G. K. Ferrar / I. C. Hidalgo / 김재웅 1-17
K: Hi, Anna! How are you? 신사 숙녀 여러분, BOG입니다! 미나: Hi, I m fine and hi, everybody! It s great to be 난 정말 신나! back. I hope you re ready to learn some English. 내가 BOG의 실황 공연을 볼 수 있다니! 고수: 나도 흥분돼. 그렇지만 우린 먼저 올림픽 체육관을 찾 K: Do you like to go to concerts, Anna? 아야 해. 저 사람에게 물어보자. Yes, I do. Because at a concerts, you can both see 실례합니다. 올림픽 체육관에 어떻게 가죠? have to 행인1: 고수: and listen to the music. 미안하지만 모르겠습니다. 저도 그 곳을 찾고 있어요. K: Have you been to any concerts lately? 어쨌든, 감사합니다. Well, I ve been to one a long time ago for an 이봐, 미나야. 저기 또 다른 사람이 온다. I get how do to 미나: 행인2: Alanis Morissette concert, and it was great. 실례합니다. 올림픽 체육관을 어떻게 가나요? K: Mi-na and Go-su are looking for the Olympic 이 길을 따라 곧장 가다가 오른쪽으로 돌아서 두 블록 Gymnasium. 을 가세요. 그리고 왼쪽으로 도시면 됩니다. 고수: That s right. So it seems like we are going to 고맙습니다. 도와주셔서 감사합니다. study about directions. K: I think you can make one more example for us. How about this one? How do I get to City Hall? K: Why don t you make an example with look for? OK. This happens to me very often. I m looking for my bag. 소라와 고수는 왜 올림픽 체육관에 가려고 하는가? 저도 BOG의 공연을 보기 위해서 I m looking for it, too. How many people did they ask for directions? Two. 이 길을 따라 곧장 가다가 오른쪽으로 도세요. Go straight down this road, turn right. 고맙습니다. 난 정말 신나! 올림픽 체육관에 어떻게 가죠? appreciate 도와주셔서 감사합니다. Thank you. We appreciate your help. I m so excited! How do I get to the Olympic Gymnasium? 단어와 숙어 excited 흥분한 perform 공연하다 live 실황으로 528 그 곳을 찾고 있어요. get to ~에 이르다, ~에 닿다 gymnasium 체육관 look for ~를 찾다 straight 곧장, 똑바로 block 한 구획, 블록 appreciate 고맙게 생각하다 LISTENING 529
to We ll have 미나: 오 이런, 서둘러! 들어가려면 우리는 줄을 서야 할 거야. K: I can say Hurry up too, right? 고수: 우리는 서두를 필요가 없어. 이미 표를 가지고 있거든. Right. You can say that, too. Hurry up! K: Anna, an example, please. don t have to There are too many. How about this one? Can I get in without a ticket? 미나가 서두르는 이유는? 우리는 We ll have to stand in line. 공연장에 들어가려면 줄을 서야 한다고 생각하기 때문 우리는 고수는 왜 서두를 필요가 없다고 하는가? 오 이런, 서둘러! 서두를 필요가 없어. We don t have to hurry. 이미 표를 가지고 있기 때문에 T F F 줄을 서야 할 거야. Oh gosh, hurry! 단어와 숙어 gosh 아이쿠, 큰일 났군 hurry 서두르다 530 stand in line 줄을 서다 directions 방향 gorgeous 눈부신, 황홀한 special 특별한 LISTENING 531
must How will the woman get to the COEX Mall? By subway. How can I get to...? / How do I get to...? / Can you tell me where...? / Can you tell me the way to...? have to, must Thank you. / Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot. / I appreciate your help. / I can t thank you enough. TRY IT Incheon International Airport / How can I get to Incheon International Airport? Insa-dong / How can I get to Insa-dong? K: Anna, we need an example in this style. OK. Can you tell me where your school is? K: We need an example, Anna. OK. Now we can make a sentence using a plural case. They are across from my place. Take subway Line 2. Just over there. It s next to a post office. subway across station straight end international TRY IT traffic rules / There are traffic rules you have to obey. school regulations / There are school regulations you have to obey. TRY IT Thanks a lot. / Thanks a lot. I can t thank you enough. / I can t thank you enough. There are certain rules you have to obey. You re welcome. / That s all right. / Don t mention it. empty certain the elderly obey the weak in one hour care mention 532 TALK TIPS 533
1 : : 6 B: : : B: : : B: a e c b d B: B: 2 B: B: 7 B: B: It s easy to find. You can t miss it 3 (a) (e) (c) (b) (d) 8 B: to B: have must 4 B: 5 B: B: 534 TALK TIPS TEST 535
K: Well, we have bad news here. 오늘 저녁 뉴스 Yes, we do. 안녕하십니까? 오늘 저녁 주요 뉴스입니다. 오늘 BOG K: Why don t you summarize this news for us? 공연장에서 사고가 있었습니다. 김수미 기자가 자세히 알려 OK. At the BOG concert, some audience members 드리겠습니다. rushed forward to see BOG better, but because of 오늘 BOG 공연에는 눈물과 혼란이 있었습니다. 사고가 poor safety measures, many concertgoers were 발생했을 때 BOG는 그들의 인기곡 I Love You 를 부르고 badly hurt. So the rest of the concert had to be 있었습니다. 관객들은 그들이 공연하는 것을 보려고 앞으로 canceled. 몰려들었습니다. 앞쪽에 있던 사람들이 넘어졌습니다. 100 명이 넘는 사람들이 심하게 다쳤습니다. 대부분의 부상자들 K: Anna, we need an example with when in it. 은 무대 바로 앞에 있었습니다. BOG는 나머지 공연을 취소 OK. How about this one? I played a video game when Su-mi was having lunch. 했습니다. 오늘 사고로 배워야 할 교훈이 있습니다. 공연 기획자들은 K: Anna? I think our friends don t know what goer 더 나은 안전 조치를 계획해야 합니다. 공연을 보러 가는 분 is. 들은 자신의 자리를 지켜야 합니다. 올림픽 체육관에서 OK. It s very simple. Goer is the noun form of KBC의 김수미가 보도해 드렸습니다. go. So it means a person who goes or attends a concert. BOG 공연이 뉴스에 보도된 이유는? 앞쪽에 The people in front fell. 공연장에서 많은 부상자가 생겼으므로 사고가 났을 때 BOG가 부르고 있던 노래 제목은? BOG는 I Love You. 오늘 사고로 배워야 할 교훈이 있습니다. There is a lesson to learn from today s accident. 관객들이 BOG가 공연하는 것을 보려고 앞으로 몰려들면서 앞에 나머지 공연을 취소했다. BOG canceled the rest of the concert. 사고는 어떻게 일어났는가? 있던 사람들이 넘어졌다. 있던 사람들이 넘어졌습니다. 단어와 숙어 top news 주요 뉴스 accident 사고 confusion 혼란, 혼잡 audience 청중, 관객 push 밀다 536 badly 호되게, 심하게 injured 다친, 부상당한 cancel 취소하다 the rest of ~의 나머지 lesson 교훈 producer 제작자, 연출가 safety 안전 measures 조치, 수단, 방법 concertgoer 콘서트에 자주 가는 사람 report 보도하다 READING 537
P op Songs <테이프 3B> Sugar Sugar Concert producers Concertgoers Sugar oh honey honey You are my candy girl And you got me wanting you Honey oh sugar sugar You are my candy girl And you got me wanting you I just can t believe the loveliness of loving you I just can t believe the wonder of this feeling too Oh sugar oh honey honey You are my candy girl And you got me wanting you Oh honey oh sugar sugar You are my candy girl And you got me wanting you When I kissed you girl I knew how sweet a kiss could be Like the summer sunshine Pour your sweetness over me Oh pour your sugar on me honey Pour your sugar on me baby 538 539
getting dark he has to ask people for directions 거기까지 걸어가는 데 얼마나 걸리나요? 민수는 여행하는 것을 좋아한다. 그는 방학 동안에 짧은 여행을 한다. 여행을 할 때, 사람들에게 길을 물어야 한다. 지난 주말에 그는 수원에 갔다. 그는 거기에서 어떤 노인에 다. 거기까지 걸어가는 데 얼마나 걸리나요? 그 노인이 말씀하셨다. 잘 모르겠는걸. 상황에 따라 다르겠지. 그 방학 동안 수원성 민수가 수원성까지 가는 데 걸리는 시간을 노인이 바로 가르쳐 주지 걷는 속도에 따라 다르기 때문에 애쓰고 있었다. 날은 어두워지고 있었다. 그래서 나는 서 다. 흰옷을 입은 키 큰 여자를 보았다. 나는 그녀에게 물 글의 주인공은 실제로 귀신을 보았는가? 그렇지 않다. 그것은 악몽이었을 뿐이다. 둘러야 했다. 이상한 소리를 들었을 때 나는 뒤돌아보았 었다. 실례합니다. 출구까지 어떻게 가야 하나요? 그녀 Who woke up the boy? His Mom woke him up. 가 말했다. 나를 따라오기만 하세요. 나는 속으로 생각 수원성에 했다. 이 여자를 따라가야 하나? 아니야, 이것은 귀신이 어떻게 가나요? 이 가 나를 깨웠을 때, 나는 땀을 흘리고 있었다. 앗, 악몽이 길을 따라 곧장 올라가거라. 었구나! Just go straight up this road. 상황에 따라 다르겠지. 날은 분명해! 나는 가능한 한 빨리 그녀로부터 달아났다. 엄마 How can I get to Suwon Castle? 서 노인이 소리치는 것을 들었다. 그렇게 걸으면, 20분 후 나는 큰 공원에서 길을 잃었다. 나는 출구를 찾으려고 냥 걸어가거라. 민수가 잠시 동안 걸어간 후에, 그는 뒤에 에나 도착할 거다. 민수가 지난 주말에 간 곳은? 않은 이유는? 게 물었다. 수원성에 어떻게 가나요? 노인이 대답하셨 다. 이 길을 따라 곧장 올라가거라. 그러자 민수가 물었 민수는 언제 짧은 여행을 하는가? It depends. It was getting dark, so I had to hurry. 면? I thought to myself. 나는 속으로 생각했다. 내가 그녀를 따라가야 하나? Should I follow her? K: How about you, Anna? Sometimes I have nightmares about being back in 어두워지고 있었다. 그래서 나는 서둘러야 했다. 를 영어로 하 앗, high school. 악몽이었구나! Oh, what a nightmare! 단어와 숙어 trip 여행 vacation 방학 weekend 주말 castle 성 540 direction 방향, 위치 depend on ~에 달려 있다 behind ~뒤에서 yell 소리치다 단어와 숙어 exit 출구 in white 흰옷을 입은 ghost 유령 run away 도망치다 as fast as I could 가능한한 빨리 sweat 땀을 흘리다 nightmare 악몽 READING TEST 541
must had to must not will have to had to had to must not be late must be She must be out B: K: Anna, your turn. OK. I ve got to finish this work. have to have to had to You have to study. I ve got to see it. No, you don t have to. K: Anna, is there any difference between must and have to? No, the meaning of these two are the same, but must can t be used in the past tense. K: Anna, can you make a full sentence for this? Of course. It s faster than any other must not must will have to, had to We must be on time. You must not cut in line. I had to take a taxi. She must be out. K: Anna, can you pronounce this word one more time transportation. for us? Absolutely. comeback alsolutely on time cut in line have got to theater be out performance 542 GRAMMAR TIPS 543
not when was eating When he plays the guitar, everybody laughs were listening They were very happy when they heard the news was / were + -ing was / were + -ing when when when B: B: K: What is the full sentence of this? I was studying at the library. K: What were you doing around 9 o clock last night? Did she study at the library? No, she didn t. I don t think so. I saw you on TV. Where were you studying at 7? You look under the weather. when What s the matter? She saw us on TV when she was watching the news. When will you clean your house? I was watching the news on TV. library seat scold several run out of cookie guitar under the weather classical music climb 544 GRAMMAR TIPS 545
1 7 was already singing were dancing Give us a call you re in Seoul again. 2 will have to were going I ll give you my address I find a place to live. B: B: 8 3 What was she doing, then? B: Were they washing the car when you saw them? B: 4 B: 5 B: You don t have to shout. You must keep my secret. 6 B: I don t have to go to the doctor. 546 GRAMMAR TIPS TEST 547
1 G: 2 B: How do I get to the Seoul Cinema? B: Take bus No. 5. G: Where is the bus stop? B: Go straight down to First Street and turn left. G: Thanks! Must I clean the floor now? G: No, Min-ho is doing it. B: What should I do, then? G: Please wash those dirty clothes. 7 B: Hey, Mary. You look worried. What s wrong? G: I just missed the bus. I m late for the BOG concert. I have to meet a friend in front of the concert hall at 6:30. B: Calm down. Take a taxi. You ll be there in time. 3 B: I saw something strange on TV last night. G: What was it? B: I don t know exactly, but it had a long sticky tongue and liked to eat ants. G: That was an anteater. 8 W: Tomorrow is camping day. Students have to be at school by 8 o clock. They have to bring warm clothes, gloves, and a sleeping bag. They must not bring a radio, a CD player, or a pet. 4 B: 5 B: 6 B: I saw Su-mi downtown yesterday, but she didn t see me. She was looking the other way. Did you finish your English homework? G: Yes, but my computer shut down. I have to do it again. B: That s too bad. I ll help you. G: Thanks. I appreciate it. Let s go now. Run! G: Don t cross now. Wait for the green light. B: Come on, we re late. G: No, it s too dangerous! 9 B: 10 Do you know where I can get some aspirin? G: There s a drugstore nearby. Go straight ahead to Second Street, and you ll see the post office. Turn right. You ll see a Chinese restaurant and the drugstore is next to it. W: It was Jane s birthday party yesterday. I was a bit late because I bought the BOG CD for her. There were five of her friends there when I walked in. George was drinking a glass of juice; Julie was eating a sandwich; and Jane was reading a birthday card. Sue and Liz were talking to each other. They all looked very happy. 548 549
A 보기 박물관에 어떻게 가는지 말해 주실 수 있으세요? B: 한 블럭을 곧장 가시고 나서 왼쪽으로 도세요. 오른편에 있을 겁니다. 1. 병원에 어떻게 가는지 말해 주실 수 있으세요? B: 두 블럭을 곧장 가시고 나서 오른쪽으로 도세요. 왼편에 있을 겁니다. 2. 빵집에 어떻게 가는지 말해 주실 수 있으세요? B: 한 블럭을 곧장 가시고 나서 오른쪽으로 도세요. 그런 다음, 한 블럭을 가세요. 왼편 모퉁이에 있을 겁니다. 3. 지하철역에 어떻게 가는지 말해 주실 수 있으세요? Can you tell me how to get to the hospital? Go straight ahead for two blocks and turn right. It ll be on your left. Can you tell me how to get to the bakery? Go straight ahead for one block and turn right. Then go one block. It ll be on the corner on your left. glasses Can you tell me how to get to the subway station? Go straight ahead for one block and turn left. Then go one block. It ll be on the corner on your right. 550 B: 한 블럭을 곧장 가시고 나서 왼쪽으로 도세요. 그런 다음, 한 블럭을 가세요. 오른편 모퉁이에 있을 겁니다.
1 8 9 B: B: Do you have to stop 2 B: 10 B: Must I call are there when you 3 B: 11 get to reach, arrive in/ at 4 12 B: 5 B: had to 13 B: must not 6 when must had to 7 B: don t must must not 552 553
14 21 ~23 Give us a call you are in Hong Kong again. was riding was going 15 B: one right one left across 16 ~17 23 18 ~19 24 ~25 Andrew had a very difficult time Pine Road 25 20 free concert news 554 555