어휘가 걸림돌인 경우 다의어의 의미를 영영사전에서 찾는 유형으로 처음 출제되었던 어휘 문제는 해마다 그 유형이 바 뀌어 다양해지고 있으며 다루는 내용도 다의어, 유의어, 숙어에서 올바른 형태의 구별로까지 확대 되고 있다. 이번 장을 통해 기존에 출제된 다양한 유형을 익히고 아울러 빈출 다의어, 숙어를 정리 하는 동시에 새로운 유형에도 접할 수 있도록 구성하였다. CONTENTS Unit 01 Unit 02 지문 속에 주어진 어휘 올바르게 이해하기 영영사전의 다의어 숙어의 의미 파악
UNIT 01 지문 속에 주어진 어휘 올바르게 이해하기 >>> 7차 교육과정이 수능에 반영되면서 어휘의 수준은 한층 높아졌다. 어휘문제는 해마다 새로운 유형이 소 개되고 있지만 기본적인 어휘 실력만 갖추고 있으면 문제 유형에 관계없이 정답을 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 정답 찾는 노하우 1 Know-How 관용어의 의미 파악 / 의도한 뜻 - 이해한 뜻 Vicky, who is wearing a heavy winter coat, is practicing on her high school stage for tomorrow s presentation of a play. Sumi, one of Vicky s close friends, has dropped by to say hello. Hi, Vicky, It s really cold in here. How s it going with your play? So far, so good, Vicky replies, but I may be getting cold feet. I m really nervous about tomorrow. Sumi adds with a worried look, Tomorrow will be much colder, so be sure to wear heavy socks. 수능 기출 Sumi는 관용어 get cold feet(초조하고 두렵다) 를 문자 그대로 발이 시리다 란 뜻으로 이해 주어진 표현들은 대개 관용어이다. 이미 알고 있는 관용어라면 바로 문제를 해결할 수 있겠지만, 그렇지 않은 경우에는 문맥 전후를 살펴 유추해 낼 수도 있다. 글의 전체적 흐름을 파악하고 있는 상태에서 단어의 원래의 뜻, 다의어인 경우 여러 가지 뜻에서 비롯될 수 있는 상황을 생각해본다. 2 Know-How 적절한 어휘 찾기 Like all other industries, the rose business must (A) adopt / adapt to changing conditions in the marketplace. On special days like Valentine s Day, the cost of a dozen roses rose twofold or more as a result of high (B) supply / demand. Today, suppliers of roses include large supermarket chains, wholesalers who sell directly at many locations, and direct telephone marketers. The romance of roses has been replaced by (C) economic / economics realities. 수능 기출 adapt (환경에) 순응하다 to / demand 수요 / economic 경제적인 cf. adopt 를 채용[채택]하다 / supply 공급 / econmics 경제학 전체 글의 흐름을 따라가면서 문맥상 올바른 단어를 찾아내는 문제이다. 독해력과 아울러 혼동하기 쉬운 단어 들, 같이 잘 다니는 pair word 등은 평소에 주의해서 익혀두어야 한다. 또한 단어들의 품사 변화에 따른 정확 한 형태와 의미를 챙겨두는 것도 잊지 말자. 8 ESC 능률외국어영역 심화편
[ ] Warm up 예제 정답 및 해설 p. 2 Check It! 형태는 비슷하지만 뜻이 다른 어휘들을 정확하게 파악하고 있는가? (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 어휘를 골라 짝지은 것은? Anger is a normal, healthy emotion. Let your child know that there is nothing wrong with feeling angry, but expressing his anger in aggressive ways, like biting, hitting, throwing things or name-calling is not (A) appropriate / appreciate and you won t put up with it. If your efforts to help your child (B) obtain / contain his anger don t seem to be working and his outbursts continue or you think he is out of control - or if he is being (C) violent / violence toward pets, peers, siblings or adults - seek the help of one of the behavioral health specialists. (A) (B) (C) 1 appropriate obtain violent 2 appropriate contain violent 3 appreciate obtain violence 4 appreciate contain violence 5 appreciate contain violent Solution (A), (B)의 경우 어휘를 정확하게 알고 있어야 하며, (C)는 문맥의 흐름상 보 어로 적절한 것이 무엇인지 생각해 보 아야 한다. V O C A aggressive 공격적인, 싸움조의 name-calling 욕하는 것 cf. call one s names 에게 욕을 하다 outburst (감정의) 폭발, 분출 out of control 통제할수없는 sibling 형제자매 UNIT 01 9
Try It Yourself! (A), (B), (C) 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 어휘를 골라, 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 01_ In 1984, a nine-year-old girl named Dawn was raped and murdered. Two young boys and one adult said they had seen Dawn with a man (A) prior / before to her death. They thought that Kirk Bloodsworth looked like the man who had been with her. He was convicted and sentenced to death. Bloodsworth, however, continued to maintain his (B) innocence / ignorance. Fortunately, he was granted a new (C) trial / court and this time he received a life sentence. When a new lawyer agreed to look into Bloodsworth s case, he decided to try one more time to have the evidence in the case tested. He sent the girl s underwear to a laboratory that used newly developed DNA techniques. The tests showed that the stain on the underwear could not possibly have come from Mr. Bloodsworth. The FBI s results affirmed what Bloodsworth had been saying all along: he was not guilty of the charges. (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C) 1 prior innocence trial 2 prior ignorance trial 3 before innocence trial 4 before ignorance court 5 before innocence court 02_ 밑줄 친 Will you pay the charges?의 의미로 전화 건 사람이 의도한 뜻과 동생이 이해한 뜻을 바르게 짝지은 것은? My mother was away all weekend at a business conference. During a break, she wandered into the hallway to drink a cup of coffee. While she was waiting around, she got the idea of calling home for a chat. Not having any change for the payphone, she decided to make a collect call. My six-year-old brother picked up the phone and was connected to the operator. Expecting to hear from mom, all he heard was a stranger s voice saying, We have a Marcia on the line. Will you pay the charges? Frantic, he dropped the receiver and came outside screaming, Dad! They ve got Mom! And they want money! 전화 건 사람이 의도한 뜻 1 통화료를 부담하겠는가? 2 통화료를 부담하겠는가? 3 몸값을 내겠는가? 4 엄마가 보고 싶은가? 5 엄마가 집에 계신가? 동생이 이해한 뜻 몸값을 내겠는가? 엄마를 비난하겠는가? 통화료를 부담하겠는가? 엄마를 비난하겠는가? 몸값을 내겠는가? 10 ESC 능률외국어영역 심화편
밑줄 친 this에 해당하는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? 01_ This is a common phrases in English. It was originally used to describe a broken bone of which the edges of the break are straight and the bone does not come through the skin. It is painful but not dangerous. This is also used when a person takes action to quickly end a difficult situation. For example, someone could make this with a boyfriend or girlfriend when the relationship has become difficult. 1 a clean break 2 heartbreaking 3 a lucky break 4 a breakthrough 5 breaking the ice 아래 주어진 예문들의 밑줄 친 부분을 모두 대신할 수 있는 단어는? 02_ She was a leading person in the movement for constitutional reform. Can you read this number? Is it a three or an eight? Please see the picture on the page 8. We expect he will want to rest after the long journey. Their names did not appear in the list of finalists. 1 turn 3 figure 5 character 2 show 4 diagram 16 ESC 능률외국어영역 심화편
Advanced 정답 및 해설 p.4 글의 흐름상 알맞은 표현을 골라 바르게 짝지은 것을 고르시오. 03_ (A) The (a literal / b literary / c literature) translation of the Holy Bible is a word for word translation of the original Hebrew and Greek words in the texts that were used to translate the King James Version of the Bible. (B) A local court on Friday turned down a police request for an arrest warrant for a Jehovah s Witness, who has refused to join the military because of religious conviction. The court action came a week after a Seoul court set free three (a concise / b conscious / c conscientious ) objectors who had been charged with refusing military service on May 21. The three were also Jehovah s Witnesses. (C) Since the Olympics finally returned in 1896 due to the efforts of Pierre de Coubertin, the Games have grown into the single biggest sporting event in the world. While the World Cup may cause similar excitement, the Olympics are completely different in magnitude. The Olympics have also become a (a vital / b fatal / c total) part of international culture and their importance to the sporting world is unmatched. (A) (B) (C) 1 a b b 2 a c a 3 b a c 4 b b b 5 c c a V O C A phrase 어구, 표현법 edge 가장자리 01 02 03 constitutional 헌법의 reform 개혁 finalist 결승전 참가 선수 diagram 도표, 도형 Hebrew 고대 헤브라이 사람[어]의 version 번역; * 판 arrest warrant 체포 영장 Jehovah s Witness 여호와의 증인 conviction 신념 magnitude 크기 고난도+신유형 17