요. 또한충치를예방하기위해서불소를도포하거나 치아씹는면의깊게파인홈을플라스틱으로메워주는홈메우기 ( 실런트 ) 를해주면 충치를예방할수있어요. 9

3. Children 1. The big molar that has just come in is a permanent tooth! Back teeth that grow from age six are permanent teeth, but some children have cavities at this stage, as the teeth are located at the back, where a toothbrush cannot easily reach. Children should use brushes with different head sizes according to the size of their mouth. The sides of the head of the brush should touch the gum, and the upper teeth should be brushed down while the lower teeth are brushed up. It is important to brush the tongue. You can prevent cavities by coating teeth with fluorine or applying sealants to fill the deep gaps in chewing surfaces of teeth. Permanent Tooth 2. 구강양치액사용시이것만은주의하세요! 초등학생의경우충치를막기위해서불소가들어있는구강양치액을사용하는것이 좋아요. 이때구강양치액의각종유효성분이구강내에서오래잔존할수있도록사용후 30 분 이내에는가급적물을먹지않는것이좋아요. 10

양이온성구강양치액 ( 예 : 클로르헥시딘, 염화세틸피리디늄등 ) 은치약내음이온성계면활성제성분이이들과반응하여불활성화될수있기때문에칫솔질한 30 분이후에사용하는것이좋아요. 2. Gargling tips It is recommended for primary school students to use gargling solutions containing fluorine. To make sure the gargle has a long-lasting effect, do not drink water for 30 minutes after gargling. Gargling solutions with positive ion (e.g. Chlorhexidine and Cetylpyridinium Chloride) can be made inactive by reacting with surfactants with negative ions contained in toothpastes. Do not use gargling solutions with a positive ion for 30 minutes after brushing your teeth. 4. 청소년 1. 콜라나청량음료는치아건강에좋지않아요! 콜라와사이다같은탄산음료는강한산성이며, 이러한강한산성물질이치아에닿으면 치아의맨바깥층인법랑질이녹기시작하고결국충치가발생할수있어요. 콜라등청량음료뿐아니라요구르트, 스포츠음료등도구강내 ph 를오랫동안 산성으로유지하므로충치를예방하기위해서는음료수를마신직후에물양치를하거나 불소치약을이용해서칫솔질을해주는것이좋아요. 4. Young Adults 1. Pop and cola are not good for oral health. Carbonated soft drinks like Coke and Sprite are strongly acid materials, which can melt the enamel of teeth and ultimately cause cavities. 11

Yogurts and sport drinks as well as soft drinks make the Ph condition in the mouth acid for a long time. In order to prevent cavities, you should rinse your mouth with water immediately after having this type of drink, or brush your teeth with a toothpaste containing fluorine. Acid Attack preparati Attack Sports Drinks Coke Sprite Yogurt 2. 구강양치액을사용하면입냄새가제거되나요 입냄새가난다는것은구강어딘가에세균이침착해서자라고있다는뜻이에요. 입냄새의주원인인플라크 (plaque) 는혀나치아사이와같이칫솔로는쉽게제거되지 않는곳에존재하는세균에의해서유발됩니다. 따라서, 입냄새를제거하기위해서는우선이런곳에침착된세균을치간관리용품으로 제거하거나확실한항균력이있는구강양치액을사용하는것이좋아요. 시중에일부구강양치액은항균력보다는단순히입냄새를가려주는향료만이첨가된 제품도있는데이런제품은사용후몇시간이내에효과가사라져요. 그러므로입냄새를근본적으로없애기위해서는입냄새가나는원인을정확히 파악해서관리하는것이좋아요. 12

2. Can bad breath be removed by gargling? Bad breath means that bacteria is growing somewhere in the mouth. Plaque, which is the major cause of bad breath, is made from bacteria that live in places that are difficult for a toothbrush to reach. To eliminate bad breath, get rid of the bacteria by using dental floss or an interdental brush, or gargle with an antibacterial gargling solution. Some gargling solutions just have a flavoring that covers bad breath, and their effects disappear in hours. To truly solve the problem of bad breath, your must accurately identify and manage the cause of the bad breath. 3. 구강양치액도충치예방효과가있나요 불소가함유된구강양치액은충치예방에효과가있지만, 구강양치액은화학적으로치아 표면위세균막에영향을주어부가적으로도움을줄수는있어도칫솔질을대신할수는 없어요. 3. Can a cavity be prevented by gargling? Not only is a gargle solution containing fluorine great for preventing cavities, it also provides supplementary help by affecting the bacterial plaque on the surface of teeth chemically. But gargling can never replace tooth brushing. 13

5. 성인 1. 치아사이를관리하세요! 일반적으로칫솔질만하는것은전체치아표면의절반만을닦는것에불과해요. 그 결과나머지절반인치아사이에낀플라크가심각한구강질환을유발하게되지요. 따라서치아사이를청결하게유지하기위해서는반드시치실이나치간칫솔과같은 치간관리용품을사용해야만해요. 우리나라에서흔히사용하는치간관리도구인이쑤시개는치아사이에낀음식물 찌꺼기만을제거할뿐이지플라크를제거할수는없어요. 5. Adults 1. Floss your teeth! Brushing your teeth only reaches half of the surfaces of your teeth. Plaque, which is attached to the other half of your teeth s surfaces, causes serious oral diseases. To manage the hygiene of the spaces between your teeth, one must use dental floss or an interdental brush. Toothpicks, which are widely used in Korea to remove food residues between the teeth, cannot remove plaque. 14

치실사용법 (How to use dental floss) How to Use Cut a piece of dental floss 40 to 50cm in length Images Wind the cut floss at the middle fingers of both hands to make the distance between two fingers around 10cm. Use the thumbs and index fingers to make the part that you actually use 3cm long Wind floss around the fingers Prepare to apply floss to teeth Do not insert the floss at once or the gum can be hurt. Move the floss back and forth as if you are sawing. Cover a tooth with the floss in a C shape and move the floss up and down to clean the tooth How to use floss 치간칫솔사용법 (How to use a interdental brush) How to Use When inserting the interdental brush to the gap between teeth, consider the shape of the gum as in the image and insert the brush at the correct angle Images Angle of insertion of the interdental brush Once the interdental brush has been inserted at a right angle, stand the brush and brush the teeth back and forth at the right angle Angle of insertion (1) and application (2) of the interdental brush Move the brush back and forth and side to side to brush proximate surfaces of teeth How to apply the interdental brush 15

2. 입냄새, 혀를조심하세요! 구강내세균이증식해서입냄새를주로발생시키는부위는혀와치아사이에요. 특히, 혀는표면에주름이많아서세균이자라기좋은환경을가지고있어요. 입냄새의원인은구강내세균이특정단백질을분해하면서발생하는휘발성 황화합물이에요. 그러므로입냄새를없애기위해서는칫솔질이외에혀와치아사이를잘관리하는 습관을갖는것이중요해요. 혀를효과적으로잘닦기위해서는혀세정기를사용하는것도좋아요. 2. Clean your tongue to prevent bad breath! Bad breath is often developed between the tongue and the teeth, and is caused by the growth of bacteria. In particular, the tongue has an ideal environment for bacterial growth, as it has many wrinkles. Bad breath is caused by the volatile sulfur compounds created when a certain protein is decomposed by oral bacteria. To eliminate bad breath, it is important to manage the hygiene of the part between the tongue and the teeth, in addition to carefully brushing your teeth. It is recommended to use a tongue cleaner to effectively clean your tongue. 16

6. 노인 1. 입이마른다고사탕을먹어도되나요?( ) 나이가들면타액의분비량이감소되므로건조해지거나입안이쓰다고느껴지기도 하는데이러한증상을 구강건조증 이라고해요. 구강건조증은노화, 현재사용중인 약물, 과로, 흡연, 당뇨, 신장질환등에의해생깁니다. 이증상이지속되면음식을씹고삼키는것이힘들어지면서잇몸과입속에염증이 생길수있고, 틀니를끼는노인은틀니가입안에서떨어지기쉬워요. 흔히이러한구강건조증을완화하기위해습관적으로사탕을먹는경우가있는데이럴 경우노인들의노출된치아뿌리부분에충치가생길수있어요. 그러므로타액분비를 위해서사탕을먹는것보다는과일이나야채를먹는것이좋습니다. 또한구강양치액을사용하는것이증상을가라앉히는데더도움이되요. 6. Elderly 1. Is it okay to eat candies when the mouth is dry? (x) Saliva secretion rates lower when one ages, causing a dry feeling or a bitter taste. This is called zerostomia, and is caused by aging, medication, fatigue, smoking, diabetes and kidney problems. If the symptom lasts, chewing and swallowing foods becomes hard and mouth ulcers can develop. Dentures easily break away from the mouth. Some eat candies to alleviate the symptoms, but this habit may cause cavities in exposed dental roots. It is recommended to eat fruits or vegetables instead, and to gargle. 17

2. 틀니를끼는잇몸도휴식이필요해요! 틀니는잠들기전에꼭빼놓아야해요. 왜냐하면하루종일무거운틀니에눌려있던잇몸등에도휴식이필요하기때문이에요. 이때틀니는찬물에담가두어야변형되지않는데자기전틀니를씻어물에담가 보관할때에는물을매일바꿔주어청결을유지하도록하세요. 2. Give your gums a rest when you use dentures One must not sleep with dentures in, because your gums will need a rest after the pressure of the heavy dentures. Put dentures in cold water to maintain its shape. Change the water that you keep your dentures in daily for hygiene. Cold water 18

3. 틀니도닦아주나요?( ) 틀니는겉보기에는깨끗하게보여도세균이많이붙어있어요. 틀니의치아는충치가 생길리는없지만더러운상태로두면거무스름해지거나역한냄새가날수있어요. 따라서, 식후매번닦는것이좋지만여건이안된다면잠자기전에한번은꼼꼼히 닦아야해요. 집에안쓰는칫솔이있으면틀니를닦을때사용할수있어요. 틀니를닦을때는 틀니세정제나주방세제를사용해야하며마모제가들어있는치약을사용하면틀니의 표면이마모될수있으므로주의해야해요. 또틀니는레진이라는플라스틱재질로만들어져있기때문에청결을위해끓는물에 소독하거나표백제를사용해서는안돼요. 3. Do I have to wash dentures? ( ) Even though dentures look clean, they are rich in bacteria. False teeth do not get cavities but they can be darkened or have bad smells if not managed properly. It is recommended to wash dentures after every meal, and the daily washing routine should not be skipped. Use unused toothbrushes and the dentures cleaner or the washing-up liquid. Avoid using toothpastes containing abrasive materials to prevent the wearing of false teeth. Do not sterilize dentures in boiling water or use a bleaching agent, as dentures are made of resin. 19

Hygiene Washing-up Liquid Dentures cleaner Dentures cleaner 20