IIBC 성경은블랙홀에대해침묵하고있는가? November 29, 2020 오늘의본문말씀 : 로마서 1:20 Sermon: Is the Bible silent on Black Holes? Today s main verse is Romans 1:20. 오늘의주성경구절은로마

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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관


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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

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182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연




오늘의본문말씀 : 로마서 1:20 Sermon: Is the Bible silent on Black Holes? Today s main verse is Romans 1:20. 오늘의주성경구절은로마서 1:20 절입니다. Romans 1:20 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 로마서 1:20 20 그분의보이지아니하는것들곧그분의영원하신권능과신격은창세로부터분명히보이며만들어진것들을통해깨달아알수있나니그러므로그들이변명할수없느니라. 1 Introduction 서론 Let me ask you a question. 한가지질문을드리겠습니다. Anyone who have heard about black holes in space? 우주공간의블랙홀에대해들어본적이분계십니까? Thank you! 감사합니다! Please put your hand down. 손을내려주십시오. I think most of you heave heard about black holes more than one time. 대부분블랙홀에대해한번이상을들어보셨을것으로생각합니다. On October 6th 2020, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 with one half to Roger Penrose 2020 년 10 월 6 일에, 스웨덴왕립과학원은 2020 년노벨물리학상의 1/2 을로저펜로스경에게수여하기로결정했습니다. for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity, 일반상대성이론이블랙홀형성을강력히예측하였음을발견한공로로 and the other half jointly to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez 그리고나머지 1/2 은라인하르트겐젤과아드레아게즈에게돌아갔습니다, for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the center of our galaxy. 은하계중심에있는초대질량 ( 超大質量 ) 물체를발견한공로로 These winners in physics will receive a medal from the King of Sweden, as well as a diploma and a cash award at the Stockholm Concert Hall on December 10th 2020. 이물리학상수상자들은 2020 년 12 월 10 일에스톡홀름콘서트홀에서스웨덴국왕으로부터메달과함께상장과상금을받게됩니다. Anyway this news about the Nobel Prize in Physics this year is making people more interested in black holes. 어쨌거나올해의노벨물리학상소식은사람들이블랙홀에대해더많은관심을갖도록만들고있습니다. At the same time this news, I think, is driving people further away from the Bible, 동시에이소식은사람들을더욱성경으로부터멀어지게하고있다는생각이듭니다, because black holes do not seem to have anything to do with the Bible, 왜냐하면블랙홀은성경과아무관계가없는것처럼보이기때문이며, or even they appear to show that the Bible is wrong. 아니면, 그것들이심지어성경이틀리다는것을보여주는것처럼보이기때문입니다. As you know, a black hole is a region of space-time where gravity is so strong that nothing-no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light-can escape from it. 아시다시피, 블랙홀은중력이너무나강해서어떤분자나심지어빛과같은전자기복사조차도그것으로부터빠져나갈수없는시공간의영역입니다. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform space-time to form a black hole. 일반상대성이론은질량이충분히밀집되면시공을뒤틀어블랙홀을형성할수있다고예측했습니다. The boundary of the region from which no escape is possible is called the event horizon. 어떤것도빠져나갈수없는영역의경계를사건의지평선 ( 事件의地平線 ) 이라고부릅니다. Black holes of stellar mass are expected to form when very massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. 항성질량을갖는블랙홀은아주거대한별들이생명주기의마지막단계에서붕괴할때형성되는것으로예측됩니다. Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 1 / 0

After a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing mass from its surroundings. 블랙홀이형성된후, 그것은주변으로부터질량을흡수하면서계속커질수있습니다. By absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes, supermassive black holes of millions of solar masses may form. 다른별들을흡수하고, 다른블랙홀들을병합함으로써, 수백만개의태양과맞먹는질량을가진초대질량블랙홀이생길수있다는것입니다. There is a consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centers of most galaxies. 초대질량의블랙홀은대부부의은하계의중심에존재한다는데의견의일치가이루어지고있습니다. So a black hole can be summarized as follows: 블랙홀은다음과같이요약될수있습니다 : 1. It is presumed to be created in the final stage of evolution of stars. 블랙홀은별들의진화의마지막단계에서생기는것으로추정된다. 2. It is predicted by the theory of general relativity. 블랙홀은일반상대성이론에의해예측된다. 3. It is a space-time region in which nothing can escape due to its strong gravity. 블랙홀은너무나강한중력때문에아무것도빠져나갈수없는시공의영역이다. Now I, therefore, want to speak a message entitled Is the Bible silent on Black Holes? to illuminate these three characteristics of black holes in the perspective of the Bible. 따라서, 저는이러한블랙홀의세가지특징을성경의관점에서조명해보기위해서 성경은블랙홀에대해침묵하는가? 라는제목으로설교를드리고자합니다. *** Let s pray *** Heavenly Father, thank you so much for giving us your perfect Word of Truth to worship you in spirit and in truth here at IIBC this morning. Please help us so that we might know Jesus Christ the Creator God and the Lord more and better through this preaching. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 2 Evolution of stars 별들의진화 The first character of a black hole is that it is presumed to be created in the final stage of evolution of stars. 블랙홀의첫번째특징은그것이별들의진화의마지막단계에서생성되는것으로추정된다는것입니다. In other words, black holes are explained on the basic idea of the evolution of the universe. 다른말로하면, 블랙홀은우주의진화라는기본적인사고를바탕으로설명됩니다. Let me ask you a question. 한가지질문을드리겠습니다. How old do you think is the universe? 우주의나이가몇이라고생각하십니까? As I told you before, the universe is not 16 billion years old but 6,000 years old. 이전에말씀드린것처럼, 우주의나이는 160 억년이아니라 6,000 년입니다. Some might say, 어떤분은이렇게말합니다, Wait a minute, Preacher! 설교자님, 잠깐만요! How can we then see the stars that are billions of light years apart from us? 그렇다면우리에게서수십억광년이나떨어져있는별들을우리가어떻게볼수있습니까? That shows us that even if the age of Earth might be 6,000 years, the Universe must be at least billions of years old. 그것은지구의나이가 6,000 년이라할지라도, 우주는최소한몇십억년은되야한다는말입니다. So let me explain how starlight so far from us got to us in 6,000 years. 그렇다면, 우리에게서그렇게멀리떨어진별빛이어떻게 6,000 년만에우리에게도달하는지설명해보겠습니다. There are four prerequisites that you must understand. 이것을이해하려면, 알아야할네가지사전지식이있습니다. Firstly, the distance which is more than a hundred light-year cannot be precisely measured. 첫째, 백광년이상의거리는정확히측정될수없습니다. This is because the distance between stars are measured using Trigonometry. 이는별들사이의거리가삼각법을이용하여측정되기때문입니다. Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 2 / 0

We use the revolution orbit of the Earth as one side of the triangle. 삼각형의한면으로지구의공전궤도를사용합니다. However, relatively speaking, the distance of the Earth s orbit is really really short compared to the distance from the object star. 하지만, 상대적으로말해서, 지구궤도의거리는별로부터의거리와비교해서너무나너무나짧습니다. Therefore, millions of lightyears is more imaginary number than actual mathematical fact. 따라서, 수백만광년은실제수학적사실이라기보다는상상의숫자에가깝습니다. Secondly, we do not clearly understand the light. 둘째, 우리는빛을명확히이해하지못하고있습니다. We discuss terms like waves, particles, photons and quantum but we do not clearly understand the mechanism of light. 우리는파동, 분자, 광자, 양자등의용어를논하지만, 빛의메커니즘을명확히알지못합니다. We also do not know for sure whether light has travelled at the same speed throughout the time and space. 또한우리는빛이시공을통해언제나같은속도록이동하는지확실히알지못합니다. Thirdly, Creation was complete when God created all creatures in 6 days. 셋째, 창조는하나님께서 6 일동안모든창조물을창조하셨을때완성되었습니다. Lastly, just in case, light-year is a distance, not time. 마지막으로, 혹시몰라서말씀드리지만, 광년은거리이지시간이아닙니다. Now let us go to the Bible. Here s Isaiah 40:22. 그럼이제성경으로가봅시다. 이사야서 40:22 절입니다. Isaiah 40:22 22 [It is] he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof [are] as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: 이사야 40:22 22 땅의원위에앉으신이가바로그분이시니땅에거하는자들은메뚜기같으니라. 그분께서하늘들을휘장같이펴시며그것들을거주할장막같이치시고 In the last part of this verse, we see that [God] stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent. 이구절의마지막부분에서, 하나님께서하늘들을휘장같이펴시며그것들을거주할장막같이치셨음을보게됩니다. Holy Bible tells us more than 10 times that [God] stretcheth out the heavens. 성경은하나님께서하늘들을펴셨음을열번이상이나우리에게말해주고있습니다. So, we have to shift our paradigm. 그래서, 우리는패러다임을바꾸어야합니다. Instead of asking how did star light get to the Earth, we have to ask, how did stars go that far from here? 어떻게별빛이지구에도달하는가를묻는대신에, 우리는 어떻게별이여기로부터그렇게먼곳까지갔는가? 를물어야합니다. God created the Earth on the first day of creation, as written in Genesis 1:1, 하나님께서는창조 5 일째에지구를창조하셨습니다. 창세기 1:1 절에는이렇게씌여져있습니다, which reads In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 처음에하나님께서하늘과땅을창조하시니라 And then the stars were spread out from here on the fourth day of creation, as written in Genesis 1:16 & 19, 그리고나서창세기 1:16 & 19 절에씌여져있는바와같이, 별들이창조넷째날에여기에서부터펼쳐져나갔습니다, which read Genesis 1:16 16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [he made] the stars also. 창세기 1:16 16 [ 하나님 ] 께서커다란두광체를만드사큰광체는낮을다스리게하시고작은광체는밤을다스리게하시며또별들도만드시고 Genesis 1:19 19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 창세기 1:19 19 그저녁과아침이넷째날이더라. As stars are being expanded out, they left some remains which are the red shifts from the Big Bang Theory. 별들이펼쳐쳐나가면서, 자취를남기는데, 그것이빅뱅 ( 대폭발 ) 이론에서말하는적색편이 ( 赤色便易 ) 입니다. Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 3 / 0

By the way, as I told you before, the Big Bang theory is NOT a science, 그런데, 전에도말씀드렸던것처럼, 빅뱅이론은과학이아닙니다, because it contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, 왜냐하면그것은열역학제 2 법칙을거스르고있으며, and the speed of stars of being spread out from the Earth must be very much faster than the speed of light in sight of an observer on the ground. 별들이지구로부터펼쳐쳐나가는속도는지상의관측자의눈에빛의속도보다훨씬더빨라야하기때문입니다. Anyhow, let me explain red shift. 어쨌거나, 적색편이 를설명해보겠습니다. Red shift can be understood literally 적색편이는문자그대로이해될수있습니다. - the wavelength of the light is stretched, so the light is seen as shifted towards the red part of the spectrum. - 빛의파장이늘어나서, 빛이스펙트럼의적색부분을향해이동되는것처럼보인다. Something similar happens to sound waves when a source of sound moves relative to an observer. 비슷한현상이음파에서도일어나는데, 음원이관측자쪽으로이동할때그런현상이나타납니다. This effect is called the Doppler effect that the frequency of sound waves changes if the source of sound and the observer are moving relative to each other. 이효과는도플러효과로불리는데, 음원과관측자의상대적인위치가이동된다면음파의주파수가변한다는것입니다. If the two are approaching, then the frequency heard by the observer is higher; 이둘이서로가까워지면, 관측자에게들리는주파수는높아지며 ; if they move away from each other, the frequency heard is lower. 서로멀어지면, 들리는주파수는낮아집니다. Everyone has heard the increased pitch of an approaching police or ambulance siren and the sharp decrease in pitch as the siren passes by and recedes. 모든사람은경찰차나앰뷸란스가가까이다가올때높은음의싸이렌소리를듣게되고, 멀어지수록낮은음의싸이렌소리가급격히낮아집니다. Light behaves like a wave, 빛은음파와비슷해서, so light from a luminous object undergoes a Doppler-like shift if the source is moving relative to us. 발광물체로부터오는빛은빛의원천이우리에게상대적으로가까워진다면, 도플러현상과비슷한편이를겪게됩니다. The red shift of a distant galaxy is easily measured by comparing its spectrum with a reference laboratory spectrum. 먼은하의적색편이는그스펙트럼과실험실의참고스펙트럼을서로비교함으로써쉽게측정됩니다. Atomic emission and absorption lines occur at well-known wavelengths. 원자의방출과흡수선이잘알려진파장에서발생합니다. By measuring the location of these lines in astronomical spectra, astronomers can determine the red shift of the receding sources. 천문스펙트럼에서이러한선들의위치를측정함으로써, 천문학자들은멀어져가는원천의적색편이를결정할수있습니다. So the red shift from the unscientific Big Bang theory can be compatible with descriptions in the Bible which shows 6,000 years of age of the universe. 그래서비과학적인빅뱅이론의적색편이는우주의나이가 6,000 년임을보여주는성경의설명과양립될수가있습니다.... Let us read the first part of Isaiah 42:5. 이사야서 42:5 절의첫부분을읽어봅시다. Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; Isaiah 42:5a 5 Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out;... 이사야 42:5a 5 주하나님이이같이말하노라, 하늘들을창조하여펼치고땅과땅에서나오는것을펴며 As such, God stretched out the heavens including stars and black holes on the fourth day of creation. 이처럼, 하나님께서는창조넷째날에별들과블랙홀들을포함하여하늘들을펼치셨습니다. As a result, red shifts of stars can be observed, 그결과로, 별들의적색편이가관측될수있고, and also black holes can be discovered as written in the last part of verse 13 of Jude, 또한블랙홀들도관측될수있는것입니다, 유다서 13 절뒷부분에는이렇게씌여있습니다, which reads, Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 4 / 0

Jude 1:13b 13... wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. 유다서 1:13b 13... 떠돌아다니는별들이니그들을위해칠흑같은어둠이영원토록예비되어있느니라. Here Apostle Jude seems to actually describe such a Black Hole and the state of such stars as are caught in its gravitational field. 여기서사도유다는그런블랙홀과그중력장에의해붙들린별들의상태를묘사하고있는듯합니다. 3 Theory of general relativity 일반상대성이론 The second character of a black hole is that it is predicted by the theory of general relativity. 블랙홀의둘째특징은그것이일반상대성이론에의해예측된다는것입니다. As you know, General relativity is a theory of gravitation that was developed by Albert Einstein between 1907 and 1915. 아시다시피, 일반상대성이론은 1907 년에서 1915 년사이에알버트아인슈타인에의해개발된중력이론입니다. According to general relativity, the observed gravitational effect between masses results from their warping of space-time. 일반상대성이론에따르면, 질량사이에관측되는중력은시공의휘어짐에서오는현상입니다. In other words, Einstein showed that time is not constant but relative for each observer. 다른말로하면, 아이슈타인은시간은일정한것이아니라각관측자에상대적이라는것을보였습니다. The technical terms describing this are velocity time dilation and gravitational time dilation. 이것을표현하는전문용어가 속도시간지연 과 중력시간지연 입니다. Let me give you examples about gravitational time dilation. 중력시간지연 에대한예를들어보겠습니다. It is a known fact that time flows faster in high elevations like the top of Everest mountain, GPS satellite and space station. 에베레스트정상이나, GPS 위성, 우주정거장과같이높은곳에서는시간이더빠르게흐른다는것은알려진사실입니다. If you saw the movie entitled Interstellar, then you may understand this more easily. 인터스텔라라는영화를보면, 아마이것을더쉽게이해할수있을것입니다. Interstellar is a 2014 American epic science fiction film directed and produced by Christopher Nolan, who is, I think, a genius. 인터스텔라는 2014 년에미국에서크리스토퍼놀란감독이만든공상과학대작영화인데, 그는정말천재라고생각합니다. Kip Stephen Thorne was an executive producer, acted as scientific consultant, and wrote a tie-in book, The Science of Interstellar. 킵스티븐쏜이수석프로듀서와과학컨설턴트로활동했으며, 영화와함께인터스텔라의과학이라는책도펴냈습니다. By the way Dr. Thorne was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics for decisive contributions to the observation of gravitational waves. 한편쏜박사는중력파의관측에결정적인공헌을한공로로 2017 년노벨물리학상을받았습니다. So the film entitled Interstellar shows not a few scientific truths. 이인터스텔라라는영화는꽤여러가지과학적진실을보여주고있습니다. Let s take a look at one of the movie scenes. 영화장면중하나를살펴보겠습니다. Anne Hathaway who plays a scientist Dr. Brand, says, 과학자브랜드박사역의해써웨이가말합니다, Time is relative okay? 시간은상대적이야맞지? It can stretch and it can squeeze, 팽창할수도, 압축될수도있어. but,... it can t run backwards. Just can t. 그러나,... 되돌릴수는없어. 그건할수없어. The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity. 시간처럼차원을넘어움직일수있는유일한것은중력이야. So the planet where Dr. Brand arrived at shows markedly different physical factors compared to the Earth which we live in. 그렇게브랜드박사가도착한행성은우리가살고있는지구와는완전히다른물리계수를가지고있습니다. Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 5 / 0

For example, one hour on that planet is roughly equal to 7 years on the Earth. 예를들어, 그행성에서한시간은대략지구에서의 7 년과같습니다. One meter there is equal to 6.1 km here. 거기에서 1 미터는여기에서 6.1 킬로미터와같습니다. Five km per second there is equal to light speed here. 거기에서초당 5 킬로미터는여기에서빛의속도와같습니다. Anyhow God created stars on the 4th day. 어쨌거나하나님께서넷째날에별들을창조하셨습니다. If the time on Earth flew much slower on the fourth day compared to time from Universe of Galaxy, 만일넷째날, 지구에서의시간이은하계의우주의시간과비교해서훨씬느리게흘렀다면, then it probably provided sufficient time for light to reach the Earth from outer space. 그것은아마도빛이지구외부공간으로부터지구에도달할충분한시간을주었을것입니다. Then by the sixth day of the Creation, when Adam woke up in the morning, the light could have been reaching the Earth, and Adam could have seen it. 그리고창조여섯번째날, 아담이아침에눈을떳을때, 빛이이미지구에도달하고있었고, 아담은그것을보았을것입니다. So the starlights that we observe today are the light coming from the stars God created on the fourth day. 이렇듯, 오늘우리가보는별빛은하나님께서넷째날에창조하신별들로부터오는빛입니다. By the way, we have to remember that God created all the laws of physics including General relativity. 그런데, 우리는하나님께서일반상대성을포함한모든물리법칙을창조하셨음을기억해야합니다. Let s read Genesis 1:1. 창세기 1:1 절을읽어봅시다. Genesis 1:1 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 창세기 1:1 1 처음에 [ 하나님 ] 께서하늘과땅을창조하시니라. Here God proclaims that He himself created time, space, and matter. 여기서하나님께서는그분자신께서시간, 공간그리고물질을창조하였음을선포하십니다. So it is God that made gravitational time dilation. 그래서 중력시간지연 을만드신분은하나님입니다. Now I would like to mention a few more Bible verses regarding Theory of relativity. 이제저는상대성이론과관련된성경구절몇가지를언급하고자합니다. Over 1,800 years ago before Einstein, Apostle Peter wrote, 아인슈타인보다 1,800 년전에, 사도바울은이렇게썼습니다, 2 Peter 3:8 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 베드로후서 3:8 8 그러나사랑하는자들아, [ 주 ] 께는하루가천년같고천년이하루같다는이한가지사실에대하여무지한자가되지말라. Even before that, Moses said, 그보다도더앞서, 모세는말했습니다, Psalms 90:4 4 For a thousand years in thy sight [are but] as yesterday when it is past, and [as] a watch in the night. 시편 90:4 4 주의눈앞에서는천년이단지지나간어제와같으며밤의한경점과같나이다. These passages appear to argue that TIME IS RELATIVE thousands of years before science got wind of the notion. 이구절들은과학이라는개념이들어서기수천년전에시간이이미시간이상대적인것임을주장하고있는것으로보입니다. But do these Bible verses imply that God is moving close to the speed of light (velocity time dilation) or that he is so massive as to curve the space-time around him like a black hole (gravitational time dilation)? 그러나이성경구절이암시하는것은하나님께서빛의속도에근접하게움직인다 ( 속도시간지연 ) 는것입니까아니면그분께서너무나거대해서주위의시공을블랙홀처럼휘게할수있다 ( 중력시간지연 ) 는것입니까? Actually, neither. 사실, 둘다아닙니다. Theory of relativity deals with objects localized in space and having mass. 상대성이론은특정공간상에놓인질량을가진물체를대상으로합니다. The Bible claims that God is not localized in space and has no mass. 성경은하나님께서는특정공간안에놓여있지않으시며, 질량도갖고있지않다고주장합니다. Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 6 / 0

Let s read Proverb 15:3 and John 4:24. 잠언 15:3 절과요한복음 4:24 절을읽어봅시다. Proverbs 15:3 3 The eyes of the LORD [are] in every place, beholding the evil and the good. 잠언 15:3 3 주의눈은모든곳에있어서악한자와선한자를살피느니라. John 4:24 24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth. 요한복음 4:24 24 [ 하나님 ] 은 [ 영 ] 이시니그분께경배하는자들이반드시영과진리로그분께경배할지니라, 하시니라. As such, God is present everywhere and has no mass because He is a Spirit. 이처럼, 하나님께서는편재하시며, 영이시므로질량도없습니다. So, the theory of relativity would suggest that an observer that is present everywhere and has no mass is not subject to space-time at all. 그래서, 상대성이론은어디에나존재하며, 질량도없는관측자는시공에전혀제한을받지않음을암시하고있는것입니다. Just as the prophet Isaiah says, God inhabits eternity. (Isaiah 57:15a). 대언자이사야가말한것처럼, 하나님은 영원에거주하십니다. ( 이사야야 57:15a) All points in space and all points in time are before Him. 공간상의모든점과시간상의모든점은그분앞에있습니다. So we have to say to God as Psalmist says in Psalm 102:24-26. 그래서우리는시편기자가시편 102:24-26 절에말한것처럼, 하나님께말해야만합니다. Psalms 102:24-26 24 I said, O my God, take me not away in the midst of my days: thy years [are] throughout all generations. 25 Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens [are] the work of thy hands. 26 They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: 시편 102:24-26 24 내가아뢰기를, 오나의 [ 하나님 ] 이여, 내날들의중간에나를데려가지마옵소서. 주의햇수는모든세대에두루미치나이다. 25 주께서옛적에땅의기초를놓으셨사오며하늘들은주의손이이루신작품이니이다. 26 그것들은사라지려니와오직주는지속하시겠고참으로그것들은다옷같이낡아지리니주께서의복같이그것들을바꾸시면그것들이바뀌려니와 4 Places where nothing can escape 아무것도빠져나갈수없는곳 The last and the third category of a black hole is that it is a space-time region in which nothing can escape due to its strong gravity. 마지막블랙홀의셋째특징은강력한중력으로인해아무것도빠져나갈수없는시공의영역이라는점입니다. Let s read the last part of verse 13 of Jude, which describes black holes. 유다서 13 절의마지막부분을읽어보겠습니다, 이구절을블랙홀을묘사하고있습니다. wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. 떠돌아다니는별들이니그들을위해칠흑같은어둠이영원토록예비되어있느니라. Here we see the word forever. 여기에 영원 이라는단어가보입니다. Forever means that a black hole is a space-time region in which nothing can escape. 영원은블랙홀이아무것도빠져나갈수없는시공의영역에있음을의미합니다. In addition, the Scripture tells us about a few more places from which no escape is possible. 덧붙여, 성경기록은탈출이불가능한곳을몇가지더우리에게말해줍니다. Let s read Revelation 20:1-3a. 요한계시록 20:1-3a 를읽어봅시다. Revelation 20:1-3a 1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3a And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him,... 요한계시록 20:1-3 1 또내가보니한천사가바닥없는구덩이의열쇠와큰사슬을손에들고하늘로부터내려와 2 마귀요사탄인그용곧저옛뱀을붙잡으니라. 그가그를붙잡아천년동안결박하여 3 바닥없는구덩이에던져넣어가두고그위에봉인을하여... Here we see the bottomless pit. 여기에바닥없는구덩이가나옵니다. Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 7 / 0

The bottomless pit does not actually have a bottom. 바닥없는구덩이는실제바닥을가지고있지않습니다. In other words, it comprises only roof structure on every side. 다시말해서, 그것은양쪽이모두천정인구조로되어있습니다. Accordingly everything continues to fall down in the bottomless pit. 따라서모든것은바닥없는구덩이속으로계속떨어지게되어있습니다. So Satan can never escape from it unless God permits him to do so. 그래서사탄은하나님께서허락하지않으시는한그곳에서빠져나올수없습니다. Let s read Luke 16:25,26. 누가복음 16:25,26 절을읽어봅시다. Luke 16:25-26 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that [would come] from thence. 누가복음 16:25-26 25 아브라함이이르되, 아들아, 너는너의평생에너의좋은것들을받았고그와같이나사로는나쁜것들을받았음을기억하라. 그러나이제그는위로를받고너는고통을받느니라. 26 이모든것외에도우리와너희사이에는큰구렁텅이가놓여있어여기서너희에게건너가려하는자들이갈수없고거기서오려하는자들도우리에게건너올수없느니라, 하니 Here we see the rich man who is very eager to escape from the hell, 여기에지옥을간절히탈출하고싶은부자가보입니다, but Abraham says to him neither can they pass to us, that [would come] from thence. 하지만아브라함은그에게말합니다, 거기서오려하는자들도우리에게건너올수없느니라. So to speak, he says that hell is a place where nobody can escape. 지옥은아무도빠져나올수없는곳이라는말입니다. Let s read Revelation 20:10. 요한계시록 20:10 절을읽어보겠습니다. Revelation 20:10 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. 요한계시록 20:10 10 또그들을속인마귀가불과유황호수에곧그짐승과거짓대언자가있는곳에던져져서영원무궁토록밤낮으로고통을받으리라. Here we see the lake of fire. 여기에불호수가나옵니다. And also we can see the words for ever and ever in the last part of this verse. 그리고이구절의마지막부분에 영원무궁토록 이라는단어가보입니다. So the lake of fire which is the final hell, is a place where the trinity of Satan and also lost souls can never escape. 최종지옥인불호수는삼위일체사탄과잃어버린영혼들이결코빠져나올수없는곳입니다. By the way we can not see the hell with our own eyes as we can not perceive the black holes with eyes. 그런데, 우리가블랙홀을눈으로인지할수없는것처럼지옥을우리눈으로볼수없습니다. However, hell is a real place. 하지만, 지옥은진짜존재하는곳입니다. Holy Bible tells us the existence of hell 54 times only with the word hell, 성경은지옥의존재를지옥이라는단어로만 54 번이나말하고있습니다, and also gives us many other words or expressions for hell such as everlasting fire, everlasting destruction, outer darkness, bottomless pit, and lake of fire, etc. 그리고또영원한불, 영원한파멸, 바깥어두움, 바닥없는구덩이와불호수등과같은많은다른단어들과표현들로지옥을우리에게알려주고있습니다. Anyway hell is a place where souls can never escape after they entered there. 어쨌거나지옥은거기로일단들어간혼은결코빠져나올수없는장소입니다. This brings up the question. 이것은이질문을낳습니다. Who will go to hell? 누가지옥에가게되는가? Many agree that Satan s final destination is hell or the lake of fire. 많은사람들은사탄의최종종착지가지옥혹은불호수라는것에동의합니다. However, they don t know that all humans are born sinners going to hell. 하지만, 그들은모든인간은지옥을향해가는죄인으로태어난것을알지못하고있습니다. Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 8 / 0

Let s read Romans 3:23. 로마서 3:23 절을읽어봅시다. Romans 3:23 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 로마서 3:23 23 모든사람이죄를지어 [ 하나님 ] 의영광에이르지못하더니 This means that all men are sinners, so they can not go to Heaven filled with the glory of God. 이는모든사람이죄인이어서, 하나님의영광으로가득한천국에갈수없다는뜻입니다. So everyone s default destination is hell. 그래서모든사람의기본적인종착지는지옥입니다. Here arise the question. 여기에서의문이생깁니다. How can we not go to hell? 어떻게우리는지옥에가지않을수있을까? God chose only two places in order to punish sins in His wisdom. 하나님께서는그분의지혜안에서죄를벌하기위해서단두곳만을선택하셨습니다. They are Calvary and hell! 그것은갈보리와지옥입니다! We all have to go to either Calvary or hell, because all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) 우리는갈보리아니면지옥으로가야합니다, 왜냐하면모든사람은죄를지었으므로하나님의영광이이르지못했기때문입니다. ( 로마서 3:23) Hell is a place where we pay for our sins. 지옥은우리가우리의죄값을치르는장소입니다. God doesn t want us to have to pay for our sins but He knows the true effects of sin. 하나님께서는우리가우리의죄값을치러야하는것을원치않으시지만, 그분은죄의진정한결과가무엇인지알고계십니다. The Bible says that our good deeds are like filthy rags before a perfectly holy God as written in Isaiah 64:6, 성경은우리의선한행위들은완벽히거룩하신하나님앞에서더러운누더기와같다고말합니다, which reads, Isaiah 64:6 6 But we are all as an unclean [thing], and all our righteousnesses [are] as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. 이사야 64:6 6 그러나우리는다부정한물건같아서우리의모든의는더러운누더기같으며우리는다잎사귀같이시들므로우리의불법들이바람같이우리를몰아가나이다. We can t work our way into Heaven and we can t bear the punishment of hell. 우리는천국을벌수없고, 우리는지옥의심판을감당할수없습니다. We need someone to save us. 우리는우리를구원할누군가가필요합니다. So, if you really want to not go to hell, you must go to Calvary! 그래서, 만일당신이정말지옥에가기를바라지않는다면, 당신은갈보리로가야만합니다! At Calvary Jesus did what was necessary to remove everything that separated man from God through taking the punishment we should have. 갈보리에서예수님께서우리가받아야했던심판을짊어짐으로써, 인간을하나님으로부터분리시켰던모든것들을제거하기위해필요한모든일들을행하셨습니다. At Calvary Jesus became SIN for us! 갈보리에서예수님께서우리를위해죄가되셨습니다! Let s read 2 Corinthians 5:21. 고린도후서 5:21 절을읽어봅시다. 2 Corinthians 5:21 21 For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 고린도후서 5:21 21 하나님께서죄를알지못한그분을우리를위하여죄가되게하신것은우리가그분안에서 [ 하나님 ] 의의가되게하려하심이라. If you go to Calvary and meet Jesus who became sin for you and died for you and rose again three days later, 만일당신이갈보리에가서당신을위해죄가되셔서당신을위해죽으시고사흘후에다시살아나신예수님을만난다면, you will be made the righteousness of God in him. 당신은그분안에서하나님의의가될것입니다. Please do not hesitate to accept Jesus who did defeat the power of hell and Death as your personal Saviour and the Lord! 부디주저하지말고, 지옥과죽음의권세를물리치신예수님을당신의개인적구원자와주로받아들이십시오! Let s read John 3:16. 요한복음 3:16 절을읽어봅시다. John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 9 / 0

should not perish, but have everlasting life. 요한복음 3:16 16 [ 하나님 ] 께서세상을이처럼사랑하사자신의독생자를주셨으니이것은누구든지그를믿는자는멸망하지않고영존하는생명을얻게하려하심이라. In order to not go to hell, you should pray sincerely like this: 지옥에가지않기위해서, 당신은진심으로이와같이기도해야합니다 : Lord Jesus, 주예수님, I am a sinner. 저는죄인입니다. I don t want to go to Hell when I die. 저는죽어서지옥에가고싶지않습니다. Now I do receive you as my personal risen Saviour and the Lord. 이제저는당신을저의개인적인다시살아나신구원자와주로받아들입니다. Thank you for dying for my sins on the Cross at Calvary. 갈보리십자가위에서저의죄들을위해죽으셔서감사합니다. Amen. 아멘. 5 Conclusion 결론 Now I would like to summarize and conclude. 이제설교를요약하고결론을내리겠습니다. 1. God created stars and black holes on the fourth day of creation around 6,000 years ago. 하나님께서는별들과블랙홀들을약 6,000 년전창조넷째날에창조하셨습니다. 2. God created all the laws of physics including General relativity which predicts black holes. 하나님께서는블랙홀들을예측한일반상대성이론을포함한모든물리법칙들을창조하셨습니다. 3. Hell is a place like black holes where nobody can escape. 지옥은블랙홀과같이아무도빠져나올수없는곳입니다. 4. If you accept Jesus as your own personal Savior and the Lord, you can go to Heaven instead of Hell. 만일당신이예수님을당신의개인적구원자와주로받아들인다면, 당신은지옥대신에천국에갈수있습니다. Now let us praise God who reveals His eternal power and Godhead through His creations such as black holes and physical laws. 이제블랙홀과물리법칙들같은자신의창조물들을통해자신의영원한권능과신격을나타내신하나님께찬송을드립시다. And also let us exalt and magnify God who loves us and gave us His only begotten Son Jesus to save us from the eternal damnation. 그리고또한우리를사랑하사우리를영원한저주로부터구원하기위해자신의독생자예수님을우리에게내어주신하나님을높이며찬양합시다. I just want to finish by reading today s main verse again. 오늘의주성경구절을읽고마치겠습니다. Romans 1:20 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 로마서 1:20 20 그분의보이지아니하는것들곧그분의영원하신권능과신격은창세로부터분명히보이며만들어진것들을통해깨달아알수있나니그러므로그들이변명할수없느니라. *** Let s pray *** Father, thank you so much for giving the knowledge of the truth to us who are living in the age of science. I really pray that all attendants here this morning would accept Jesus who is the Creator God and only Saviour so that they would go to Heaven instead of Hell. In Jesus precious name, I pray. Amen. Prepared by Han Tchah & Translated by Ho-hyun Kim Page 10 / 0