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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

Stage 2 First Phonics



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< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>








Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

야쿠르트2010 3월 - 최종


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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직


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CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior


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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정


Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.

June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck





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#1_초급 본문


Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you

7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

Just Grammar Starter Level 3-º»¹®.PDF


April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습



3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의



_KF_Bulletin webcopy

<C0CEBBEA2032BFF92D DB4DCC7C72E706466>



Willstory( ) 71.indd


55호 1면


Being friends with the face in the mirror

I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien

(2005) ,,.,..,,..,.,,,,,



Lesson 5 5 A 1 continue 2 truth 3 fault 4 remember 5 lesson 6 pass 7 seed 8 hide 9 treasure 10 invention 11 run up to 12 on the way 13 neither A nor B 14 turn off 15 take a shower 16 3 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 ran, up 2 Are, sure 3 on, the, way 4 neither, nor 5 take, a, moment 1 triple 2 filter 3 truth 4 fault 5 tip 5 You should ~., I think you should ~., Why don t you ~?, How What about ~ing?, You d better ~., I advise you to ~. Why don t you report it to the police? A: B: 9 1 (1) something bad (2) before (3) before 2 (1) Before, you, talk, to (2) nothing, special (3) anything, hot 3 (1) He took a shower before he had breakfast. / Before he had breakfast, he took a shower. (2) I want something interesting to read. 4 (1) nice anything anything nice (2) finish I finish finish finishing (3) nothing anything wasn t was 5 1 (1) It s all my fault., It s entirely my fault. (2) What should I do? (3) I think you should ~. 2 (1) It s because of ~. because of: (2) How What about ~ing? (3) I think you should ~. (1) (2) (3) 7 1 (1) all, my, fault my, entire, fault / entirely, my, fault (2) What, should (3) think, you, should 2 (1) It s because of Minsu. (2) How about making a study plan? (3) I think you should change your study habits. 3 (1) advice tips, give, some, advice tips (2) How What, about, joining, Why, don t, had, better 4 It s all my fault. It s my entire fault. It s entirely my fault. 5 3 (1) advice: =tip (2) had better: (1) (2) 4 It s all my fault., It s my entire fault., It s entirely my fault. 1 (1) -thing something (2), (3) before (1) (2) (3) 2 (1) before (2), (3) -thing nothing, anything (2) nothing (3) anything 3 (1) After A, B ~. AB =A before B ~. Before B, A ~. B A (2) something something interesting (1) (2) 4 (1) anything anything nice (2) after after (3) anything nothing (1) (2) (3) 5

up take on neither to 14~15 01 02 take 03 04 05 It s all my fault. / It s my entire fault. / It s entirely my fault. 06 before, he, has eats, breakfast 07 08 neither, nor, nor 09 a man ran up to Socrates 10 11 12 (1) Before Mina called her grandma, she bought a snack and water. / Mina bought a snack and water before she called her grandma. (2) After Mina bought a snack and water, she called her grandma. / Mina called her grandma after she bought a snack and water. 01 filter unwanted substance 3 02 take a moment: take notes: take a shower: [03~04] 03 I think you should ~. 04 05 It s all my fault., It s my entire fault., It s entirely my fault. 10 12~13 of like off of like up up 06 before 07 -thing something, anything, nothing anything something A: B: 08 neither A nor B: A B [09 ~ 11] 09 run up to: 10 before 11 12 before / after After A, B ~. B after A. A B =A before B ~. Before B, A ~. B A 16~17 01 02 Are you sure that the story is useful to me? 03 04 It s because of Changho. 05 interesting something something interesting 06 He said his last words before he died. / Before he died, he said his last words., After he said his last words, he died. / He died after he said his last words. 07 08 09 How What about getting some exercise? / I think you should get some exercise. / Why don t you get some exercise? / You d better get some exercise. / I advise you to get some exercise. 01 Peter

Jenny 02 be sure that 03 A: B: A: B: 04 It s because of ~. A: B: A: B: 05 something, anything, nothing 06 before after After A, B ~. B after A. A B =A before B ~. Before B, A ~. B A [07~08] 07 before 08 Triple Filter Test 09 You should ~., I think you should ~., Why don t you ~?, How What about ~ing?, You d better ~., I advise you to ~. Mike: Amy: 18~21 01 02 03 neither, big large, nor, small 04 05 06 07 (1) It s all my fault. / It s my entire fault. / It s entirely my fault. (2) What should I do? 08 09 10 11 12 (1) give, me, some, advice tips (2) Why, don t, you, move 13 14 anything nice to say 15 16 17 Amy played chess with her dad after she had dinner. / After Amy had dinner, she played chess with her dad. 18 one of your friend one of your friends 19 20 21 22 (A) try, (B) to tell 23 Is the story something good? 24 25 (1) not, false (2) anything, bad (3) helpful 01 triple habit fault vineyard 02 03 neither A nor B: A B 04 on the way to ~: run up to: take a moment: be sure: 05 It s because of ~. 06 (A) (C) (B) (D) [07 ~ 08] Alice Alice: Alice: Alice: Alice: 07 (1) It s all my fault., It s my entire fault., It s entirely my fault. (2) what should I do?

08 Alice speak ill of: Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice nothing special A: B: A: B: [09 ~ 10] David Jane Jane 09 You should ~. 10 David Jane David Jane David Jane David Jane David Jane David Jane 11 David David 12 (1) What should I do? Would you give me some advice tips? (2) Why don t you ~? 13 before after Tommy Tommy 14 anything to 15 something, anything, nothing something anything 16 neither A nor B A B He is neither wise nor handsome. 17 after After A, B ~. B after A.AB 18 one of 19 an interesting story about one of Socrates friends the triple filter test 20 truth, goodness, usefulness 21 truth goodness usefulness 22 Let s want to 23 Be something 24 25 (1) Truth not false (2) Goodness anything bad anything (3) Usefulness helpful

22~25 01 02 took, moment 03 04 05 06 07 What, should, I, do 08 something bad about her 09 10 11 (t)ips 12 13 14 There, nothing, special 15 16 17 18 on the way 19 It is neither true nor good nor useful. 20 21 22 23 24 25 It s all my fault. / It s my entire fault. / It s entirely my fault. 01 continue 02 take a moment: 03 speak ill of: behind one s back: Jessica 04 [05~06] A: B: A: B: A: 05 turn off: 06 It s all my fault., It s my entire fault., It s entirely my fault. 07 what should I do? 08 something 09 praise: 10 11 tips 12 It s all my fault., It s my entire fault. It s not my fault. It s all my fault. / It s my entire fault. / It s entirely my fault. A: B: 30 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 13 after 14 nothing There is 15 (b) neither A nor B: A B or nor (C) often say often often say (f) -thing something good something something good (g) want to become to become (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Catfish (f) (g) 16 after before Tom 10 30 [17~20]

17 something bad something something bad 18 on the way: 19 neither A nor B: A B 20 triple filter test truth goodnessusefulness [21~23] 21 how to what to do: 22 it 23 24 when: before: whether: 25 It s all my fault., It s my entire fault., It s my entire fault., It s entirely my fault. Wow! 26~29 01 (1) ran, up, to (2) Are, sure (3) on, the, way (4) because, of 02 (1) good something something good (2) use useful (3) will look look 03 (f)ilter (F)ilter 04 nothing special 05 Before before 06 (1) Is there a post office on the way? (2) He can neither read nor write. (3) Do you want to tell me something bad about my friend? (4) Before you leave home, don t forget to close the windows. / Don t forget to close the windows, before you leave home. 07 After I did my homework, I watched TV. / I watched TV after I did my homework. 08 I m sorry. It s all my fault. It s my entire fault. / It s entirely my fault. 09 You should wash your face with (cold) water (before class). / I think you should wash your face with (cold) water (before class). / How What about washing your face with (cold) water (before class)? / Why don t you wash your face with (cold) water (before class)? / You had You d better wash your face with (cold) water (before class). 10 Mike keeps a diary before he goes to bed. / Before Mike goes to bed, he keeps a diary. 11 I need something exciting. / I want to drink something cold. / I want something special. / There is something beautiful on the wall. / There is nothing special. / Nothing exciting happened to us. / There is nothing beautiful about her. / I have nothing cold to drink in the fridge. 12 (1) Would Could you give me some advice tips? (2) Why don t you join a club? / How What about joining a club? 13 (1) He said his last words before he died. / After he said his last words, he died. (2) After their father died, the sons dug up the vineyard to find the treasure. / Their father died before the sons dug up the vineyard to find the treasure. 14 After Tom runs up and down the steps, he runs around the track. / After Tom runs around the track, he runs all the way home. / After Tom runs all the way home, he takes a shower. / After Tom takes a shower, he has breakfast. / Before Tom runs around the track, he runs up and down the steps. / Before Tom runs all the way home, he runs around the track. / Before Tom takes a shower, he runs all the way home. / Before Tom has breakfast, he takes a shower. 15 (1) When you don t have anything shining in a dark room (2) How about thinking of something good like this? (3) There is nothing wrong 01 (1) run up to: (2) be sure: (3) on the way: (4) because of:

02 (1) something (2) neither A nor B A B A B be use useful (3) after will look look 03 filter 04 nothing special 05 before 06 (1) on the way: (2) neither A nor B: A B (3) something before forget to 07 before after A before B ~. Before B, A ~. B A = After A, B ~. B~ after A. AB 08 It s all my fault., It s my entire fault., It s entirely my fault. 09 You should ~., I think you should ~., Why don t you ~?, How What about ~ing?, You d better ~., I advise you to ~. 10 before before (B) A before B ~. Before B, A ~. B A 11 something nothing nothing 12 (1) advice tip (2) You should ~., I think you should ~., Why don t you ~?, How What about ~ing?, You d better ~., I advise you to ~. Why don t you ~?, How What about ~ing? about 13 before/after After A, B ~. B after A. A B = A before B ~. Before B, A ~. B A 14 before/after After A, B ~. B after A. A B = A before B ~. Before B, A ~. B A 15 something, anything, nothing anything nothing when: How about ~ing?: There is Lesson 6 31 A 1 fry 2 sauce 3 popular 4 vegetable 5 mix 6 add 7 careful 8 oil 9 one of the most ~ 10 order 11 delicious 12 special 13 half 14 take a bath 15 so far 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 one, of, the, most 2 a, variety, of 3 fried, rice 4 for, a, while moment 5 full 1 fry 2 sauce 3 chili 4 bowl 5 mix 1 (1) Can May I take your order? Are you ready to order? order: (2) Let me think. (3) Would you like some ~?, Do you want some ~?, Please try have some 33 1 (1) take, order (2) think (3) Would, you 2 (1) Are you ready to order? (2) Would you like something to drink? (3) Can I think about it for a moment? 3 (1) take, your, order (2) want, to, try have, some, try have 4 No, thanks. I m full. I ve had enough. 5

2 (1) Are you ready to order? (2) Would you like something to drink? (3) Can I think about it for a moment while? 3 (1) (2) try: (1) (2) 4 No, thanks. I m full. I ve had enough. full: enough: 5 (1) (2) Bell 1876 (3) (4) 5 1 Mike knew have known jollof rice 36 from In of with since How with 38~39 for about into with to on 35 1 (1) sad (2) has (3) for 2 (1) have, lived, since (2) makes, sweet, hot (3) haven t, been 3 (1) Has she tried bulgogi before? (2) I have been in Seoul for 5 years. 4 (1) softly soft (2) has invented invented (3) Did Have (4) amusing amused 5 1 (1) make make (2) She has (3) for (1) (2) (3) 5 2 (1) havesince (2) make (3) haven t 3 (1) Have Has (2) havefor (1) (2) 4 (1) make (2) in 1876 (3) Have Has (4) amused 40~41 01 02 a, variety, of 03 04 05 let me think 06 has, enjoyed, since 07 08 09 10 This is one of the most popular dishes in all of China. 11 12 (1) Please try some. / Would you like to try some? / Do you want to try some? (2) No, thanks. I m full. I ve had enough. 01 spice 02 a variety of: [03 ~ 04] A: Crazy Burger B: A: B: A: 03 Let me think. Take your time. 04 B 05 Let me think. 06 havesince

07 make make happily happily happy 08 keep Have Has Did Have make to taste taste make sadly sad have since had have [09 ~ 11] 1. chao fan 2. khao phat 09 because because of 10 one of the 11 khao phat khao phat chao fan chao fan khao phat chao fan 12 (1) Would you like some ~?, Do you want some ~?, Please try have some ~., Would you like to try have some ~? (2) No, thanks. I m full. No, thanks. I ve had enough. 42~43 01 02 03 Do you want to try some? 04 deliciously delicious 05 How long have you been in Seoul 06 07 08 09 (1) They make the dish sweet. (2) They make the dish soft. 01 02 Let me think. Let me see. Just a moment. Can I think about it for a while moment? 03 Do you want to try some ~?, Please try some ~. 04 make 05 have how long [06~08] 1. 2. 3. 4. 06 one of the one of the most famous Korean foods is mixed with make sweet and hot of 2 two bowls of rice

07 may may TV 08 09 make make 44~47 01 02 03 a, variety, of, pets 04 05 06 07 08 Would you like something to drink? 09 10 11 Let me think 12 I d like two egg sandwiches, please. / I ll have two egg sandwiches. / I d like to have two egg sandwiches. / Two egg sandwiches, please. 13 (1) Why, don t, you (2) Can, I, think, about, it, for, a 14 have, lived, for 15 Someone left the window open. 16 17 18 Kimchi is one of the most famous Korean foods. 19 20 21 22 23 (A)dd (C)over 24 Heat, Cut, Put, Put, Cut / b e a c d 01 fry chili heat full 02 sweety = sweetie 03 a variety of: 04 Heat Add Put Mix Cover 1. 2. 3. 4. 05 06 A: (C) (A) (D) (B) [07~09] Jenny 07 May I take your order? Are you ready to order? 08 Would you like something to drink? 09 Jenny Jenny Jenny 10 No, thanks. 11 Let me think. 12 I d like ~., I ll have ~., I d like to have ~., ~, please. ABC 2 13 (1) Why don t you (2) Let me think see., Just a moment, please., Can I think about it for a while moment?, Can I think it over for a moment? 14 havefor 5 5 15 leave 16 yesterday

has sent sent Julia Hello School! 7 6 17 one of the more most 18 one of the 19 when since how to 20 (B) (A) (D) (C) 21 apple sauce tomato sauce jollof rice jollof rice [22~23] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 22 23 add: cover A with B: A B 24 b. e. a. c. d. 48~51 01 02 one, of, the, most, popular, foods 03 04 05 Are you ready to order? / May Can I take your order? 06 07 08 09 100~103 10 11 No, thanks. I m full. / No, thanks. I ve had enough. 12 13 14 Mr. Smith has taught in our school since last year. 15 16 17 Taking a hot bath makes me warm. 18 19 a, variety, of, vegetable, sauces 20 21 It makes all foods taste delicious. 22 23 24 25 (1) Add two bowls of rice and mix. (2) Put gochujang in. (3) Mix everything well. 01 spicy spicy: having a pleasantly strong taste 02 one of the 03 one of the the best famous the most famous a variety of: come up with: look good on: make 04 [05~07] Nick Nick Nick 05 May Can I take your order? Are you ready to order? 06 Let me think see., Just a moment, please., Can I think about it for a while moment? 07 Nick Nick Nick Nick 08

09 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 10 (B) (D) (A) (C) 11 No, thanks. I m full. I ve had enough. 12 since then was has been 2 13 make 14 havesince Smith Smith 15 (a) since enjoyed have enjoyed (d) Have Has hear heard (e) sound sound like sounds sounds like (f) have never have tried have never tried (g) make sadly sad 16 make / keep / leave safety safe 17 make 18 there are spices make spicy 19 a variety of: 20 khao phat jollof rice khao phat khao phat jollof rice khao phat jollof rice Amy: [21~24] 1. chao fan 4. 21 make 22 one of the 23 havesince 3 5 24 chao fan chao fan 25 two bowls of rice

52~55 01 (1) a, variety, of (2) one, of, the, most (3) two, bowls, of 02 (1) healthily healthy (2) deliciously delicious (3) enjoyed have enjoyed 03 1. Heat 2. Add 3. Put 4. Mix 04 (1) have, been, to (2) have, visited (3) have, known (4) for (5) have, been 05 (1) left (2) keep (3) make 06 (1) Kimchi is one of the most famous Korean foods. (2) Kimchi makes the dish sweet and hot. (3) Have you heard of jollof rice? 07 Drinking To drink milk makes me healthy. / Regular exercise makes me healthy. / Eating To eat an apple every morning makes me healthy. / Taking To take a walk makes me healthy. / Drinking To drink a lot of water makes me healthy. 08 Can I think about it for a while? moment / Let me think see. / Just a moment, please. 09 (1) Yes, I d love to. Thanks. / Yes, please. (2) No, thanks. I m full. / No, thanks. I ve had enough. 10 Would you like some gimbap? / Do you want some gimbap? / Do you want to try have some gimbap? / Please try some gimbap. 11 Delicious food makes me happy. / Reading comic books makes me happy. / Singing makes me happy. / Friends make me happy. / Blankets keep me warm. / Drinking hot tea keeps me warm. / Gloves keep me warm. / A wooly hat keeps me warm. 12 Amy has enjoyed tteokbokki since she was very young. 13 1 (1) (It is) Donburi. (2) Donburi is from Japan. (3) I tried it when I visited Japan three years ago. (4) It tastes rich and delicious. (5) I have enjoyed it since I first tasted it. 2 (1) (It is) Tangsuyuk. (2) Tangsuyuk is from China. (3) I tried it when I visited Beijing two years ago. (4) It tastes sweet and delicious. (5) I have enjoyed it since I first tasted it. 14 (1) when he was ten years old (2) He has played the piano for four years. He has played the piano since he was ten years old since 2010. 15 (1) Are you ready to order? / Can May I take your order? / What would you like to order? (2) I d like tomato spaghetti./ I ll have tomato spaghetti. / I d like to have tomato spaghetti. / Tomato spaghetti, please. (3) Would you like something to drink? / Something to drink? 01 (1) a variety of: (2) one of the (3) two bowls of of 2 02 (1) (2make (3) have since 03 Heat Add Put Mix 1. 2. 3. 4. 04 have has for 05 make / keep / leave 06 (1) one of the (2) make (3) Have Has 07 make 08 09 Yes, please., Yes, I d like to. No, thanks. I m full. No, thanks. I ve had enough. 10 11 make keep 12 have has since 13 (2) be from: (4) taste (5) have has since 14 have has for have has since 15 (1) Can May I take your order?, Are you ready to order?, What would you like to order? (2) I d like ~., I ll have ~., I d like to have ~., ~, please. (3) Would you like something to drink? Something to drink?

Lesson 7 1 (1) What is your favorite ~? (2) should not shouldn tmust not mustn t (3) I like ~ most best. 2 (1) Which do you like most best (2) should not shouldn t be late for: (3) Do not Don t run after: (1) (2) (3) 3 (1) shouldn t should not mustn t must not Don t Do notnever benot allowed to (2) What is your favorite ~? Which What do you like most best? (1) (2) 57 A 1 traditional 2 lovable 3 popular 4 joy 5 landscape 6 century 7 toward 8 contrast 9 wrestler 10 straw 11 several 12 a large number of 13 blind 14 on time 15 keep ~ in mind 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 All, in, all 2 a, large, number, of 3 folk, painting 4 two, pairs, of 5 keep, in, mind 1 culture 2 landscape 3 century 4 leather 5 valley 59 1 (1) favorite (2) shouldn t mustn t (3) most best 2 (1) Which painting do you like most? (2) You shouldn t be late for school. (3) Do not run after the birds. 3 (1) Don t Never, should must allowed (2) What, favorite 4 What food does she like most best? 5 4 What do(es) like most best? A: B: 5 shouldn t should not mustn t must not Don t Do not Never benot allowed to don t have to A: B: 61 1 (1) walking (2) is (3) shake 2 (1) hear, flowing (2) folk, painting (3) the, highest, peak, standing 3 (1) I saw a girl riding her bike. (2) Mrs. Brown, our new English teacher, came from Australia. 4 (1) drank drink drinking (2) work works (3) laughs laugh laughing 5 1 (1) (3 (2) Bongju my best friend is (1) (2) (3) John 2 (1) hear flow (2) minhwa a Korean folk painting (3) see Birobong the highest peak 3 (1) see (2) A B (1) (2) Brown Brown Brown 4 (1) see see (2) Mr. Kim the math teacher

works (3) hear hear (1) (2) (3) 5 see hear watch make play want to to play 62 like than in by between the other 04 shouldn t 05 B Please keep off the grass.: 06 Kim Hongdo a famous Korean artist of the 18th and 19th century A B 18 19 18 19 07 watch shake shaking John 08 one the other another the othe on in by about to 66~67 01 02 A, large, number, of 03 What is your favorite subject? 04 05 06 Kim Hongdo, a famous Korean artist of the 18th and 19th century 07 08 09 10 All in all 11 12 (1) the, highest, peak (2) standing (3) water, flowing 01 culture 02 a large number of: 03 What is your favorite ~? A: B: A: 64~65 [04 ~ 05] A: B: A: B: A: B: [09~11] 09 more than for 10 all in all: 11 the pine tree means the new year new year 12 (1) Birobong the highest peak A B (2) (3) see hear 18

68~69 01 02 Don t Never 03 04 05 walks walk walking 06 07 the other 08 09 (1) You shouldn t should not take photos here. / You mustn t must not take photos here. / Don t Do not take photos here. / Never take photos here. / You are not allowed to take photos here. (2) Which What painting do you like most best? 01 12 30 02 shouldn t should not mustn t must not Don t Do not Never 03 04 3 is 05 see walk walking [06 ~08] 18 19 06 enjoy 07 one the other 08 straw shoes and leather shoes 09 (1) shouldn t should not mustn t must not Don t Do not Never benot allowed to (2) Which What do you like most best? 70~73 01 02 03 a, large, number, of 04 (c)ontrast 05 06 07 08 09 10 Which What sport do you like most best? 11 shouldn t mustn t 12 13 (1) Who, is, your, favorite (2) I, like, most best (3) my, favorite 14 15 Charlie Chaplin, a famous comedian, made many silent films. 16 17 18 another the other 19 20 21 This is a Korean folk painting, minhwa. 22 23 24 (1) I see a woman read reading a book on the bench. (2) I see a boy walk walking his dog. 01 100 century traditional peak joy 02 joy joyful 03 a large number of: import: 04 contrast 05 shouldn t should

not mustn t must not be not allowed to 06 (B) (A) (D) (C) [07 ~ 08] Nick: Nick Nick: Nick: Nick: Nick: 07 What is your favorite painting? What is your favorite ~? Which do you like most best? 08 09 don t have to: 10 What is your favorite ~? Which What do you like most best? A: B: 11 shouldn t should not mustn t mus not A: B: 12 Mike 13 (1) Who is your favorite ~? I like ~ most my favorite., My favorite ~ is... K Exo Exo Exo 14 anything -ing A: B: C: 15 A B 16 a pair of pairs pair pairs calling called want washing to wash to touch touch touchinglook 17 ran run running [18~20] 18 18 19 18 one the other another the other 19

20 onlooker: [21~22] 21 A B 22 than moreall in all: 23 new year stand for: 24 see walk one s dog 74~77 01 02 All, in, all 03 04 One, the, other 05 06 07 08 You shouldn t should not be late for school. 09 10 11 I like Kim Hongdo most best 12 13 At the art museum, I met Semi, one of my best friends. 14 15 (1) run running (2) move moving 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 there are a large number of people 23 24 25 (1) You shouldn t should not bring your dog here. / You mustn t must not bring your dog here. / Don t Do not bring your dog here. / Never bring your dog here. / You are not allowed to bring your dog here. (2) You shouldn t should not sing too loudly here. / You mustn t must not sing too loudly here. / Don t Do not sing too loudly here. / Never sing too loudly here. / You are not allowed to sing too loudly here. 01 flow fly flow: to move in a steady continuous stream 02 all in all: 03 a large amount of a large number of 04 one the other [05 ~ 06] Nick: Nick Nick: Nick: Nick: Nick: 05 You shouldn t take photos here. 06 This one. Nick 07 Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick 08 shouldn t should not 09 Yes A: B: 7 A: Renoir B: van Gogh A: B: A: B: A: B: [10 ~ 12]

10 It is isn t it? 11 I like ~ most best My favorite ~ is... is my favorite. 12 13 A B Semi one of my best friends 14 hear call calling 15 (1) (2) 16 (a) one the other others the other (e) to feed feed feeding (f) a pair of pairs two pair of two pairs of (a) 2 (b) [18~20] 18 18 see hear 19 sharp 20 21 look like cheer for: 22 there are a large number of: 23 a pair of pairs two pairs of shoes 24 25 shouldn t should not mustn t must not Don t Do not Never benot allowed to (1) (2) (c) (d) (e) (f) 17 Amy your new science teacher Amy 18 78~81 01 (1) All, in, all (2) a, large, number, of (3) folk, painting 02 (1) to enter enter entering (2) to draw drawing (3) two feet of two pairs of 03 (1) the highest peak (2) a favorite sweet at that time (3) a great musician 04 (1) favorite (2) favorites 05 (s)houldn t 06 (1) Don t Never play (2) Which What painting (3) Mt. Geumgang, to, us

78~81 07 (1) I see Birobong standing tall in the back. (2) This is a painting by Kim Hongdo, a famous Korean artist. (3) One is a boy, and the other is a girl. (4) He had to take care of a large number of students. 08 (1) Zeus, the king of the gods, fell in love with a princess. (2) Stephen Hawking, an English scientist, cannot talk or walk. 09 I see a boy walking with his dog. / I see some dogs running around. 10 You shouldn t should not / mustn t /must not take pictures take a picture / take photos / take a photo here. / Don t Never take pictures here. / Taking pictures is not allowed here. / You are not allowed to take pictures here. 11 (1) what is your favorite season / which what season do you like most best (2) I like spring most best. / My favorite season is spring. / Spring is my favorite. 12 (1) (2) (3) 13 (1) a Korean folk painting, minhwa / Ssireum (2) a tiger, a magpie and a pine tree / a large number of people, two pairs of shoes, and a yeot-seller (3) I feel that I will have a happy new year and a nice life / I feel that I m watching the ssireum myself 14 (1) You shouldn t eat snacks in the library. / You shouldn t talk on the cell phone in the library. / You shouldn t talk loudly in the library. / You shouldn t throw the bottle in the library. / You shouldn t listen to music loudly in the library. / You shouldn t sleep in the library. (2) Don t eat snacks in the library. / Don t talk on the cell phone in the library. / Don t talk loudly in the library. / Don t throw the bottle in the library. / Don t listen to music loudly in the library. / Don t sleep in the library. 15 (1) see them feeding the monkey (2) see him watching the penguins (3) see her smiling at the rabbits 01 (1) all in all: (2) a large number of: (3) folk painting: 02 (1) (2) enjoy (3) shoesa pair of pairs 03 04 favorite favorites A: B: Picasso 05 shouldn t 06 (1) shouldn t should not Don t Do notnever (2) is your favorite ~? Which What do you like most best? (3) show show to 07 (1)see (2) A B (3) one the other (4) take care of: a large number of: 08 A B (1) Zeus (2) Stephen Hawking 09 see 10 shouldn t should not mustn t must not Don t Do not Never benot allowed to 11 (1) is your favorite ~? Which What do you like mos best? (2) I like ~ most best My favorite ~ is ~ is my favorite. 12 shouldn t should not Don t Do not Flyhigh Bird Helen 13

14 shouldn tdon t 15 see 3 (1) What did you say?, What was that again?, Would Could you say that again?, Pardon me?, Excuse me?, Sorry? (2) How are you?, How s it going with you?, How are you feeling?, How are you doing?, How s everything with you? 4 have a pain: A: B: Lesson 8 83 5 A: B: A: B: A 1 stomachache 2 Egyptian 3 barbershop 4 barber 5 toothpick 6 bronze 7 expensive 8 believe 9 invent 10 scissors 11 mechanic 12 pull out 13 false teeth 14 mix A with B 15 take a sand bath 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 pulled, out 2 pick, your, teeth 3 false, teeth 4 mixed, with 5 opening, hours 1 barber 2 treat 3 onion 4 false 5 bronze 85 1 (1) feeling doing (2) What (3) have, toothache 2 (1) How is it going with you? (2) Would you say that again? (3) I have a high fever. 3 (1) say, that, Excuse PardonSorry Pardon (2) everything, going, doing 4 I have a pain in my right leg. 5 1 (1) How are you feeling doing (today)? (2) What did you say? (3) I have 2 (1) How is it going with you? (2) Would you say that again? (3) I have have a high fever: (1) (2) (3) 87 1 (1) was cut (2) by (3) with 2 (1) with, onion (2) was, made (3) Was, written 3 (1) Their bad teeth were pulled out by the barbers. (2) The Chinese cleaned their teeth with toothpicks. 4 (1) in with (2) was were (3) wrote was written 5 1 (1) be (2) by (3) with (1) (2) August Rodin (3) 2 (1) with (2) be (3) Be by 3 (1) their bad teeth be (2) with (1) (2) 4 (1) with (2 wounds be were (3) be (1) (2) (3) J. K. Rowling

5 be were bake were baked was written wrote be were using were used be build built was builded was built Kevin 1906 Claude Monet 553 with on out with why on at on with on 92~93 01 02 pulled, out 03 04 05 I have a high fever. 06 07 with, the, key 08 09 their, toothache, with, onion 10 11 12 (1) was written by (2) was written by (3) wrote 01 treat cure: illness: injury: 02 pull out: [03 ~ 04] A: B: A: (C) (B) (A) (D) 03 04 05 have a high fever: 88 90~91 A: Judy B: 06 B A: Smith B: A: 5 B: 07 with 08 works that were made was made were made 1902 August Rodin 20 Muse e Rodin [09~11] 1600 1600 09 with 10 mix A with B: A B put A on B: A B in 11 12 (1) (2) be by be was (3) wrote 2014 8 18 J. K. Rowling Mitch Albom

06 with 94~95 01 02 03 How s it going with you? / How are you (doing)? / How are you feeling? / How s everything with you? 04 05 is painting was painted 06 They picked their teeth with tooth woods. 07 08 09 (1) with, his the magic, words (2) used (3) to, close 01 toothpick 02 Tom 03 How are you?, How s it going with you?, How are you feeling?, How are you doing?, How s everything with you? 04 Max Max: Max Max: Bill Jackson Max: Bill Jackson 05 be be 1906 was painted [06~07] 18 17 300 1600 07 08 he 1600 09 with use to Ali Baba 96~99 01 02 03 pulled, out 04 (f)alse 05 06 07 08 09 She has a sharp pain in her back tooth. / She has a new wisdom tooth. 10 11 Would Could you say the ID number again please? 12 13 (1) wrong (2) I, have, a, pain, in, my, left, leg 14 15 the, key, to, open 16 was, written, by 17 18 Early Egyptians cooled their toothache with onion. 19 20 21 22 23 He lost all but one of his teeth. 24 (1) picked, their, teeth, with, woods (2) were, used 01 onion pain barber hook 02

03 pulled out get pull out: 04 false false teeth 05 06 (A) (D) 9 4 (C) (B) 9 4 [07 ~ 09] 07 08 What did you say?, What was that again?, Would Could you say that again?, Pardon me?, Excuse me?, Sorry? 09 have a toothache: 10 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 11 ID ID ID Jack Brown J3847ID J--3--8--4--7. 12 What s the matter? A: B: 13 (1) What s wrong?: (2) have a pain: 14 be A: B: Alexander Graham Bell A: B: 1876 15 with use to Judy Judy 16 be by 17 be is spoke is spoken [18~20] 1500 18 with 19 be be was were cut cut cut treat treated treated pull pulled pulled 20 perform: role:

[21 ~ 23] George Washington 21 he George Washington 22 George Washington 1700 George Washington 23 but 24 (1) with pick one s teeth: (2) be 300 1600 100~103 01 02 picked, their, teeth 03 false, teeth 04 05 I have a sharp pain in my back tooth. 06 07 08 09 10 How s it going with you / How are you (doing) / How are you feeling / How s everything with you 11 12 13 cooled, his, hands, with, ice 14 15 was, painted, by, Chagall 16 17 18 What color was used by them? 19 20 21 22 were pulled out by the barbers 23 24 25 (1) Jack Brown (2) J3847 (3) Could Would you say that again? / What did you say? / Pardon (me)? / I beg your pardon? / Sorry? 01 screw spring 02 pick one s teeth: 03 false teeth: 04 have painted was painted [05 ~ 07] 05 have a pain: sharp: 06 Pardon? 07 dentist: 08 09 A: B: A: B: A: B: 5 A: B: A: B: [10 ~ 11] Jane: Max Max: Jane Jane: Max: Jane: Max:

10 11 Max Just so-so. Max Jane Max Jane Jane 12 be coffee be is grow grew grown Colombia 13 with Tom 14 Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci Yesterday Beatles 15 be by Chagall Chagall 16 break broken was broken Jane 17 (a) one of the were was (c) get pull out pulled out (d) barbershops by in by by the barbers by in by the barbershops by the barbers (g) be did this poem be written was this poem written [18 ~ 20] 1600 300 1600 18 be by be be was 19 with 20 [21~24] 1500 1600 1600 21 They mixed onion with spicesit 22 be by 23 be by was using was used 24 25 (1) (2) Amy: ID : Jack Brown ID J3847 Amy: :04 931 4589 Amy: : 0 4 9 3 1 4 5 8 9

104~107 01 (1) pull, out (2) false, teeth (3) pick, your, teeth (4) wisdom, tooth 02 (1) made was made (2) by with (3) were was 03 is, shown 04 with 05 Pardon Sorry? 06 teeth 07 (1) going (2) with, the, straw (3) was, written, by (4) was, used, by 08 (1) Jack painted the wall with blue paint. (2) The telephone was invented by Graham Bell. (3) They mixed onion with spices. (4) Gold toothpicks were used in Europe. 09 (1) was cut (2) were treated (3) were pulled 10 (1) They picked their teeth with bronze toothpicks. (2) Early Egyptians cooled their toothache with onion. 11 (1) How are you / How are you feeling / How are you doing / How s it going with you / How s everything with you (2) Would Could you say that again, please? / What did you say? / Pardon me? / Excuse me? / Sorry? 12 13 (1) your, dad fatherfixed, it (2) He, fixed, it, with, a, pair, of, scissors (3) he, fixed, it, with, a, pen 14 (1) What s wrong? / What s the matter? / What s the problem? (2) I have a headache (3) I have a high fever 15 (1) were, pulled, out (2) cleaned, their, teeth (3) with, gold (4) showed, them, to, people 01 (1) pull out: (2) false teeth: (3) pick one s teeth: (4) wisdom tooth: 02 (1) August Rodin be be was (2) with (3) one of the one 03 be now be is Claude MonetMarmottan Monet 04 with 05 A What did you say?, What was that again?, Would Could you say that again?, Pardon me?, Excuse me?, Sorry? 06 tooth we us teeth 07 (1) (2) with (3) (4) be by 08 (1) with (2) be by be was (3) mix A with B: A B(4) beby 09 be be be was were 10 with picked cooled 11 1) How are you?, How s it going with you?, How are you feeling?, How are you doing?, How s everything with you? (2) What did you say?, What was that again?, Would Could you say that again?, Pardon me?, Excuse me?, sorry? 12 mix A with B: A B put A on B: A B 13 (1) (A) it was fixed by her father. Your dad father fixed it. (2), (3) with (A) 14 (1) What s wrong?, What s the matter?, What s the problem? (2) have a have a headache: have a high fever: 15 (1) be pull out: (2) (3) with (4) show to

Lesson 5 110~111 Lesson 6 ran, up, to You, know, what Wait, a, moment Before take, a, moment truth Are, you, sure on, the, way goodness something good something bad usefulness neither, nor, nor tell, it, to, me If triple 01 (1) ran, up, to (2) take, a, moment (3) Are, sure (4) on, the, way 02 (1) Let s try the second filter. (2) The man looked a little worried. (3) Is the story something good? (4) Is the story useful to me? (5) Do you still want to tell it to me? 03 (1) Everyone will believe your words. (2) I heard an interesting story about one of your friends. (3) Before you tell me, I d like to ask three questions. / I d like to ask three questions before you tell me. (4) Let s take a moment to filter the story about my friend. (5) You want to tell me something bad about my friend. (6) You are not sure that it is true. (7) It is neither true nor good nor useful. (8) If you want to pass a story to others, remember the triple filter test. 01 (1) run up to: (2) take a moment: (3) be sure: (4) on the way: 02 (1) Let s (2) look (3) something (4) useful to ~: (5) tell to 03 (1) believe: (2) one of (3) before (4) to (5) something (6) be sure: (7) neither A nor B nor C: A B C (8) pass to 112~113 from fried, rice because taste one, of, the, most spices to, make, spicy Have, heard, of a, variety, of dish one, of, the, most, famous is, mixed, with sweet, hot have, enjoyed since may How Heat add two, bowls, of Put Mix 01 (1) from, around, the, world (2) one, of, the, most, popular (3) a, variety, of (4) two, bowls, of 02 (1) It s because it includes Chinese soy sauce. (2) It makes all foods taste delicious. (3) We also put chili sauce in it to make it spicy. (4) Have you heard of jollof rice? (5) It looks a little dark. 03 (1) This is a Thai-style fried rice dish. (2) In Thailand, there are many different spices. (3) It is very popular in most West African countries. (4) Tomato sauce is especially important to this dish. (5) Kimchi is one of the most famous Korean foods. (6) When it is mixed with other foods, it makes the dish sweet and hot. (7) I have enjoyed Kimchi bokkeumbap since I was very young. (8) Heat the pan with oil and add Kimchi. 01 (1) from around the world: (2) one of the (3) a variety of: (4) two bowls of: 02 (1) It s because (2) make (3) make (4) Have Has (5) look 03 (1) fried rice (2) there are (3) most (4) especially: important: (5) one of the (6) be mixed with: make (7) have since

Lesson 7 114~115 Lesson 8 works folk, painting looks, like than All, in, all for by the, highest, peak standing flowing a, sharp, contrast sharp, and, rocky drawing a, large, number, of cheering, for others the, other two, pairs, of, shoes the, wrestlers several, bars, of a, favorite, sweet 01 (1) All, in, all (2) a, large, number, of (3) cheering, for 02 (1) They help us understand and enjoy Korean culture. (2) Do you see Birobong, the highest peak, standing tall in the back? (3) Do you also find a sharp contrast between the left and right? (4) Some of them are cheering for one wrestler and others are cheering for the other. (5) Do you see two pairs of shoes, straw shoes and leather shoes? (6) He enjoyed drawing people s everyday lives. 03 (1) This is a Korean folk painting, minhwa. (2) The tiger in the painting looks more like a cat than a tiger. (3) This is Geumgangjeondo by Jeong Seon, a famous Korean landscape painter of the 18th century. (4) Do you hear water flowing toward the Manpokdong valley? (5) The peaks on the right look sharp and rocky. (6) On his plate are several bars of yeot, a favorite sweet at that time. (7) There are a large number of people, young and old. 01 (1) all in all: (2) a large number of: (3) cheer for: 02 (1) helpto (2) see (4) one the other (6) enjoy (5) two pairs of shoes straw shoes and leather shoes A B 03 (1) (3) (7) A B (2) look like: more A than B: B A (4) hear (5) look (6) several bars of yeot a favorite sweet at that time A B (7) a large number of: 116~117 Here, are have, a, toothache with, onion mixed, with on when pulled, out was, cut were, treated were, pulled, out having coloring did, they, use pick, your, teeth with used were, used was but false, teeth why 01 (1) pulled, out (2) pick, your, teeth (3) false, teeth 02 (1) Early Egyptians cooled their toothache with onion. (2) Bad teeth were pulled out in the barbershops. (3) What color did they use? (4) One of the nicest birthday presents was a gold toothpick. (5) He lost all but one of his teeth. (6) That s why he looks unhappy in most of his pictures. 03 (1) What do you do when you have a toothache? (2) They mixed onion with spices. (3) Hair was cut, wounds were treated, and bad teeth were pulled out in barbershops. (4) In the early 1600s, Japanese women liked coloring their teeth. (5) They picked their teeth with tooth woods. (6) Gold toothpicks were used in Europe. (7) They wanted to show that they loved their husbands. 01 (1) pull out: (2) pick one s teeth: (3) false teeth: 02 (1) with (2) be (3) did (4) one of the (5) but: (6) That s why ~.: 03 (1) have a toothache: (2) mix A with B: A B (3) be cut cut cut treat treated treated pull pulled pulled (4) like to (5) pick one s teeth: (6) be (7) want to

Lesson 118~119 01 02 03 04 It s all my fault. / It s my entire fault. / It s entirely my fault. 05 06 before you go to bed 07 08 09 10 (1) (2) (3) 11 12 I have hidden something good in the vineyard. 13 01 seed 02 turn off: 03 A: (C) (D) (B) (A) B: 04 It s all my fault., It s my entire fault., It s entirely my fault. 05 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 06 before after After A, B ~. AB =A before B ~. B A 07 boring bored Let s Let s to do Let s do something exciting something something exciting about go going 08 something thinking of good something thinking of something good [09 ~ 10] 09 neither A nor B: A B tell pass A to B: B A 10 truth, goodness, and usefulness [11~13] 11 before After 12 have hidden have something 13 to to Lesson 120~121 01 02 03 one, of, the, most, popular 04 05 06 Please, try have, some, cookies 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 01

mix 02 so far: 03 one of the popular most popular 04 look good on: try on: 05 No, thanks. A: B: A: 06 Would you like some ~?, Do you want some ~?, Do you want to try have some ~?, Please try have some ~. 4 Please try have some cookies. 07 that tomato spaghetti with green salad Jenny Jenny 08 since 09 have A: Smith B: 10 make spicy strong excited cool clean 11 chao fan soy sauce chao fan [12~13] 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12 Cut Heat fry Put 13 Lesson 122~123 01 02 03 All, in, all 04 05 My favorite color is blue yellow / red / pink / white / black / violet. / Blue Yellow / Red / Pink / White / Black / Violet is my favorite. / I like blue yellow / red / pink / white / black / violet most best. 06 07 08 He visited Bulguksa, one of the most famous places in Korea. 09 10 a girl playing the violin 11 12 In this picture, Ssireum, there are a large number of people, young and old. 13 01 landscape 02 run away: 03 all in all: waste: 04 (C) (B) (A) (D) 05 I like ~ most best My favorite ~ is... ~ is my favorite. [06 ~ 07] 06

07 08 A B one of the 09 enjoy to walk walking one the other helpto look like : more A than B: B A look 10 hear [11 ~13] 18 19 11 by: cheer for: on: 12 this picture Ssireum, a large number of people young and old A B 13 Lesson 124~125 01 02 03 take 04 05 06 07 08 Bad teeth were pulled out in the barbershops. 09 She had a stomachache yesterday. 10 Would Could you say that again? 11 opened, the, cave, with, his, magic, words 12 with out away 13 01 bronze 02 pick one s teeth: pull out: 03 take a bath: take away: take a rest: 04 (C) (A) (B) (D) 05 06 Monday Tuesday 07 from A to B: A B through: 08 be 09 have a stomachache: 10 What did you say?, What was that again?, Would Could you say that again?, Pardon me?, Excuse me?, Sorry? Sure. Would Could you say that again? A: B: Nancy Smith A: B: Nancy Smith 11 with [12 ~ 13] Apollonia 12 with: pull out: take away: 13 Apollonia