스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave * for work. 2 min 응용 말하기 01 I wake up. 02 I go to school. 03 I wash my hands. 04 I eat an apple. 05 I eat breakfast. 06 I wake up at 7. 07 I wash my hair. 08 I put on my shoes. 09 I leave for work. 10 I leave for school. 30초 영어 말하기 3 min 집중 훈련 INPUT DAY 11 p.14~18 66 01 I * set * my alarm * for 7. 02 It * goes off. 03 It * doesn t * go off. 04 I * sleep in. 05 I * make * my bed. 06 I * brush * my teeth. 07 I * take * a shower. 08 I * skip * a shower. 09 I * get dressed. 10 I * wear * the same clothes * as yesterday.
2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower. 08 I skip a shower. 09 I get dressed. 10 I wear the same clothes as yesterday. 30초 영어 말하기 OUTPUT DAY 21 p.21~23 I set my alarm for 7 a.m. This morning, it didn t go off. I slept in. I woke up at 8. I feel panicked. I brushed my teeth and skipped the shower. I wore the same clothes as yesterday. I think I smell. 1분 영어 말하기 표현말하기 step 2 INPUT DAY 01 p.30~31 01 wake up 잠이 깨다 02 get up 일어나다 03 sleep in 늦잠 자다 04 wash my face / wash my hands 세수하다/손을 씻다 05 brush my teeth 양치질하다 06 leave my house 집을 나서다 07 get back home / come home 집에 오다 08 leave for work / go to work 출근하다 09 leave the office 퇴근하다 10 watch TV alone / watch TV by oneself TV를 혼자 보다 11 chat with my friends 친구들과 수다 떨다 12 have a drink (술) 한잔하다 13 drink coffee at a coffee shop 커피숍에서 커피를 마시다 14 read a book 책 읽다 15 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 16 take a shower 샤워하다 17 watch a movie 영화 보다 18 go for a walk 산책 나가다 19 get some rest / relax 휴식을 취하다/느긋하게 쉬다 20 go to the park with my family 가족과 함께 공원에 가다 21 leave the office 퇴근하다 22 get back home / come home 집에 오다 67
23 brush my teeth 양치질하다 24 sleep in 늦잠 자다 25 wake up 잠이 깨다 26 get up 일어나다 27 wash my face / wash my hands 세수하다/손을 씻다 28 leave my house 집을 나서다 29 leave for work / go to work 출근하다 30 watch TV alone / watch TV by oneself TV를 혼자 보다 1분 영어 말하기 OUTPUT DAY 01 p.35~37 I jog in the park early in the morning. The park is behind my house. I started to jog a year ago. I did it to lose weight, but now I do it for my health. When I first started jogging, I used to feel tired. Now I feel more tired if I don t jog. I jog for an hour a day. It makes me feel refreshed. I don t like working out at a gym because I need fresh air when I exercise. Jogging refreshes my mind and body. 2분 영어 말하기 OUTPUT DAY 01 p.49~51 When I was in middle school, I used to be addicted to computer games. I often stayed up all night playing computer games. At that time, I only thought about games. My school grades were really bad and I failed almost every test. When I got into high school, I decided to study. Now, I don t play computer games anymore. Recently, I started to play games on my smartphone. My favorite smartphone game is called Candy Crush. I usually play it when I am on the bus or on the train. I need to carry my smartphone charger around because the battery dies so quickly. Last month, I played the game too often and used too much data. I ended up receiving an enormous billing statement this month. 3분 영어 말하기 OUTPUT DAY 01 p.64~65 Nowadays, people can do almost anything with their smartphone. They even read books or magazines on their phone. It is convenient to read on your phone but it is certainly bad for your eyes. I sit in front of the computer for almost 8 hours a day so I don t want to look at another screen to read. That s why I prefer reading real books to reading on my phone. I like going to bookstores. I can read books on my smartphone but I don t usually like to because I love reading at the bookstore. When I have time, I just go to the bookstore and pick up some books even though there is nothing in particular to buy. I like reading books at the bookstore but I always buy them online because they are much cheaper. I personally prefer reading books because I like the texture of paper. I often go to bookstores and just look around the store. When I have time, I just pick up a book, stand there and read until I finish it. When I went to the bookstore yesterday, some good books were on sale. The bookstore members could receive up to 50% off so I got five books. This is another reason to go to bookstores. 68
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