중학도역시 전체단원 100% 무료강의제공 영어 1 main book work book 정답과해설 mini book

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


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1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

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2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승



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April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습

June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

어법성 판단 문제

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적


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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien


Lesson 0 6. 다음대화의내용과일치하는것은어느것입니 까? John: Where's my box? My apples are in the box. Ann: Your box is under the tree. John: Aha, it's here. Thank you. J


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중학도역시 전체단원 100% 무료강의제공 영어 1 main book work book 정답과해설 mini book

Unit 03 조동사 Writing Exercises A Can & May 다음우리말과일치하도록주어진단어들을이용하여문장을완성하시오. 1 그녀는영작을매우잘할수있다. (she, write) in English very well. 2 우리오빠는노래를아주잘할수있다. (my brother, sing) very well. 3 너는아무데나앉아도된다. (you, sit) 4 너는자전거를탈수있니? (you, ride) 5 너는야구를할수있니? (you, play) 6 내일은바람이불지않을지도몰라. (it, be) 7 내가너의컴퓨터를사용해도되니? (I, use) anywhere. a bicycle? baseball? 8 제가서선생님과통화할수있을까요? (I, speak) 9 그것은실화일지도모른다. (it, be) windy tomorrow. your computer? to Mr. Seo? a true story. 10 어린이들은여기서잠을자도됩니다. (the children, sleep) here. 11 우리아버지는그자동차를수리할수있다. (my father, fix) the car. 12 내남동생은스파게티를만들수있다. (my brother, cook) spaghetti. 13 자동차는하늘을날수없다. (cars, fly) in the sky. 14 우리들은그사고에대해아무말도할수없다. (we, say) a word about the accident. 15 그남자아이는자신의집주소를알지못할수도있다. (the little boy, know) his address. 16 EBS 중학뉴런영어 1

정답과해설 37 쪽 AB Must & Have to 다음우리말과일치하도록주어진단어들을이용하여문장을완성하시오. 1 너희들은학교규칙을따라야만한다. (you, follow) 2 너는시간을낭비해서는안된다. (you, waste) 3 그녀는거짓말을해서는안된다. (she, tell) the school rules. your time. a lie. 4 너희들은그모임에참석하지않아도된다. (you, attend) the meeting. 5 우리는일요일에학교에가지않아도된다. (we, go) to school on Sundays. 6 그녀는그녀의친구들에게친절하게대해야한다. (she, be) nice to her friends. 7 수지는기말고사에대해걱정할필요가없다. (Susie, worry) about the final exam. 8 그일은그렇게까지완벽할필요가없다. (the work, be) that perfect. 9 우리는빨리가봐야한다. 영화가곧시작한다. (we, go) 10 너는수업을빠지면안된다. (you, miss) quickly. The movie starts soon. the class. 11 사람들은간접흡연에주의해야한다. (people, be) 12 그것은모두에게행복한시간임이틀림없다. (it, be) careful of second-hand smoke. a happy time for all. 13 네부모님이무척행복해하실게틀림없다. (your parents, be) very happy. 14 이번주말에는비가올게틀림없다. (it, rain) 15 너는지금집에가봐야한다. (you, go) this weekend. home now. UNIT 03 조동사 17

Actual Test 1 다음중영어단어와우리말뜻이잘못연결된것은? 1 problem 문제 2 need 필요하다 3 miss 놓치다 4 special 일반적인 5 다음중빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것은? A: I m late for school. Can you give me a(n)? B: Sure, get in the car. 5 regularly 규칙적으로 1 ride 3 snack 5 bicycle 2 turn 4 advice 2 다음중빈칸에알맞은말은? 6 다음빈칸에공통으로들어갈말로알맞은것은? ~ 을잘하다 : be good at ~ 을못하다 : be at Sunny well. She play baseball very become a famous 1 sad 2 quiet baseball player. 3 poor 5 happy 4 crazy 1 can 3 does 2 has 4 needs 5 must not 3 다음중 < 보기 > 의밑줄친 about 과같은뜻으로쓰인것은? 보기 I may work for about two years. [7~9] 다음각질문에대한대답을 < 보기 > 에서골라그기호를쓰시오. 보기 1 Yes, I may. 2 Yes, I can. 1 Don t talk about it anymore. 2 Puppies are about a year old. 3 Yes, you may. 5 No, you don t. 4 No, you can. 3 You can ask about the schedule. 4 Do you know about the woman? 5 What do you think about my new hairstyle? 7 8 Can you drive? May I go out now? 4 다음중서로관계가다른것은? 1 lock open 2 trash garbage 3 problem answer 4 terrible wonderful 5 stay up late go to bed early 9 10 Do I have to be here today? [10~12] 다음밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐서문장을다시쓰시오. They has to skips breakfast because they are late. 18 EBS 중학뉴런영어 1

정답과해설 37 쪽 11 12 My father may not comes home early today. Blair must being very happy. [17~18] 다음중밑줄친부분과바꿔쓸수있는것을고르시오. 17 A: You must fasten your seat belt when the sign is on. B: Okay, I will. 13 다음우리말과일치하도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 당신은교통규칙을어겨서는안된다. 1 may 2 can 3 have 4 have to 5 cannot 14 You break traffic rules. 다음중밑줄친 may의뜻이나머지와다른것은? 1 He may be right. 2 You may be very excited. 3 You may stop here and take a rest. 4 She may not come to school today. 5 Your new P.E. teacher may be very handsome. 18 A: Can I see your student ID card? B: Yes, here you are. 1 Do 2 Am 3 May 4 Have 5 Must [19~21] 우리말을영어로바르게옮긴것을고르시오. 15 다음빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것은? 19 너는이컴퓨터를이용할수있다. Jim: Can I borrow your book? Tina: Sure, but you back by next Monday. to give it 1 You can use this computer. 2 You don t use this computer. 3 You cannot use this computer. 1 do 2 must 3 have 4 You may not use this computer. 4 cannot 5 must not 5 You must not use this computer. 16 다음중대화의흐름상어색한부분은? A: Ms. Lee, I have a headache. I 1 can stay any longer. I think I 2 have to go home. 20 그노인은범인이아닐지도모른다. B: That s too bad. 3 Can you go home by yourself? Do you want to call your mom? A: Yes, please. 4 May I use your phone? B: Sure, 5 you may. 1 The old man can be the criminal. 2 The old man may be the criminal. 3 The old man must be the criminal. 4 The old man may not be the criminal. 1 2 3 4 5 5 The old man doesn t have to be the criminal. UNIT 03 조동사 19

21 당신의사인을받을수있을까요? 25 다음빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것은? 1 May I have your autograph? 2 Can you have my autograph? Your younger brother, Joe, very sad because he lost his game. be 22 3 Will you have my autograph? 4 May you have my autograph? 5 Do I have to have your autograph? 밑줄친문장을옳게해석한것은? Mom: Don t you have to study for the exam? The test is tomorrow. Son: You don t have to worry, Mom. I am ready for the exam. 1 저는걱정하지않아요. 2 제걱정을하셔야해요. 1 is 2 are 3 have to 4 must 5 cannot [26~27] 다음대화를읽고물음에답하시오. A: Do we have to carry our baggage during the trip? B: (A) You can use the lockers at the front gate of the building. A: Do we have to pay for the lockers? B: (B) It s $3 for one day. 3 걱정하지않으셔도돼요. 4 제걱정을하시지않는군요. 26 (A) 에들어갈말로적절한것은? 5 제걱정을하시는게분명해요. 1 Yes, you can. 23 다음문장들중어법상바르지않은것은? 1 I have to go now. 2 That can is a true story. 3 You must obey the rules. 4 Ms. Yoon must be married. 27 2 No, you may. 3 No, you have to. 4 No, you don t have to. 5 Yes, you don t have to. (B) 에들어갈말로적절한것은? 5 May I have your attention, please? 1 Yes, you do. 24 다음빈칸에들어갈말이순서대로짝지어진것은? A: I have P.E. today. you lend me your T-shirt? B: Sure. But you bring it back tomorrow. A: Okay. I will. 2 Yes, you cannot. 3 No, you must not. 4 Yes, you don t have to. 5 No, you don t. [28~29] 우리말과같은뜻이되도록빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰시오. 1 Can may 3 Must have to 2 Can must 4 May may 28 그녀는검은고양이를무서워할지도모른다. 5 May must She feel afraid of black cats. 20 EBS 중학뉴런영어 1

정답과해설 37 쪽 29 이제부터너는탄산음료를마셔서는안된다. 32 서술형 영어교실에서지켜야할다음규칙들을읽고, 아래각문장을완성하시오. From now on, you soda. English Classroom Rules (1) Bring your textbook and a pen. (2) Do not be noisy. (3) Listen to your classmates and your teacher when they are talking. (4) Use English only. (1) You your textbook and 30 서술형다음글을참조하여, Eric에게할말을조건에맞게쓰시오. a pen to English class. (2) You be noisy. Your friend Eric is not interested in studying. Now he tells you I will skip school tomorrow. (3) You to others when they are talking. (4) You use Korean. skip school 학교를빠지다 [ 조건 1] must not 을사용할것 [ 조건 2] 6 단어로답할것 31 서술형다음글을읽고, Nhu의현재심리상태를추측하는문장을 33 서술형다음일기예보를보고, 각요일의날씨에대해예측하는문장을조건에맞게쓰시오. 영작하시오. Mon. Tue. Wed. Your neighbor Nhu is from Vietnam. She chance of rain 90% 0% 50% is living in Korea all alone. She is studying here. Her parents, brothers and sisters are in Vietnam. These days, she doesn t talk much and she looks sad. [ 조건 ] 조동사 must, may 또는 cannot을사용할것 (1) 월요일에는비가올게틀림없다. On Monday, it. (2) 화요일에는비가올리가없다. 그녀는그녀의가족을그리워하는게틀림없다. On,. (3) 수요일에는비가올지도모른다.,. UNIT 03 조동사 21

Unit 04 시제 Writing Exercises A 과거시제 다음우리말과일치하도록주어진단어들을이용하여문장을완성하시오. 1 그는목이무척말랐고, 물을한잔마셨다. (he, be) 2 우리오빠는작년에고등학생이었다. (my brother, be) very thirsty and drank a cup of water. a high school student last year. 3 테이블아래에책이한권있었다. (a book, be) There under the table. 4 내가너에게작은선물을하나보냈어. (I, send) you a little present. 5 내친구들과나는식당에걸어들어갔다. (my friends and I, walk) into a restaurant. 6 우리는지난주말영화한편을보았다. (we, see) 7 그들은같은초등학교에다녔다. (they, go) a movie last weekend. 8 그녀는이운동화를작년에딱 3 번신었다. (she, wear) 9 너의어머니는역사선생님이셨니? (your mother, be) to the same elementary school. these sneakers only three times last year. a history teacher? 10 내여동생은친구를데리고왔다. (my sister, bring) her friend along. 11 내필통에는많은펜들이있었다. (many pens, be) There in my pencil case. 12 그들은얼음으로집을지었다. (they, build) their houses with ice. 13 그남자는그의차를길에주차했다. (the man, park) 14 나는그것에대해여러번생각해봤다. (I, think) his car on the street. about it many times. 15 티나는도서관에서책을한권골랐다. (Tina, choose) a book in the library. 22 EBS 중학뉴런영어 1

정답과해설 40 쪽 AB 진행시제 다음우리말과일치하도록주어진단어들을이용하여문장을완성하시오. 1 나는스파게티를만들고있다. (I, make) spaghetti. 2 너는지금그 TV 쇼를즐기고있니? (you, enjoy) the TV show now? 3 어린소녀들이그네에서놀고있다. (the little girls, play) on the swings. 4 그는친구들과문제를겪고있다. (he, have) problems with his friends. 5 우리아버지는헤드셋으로음악을듣고계신다. (my father, listen) to music on a headset. 6 자동차들이도로를달리고있었다. (the cars, move) 7 카터는내일떠날예정이다. (Carter, leave) 8 나는대학에서일하고있다. (I, work) along the road. tomorrow. at a university. 9 너는그때아이스크림을먹고있었니? (you, eat) ice cream at that moment? 10 Jimmy 는연기에대해배우고있나요? (Jimmy, learn) about acting? 11 너는너의어머니와함께올계획이니? (you, come) 12 그들은웃고있다. (they, laugh). with your mother? 13 나의언니는핫도그를사고있다. (my sister, buy) a hot dog. 14 두마리의새가하늘을날고있다. (two birds, fly) in the sky. 15 잎사귀들이빨갛고노랗게변해가고있다. (the leaves, turn) red and yellow. UNIT 04 시제 23

Actual Test 1 다음빈칸에공통으로들어갈말로알맞은것은? 5 다음빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것은? I my hometown, Yeosu. I hurried to the train station. But I 홍수로다리가쓸려가버렸다. The flood the bridge. the last train for it. 1 kept off 2 tried on 1 tried 3 missed 2 failed 4 saved 3 picked up 5 looked around 4 washed away 5 painted 6 다음중동사의과거형이옳지않은것은? 1 is - was 2 are - were 2 영어단어와우리말뜻이잘못연결된것은? 1 fine 벌금 3 do - did 5 catch - catched 4 miss - missed 2 leave 살다 3 public 대중의 4 ancient 고대의 7 다음중짝지은단어들의관계가나머지와다른것은? 1 go - went 2 do - did 5 glasses 안경 3 wear - wearing 4 teach - taught 5 laugh laughed 3 다음의뜻을갖는단어는? a piece of paper money 1 fly 2 bill 3 place 4 politics 5 future goal 8 다음중동사의과거형이옳은것은? 1 cut - cutted 2 put - putted 3 study - studied 4 read - readed 5 send - sended [9~12] 우리말과같은뜻이되도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 9 우리는내일동물원에갈예정이다. 4 다음문장의밑줄친 side by side 를옳게해석한것은? We are to the zoo tomorrow. He put two photos on the table side by side. 1 나란히 2 줄위에서 10 경찰이지금문을두드리고있다. 3 선안에서 4 차례차례 A policeman on 5 띄엄띄엄 the door. 24 EBS 중학뉴런영어 1

정답과해설 40 쪽 11 그들은네개의화분에콩을심었다 17 다음우리말을옳게영작한것은? They beans in four pots. 우리부모님은작년에유럽을여행하셨다. 1 My parents taked a trip to Europe last year. 2 My parents take a trip to Europe last year. 12 그영화가 10 분늦게시작했다. 3 My parents took a trip to Europe last year. 4 My parents is taking a trip to Europe last year. The movie 10 minutes late. 5 My parents are taking a trip to Europe last year. [18~19] 다음각질문에대한알맞은답을고르시오. [13~15] 다음각문장을진행형으로바꿀때빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 18 What was Nate making then? 13 The students played the violin. 1 He mades a robot. The students the violin. 2 He making a robot. 3 He is making a robot. 4 He was makes a robot. 14 James cleaned the bathroom. 5 He was making a robot. James the bathroom. 19 Who were you meeting last Sunday? 15 The old woman tells stories to her granddaughter. The old woman stories to her granddaughter. 1 He was meeting you last Sunday. 2 I was meet my cousin last Sunday. 3 Karen were meeting me last Sunday. 4 I was meeting my friend last Sunday. 5 My friends were meeting him last Sunday. 16 다음중밑줄친부분이어법상옳지않은것을모두고르면? 1 Tony is not getting married. 2 Rose is plaiing chess with her sister. 20 다음빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것은? Soyoung is sending a text message to her friend. 3 Sora is making a cake with her mom. 1 now 2 then 4 Bob were moving the boxes upstairs. 3 sometimes 4 at that time 5 My baby is crying now. I can hear her. 5 an hour ago UNIT 04 시제 25

21 다음빈칸에들어갈말이순서대로짝지어진것은? Ms. Brown was in the gym. She reading in the library now. [25~27] 우리말뜻이되도록괄호안에주어진말을바르게배열하여문장을완성하시오. 25 그경찰관은어떤단서도찾지못했다. (find / didn t / the police officer / any clues) 1 exercises - is 2 exercising - is 3 exercises - was 4 exercising - am 5 exercising were [22~24] 우리말을영어로바르게옮긴것을고르시오. 26 Sarah 가너의옆에앉아있었니? (Sarah / you / was / beside / sitting) 22 나는그때집에있지않았다. 1 I am not at home now. 2 I am not at home then. 3 I was not at home now. 4 I was not at home then. 5 I will not be at home then. 27 나는신문에서그사진을보지못했다. (not / I / did / see / in the paper / the picture) 23 내누나들이꽃에물을주고있다. 24 1 My sisters are water the flowers. 2 My sister is watering the flowers. 3 My sister are watering the flowers. 4 My sisters are watering the flowers. 5 My sisters were watering the flowers. 그고양이들은소파에서자고있지않았다. [28~29] 다음문장을과거시제로고칠때빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 28 Her grandmother doesn t like Chinese food. Her grandmother Chinese food. 1 The cats were sleep on the sofa. 2 The cat is not sleeping on the sofa. 3 The cat was not sleeping on the sofa. 4 The cats are not sleeping on the sofa. 5 The cats were not sleeping on the sofa. 29 His dog is looking at me. His dog at me. 26 EBS 중학뉴런영어 1

정답과해설 40 쪽 30 서술형 다음그림을보고, 질문에대한답을조건에맞게쓰시오. 32 서술형 다음그림은어제오후의미술수업풍경이다. 그림을보고, 학생들이하고있던일을나타내는문장을완성하시오. Bora [ 조건 1] 현재진행형을사용할것 [ 조건 2] 5 단어를사용할것 Q: What is Bora doing now? (1) Jack drawing a picture. (2) Tom was to the teacher. (3) Susan a piece of paper. 31 서술형다음표는수진, 나래, 다희가주말에한일을나타낸것이다. 표의내용과일치하도록대화를완성하시오. Name Weekend Activities Sujin take a swimming lesson Narae cycle along the Han River 33 서술형다음표는소현이네가족의여름휴가계획을나타낸것이다. 진행형으로소현이네가족이할일을나타내는문장을완성하시오. Dahee visit her cousin in the hospital Mon. hang out at Sokcho Beach Dahee: Sujin, what (1) last weekend? Sujin: I (2) a (3) you do Tue. Wed. Thurs. hike Mt. Seorak watch a movie visit Gyeongju lesson. How about you, Dahee? (1) They are at Dahee: I (4) my cousin. She Sokcho Beach on Monday. was in the (5). (2) They are on Narae: Oh, that s too bad. Tuesday. Dahee: (6) did you (7) (3) They are a movie on last weekend, Narae?. Narae: I cycled along the Han River. The (4) They are Gyeongju on weather (8) perfect. Thursday. UNIT 04 시제 27