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An Application for Calculation and Visualization of Narrative Relevance of Films Using Keyword Tags Choi Jin-Won (KAIST) Film making is a one of the most noteworthy businesses in entertainment industry and film itself has a unique position as not only a commercial product but also a work of art. As film industry is growing day by day and rapidly becoming global, more people have interest in films and demand for information about films is increasing fast. There are many researches and services that try to provide information about films, however, only a few of them give information about essentials of film narrative. Besides, there are almost no examples that provide effective and convenient means for acquiring information about film narrative. To overcome these limitations and give better opportunities to obtain information about film narrative, this thesis presents a new point of view. First of all, it gives users information about film narrative through the way of correlating and calculating similarities of narrative of two films. Using this method, it gives users an opportunity to judge a film that they have not seen by comparing it to films that they have seen before. Secondly, this thesis introduces narratology and theory about narrative structure into the calculating process to fully consider characteristics of film narrative. Lastly, by adopting data about narrative elements that have been collected and classified by Collective Intelligence, it can generate better results than previous services. 258 259

A web application prototype that contains these three enhanced properties has been built and tested. Reliability and usefulness of this application seem pretty good in comparison with previous services, and improvement from them is worthwhile. Although this research has several limitations, a new approach to provide better information about films and their narrative is meaningful and it can be advanced by future works. Key words: Film, Narrative, Relevance, Folksonomy, Tag, Calculation, Visualization 260 261