Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World Study Points Functions 의 What do you think about having a pet? 의 I think it is exciting. I am curious

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수능 CAT






Lesson Traditional Games from round the World 1. 단원 설정의 취지 세계 여러 나라의 전통 놀이를 통해 다른 나라의 문화를 이해하고, 우리나라의 전통 문화와 전통 놀이를 영어로 소개할 수 있다. 2. 단원 목표 듣기 말하기 의견을 묻고 표현하는 말과 궁금증을 표현하는 말을 듣고 말할 수 있다. 읽기 쓰기 세계 여러 나라의 전통 놀이에 관한 글을 읽고 주요 내용을 이해하고, 자신이 좋아하는 게임에 관한 글을 쓸 수 있다. 3. 학습 내용 소재 세계의 전통 놀이 의사소통 기능 의견 묻기: What do you think about having a pet? 의견 표현하기: I think it is exciting. 궁금증 표현하기: I am curious about it. 언어 형식 Can you hear my family shouting? My mom looks excited because she got yut. That looks like a lot of fun. 문화 우리나라 전통 놀이와 비슷한 외국의 전통 놀이 신출 어휘 break, form, hit, reporter, score, shout, similar, stick, throw, token, traditional 4. 단원 지도 계획 차시 쪽수 학습 단계 주요 학습 활동 수준별 1 48~51 Get Ready Listen and Speak 1, 2 자신이 해 본 전통 놀이에 대해 이야기하기 의견을 묻고 표현하는 대화를 듣고 말하기 궁금증을 표현하는 대화를 듣고 말하기 공통 2 52~53 Into the Conversation Talk in ction 의견을 묻고 표현하는 말과 궁금증을 표현하는 말이 사용된 대화 를 듣고 말하기 주제 알아맞히는 게임하기 수준별 3~4 54~57 efore You Read Reading Time 나라별 전통 놀이를 알아보고, 주요 표현 익히기 세계의 전통 놀이에 관한 글 읽기 공통 5 58~59 fter You Read 6 60~61 Language in Use 세계의 전통 놀이에 관한 글을 정리하고, 본문 내용을 활용한 대화문 연습하기 본문 주요 어휘와 표현을 익히고, 지각동사+목적어+동사원형 +- ing 와 look, look like 익히기 공통 공통 7 62~63 Writing Connection 자신이 좋아하는 게임에 관한 글 쓰기 수준별 8 64~65 Work Together Meet the World 세계의 전통 놀이에 관해 알아보고, 직접 해 보기 우리나라의 전통 놀이와 비슷한 다른 나라의 전통 놀이 조사하기 공통 9 66~67 Check Up 단원의 학습 내용 정리하기 공통 118 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World Study Points Functions 의 What do you think about having a pet? 의 I think it is exciting. I am curious about it. Forms Can you hear my family shouting? My mom looks excited because she got yut. That looks like a lot of fun. Get Ready What traditional Korean games have you played? 고 이 전통 놀이 이 시 e.g. Have you played yunnori? - Yes. I played it last New Year s Day. 5. 평가 계획 차시 평가 단계 평가 도구 평가 내용 1 Get Ready Listen and Speak 1, 2 자기 평가 활동에 적극적으로 참여하는가? 의견을 묻고 표현하는 대화와 궁금증을 표현하는 대화/담화를 듣고, 내용을 이해하는가? 의견을 묻고 표현하는 대화와 궁금증을 표현하는 대화를 듣고 확장된 2 Into the Conversation Talk in ction 교사 관찰 평가 문맥 속에서 바르게 말하는가? 억양의 차이를 구분하여 올바르게 발화하는가? 주제를 알아맞히는 게임에 적극적으로 참여하며, 바르게 말하는가? 3~4 efore You Read 교사 관찰 평가 읽기 전 활동에 적극적으로 참여하는가? Reading Time 지필 평가 글을 읽고, 문항에 바르게 답하는가? 5 fter You Read 교사 관찰 평가 교사의 질문에 바르게 답하는가? 6 Language in Use 지필 평가 지각동사+목적어+동사원형+-ing 와 look, look like에 관한 문항 에 바르게 답하는가? 7 Writing Connection 교사 관찰 평가 자신이 좋아하는 게임에 관한 글을 바르게 쓰는가? 8 Work Together Meet the World 상호 평가 창의적이고 적극적으로 활동에 참여하는가? 9 Check Up 자기 평가 각 문항에 바르게 답하는가? Traditional Games from round the World 119

학습 목표 1. 자신이 해 본 우리나라 전통 놀이에 관해 이야기 1 차시 할 수 있다. 2. 의견을 묻고 표현하는 말을 듣고 말할 수 있다. 3. 궁금증을 표현하는 말을 듣고 말할 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점 다양한 주제에 관한 의견을 묻고 답할 때 I think ~ 뿐 아니라 다른 유사 표현도 사용할 수 있도록 지도한다. 교과서, CD-ROM, worksheet pp. 48~51 Get Ready / Listen and Speak 1, 2 Listen and Speak 1 Listen and Speak 2 Listen and Number Which picture matches each dialog? Listen and Circle Which is correct? 1 Taeho is curious about a tall building in (Dubai / Shanghai). You &Your Hearth 2 razil is the country of the (break dance / samba dance). 3 Dad will give rian a (birthday present / birthday party). 1 3 2 Listen and Choose What did the girl NOT do in Jeju-do? Listen and Check What do they like? Check all the answers. 4 4 C Look and Talk Share your thoughts on each topic. C Talk and Complete Talk about people around you. : : What do do you think about living in in the city? : : I I think it it is is exciting. : : Oh, I I see. On Your Own : I am curious about your new teacher. Can you tell me about him? : Yes. He is merican. He likes to play the drums. : Oh, really? e.g. On Your Own new teacher new friend cousin watching a fun movie living in a foreign country reading science books exciting boring difficult easy wonderful merican / likes to play the drums a swimmer / won first place a singer / be a member of 2CM 50 Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World 51 Script Listen and Speak 1 1. : What do you think about the You and Your Health TV show? : I think it is very interesting. : Yes. It gives us helpful information. 2 : What do you think about having a pet? : I think it is exciting. : Yes. ut you have to take care of it. 3 : What do you think about Mr. Kim? : I think he works hard. : He always tries to do his best. That s why students like him. : What do you think about the food? : I think the soup is good but the steak is too hard. How about you? : I like the soup, too. What do you think about the service? : Great. I think waiters are very helpful. : Yes, and they always smile, so I feel comfortable here. Listen and Speak 2 1. I am Taeho. I am interested in tall buildings from around the world. I ve heard there is one in Dubai. I am curious about that building. I want to go there. 2. Hello, I am Sujin. There is a new student in my class. She is from razil. razil is the country of the samba dance! I am curious about her home country. 3. Hi, I am rian. I heard Dad bought a big birthday present for me. I am curious about it and can t wait to see it. : Hi. You came back from your trip! Where did you go? : I visited Jeju-do. It was wonderful. : What did you do there? : We went to the beach. Then for dinner we ate delicious fish. The next day, we visited Manjanggul. : Wait! I m curious about Manjanggul. How was it? : It was amazing and I saw a lot of stones there. : That sounds great. 120 Lesson 3

Introduction 이번 차시에서 배울 내용을 간단히 소개한다. Today, we are going to start a new lesson. Please turn to page 48. What is the title? (Traditional Games from round the World.) Can you guess what we are going to talk about in this lesson? We are going to learn about lots of games from different countries. carefully and write the number of the dialog next to the matching picture. 2. 짝과 답을 확인하도록 한다. Now, check the answers with your partner. re you done? The correct answer is 1, 3 and 2. Let s listen to the dialogs one more time and check the answers again. Development Get Ready 1. 48~49쪽의 그림을 보고 설명해 보도록 한다. Look at the pictures on pages 48 and 49. What can you see? (Games.) Can you tell me their names in Korean? (공기놀이, 연날리기, 줄넘기, 술래잡기, 줄다리기, 윷놀 이.) Good. re they new like online games? (No.) No, they aren t. They are traditional games.. Listen and Check 1. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 좋아하는 것을 찾아 체크하도록 한다. Let s move on to Part. Listen to the dialog carefully and find what the boy and the girl like about the restaurant. 2. 정답을 확인해 보도록 한다. Now, let s check the answers together. What did the girl think about the steak? (It s too hard.) What did the boy and the girl think about the soup? (They like it.) How about the service? (They like it.) Right. Information for Teachers 전통 놀이 공기놀이하다: play jackstones/five stones 연날리기를 하다: fly a kite 줄넘기: jump-rope 술래잡기: hide-and-seek 줄다리기: tug of war 윷놀이: yunnori 2. 자신이 해 본 전통 놀이에 관해 이야기를 나누어 보도록 한다. Have you played any of them? When did you play it? Talk about your experiences with your partner. Listen and Speak 1 Pre-Listening 1. 에 제시된 그림을 살펴보도록 한다. Look at Part. In the first picture, who is on TV? ( doctor.) Okay. Now move on to the next picture. What is the man doing? (He is teaching.) What can you see in the third picture? ( puppy.) Yes. What do you think of the pet? (It s cute/pretty/clean.) 2. 에 제시된 그림을 살펴보도록 한다. Now, move on to Part. Where are they? (They are in a restaurant.) What are they eating? (Steak and soup.) Do the waiters look kind? (Yes, they do.) While-Listening. Listen and Number 1. 대화를 들려주고, 해당하는 그림에 대화의 번호를 쓰도록 한다. You are going to listen to three short dialogs. Listen Post-Listening 와 의 대화에 나온 의사소통 기능 표현을 확인하고, 따라 말하 도록 한다. Did you catch the expression What do you think about...? It is used when you want to know someone s opinions. Words and Expressions helpful [helpfl] a. 유용한 take care of ~을 돌보다 (=look after) comfortable [k mf rt bl] a. 편안한 Speaking ctivities C. Look and Talk 1. 의견을 묻는 표현을 소개한다. Look at the example dialog. When you want to know someone s opinions, you say, What do you think about...? When you answer this kind of question, you say I think... 2. CD-ROM을 활용하여 예시 대화를 따라 읽도록 한다. Let s read the dialog out loud. Repeat after me. 3. 짝과 함께 제시된 그림과 표현을 보며, 묻고 답하는 활동을 해 보도록 한다. There are different topics you are going to talk about. sk your partners their opinions about each topic using What do you think about...? Try to give your opinions as well. The word box will help you. Traditional Games from round the World 121

대화 연습 : What do you think about watching a fun movie? : I think it is exciting. : Oh, I see. : What do you think about living in a foreign country? : I think it is wonderful. : Oh, I see. : What do you think about reading science books? : I think it is difficult. : Oh, I see. : What do you think about solving a math problem? : I think it is easy. : Oh, I see. Listen and Speak 2 Pre-Listening 제시된 그림을 살펴보도록 한다. Let s move on to the next page, Listen and Speak 2. Look at Part. What do you see? ( map.) Do you know where it is? (Jeju do.) Correct. What do you think of Jeju do? (It is a good place to spend time. / It is an exciting place. / It is a beautiful place.) While-Listening. Listen and Circle 1. 대화를 듣고, 알맞은 답을 골라 동그라미 하도록 한다. You are going to listen to three short dialogs. Listen carefully and circle the right answers. 2. 정답을 확인한다. Now, let s check the answers together. Where is the tall building which Taeho is curious about? (In Dubai.) Now, move on to Number 2. Which dance is from razil? (Samba dance.) Correct. What will rian s dad give rian for his birthday? (irthday present.) Right.. Listen and Choose 1. 대화를 듣고, 소녀가 제주도에서 하지 않은 일을 고르도록 한다. Listen to the dialog carefully and choose what the girl didn t do in Jeju do. Remember you should choose the things she didn t do. 2. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. What did she do in Jeju do? (She went to the beach. She ate fish. She went to a cave.) Did she try horseback riding? (No.) Good job. Post-Listening 와 의 대화에 나온 의사소통 기능 표현을 확인하고, 따라 말하 도록 한다. When you want to know more about something, you say I m curious about... Words and Expressions home country 고국 I can t wait to 나는 정말 ~하고 싶다 amazing [ méizi ] a. 놀라운 Speaking ctivities C. Talk and Complete 1. 궁금증을 나타내는 표현을 소개한다. When you want to know about something, you say, I m curious about... 2. CD-ROM을 활용하여 예시 대화를 따라 읽도록 한다. Let s read out loud the example dialog. 3. 짝과 서로의 주변 사람에 대하여 묻고 답하도록 한다. sk your partners about their teachers, friends, or cousins. Then, introduce something interesting about your own teachers, friends, and cousins as well. 대화 연습 : I m curious about your new friend. Can you tell me about her? : Yes. She is a swimmer. She won first place. : Oh, really? : I m curious about your cousin. Can you tell me about him? : Yes. He is a singer. He is a member of 2CM. : Oh, really? Consolidation 학습한 의사소통 기능 표현을 정리하고, 다음 시간에 배울 내용을 안내한다. Did you enjoy the class? Let s review what we learned today. Next class, we re going to practice all the expressions we ve learned today with a game. Catch Up Listen and Speak 1 주어진 표현을 이용하여 대화해 보도록 한다. : What do you think about living in the city? : I think it is exciting. : Oh, I see. watching a fun movie / exciting living in a foreign country / wonderful reading science books / difficult Level Up Listen and Speak 1 교과서에 제시된 상황과 표현뿐 아니라 다양한 주제에 대한 의 견을 묻고 답하게 할 수 있다. 122 Lesson 3

학습 목표 1. 의견을 묻고 표현하는 말을 할 수 있다. 2. 궁금증을 표현하는 말을 할 수 있다. 3. 모둠별로 주제를 정하여 알아맞히는 게임을 할 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점 모둠 활동 시 충분한 브레인스토밍 시간을 주어 학생들이 주제에 관해 다양한 설명을 할 수 있도 록 유도한다. 교과서, CD-ROM, 영어사전, 스톱워치 2 차시 pp. 52~53 Into the Conversation / Talk in ction I nto the Conversation Listen and nswer 1 What does the boy think about documentary films? sad boring informative 2 Choose the correct answers. Talk in ction I m Curious about Your Topic! Step 1 The girl and the boy are going to see (a movie / a play) this Sunday. It is about different (food / clothing) cultures around the world. The boy is especially interested in traditional (dishes / clothes) from other countries. Food Famous Person Movie Spaghetti : Let s talk about food. : Yes. What about spaghetti? : That s a good idea. Role-Play Practice the dialog with your partner. What do you think about...? I think they are... They are... Some people don t like... They think they re boring. Oh a new... just came out. Do you want to go see it? Sure. What s it about? Step 2 1 2 3 Food Famous Person Movie Spaghetti Delicious Many kinds of flavors Many noodles It s about... Oh really? I m curious about... Great. How about this Sunday? That sounds good. Step 3 Say It Right What do you think about documentary films? I think they are good. Do you like living in the city? Yes, I do. : I am curious about your topic. : It s a food. I think it is delicious. : I have no idea. Can you tell me more about it? : It has many kinds of flavors. : Still I have no idea. : It has many noodles. : I see. It s spaghetti. 52 Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World 53 Script Into the Conversation : What do you think about documentary films? : I think they are good. They are informative and fun. : Some people don t like documentaries. : They think they re boring. : Oh, a new documentary just came out. Do you want to go see it? : Sure. What s it about? : It s about different food cultures around the world. : Oh, really? I m curious about traditional dishes from other countries. : Great. How about this Sunday? : That sounds good. Words and Expressions documentary [ ] n. 다큐멘터리, 기록물 film [fīlm] n. 영화 informative [ ] a. 유익한 come out 나오다, 개봉하다 culture [ ] n. 문화 dish [ ] n. 요리 Talk in ction 예시 대화 : I m curious about your topic. : It s a famous person. I think he was smart. : I have no idea. Can you tell me more about him? : When he was young, he was not a normal kid. : Still I have no idea. : He made lots of inventions. : I see. It s Edison. : I m curious about your topic. : It s a movie. I think the main character is kind. : I have no idea. Can you tell me more about him/ her? : She has bad sisters. : Still I have no idea. : She lost her crystal slippers. : I see. It s Cinderella. Traditional Games from round the World 123

Introduction 이번 시간에 배울 내용을 간단히 설명한다. Open your books to page 52. We are going to practice the expressions we learned last class. these two types of questions? The first sentence begins with a Wh- word and the other does not. 2. 동영상을 보고 직접 따라 해 보도록 한다. Listen carefully. Try to pay attention to the intonation and repeat after it. Development Into the Conversation Pre-Listening 제시된 그림을 살펴보도록 한다. Look at the pictures first. You can see a boy and a girl in these pictures. Where do you think they are? (They are in the park.) How do they look? (They look happy.) While-Listening. Listen and nswer 1. 대화를 들려주고, 다큐멘터리 영화에 대한 소년의 의견을 골라 보도록 한다. What does the boy think of documentary films? Listen carefully and check the answer. 2. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. Let s check the answers. What does the boy think about documentary films? (He thinks they are informative.) Good. What are they going to see? ( movie.) What is it about? (It s about different food cultures around the world.) What is the boy interested in? (He is interested in traditional dishes.) Good job! Post-Listening 대화에 나온 의사소통 기능 표현을 확인하고, 내용을 정리하도록 한다. When you ask about someone s opinion, you say, What do you think about...? When you want to know more about something, you say, I m curious about... Talk in ction I m Curious about Your Topic! Step 1. 여섯 명이 한 모둠을 이루고, 각 모둠에서 세 명씩 한 조가 되어 조별로 한 가지 주제를 정하도록 한다. Make groups of six. Then, divide them into two teams. Now, choose one topic for each category. Step 2. 정해진 주제에 관한 힌트를 세 개씩 만들어 표를 작성하도 록 한다. Come up with three hints for each topic and take notes to complete the table. Step 3. 각 조가 힌트를 말하면 다른 조가 그것이 무엇인지 알아맞 히도록 한다. Now, it s quiz time! Give one hint to the other team. If they give the right answer, they will get three points. If they fail to answer, give them the second hint. If they give the right answer, they will get two points. If they still have difficulty giving them right answers, give the last hint. It is only worth one point. Consolidation 1. 학습한 의사소통 기능 표현을 정리하고, 학생들에게 내용을 상 기시킨다. When you ask about someone s opinion, you can say What do you think about...? When you express your curiosity about something, you can say I m curious about... 2. 다음 차시를 안내한다. Next time, we re going to read a passage about traditional games from around the world. Speaking ctivities Catch Up 교과서 p. 238. Role-Play CD-ROM으로 애니메이션을 시청한 후, 교과서에 제시된 만화를 이용하여, 역할극을 하도록 한다. Now, practice the dialog with your partner. When you finish, switch roles and practice it one more time. Say It Right 1. 억양이 다른 의문문의 차이점을 설명한다. When you ask a question, you usually have to raise your voice tone at the end, but sometimes you should not raise it at the end. What is the difference between Talk in ction Step 2. 제시된 표현을 참고하여 각 주제에 해당하는 힌트 세 가지 를 만들어 표를 작성하도록 한다. Using the words in the box below to complete the table. Level Up Talk in ction 교과서 p. 258 표에 제시된 주제 이외에 다른 주제를 추가하여 그것에 대한 힌트를 학생들이 모두 하나씩 만들어 활동을 하도록 한다. 124 Lesson 3

학습 목표 1. 사진을 보면서 다른 나라의 전통 놀이에 관해 말 하고, 본문과 관련 있는 단어의 뜻을 알 수 있다. 2. 세계의 전통 놀이에 관한 글을 읽고 이해할 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점 전체적인 내용 파악에 중점을 두고, 모르는 어휘 를 문맥 속에서 유추할 수 있도록 지도한다. 교과서, CD-ROM 3~4 차시 pp. 54~55 efore You Read / Reading Time efore You Read Reading Time Traditional Games from round t he World 2 3 1 Rounders Yunnori Menya kwan mansen 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 He tries to break the ice. Tom hits the ball. Hanbok is the traditional Korean dress. When you see a fire, you should shout. 5 10 TOM PUL TOM Questions Hi, I m Tom Reilly from Teens Report. Today our student reporters are going to talk about traditional games from around the world. Let s go first to Paul in the U.K. re you there Paul? Yes Tom. I d like to introduce rounders. It s similar to baseball. To play rounders you need two teams. Can you see the player hitting a small hard ball with a bat? The team scores points when a player goes around all four bases. Playing this game is always fun. I d like to try it. Thank you Paul. Now let s go to Seoul Korea. Come in, Sora. 1 What is Paul talking about? 2 What is rounders similar to? traditional reporter talk about similar to hit score 2. It is similar to baseball. 1. He is talking about rounders. 54 Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World 55 교과서 해석 세계의 전통 놀이 TOM: 안녕하십니까. 저는 Teens Report의 Tom Reilly입 니다. 오늘은 학생 기자들이 전 세계의 전통 놀이에 관한 이야 기를 해 줄 것입니다. 먼저, 영국의 Paul에게 가 보겠습니다. Paul, 거기 있나요? PUL: 네, Tom. 저는 rounders를 소개하고 싶습니다. rounders는 야구와 비슷합니다. rounders 경기를 하기 위해서는 두 팀이 필요합니다. 지금 작고 딱딱한 공을 방망이로 치고 있는 선수가 보이시나요? 한 선수가 네 개의 베이스를 모두 돌면, 그 팀은 득점하게 됩니다. 이 게임은 늘 재미있지요. TOM: 저도 해 보고 싶군요. 고마워요, Paul. 이제 한국의 서 울로 가 보죠. 나와 주세요, 소라. Structure To play rounders, you need two teams. To play는 경기를 하기 위해서 라는 뜻으로, 목적 을 나타 내는 to부정사의 부사적 용법이다. ex. I bought this present to make my mom happy. Can you see the player hitting a small, hard ball with a bat? 지각동사 see 뒤에 목적격보어로 현재분사 hitting이 쓰였 다. 이때 hitting은 목적어인 the player와 능동 관계를 이 룬다. ex. I saw her crossing the road. Playing this game is always fun. Playing은 경기를 하는 것은 이라는 뜻으로, 문장의 주어로 쓰인 동명사이다. 동명사구가 주어일 때는 단수 취급하므로 단수 동사 is가 쓰였다. ex. rushing your teeth is important. Traditional Games from round the World 125

pp. 56~57 Reading Time SOR TOM Thanks, Tom. Can you hear my family shouting? They are playing a popular Korean game, yunnori. To play yunnori, you need a board, four yut sticks, and small tokens. Players on each team throw the yut sticks in the air, and get do, gae, geol, yut, or mo. You move your tokens on the board according to the sticks. Your team s tokens should arrive back at the starting point first to win the game. My mom looks excited because she got yut. You know why? When you get yut or mo you can throw the sticks again! Thank you Sora. That looks like a lot of fun. Finally we have bina here to introduce a game from Ghana. 5 10 Questions 1 What do you need to play yunnori? 2 Why does Sora s mom get excited when she got yut? shout stick token throw according to 2. ecause she can throw the sticks again. 1. We need a board, four yut sticks, and small tokens. 5 IN TOM Questions Hello Tom. I m bina in Ghana. People here enjoy playing menya kwan mansen with their friends. With this game you see many children holding hands to form a circle. One player is inside the circle. This person says, Menya kwan mansen! It means I want a way out! When the player inside breaks the circle and gets out another game starts. Thanks bina. Today we learned about some traditional games. Why don t you try playing them with your friends? This is Tom Reilly. 1 What is the name of the traditional game from Ghana? 2 What should the player inside the circle do? 56 Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World 57 form break 2. The player should break the circle and get out. 1. The name is menya kwan mansen. 교과서 해석 SOR: 네, Tom. 여러분은 우리 가족의 함성이 들리나요? 우 리 가족은 지금 한국의 인기 있는 게임인 윷놀이를 하고 있 습니다. 윷놀이를 하기 위해서는 말판, 네 개의 윷가락, 작 은 말이 필요해요. 각 팀의 선수가 윷을 공중에 던지면 도, 개, 걸, 윷, 모 중 하나가 나오게 됩니다. 윷가락이 어떻게 떨 어지느냐에 따라 말판에서 말을 움직일 수 있어요. 말이 말 판을 돌아 시작점에 먼저 되돌아오면 이깁니다. 저희 엄마는 윷이 나와서 흥분하신 것 같아요. 왜인지 아세요? 윷이나 모 가 나오면 윷가락을 한 번 더 던질 수 있거든요! TOM: 고마워요, 소라. 정말 재미있어 보이는데요. 마지막으로 가나에서 게임을 소개할 bina를 불러 보겠습니다. IN: 안녕하세요, Tom. 저는 가나의 bina입니다. 이곳 사람들은 친구들과 함께 menya kwan mansen이라는 것 을 즐깁니다. 이 게임을 할 때 많은 아이들이 손을 잡고 원형 을 만드는 것을 볼 수 있을 겁니다. 한 선수가 원 안에 있습 니다. 이 사람이 Menya kwan mansen! 이라고 말합니다. 그것은 나는 밖으로 나가고 싶어! 라는 뜻입니다. 안에 있 는 선수가 원을 뚫고 나가면 새로운 게임이 시작됩니다. TOM: 고마워요, bina. 오늘 우리는 세계의 전통 놀이에 관 해 알아보았습니다. 여러분도 친구들과 전통 놀이를 즐겨 보 는 건 어떠세요? 지금까지 Tom Reilly였습니다. Structure Can you hear my family shouting? 지각동사 hear 뒤에 목적격보어로 현재분사 shouting이 쓰 였다. 이때 shouting은 목적어인 my family와 능동 관계를 이룬다. My mom looks excited because she got yut. look+형용사 는 ~처럼 보이다 라는 뜻으로, 2형식 문장 을 구성한다. That looks like a lot of fun. look like+명사 는 ~처럼 보이다 라는 뜻으로, 1형식 문 장을 구성한다. With this game, you see many children holding hands to form a circle. 지각동사 see 뒤에 목적격보어로 현재분사 holding이 쓰였 다. 이때 holding은 목적어인 many children과 능동 관계 를 이룬다. 126 Lesson 3

Introduction 이번 시간에 배울 내용을 간단히 설명한다. Now, open your books to page 54. What do you think we re going to learn today? (Traditional games.) Yes. We re going to read about interesting traditional games from around the world. in Korean. Which picture is about fire? (The third picture.) Good. What does shout mean? Does it mean talking in a quiet voice? (No. It means talking in a loud voice.) Right. Reading Time Pre-Reading Development efore You Read 1. 그림 속 전통 놀이에 관해 설명해 보도록 한다. Look at the pictures. What can you see? (National flags.) nd what do you see above the flags? (People are playing games.) 가능한 학생들의 대답 It looks like a baseball. / We need a ball and bat to play it. I played yunnori on New Year s Day. / Yut and mo are the best combinations to throw. It looks like 강강술래. 2. 전통 놀이와 관련된 국가를 연결해 보도록 한다. Now, look at the national flags. What country does each flag represent? One of them is difficult, right? It s the national flag of Ghana. Have you heard about that country? Match the games with the right national flags. 3. 정답을 확인한다. The first game is from the United Kingdom. Where does the second game come from? (Korea.) nd the third one comes from Ghana. 1. 단어의 의미를 생각하며 문장에 맞는 그림을 골라 보도록 한다. There are four short sentences. What does each underlined word mean in the sentence? Look at the pictures next. Match the picture with the right sentence and think about the meaning of the words. 2. 짝과 답을 비교한 후, 단어의 뜻을 알아보도록 한다. Check your answers with your partner first. Then, we will check the answers together. In which picture does a person try to break the ice? (In the fourth picture.) reak means 깨뜨리다 in Korean. Where is Tom? (In the second picture.) He hits a ball. What does hit mean in Korean? (때리다.) Which one is about hanbok? (The first picture.) Hanbok is traditional Korean clothes. Can you guess what traditional means? (Old.) Yes, it means 전통적인 1. 그림을 보고 내용을 추측하도록 한다. Look at the picture on page 55. What do you see? (Children are playing a game.) nd what do you see in the next picture? (There is a boy in front of the microphone.) What is he doing? (He is saying something.) Move on to the next page. What do you see? (People are playing yunnori. ) Yes. nd what do you see in the third page? (Children are playing something. Is it 강강술래?) 2. 본문을 듣도록 한다. First, let s listen to the reading passage. Think about what the topic is. While-Reading 1. 본문을 빠르게 읽고, 대략적인 질문에 답하도록 한다. Now, read the passage quickly. You don t have to pay attention to every single word. What are the student reporters going to talk about? (Traditional games from around the world.) Where is Paul from? (He is from the U.K.) What does Sora introduce? ( Yunnori. ) 2. 본문을 한 번 더 읽고, 교과서 하단에 제시된 문제를 풀도록 한다. Look at the questions below the text. Read the passage carefully and write answers next to the questions. 3. 정답을 확인한다. Please answer my questions out loud. What is Paul talking about? (He is talking about rounders. ) What is rounders similar to? (It is similar to baseball.) What do you need to play yunnori? (We need a board, four yut sticks, and small tokens.) Why did Sora s mom get excited when she got yut? (ecause she can throw the sticks again.) What is the name of the traditional game of Ghana? (The name is menya kwan mansen. ) What should the player inside do? (The player should break the circle and get out.) 4. 주요 어구를 설명한다. Let s study the new words and expressions. What does a reporter do? reporter reports information or news. Think about traditional things. Is your cell phone traditional? (No.) How about hanok? Is it tradi- Traditional Games from round the World 127

tional? (Yes.) Is it old or new? (Old.) Yes. Traditional means something old. Now, talk about the new phrase, similar to. For example, Thanksgiving Day is similar to Chuseok. Do they have many things in common? (Yes.) Have in common has the same meaning of similar to. Let s move on to the next word throw. It means 던지다 in Korean. What is the meaning of form? It means to make something. Words and Expressions traditional [tr dī nl] a. belonging to the ways that have continued in a society for a long time (전통적인) reporter [rip :rt (r)] n. a person whose job is to discover news events (기자) talk about (~에 관해 이야기하다) cf. talk with ~와 이야기하다 similar to (~와 비슷한) hit [hīt] v. touch something with force (때리다) hit - hit - hit score [sk :(r)] v. get a point (득점하다) shout [ aũt] v. speak with a loud voice (소리치다) stick [stīk] n. a thin long piece of wood (막대기) token [touk n] n. a thing that expresses your feelings or intentions (표시, 상징) throw [ roũ] v. send something through the air (던지다) throw - threw - thrown according to (~에 따르면) form [ ] v. make something (형성하다) break [ ] v. separate something into two or more pieces (깨뜨리다) break - broke - broken 5. 구조를 설명한다. Do you know sensory verbs such as see, hear, smell, feel, taste? The root verb (동사원형) or present participle (현재분사) can come after sensory verbs. The sentence Can you hear my family shouting? is an example. Got it? Now, let s talk about the verb look. n adjective must follow look. My mom looks excited. is an example. However, a noun should follow look like. That looks like a lot of fun. is an example. 지각동사 ~가 하는 것을 듣다, 보다, 느끼다 등의 의미로 hear, see, feel, smell 등이 있다. 지각동사가 쓰인 문장에서 목적어와 목적격보어가 능동의 관계이면 목적격보어 자리에 동사원형이, 수동의 관계이면 과거분사가 온다. 동작이 진행의 의미가 강할 때는 동사원형 대신 현재분사(-ing)를 쓸 수 있다. I heard Jack talk about you. (나는 Jack이 너에 관해 이야기하는 것을 들었다.) I saw Mina buying something in the store. (나는 Mina가 상점에서 무언가를 사고 있는 것을 보았다.) She heard her name called. (그녀는 자신의 이름이 불려지는 것을 들었다.) Information for Teachers 참고 웹사이트 http://www.topics-mag.com/edition11/games-section. htm 세계의 놀이를 소개하는 사이트로, 우리나라의 제기차기 에 대한 설명도 영어로 제시되어 있다. Post-Reading 1. 본문을 보지 않고 듣도록 한다. Now, listen to the passage again and check your understanding. 2. 질문을 통해 본문의 내용을 정리한다. In what country is rounders played? (In the U.K.) What does it look like? (aseball.) What will happen if you get yut or mo? (We can throw yut sticks again.) Consolidation 1. 학습한 내용을 정리한다. We talked about traditional games from the UK, Korea, and Ghana. 2. 다음 시간에 배울 내용을 안내한다. Next time, we will do activities in fter You Read. Catch Up 다음 질문에 답하도록 한다. Listen to my questions and answer them. 1. Where is Paul from? (He is from the U.K.) 2. What do you need to play rounders? (We need two teams, a ball, a bat, and four bases.) 3. Why does Sora s mom look excited? (ecause she got yut.) 4. Where does menya kwan mansen come from? (It comes from Ghana.) 5. What do children form by holding hands? (They form a circle.) Level Up 다음 질문에 답하도록 한다. Listen to my questions and answer them. 1. What happens when a player of rounders goes around all the bases? (The team scores points.) 2. What do you need to play yunnori? (We need a board, four yut sticks, and small tokens.) 3. What do you have to get to throw the yut sticks again? (We have to get yut or mo.) 4. What does a player inside the circle have to do in menya kwan mansen? (He/She needs to break the circle and get out.) 5. What does Tom Reilly do? (He hosts Teens Report.) 128 Lesson 3

학습 목표 1. 읽기 후 활동을 통해 읽은 내용을 확인하고 정리 할 수 있다. 2. 본문의 내용을 대화로 재구성하여 대화할 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점 역할극을 할 때는 내용을 잘 파악하여 실감나게 말할 수 있도록 지도한다. 교과서, CD-ROM 5 차시 pp. 58~59 fter You Read fter You Read 1 2 3 Rounders Yunnori Menya kwan mansen T F C 1 Menya kwan mansen! means I want a way in! a circle tokens I want a way out! a board 2 You can throw sticks again when you get do or gae in yunnori. a bat bases 3 You have to go around all four bases to score points in rounders. T TV abe99, May 15 2014 I played yunnori when I visited my uncle in Korea. I got mo twice and threw the sticks again and again. I won the game! I loved it. ritish007, May 12 2014 When I stayed in the U.K. I often played rounders and was one of the best players in our group. When I hit people could not catch it. a ball T T 4 4F 4F F D Communicate in Context 1 Minju This website introduces a lot of traditional from around the world. Tony Great! Which should we focus on? Minju I don t know. Let s look at some pictures first. Tony Look at this one. It s a game from Ghana. What do you think of it? Minju I think it s very. Tony Do you see the children holding hands to a big circle? Minju Yes I do. ut I m curious about the girl inside the circle. What s she doing? Tony I have no idea. Let s watch the video. Minju She says Menya kwan mansen! What does she mean by that? Tony I don t know. She is trying to the circle. Minju Tony Tony that game looks like a lot of fun country interesting. Shall we find out more about the game? We can write a report about it. Good idea! break games form 2 Minju Tony Eventer, May 10 2014 I live in. I always enjoy menya kwan mansen with my friends. It is not easy to the circle and get out. Ghana break sticks the U.K. Ghana Korea break a ball Challenge Yourself 1 2 58 Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World 59 Introduction 지난 시간의 내용을 복습하고, 오늘 학습할 내용을 소개한다. Last class, we read about traditional games. Today, we re going to check your understanding through questions and do post-reading activities. Development fter You Read 1. 문제를 설명한다. Match the correct words or expressions with the games. 2. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. Let s check the answers. What do you need for rounders? ( bat and bases.) What do you need to enjoy yunnori? (Tokens and a board.) Which ones are about menya kwan mansen? ( circle, I want a way out!) 1. 문제를 설명한다. Read the sentences. If you think the statement is true, check T. If you think the statement is false, check F. 2. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. Let s check the answers. What does Menya kwan mansen! mean? (I want a way out!) Then, the first sentence is false. Now, read the second. True? (No, it s false.) Now, let s correct it. What do you have to get to throw the sticks again? (Yut or mo.) Let s read the third sentence together. Is it true? (Yes.) Traditional Games from round the World 129

C 1. 문제를 설명한다. There are comments from some TV viewers. Use the words from the box and complete their messages. 2. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. Check the answers with your partner. re their answers the same as yours? Now, let s check the answers together. abe99 tried yunnori when she visited her uncle. Where was her uncle then? (In Korea.) She got mo, so what did she throw again? (Sticks.) Right. Can you guess where ritish007 stayed? (In the U.K.) He was such a good player. What did he hit? ( ball.) Where does Eventer live? (In Ghana.) What does she think about menya kwan mansen? (It is not easy to break the circle and get out.) Good job! Teaching Tips Graphic organizer를 이용하여 본문의 내용을 요약하고 시각화함으로써 이해를 도울 수 있다. D. Communicate in Context 1. 대화를 듣고, 빈칸을 채우도록 한다. Now, open your textbooks to page 59. Listen to the dialog carefully and fill in the blanks. 2. 짝과 정답을 비교해 보도록 한 후, 함께 정답을 확인한다. Check the answers with you partner. re you done? Now, let s check the answers together. 3. CD-ROM으로 동영상을 시청한 후, 짝과 역할극을 할 수 있도 록 한다. We are going to watch a video clip. Then, you are going to practice the dialog with your partner. One should be Minju and the other should be Tony. When you re done, switch roles and practice it once again. 대화문 해석 Minju: 이 웹사이트는 세계의 많은 전통 놀이를 소개하고 있어. Tony: 좋은데! 어떤 나라에 관해 알아볼까? Minju: 잘 모르겠어. 우선 사진을 좀 보자. Tony: 이걸 좀 봐. 가나의 놀이야. 이 게임 어떨 것 같아? Minju: 아주 흥미로울 것 같은데. Tony: 아이들이 손을 잡고 큰 원을 만들고 있는 것이 보이니? Minju: 응. 그런데 나는 원 안에 있는 소녀가 궁금해. 뭘 하고 있는 걸까? Tony: 잘 모르겠어. 동영상을 보자. Minju: 그 아이가 Menya kwan mansen! 이라고 말하네. 그게 무슨 뜻이지? Tony: 잘 모르겠어. 그 애는 원을 뚫고 나오려고 하고 있어. Minju: Tony, 저 놀이 아주 재미있어 보여. 그 놀이에 대해 더 알아볼까? 우리가 저 놀이에 관한 보고서를 쓸 수 도 있잖아. Tony: 좋은 생각이야! Challenge Yourself 짝과 함께 윷놀이와 다른 나라의 전통 놀이에 대해서도 대화해 보 도록 한다. Talk about how to play yunnori with your partner. You can talk about other traditional games from around the world. 예시 대화 : This website introduces a lot of traditional games from around the world. : Great! Which country should we focus on? : I don t know. Let s look at some pictures first. : Look at this one. It s a game from Korea. What do you think of it? : I think it s very exciting. : Do you see the players throwing the yut sticks in the air? : Yes, I do. ut, I am curious about why some players throw the sticks again. : I have no idea. Let s watch the video. : When the player gets yut or mo, he/she can throw the sticks again. : That game looks like a lot of fun. Shall we find out more about the game? We can write a report about it. : Good idea! Consolidation 1. 오늘 배운 내용을 정리한다. Today, we reviewed what we read last time and practiced a dialog about traditional games from around the world. 2. 다음 차시를 안내한다. Next time, we will study Language in Use. Please do the activities on pages 60 ~ 61 in your textbook and check the questions which you don t understand. Catch Up Challenge Yourself 교과서에 제시된 대화를 충분히 연습할 시간을 주고, 책을 보지 않고 역할극을 할 수 있도록 한다. Level Up Challenge Yourself 우리나라의 전통 놀이를 한 가지 정하고, 게임 준비물과 게임 규칙 등을 정리한 뒤 외국인에게 설명해 보는 활동을 할 수도 있다. 130 Lesson 3

학습 목표 1. 주요 어휘와 표현을 이해하고 활용할 수 있다. 2. 지각동사의 쓰임을 이해하고 활용할 수 있다. 3. look+형용사 와 look like+명사 의 차이점을 이해하고 활용할 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점 어휘와 언어 형식의 쓰임을 문맥 속에서 확인하 고 익힐 수 있도록 다양한 상황을 제시한다. 교과서, CD-ROM, 영어사전 6 차시 pp. 60~61 Language in Use Language in Use Words & Expressions reporter stick form token score throw throw reporter 1 Don t the ball toward the flowers. 2 Mike is a for his school newspaper. 3 To play this board game, each team needs a different. turn Turn Turn right and it s on your left. When it rains the weather turns cold. Go ahead. It s your turn. 1 She turned red when she heard the news. 2 I waited for my turn for a long 3 token 2 time. 3 You should turn left here. 1 Forms Can you see the player hitting a small, hard ball with a bat? Can you hear my family shouting? I can smell the bread baking. He felt his mother touching him on the back. singing cooking climbing 1 Ella hears the birds. 2 Sora smells something. 3 Hana sees the cat the tree. climb sing cook My mom looks excited because she got yut. That looks like a lot of fun. C We are going to talk about traditional games from around the world. It is similar to baseball. You move your tokens on the board according to the sticks. Hello. I am Kelly. I am a member of a singing group. It is not easy to sing with others. Singing in a group is work together. I practice my parts and sometimes change my way of singing, similar to talk about according to playing soccer because everyone should them with other members. I their advice Sometimes he sad. looked I don t know why. looked He very rich. He looked like a friendly person. looked like He a waiter. He was always polite. 60 Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World 61 Introduction 1. 지난 시간에 배운 내용을 복습한다. Last time, we did reading activities. lso, we practiced a dialog about traditional games from around the world. 2. 오늘 학습할 내용을 소개한다. Today, we will study words, expressions, and forms. Open your textbooks to page 60. Development Language in Use Words & Expressions 1. 알고 있는 단어에 표시하도록 한다. There are six words in the box. Check the words you know. throw: 던지다 reporter: 기자 token: 표시, 상징 2. 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 넣어 문장을 완성하도록 한다. elow the box, there are three sentences with blanks. Take words from the box and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. 3. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. Let s check the answers. What is the right word for each blank? What is the answer for the first blank? (Throw.) How about the second blank? (Reporter.) Good. What does each team need for a board game? (Token.) Traditional Games from round the World 131

1. Turn의 다양한 뜻을 알아본다. Turn has different meanings. It means to change direction or become. It also means a time to do something. turn의 여러 가지 의미 - v. 방향을 바꾸다 (change direction or take a new direction) Turn left at the corner. 모퉁이에서 왼쪽으로 도세요. - v. ~이 되다, 변하다 (change or make someone or something change color) The shock turned his hair white. 충격은 그의 머리카락 을 희게 만들었다. - v. 돌다, 회전하다 (move or go round in a circle or with a circular movement) Turn the key and open the door. - n. 차례, 순서 (an opportunity that comes to each of several people in rotation or succession) It s her turn to throw the ball. 그녀가 공을 던질 차례이다. 2. 제시된 문장에서 turn의 뜻을 찾도록 한다. Now, match the sentences with the right meanings. Think about the three different meanings of turn. 3. 정답을 확인한다. Let s check your answers. When she heard the news, she became red. So the answer to Number 1 is 2. How about Number 2? (3.) Yes. What is your answer to Number 3? (1.) Teaching Tips turn이 들어간 짧은 문장 쓰기를 통해 어휘의 쓰임을 이해하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 1. 지구는 태양의 주위를 돈다. 2. 직진하다가 첫 번째 블록에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. 3. 나뭇잎이 붉게 물들고 있다. 4. 이번에는 내가 돈을 낼 차례다. 정답 1. The Earth turns (a)round the sun. 2. Go straight and turn right on the first block. 3. The leaves are turning red. 4. It s my turn to pay. C 1. 예문을 통해 표현의 의미를 확인하고, 문장을 완성하도록 한다. Read three sentences, focusing on the phrases in bold. What does each phrase mean? Talk about means to say something and similar to means look like something. What does according to mean? It means ~에 따르면 in Korean. There is a short story about Kelly. Fill in the blanks with the right phrases to complete the story. talk about: ~에 관해 이야기하다 similar to: ~와 비슷한 according to: ~에 따르면 2. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. Let s check the answers. What is the correct answer for the first blank? (Similar to.) How about the second blank? (Talk about.) What is your answer for the third blank? (ccording to.) Forms 1. 이번 시간에 배울 언어 형식을 간단히 소개한다. We are going to learn about the usage of sensory verbs. 2. 대표 예문을 읽으며 각 문장의 의미에 관해 생각하도록 한다. Read the example sentences, focusing on the phrases in bold. nd think about what they mean. 3. 지각동사의 어법에 관해 설명한다. What kinds of sensory verbs do you know? (See, hear, taste, feel, smell.) Yes. When you put another verb after the sensory verb, you should use a root verb or the -ing form. 지각동사 종류: see, hear, smell, taste, feel 등 형태: 지각동사+목적어+동사원형/현재분사/과거분사 지각동사가 쓰인 5형식 문장에서 목적어와 목적격보어가 능 동의 관계이면 동사원형이, 수동의 관계이면 과거분사가 온 다. 동작의 진행의 의미가 강할 때는 동사원형 대신 현재분 사(-ing)를 쓸 수 있다. I felt someone touch my bag. (나는 누군가가 나의 가방을 만지는 것을 느꼈다.) I watched my car being fixed. (나는 내 차가 수리되는 것을 지켜보았다.) I saw Sally dancing on the stage. (나는 Sally가 무대에서 춤추고 있는 것을 보았다.) 4. 그림을 보고 문장을 완성하도록 한다. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. What does each person smell, see, or hear? 5. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. Let s check the answers. What is the answer to Number 1? (Singing.) Yes. How about Number 2? (Cooking.) What did you write in Number 3? (Climbing.) 132 Lesson 3

Teaching Tips 다양한 문제를 통해 지각동사의 어법을 이해하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 1. 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르시오. (1) I heard Mary (played / playing) the guitar. (2) Tom saw his brother (doing / done) his homework. (3) He watched me (washed / washing) my car. 정답 (1) playing (2) doing (3) washing 2. 다음 문장에서 어법에 맞지 않는 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오. (1) Did you feel them to go out? (2) I heard someone called my name. (3) She smells something cooked. (4) John sees Jenny to shop at the store. 정답 (1) to go going/go (2) called calling/call (3) cooked cooking/cook (4) to shop shopping/shop 1. 언어 형식을 간단히 소개한다. Now, let s talk about the difference between look and look like. We put adjectives after look and nouns after look like. person.) How about Number 4? (Looked like.) Great. Read the sentence. (He looked like a waiter. He was always polite.) Consolidation 1. 학습한 내용을 학생들과 정리한다. Today, we studied words and phrases. In addition, we learned how to use sensory verbs. We also studied the difference between look and look like. 2. 숙제를 내주고, 다음 차시에 배울 내용을 소개한다. Your homework is to make five sentences using the words and the expressions on page 61. Next time, you re going to write about your favorite games. Catch Up Forms 교과서의 그림에서 다음 문장과 관련 있는 부분을 찾아 동그라미 하 도록 한다. 1. Ella hears the birds singing. 2. Sora smells something cooking. 3. Hana sees the cat climbing the tree. look+형용사: ~하게 보이다 (부사처럼 해석되지만, 형용사가 온다는 사실에 유의한다.) look like+명사: ~처럼 보이다 (like가 전치사이므로 뒤에 명사가 와야 한다.) 2. 대표 예문을 읽으며, look과 look like의 의미에 대해 생각하도 록 한다. Now, look at the example sentences in the box and read them aloud. Try to think about what look and look like mean. 3. look과 look like에 대해 설명한다. We should put adjectives after look. ut nouns are necessary after look like because like is a preposition. 4. 그림을 보고 문장을 완성하도록 한다. Look at the picture of Part. police officer is looking for a criminal. People try to help him draw a picture. Fill in the blanks. 5. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. Let s check the answers together. What is the answer to Number 1? (Looked.) Right. Let s read Number 1 sentences together. (Sometimes he looked sad. I don t know why.) Good. What is the answer to Number 2? (Looked.) Yes. Read the sentence out loud. (He looked very rich.) How about Number 3? (Looked like.) Right. Read the sentence. (He looked like a friendly 주어진 단어들을 재배열하여 올바른 문장을 쓰도록 한다. 1. (looks / sad / he) 2. (he / very / looks / rich) 3. (person / a / friendly / like / he / looks) 4. (a / waiter / looks / he / like) 정답 1. He looks sad. 2. He looks very rich. 3. He looks like a friendly person. 4. He looks like a waiter. Level Up Forms 교과서와 동일한 그림을 제시하고 주어를 I로 바꾸어 각 그림을 묘사 해 보도록 한다. I hear. I smell. I see. 교과서와 동일한 그림을 제시하고 이웃 사람들이 되어 look과 look like를 이용하여 범인에 대하여 자유롭게 설명해 보도록 한다. Traditional Games from round the World 133

7 차시 학습 목표 1. 지각동사를 사용하여 작문할 수 있다. 2. look과 look like를 사용하여 작문할 수 있다. 3. 자신이 좋아하는 게임에 관한 짧은 글을 쓸 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점 좋아하는 게임에 대하여 미리 조사해 오게 한 뒤 좀 더 충실한 작문을 할 수 있도록 지도한다. 교과서, CD-ROM, 영어사전 pp. 62~63 Writing Connection Writing Connection C Think and Write 1 When I was blind... Now... 1 ) What is your favorite game? 2 ) When do you play it? heard talking 1 I Simcheong. (hear) 2 I smelled the spring coming. (smell) I can see Simcheong talking. I can see the spring coming. 3 ) Who do you play it with? 4 ) What is so special about it? 2 looks right the looks he young a looks bigger one Einstein like like woman 1 Look at the red circles. t first. Surprisingly they are the same. 2 You would say. re you sure? Take several steps back and look again. You can see Marilyn Monroe. 3 The person. However you will also see an old woman. the right one looks bigger he looks like Einstein looks like a young woman My favorite game is baduk. I play it with my grandfather on weekends. It is special because I can talk with my grandfather when I play baduk. Doesn t it sound like a lot of fun? Why don t you try playing it with your friends? My favorite game is. I play it with. It is special because. 62 Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World 63 Introduction 지난 시간에 배운 지각동사와 look, look like를 복습하고, 오늘 배 울 내용을 간단히 소개한다. Today, we are going to review what we learned last class. What are sensory verbs? (Hear, see, taste, feel, smell.) Yes. nd what do we have to put after look? djectives or nouns? (djectives.) the time when 심봉사 was blind. The other is about the time when he can see. Take a look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. 2. 정답을 확인하도록 한다. Let s check the answers. In the When I was blind picture, what do you think he said? (I heard Simcheong talking. / I smelled the spring coming.) Good. Development Writing Connection 1. 그림을 보고 빈칸을 완성하도록 한다. Look at the pictures. Who can you see? (심청, 심봉사.) Yes. There are two different pictures. One is about 1. 그림을 참고하여 문장을 완성하도록 한다. Sometimes your eyes lie. Look at the pictures and put the words in order to describe the pictures. 2. 짝과 함께 답을 비교해 보도록 한다. Now, check the answers with your partner. 134 Lesson 3

3. 정답을 확인한다. Let s check the answers together. Look at the first picture. t first, which red circle looks bigger? (The right one.) Really? Is it true? (No. They are the same.) Now, move on to the second picture. What does he look like at first? (He looks like Einstein.) Yes. Can you see the other person? (Marilyn Monroe.) Correct! What does the third picture look like? (It looks like a young woman.) ut you can see an old woman, too. C. Think and Write 1. 자신이 좋아하는 게임을 골라 질문에 답해 보도록 한다. There are four questions about your favorite game. Think about your favorite game and write your answers to each question. 예시 작문 1) What is your favorite game? word puzzle. 2) When do you play it? On weekends. 3) Who do you play it with? My friends. 4) What is so special about it? When I finish the word puzzle, I feel really happy. 2. 위에서 답한 내용을 바탕으로 자신이 좋아하는 게임에 관한 짧 은 글을 써 보도록 한다. Now, write a paragraph based on your answers. The example essay can help you. 예시 작문 1. My favorite game is a word puzzle. I play it with my friends on weekends. It is special because I feel really happy when I finish the word puzzle. 2. My favorite game is yunnori. I play it with my family on Sundays. It is special because I can have a good time with my family. 3. My favorite game is a card game. I play it with my friends after school. It is special because I can play many different kinds of games with a set of cards. So I never get bored. 4. My favorite games are board games. I play them with my friends after school. They are special because there are many different kinds. Teaching Tips 가장 재미있어 보이는 게임에 학생들이 스티커를 붙이도록 한 후, 선정된 게임을 직접 해보게 할 수도 있다. Consolidation 오늘 배운 내용을 정리하고 다음 차시를 예고한다. Today, we wrote a short essay about your favorite game. Next time, you re going to share your story with your classmates and do some group work. Catch Up 제시된 단어를 이용하여 눈을 뜨기 전의 심봉사의 말을 완성하도록 한다. When 심봉사 was blind, he heard and smelled the world instead of seeing it. Take a word from the box below and complete the sentence. 1. I heard Simcheong talking. 2. I smelled the spring coming. heard smelled talking coming 주어진 표현을 사용하여 문장을 완성해 보도록 한다. Look at the picture carefully and complete the sentences using the words below the pictures. 1. Look at the red circles. t first, the right one looks bigger. Surprisingly, they are the same. 2. You would say he looks like Einstein. re you sure? Take several steps back and look again. You can see Marilyn Monroe. 3. The person looks like a young woman. However, you will also see an old woman. like Einstein a young woman looks bigger Level Up 교과서 p. 239 교과서 p. 259 눈을 뜨기 전과 후의 심봉사의 말을 완성해 보도록 한다. 심봉사 used to be blind, but now he can see. What is the difference? Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 착시 현상에 관한 문장을 look, look like를 활용하여 완성해 보도록 한다. Look at the pictures and write two different things you can see in each picture using looks or looks like. Traditional Games from round the World 135

8 차시 학습 목표 1. 세계의 전통 놀이를 조사하여 발표할 수 있다. 2. 우리나라의 전통 놀이와 유사한 다른 나라의 전 통 놀이를 조사해 봄으로써 문화에 관한 이해를 넓힐 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점 우리나라의 전통 놀이를 외국인에게 설명해 보는 활동을 원어민 교사와 함께 해 볼 수 있다. 교과서, CD-ROM, 영어사전, 컴퓨터 pp. 64~65 Work Together / Meet the World Work Together Let s Play Traditional Games! Step 1 Meet the World Foreign Traditional Games Step 2 e.g. : Sipa is a game from the Philippines. What do you think about it? : I think it s very interesting. It looks like jegichagi from Korea. C: I am curious about how to play sipa. Let s find out more. Petanque (France) Name of the Game Sipa (from the Philippines) Picture What It Looks Like How to Play Jegichagi from Korea You have to kick the ball without letting it touch the ground. Gorodki (Russia) Name of the Game Picture What It Looks Like How to Play Danh Quay (Vietnam) Step 3 64 Lesson 3 Traditional Games from round the World 65 Introduction 지난 시간에 배운 내용을 확인하고, 오늘 수업 내용을 간단히 소개 한다. Last class, we wrote about our favorite games. Today, we are going to learn about traditional games from around the world. Development Work Together Let s Play Traditional Games! Step 1. 다섯 명이 한 모둠을 이룬 다음, 지도에서 관심 있는 나라 를 골라 그 나라의 전통 놀이에 대하여 조사하도록 한다. Make groups of five people. Look at page 64. Choose one country that you are interested in and research its traditional games. Step 2. 모둠원끼리 대화하며, 표를 작성하도록 한다. When you decide on the game, talk about it and complete the table together. For example, some of your group members will look for the best picture to help your friends understand the game better and others will search for a Korean game that is similar to it. You also have to write how to play it. 예시 대화 : Tinikling is a game from the Philippines. What do you think about it? : I think it s very interesting. It looks like 고무줄놀이 of Korea. C: I am curious about how to play Tinikling. Let s find out more. Step 3. 모둠별로 조사한 내용을 발표하도록 하고, 가장 해 보고 싶은 게임을 골라 보도록 한다. 136 Lesson 3

Now, each group will come to the front to present the game you researched. fter finishing the presentation, please choose the game which looks most exciting and put your sticker on it. 1. <Compare and Contrast Chart> 2. Meet the World Foreign Traditional Games 1. 다른 나라의 전통 놀이에 관한 글을 읽고, 우리나라의 어떤 놀이 와 비슷한지 알아보도록 한다. Look at the pictures. They look like our traditional games. What does the first picture look like? ( 구슬 치기 in Korea.) Yes, but it comes from France. It s called Petanque. Isn t that interesting? Some foreign traditional games look like our traditional games. Now, it s your turn. Look for other examples. What does Gorodki look like? (It looks like 자치기 in Korea.) Yes, I think so, too. What do you think about Danh Quay? (It looks like 팽이치기 in Korea.) Do you think so, too? How similar? How different? Information for Teachers 세계의 전통 놀이 터키 - Kirkpinar(크르크프나르) 2. 우리나라의 놀이와 비슷한 다른 나라의 놀이에 대하여 더 찾아 보도록 한다. You can look for other games around the world which look like ours. Consolidation 이번 시간에 배운 내용을 정리하고 다음 차시를 안내한다. Today, we learned about several traditional games from around the world. Why don t you play them with your friends after school? Next time, we are going to wrap up this lesson. Catch Up Work Together 놀이 방법을 설명하는 핵심 어구를 칠판에 써 주고, 이를 참고하여 활 동할 수 있도록 한다. Level Up Work Together Graphic organizer를 이용해 우리나라 놀이와 유사한 외국 놀이의 유사점과 차이점을 설명해 보도록 한다. < Venn Diagram> 기름칠한 레슬링 경기인 크르크프나르는 우리나라의 씨름 과 매우 유사한 터키의 전통 경기이다. 크르크(Kirk)와 프나 르(Pinar)는 터키어로 숫자 40 과 우물 을 뜻한다. 오일 레 슬링의 유래를 짐작해 볼 수 있는 대목이다. 14세기 중반 오 스만 제국의 군대가 에디르네 초원에 주둔했을 때 40명의 병 사들이 놀이 삼아 풀밭 위에서 레슬링 경기를 벌였다. 심심풀 이로 시작했던 레슬링은 해가 지고 다음날 동이 틀 때까지 열 기를 더했고, 최종 승자도 가려지지 않았다. 결국 마지막까 지 경기를 치르던 두 병사는 혼신의 힘을 다하다 지쳐 죽고 말았다. 몇 년 후 동료들이 두 병사의 무덤가를 가 보니 예전 에 없던 샘물이 솟아나고 있었다. 이후 에디르네 지방에서는 두 병사의 투지를 기리기 위해 매년 레슬링 대회를 열었는데, 온 몸에 오일을 바른 후 운동장에서 시합을 한다. 이슬람 국 가에서는 남자라도 아랫도리의 맨살을 보이는 것을 꺼리기 때문에 레슬러의 복장도 웃통은 맨몸이고 아래는 긴 가죽 바 지를 입는다. 오일을 바르는 이유는 경기의 격렬함을 줄여 부 상을 막기 위함이다. 터키 전통 공연단의 흥겨운 음악으로 시 작되는 오일 레슬링은 경기 시간이 정해져 있지 않다. 600년 전 오스만 제국의 병사들처럼 승부가 날 때까지 승부는 계속 된다. 영국 - Jackstone(잭스톤) 다섯 개의 공깃돌로 하는 게임으로, 게임 방식은 다르지만, 우리나라의 공기놀이와 매우 유사하다. 일본 - Goma mawasi(고마 마와시) 우리나라의 팽이치기와 거의 흡사하다. 일본에서는 주로 얼 음 위에서 팽이치기를 해서 겨울 놀이라는 인식이 강하다. Traditional Games from round the World 137