의문사의 종류: Who, Whom, What = 명사(주어, 목적어로 사용됨) When, Where, How, Why, = 부사 When will we have a party?-----1 의 동(V) 주(S) Who(m) is the letter to?---------

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


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1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

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step 1-1


Get your target right with TARGET TEPS 600+ 링구아포럼연구소지음 주인영 정회진 LISTENING


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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck


Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T


7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).


어법성 판단 문제

Unit1 4-5형식 동사 정리 of를 수반할 수 있는 동사: ask, require 등 ex ask: He asked me the way. He asked the way of me. 4 형식 동사 4형식 문형: S + V + I.O + D.O (V: 수여동사) 4형식







2. 명사절 두번째 형태: 간접 의문문[ 의(문사)+S+V ] 의문사의 종류 who, which, whom, what 명사 when, how, why, where 부사 (What the Greeks ate) is a mystery.--------- 주어 역할 명사절 I want to know (where we should go.)------ 목적어 역할 타동사 명사절 The students talked about (what the teacher expects in our essay) ----전치사의 목적어 역할 전치사 명사절 The problem was (that you forgot). -------보어 역할 명사절 A. (기초) 직접의문문의 종류: 1wh- 로 시작하는 의문문 2의문사 없이 시작하는 의문문 둘간의 차이점: Yes, No 로 대답이 가능 유무. 직접의문문 형태 두종류 대답 의문사 V+ S? (1의문사의문문) Yes, No 로 대답 못함 V +S? (2그냥 의문문) Yes/No 로 대답 where does she go? To the park. Do they go? Yes/No When did they go? Yesterday Did he go? Yes/No Why did he go? For fun Is he going? Yes/No Where is he going? to the park Has he gone? Yes/No How has he gone? by car Who goes? (의문사가 주어) Tom Who can go? (의문사가 주어) Jane Page 12

의문사의 종류: Who, Whom, What = 명사(주어, 목적어로 사용됨) When, Where, How, Why, = 부사 When will we have a party?-----1 의 동(V) 주(S) Who(m) is the letter to?----------2 의 동(V) 주(S) (=To whom is the letter?) 의 동(V) 주(S) 의 동(V) 주(S) 의=주(S) 동(V) 의 동(V) 주(S) What is the letter about?--------3 Where is the letter from?-------4 Who will win the game?--------5 위에서 볼 수 있듯이, 직접의문문은 의문사+ 동사+ 주어(의동주)의 순서를 가진다. 하지만 5 처럼 의문사가 직접 주어가 되면 의문사주어 + 동사 어순이 된다. 의문사가 있을때, 의 문문을 만드는 방법은 다음과 같다. 먼저, (a) 의문사가 주어가 아닐때 (Wh S) 의문사 V + S 의 어순( 이때 V +S 란 의문문을 만들때 쓰는 방법과 같다.) Jane bought something at the market Jane bought what? at the market What did Jane buy at the market? Sam called someone yesterday. S Who(m) did Sam call yesterday? S 설명) Jane 은 시장에서 뭔가(something)를 샀다(평서문) 제인은 시장에서 무엇을(what:의문사) 샀니? (의문문) 무엇을 이라는 부분은 what 의문사 제인이 시장에서 샀니? did Jane buy at the market 그래서 Jane 은 시장에서 뭘 샀니? 를 만들면, 두개를 합치면 됩니다. 이때 의문사는 항상 앞에 써줌. What did Jane buy at the market? Page 13

(b) 의문사가 주어가 되는 경우 (Wh = S)--- what, who, which (의문사중에서도 명사들) Somebody called Jane. 누군가가 제인에게 전화 했어.(주어= 누군가가) S V Who called Jane? 누가 제인에게 전화 했니? (주어= 누가) S V 설명) 위에 처럼 의문사(wh-) 자신이 주어가 되어버리면 의문문이지만, 문장의 순서는 일반 평서문처럼 S(주)+ V(동사)로 쓰면 된다. What happened? S What brought you here? S What causes people to select particular jobs? S 연습문제7) (복습: 의문사 주어인경우와 그렇지 않은 경우) 대답을 고려하여 의문문을 알맞게 만드세요. 1. Who came to see you? Jane came to see me. 2. Who did Sam meet last night? Sam met Jane last night. 3. What you? I said nothing. 4. Who? Sam came with Jane. 5. Who you? Jina told me. 6. Who? Sue lives with her parents. 7. What you? I study medicine. 8. What you reading? I like reading novels. 9. What you? I want some help. Page 14

10. Who? David opened the door. 11. Who with Paul? Sue stayed with Paul. 12. What? Something terrible happened. 13. Who? Sam made the cake. 14. Who? Jane found the car keys. 연습문제8) 빈칸을 do, does, is, 또는 are 넣기 1. Where she work? 2. When you finish school? 3. Why you like that movie? 4. When the game? 5. What your brother's name? 6. Where my jacket? 7. How old your parents? 8. When Sam eat dinner? 9. What the answer to question number 5? 10. How the boys like the class? Page 15

연습 문제9) 다음 (직접)의문문에서 문장의 주어 고르세요. 1. What is that? 2. When is the game? 3. Who lives in the house? 4. Who plans to study TOEFL this summer? 5. Who do you live with? 6. What made that noise? 7. Why are you happy? 8. Who is coming to the party tomorrow? 9. Who will Sam ask for information about summer courses? 10. When can we register for graduation? 11. Where do we go to register for graduation? 12. How are you? 13. Who will John marry? 14. Who do you love? 15. Where did they take you? 16. What do you do? 17. What do you mean? 18. What do you do for a living? 19. Why do people fear death? 20. How do you know how to do all that? 21. Who designed the building? 22. Who discovered electricity? 23. Who teaches biology 101? Page 16

B. 명사절= 간접의문문 (의 S V) 간접의문문 시작할 때 자주 쓰는 표현들 I wonder Do you know Can you tell me Could you tell me I'd be interested to hear I'd like to know Would you mind telling me 직접의문문에서 간접 의문문으로 전환 의문사 V+ S? (1의문사의문문) 의문사가 있는 경우 SV 의 SV V +S? (2의문사 없음) 의문사가 없는 경우 SV If (whether)sv where does she go? where she goes. When Do they go? do they go? I wonder I'd like to know I'd be interested to hear if (whether) they go. when they go. Did he go? if (whether) he went. Why did he go? why he went. Is he going? Do you know Can you tell me Could you tell me Would you mind telling me (VS 식으로 물으면 끝에?를 붙인다.) if (whether) he is going. Where is he going? where he is going? How Who Who Has he gone? has he gone? goes? (의문사가 주어) can go? (의문사가 주어) if (whether) he is going? how he has gone? who goes? who can go? Page 17

연습문제10) 직접의문문을 간접의문문으로 전환하세요. (보기) I wonder + Why was he late? I wonder why he was late. 1. I wonder + Did she make it on time? 2. I'd like to know + What car does she drive? 3. I'd be interested to hear + When does the meeting end? 4. Do you know + What is that? 5. Could you tell me + Where is Market Street? 6. Would you mind telling me + What time does the bank open? 7. I was wondering + Why did they move to Africa? 8. Can you tell me + How has the man managed to get in shape so quickly? 9. I'd be interested to hear + How much does this bicycle cost? 10. I wonder + Can you finish the project by tomorrow? 11. Could you tell me + Can we change the meeting to Friday? 12. I am wondering + Does Sam like Korean food? 13. I'd like to know + Are your parents joining us for dinner? 14. Do you know + Do they speak Spanish? 15. I wonder + Has he ever studied abroad? 16. I'd be interested to hear + Do you plan on traveling this summer? Page 18

3. 명사절의 세번째 형태 whether/if S V Whether 과 if 는 의문사가 없을때 이를 대체하는 것으로 사용한다. formal writing 에서는 whether 주로 사용. A. 목적어의 자리에 사용 if(whether) 명사절이 목적어로 사용되면 위와 같이 쓰일 수 있다. 뒤에 or not 이 간혹 따라올 수 도 있다. 예) I don t know. + Will he agree? 두문장을 합쳐보면, I don t know whether he will agree I don t know if he will agree I don t know whether he will agree or not. I don t know whether or not he will agree. 나는 그가 동의할지 안할지 모르겠다. * I don t know if or not he will agree (X) (틀린문장: whether 을 써야함) I m not sure if or not he will join us. (X: if 는 or not 과 쓰지 않는다) I m not sure whether or not he will join us (O) B. 주어 자리에 사용 whether/if SV 명사절이, 주어역할을 할때에는, if 를 쓸수 없고, whether 만 사용한다. If Tim will be back is uncertain. (X) Whether Tim will be back is uncertain. (O) C. 보어자리에 사용 What he asked was whether I would sign the contract (if도 사용가능,하지만 if는 informal ) 그가 물어본 것은 내가 그 계약서에 사인할 지 여부였다. Page 19

D. 반드시 whether 만 사용하는 경우 전치사 뒤에는 whether 를 사용( if 못씀) She asked the question of whether we would buy the car. (if X) 그녀는 우리가 그차를 살 것인지에 대해 물어보았다. whether 뒤에 바로 to 부정사가 나올때 They asked me whether to go to the library (if to go X) 그들은 도서관에 가야할지 나에게 물었다. 종속절이 도치되어 문장의 앞으로 나오는 경우 Whether I like the movie she asked. 영화를 좋아하는지 그녀는 나에게 물었다. (whether 절이 ask의 목적어) whether 이 ~의 경우와 상관없이라는 뜻으로 사용될 때가 있는데, 이런 경우에 쓰이면 whether 뒤에 ~or not을 사용한다. 의미를 알아봅시다. Scold Sam whether or not he is on time today. (Sam 이 제시간에 오든 안 오든 상관없이 그를 꾸짖어라) They will play soccer tomorrow whether it rains or not. (비가 오든 안오든 상관없이 그들은 축구를 할 것이다.) Call Tommy if you are going to arrive on Friday. (만약 너가 금요일에 도착한다면, 토미에게 전화해) Call Tommy whether or not you are going to arrive on Friday. (금요일에 도착하든 안하든 토미에게 전화해) Page 20

연습문제11) if 나 whether 중 적절할 것 고르세요 1. Peter will catch you if / whether you fail. 2. I have been wondering if / whether to build my own house. 연습문제12) ( ) 을 명사절로 바꾸어서 완성하세요 1. (How old is the guy?) I don t know 2. (What was the boy talking about?) was interesting. 3. (Where do you live?) Please tell me. 4. (What did she say?) wasn t true. 5. (When are they coming?) Do you know? 6. (How much does the ticket cost?) I can t remember. 7. (Which one does the boy want?) Let s ask him. 8. (Who is coming to the party?) I don t know. 9. (Who are those people?) I don t know. Page 21

(Whose pen is this?) 10. Do you know? 11. (Why did they leave the country?) is a secret. 12. (What are we doing in class?) is easy. 13. (Where did she go?) is none of your business. 14. (How many letters are there in the English alphabet?) I don t remember. 15. (Will she come?) is uncertain. 연습문제13) 맞는 문장에 O, 틀린 문장에 X 하세요 1. I did not understand what did they mean.-----------( ) 2. I did not understand what they meant. -----------( ) 3. Do you know where is John? ---------------------------( ) 4. Do you know where John is? ---------------------------( ) 5. I was surprised when he told me how much does he study every day.-----------( ) 6. I was surprised when he told me how much he studies every day. ---------------( ) 7. He told me when was he free during the week. ---------------------------( ) 8. He told me when he was free during the week. ---------------------------( ) 9. Tell me where they do go after class every day. -----------------------( ) 10. Tell me where they go after class every day. ---------------------------( ) Page 22

연습문제14) 틀린것을 옳게 고치세요. 1. 2. 3. 4. Can you be sure where will he be this Friday afternoon? We should find out how cold is it in the winter before we decide to move there. Can anyone explain why he had that terrible manner? I never found the house where were born my parents. 5. My daughter does not know who did paint that beautiful mural. * mural: 벽화 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I will ask how much do they sell for. Did the teacher tell you when is the next exam? I wonder when the test is going to begin. Forget about where we are going to play soccer as it is starting to rain. Did you see what did she do? Do you remember how much was the cost of repairing the car? 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Ask the operator what is the charge for a three-minute call to Los Angeles. I don't know when will I see my friends again. She forgot where she parked her car. Would you please tell me where is the subway entrance. He sent a text message saying when he would arrive. I forgot to ask him what time does the class begins. Bill did not realize what time it was when I knocked on the door. Can any tell us who that distinguished-looking guy is? Ask Mr. Anderson what does his daughter study at the university. Page 23

연습문제15) 틀린것 고치기 1. The teacher explained that is needed for our camping trip. 2. The foreign visitors asked what they could find a post office. 3. The dilemma is whom he will give the difficult project. 4. Whether the basketball tournament will take place this year not certain. 5. The organizers have not yet decided when will they schedule the event. 6. The fact that eating certain fats are good for the health has been proved. 7. The investigators found out who was taken the diamonds from the safe. 8. He won such a great award in journalism was a big surprise to everyone. 9. I can t understand why do some people have to work for little payment. 10. The building contractor could not determine how had the water seeped into the room. 연습문제16) 알맞은 단어를 고르시오 1. I believe (what/that) we should exercise more. 2. The police are investigating (what/ that) caused the car accident. 3. They were surprised to find (what/that) she had already left this country. 4. The defendant stated to the court (what/that) he was innocent of all charges. 5. Psychologists today claim to have no idea of (what/that) causes ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). 6. We are wondering (what/that) the cafeteria will serve for lunch. 7. We expect (what/that) the new deal would help the company. 8. I will email you about (what/that) will be discussed during the seminar. 9. The idea (what/that) more guns are equal to safer community is simply not correct. 10. (What/That) the job applicants spoke little English was of great concern to the employer. Page 24

4. 명령 주장 요구 제안 동사 또는 형용사 demand insist require suggest recommend urge advise request ask(요구하다) be important be required be essential be important that s (should) 동사원형 부정 일때 that S (should) not 동사원형 The weatherman suggested that people not use Highway 101(did not X) The doctor recommended that she have surgery. (has X) I suggest that he be ready on time. (is X) She asked that all employees attend the meeting. (attended X) 연습문제17) 틀린것 고르기 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The doctor advised that I am going on a diet. The restaurant suggested that we arrived on time for our reservation. The instructions ask that we don t use a red pen. The law requires that students are in school a certain number of days a year. It was important that money was collected for the cause. The supervisor recommended that all employees took a course in speed-reading. My doctor urges that I am stopping smoking immediately. The professor advised that John had a private tutor for a few weeks. The admiral demanded that his crew has inspection twice a day. The gracious hosts insisted that Mr. Smith did not leave so early. I suggested that he wore black for the ceremony. The police require that a driver renews his license every three years. Page 25