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1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Dad, look at this. I made a birthday card for Grandma. M: Wow, you decorated it with dried flowers. W: Yes



(2005) ,,.,..,,..,.,,,,,

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and


_KF_Bulletin webcopy

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정




1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck



4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보



희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec

[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~



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Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

레이아웃 1


- 2 -

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03 ctive Course

CONTENTS >>> Day 01 It looks brand-new! 01 Day 02 Could you fill this prescription, please? 05 Day 03 I ll keep that in mind. 09 Day 04 Do you really have to? 13 Day 05 What brings you here? 17 Day 06 That s an attractive plan. 21 Day 07 The water just went off. 25 Day 08 Full of thick smoke! 29 Day 09 It slipped my mind! 33 Day 10 This tooth is really bugging me. 37

ctive Course Day 11 What is your budget? 41 Day 12 How large is your party? 43 Day 13 Which flight to London? 45 Day 14 You need to fasten your seat belt. 47 Day 15 I ll need a rental car. 49 Day 16 I retired last month. 51 CONTENTS >>> Day 17 I ll see what I can do. 53 Day 18 What keeps you so busy? 55 Day 19 Let s do it first thing tomorrow morning. 57 Day 20 I like being my own boss. 59

I like your jacket, l. Oh, you do? Thanks. Yes, it looks quite expensive. It wasn't expensive. I got it at a secondhand store. Really? It doesn't look secondhand. It looks brand-new! Notes secondhand: (=used) brand-new:, 1

Expressions! It looks brand-new!:!!, brand-new!?,.! It looks a brand-new car! almost brand-new as good as brand-new! : I don t like a used one.(.) B: Look! It s been used just for six months. lmost brand-new!(..!) Dictation!. 1. :,. B:?.. :? 2. :.. B:.? 3. :,. B:!. :.. : I like your shoes, George. B: You do? Thanks.. : Really? :. Very fashionable. B: Oh, thanks.? : Look at my watch, Sue. B: Wow!. :. I got it at a secondhand store. nswers 1. I got them at a secondhand shop 2. I like your jeans / Guess where I got them 3. It looks very expensive / Not at all 2

Can you see any difference? : Have you tried the new detergent? B: Yes, I ve washed these clothes in it. : Can you see any difference? B: I sure can! The clothes are much cleaner. : Is it better than your usual detergent? B: Yes, it is. My clothes have never been cleaner than this! :? B:,. :? B:,!. :? B:!. Notes detergent: ( ) difference: ( ) much/still/a lot+ : (.) 3

Expressions! Can you see any difference?:.,! I can t see any difference. (difference)., difference! Does it make any difference?(?) It doesn t make any difference.(.) Try it out!,,. 1. :?(the new software) B:,.. 2. :? B:.(than the old one). 3. :,? B:,.. :? B: Yes, I ve just tried it. I can t. : How do you find the new copier? B:. Faster and much easier to use. :, sir? B:. The seats are more comfortable than the other one. nswers 1. Have you tried the new software / see any difference 2. It s much better than the old one 3. Can you see any difference / I sure can Lesson Points 1. Describe the clothes that you are wearing. 2. When do you use the expression, It looks brand-new? 3. Do you prefer secondhand stores to other expensive department stores, and why? 4. Have you bought any brand-new items recently, if you have, what are they? 4

: Could you fill this prescription, please? B: Sure. : How long will it take? B: It ll be ready in about 20 minutes. : Oh, I ll come back later. B: ll right. I ll have it here for you. : Should I pay now or later? B: Later will be fine. :. B:. :? B: 20. :,. B:.. :,? B:. Notes prescription: ( ) fill the prescription: Later will be fine. = Paying later will be fine. 5

Expressions! Could you fill this prescription?:. (prescription). (fill).? fill the prescription!,? over-the-counter drug. Dictation!. 1. :,? B:. : What can I do for you, ma am? B:, please. 2. :? B:.? : this prescription? B: Sure. Would you like to wait? 3. :? B: 20. :,. : fill the prescription? B: Well, about 20 minutes. : Oh,. nswers 1. Fill this prescription 2. Can you fill 3. How long will it take to / I ll come back later 6

It was love at first sight! : How long have you known him? B: Just a month. I met him at a local club. It was love at first sight! : Don t you think you re jumping into marriage? B: Well, we can t wait, you know. : nd what about your career? B: Oh, he s the most important thing in my life now! :? B:..! :? B:,. :,? B:,! Notes Don t you think ~?: ~?( ) jump into ~: ~ Expressions! It was love at first sight!:. (at first sight)!.. ~~~!! Disgusting!! 7

Check up!.. 1. Has the woman known the man for a long time? a) Yes. They ve known each other well for over 10 years. b) No. They ve known each other for a month. c) Yes. They re bosom buddies. 2. How does the woman like the man? a) She s very much in love with him. b) t first she didn t like him at all. c) She s torn between two men. 3. What is the woman going to do? a) She s going to pursue her career. b) She s thinking about changing her career. c) She s going to marry the man. nswers 1. b) 2. a) 3. c) Lesson Points 1. What is the expression that you use when you go to a pharmacy with a prescription? 2. How would you pay for your medicine? 3. What do you say when you fall in love with somebody that you saw for the first time? 4. Have you ever experienced love at first sight before? 8

So, how was your interview? Oh, it s tomorrow. I m so nervous. Don t worry. You should do fine. I hope so. They want someone who works well with people. nd be positive no matter what they say. Thanks. I ll keep that in mind. Notes nervous:, positive:, keep ~ in mind: ~ 9

Expressions! I ll keep that in mind.: (that) (in mind) (keep),.. I ll keep that in mind! Dictation!: 1. :.. B:!.. : I m going to see her tonight. I m so nervous! B: Relax!.. 2. :? B: 3.. :.. : When is your presentation? B: t three o clock... : Take it easy. You should do fine. 3. :. B:... :.. : This is my first TOEIC test. B: Don t worry.,. It ll save you time. : Thanks.. nswers 1. Just stay cool / Don t say anything serious 2. It s my first presentation / I m so nervous 3. Just remember / read the questions first / I ll keep that in mind 10

Where does it hurt? : Can you hear me? B: Mmm... yes, I can... : You look pretty bad. Can you move? B: No, I can t... : re you in pain? Where does it hurt? B: Oh, it s my back. : Don t move. rescue team s on their way. :? B: :? B: :?? B: : Notes be in pain: rescue team: on one s way: Expressions! Where does it hurt?: 11

Try it out!,,. 1. : B: 2. : B: : B: 3. : B: : B: :? B:! :? B: Oh,. : Can t you move at all? B: No,. :? B:! : How did you hurt it? B: I hit it with a hammer while repairing this chsir. nswers 1. Where does it hurt / It s my ankle 2. Where does it hurt / It s my back / I can t 3. Where does it hurt / It s my finger Lesson Points 1. If you were an employer, what sort of person would you want to employ? 2. Describe the most nervous event that you have gone through. 3. State some advices that you would tell your best friend to keep in mind before an exam. 4. Imagine you are at a job interview and describe what type of person you are. 5. What expressions could you use to ask the physical state of a patient? 12

: Doc., how is my husband? B: Well, I m afraid we ll have to operate on him. : Oh, no! He s always been afraid of operations. B: Don t worry. He ll be all right. : Oh, doc., do you really have to? B: I m afraid so. If we don t operate, he ll die! :,? B:,. :,!. B:.. :,? B:.! Notes operate (on): cf) go under the knife: operation: be afraid of ~: ~ Expressions! Do you really have to?:.. have to ~!? Do you really have to leave now? 13

Dictation!. 1. :,.. B:? :. : It s very serious, Mr. Kim. right away. B: operate on her? : If we don t do it, she ll die. 2. :,?? B:,,. : Mom, you re going to leave Dad?? B: Oh, honey, I m really sad,. 3. :? B:,. :?,! : re you really gonna quit the job? B: It was very tough, but. :? Think again, Robert! <make up one s mind:, > nswers 1. She needs an operation / Do you really have to 2. Do you really have to / but there s no choice now 3. I made up my mind / Do you really have to 14

The battery is dead. : My car wouldn t start this morning. B: Did you check the battery? : Yeah. It was dead again. It s driving me crazy. B: Well, maybe you should buy a new battery. : I just bought this one two months ago. It s still new! B: Maybe they were dishonest and gave you an old one. : What? That s ridiculous! :. B:? :... B:. :.! B:. :?! Notes start: ( ) drive ~ crazy: ~, dishonest: ridiculous:, Expressions! The battery is dead.:,, (dead)., dead (not working),. 15

Check up!. 1. What happened to the CD player? a) Calm down, and just check the battery. b) Oh, you carry the CD player. c) I ll get some new CDs. 2. Oh, dear! The phone suddenly went dead. a) I don t use the phone. b) Did you check the plug? c) You don t need to answer the phone. 3. Why did you cut class this morning? a) That s a very poor excuse, Jack. b) Oh, am I late for the class? c) My alarm clock wasn t working. nswers 1. a) 2. b) 3. c) Lesson Points 1. Give several appropriate answers given that someone asked you Do you really have to? 2. How would you feel about having an operation all of a sudden? 3. What sort of things drives you crazy? 4. Describe the probable causes of car problems. 5. Say the expressions that could be used instead of It does not work properly. 16

Jane! What brings you here? I was just passing through. One of my clients lives near here. So, how s it going? Well, so far so good. nd are you free this Friday? Yeah, why? Jack s just got promoted. I wanna have a little party for him. Notes bring: pass through: so far so good: 17

Expressions! What brings you here?:?, What brings you here?!!?,,. Why are you here? Oh, no! Try it out!,,. 1. :!?(this part of the city) B:.. : Jim!? B:. My car agency is around here. 2. :!? B:!. : Hi, guys!? B: Oh,! We all know you ve passed the exam. 3. :,?!. B:. :?(to the Big pple) B:. : Hey, who s this? Ted!. B: I m here in New York. :? B: Kate and I just moved here last week. nswers 1. What brings you to this part of the city / I was just passing through 2. What brings you here / we re just here to congratulate you 3. Good to hear from you / What brings you to the Big pple 18

We d like a table by the window. : Good evening. Dinner for two? B: Yes, that s right. : You can leave your coat here. Where would you like to sit? B: We d like a table by the window. : OK. Over here, please. nd here s the menu. B: Thanks. We ll order in a few minutes. :.? B:,. :.? B:. :... B:.. Notes leave:, order: Expressions! a table by the window:.. a table by the window.. a table near the door/ on the side/ in the middle( / / ) 19

Check up!. 1. Where would you like to sit, sir? a) table near the band would be good. b) I d like a table by the window. c) I m afraid the table is reserved. 2. We d like to have the table near the garden. a) OK. Over here, please. b) The dishes will be ready in a minute. c) Sorry, they re all booked. nswers 1. c) 2. b) Sounds like an merican! [w] [ ],... we: We will not go there. woman / women: I like Korean women. window: She is standing near the window. wounded: He was wounded in the war. Lesson Points 1. What are the expressions that you use when you run into someone you know at an unexpected place? 2. What is the correct way of inviting your friend to a party? 3. Where do you like to sit when you go to a restaurant? 4. What is the word two referring to when a waiter asks dinner for two? 20

Did you find anything you like, ma am? This is a top brand. We offer a life-time warranty. Well, this mattress is pretty firm. Hm... too expensive, though. We offer monthly payments with no interest. That s an attractive plan. Notes firm:, cf) saggy: warranty: attractive:, 21

Expressions!. He s very attractive.. attractive!. That s an attractive offer! Dictation! 1. : ( ), miss? B: Oh, ( ). 2. : This furniture is quite good. It ll fit in Jack s room. B: ( ). We offer a ( ). 3. : ( ), we ll give you a 10% discount. nd monthly payments with lower interest rates. B: ( ) option. I ll think about it. nswers 1. Did you find anything you like / I m just browsing 2. This is a top brand / life-time warranty 3. If you buy now / That s an attractive 22

Want something unusual? : I m looking for a pet. Can you suggest anything? B: What kind of pet do you want? traditional pet or something unusual? : Mmm... something unusual? B: Like a snake or an alligator? : Oh, no! B: What about a bird? parrot or a parakeet? Notes pet: traditional:, unusual:, parakeet: Expressions!!! usual. (unusual) appeal. unusual.! ) I enjoy cooking something unusual. (.) 23

Dictation! 1. : ( ) do you want? B: I want ( ). : Like what? 2. : ( ) rather unusual pets. B: ( ) an alligator or a spider? nswers 1. What kind of pet / something unusual 2. I m interested in / What about Lesson Points 1. Describe an attractive offer that you received recently. 2. What expressions do you use when something draws your attention? 3. What expression is used to describe something different or not normal? 4. What are the expressions that can be used when someone change his/ her residence? 24

: What s going on? It s just drip, drip, drip. B: It s the second day in a row! : Really? B: Yesterday the water went off without warning. : I was sweating a lot. I need to take a shower now! Notes drip: in a row:, Expressions!?. the water., tap water. go off! ) These days our tap water is clean enough to drink. (.) 25

Roly Play : What s wrong with the faucet? It s just drip, drip, drip. B: : Why didn t you call the plumber? B: : B: It s the second day in a row. I guess the pipes are frozen again. : B: I called Mr. Hanks this morning. Notes faucet: plumber: 26

He moved out last month. : Has Danny moved out yet? B: He moved out last month. He s now living in a quiet neighborhood. : I wonder if he s paying more for rent now. B: Probably more. Even so, it s still worth it. : Right! He must be glad to leave that noisy apartment. B: Yes. I know that for sure. Notes rent: probably:.. for sure:, Expressions!,.,?, move in! 27

Check up! 1. When did Jack move out? a) He s going to move out next week. b) He moved out last week. c) He s still looking for an apartment. 2. Why do you wanna move out? a) This place is so noisy. b) I work for a moving company. c) The couple living next door just moved out. 3. Jane is very happy in the country, isn t she? a) Everybody loves living in the country. b) Yes, she is. I know that for sure. c) I prefer living in a big city. nswers 1. b) 2. a) 3. b) Lesson Points 1. What does the expression drip make you think of? 2. List the things that you cannot do when the water goes off. 3. Describe the sort of environment that you want to live in. 4. What expression do you use when you change your residence? 28

Tell us about the fire, Mr. Phill. Did you leave the office right away? Well, I was working in my office when the fire alarm rang. I rushed out to the elevator. But it wasn t working. You went to the stairs? Yes, but they were full of thick smoke! Notes fire alarm: ( ) rush: full of ~: ~ thick smoke:, 29

Expressions! full of OK... He s full of lies! Dictation! 1. : ( ), what were you doing? B: ( ). 2. : So, ( )? B: No, it wasn t working. 3. : When the volcano erupted, ( )? B: ( ). The big noise woke me up! nswers 1. When the fire alarm rang / I was just having my dinner 2. did you take the elevator 3. what were you doing / I was taking a nap < volcano: erupt: > 30

re you a resident here? : How can I help you? B: I d like to open an account. : OK. re you a resident here? B: No, I m from Korea. : Do you have a certificate of alien registration? B: Yes. Here it is. : nd I need your passport and a credit card, too. Notes resident:, a certificate of alien registration: Expressions! (alien registration).. resident alien. 31

Check up! 1. Where is the man now? a) t a bank. b) t Customs. c) t a travel agency. 2. Does the man live here? a) Yes, he s a resident here. b) No, he s a foreigner. c) We don t know. nswers 1. a) 2. b) Lesson Points 1. Imagine yourself at the scene of a fire and describe what it is like. 2. Would it be wise to take an elevator in the fire? 3. What are the required things when you open an account? 4. What is the meaning of the word resident? 5. Say some of the expressions that could be used at a bank. 6. What do you say when you want to ask for someone s identification card? 32

: Now what should we do? B: We ve got to plan the menu. : nything in mind? B: How about the chicken salad we had last time? : But lice doesn t eat chicken. B: Oh, I forgot to invite lice! It just slipped my mind. Notes plan the menu: nything in mind? = Do you have anything in mind? slip:, ( ) Expressions! slip,? (my mind). I completely forgot.(.) 33

Check up! 1. Do you have anything in mind? a) My mind was elsewhere. b) I m thinking of traditional Korean food. c) What s your suggestion? 2. You forgot to invite Robert! a) Oh, my gosh! It just slipped my mind. b) Robert likes Italian food. c) It was just slip of the tongue. 3. I ve sent out the invitations for the dinner party. a) Well, it s not too late yet. b) I ll make a phone call to her. c) Good. Now what should we do? < slip of the tongue: send out:, > nswers 1. b) 2. a) 3. c) 34

I don t care. : Where is Harry, Claire? B: I don t know. I don t care! : He s still your husband. When did you see him last? B: I haven t seen him for weeks. : When did you speak to him last? B: I don t remember. nd why should I care? Notes for weeks: speak to ~: ~ care:, Expressions!. care.. (It s none of my business.) I don t care! ~. about! ) He doesn t care about his kids. (.) 35

Try it out! 1. : Ted is getting married soon! ( )? B: I don t know. nd ( ). 2. : ( )! B: Son, ( ). Why wouldn t I? 3. : ( )? B: ( ) at a local bar. ( ) since then. nswers 1. Have you heard about that / I don t care 2. You never care about me / I do care about you 3. When did you see Roy last / I saw him last month / I haven t seen him Lesson Points 1. What are the things that you often forget? 2. When do you know the expression it slipped my mind!? 3. If you could choose not to care about something, what would that be? 4. What are the expressions that can be used to show your disinterest? 36

Ouch! This tooth is really bugging me. No, I haven t. Going to the dentist makes me nervous. Have you seen the dentist? Come on. Don t be a chicken! I m so afraid of getting in the dentist s chair. What about the tooth that s killing you? Notes bug: make ~ nervous:, chicken: < >,, 37

Expressions! bug,.!,. kill. Check up! 1. What s the problem with the man? a) He has a terrible toothache. b) He got food poisoning. c) He s in the best condition. 2. What does he fear? a) He hates being a dentist. b) He s afraid of going to the dentist. c) He has no fear at all. nswers 1. a) 2. b) Role Play : When are you going to the dentist? B: : Come on, Kate. Don t be childish. B: : B: This afternoon, but it really unnerves me. : B: You ll never know how awful it is. 38

It s my treat. : Let s eat out, shall we? B: I m broke. I ve gone through my paycheck already. : Don t worry. It s my treat. B: re you sure? You are so generous! : nd nice, too. B: Right! So, where are you taking me? : Some place you ve never been before. Notes paycheck:, generous:, Expressions!?,.! It s on me.. ) Dinner is on me. Thanks! But next time it s my treat! (.!!) 39

Check up! 1. What are they going to do? ( ) 2. Who s going to pay today? ( ) 3. Why is the man broke? ( ) 4. Does the man know where they re going? ( ) Sample nswers 1. They re going to eat out. 2. The woman is going to pay./the woman is treating the man. 3. He spent his paycheck already. 4. No, he doesn t. Lesson Points 1. Is there anything that is bugging you thesedays? 2. For what sort of reasons would you see the dentist? 3. What kind of people would you call a chicken? 4. Describe the financial state of someone who is broke. 5. When would you use the expression, it s my treat? 40

It depends. What is your budget? Things are expensive in New York, aren t they? bout $300 a day. How much is a hotel room? Between $150 and $300, I guess. Where do you want to stay? I haven t decided yet. But someplace to enjoy the night life. Then choose a hotel near Lincoln Center. Notes It depends.:.. budget:, the night life: / 41

Expressions! What is your budget?:, budget!,? What s our budget for a car rental? Dictation!. 1. : 1. B:.? 2. :? B: 400. :,. 3. :? B:, 250. : Europe for about a week. B: We have several tours to Europe., sir? :? B: It s $400. : Oh, it s my budget. : How much can you spend a day? B:, I d say. nswers 1. I d like to travel / What is your budget 2. How much is the tour / way beyond 3. bout $250 Lesson Points 1. Describe the most wonderful place that you have visited. 2. What are the things that should be included in your budget when you are travelling? 3. Imagine that you are going on a trip with your friend for a week, what is your budget? 4. If you are given a week vacation, where would you go, and why? 42

: May I help you, sir? B: Yes. What kind of rooms do you have? : How large is your party? B: Three. Two adults and one child. : We have a room with two double beds. B: That s fine. : How many nights? B: We re only staying overnight. :? B:.? :? B:.. : 2. B:. :? B:,. Notes party: adult: overnight:, 1 43

Expressions! How large is your party?: party birthday party, dance party?! party,! How many are there in your party?. Check up!. 1. There s only a room with a single bed available tonight. (True/False) 2. There s a party of three, and they re all adults. (True/False) 3. They re going to stay one night. (True/False) nswers 1. False 2. False 3. True 1. 1. 2. 3. 3.. Lesson Points 1. How large is your family? 2. What is the word party referring to when someone asks you how many are there in your party? 3. How would you make a hotel reservation? 4. What sort of hotel room would you want to stay in for a night? 44

Excuse me. Is the flight to London boarding now? Which flight to London, miss? British irways. B 567. Yes, it s boarding now at Gate 13. Leaving at sixteen hundred. Pardon? What time? t four o clock. Notes sixteen hundred = 16:00 Pardon? = I beg your pardon? = Pardon me? = Excuse me? 45

Expressions! Which flight to ~?:!,! flight. Dictation!. 1. :? B:? :. 2. :,? B:? 3. :? B:? : KLM. : Paris boarding now? B:, ma am? : The ir France flight. : Excuse me.? B: Which flight to Tokyo, sir? :? B: Which flight to Seoul? : The KLM flight. nswers 1. Is the flight to / Which flight to Paris 2. Where is the flight to Tokyo boarding 3. Where s the gate for the flight to Seoul Lesson Points 1. What is the other way of saying 17:30? 2. Describe what was your first flight like. 3. What would you say when you do not know when your flight time is? 4. What are the things that you would tell your friend who got confused about the boarding details? 46

: I m sorry but you can t smoke in the plane. B: Oh, sorry. I just forgot. : nd you need to fasten your seat belt. B: Oh, can I use the washroom first? : OK, but hurry. We ll take off in a minute. B: I ll be right back. :. B:,.. :. B:,? :... B:. Notes can t: ( ) ~ fasten:, take off: Expressions! need to/have to/should: need to, have to, should., (safety rules)! You need to follow these safety rules! 47

Try it out!,,. 1. :. (under your seat) B:,. 2. :.(use a cell phone) B:,.. 3. :.(have to) B:.. 4. :. (have pet) B:?. :. B: Oh, I see. : Sir, in the plane. B: Oh, sorry.. : before we take off. B: Don t worry.. :, ma am. B: Why not? He won t make any noise. nswers 1. You need to put your bag under your seat 2. you can t use a cell phone / I forgot 3. You have to be in your seat / I ll be right back 4. You can t have your pet here Lesson Points 1. What do you say when you want to ask for help on the plane? 2. What would happen if you do not fasten your seat belt in the plane? 3. What would you tell your customer who is smoking in a smoke free area? 4. List the things that you must not do on the plane. 48

OK, Mr. Lee, I ll send your itinerary right away. Is there anything else? Oh, I ll need a rental car. No problem. n economy car or a luxury car? OK. You ll have everything in an hour. n economy car, please. 49

Notes itinerary: luxury car: economy car Expressions! I ll need ~:,!. I ll need ~! ) I ll need a English-speaking guide.(.) S Role Play. B. : Hello. This is Hansu Kim. I d like to confirm the trip to Moscow. B:,.. : nd I ll need a guide. Do you have a Korean-speaking guide? B:... :,.. B: Hello, Mr. Kim. You ll have your itinerary today. :,.? B: Oh, yes. There ll be a guide waiting for you at the airport. Lesson Points 1. Which one do you prefer, an economy car or a luxury car, and why? 2. State several cases in which you will need a rental car. 3. What will you need when you are going overseas? 4. Describe the sort of rental car that you would like to borrow. 50

Hello, officer! I m Jane. We ve met often around this corner. Right! You re that truck driver. Hello... do I know you? Yes, I am. You gave me a ticket three times! By the way not in uniform tonight? I retired last month. Not a policeman any more. That s good for me! Notes uniform: (, ) not ~ any more: ~ 51

Expressions!.. retire? I retired (last month). I am retired.. Dictation! 1. : Is Danny still a customs officer? B: ( ). ( ). 2. : Why do you ( )? B: Tired of commuting and fed up with the boss. nswers 1. Not any more / He retired last year 2. want to retire early Lesson Points 1. t what age would you want to retire? 2. Describe your life after the retirement. 3. Why would a policeman give someone a ticket on the motorway? 4. Describe any coincidental incident that you had been in before. 5. What expressions could you use to say that you stopped working due to your old age? 52

: We ordered the goods a month ago. But we re still waiting! B: I m terribly sorry. There s been an accident. : We need them by next Monday at the latest. B: Okay, I ll see what I can do. I ll be in touch later today. : ll right. Thanks. Notes goods:, be in touch: at the latest: later today = later in the day Expressions!.. ) Can you handle this problem? - Well, I ll see what I can do. 53

1. The man hasn t received the goods yet. (True/False) 2. The man needs the goods after next Monday. (True/False) 3. The woman will call the man back tomorrow morning. (True/False) Check up! nswers 1. True 2. False 3. False Lesson Points 1. What would you tell your customer when the goods that he/she ordered cannot be sent on time? 2. How do you express your will to solve somebody s problem? 3. What do you say when you want to apologize for what you did? 4. In what situation would you use the expression I ll see what I can do? 54

Let s take a break, shall we? What keeps you so busy? I wish I could, but I can t. I m up to my neck in work. You can t just stay on the computer forever. I understand. I ll get you a cup of coffee. I ve got to finish this. The boss needs it by 1:00. Notes take a break: be up to one s neck: ( ) by ~: ( ) ~ 55

Expressions!,,...? keep. (busy) (what)! Dictation! 1. : ( ) for a while, Ted. B: I can t. I ve got to finish this painting ( ). 2. : Jimmy s been stuck in his room for hours. B: Oh, he s ( ). 3. : You ve skipped lunch, Sue. ( )? B: ( ) at any minute. nswers 1. Let s take a break / by noon 2. up to his neck in homework 3. What keeps you so busy / My boss needs this report Lesson Points 1. Describe the chores that keeps you busy. 2. How would you help your friend who is so busy all the time? 3. When do you use the expression I m up to my neck in work? 4. Have you ever stayed on the computer for more than 2 hours, and why? 56

: Whew! We ve been packing all day. B: nd still twenty more! : I m really tired now. B: I know. Maybe we can finish it tomorrow. : Why not? They re not urgent. Let s do it first thing tomorrow morning. B: Good! Let s call it a day and go home. Notes pack:, maybe: Why not?:! urgent: call it a day = stop working Expressions! first thing.! ) I ll come to see you first thing tomorrow. (.) 57

Check up! 1. I m so tired from filing all these document all day. a) They have done a good job. b) That s nonsense! c) Let s do it first thing tomorrow morning. 2. Have you finished packing the goods? a) No, still ten more. b) There s no deadline. c) These orders are urgent. 3. It s time to clock out, guys. a) I was watching the clock. b) OK. Let s call it a day. c) I don t have time for that. < clock out:, cf) clock in: > nswers 1. c) 2. a) 3. b) Lesson Points 1. What are the urgent things that you must do first thing tomorrow morning? 2. When do you use the expression, clock out? 3. When someone says, let s call it a day what does he/ she mean? 4. Have you ever been so busy that you could not eat anything all day? 58

So, have you thought about franchising? Why not? It would be easier and less work. Yes, but I m not that interested. You may be right. But I like being my own boss. You can still be a boss. But think about reducing risks. The real boss is the franchisor. Notes less:, reduce:, risk: 59

Expressions! ~., my own boss., start my own business( ). ) More people are retiring early and being their own boss. (.) Dictation! 1. : What are you gonna do after quitting the job? B: ( ). 2. : I ll ( ). B: How do you find start-up money? nswers 1. I ll be my own boss 2. start my own business Lesson Points 1. Would you want to be your own boss, and why? 2. re you a risk taker? (Reason your answer.) 3. What do you say when you want to set up your own business? 4. What advices would you give to your friend who is starting her own business? 60