130(2002 34) 2002 3 15( 130) TEL : 02-419-6465 FAX : 02-419-2088,,,, Home page http://www. kacr.or.kr 196-7 811 TEL : 02-2264-5023
(2002. 3~4) Contents
403( 12 )46 20,000
ABSTRACT We discuss the possibility that the biological system like DNA might be a quantum computer. In terms of quantum computing system we explain why DNA should have 4 basic element(a, T, C, G) and the number of codons should be 20. Along this argument we conjecture there would be a biological system with 33 basic elements. Also we show that in order to have the well-functioned biological system it should be welldesigned.
k k fk n n n ϕ 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 N=2 0.50000000000000000000000000000 N=3 0.77607482802988510329504484480
N=4 1.00000000000000000000000000000 N=5 1.19395495231828702272543679441 N=6 1.36761959131615132809772918978 N=7 1.52632837286394435753841733367 N=8 1.67340790414628393905381926619 N=9 1.81110318375666974707106342890 N=10 1.94101572682680906153078882342 N=20 2.98271163866962263130894566419 N=33 3.9887834897270836609333952751
The Talk.Origins Archive vs. The True.Origin Archive (http://www.talkorigins.org) (http://www.trueorigin.org)
Starry Night God is near. Wait for a cloudless night. Take a blanket and go outside to see the stars. Lie on your back on the blanket and look up at the starry night. Let your eyes become accustomed to the darkness - how many stars can you see! (If you can t see any stars from your house, use a flashlight to look through pictures of the stars and planets in an astronomy book from the library.) Think of the distance between you and those stars. Consider the time it takes for the light to get to you. Imagine the planets, the moons, the galaxies around you. Think of how much of the universe is unseen, of how far it stretches. And think of your place in this huge cosmos. You are one person, on one blanket, on a unique planet, under a vast expanse of sky, surrounded by millions and millions of stars. How tiny do you feel Read Psalm 8:39 You may be a tiny speak in a vast universe, but you are not insignificant. God created you. God invests in you. God trusts you to be part of his plan. Take time to realize your significance - to adjust your view of yourself from minuscule and unnoticed to immensely valuable and seen by God. In the midst of all these stars, God sees and knows and loves... you. Pray.
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: : : : 2002 3 31 : 5 2002 5 28() 7 100 : 196-7 811 02-419-2088 E-mail kacr@chollian.net, kacr2001@unitel.co.kr :. - Gospel song - : ( B C, E ),,.,.,. : (02-419-6465)
11 30 1 26, 11 30 1 71 11/8 58 9 1 141 16() 1 171 19() 3 186 10/9 912 2 5 28 5 26 16 10, 11, 13 26 24, 25, 27 7 257 27 7 297 31 7 268 4 8 128 14 11
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Q & A E-mail.
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2002.3.20.~2004.3.19. 2002.3.20.~2004.3.19.
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