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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

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step 1-1




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- 2 -


Look and Listen 다음을 듣고, 각 대화의 상황에 알맞은 그림을 골라 번호를 써 봅시다. 3 Listen and Do 다음을 듣고, Emily와 Richard가 가고 싶어하는 곳에 표를 해 봅시다. 3 Korean Folk Museum Listen and T



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business structure CJ Culture Foundation 문화를 키우다 나누다 CJ문화재단이 하는 일 다양한 장르의 창작자 지원을 통한 문화융성 세계 무대를 향한 도전 함께하는 문화나눔 우리는 문화의 다양성을 추구합니다. CJ문화재단은 자유로운 상상,



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71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370


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A When is the soccer match? B At four oclock. I am looking forward to riding a bike on Jeju-do. Many people who come from different countries live in Korea. It is supported by many organizations.

When is the piano concert? Where does it take place? Susan Kellys Piano Concert 3 p.m. October 10 at City Hall Whos going to play the piano? 1 Listen and check. 2 Listen and check. 3 Listen again and choose. a. The tomato festival is held in Spain. b. Korea has a festival like the tomato festival. c. Only sick people can take part in the tomato festival. 136Lesson 7

Listen and fill in the blanks. A It s a poster for the Book Fair. B? A It s in ABC Center. B When is it? A It s at 9 a.m. this Friday. Practice with your partner. Talk and write. <Student A> e.g. A What kind of party is it? B It s Evan s birthday party. A When is it? B It s on Wednesday, May 6. A Where is it? B It s in ABC Center. Foreign Festivals in Korea137

Im looking forward to. 1 Listen and number. 2 Listen and check. 3 Listen again and check. T F Yuri will take a trip with her family. Yuri went to Thailand last year. Yuri is looking forward to the trip. T T T F F F 138Lesson 7

Listen and fill in the blanks. A When is Chuseok this year? B It s on October 1. A B it. What do you usually do on Chuseok? I visit my grandparents. Practice with your partner. Seollal February 3 eat tteokguk the school trip September 26 take many pictures the school festival October 14 do face painting Write and talk. a concert this Friday e.g. A Why are you so excited? B I m looking forward to a concert this Friday. A Why are you looking forward to it? B It s because I like live music. I m looking forward to it. Foreign Festivals in Korea139

1. 2. - Date: November 24 - Time: 5 p.m. ~ 6 p. m. - Place: Hello Park Meet the Greatest Singers! October 14(Tue.) ~ 17(Fri.) From 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Green Art Hall Come and Enjoy the Show When: October 27& 28 From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Where: Hello Park October 14 ~ 27 10 a.m. ~ 6 p.m. Green Art Hall October 14(Tue.) 9 a.m. ~ 6 p.m. at Mirae Middle School October 27& 28 9 a.m. ~ 6 p.m. at Best Bookstore e.g. A Guess what Im looking forward to. B When is it? A Its on October 27. C What time does it start? A It starts at 9 a.m. D Where does it take place? A It takes place at Hello Park. B C D Youre looking forward to the Flower Festival. 140Lesson 7

Look and talk. Look and write. Think and talk. Foreign Festivals in Korea141

These days, many people who come from different countries live in Korea. When they come to Korea, they bring their cultures. Foreign cultures are not always easy for us to understand. There is, however, one way to improve our 5 understanding of others who are different. That is to join foreign festivals. The Banpo Seorae Korea & France Music FestivalSeoul At Seorae Village in Banpo-dong, home to hundreds of French residents, there is a music festival in the summer. At the 10 festival, you can enjoy performances by famous French and Korean singers. You can also experience French culture by joining many different events. One of those events is the Chanson Singing Contest. People show their ability to sing in French in this event. Q1 When does the Banpo Seorae Korea & France Music Festival take place? foreign culture village resident performance famous ability hundreds of 142Lesson 7

The Incheon China FestivalIncheon You don t have to go all the way to China to enjoy Chinese culture. You can do it at the Incheon China Festival. This festival usually takes place in the spring or fall at Jayu Park. It is supported by many organizations 5 and local Chinese residents and businesses. People enjoy fun events, such as dragon dances and art performances. The Jajangmyeon and Chinese Dumpling Eating Contest is always a big favorite with festival goers. Q2 When does the Incheon China Festival usually take place? Q3 What event is a big favorite with festival goers? organization local business dumpling take place Foreign Festivals in Korea143

The MigrantsArirang FestivalChangwon The Migrants Arirang Festival is held each year to show support for migrant workers from Asia and Africa. At this festival, you can enjoy traditional dances, foods, and other 5 activities that show the cultures of migrant workers. One event is called Asian Taxi. In this event, people enjoy riding in unusual taxis, such as a rickshaw from Bangladesh. Q4 What is Asian Taxi? migrant 144Lesson 7

Fill in the blanks. http://www.seocho.go.kr/ http://www.inchinafestival.co.kr/ The Banpo Seorae Korea & France Music Festival Place : Event(s) : The Incheon China Festival Place : Event(s) : http://www.migrantarirang.co.kr/ The MigrantsArirang Festival Place : Event(s) : Read and check. T F 1 You can enjoy performances by famous French and Korean singers 1 at the Banpo Seorae Korea & France Music Festival. 2 Local Chinese residents support the Incheon China Festival. T T F F 3 At the Incheon China Festival, you can ride in unusual taxis like 1 a rickshaw from Bangladesh. T F 4 The Migrants Arirang Festival is held every other year. T F Think and talk. Foreign Festivals in Korea145

Find and write. 1 There are many different c s in the world. 2 Korea is to Korean what France is to F. 3 There is a music f at Seorae Village in the summer. 4 It s u for the trees to flower so early. 5 The r s of a house or a place F I C W W W M N R E E K E A R I F E S Z S C D A G R S T C U L T U R E I I X A A I L A N D V Q U R T V N C E A C U U G W T H N L X R G U I T L T O E J Q C N M W L L U N U S U A L M are the people who live there. 6 A m is a person who moves from one country to another. Choose and write. London language festival person month country 1 A foreigner means a foreign. 2 To Koreans, English is a foreign. 3 He doesn t like living in a foreign. 4 You can enjoy a lot of events at a foreign. Match and write. tradition culture magic person -al 146Lesson 7 1 May I ask you a question? 2 Insa-dong has many events. 3 Bibimbap is a Korean food. 4 He couldn t believe the story.

I have a friend. He lives in Vancouver. I have a friend whothatlives in Vancouver. The man is from Germany. She is going to marry him. The man (who(m)that) she is going to marry is from Germany. who(m) that 1 I have two children. They want to be singers. I have two children. 2 The man is my brother. He is playing the guitar. The man is my brother. 3 Do you remember the boy? We met him at the park yesterday. Do? King Sejong invented Hangeul. Hangeul was invented by King Sejong. They will clean the room. The room will be cleaned by them. beby ~ by 1 Kelly plays the piano every day. The piano Kelly every day. 2 Jina cooked spaghetti yesterday. Spaghetti Jina yesterday. 3 Peter will make the postbox tomorrow. The postbox will Peter tomorrow. Foreign Festivals in Korea147

Im from Toronto Canada. I study Korean every day. I can speak five different languages. I met three people today. 1 I met a man. 2 I. 3 I. 1 2 3 invent Bell paint write 1 The telephone was invented by Bell. Bell was the inventor who invented the telephone. 2 The Scream. The Scream. 3 Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet. 148Lesson 7

Yellow Face Painting Food Court Singing Contest Hana School Festival October 24(Thu.) ~ 25(Fri.) 9 a.m. ~ 6 p.m. Three Big Activities Activities Time Place Face Painting 9 a.m.thu. Library Food Court 12 p.m.thu. Parking Lot Singing Contest 3 p.m.fri. Main Hall Come and Enjoy the Festival for Free Welcome to the Hana School Festival. It starts at 9 a.m. on October 24. You can enjoy face painting in the library and a food court at the parking lot on October 24. A singing contest will be held in the Main Hall on October 25. Anyone who wants to enjoy the festival can take part in the fun activities for free. We re looking forward to seeing you there. 1 When does the Hana School Festival start? It starts. 2 What are the three big activities? They are. 3 Where is the singing contest going to be held? It. 4 How much money do we need to enjoy the festival? You. Festival ~ ~ Three Big Activities Welcome to the. It starts at. You can enjoy. Activities Time Place Anyone who We re looking.. Foreign Festivals in Korea149

May 14~24 10 a.m. ~ 10 p.m. Tomato Soccer Tomato Fight and Marathon The Tomato Festival will be on May 14. Anyone who likes tomatoes can come and enjoy the festival. May 14~24 10 a.m. ~ 10 p.m. Tomato Soccer Tomato Fight and Marathon 150Lesson 7

3 21 Harmony Day [Do It Yourself!] Foreign Festivals in Korea151

1 food clothes festival country 2 3 4 When does your school festival start? What activity do you like most? Are you looking forward to your school festival? Why? 152Lesson 7

One of the famous foreign festivals in Korea that I want to tell you about is the Incheon China Festival. At this festival, you can enjoy Chinese culture without going to China. This festival is held in the spring or fall at Jayu Park, Incheon. Local Chinese residents and businesses support this festival. People enjoy fun events, such as dragon dances and art performances. The Jajangmyeon and Chinese Dumpling Eating Contest is the most famous event with festival goers. 5 Festivals in Incheon The Incheon China Festival Famous Festivals in China Chinese Food 6 The Incheon China Festival takes place in the spring or fall. Local Chinese residents and businesses support the Incheon China Festival. The Incheon China Festival is the biggest festival in Incheon. The Jajangmyeon and Chinese Dumpling Eating Contest is the most famous event. 7 e.g. I know a man who speaks French. know man woman who Foreign Festivals in Korea153