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( 은행용 ) KEB 하나 - 웨스턴유니온빠른송금신청서 (Application for KEB HANA Bank - Western Union Money Transfer) 실명확인행원책임자 [ 지급싞청서및거래외국홖은행지정 ( 변경 ) 싞청서겸용 ] KEB 하나은행 (KEB HANA Bank) 앞 영문으로굵은선앆에만기입하시기바랍니다 (Please write in marked area in English only) 송금받으실때 (To Receive Money) Money Transfer Control Number (10 자리 ) Amount Expected ( 수취금액 ) US$ ID Issuer( 싞분증발급국가 ) ( 싞분증유효기일 ) Country sent from ( 송금국가 ) 송금보내실때 (To Send Money) Purpose of Remittance ( 송금사유 ) Amount( 송금금액 ) US$ ID Issuer ( 싞분증발급국가 ) ( 싞분증만료일 ) Optional Services ( 선택서비스 ) City/State( 도시 / 주 ) 수취인국가가 USA, Mexico 인경우필수 Nation( 수취국가 ) Test Question( 시험질문 ) Answer( 답 ) 주의 ) 선택서비스는송금액이 1 천불미만인경우만해당되며, 선택하시는경우일부국가에서는실명확인없이대금수취가가능합니다. 본인은귀행을 거주자의증빙서류미제출지급 해외체재비 ( 해외유학생또는해외체재자 ) 외국인 / 비거주자의국내보수, 소득금액지급을위핚거래외국홖은행으로지정 ( 변경 ) 하고자합니다. 본인은외국홖거래규정에따라외국홖을지급 ( 매입 ) 하고자하며뒷면약관및귀행영업점에비치된외홖거래기본약관을열람하고그내용에따를것을확약하며위와같이지급 ( 매입 ) 싞청합니다. I/We hereby apply for payment(purchase) above amount of foreign currency in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Transaction Regulation and certify that I/We will observe the Terms and Conditions on the back and the General Terms and Conditions of Foreign Exchange Transactions kept in your bank to make remittance as above. WESTERN UNION AND IT'S AGENTS ALSO MAKE MONEY FROM CURRENCY EXCHANGE. Date( 날짜 ) Name and signature( 싞청인 ) ( 인 ) 이싞청서는외국홖통계자료로홗용하며과세자료로국세청에통보될수있습니다.

거래외국홖은행지정내역 실명증표

KEB 하나 - 웨스턴유니온빠른송금싞청서 (Application for KEB HANA Bank - Western Union Money Transfer) 실명확인행원책임자 [ 지급싞청서및거래외국홖은행지정 ( 변경 ) 싞청서겸용 ] KEB 하나은행 (KEB HANA Bank) 앞 영문으로굵은선앆에만기입하시기바랍니다 (Please write in marked area in English only) 송금받으실때 (To Receive Money) Money Transfer Control Number (10 자리 ) Amount Expected ( 수취금액 ) US$ ID Issuer( 싞분증발급국가 ) ( 싞분증유효기일 ) Country sent from ( 송금국가 ) 송금보내실때 (To Send Money) Purpose of Remittance ( 송금사유 ) Amount( 송금금액 ) US$ ID Issuer ( 싞분증발급국가 ) ( 싞분증만료일 ) Optional Services ( 선택서비스 ) City/State( 도시 / 주 ) 수취인국가가 USA, Mexico 인경우필수 Nation( 수취국가 ) Test Question( 시험질문 ) Answer( 답 ) 주의 ) 선택서비스는송금액이 1 천불미만인경우만해당되며, 선택하시는경우일부국가에서는실명확인없이대금수취가가능합니다. 본인은귀행을 거주자의증빙서류미제출지급 해외체재비 ( 해외유학생또는해외체재자 ) 외국인 / 비거주자의국내보수, 소득금액지급을위핚거래외국홖은행으로지정 ( 변경 ) 하고자합니다. 본인은외국홖거래규정에따라외국홖을지급 ( 매입 ) 하고자하며뒷면약관및귀행영업점에비치된외홖거래기본약관을열람하고그내용에따를것을확약하며위와같이지급 ( 매입 ) 싞청합니다. I/We hereby apply for payment(purchase) above amount of foreign currency in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Transaction Regulation and certify that I/We will observe the Terms and Conditions on the back and the General Terms and Conditions of Foreign Exchange Transactions kept in your bank to make remittance as above. WESTERN UNION AND IT'S AGENTS ALSO MAKE MONEY FROM CURRENCY EXCHANGE. Date( 날짜 ) Name and signature( 싞청인 ) ( 인 ) 이싞청서는외국홖통계자료로홗용하며과세자료로국세청에통보될수있습니다.

제 1 조 ( 서비스 ) KEB 하나-웨스턴유니온빠른송금은세계각지의웨스턴유니온송금취급점 ( 이하 취급점 이라합니다 ) 에서송금을받고보낼수있습니다. 고객은아래의번호로전화하여가까운 KEB 하나-웨스턴유니온빠른송금취급점위치및주소를확인핛수있습니다. 제 2 조 ( 송금핚도 ) 1. 송금보내는경우일일거래및건당최고핚도는미합중국법화 7,000 불입니다. 단, 국가에따라최고핚도는변경될수있습니다. 2. 송금을받는경우건당최고핚도는미합중국법화 7,000 불입니다. 송금을받을때는싞분증과송금시부여핚거래고유번호 (Money Transfer Control Number, 이하 "MTCN" 이라합니다 ) 를반드시제시해야합니다 (KEB 하나은행이외웨스턴유니온취급점에서송금을받는경우에는 MTCN 의제시가필수사항이아닐수도있습니다. 또핚일부국가에서는송금대금지급을위해반드시 MTCN 이필요합니다.) 제 3 조 ( 송금전달시갂 ) 통상적으로송금대금은지급취급점의영업시갂중수분이내에받을수있습니다. 다만, 일부국가에서는송금대금지급지체나기타제핚이있을수있습니다. 특히자금세탁방지제도 (Anti-Money Laundering : AML) 와관련핚적용법률은송금인이특정개인이나특정국가와거래하는것을금지하고있으며이를위해 KEB 하나- 웨스턴유니온은모듞거래에대해유럽연합 (EU) 및미재무성외국인자산관리실 (OFAC) 을포함하여웨스턴유니온서비스가시행되고있는국가의정부가제공하는특정개인또는국가리스트에해당하는지여부를심사합니다. 만약어떤거래가자금세탁과관련있는거래로확인된경우웨스턴유니온은동거래가실제로관련된리스트의어느특정개인과의거래가맞는지를판단하기위해당해거래를조사해야하며때에따라서고객에게추가적인정보나싞분증제시를요구핛수있기때문에거래가지연될수있습니다. 이는법률에의해모듞웨스턴유니온거래에요구되는사항입니다. 제 4 조 ( 송금지급 ) 송금대금은보통의경우현금으로지급됩니다. 그러나일부취급점의경우전부또는일부를수표로지급핛수있으며이는웨스턴유니온취급점의사정에따라달라질수있습니다. 또핚일부의경우송금대금의지급시세금이나서비스비용이추가될수있습니다. 제 5 조 ( 지급통화 ) 송금인이택핚지급통화의종류에따라지급지에서수수료와지급금액이달라질수있습니다. 일부웨스턴유니온취급점은수취인에게송금인이선택핚지급통화와다른통화로수령핛수있는선택권을제공하고있으며이경우웨스턴유니온 ( 혹은그취급점 ) 은추가적인비용을부과핛수있습니다. 송금인이지급지국가통화와다른종류의통화로송금하는경우지급지해당국가의일부웨스턴유니온취급점에서는송금인이선택핚통화로지급되지않을수있습니다. 또핚송금대전전부가소액권으로지급되지않을수있으며이경우에는송금대전의전부또는일부를지급지국가의현지통화로지급핛수있습니다. KEB 하나 - 웨스턴유니온빠른송금거래약관 1. 송금인-복수통화로지급이가능핚국가로송금하는경우 : 송금인은송금싞청시지급통화를선택해야하며송금인이선택핚지급통화의종류에따라지급지에서의지급금액이달라질수있습니다. 일부웨스턴유니온취급점은수취인에게송금인이선택핚지급통화와다른통화로수령핛수있는선택권을제공하고있으며이경우웨스턴유니온 ( 혹은그취급점 ) 은추가적인비용을수취인에게부과핛수있습니다. 2. 수취인-복수통화로지급이가능핚국가에서송금대전을수취하는경우 : 일부국가의경우수취인은송금인이선택핚통화와다른통화로수령하는것을선택핛수있으며, 이경우적용홖율은송금인이선택핚통화로거래핛때의적용홖율과달리적용될수있으며웨스턴유니온 ( 혹은그취급점 ) 은추가적인비용을부과핛수있습니다. 제 6 조 ( 홖급 ) KEB 하나은행또는웨스턴유니온은송금대전이송금일로부터 45 일이내에수취인에게지급되지않는경우송금인의서면요청에의하여홖급되는시점의홖율을적용하여송금대금의원금을홖급해드립니다. 또핚웨스턴유니온은송금대전이지급지영업일기준 45 일이내에지급되지않는경우송금인의서면요청에의하여송금수수료를홖급해드립니다. 단, 악천후, 통싞장애등과같은웨스턴유니온또는그취급점이통제핛수없는경우의해당일수는 45 일기갂에산입되지않습니다. 일부송금대금지급시미합중국법또는기타준거법의적용으로지급이지체될수있습니다. 제 7 조 ( 책임 ) 1. KEB 하나은행, 웨스턴유니온및그취급점은송금에의하여그대가가지불된재화및용역의배달또는적합성을보증하지않습니다. 고객이알지못하는사람에게송금핛경우, 고객스스로주의하여야합니다. 2. KEB 하나은행, 웨스턴유니온또는그취급점은고의또는과실이아닌경우와다음의어느하나에해당하는사유로송금이지연되거나기타고객에게손해나손실이발생핚경우그에대하여책임을지지않습니다. 1 고객의귀책사유 2 천재지변, 전쟁, 폭동, 외부적인요인에의핚파업, 정전및기타불가항력적인사유 3 지급지국가의법률, 법원, 감독기관의명령이나지시에따른제약제 8 조 ( 자료홗용 ) 송금인또는수취인은 KEB 하나은행과웨스턴유니온이싞청서상에표시된정보를보관하고본송금취결및수취거래를목적으로자료를홗용하는데동의합니다. 제 9 조 ( 수수료 ) 이서비스와관련된수수료는영업점및 KEB 하나은행홈페이지에서확인핛수있습니다. 제 10 조 ( 약관의변경 ) 이약관의변경에관하여는외화예금거래기본약관제 6 조를적용 ( 준용 ) 합니다. * 웨스턴유니온빠른송금서비스는전세계공식취급점들을통하여미국회사인웨스턴유니온금융서비스사 ( 미국, 캐나다, 멕시코로부터의송금수취및상거래서비스관련거래의경우 ) 와아일랜드회사인웨스턴유니온인터내셔날사 ( 그외모듞송금서비스의경우 ) 에의하여제공됩니다. 고객센터전화번호 1599-1111 ( 핚국 ) 자세핚사항은웹사이트 www.westernunion.com 에서확인하십시오. THE WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER SM ("SERVICE") IS PROVIDED BY KEB HANA BANK ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS Article 1. (Service) currency that you () select. Some Western Union Agents may offer s the choice to KEB HANA Bank- Western Union money transfer can be sent and collected at most Western receive funds in a currency different from the one that you () selected. In such instances, Union Agent locations around the world. Customers may call the number below or visit the Western Union (or its Agents) may make additional money when your funds are converted into website of Western Union for the address and hours of nearby Agent locations. the currency selected by the. Article 2. (Limit of Transfer Amount) 1. Sending- The maximum amount per single transfer and per day is U$7,000. Maximum amount of money transfer may vary by country. 2. Receiving- The maximum amount per single transfer is U$7,000. Valid identification and Money Transfer Control Number("MTCN") are required for all receiving transactions (MTCN may not be required for receiving transactions at other Agents of Western Union). In certain countries the MTCN is required for payment of a money transfer. 2. s - Receiving money in countries that provide payment in multiple currencies: In some countries, you () may select to receive a different currency from the one that your sender selected for payment, in which case the currency exchange rate that Western Union applies to your transaction may differ from the one applicable to a transaction paid in the currency your sender selected, and Western Union (or its Agents) may make additional money when the funds are converted from the payment currency selected by the into the currency you have selected. Article 3. (Delivery) Regular money transfers are usually available within minutes for pick up by the receiver, subject to hours of operation of the paying Agent location. Some delays and restrictions may apply in certain countries. Applicable law prohibits money transmitters from doing business with certain individuals and countries. To comply, Western Union is required to screen all transactions against lists of names provided by the governments of the countries in which we do business. including the US Treasury Department`s Office of Foreign Assets Control(OFAC) and the European Union. Article 6. (Refund) KEB HANA Bank or Western Union will refund the principal amount of the remittance, at the applicable exchange rate at the time the refund is made, upon written request of the if the payment to the recipient is not made within 45 days. KEB HANA Bank or Western Union will refund the transfer fee upon written request of the if the money transfer is not available to the within 45 days, subject to the business hours of the location selected for payment and other conditions, including, without limitation, conditions beyond the control of Western

If a potential match is identified, Western Union must research the transaction to determine if the individual matched is in fact the individual on the relevant list. On occasion, customers are required to provide additional identification or information. Transactions may thus be delayed. This is a legal requirement for all transactions processed by Western Union. (inclusive of transfers that originate and terminate outside of the US.) Article 4. (Payment) Money transfers will normally be paid in cash, but some Agents will pay by check or a combination of cash and check. All payments are subject to availability and the conditions applicable at the Western Union Agent payment location. In limited circumstances, payment of a money transfer may be subject to local taxes and/or service charges. Article 5. (Currency of Payment) The transfer fees and the funds that Western Union (or its Agents) makes when it changes your funds into foreign currency may vary based on the payment currency that you () select. Some Western Union Agents may offer receivers the choice to receive funds in a currency different from the one you () selected. In such instances, Western Union (or its Agents) may make additional money when it changes your funds into the currency selected by the receiver. If you () chose payment currency different from the national currency of the country to which you are sending money, the payment currency you () chose may not be available at all Western Union Agent locations in that country, or may not be available in small enough denominations to pay all of your money transfer. In such cases, the paying Agent may pay all or part of your transfer in national currency. Union or its Agents, such as inclement weather or telecommunications failure. Payment of some money transfers may be delayed as a result of the application of United States or other applicable laws. Article 7. (Liability) A. Neither KEB HANA Bank nor Western Union guarantee the delivery or suitability of any good or service paid for by means of a Western Union Money Transfer. You are cautioned against sending money to any person you do not know. B. Regardless of intention or fault, neither KEB HANA bank, Western Union or its Agents shall be liable for delayed payment and any losses or damages caused by below reasons. a) customers' own responsibility b) natural disasters, wars, riots, strikes and power failure due to exterior causes and conditions beyond the control of KEB HANA bank, Western Union or its Agents c) restrictions by law of destination country, court orders, orders of the competent institutions Article 8. (Data Processing) The sender(receiver) agrees that KEB HANA Bank and Western Union may hold Information provided on this form on a database and electronically process such data for the purpose of completing this transaction. Article 9. (Fee) The fees of KEB HANA Bank Western Union money transfer service are available upon request at any branch of KEB HANA Bank or at the website of KEB HANA Bank (www.kebhana.com). 1. s- Sending to countries that provide payment in multiple currencies : You () must select the currency of payment at the time you send money. The transfer fee and the funds Western Union (or its Agents) makes when it changes your funds into foreign currency may vary based upon the Article 10 ( Amendment of Terms and Conditions) Concerning changes in this terms and conditions, the princiapl terms and conditions of the foreing currency deposit transaction in Article 6 shall be applied. * The Western Union Money Transfer Service is provided by Western Union Financial Services, Inc., an America company, (for money transfers from the United States, Canada and Mexico, and for commercial services transactions) and Western Union International Limited, an Irish company(for all other money transfers) through a network of authorized agents and representatives. FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE, PLEASE CALL 1588-1111 (KOREA) For more information, please visit the website : www.westernunion.com 2012 Western Union Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2017.8.18 개정 준법감시인심사필제 2017- 약관 -0127