영어회화2 (20030422).hwp

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중학영어듣기 1학년

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.



가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에

May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

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004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

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중학영어듣기 2학년


2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장





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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

I&IRC5 TG_08권

3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.


교육과학기술부고시제 호 초 중등교육법제 23 조제 2 항에의거하여초 중등학교교육과정을다음과같이고시합니다 년 12 월 26 일 교육과학기술부장관


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CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

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June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

istening L T est

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#1_초급 본문



Get your target right with TARGET TEPS 600+ 링구아포럼연구소지음 주인영 정회진 LISTENING

55호 1면

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보


April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습

I&IRC5 TG_03,04권



2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628

1. 청소년의 이해





1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck


08 One In Three Women - Korean.indd




FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활


유형 모의고사 01회


Lecture on Survival English Special Warfare Training Group April 22, 2003. 상황별 기초 생활 영어 이성하 한국외국어대학교 (srhee@hufs.ac.kr) [일상생활영역] 1. 인사 Hi! How are you? Fine, thank you! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! What's up? 2. 자기 소개 및 인사 나누기 How do you do? I'm Chulsoo. I'm Chulsoo Kim. My name is Chulsoo Kim. Chulsoo Kim. Nice (glad, pleased. happy, honored) to meet you. 3. 애칭 가르켜 줄 때 My friends call me Rambo. Just call me Rambo. 4. 감사의 표현하기 Thank you! I appreciate it. Thanks million! 5. 감사의 표현에 대한 응답

You're welcome. You're quite welcome. 6. 사과하기 I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry. I apologize. 7. 언어능력 I'm sorry, I can't speak English well. I can speak some English. I can understand written English. I'm sorry, I can't speak Afghani/Vietnamese/German at all. 8. 메모부탁 Please write it down here. 9. 출신지 묻고 답하기 Where are you from? Where do you come from? I'm from Seoul, Korea. 10. 날씨나 분위기를 언급하며 대화 시작하기 Nice weather, isn't it?! What a beautiful weather! Great party. isn't it?! 11. 직업/계급 묻고 말하기 What do you do for a living? What's your job? I'm in the army. What's your rank? Private. PFC. Corporal. Sergeant. Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel. 12. 나이/결혼여부 묻고 답하기 (!!!)

How old are you? May I ask how old you are? Are you married? (single, married, divorced, separated) May I ask if you are married? 13. 주소/전화번호 묻고 답하기 What's your phone number? What's your address? Where do you live? 14. 가족관계 묻고 답하기 How many people do you have in your family? How many people are there in your family? 15. 좋아하는 것 표현하기 I like watching movies. I like watching football games. I love icecream. 16. 싫어하는 것 표현하기 I hate to dance. I don't really like to dance. I don't care for drinking. 17. 습관에 대해 말하기 (often, usually, always) I always watch TV after dinner. I usually go on a hike on weekends. 18. 경험에 대해 말하기 Have you tried some Afghan/local dishes? Not yet, but I'd love to try all kinds of Afghan/local dishes while I'm here. 19. 위치 묻기 Where is the headquarters?

Where is the soda-fountain? Where is a coke-machine? Where is a telephone? 20. 긴급상황 This is an emergency. Help! Get help! 21. 요청하기 I want to talk to my commanding officer. I want to talk to my friend at this number. Please call this number for me. Please take me to here. 22. 동전바꾸기 Do you have a change for this? Can you break this? Do you have some coins? 23. 체재계획 How long will you stay? I'm not sure. Maybe a couple of weeks. 24. 사람 소개하기 This is my friend, Yoo-jin. Have you met my friend, Yoo-jin? 25. 안부 묻고 답하기 How are you doing? Is everything O.K.? How is it going? What's up?

26. 작별 인사하기 Bye. Bye-bye. Good-bye. See you later. See you soon. See you tomorrow. 27. 만날 시간/장소 정하기 When shall we see again? Let's meet here tomorrow at 10. Let's meet at Cafe Rosa. 28. 초대하기 Would you like to come over to my place? May I treat you to a dinner? Shall we talk over a cup of coffee? Shall we have lunch together? Shall we watch the movie at my place? 29. 초대 승낙/거절하기 Thank you. I would love to, but I have an appointment. I would like to, but I have an appointment. I am sorry, can I have a raincheck? 30. 교통 (길 묻기) How can I go to Kabul/Bagdad? Can you show me the way to Kabul/Bagdad? How far is it from here to Kabul/Bagdad? Let me off here. Is there a Chinese restaurant around? 31. 식사 주문 Please bring me a menu. Are you ready to order?

I need some more time. I will have this one. (I will have that one.) How would you like your steak done? Medium, please. (Well-done, Medium, Rare) 32. 식사 인사 Enjoy your meal. 33. 물건사기 Do you have Coke? Do you have water? Can you sell it a little cheaper? 34. 계산하기 How much is it? Write down the price for me. You gave me wrong change. 35. 동의하기 I think so, too. I agree. 36. 유감 표현하기 I'm sorry to hear that. 37. 격려하기 Don't worry. Cheer up! 38. 칭찬하기 Good job! You did a good job! That's excellent! 39. 물건 빌리기

Can I borrow this book? Can I borrow your video-tape? 40. 약속하기 I will take care of it. I will do it right away. I promise, I will do it. ================================================================== [의료관련영역] 1. 일반질문 Do you smoke? How many cigarettes do you smoke each day? Do you drink? Beer, wine or spirits? What about your weight? How much do you weigh? What is your weight? Have you lost any weight (recently)? 2. 증상 묻기 What's wrong with you? What's the problem? 3. 일반통증 말하기 Do you feel dizzy? I feel very dizzy. Do you have a headache? I have a headache.

I have a stomachache. (My tummy hurts.) I have a backache. 4. 감기/몸살 I have a cold. I have a flu. I feel run down. I think I'm coming down with something. 5. 병력 How long have you been sick? How long have you had this? When did this start? Did you have this problem before? Does anyone in your family have the same problem? Do you have any chronic medical problem? 6. 원인 묻기 What's the cause of that? How did that happen? How did you get it? 7. 설사/변비 I have bad diarrhea. I have constipation. 8. 복통관련 How is your stomach/tummy? Did you throw up? I threw up last night. I lost my breakfast in the bathroom. 9. 검사하기

Does this hurt? Say aya/ouch if it hurts. What's this? What happened here? I bumped on a chair. I fell on the ground. 10. 뼈 관련 Your bone is broken. It's a bone fracture. (a simple fracture, a compound fracture) I think I sprained my ankle/wrist. I think I broke my bone. 11. 근육관련 The muscles are swollen. I have muscle pain. It hurts if I bend my arm. My back is tingling. My muscles are tender here. 12. 소변검사 We'll need a urine specimen. 13. 약복용 Have you taken any medicine for this? Take this medicine. 14. 일반질문 Do you have any trouble with passing water? Any trouble with your chest? How's your appetite? Any blood in your stools?

15. 머리검사 Turn your head this way. Tilt your head back. 16. 이비인후 검사 I'd like to examine your ear. How's your vision? Can you see this? Look at the tip of my pen and keep your eyes on it. Let me look at your nose with this little light. Open your mouth. Say ah~~~~~. Put out your tongue. 17. 흉부검사 Let me examine your chest. Please take off your shirt. Take a deep breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. Have you ever coughed up blood? 18. 복부검사 Please lie down here on your back. Please lie down here on your stomach. Please lie down here on your side. Do you have any trouble with bowel movement? Are your stools black? 19. 등/사지 검사 Lie on your right side. Bend your knees.

Hold your arms up. Push hard against my hand. Please remove your shoes and socks. I will tap your elbow with this little hammer. 20. 비뇨기 검사 Please bring me your urine sample. Do you feel pain when you pass water? ========================================================== [공사/작업관련] Tools sander, plane, saw, nail-puller, pliers, punch, putty-knife, screw-driver, ax, chisel, clippers, nippers, pick, chain-saw, electric saw, shovel, brick-trowel, drill, drill bits, air hammer, jackhammer, wrench, monkey wrench, socket wrench, spanner, backhoe, bulldozer, crane, derrick, roller, snowblower, snowplow, fork-lift, concrete-mixer Expressions Please hand me over the hammer. I need a hammer. Please give me some 2-inch nails. Hold it tight! Hold this for me. Don't move. Stay still. Got it? I got it. Do you think this will do?

Will this be okay? Start the engine. Back up. Turn right. Turn left. Turn on the switch. Turn off the switch. Fix it with a screw. Fix it with a nail. Level the ground. Dig in the ground. [기타] Discussion