개 요 홈페이지 해킹 현황 및 사례 홈페이지 개발시 보안 취약점 및 대책
주요 애플리케이션 보안 대책 결 론 참고자료 [부록1] 개발 언어별 로그인 인증 프로세스 예제 [부록2] 대규모 홈페이지 변조 예방을 위한 권고(안) [부록3] 개인정보의 기술적 관리적 보호조치 기준(안) [부록4] 웹 보안관련 주요 사이트 리스트
7000 6,478 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1,034 709 756 280 339 337 38 127 172 262 423 335 2004.1. 2004.2. 2004.3. 2004.4. 2004.5. 2004.6. 2004.7. 2004.8. 2004.9. 2004.10. 2004.11. 2004.12. 2005.1. 출처:www.krcert.or.kr
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MSSQL2000 MSSQL7.0 MSSQL 6.5 SQL Server 2000 3a : http://www.microsoft.com/korea/sql/downloads/2000/sp3.asp SQL Server 7.0 4 : http://www.microsoft.com/korea/sql/downloads/sp4.asp SQL Server 6.5 Service pack 5a : http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q197177
http://otn.oracle.com/deploy/security/pdf/2003alert54.pdf http://www.nextgenss.com/advisories/ora-dblink.txt http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/319914 Oracle9i Release 2 Oracle9i Release 1
Oracle8i (8.1.x - ) Oracle8 (8.0.x - ) Oracle7 Release 7.3.x
Oracle 9i Release 2 (9.2.x) Oracle 9i Release 1 (9.0.x) Oracle 8i (8.1.x)
o PHP o - : Ⅰ - : Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ
Redhat http://www.redhat.com/security/updates/ FreeBSD http://www.freebsd.org/security/ NetBSD http://www.netbsd.org/security/ OpenBSD http://openbsd.org/security.html ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/openbsd/patches/ HP Tru64 http://h30097.www3.hp.com/unix/security-download.html IBM AIX http://techsupport.services.ibm.com Solaris http://sunsolve.sun.com/pub-cgi/show.pl?target=home SGI IRIX http://www.sgi.com/support/security/ Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/korea/security/ http://www.microsoft.com/security/ Caldera http://www.caldera.com/support/security/ Debian http://www.debian.org/security/ Mandrake http://www.mandrakesecure.net Slackware http://www.slackware.com/security/ Suse http://www.suse.com/us/security/ Turbo http://www.turbolinux.com/security/ Securityfocus http://www.securityfocus.com securiteam.com http://www.securiteam.com Linuxsecurity http://www.linuxsecurity.com ICAT http://icat.nist.gov ISS http://xforce.iss.net PackerStorm http://packetstormsecurity.nl CERTCC-KR http://www.krcert.or.kr Securitymap http://www.securitymap.net http://home.ahnlab.com http://www.hauri.co.kr symantec security response http://securityresponse.symantec.com Trend http://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo Mcafee http://www.mcafee.com
asp alliance http://www.aspalliance.com/ www.cgisecurity.com http://www.cgisecurity.com/lib/ Exploiting Common Vulnerabilities in PHP http://www.securereality.com.au/studyinscarlet.txt Application Java Security http://java.sun.com/security/ Java Security Frequently Asked Questions http://www.cs.princeton.edu/sip/faq/java-faq.php3 Open Web Application Security Project http://www.owasp.org/ www.asp.net http://www.asp.net/ ApacheWeek Security http://www.apacheweek.com/security/ Apache Tutorials http://httpd.apache.org/docs/misc/tutorials.html Apache SSL http://www.apache-ssl.org/ Securing Your Web Pages with Apache http://apache-server.com/tutorials/lpauth1.html The Apache Korea Group http://www.apache-kr.org/ Apache-server.com http://apache-server.com/ IIS 5.0 Resource Guide - Chapter 9 Security IIS 5.0 Baseline Security Checklist* IIS 5.0 Security Secure Internet Information Services 5 Checklist NSA Guide to the Secure Configuration and Administration of Microsoft IIS 5.0 eeye Advisories and Alerts http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url= /technet/prodtechnol/iis/iis5/reskit/iis50rg/iischp9.asp http://www.microsoft.com/technet/archive/security/chklist /iis5cl.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/en/server/iis /default.asp?url=/windows2000/en/server/iis/htm/core/iiabt sc.htm http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol /windows2000serv/technologies/iis/tips/iis5chk.mspx http://nsa1.www.conxion.com/win2k/guides/w2k-14.pdf http://www.eeye.com/html/research/advisories/index.html