Just Grammar Starter Level 3-º»¹®.PDF

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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.



가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에


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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

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[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~

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Ian Anthony Highley Just Reading 1, 2, 3 Just Grammar 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B Just Grammar Workbook Aim Higher English Skills for Assessment Voca Killer I can Grammar I can Reading JUST GRAMMAR STARTER LEVEL 3 EASY, FRIENDLY, AND A FUN INTRDUCTIN T BASIC GRAMMAR JUST GRAMMAR STARTER 3 ISBN 978-89-93258-56-1 54740 ISBN 978-89-93258-97-4 54740

Preface Composition Structure 1 3 6 2010 2010 2 23 1 30% 2011 40% 2012 50% 1 4% 4,800 6 2,200 2 2 1 10 Just Grammar Starter Just Grammar Starter Just Grammar Just Just Grammar Starter 2010 10

5 I can swim when I was 5 years old () () Could you open the window, please? () Jennifer can t play the violin Can Jennifer play the violin Tom can t swim in the sea Can Tom swim in the sea you can be able to speak can meet be able to win be able to finish you can t can could Could you ~? Could can picture look for How about you? Can Jane play soccer she can Can a monkey climb trees it can Susan is able to run five miles I was able to stand on my head Can penguins fly they can t she can We aren t able to go to the movie today We have to study Homeroom teacher : 1 2 Can a woman work as a fire fighter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unit Contents Homework Check earlier later is playing soccer are watching a movie is going to the party with Lisa She can t (cannot) use my bicycle Can she use my bicycle He may not drive a taxi May he drive a taxi can t She can t walk for 10 hours Can she walk for 10 hours can t Tom can solve the math problem Can Tom solve the math problem be use go [1-2] A: I have a sore throat B: You had better see a doctor (see) 1 A: I studied until late at night yesterday I m very tired B: some rest (get) 2 A: I had a car accident yesterday B: to fast (not, drive) 3 = You watch TV tonight must not don t have to don t need to had better used to [4-5] 4 A: What are you going to do on your vacation? B: We re going to the beach We will get a tan the beach A: When will you go? B: We ll leave for the beach Saturday in - at on - in by - on for - during at - on 5 I went to Singapore 2006 The train left 7 o clock We have a party New Yesr s Eve on - in - at in - at - on on - at - in at - on - in in - on - at she can t he can I have violin lessons on Wednesdays 6 It s is a very pretty dress = a pretty dress it is! = pretty the dress is! How - What What - What How - How What - How It - It s [7-9] 7 I was young, I went to Korea to study But After Before Because When 8 We have some time the movie starts but so before because although 9 Kevin was very tired, he didn t take a rest After Because When If Although 10 It is interesting, isn t it? You like coffee, don t you? It wasn t hot yesterday, was it? Your mother was a nurse, wasn t she? Tom studied English last night, don t he? [11-14] Tiffany Peter 12 14 35kg 45kg 11 Peter is than Tiffany (old) 12 Tiffany is than Peter (short) A bout Just Grammar Starter 5 A 1 2 (Jane / play / soccer) (penguins / fly)?? Yes, No, 3 4 (a monkey / climb trees) (a woman / as a fire fighter / work) B Writing Activity!?? Yes, Yes, 1 Susan can run five miles 2 I could stand on my head 3 We can t go to the movie today We have to study 20 6 1 They can helping me speak Korean is at the park singing on the stage went shopping yesterday [2-3] 2 She can use my bicycle : :? 3 He may drive a taxi : :? 4 Son: Mom, there is a parking space over there Mom: Yes, but we Son: Why not? park there Mom: Look at the sign It is for handicapped people Son: h, I see We park there [5-6] 5 A: Can you go to the concert with me? B: I m sorry, I can I won t I may I can t I don t 22 1 2 7 8 1 Unit 1 Penguins can swim very fast Penguins can t fly 1 Sunny can speak Italian Bears can climb trees 2 can not can t Lisa can t speak Korean, but she can speak English Tom can t play the guitar Bob can t read French 3 Can can Yes/No 2 A: Can Nancy come to the party? B: Yes, she can / No, she can t A: When can you help me? B: Tomorrow afternoon 1 could He could run fast before the accident = He was able to run fast before the accident 2 will be able to I will be able to go to Singapore next year 14 Daily Assignment Book Parent s Signature REVIEW TEST for Chapter 1~3 [1-2] can 1 She walks for 10 hours : :? No, 2 Tom solves the math problem : :? Yes, [3-5] 3 She is in her office now She may in her office now 4 You use my car every Sunday You can my car every Sunday 5 Kathy doesn t go shopping this weekend Kathy may not shopping this weekend [6-9] 6 I have violin lessons (Wednesdays) 7 She studies (night) She studies at night 49 3 4 9 10 A B C D 1 Wilson can ( plays / play ) the guitar 2 Sally can ( answer / answers ) the question 3 Can you ( speaks / speak ) English? 4 You ( can t / don t can ) park here 5 Mary ( plays / play ) soccer well 1 Jennifer plays the violin? 2 Tom swims in the sea? 1 You will Japanese fluently when you finish this class (speak) 2 You her in the coffee shop (meet) 3 She will the game (win) 4 We will the work tomorrow (finish) 1 Can I use your cell phone? Yes, / No, 2 Is Sunny able to solve the problem? Yes, she is / No, she isn t 15 Chap 1 Sentence Completion Choose the one that best completes the sentence 1 A: I m looking for Nancy Do you know where she is? B: I haven t seen her, but she TV in her room (A) watches (B) will watch (C) can watch ( D) may watch 2 A: you ride a bicycle? B: No, I can t How about you? (A) May ( B) Can (C) Will (D) Were Situational Writing Choose the one that best completes the sentence, based on the 1 Kathy last night because she was too tired (A) can t do her homework (B) may be at home ( C) couldn t do her homework (D) will be able to finish her homework 18 FINAL TEST [1-3] 1 What is Wilson doing this Saturday? He (play / soccer) 2 What are they doing tonight? They 3 What is Tiffany doing this Saturday? She (go / to the party / with Lisa) 104 (watch / a movie) [4-6] Tiffany get up at 7:00 early late Daddy get up at 6:30 4 Daddy gets up than Tiffany 5 Tiffany gets up than Mom 6 Mom gets up earliest in her family Mom get up at 6:00

Contents Chapter 1 1 Unit 1 14 Unit 2 16 Chapter 2 2 Unit 1 26 Unit 2 28 Chapter 3 Unit 1 38 Unit 2 40 Chapter 5 Unit 1 66 Unit 2 68 Chapter 6 Unit 1 78 Unit 2 80 Chapter 7 Unit 1 90 Unit 2 92 REVIEW TEST for Chapter 1~3 49 Chapter 4 Unit 1 54 Unit 2 56 REVIEW TEST for Chapter 4~7 101 FINAL TEST 104 WRKBK

Just Grammar Starter 1 Just Grammar Starter 2 Chapter 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 3 be Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 4 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 5 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 6 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 7 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 1 Wh- Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 3 every & all Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 4 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 5 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 6 Unit 1 Unit 2 Chapter 7 Unit 1 Unit 2

5 I can swim when I was 5 years old () can could () Could you open the window, please? () Could you ~? Could can

Unit 1 A 1 Wilson can ( plays / play ) the guitar Penguins can swim very fast Penguins can t fly 2 Sally can ( answer / answers ) the question 3 Can you ( speaks / speak ) English? 4 You ( can t / don t can ) park here 5 Mary ( plays / play ) soccer well B 1 1 Sunny can speak Italian Bears can climb trees 2 can not can t Lisa can t speak Korean, but she can speak English Tom can t play the guitar Bob can t read French 3 Can can Yes/No A: Can Nancy come to the party? B: Yes, she can / No, she can t C 1 Jennifer plays the violin Jennifer can t play the violin Can Jennifer play the violin? 2 Tom swims in the sea Tom can t swim in the sea Can Tom swim in the sea? 1 You will be able to speak Japanese fluently when you finish this class (speak) 2 You can meet her in the coffee shop (meet) Chap 1 A: When can you help me? 3 She will be able to win the game (win) B: Tomorrow afternoon 4 We will be able to finish the work tomorrow (finish) 2 1 could He could run fast before the accident = He was able to run fast before the accident 2 will be able to I will be able to go to Singapore next year 14 D 1 Can I use your cell phone? Yes, you can / No, you can t 2 Is Sunny able to solve the problem? Yes, she is / No, she isn t 15

Unit 2 A A: May I see your driver s license? B: Yes, of course Here it is A: Thanks (a) Can I have some coffee, please? (friendly) (b) Could I speak to her? (polite) (c) May I see your dictionary for a minute? (very polite) 1 ( Can / Could / May ) I use the phone? (very polite) 2 ( Can / Could / May ) I take a picture with your digital camera? (friendly) 3 ( Can / Could / May ) I leave a message? (polite) 1 May I use your computer? May I please speak to Sunny? Could I have a cup of coffee? Could I please leave a message? Can I use your bicycle? Can I use your car, please? - I m sorry You may not - Yes, of course - f course, you can Yes No f course I m sorry B 4 ( Can / Could / May ) I use your calculator for a minute? (polite) 5 ( Can / Could / May ) I have some cake, please? (very polite) 6 ( Can / Could / May ) I borrow your notebook? (friendly) 7 ( Can / Could / May ) I ask you a question, please? (very polite) 1 When young, I could swim in the sea Chap 1 2 Can you lend me a pencil? Could you please call me later? Will you lend me some money? Would you say that again? Certainly I m afraid not kay Surely not Sure My pleasure I d be happy to C 2 Could you pass me the salt, please? 3 Could you help me, please? 4 The girl couldn t play the violin 1 Kelly may not get there in time 3 Laura may be at home now, but it s very unlikely = She might be at home now, but ~ = She could be at home now, but ~ May I come in? - Yes, you may 2 You may borrow the history book 3 May I try this short on? 16 17

Sentence Completion Choose the one that best completes the sentence 1 A: I m looking for Nancy Do you know where she is? B: I haven t seen her, but she TV in her room look for 2 He two children at the same time (A) can ride ( B) is able to lift (C) may go out with (D) were able to move ride lift go out (A) watches (C) can watch (B) will watch ( D) may watch 2 A: you ride a bicycle? How about you? Grammar for TEPS B: No, I can t How about you? Choose the best answer for the blank (A) May (C) Will ( B) Can (D) Were Situational Writing 1 The doctors suggested that garlic very good for your health (a) could be (c) can t ( b) may be (d) was able to be 2 A: your steak done? Chap 1 Choose the one that best completes the sentence, based on the picture B: Medium well, with mushrooms on the side (a) What can I help ( b) How would you like 1 Kathy last night because she was too tired (A) can t do her homework (B) may be at home ( C) couldn t do her homework (D) will be able to finish her homework (c) May I speak to (d) Would you like 3 A: Did you enjoy yourself at the party on Saturday? B: Unfortunately, I go to the party I had to finish my homework (a) could (c) will be able to (b) may ( d) couldn t 18 19

A Writing Activity! 4 They ll go shopping tomorrow They will be able to go shopping tomorrow 1 2 C 1 2 (Jane / play / soccer) (penguins / fly) Can Jane play soccer? Can penguins fly? Yes, she can No, they can t (see / your ticket) very polite (have / a cup of coffee) polite May I see your ticket, please? Could I have a cup of coffee, please? 3 4 (a monkey / climb trees) (a woman / as a fire fighter / work) Can a monkey climb trees? Can a woman work as a fire fighter? Yes, it can Yes, she can D 1 A monkey can climb (climb), but it can t fly (fly) 2 A fish can t walk (walk), but it can swim (swim) 3 A dog can bark (bark), it can t sing (sing) Chap 1 B 1 Susan can run five miles Susan is able to run five miles E 2 I could stand on my head I was able to stand on my head visit her tomorrow sell his old bicycle 1 2 3 We can t go to the movie today We have to study We aren t able to go to the movie today We have to study Kevin needs some money so he may sell his old bicycle I want to see my best friend Sunny so I may visit her tomorrow 20 21

1 They can 6 Peter runs really fast, so he win the race will be able to can t couldn t may not is helping me speak Korean is at the park singing on the stage went shopping yesterday [2-3] 2 She can use my bicycle : She can t (cannot) use my bicycle : Can she use my bicycle? 3 He may drive a taxi : He may not drive a taxi : May he drive a taxi? 7 May I see your driver s license, please? It may snow tomorrow She may go to London with her parents May I come in? They may not get there in time Lisa may be at home 8 4 [5-6] 5 Son: Mom, there is a parking space over there Mom: Yes, but we can t park there Son: Why not? Mom: Look at the sign It is for handicapped people Son: h, I see We can t park there A: Can you go to the concert with me? B: I m sorry, I can I won t I may I can t I don t A: Can you send this e-mail for me? B: Yes, I should I m sorry I can t Sure No problem f course 9 I can t run fast now, but I could run fast before Susan was very sick yesterday So, she couldn t go to school I could play tennis well before, but I can t now When I was a child, we can swim in the Han River, but now it s too polluted When I was a kid, I could ride a bicycle 22 23

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Daily Assignment Book Homeroom teacher : Unit Contents Homework Check 1 2 Parent s Signature