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Enhancing TRIZ with Dr Deming s Philosophy : Ellen Domb, WBellows TRIZ, TRIZ Domb Bellow Deming profound knowledge system ( a system of profound knowledge ) TRIZ Deming System of Profound Knowledge 4 (1) Appreciation for a system (2) Knowledge about variation (3) Theory of knowledge (4) Psychology 4 - Management is prediction - Predictions are based on theories Domb Deming Win-Win Deming profound knowledge TRIZ TRIZ Deming TRIZ

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Typical Failure Analysis : Their Sysmptoms and Recommended Solution Procedures : Svetlana Visnepolschi, VProseanic, V Prushinsky Visnepolschi Anticipatory Failure Analysis TRIZ TRIZ 1) 2),

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Some Results of the 1996 & 2000 Presidential Election in Moldova : Vladimir Proseanic, Svetlana Visnepolschi TRIZ Journal TRIZ Proseanic TRIZ (1) :, (2) TRIZ : (3) :,, Proseanic TRIZ,

Development of Next Generation Portable Toilet through New Product Development Approach based on the Combined Effects of Three Method: TRIZ, VE and Marketing : Manabu Sawaguchi Sawaguchi TRIZ Failure Analysis 3 Phase 1 : Directed Evolution of I-TRIZ + Value Engineering + Marketing Phase 2 : Value Engineering + Inventive Problem Solving of I-TRIZ Phase 3 : Marketing > > Sawaguchi Ideality

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TRIZ-based Tools for Knowledge Creation : Boris Zlotin & Alla Zusman Zlotin TRIZ (, Zusman ) Failure Analysis Zlotin Anticipatory Failure Analysis Zlotin Knowledge Creation, How to do Zlotin, Altshuller How Scientific Discoveries Are Made Zlotin (1) Formulate the original problem (2) Amplify the problem (3) Invert the problem (4) Search for creative hints (5) Utilize resources (6) Verify the obtained hypotheses

Using TRIZ-based Evolution Trends to Integrate Biology with Engineering Design : Anja-Karina Pahl, JVincent Pahl TRIZ Pahl TRIZ 11 (= ) TRIZ