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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh


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192 法 學 硏 究 第 17 輯 第 2 號 < 국문초록 > 선하증권의 한계점을 극복하기 위해 실무에서 널리 화물선취보증장(L/G:Letter of Guarantee)제도가 이용되고는 있다. 그러나 수입상으로서는 추가적인 비용이 발생하고, 직접 은행을 방문해서 화물선취



Stage 2 First Phonics


Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,


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Vol.257 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M

야쿠르트2010 9월재출



step 1-1

퇴좈저널36호-4차-T.ps, page Preflight (2)

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


중학영어듣기 1학년




가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에


Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628


하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을


74 현대정치연구 2015년 봄호(제8권 제1호) Ⅰ. 서론 2015년 1월 7일, 프랑스 파리에서 총격 사건이 발생했다. 두 명의 남성이 풍자 잡지 주간 샤를리 의 본사에 침입하여 총기를 난사한 것이다. 이 사건으로 인해 열두 명의 사람이 목숨을 잃었다. 얼마 후에

<B9AEC8ADB0E6C1A6BFACB1B820C1A63137B1C720C1A633C8A C2F720BCF6C1A4BABB292E687770>

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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.





여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

¹ýÁ¶ 12¿ù ¼öÁ¤.PDF

274 한국문화 73

2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직


공급 에는 권역에 두개의 프라임 오피스가 준공 되었다. 청진구역 2,3지구에는 광화문 D타워가 준공되어 대림에서 약 50%를 사용하며 나머지 50%는 임대마케팅을 진행 중이다. 메트로타워는 GS건설의 사옥에서 매각 이후 2013년 4분기에 리모델링을 시작하여, 에 완공



잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은

May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil




6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관


Product A4


Vol.258 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M


제 2 장 골프장의 경영

Microsoft Word - 국제중재


목차 1. 서론 1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 1.2. 연구의 내용 및 방법 2. 제품스타일 분석 2.1. 제품이미지 2.2. 미래지향적 스타일 3. 신세대 감성분석 3.1. 라이프스타일 3.2. 광고전략 3.3. 색채에 따른 제품구매 분석 4. 결론 *참고문헌 ( )




공급 에는 3권역 내에 준공된 프라임 오피스가 없었다. 4분기에는 3개동의 프라임 오피스가 신규로 준공 될 예정이다.(사옥1개동, 임대용 오피스 2개동) 수요와 공실률 2014년 10월 한국은행이 발표한 자료에 따르면 한국의 2014년 경제성장률 예측치는 3.5%로 지


20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??.,




Microsoft PowerPoint - Freebairn, John_ppt





국 가 공 인 자 격 검 정 2012년 제2회 무역영어 2급 시험문제 무단전재 금함 2012년 9월 16일 시행 대 한 상 공 회 의 소 형별 A형 제한 시간 90분 수험번호 성 명 다음 문제를 읽고 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. <제1과목> 영문해석 (1~2) 다음은 국제물품매매계약서의 일부이다. Description of Goods : Blue Jeans (Item No.0925) Quantity : 1,000 pcs Price : USD25.00/pc CIF Sydney port Shipment : Within 2 month after receipt of L/C Payment : Draft at sight under an Irrevocable and Confirmed L/C in favor of Charlie's Trading Corp. Inspection : Seller s inspection is to be final Insurance : Seller to cover the CIF price plus 10% against All Risks Shipping port : Busan, Korea 1. 다음 중 위 계약서에 대한 설명 중 틀린 것을 고르시오. 1 The price of Blue jean includes the cost of insurance and carriage to Sydney port. 2 The inspection of the goods will be made at the arriving port. 3 The seller should procure the insurance for 110% of CIF value of the goods. 4 The arriving port is Sydney port. 2. 계약서 내 밑줄 친 결제조건에 대한 설명으로 잘못된 것을 고르시오. 1 A sight draft will be drawn. 2 Charlie's Trading Corp will be a beneficiary. 3 An Irrevocable L/C will be issued. 4 Charlie's Trading Corp. will instruct the issuing bank to open a L/C. 3. Please put the sentences in order. 가. We sincerely apologize for any trouble caused by us. We will take all possible steps to ensure that such a mistake will not be made in the future. 나. We will get the wrong products back at our cost and arrange for the dispatch of your correct consignment immediately. 다. We found that the mistake was indeed made by new staff in our Export department due to a confusion of part Nos. 라. After receiving your letter dated Oct. 28, we are surprised and embarrassed about the wrong delivery. 1 가 - 나 - 다 라 3 다 - 라 - 가 나 2 가 - 나 - 라 - 다 4 라 - 다 - 나 가 4. Which of the following is correct according to the letter below? Dear Mr. Harbert, I received your letter of May 22. However, I regret to say that I am unable to give you a satisfactory reference for the Conny Company which you inquired about. During the period that I have been doing business with Conny Company, my experiences have been unsatisfactory. Payment has been never made in time, in fact, at least two-month delay was usual. I trust that this information, which is given to you in strict confidence, will be helpful to you. Sincerely yours, Kenny Hackson 1 Mr. Hackson recommends Mr. Harbert to do business with Conny Company. 2 This letter is a credit inquiry. 3 Mr. Hackson was nominated as a reference of Conny Company. 4 Usually, Mr. Hackson delayed in payment for at least two month during the business with Conny Company. 5. 거래선 확보를 위한 소개의뢰서이다. 순서가 올바르게 나열된 것을 고르시오. 가. We are desire of extending our business to your country and shall be much obliged if you will introduce us to some reliable firms in your country who are interested in this line of business 나. For the thirty years, we have been supplying all kinds of fishing equipment to our domestic market and also to various markets abroad enjoying a good reputation. 다. As to our credit standing, the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry will supply necessary information. 라. We thank you for your cooperation in advance and wait for your early reply. 1 가 - 나 - 라 다 3 나 - 다 - 가 라 2 나 - 다 - 라 - 가 4 나 - 가 - 다 라 2급A형 - 1

6. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT according to the letter below? Dear Mr. Jackson, Thank you for your order(no.00353) on June 20 for 10 coffee tables(model No.16-5A) at USD150.00 FOB Jakarta per unit. We have these coffee tables in stock and are able to make shipment before the date July 20 you requested. However, we are sorry that we cannot perform your order on the credit terms you requested. We would be pleased to deliver the goods if you arrange prepayment for the invoice(no.xyz-12) enclosed. Sincerely, Mr. Mannual 1 Mr. Mannuel requests Mr. Jackson to pay in advance for his order(no.00353). 2 Mr. Mannual is sending an invoice(no.xyz-12) for payment with this letter. 3 The price in the invoice(no.xyz-12) does not include the cost for carriage and insurance. 4 Mr. Mannual confirms that he made shipment for the goods before July 20 because he had enough stock. 7. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT according to the letter below? Dear Mr. Jang, We are a large American manufacturer specializing in cutlery. As we are particularly keen to promote our new products in Southeast Asia, we are writing to ask if your company would be prepared to allow us to send a representative selection of this cutlery on consignment. In return, we would allow a commission of 11 percent calculated on gross profits. No risks are involved, because we will fully reimburse your company for the return of any goods that are not sold within one year. We enclose our catalog and price list for your inspection. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Mark Heather 1 Mr. Jang's company will get 11% of gross profit if he accepts Mr. Heather s proposal. 2 Mr. Jang is asking Mr. Heather if Mr. Heather can send a representative selection of promoting products. 3 Mr. Jang's company will not take a risk because the unsold goods will be returned. 4 Mr. Heather's company wants to expand their business to Southeast Asia. 8. Which of the following is NOT correct according to the letter? Thank you for your phone call last week regarding the purchase of 185 doses of vaccines and 310 units of medication. We are pleased to inform you that we can accommodate your order at the discount price discussed. Please sign the attached contract and confirm quantities, prices, and requested shipping dates. Return it to us promptly to reserve your order. Because vaccinations must be refrigerated, please allow an extra three days for the carrier to schedule a shipment. 1 The contract must be signed and returned for the order to be completed. 2 The contract must be returned in three days for the shipment. 3 The details regarding the order are outlined in the contract. 4 The price has been discounted according to their arrangement. 9. Which of the following can be inferred from the letter below? Thank you for the courtesy you extended while Mr. Jefferson and I were visiting recently. When Mr. Kim guided us on tour of your plant, we were thoroughly impressed. We saw a cost efficient and modern operation. We were impressed with the procedures you have implemented to monitor quality control. All your employees were extremely courteous and carefully explained various functions and answered all our inquiries. The pride they took in their job was evident in their attitude, and in the quality of the finished product. 1 The plant is cost efficient and carefully monitored by Mr. Jefferson 2 Despite new implementations to the plant, the operations were impressive 3 Quality Control has recently implemented a monitoring system 4 The tour has left a positive impression on Mr. Jefferson 10. What is the purpose of the letter? Although we would like to extend credit to your company, a careful and impartial review of the bank reference and four credit references you gave to us indicates that you are experiencing considerable financial difficulties in making prompt payment. 1 A reply to a credit extension request 2 A reply to a credit inquiry 3 A letter requesting references for credit check 4 A letter inquiring about financial stability and credit situation 2급A형 - 2

11. What is the purpose of the letter below? We are about to make a contract with Grover Womenswear firm in your country and as we know very little about the directors, the reputation they enjoy among the business circle, and etc., we would appreciate it very much if you could enlighten us on them. We like their goods, and prices seem reasonable but above all the firm itself must be sound and be managed by sound people. In view of your past contract with Grover Womenswear, we believe, you can give us some tips on them. We shall not hold you responsible for any information you shared on them. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. 1 Circular Letter 2 Offer Sheet 3 Trade Terms Inquiry 4 Credit Inquiry (12~13) Read the following and answer questions. With regard to our shipment to a buyer in Indonesia, we would like to know if you could offer an insurance policy covering us against fire, flood, accident, and theft. When calculating the premium, would you please take the following into consideration ; we will be using first class carriers and containers are equipped with fully operational sprinkler system which is checked regularly. There are also numerous fire extinguishers placed throughout the ship floors. 12. Which of the following is true according to the above? 1 The exporter would like to get terms and conditions of insurance policy. 2 The exporter informs the buyer of the good system for the goods. 3 The exporter want comprehensive insurance at whatever price. 4 The exporter is seeking competitive premium by explaining safety of goods. 13. What could be inferred from the correspondence above? 1 The buyer would provide facts of shipment to insurer 2 The seller may be shipping on a CIF basis 3 The seller is not liable to choose carrier 4 The insurer probably quotes high premium in view of risky goods 14. Please put the sentences in order. A. Reference is made to your email of January 31, 2012. B. The shipping date is June 15, and expiration date is August 1. C. Our Letter of Credit will be opened on April 10 for USD52,680. D. The outer carton marking will be as indicated below. 1 B-C-D-A 3 A-C-B-D 2 C-D-B-A 4 B-A-C-D 15. The below is a reply to a letter. Which of the following is MOST likely about the previous letter? Thank you for your order No. HN-201203, which we received yesterday. Unfortunately, we cannot accept the 20% discount you asked for. Even on large orders, we only allow 15% as maximum to our existing customers. Therefore, we kindly ask your reconsideration. 1 Seller offered terms and conditions of goods to be sold 2 Seller proposed 25% discount for large orders 3 Buyer accepted trade discount 4 Buyer quoted a big trade discount 16. Please put the sentences in order. A. We would stress that this is a trial order and if we are satisfied with your shipment, you can expect our regular repeat orders. B. We would appreciate your attention to this order. C. To avoid difficulties with the customs authorities here, please make sure that our shipping instructions are carefully observed. D. We have studied your catalog and have chosen 3 models for which we enclose our order. 1 C-B-A-D 2 B-D-A-C 3 D-A-C-B 4 A-D-B-C 17. Which of following is correct according to the passage below? After World War Ⅱ, economic integration, in the sense of the elimination of barriers to international competition, took place not only at world level, under the GATT, but also on a regional scale, so much so that some people fear the creation of blocs leading to greater protectionist tendencies. In principle, regional integration can be either a step forward global free trade or a move towards more protectionism in the world. 1 World level integration resulted from regional protectionism. 2 Some people are concerned about the economic blocs leading to protectionism. 3 GATT is an agreement on a regional level. 4 Regional integration has recently weakened because of the protectionism movement. 18. Who will pay for the amendment fee? "The contents of the covering Letter of Credit shall be in conformity with the stipulations of the Sales Contract. In case of any variation thereof necessitating amendment of the L/C, the Buyers shall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. The Sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the L/C and reserve the right to claim from the Buyers for the losses resulting therefrom." 1 L/C opening bank 3 Seller 2 Buyer 4 Negotiating bank 2급A형 - 3

19. Which of the following is correct according to the document below? A credit is issued for USD500,000 covering shipment of TV sets allowing partial shipments. Prior to the presentation of documents to the bank, the seller received an amendment reducing the amount of the credit to USD300,000. The beneficiary, however, presents documents for USD500,000 without refusal notice to the advising bank. 1 The beneficiary must send refusal notice to the advising bank prior to the presentation. 2 The beneficiary can get the proceeds. 3 The beneficiary should get another amendment after the shipment. 4 The applicant shall get consent from the beneficiary before the amendment is sent. 20. What action should the buyer take to the following letter? We received your letter of credit No. SEL2012001 covering our order No. 1235 for PC lasers. However, we found that the credit calls for air waybill where the shipment is supposed to be made from Busan port to Yokohama according to our sales contract of December 20, 2011. We, therefore, ask you to amend the LC reflecting change of transport document from air waybill to ocean bill of lading. Your prompt attention to this matter will be much appreciated. 1 The issuing bank shall ask the buyer to apply amendment 2 The buyer shall ask the issuing bank to amend the LC 3 The seller's agent bank, negotiating bank, shall modify the LC terms 4 The advising bank shall notify the issuing bank rejection of the LC 21. What is the main purpose of the letter below? We have been in touch with your chamber of commerce, who recommended you as a possible agent for our products in your area. We manufacture digital cameras and wish to expand our sales to Europe. Our cameras have proved highly successful wherever they have been introduced, and we are confident that you will be able to build up a good market within a short time period. Please advise us if you are interested in representing us and if you think that the volume of business you can handle would warrant our granting you the sole agency for your country. 1 To apply for an agency 2 To appoint an agent 3 To take up an agency 4 To offer an agency 22. Which of the following does NOT fit in the letter below? Thank you for your letter of April 12. 1 We are pleased to inform you that we have effected insurance against All Risks, including War Risks at the rate of 1.12% to the value of USD100,000 for 500 sets of HD televisions. 2 The goods will be loaded on the K/S Gumgang which will be scheduled to sail from Yeosu to New York on April 24. 3 Enclosed is a copy of the pertinent insurance policy. Please check to see if everything is correct. 4 Also enclosed is the invoice totaling USD780 and our bank account information. Please transfer the given amount for the premium to our account. 23. Which one is wrongly stated as part of the letter below? 1 I would like to apply for the position advertised in The Guardian on 16 June for a Personal Assistant to the Export Director. 2 As you will see from my c.v., much of the work I do in my present position is that of Export Director. 3 I deal not only with the routine work of a secretary, but also represent the Assistant Director at small meetings and functions, 4 Also I am delegated to take a number of policy decisions in his absence. (24~25) Read and answer the following. We regret to inform you that it has become impossible to complete the shipment of your order No. 4908 as scheduled due to a recent cyclone which has struck the eastern part of Sri Lanka. Your order was ready for shipment on the SL Ceylon, but she suffered serious damage and her October 10th departure was canceled indefinitely. Moreover, a considerable amount of cargo has been congested and it is quite difficult to secure any other shipping spaces. Therefore, we are asking to extend the shipping date until the end of this month. Though the delay is beyond our control, we must apologize for any inconvenience you might have. We will try to do our best to ship your order as soon as possible. 24. Which of the following is NOT true according to the letter above? 1 The SL Ceylon has been damaged by the recent cyclone but she will be in operation again on October 10. 2 The shipment of the order No. 4908 was originally scheduled to depart from Sri Lanka on October 10. 3 The exporter is having difficulty locating shipping spaces due to the cargo congestion caused by the cyclone. 4 The delay in shipping was caused by force majeure, but the exporter still feels sorry for the importer. 2급A형 - 4

25. What is the main purpose of the letter above? 1 To inform the importer of the recent natural disaster 2 To secure more shipping spaces on the SL Ceylon 3 To ask for the extension of the shipping date 4 To request the importer to accept the shipping terms <제2과목> 영작문 26. Which of the following has the same meaning as the sentence below? Our product is the cheapest in the market. 1 Some other products in the market are as cheap as ours 2 Any product in the market is as cheap as ours 3 Other products in the market are as cheap as ours 4 No other product in the market is as cheap as ours 27. Which of the following is most suitable for the blank? We are prepared to give you a 7% allowance ( ) in the goods." 1 to claim for loss 2 to complain about the quality 3 to compensate for the defects 4 to repay the amount 28. 다음 중 어법상 틀리거나 어색한 것을 고르시오. 1 We have been a leading manufacturer and exporter of health supplements for many years 2 to enjoy a good reputation 3 by selling high quality goods. 4 We produce a variety of goods ranging from vitamin pills to powdered enzymes. 29. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓴 것을 고르시오. Please quote CIF Boston. We also request that you conform to the standard packing regulations to perish food imports set by the Food and Drug Administration. 1 to perishable 2 for perishables 3 with perishable 4 for perishable 30. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 영작한 것을 고르시오. We are placing the attached order for the 12 C3001 computers, your Catalogue No.548. We have instructed our bank, Woori Bank, Seoul, to open an irrevocable letter of credit for $22,000.00 인천도착운임료포함가격과 bank charges를 결제하는 화물. The credit is valid until August 10, 2012. 1 to guarantee the FOB Incheon shipment 2 to cover the CIF Incheon shipment 3 to insure the CIF Incheon shipment 4 to manage the FOB Incheon shipment 31. Which of the following is NOT suitable for the blank? In this line business we enjoy a specially advantageous position as we have wide and direct connections with the first-class manufacturers in Korea, and you may be assured that any orders you send us will be executed (A) and (B). We do business on a letter of credit, under which we may (C) Our banker is Korea Exchange Bank, Seoul, to whom you may (D). 1 (A) at competitive market prices 2 (B) on the best terms possible 3 (C) draw a draft at sight. 4 (D) investigate our business status. 32. Which of the following is most suitable to fill the blanks (A) and (B)? All disputes, controversies, or differences which may arise between the Seller and the Buyer, in connection with this contract shall be finally settled by arbitration in Seoul, Korea. The ( A ) rendered by the arbitrator(s) shall be ( B ) and binding upon both parties. 1 judgement-present 2 award-final 3 verdict-judged 4 precedent-sentenced 33. Which of the following best fits the blanks? A: Hello, Cindy. This is Jay. I have an appointment ( ) Mr. Bond at 11:30. But unfortunately the plane is delayed. B: I understand. What time do you think you can come to the office? A: About 1:30. Is that a ( )? B: No, not at all A: Thank you. I am sorry about the ( ) B: It's okay. He will be available at that time. See you soon. 1 for - sorry - late 2 with - trouble - mistake 3 for - mistake - delay 4 with - problem - trouble 34. Which of the following best translates the sentence below into English? 당사 제품의 탁월한 품질과 경쟁적인 가격으로 인하여 해외 주문이 쇄도하고 있습니다. 1 Orders are increasing owing to the excellent quantity and price competition at overseas markets. 2 We receive a lot of orders from foreign suppliers because of the quality and low prices of our products. 3 Our products are pretty quality and competition at price and calling in large orders. 4 Overseas orders are rushing in because of the excellent quality and competitive prices of our products. 2급A형 - 5

35. Which of the following best fits the blanks? International transport tends to involve greater distance, with cargo often changing hands or undergoing prolonged storage, and consequently there are higher risks of damage, loss or theft than in domestic trade. Therefore, first, exporters and importers must know who will bear the ( ) during transportation; in other words, when the risk ( ) from sellers to buyers in each trade term (e.g., FOB, CIF). 1 cost-appears 2 risk-appears 3 opportunity-transfers 4 risk-transfers 36. 다음 중 어법 상 틀리거나 어색한 것을 고르시오. Our order (No. AXZ-123) has reached us, but we 1regret informing you that their 2quality is inferior to the sample for which we 3placed. You will admit that your shipment does not 4conform to the quality of the sample. 37. Which of the following is the best place for the sentence below? the WTO is a permanent institution with its own secretariat. 1 WTO replaces the GATT and has quite a different character. While the GATT was primarily a set of rules, administered by an interim body, 2 Although the GATT's scope of application was limited to trade in goods, 3 the WTO also covers trade in services and trade-related aspects of intellectual property right. Of the most practical significance is the fact that settlement of disputes under the WTO mechanism is much faster and more automatic than under the GATT system, 4 so that trade blockage can be more rapidly and efficiently overcome. 38. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것을 고르시오. We have already instructed the ABC Bank, New York to ( ) an irrevocable letter of credit at sight in your favor for the amount of USD 10,000. 1 open 2 issue 3 make 4 establish 39. 다음 중 의미가 다른 문장끼리 짝지어진 것을 고르시오. 1 Would you please send us an up-to-date catalog for your goods? We would like to send the latest catalog for your goods. 2 We were impressed by the selection of gardening tools displayed on your stand at Hamburg Exhibition. We are interested in the selection of gardening tools displayed on your stand at Hamburg Exhibition. 3 Thank you for your letter of June 8, 2012, proposing to do business with us. We have received your letter of June 8, 2012, asking to do business with us. 4 We look forward to hearing from you soon. We are waiting for your prompt reply. 40. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 다른 것을 고르시오. We trust that this terms and conditions will meet your acceptance and will mark the beginning of computer business between us. Please let us know by July 25 if you can comply with our request. 1 satisfy our request 2 adjust our request 3 accept our request 4 agree with our request 41. Which of the following is most suitable for the blank? ( ) comprehends all loss occasioned to ship, freight, and cargo, which has not been wholly or partly sacrificed for the common safety or which does not otherwise come under the heading of general average or total loss. 1 Particular average loss 2 General average loss 3 Actual total loss 4 Subrogation 42. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말을 고르시오. A : Welcome to Canada. May I see your customs form? B : Sure, here you are. A : ( ) B : No. All I have are a few sample products. 1 Are you taking anyone with you? 2 You can't get them through customs. 3 Do you know how to fill out the form? 4 Do you have anything to declare? 43. 다음 문장을 영작할 때 괄호에 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어 로 구성된 것을 고르시오. 모든 것이 완벽한지 검토할 수 있도록 팩스로 보험증권 을 보내주시기 바랍니다. -> Please send us the insurance policy by fax ( ) check ( ) everything ( ) perfect. 1 in order to for us - whether - is 2 in order to for us - whether - are 3 in order for us to - if - is 4 in order for us to - if - are 44. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. We shall not be responsible for a delayed shipment due to force majeure or causes which are impossible for us to have ( ). 1 checked 3 foreseen 2 rejected 4 accepted 2급A형 - 6

(45~46) Read the following letter and answer the questions. We are happy to be able to inform you that the parts you ordered are now ( ) and available for pick up at the above address. As always, it is our full intent to provide you with dependable and quality service. If we may be of further help, please call upon us at any time. 45. What's the purpose of the letter above? 1 A purchase order letter with terms 2 A purchase order issued on acceptance of delivery date 3 A request to schedule service 4 A parts arrival notification 46. Which of the following CANNOT fill the blank in the letter? 1 out of stock 2 on stock 3 in stock 4 out on stock 47. 다음 중 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오. We are changing insurance companies because of our present insurers ( ) in premium, so a ( ) quotation would be appreciated. 1 increase competitive 2 rise reasonable 3 decrease cheap 4 upward revision low 48. 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어들이 순서대로 나열된 것을 고르시오. 49. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오. For any information regarding our credit standing and business reputation, ( ) the ABC Bank, seoul. 1 please ask to 2 please refer to 3 we are permitted to mention 4 we advise you to check with 50. Which of the following INCORRECTLY rephrases the sentences below? (A) The expenses will be paid by us immediately upon receipt of your bill. (B) Americana Trading company has proposed to enter into business relations with us and named you as a reference. (C) Our future dealings with them will be depend upon their credit standing and reputation. (D) We suggest that you should place a claim with the insurance company. 1 (A) The expenses will be paid by us without delay as soon as we receive your bill. 2 (B) Americana Trading company has proposed to wind up a business with us and nominate you as a reference. 3 (C) Their credit standing and reputation will affect our future dealings with them. 4 (D) We suggest that you should put forward a claim with the insurance company. CH Autos lost more than $1bn in its automotive business for the second, dragging one of the world's biggest car maker to an unexpected and forcing it to promise faster cost cuts. CH Autos admitted it was not fast enough and raised the prospect of further factory closures to remove 500,000 units of production capacity - ten percent of its North American total. It had previously said it would cut the US blue-color workforce by 25,000 over the next four years. The surprising second-quarter $286m net loss compares with a net income of $1.38bn in. 1 reducing costs - same period last year - consecutive quarter - net loss 2 net loss - reducing costs - same period last year - consecutive quarter 3 same period last year - consecutive quarter - net loss - reducing costs 4 consecutive quarter - net loss - reducing costs - same period last year 2급A형 - 7

<제3과목> 무역실무 51. 국제물품매매계약에 관한 UN협약(CISG) 하에서 승낙에 관한 설명으로 옳은 것은? 1 승낙의 의사표시는 서류에 의해서만 인정된다. 2 승낙은 그것이 청약자에게 도달하는 시점에 효력이 발생한다. 3 승낙기간 중에 법정공휴일이 끼여 있다면 그 공휴일은 승낙기간에 포함되지 않는다. 4 승낙의 의사표시는 승낙기간 내에 도달하지 않아도 된다. 52. INCOTERMSR 2010에서 매도인이 매수인을 위하여 보험계약을 체결할 의무가 있는 규칙은? 1 CIP, CIF 2 CIF, DDP 3 CFR, CPT 4 CIP, DDP 53. INCOTERMSR 2010 상의 EXW 규칙과 FCA 규칙에 관한 설명으로 옳은 것은? 1 물품인도장소와 관련하여 각각 "EXW seller's factory in Daegu"로, "FCA seller's factory in Daegu"로 명기할 수 있다. 2 EXW 규칙 및 FCA 규칙에서 매도인은 물품을 수거용 차량에 적재하여야 한다. 3 EXW 규칙 및 FCA 규칙에서 물품에 대한 위험이전의 시기는 같다. 4 EXW 규칙 및 FCA 규칙에서 수출승인이나 수출통관과 같은 행정적인 조치는 매수인이 이행하여야 한다. 54. INCOTERMSR 2010 상의 규칙 중 위험이전의 시기가 같은 규칙들을 묶은 것은? 1 FOB, FAS, FCA 2 CIF, CFR, CPT 3 DAT, DAP, DDP 4 FOB, CIF, CFR 55. 국제무역거래당사자는 계약체결 전 그 상대방에 관한 신용조사를 수행하기 마련이다. 당해 기업에 대한 업종, 연혁, 경력 및 영업권에 관한 조사 항목은 다음 중 신용조사의 어느 분류에 해당되는가? 1 Capacity 2 Condition 3 Character 4 Capital 56. 외환거래시장에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? 1 외국환거래법상 외국통화로 표시된 외화증권도 대외지급수단에 포함된다. 2 외환시장의 불균형 상태를 이용하여 이익을 취득하는 거래를 재정(Arbitrage)거래라고 한다. 3 통화스왑이란 두 거래당사자가 계약당시의 현물환율로 해당 통화를 미래의 일정 시점에서 매매하는 거래이다. 4 통화선물은 만기 이전에 반대거래를 하지 않았다면 만기에 반드시 계약을 이행하여야 한다. 57. 수입화물대도(T/R)와 수입화물선취보증서(L/G)에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? 1 T/R은 신용장 개설은행이 수입화물에 대한 담보권을 가지고 수입자금을 대출할 때 발행하는 증서이다. 2 T/R은 수입자가 수입자금이 없어 신용장 개설은행 소유권의 물품을 임대형식으로 인수할 때 발행하는 것이다. 3 L/G는 원본서류가 도착하기 전에 수입자가 물품을 사전인수할 수 있도록 신용장 개설은행이 발행하는 것이다. 4 L/G는 운송인이 원본서류 없이 물품을 사전인도할 때 발생하는 손해에 대한 신용장 개설은행의 보증서이다. 58. 신용장거래에서 개설은행이 서류심사시 하자여부의 판단기준으로서 준용할 수 없는 것은? 1 신용장개설신청서(Application of the credit) 2 신용장조건(Terms& conditions of the credit) 3 UCP600 및 ISBP규정(Provisions of UCP 600& ISBP) 4 서류상의 기재내용(Data in the documents itself) 59. 신용장에서 30 days from B/L date 환어음이 요구된 경우, 아래의 범례에서 환어음 만기일의 기산일자는? <범례> i) B/L 발행일자 : 2012. 7. 12, ii) B/L 본선적재일자 : 2012. 7. 14 1 2012. 7. 12 2 2012. 7. 13 3 2012. 7. 14 4 2012. 7. 15 60. 수입통관 시 과세가격에 포함되어야 할 가격은? 1 수입자 창고까지의 내륙운송비용 2 수입자 창고까지의 내륙운송/보험비용 3 수입자 창고까지의 내륙운송/보험/보관비용 4 수입항까지의 해상운송/보험/보관비용 61. 다음 중 항해용선계약과 관련이 없는 것은? 1 정박기간 (Laytime) 2 체선료 (Demurrage) 3 정기운임조건(Liner Term) 4 공적운임 (Dead Freight) 62. 항공화물운송장(AWB)에 관한 설명으로 옳은 것은? 1 AWB는 상환증권이 아니기 때문에 원본을 분실하더라도 도착지에서 화물을 인도받는 데 문제가 없다. 2 일반적으로 원본 3통과 부본 6통으로 구성되어 있으며, 원본은 송하인에게만 교부되고 부본은 각각 그 용도가 정해져 있다. 3 항공화물운송장은 원칙적으로 수화인이 작성한다. 4 항공화물운송장은 항공사마다 사용하는 양식이 서로 다르다. 63. 포장 및 선적에 관한 무역 클레임 유형에 해당하지 않는 것은? 1 포장불충분 2 대금지급연체 3 하역손상 4 선적지연 2급A형 - 8

A형 수험번호 성명 64. 해상적하보험의 용어에 관한 설명으로 가장 올바른 것은? 1 보험기간은 보험계약이 유효하게 존속하는 시간적 한계만을 말한다. 2 공동보험은 동일 피보험이익에 대하여 복수의 보험계약이 존재하고, 각 계약의 보험금액을 합한 액수가 보험가액을 초과하는 경우를 말한다. 3 보험금액은 보험계약상 보험자의 최대 보상한도를 말한다. 4 피보험이익은 해상위험발생의 객체가 되는 선박이나 적하를 말한다. 65. 무역진흥을 도모하기 위한 무역보험제도에서 담보하는 위험으로 옳은 것은? 1 운송위험과 신용위험 2 운송위험과 환위험 3 신용위험과 비상위험 4 환위험과 제조물배상책임위험 66. 수출자로부터 그를 대신하는 권한을 부여받아 계속적으 로 물품판매나 중개업무를 함으로써 고객과의 거래효과 를 수출자에게 귀속시키고, 이에 대한 일정한 수수료를 받는 것을 내용으로 하는 계약은? 1 대리점계약 2 판매점계약 3 라이센스계약 4 프랜차이즈계약 67. 다음의 설명에 해당하는 기술무역계약은? 해외에서 각종 제품의 생산이나 개발계획을 구체화하는 데 필요한 기계, 장비 등의 관련자재와 그 설치에 필요 한 엔지니어링, 노하우, 건설시공 등의 산업기술 등을 수 출하는 계약 1 플랜트수출계약 2 라이센스계약 3 국제프랜차이즈계약 4 국제자본거래계약 68. 외국인과의 기술무역거래를 규제하는 우리나라의 법제 도가 아닌 것은? 1 독점규제 및 공정거래에 관한 법률 2 외국환거래법 3 관세법 4 부정경쟁방지 및 영업비밀보호에 관한 법률 69. 국제프랜차이즈계약에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? 1 가맹점(franchisee)은 가맹본부에 예속된 사업체이다. 2 가맹본부는 가맹점의 지도, 관리권을 보유한다. 3 가맹본부는 계약의 대가로 관리수수료를 수취한다. 4 가맹점은 영업권(good-will)을 공유할 수 있다. 70. 관세청의 전자통관서비스(UNI-PASS)에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? 1 수출입통관을 위한 세관신고 업무를 원스톱 (one-stop) 으로 처리할 수 있다. 2 해외에서도 접속할 수 있는 통관 포털 시스템이다. 3 화물 추적관리와 수출입에 필요한 요건확인까지도 가능하다. 4 육로통관이 아닌 공항과 항만에서의 수출입 통관처리만을 위한 시스템이다. 71. 전자무역계약에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? 1 전자우편 등을 이용한 전자적 의사표시의 법적 효력은 전통적 의사표시와 동일하다. 2 표시자의 중대한 과실에 의한 하자 있는 전자적 의사표시의 경우에도 취소할 수 있다. 3 표시자의 착오로 인한 전자적 의사표시의 경우에는 취소할 수 있다. 4 전자적 의사표시의 효력은 도달주의 원칙에 따라 상대방 정보시스템에 메시지가 입력된 때 발생한다. 72. WTO와 GATT에 대한 설명 중 틀린 것은? 1 WTO는 GATT와 달리 국제기구이다. 2 GATT는 상품의 관세 및 무역에 관한 일반협정이다. 3 WTO는 서비스, 지적재산권, 투자, 원산지 등을 포괄하여 협상한다. 4 GATT는 농업 및 섬유분야를 다루고 있다. 73. IncotermsR 2010의 특성에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? 1 IncotermsR 2010에서는 총 11개의 규칙에 대해 규정하고 있다. 2 IncotermsR 2010에서는 해상운송과 내수로 운송에만 이용이 가능한 규칙으로 DAT와 DAP 2개의 규칙이 추가되었다. 3 FOB, CFR 및 CIF에서 위험의 이전은 '본선 난간'에서 '본선 적재'로 변경되었다. 4 IncotermsR 2010은 국제거래 뿐만 아니라 국내거래에도 이용이 가능하다. 74. 대외무역관리규정에서 규정하고 있는 특정거래형태에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? 1 위탁판매수출이란 물품 등을 무환으로 수출하여 해당 물품이 판매된 범위 안에서 대금을 결제하는 계약에 의한 수출을 말한다. 2 외국인도수출이란 국내에서 통관된 물품 등을 외국으로 인도하거나 제공하는 수출을 말한다. 3 위탁가공무역이란 가공임을 지급하는 조건으로 외국에서 가공할 원료의 전부 또는 일부를 거래 상대방에게 수출하거나 외국에서 조달하여 이를 가공한 후 가공물품 등을 수입하거나 외국으로 인도하는 수출입을 말한다. 4 외국인수수입이란 수입대금은 국내에서 지급되지만 수입 물품 등은 외국에서 인수하거나 제공받는 수입을 말한다. 75. 대외무역법의 원산지 표시에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? 1 원산지표시대상물품은 대외무역관리규정 별표에서 공고하고 있다. 2 지식경제부장관은 원산지 표시위반 여부를 확인하기 위해 수입한 물품과 관련서류를 검사할 수 있다. 3 적절한 원산지 표시방법의 확인은 수입되기 전에 요청할 수 없다. 4 지식경제부장관은 원산지 표시위반행위자에게 원상복구를 명할 수 있다. 2급A형 - 9