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Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you

300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름











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Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

카테고리 시리즈 명 SME 컨텐트 에센스 심화 컨텐트 탬플릿 평가 대 분 류 중 분 류 개수 평균 시간 개수 총 시간 개수 총 시간 유 형 개수 유무 경영일반 경영기법 Performance Management를 위한 전략적 성과면담 김정일 20 0:43:09 8 6:3



3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적


JUNGCHUL Real Talk 1 Communicate in English freely and fluently > > >>

Contents LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15 LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 Physical States and Emotions Occupations My Profile Have vs. Have Getting Information Describing Locations Describing Quantities Rules Showing the Way Did or Did Not? What Did You Do at 7am? House Flooded What Are You Doing Now? Who s Who? I m Going to California. What s Your Plan? Experience Through the Life Present What Makes You Happy?

LEARNER S GUIDE WHAT MAKES <One 2 One Real Talk> SPECIAL <One 2 One Real Talk> is a three-step speaking course for beginning to pre-intermediate learners of English. This textbook is specifically designed for one to one teaching/learning situations. This textbook prompts you to draw out your prior knowledge of English and to make full use of it. In this process, you will internalize your knowledge and will be able to communicate freely and fluently in English. WHAT MAKES <One 2 One Real Talk> PERFECT It is not easy for the second language learners of English to implement what they already know and actually speak English. The objective of this course is to elevate your English ability up to the production level from the sentence making stage. To obtain the objective, this book provides a variety of topics and activities that encourage you to bring out what you already know and get the meaning across effectively. To succeed in learning English, try to make the most of your previous experience and don t be afraid to make mistakes. Also, you will get the best results as you take Speed English Engine Program because it offers opportunities where you can learn and practice various yet essential sentence patterns. Each lesson starts with Get Ready. You and your teacher briefly have a personal topic-based conversation which is related to the theme of the lesson. Through the conversation, you and your teacher build up a relationship. At this point of the lesson, it is very important for you to make yourself feel comfortable speaking English. Remember, a comfortable and secure state of mind encourages you to speak better, even in your native language. Take a Look introduces sentence patterns in the form of dialogues, which you will mainly use in the day s lesson. You may use this section as reference when you carry out conversations throughout the lesson. Quickly go through the sentence patterns of this section before Real Talk.

This is the main part of the lesson where you communicate with your teacher using presented pictures, figures, personal profiles, etc. You are to speak more freely and meaningfully in the situations Real Talk provides. While doing this part of the lesson, try to maximize your previous knowledge and achieve fluency. Have a great conversation with your teacher! / Language Talk / Culture Talk covers items related to the day s lesson such as culture tips, vocabulary, usage, and so on. Therefore, Language Talk / Culture Talk either deepens your understanding of the day s language item or extends your knowledge about the cultures of English speakers. It comes before Real Talk when it has to be screened in advance. Quick Exercise provides a chance to review the vocabulary or sentence patterns you used in the lesson. Quickly go over this part with your teacher.



Survival Phone English When you answer the phone Hello. When you talk on the phone Could you hold on a second, please? Speaking. This is she/he. I can t hear you well. Your voice is not clear. Who s calling, please? Would you speak up, please? Could you speak louder? I didn t quite catch you. When you make a phone call May I speak to Jenny? I d like to speak to Jenny, please. I d like to leave a message, please. Can you say that again? Could you slow down a bit? Could you speak slower? Could you tell him/her that Rachel called? Should I call you back at another time? The connection is bad. We have bad connection. You caught me at a bad time. I m not available at the moment. I can t really talk right now. When you hang up the phone I m sorry. I can t talk long. I have to hang up. I d better go. I have to go now. Could you call me again at 2? Thank you for calling. Thank you for your call. l One One Real Talk

LESSON 1 Physical States and Emotions 1. How are you? How are you doing today? 2. How are you feeling now? A: Are you tired? B: Yes, I am. No, I am not. A: Is he/she excited? B: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she is not. This is an airport. There are a lot of people and they have different emotions. Let s talk about it. Word Bank physical state emotion check-in counter cart toothache argument airline-representative board Lesson l

1 Boring vs. Bored I am bored. = Something is not very interesting. So, I am bored by it. He is boring. = He is a witless person. He always bores other people. I am disappointed. = Something or someone is much worse than I expected. So, I feel disappointed by it. He is disappointing. = He is worse than I expected. He lets me down. Quick Exercise Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. There can be more than one answer. happy tired sick excited full hungry nervous sad angry 1. He ate three hamburgers. He is now. 2. I am so because I got an A on my final exam. 3. She is now, but she was angry yesterday. 4. After they finished the soccer game, they were very. 5. Are you? Your face is red. 1. full, happy 2. happy, excited 3. happy 4. tired, happy, hungry, sad, angry 5. sick l Physical States and Emotions

LESSON 2 Occupations 1. What do you do? 2. Which occupation do you want to have? A: What does your father do? B: He is an office worker. A: What is your mother s job? B: She is a music teacher. This is Eric s family. Look at the picture and talk about their occupations. Word Bank office worker sibling lawyer banker architect dentist vet receptionist photographer journalist Lesson l

2 Questions about One s Occupation What do you do? What is your occupation? What is your job? What do you do for a living? How is job different from occupation? Job = every kind of paid work Occupation = a person s usual work for full time routine Read about Brian and answer the questions. Brian is a very busy young man. He works as a computer programmer during the daytime. At night, he works as a bookkeeper at the public library. On the weekend, he teaches computer programming at an academy. What is Brian s occupation? What are Brian s jobs? Quick Exercise Find the right word for each description. 1. When my little kitty is sick, a banker I go and see this person. 2. This person designs buildings. a receptionist 3. When you arrive at an office, you meet this person first. an architect 4. This person works at a bank. a photographer 5. This person takes a beautiful picture of us. a vet 1. a vet 2. an architect 3. a receptionist 4. a banker 5. a photographer l Occupations

LESSON 3 My Profile 1. What do you do in your spare / free time? 2. What is your hobby? A: Do you play basketball? B: No, I don t play basketball. I play tennis. A: Do you like pizza? B: Yes, I do. This is Ben s profile. Let s talk about it. E-mail Address benlee@hotmail.com Name Ben Lee Age 24 Address 39 Oak St. New York City, NY 10834 Family My parents, two older sisters and one younger brother Future dream Music teacher Hobby Playing tennis, cooking Favorite type of music Jazz, classical music Favorite color White Favorite food Pizza Word Bank spare time St. = street NY = New York sibling(s) Lesson l

3 How to Write Address Street Number From : Alison Parker 1133 Nelson Ave. #102 Chicago, IL 68132 City Zip Code Sender s Name Street Room Number To : Jonathan Lee 19-1301 Dong-A Apt. Jamwon-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-030 Write your home address. Write your work address. Quick Exercise Choose the right answers. 1. He (study / studies) French on Mondays. 2. I (do / does) not like to drink coffee. 3. They (play / plays) the piano every Saturday. 4. She (want / wants) to be a famous singer. 5. (Do / Does) you have breakfast every day? 1. studies 2. do 3. play 4. wants 5. Do l My Profile

LESSON 4 Have vs. Have 1. How many family members do you have? 2. What color is your mother s hair? A: Do you have a sister? B: Yes, I have one sister. A: Does she have long hair? B: No, she has short curly hair. These are Mrs. Bennett s pictures hanging on the wall. Let s look at her family members and talk about their traits. Word Bank frame black and white picture appearance mustache graduation ceremony blonde diploma graduation cap bouquet glass champagne straight curly Lesson l

4 Wedding in the U.S.- Bridesmaids and Best Men Every bride and groom wants to share their happiness with their best friends. So, there are Bridesmaids and best men in wedding ceremonies in the U.S. Bridesmaids and best men are friends of the bride and the groom. They are also in charge of helping the bride and the groom during the ceremony. One important job of the best man is to secure the wedding rings. Quick Exercise Unscramble the sentences. 1. a / My husband / mustache / has.. 2. has / a / Mrs. / daughter / a / Bennett / son / and.. 3. every / have / I / day / breakfast.. 4. My / has / convertible / uncle / a / blue.. 5. He / headache / has / bad / a.. 1. My husband has a mustache. 2. Mrs. Bennett has a daughter and a son. / Mrs. Bennett has a son and a daughter. 3. I have breakfast every day. 4. My uncle has a blue convertible. 5. He has a bad headache. l Have vs Have

LESSON 5 Getting Information 1. Do you often meet your friends? 2. When do you usually meet them? A: When do you usually get up? B: I get up at 7am. A: How do you get to work? B: By bus. Find out some information about your teacher. Ask these questions. 1. What do you look like? 2. When do you usually get up? 3. Do you have breakfast every morning? 4. What do you usually have for breakfast? 5. What do you do after work? 6. When do you usually go to bed? 7. What do you do before you go to bed? 8. What is your favorite perfume? How does it smell? 9. Who is your favorite celebrity? 10. Do you often meet friends? 11. Where do you usually meet them? Word Bank feature celebrity perfume usually Lesson l

5 Avoid these questions. Most people in the U.S. don t like to talk about their private lives when they first meet somebody. So, when you make a small talk, try not to ask these questions. What is your age? / How old are you? Are you single or married? / Do you have a girlfriend(boyfriend)? Do you own a house? / How much money do you make? Quick Exercise Ask 5 questions using W/H words. What do you want to know about him? l Getting Information

LESSON 6 Describing Locations 1. Where are you now? 2. Is there anyone around you? A: Where is the bulletin board? B: It s on the wall. A: What is on the board? B: There are some pushpins on the board. You can see many items on and around the desk. Say where they are. Word Bank bulletin board pushpin frame desk lamp bookshelf pencil cup slippers drawers stamp index card Scotch tape file folder Lesson l

6 File Folder or Manila Folder? Manila folder is a file folder that, as we know, is made from Manila paper. Manila paper is hard yellow paper which was originally made from hemp growing in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Nowadays, what we call a Manila folder is often made from other types of paper. Colors are often different as well. Scotch tape is the cellophane tape which was invented by 3M TM. Scotch tape was so popular that it has become a noun for all kinds of cellophane tapes. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Quick Exercise pushpin frame desk lamp bookshelf pencil cup stamp file folder 1. There are a lot of books in the. 2. Please put the memo with the on the bulletin board. 3. The picture in the wooden is so beautiful that I want to buy it. 4. You can use any pencil in the. 5. Turn on the because it s dark here. wooden : made of wood 1. bookshelf 2. pushpin 3. frame 4. pencil cup 5. desk lamp l Describing Locations