1 Survey of South Korean software industry Industry survey: South Korean software development 산업조사 : 한국의소프트웨어개발 General information ( 일반정보 ) 1. Respon

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1 Survey of South Korean software industry Industry survey: South Korean software development 산업조사 : 한국의소프트웨어개발 General information ( 일반정보 ) 1. Respondent & Company ( 응답자와회사정보 ) Respondent name ( 이름 ) E-mail ( 이메일 ) Role in company ( 직책 ) Company name ( 회사이름 ) Organizational unit ( 조직단위 / 부서 ) Industry sector ( 산업분야 ) Number of employees ( 직원수 )

2 Software life cycle ( 소프트웨어개발프로세스 ) 2. What software life cycle are you using at the moment? ( 현재어떤소프트웨어개발방법론 (SDLC) 을사용하고계십니까?) Traditional software life cycle methods ( 전통적인소프트웨어개발방법론 ) Waterfall ( 폭포수모델 ) Spiral model ( 나선형모델 ) Rational Unified Process (RUP) Other, what? ( 다른것을사용한다면무엇을사용하십니까?) Agile software life cycle methods ( 애자일소프트웨어개발방법론 ) Scrum ( 스크럼 ) Extreme Programming (XP) Lean Software Development (LSD, 린소프트웨어개발 ) Feature Driven Development (FDD, 기능중심개발 ) Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) Other, what? ( 다른것을사용한다면무엇을사용하십니까?) Others ( 그외의방법 ) Homemade ( 직접개발한모델 ) Other, what? ( 이외에다른것을사용한다면무엇을사용하십니까?) 3. How much are customers participating on your software life cycle? ( 소프트웨어수명에있어서고객들과얼마나자주소통하고계십니까?) Only couple meetings during life cycle ( 전체개발기간동안두세번 ) Meetings once in a month ( 한달에한번 ) Meetings once in a week ( 일주일에한번 ) Meetings daily ( 매일 ) 4. Does your organization have its own independent quality assurance group or department? ( 귀사에는품질보증 (QA) 을위한자체적인팀이나부서가따로있습니까?) Yes( 있다 ) No( 없다 )

3 5. If your organization has its own quality assurance group or department, what percent does it consists of your organizational unit and how much are they communicating with other groups during the life cycle? ( 귀사에품질보증을위한자체적인팀이나부서가있다면, 당신이 속한조직단위 ( 부서 / 팀 ) 에서차지하는비율 (%) 은어느정도이며, 소프트웨어개발 프로세스동안조직의다른그룹들과의소통은얼마나이루어지고있습니까?) Agile software development methods (Answer only if you are using them) 애자일 소프트웨어개발방법론 ( 사용하고계신경우에만답해주세요 ) 6. How long have you been using agile methods? ( 사용기갂이어떻게되십니까?) Under 6 months (6 개월이내 ) From 6 months to 2 years (6 개월에서 2 년사이 ) More than 2 years (2 년이상 ) 7. How would you describe your knowledge of agile methods? ( 애자일방법론에대해귀하는어느정도숙지하고있다고생각하십니까?) Very Low ( 아주조금 ) Low ( 조금 ) Average ( 평균 ) High ( 많이 ) Very High ( 아주많이 )

4 8. Has adoption of Agile Methods affected to your teams productivity? ( 애자일방법론의도입이팀의생산성에영향을주었습니까?) Productivity went down a lot ( 생산성이많이떨어졌다 ) Productivity went down a little ( 생산성이조금떨어졌다 ) Productivity was unchanged ( 생산성에변함없다 ) Productivity was better ( 생산성이조금좋아졌다 ) Productivity was much better ( 생산성이아주좋아졌다 ) 9. Has adoption of Agile Methods affected the quality of applications? ( 애자일방법론의도입이어플리케이션의질에영향을주었습니까?) Quality went down a lot ( 질이많이떨어졌다 ) Quality went down a little ( 질이조금떨어졌다 ) Quality was unchanged ( 질에변함이없다 ) Quality was better ( 질이좋아졌다 ) Quality was a much better ( 질이많이좋아졌다 ) 10. Has adoption of Agile Methods affected the cost of development? ( 애자일방법론의도입이개발비용에영향을주었습니까?) Costs were a lot more expensive ( 비용이훨씬많이들게되었다 ) Costs were a little more expensive ( 비용이좀더들게되었다 ) Costs were unchanged ( 비용에변함이없다 ) Costs were a little less expensive ( 비용이줄어들었다 ) Costs were a lot less expensive ( 비용이훨씬줄어들었다 ) 11. Has adoption of Agile Methods affected the satisfaction of customers? ( 애자일방법론의도입이고객만족에영향을주었습니까?) Satisfaction went down a lot ( 만족도가많이떨어졌다 ) Satisfaction went down a little ( 만족도가조금떨어졌다 ) Satisfaction was unchanged ( 만족도에변함이없다 ) Satisfaction was better ( 만족도가조금좋아졌다 ) Satisfaction was a much better ( 만족도가많이좋아졌다 )

5 12. What feature of Agile Methods do you like the most? ( 애자일방법론의어떤부분을가장좋아하십니까?) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. ( 프로세스와도구보다는개인과상호작용 ) Working software over comprehensive documentation. ( 철저한문서보다는동작하는소프트웨어 ) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. ( 계약협상보다는고객과의협동 ) Responding to change over following a plan. ( 계획을따르는것보다는변화에대응하는것 ) 13. Was there any particular reasons or advantages why you chose to use agile methods and are you planning to use them in future projects, if not, what are the disadvantages you find in them? ( 애자일방법을사용하기로한특별한이유나이점이있었습니까? 그리고앞으로의프로젝트에도애자일방법론을사용하시겠습니까? 그렇지않다면애자일방법론의좋지않은점은무엇입니까?) Software quality assurance ( 소프트웨어품질 ) 14. Do you have software quality assurance plans? ( 소프트웨어품질보증계획이있습니까?) Yes( 있다 ) No( 없다 )

6 15. Do you use any standards in software quality assurance? ( 소프트웨어품질보증에표준규격을사용하십니까?) ISO 9126 ISO 14598 ISO 25000 IEEE Homemade ( 자체규격 ) We don't use ( 사용하지않는다 ) Other, which? ( 이외에다른것을사용한다면무엇을사용하십니까?) 16. What are your most important factors in software quality assurance (according to ISO 9126)? (3 most important) ( 소프트웨어품질보증에있어귀하께가장중요한 3 가지요소는무엇입니까? ISO 9126 기준 ) Functionality ( 기능성 ) Reliability ( 신뢰성 ) Usability ( 유용성 ) Efficiency ( 효율성 ) Maintainability( 유지보수성 ) Portability ( 이식가능성 ) 17. What kind of software quality activities you have for these factors? ( 위의 6 가지요소들을위해어떠한소프트웨어품질보증활동을하십니까?)

7 18. What influence do agile methodologies have on testing and quality activities? ( 테스팅과품질보증활동에있어애자일방법론이어떤영향을줍니까?) Software testing ( 소프트웨어테스팅 ) 19. Which kind of testing does your organization perform? ( 귀사는어떠한테스팅을하십니까?) Unit testing ( 단위테스팅 ) System testing ( 계통테스팅 ) Integration testing ( 통합테스팅 ) User acceptance testing ( 사용자품질확인테스팅 ) Production verification testing ( 생산검증테스팅 ) Other? ( 이외에다른것을사용하시면무엇을사용하십니까?) 20. Is your testing conducted manually or automatically? ( 귀사의테스팅은수동적으로수행됩니까, 자동적으로수행됩니까?)

8 South Korean software industry( 한국의소프트웨어개발산업 ) 21. How do you see the Korean software industry today and in the future? ( 귀하는한국소프트웨어산업의현재와미래를어떻게생각하고계십니까?) 22. What do you think are the biggest strengths and weaknesses in Korean software industry? ( 한국소프트웨어산업의가장큰강점과약점은무엇이라고생각하십니까?) 23. Do you have anything else to say? ( 하시고싶은말씀이있다면남겨주세요 )