Lecture on Survival English Special Warfare Training Group April 22, 2003. 상황별 기초 생활 영어 이성하 한국외국어대학교 (srhee@hufs.ac.kr) [일상생활영역] 1. 인사 Hi! How are you? Fine, thank you! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! What's up? 2. 자기 소개 및 인사 나누기 How do you do? I'm Chulsoo. I'm Chulsoo Kim. My name is Chulsoo Kim. Chulsoo Kim. Nice (glad, pleased. happy, honored) to meet you. 3. 애칭 가르켜 줄 때 My friends call me Rambo. Just call me Rambo. 4. 감사의 표현하기 Thank you! I appreciate it. Thanks million! 5. 감사의 표현에 대한 응답
You're welcome. You're quite welcome. 6. 사과하기 I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry. I apologize. 7. 언어능력 I'm sorry, I can't speak English well. I can speak some English. I can understand written English. I'm sorry, I can't speak Afghani/Vietnamese/German at all. 8. 메모부탁 Please write it down here. 9. 출신지 묻고 답하기 Where are you from? Where do you come from? I'm from Seoul, Korea. 10. 날씨나 분위기를 언급하며 대화 시작하기 Nice weather, isn't it?! What a beautiful weather! Great party. isn't it?! 11. 직업/계급 묻고 말하기 What do you do for a living? What's your job? I'm in the army. What's your rank? Private. PFC. Corporal. Sergeant. Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel. 12. 나이/결혼여부 묻고 답하기 (!!!)
How old are you? May I ask how old you are? Are you married? (single, married, divorced, separated) May I ask if you are married? 13. 주소/전화번호 묻고 답하기 What's your phone number? What's your address? Where do you live? 14. 가족관계 묻고 답하기 How many people do you have in your family? How many people are there in your family? 15. 좋아하는 것 표현하기 I like watching movies. I like watching football games. I love icecream. 16. 싫어하는 것 표현하기 I hate to dance. I don't really like to dance. I don't care for drinking. 17. 습관에 대해 말하기 (often, usually, always) I always watch TV after dinner. I usually go on a hike on weekends. 18. 경험에 대해 말하기 Have you tried some Afghan/local dishes? Not yet, but I'd love to try all kinds of Afghan/local dishes while I'm here. 19. 위치 묻기 Where is the headquarters?
Where is the soda-fountain? Where is a coke-machine? Where is a telephone? 20. 긴급상황 This is an emergency. Help! Get help! 21. 요청하기 I want to talk to my commanding officer. I want to talk to my friend at this number. Please call this number for me. Please take me to here. 22. 동전바꾸기 Do you have a change for this? Can you break this? Do you have some coins? 23. 체재계획 How long will you stay? I'm not sure. Maybe a couple of weeks. 24. 사람 소개하기 This is my friend, Yoo-jin. Have you met my friend, Yoo-jin? 25. 안부 묻고 답하기 How are you doing? Is everything O.K.? How is it going? What's up?
26. 작별 인사하기 Bye. Bye-bye. Good-bye. See you later. See you soon. See you tomorrow. 27. 만날 시간/장소 정하기 When shall we see again? Let's meet here tomorrow at 10. Let's meet at Cafe Rosa. 28. 초대하기 Would you like to come over to my place? May I treat you to a dinner? Shall we talk over a cup of coffee? Shall we have lunch together? Shall we watch the movie at my place? 29. 초대 승낙/거절하기 Thank you. I would love to, but I have an appointment. I would like to, but I have an appointment. I am sorry, can I have a raincheck? 30. 교통 (길 묻기) How can I go to Kabul/Bagdad? Can you show me the way to Kabul/Bagdad? How far is it from here to Kabul/Bagdad? Let me off here. Is there a Chinese restaurant around? 31. 식사 주문 Please bring me a menu. Are you ready to order?
I need some more time. I will have this one. (I will have that one.) How would you like your steak done? Medium, please. (Well-done, Medium, Rare) 32. 식사 인사 Enjoy your meal. 33. 물건사기 Do you have Coke? Do you have water? Can you sell it a little cheaper? 34. 계산하기 How much is it? Write down the price for me. You gave me wrong change. 35. 동의하기 I think so, too. I agree. 36. 유감 표현하기 I'm sorry to hear that. 37. 격려하기 Don't worry. Cheer up! 38. 칭찬하기 Good job! You did a good job! That's excellent! 39. 물건 빌리기
Can I borrow this book? Can I borrow your video-tape? 40. 약속하기 I will take care of it. I will do it right away. I promise, I will do it. ================================================================== [의료관련영역] 1. 일반질문 Do you smoke? How many cigarettes do you smoke each day? Do you drink? Beer, wine or spirits? What about your weight? How much do you weigh? What is your weight? Have you lost any weight (recently)? 2. 증상 묻기 What's wrong with you? What's the problem? 3. 일반통증 말하기 Do you feel dizzy? I feel very dizzy. Do you have a headache? I have a headache.
I have a stomachache. (My tummy hurts.) I have a backache. 4. 감기/몸살 I have a cold. I have a flu. I feel run down. I think I'm coming down with something. 5. 병력 How long have you been sick? How long have you had this? When did this start? Did you have this problem before? Does anyone in your family have the same problem? Do you have any chronic medical problem? 6. 원인 묻기 What's the cause of that? How did that happen? How did you get it? 7. 설사/변비 I have bad diarrhea. I have constipation. 8. 복통관련 How is your stomach/tummy? Did you throw up? I threw up last night. I lost my breakfast in the bathroom. 9. 검사하기
Does this hurt? Say aya/ouch if it hurts. What's this? What happened here? I bumped on a chair. I fell on the ground. 10. 뼈 관련 Your bone is broken. It's a bone fracture. (a simple fracture, a compound fracture) I think I sprained my ankle/wrist. I think I broke my bone. 11. 근육관련 The muscles are swollen. I have muscle pain. It hurts if I bend my arm. My back is tingling. My muscles are tender here. 12. 소변검사 We'll need a urine specimen. 13. 약복용 Have you taken any medicine for this? Take this medicine. 14. 일반질문 Do you have any trouble with passing water? Any trouble with your chest? How's your appetite? Any blood in your stools?
15. 머리검사 Turn your head this way. Tilt your head back. 16. 이비인후 검사 I'd like to examine your ear. How's your vision? Can you see this? Look at the tip of my pen and keep your eyes on it. Let me look at your nose with this little light. Open your mouth. Say ah~~~~~. Put out your tongue. 17. 흉부검사 Let me examine your chest. Please take off your shirt. Take a deep breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. Have you ever coughed up blood? 18. 복부검사 Please lie down here on your back. Please lie down here on your stomach. Please lie down here on your side. Do you have any trouble with bowel movement? Are your stools black? 19. 등/사지 검사 Lie on your right side. Bend your knees.
Hold your arms up. Push hard against my hand. Please remove your shoes and socks. I will tap your elbow with this little hammer. 20. 비뇨기 검사 Please bring me your urine sample. Do you feel pain when you pass water? ========================================================== [공사/작업관련] Tools sander, plane, saw, nail-puller, pliers, punch, putty-knife, screw-driver, ax, chisel, clippers, nippers, pick, chain-saw, electric saw, shovel, brick-trowel, drill, drill bits, air hammer, jackhammer, wrench, monkey wrench, socket wrench, spanner, backhoe, bulldozer, crane, derrick, roller, snowblower, snowplow, fork-lift, concrete-mixer Expressions Please hand me over the hammer. I need a hammer. Please give me some 2-inch nails. Hold it tight! Hold this for me. Don't move. Stay still. Got it? I got it. Do you think this will do?
Will this be okay? Start the engine. Back up. Turn right. Turn left. Turn on the switch. Turn off the switch. Fix it with a screw. Fix it with a nail. Level the ground. Dig in the ground. [기타] Discussion