Yoon s Smart Power Speaking Basic 2 권교재특징및구성 1. 교재특징 - 주제와관련된연어를배우고이를활용할수있다. - 설명, 비교및대조, 묘사, 서술, 과정, 의견등을발표하는다양한연설문을익힐수있다. - Idea Map 으로생각을정리하고연설문을완성

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#1_초급 본문

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

Unit 6 Let s Talk Doing Things 학생용교재레벨 6, Unit 6, 페이지 우리아이가배운내용은 대화문 : I m sorry I m late. That s OK. Have you already bought your ticket? Yes,

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

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현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho

Unit 1 Let s Talk The Great Outdoors 학생용교재레벨 4, Unit 1, 4-5 페이지 We re going to go camping tomorrow. I m really excited! How s the weather going to be?

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June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'



수능 CAT



4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Good Friends의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon s



Yoon s BEFL Note Yujin s Writing Camp Book 5 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

2014 HSC Korean Continuers



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Unit 2. Plants 1 sunlight 2 root 3 own 4 living 5 space 6 stem 7 leaf 8 change 1 대부분의 2 ~ 을떠받치다 3 ( 식물의 ) 양분 4 저장하다 5 식물 6 자라다, 성장하다 7 땅, 지면


Yoon s Smart Power Speaking Basic 권교재특징및구성. 교재특징 - 주제와관련된연어를배우고이를활용할수있다. - 설명, 비교및대조, 묘사, 서술, 과정, 의견등을발표하는다양한연설문을익힐수있다. - Idea Map 으로생각을정리하고연설문을완성할수있다. - Speaking Tip 을배워이를적용해발표할수있다.. 교재구성 차시학습활동특징 Get Ready 주제와관련된대화를듣고답하면서, 배울내용을 추측해본다. Key Words 본문에나오는주요단어와뜻을익힌다. A Word Friends 본문에나오는연어를써보면서뜻과철자를익힌다. Speak Up, 연설문을듣고소리내어읽어보고, 내용을이해했는지확인한다. Idea Map, Key Words Review Word Friends Review 연설문의내용을 Idea Map으로정리하면서논리력을키운다. 다양한학습활동으로단어를복습한다. 다양한학습활동으로연어를복습한다. B Speaking 배운연어와표현을활용한역할극을통해말하기 Practice 연습을한다. Speaking Tip 발표에도움이되는말하기팁을배운다. My Idea Map My Speech 연설문을준비하기위해, 주제에대한자신의생각을 My Idea Map으로정리한다. My Idea Map의내용을연설문으로완성하고, 말하기팁을적용해발표해본다.

Yoon s Smart Power Speaking Basic 권 Scope & Sequence Unit Collocations Speaking Tip Genre: Narrative. After School after school the next day talk about go to bed on a couch watch a cartoon Use pauses in your speech. Punctuation marks can guide you. group photo of the past Stress important parts of your speech.. Our School Trip postcard of sack lunch Use your voice to make key words school trip traditional clothing stand out.. Giving Directions at the corner directions to on the left check a map go down a street on the right Use body language while you talk. Move your hands and arms to add life to your speech. Genre: Process / How To colored paper cut out Smile while you speak.. How I Make Art draw a shape in the hall This will help your audience feel leave a mess piece of paper welcome.. How I Make a Sandwich in half on top bite into make a sandwich slice of bread taste sweet When you speak, look someone in the eye for three to five seconds. They will listen more closely.. Growing Plants a little bit fill a pot plant a seed drop something into make a hole sunny spot Stand up straight when you speak. Your voice will sound clearer. Genre: Personal Opinion get exercise give someone a bath Practice breathing slowly before your 7. Keeping a Pet keep a pet play with speech. soft fur take a nap This will help you be calm. 8. My Favorite Subject favorite subject learn about solve a problem in class listen to a song speak with Do some light exercise before your speech. Shake out your arms and legs. This will help you relax. 9. My Dream Job dream job forest ranger in nature protect the environment Listen to other people s speeches. What can you learn from them? work hard write a book

New Words Unit Unit No. Word Meaning Practice busy 바쁜 cartoon 만화, 만화영화 couch 소파, 긴의자 hang out 시간을보내다 relax 휴식을취하다 sleepy 졸린, 잠이오는 No. Word Meaning Practice block 구역, 블록 corner 모퉁이, 코너 left 왼쪽, 왼쪽으로 right 오른쪽, 오른쪽으로 straight 똑바로, 곧바로 turn 돌다 Unit Unit No. Word Meaning Practice aquarium 수족관 creature 생물 painting 그림, 그림그리기 postcard 엽서 sack 봉지, 자루 tool 도구, 연장 No. Word Meaning Practice hall 복도 hang 걸다 newspaper 신문 paintbrush 붓 shape 모양, 형태 supplies 용품, 물품 New Words New Words New Words Unit 7 Unit No. Word Meaning Practice bite 물다 half 절반 jelly 젤리 lettuce 상추 simple 간단한 sweet 달콤한, 단 No. Word Meaning Practice brush 빗질하다, 빗겨주다 example 예, 본보기 exercise 운동 fur 털 pet 반려동물, 쓰다듬다 soft 부드러운 Unit 8 No. Word Meaning Practice build 만들어내다 ( 건물등을 ) 짓다 email 이메일, 전자우편 listen 듣다 Unit No. Word Meaning Practice fill 채우다 plant 식물, 심다 row 줄, 열 shovel 삽 soil 흙, 토양 sunny 햇볕이잘드는, 화창한 number 숫자 subject 과목 word 단어 Unit 9 No. Word Meaning Practice anywhere 어디에서나 become ~ 이되다 environment 환경 novel 소설 study 공부하다 writer 작가 New Words New Words - -

Unit Af e School Date:.. Listen and repeat. Then write the phrases. Listen and answer the question. after school go to bed after school the next day go to bed on a couch What did Minho do right after music lessons? Listen and repeat. busy cartoon couch the next day on a couch talk about watch a cartoon hang out relax sleepy talk about watch a cartoon Get Ready Unit After School 방과후에 대화를듣고질문에대답해보세요. <Script> Minho: I was so busy after school today! 나는오늘방과후에매우바빴어! Bella: What did you do? 너는무엇을했니? Minho: I had music lessons. Then, I went to the park. After that, I did my homework. I just finished it. 나는음악교습이있었어. 그러고나서, 나는공원에갔어. 그후에, 나는숙제를했어. 나는지금막끝냈어. Bella: I just finished mine, too. Now we can both relax! 나도역시내숙제를막끝냈어. 이제우리둘다휴식을취할수있어! Q: What did Minho do right after music lessons? 음악교습직후에민호는무엇을했나요? A: He went to the park. 그는공원으로갔어요. Key Words busy: 바쁜 couch: 소파, 긴의자 relax: 휴식을취하다 cartoon: 만화, 만화영화 hang out: 시간을보내다 sleepy: 졸린, 잠이오는 p. Q&A. How do you say 방과후에 in English? ( 방과후에 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) after school. What is the meaning of on a couch in Korean? ( on a couch 는우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 소파에, 소파위에 Word Friends 듣고따라해보세요. 그런다음표현들을써보세요. after school 방과후에 go to bed 자다, 잠자리에들다 the next day ( 그 ) 다음날 on a couch 소파에, 소파위에 talk about ~ 에대해이야기하다 watch a cartoon 만화영화를보다 - go to bed는단어그대로해석하면 잠을자기위해침대로가다 는뜻이지만, 관용적으로 자다, 잠자리에들다 는뜻이라는것을알려주세요. - sofa와 couch 둘다 소파, 긴의자 라는뜻으로, 두단어는거의같은의미임을알려주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Chain Map. After School After School First, I have music lessons. Next, I play basketball at the park. Then, I hang out with my friends. After school, I m often pretty busy. First, I have music lessons. Next, I play basketball at the park. Then, I hang out with my friends. After that, I go home. I do Sometimes, I watch cartoons with my brother. I do my homework. After that, I go home. my homework. In the evening, I relax. Sometimes, I watch cartoons with my brother. We sit down on the couch. After a while, I get sleepy. I go to bed at 9 p.m. We sit down on the couch. After a while, I get sleepy. I go to bed at 9 p.m. I get rest for the next day. Chain Map homework lessons sleepy hang out couch cartoons 7 p. Q&A. How does Minho relax in the evening? ( 민호는저녁에어떻게휴식을취하나요?) He gets rest for the next day. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 방과후에방과후에, 나는보통꽤바빠요. 먼저, 나는음악교습이있어요. 다음에, 나는공원에서농구를해요. 그러고나서, 나는친구들과시간을보내요. 그다음에, 나는집에가요. 나는숙제를해요. 저녁에, 나는휴식을취해요. 때때로, 나는남동생과만화영화를봐요. 우리는소파에앉아요. 잠시후에, 나는잠이와요. 나는저녁 9시에잠자리에들어요. 나는다음날을위해쉬어요. Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Minho watches cartoons with his brother. (True). Minho goes to bed at 0 p.m. (False) - 민호의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. p. 7 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) lessons. Please read the complete sentence for No.. (번의완성된표현을읽어보세요.) First, I have music lessons. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 방과후에 먼저, 나는음악 교습이있어요. 다음에, 나는공원에서농구를해요. 그러고나서, 나는친구들과 시간을보내요. 그다음에, 나는집에가요. 나는 숙제를해요. 때때로, 나는남동생과 만화영화를봐요. 우리는 소파에앉아요. 잠시후에, 나는 잠이와요. 나는저녁 9시에잠자리에들어요. - 체인맵은어떤일의과정이나순서를표현할때사용한다는것을알고있는지확인해주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Chain Map. After School After school, I m often pretty busy. First, I have soccer practice. Next, I go to the library. Then, I First, I have soccer practice. After School Next, I go to the library. Then, I borrow a book. borrow a book. After that, I go home. I take a shower. In the evening, I relax. Sometimes, I play games with my family. We talk about our day. After a while, I get sleepy. I go to bed at 0 p.m. I get rest for the next day. Sometimes, I play games with my family. I take a shower. After that, I go home. We talk about our day. After a while, I get sleepy. I go to bed at 0 p.m. Chain Map bed practice talk library shower after 8 9 p. 8 Q&A. How do you say 저녁에, 나는휴식을취해요. in English? ( 저녁에, 나는휴식을취해요. 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) In the evening, I relax.. What does Bella do at the library? ( 벨라는도서관에서무엇을하나요?) She borrows a book. p. 9 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) practice. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) First, I have soccer practice. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 방과후에방과후에, 나는보통꽤바빠요. 먼저, 나는축구연습이있어요. 다음에, 나는도서관에가요. 그러고나서, 나는책을빌려요. 그다음에, 나는집에가요. 나는샤워를해요. 저녁에, 나는휴식을취해요. 때때로, 나는가족들과게임을해요. 우리는우리의하루에대해이야기해요. 잠시후에, 나는잠이와요. 나는저녁 0시에잠자리에들어요. 나는다음날을위해쉬어요. Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 벨라의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Bella has soccer practice after school. (True). Bella goes to bed at 8 p.m. (False) - 벨라의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 방과 후에 먼저, 나는축구 연습이있어요. 다음에, 나는 도서관에가요. 그러고나서, 나는책을빌려요. 그다음에, 나는집에가요. 나는 샤워를해요. 때때로, 나는가족들과게임을해요. 우리는우리의하루에대해 이야기해요. 잠시후에, 나는잠이와요. 나는저녁 0시에 잠자리에들어요. - 벨라의연설문의내용을이해한후, 체인맵을내용에맞게정리했는지확인해주세요. - 7 -

Date:.. Match the words to the pictures. Circle the correct phrases and write. A busy D after school Jimin is busy. a. under school b. after school relax Cathy at home. watches a cartoon a. watches a cartoon b. looks a cartoon cartoon I early. go to bed a. go to bed b. go at bed B couch E They dreams. talk about their a. talk above b. talk about hang out the next day We ll meet. a. the next day b. the after day C sleepy F Dad fell asleep couch. on the a. in the couch b. on the couch 0 p. 0 Q&A. Which picture matches the word busy? ( busy 와일치하는그림은무엇인가요?) B. What is the meaning of cartoon in Korean? ( cartoon 은우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 만화, 만화영화 Key Words Review 그림에맞는단어를골라보세요. busy: 바쁜 -------------------- B relax: 휴식을취하다 -------- F cartoon: 만화, 만화영화 ---- C couch: 소파, 긴의자 -------- E hang out: 시간을보내다 ---- D sleepy: 졸린, 잠이오는 ------ A - 단어의뜻을알고그림에맞는단어를골랐는지확인해주세요. p. Q&A. Which phrase did you choose for No.? (번에서어떤표현에동그라미했나요?) a. go to bed. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) I go to bed early. Word Friends Review 알맞은표현에동그라미하고써보세요. Jimin is busy after school. - b 지민이는방과후에바빠요. Cathy watches a cartoon at home. a 캐시는집에서만화영화를봐요. I go to bed early. a 나는일찍잠자리에들어요. They talk about their dreams. b 그들은그들의꿈에대해이야기해요. We ll meet the next day. a 우리는그다음날에만날거예요. Dad fell asleep on the couch. b 아빠는소파에서잠드셨어요. - 알맞은연어표현을고르고올바르게썼는지확인해주세요. - 8 -

Listen and role-play. How do you relax? What do you do after school? I watch cartoons with my brother. I have music lessons. I play games with my family. I have soccer practice. I. I. When do you go to bed? What do you do after that? I go to bed at 9 p.m. 09:00 p.m. I play basketball at the park. I go to bed at 0 p.m. 0:00 p.m. I go to the library. I go to bed at. I. Speaking Tip Use pauses in your speech. Punctuation marks can guide you. Speaking Practice 듣고역할극을해보세요. 여러분은방과후에무엇을하나요? Minho: 나는음악교습이있어요. Bella: 나는축구연습이있어요. : 나는. Words for have music class, have [sport] practice, have English class, have club meetings, play basketball, go swimming, go running, go skateboarding, go home, take a shower, eat dinner, hang out with my friends, go to the library, go to my friend s house, borrow a book 여러분은그다음에무엇을하나요? Minho: 나는공원에서농구를해요. Bella: 나는도서관에가요. : 나는. Words for have music class, have [sport] practice, have English class, have club meetings, play basketball, go swimming, go skateboarding, go home, take a shower, eat dinner, hang out with my friends, go to the library, go to my friend s house, borrow a book 여러분은어떻게휴식을취하나요? Minho: 나는남동생과만화영화를봐요. Bella: 나는우리가족들과게임을해요. : 나는. Words for watch cartoons with [someone], play games with [someone], hang out with [someone], talk to [someone], spend time with [someone] 여러분은언제잠자리에드나요? Minho: 나는저녁 9시에잠자리에들어요. Bella: 나는저녁 0시에잠자리에들어요. : 나는 에잠자리에들어요. Words for 8 p.m., 8:0 p.m., 9 p.m., 9:0 p.m., 0 p.m., 0:0 p.m., p.m., :0 p.m. Speaking Tip 연설할때 멈춤 을사용하세요. 문장부호가어디서멈춰야할지알려줄거예요. - Words for 은 pop-up으로제시되는단어나표현들입니다. 이를참고해자신의문장을완성했는지확인해주세요. - 9 -

Complete the Chain Map. Write and give your speech. After School After School First, I Sometimes, I go swimming watch cartoons with my sister.. Next, take a shower I I eat dinner.. Then, I with my friends. After that, I hang out go home. After school, I m often pretty busy. First, go swimming take a shower hang out with my friends go home eat dinner In the evening, I relax. Sometimes, I watch cartoons with my sister. We 7 talk about cartoons. 9 p.m. I. Next, I. Then, I. After that, I. I. After a while, I get sleepy. I go to bed at 8. talk about cartoons We 7. After a while, I get sleepy. I go to bed at 9 p.m. 8. I get rest for the next day. Chain Map Speaking Checklist. Who listened to your speech?. Did you time yourself while you practiced? Yes No. Did you use pauses in your speech? Yes No p. Q&A. Look at No.. Please read the complete sentence. (번을보세요. 완성된문장을읽어보세요.) ( 예시 ) After that, I go home. My Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. < 예시 > 방과후에 먼저, 나는 수영하러가요. 다음에, 나는 샤워를해요. 그러고나서, 나는 친구들과어울려요. 그다음에, 나는 집에가요. 나는 저녁을먹어요. 때때로, 나는 여동생과만화영화를봐요. 우리는 7 만화영화에대해서이야기해요. 잠시후에, 나는잠이와요. 나는저녁 8 9시에잠자리에들어요. - 워크북 7쪽, Words for My Idea Map에있는단어를참고해자신의아이디어맵을완성했는지확인해주세요. My Speech 여러분의연설문을쓰고발표해보세요. < 예시 > 방과후에방과후에, 나는보통꽤바빠요. 먼저, 나는 수영하러가요. 다음에, 샤워를해요. 그러고나서, 나는 친구들과어울려요. 그다음에, 나는 집에가요. 나는 저녁을먹어요. 저녁에, 나는휴식을취해요. 때때로, 나는 여동생과만화영화를봐요. 우리는 7 만화영화에대해서이야기해요. 잠시후에, 나는잠이와요. 나는저녁 8 9시에잠자리에들어요. 나는다음날을위해쉬어요. Speaking Checklist. 누가여러분의연설을들었나요?. 연습하는동안시간을재보았나요? 예 아니오. 연설할때 멈춤 을사용했나요? 예 아니오 - 자신의연설문을쓰고, 충분히연습해서다른사람앞에서발표하도록격려해주세요. - 쪽에서배운 Speaking Tip을적용해연설할수있도록해주세요. - Speaking Checklist에어떻게표시했는지확인해주세요. - 0 -

Unit Ou School T ip Date:.. Listen and repeat. Then write the phrases. Listen and answer the question. group photo of the past group photo of the past postcard of sack lunch Where did Bella go on her school trip? Listen and repeat. aquarium creature painting postcard of sack lunch school trip traditional clothing postcard sack tool school trip traditional clothing 7 Get Ready Unit Our School Trip 우리의현장학습 대화를듣고질문에대답해보세요. <Script> Minho: This is a nice photo! 멋진사진이네! Bella: Thanks! We took it on our school trip. 고마워! 우리는수학여행에서그것을찍었어. Minho: Where did you go? 어디에갔었니? Bella: We went to an aquarium. Here, I have more pictures. 우리는수족관에갔어. 여기에, 더많은사진들이있어. Minho: Wow, it looks really cool! 와, 정말멋지다! Q: Where did Bella go on her school trip? 벨라는어디로수학여행을갔나요? A: Bella went to an aquarium. 벨라는수족관에갔어요. Key Words aquarium: 수족관 painting: 그림, 그림그리기 sack: 봉지, 자루 creature: 생물 postcard: 엽서 tool: 도구, 연장 p. 7 Q&A. Please read the phrases from No. to No.. (번부터 번까지표현을읽어보세요.). How do you say 단체사진 in English? ( 단체사진 은영어로어떻게말하나요?) group photo Word Friends 듣고따라해보세요. 그런다음표현들을써보세요. group photo 단체사진 of the past 과거의 postcard of ~ 의엽서 sack lunch 점심도시락 school trip 현장학습, 수학여행 traditional clothing 전통의상 - of는 ~ 의 라는뜻으로 of the past는 과거의, postcard of는 ~ 의엽서 라는뜻임을알려주세요. - 학교와여행이함께쓰인 school trip은 학교에서가는여행, 즉 현장학습, 수학여행 이라는뜻임을알려주세요. - sack은 봉지 라는뜻이고, lunch는 점심 이라는뜻이므로, sack lunch는 봉지에담긴점심, 즉 점심도시락 이란뜻임을알려주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Chain Map. Our School Trip Our School Trip Today is our school trip. We visit a history museum. We see lots of interesting things. We learn about traditional clothing. We also learn about tools of the past. We visit a history museum. We see lots of interesting things. We learn about traditional clothing. At noon, we take a break. We eat our sack lunches. After that, we visit the gift shop. I buy a postcard of a beautiful painting. Finally, my friends and I take a group photo. We all have fun on our school trip! After that, we visit the gift shop. At noon, we take a break. We eat our lunches. sack We also learn about tools of the past. I buy a postcard of a beautiful painting. Finally, my friends and I take a group photo. Chain Map visit museum sack painting tools traditional 8 9 p. 8 Q&A. Please read the sentence that has of the past. ( of the past 가있는문장을읽어보세요.) We also learn about tools of the past.. Where does Minho go on his school trip? ( 민호는현장학습으로어디를갑니까?) He visits a history museum. p. 9 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) tools. Please read the complete sentence for No.. (번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) We also learn about tools of the past. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 우리의현장학습오늘은우리의현장학습이있어요. 우리는역사박물관을방문해요. 우리는수많은흥미로운것들을봐요. 우리는전통의상에대해배워요. 우리는또한과거의도구들에대해배워요. 정오에, 우리는잠시휴식을취해요. 우리는점심도시락을먹어요. 그다음에, 우리는선물가게를방문해요. 나는아름다운그림엽서를사요. 마지막으로, 내친구들과나는단체사진을찍어요. 우리는모두현장학습에서즐거운시간을보내요! Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Minho visits an art museum. (False). Minho buys a postcard of a painting. (True) Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 우리의현장학습 우리는역사 박물관을방문해요. 우리는수많은흥미로운것들을봐요. 우리는 전통의상에대해배워요. 우리는또한과거의 도구들에대해배워요. 정오에, 우리는잠시휴식을취해요. 우리는점심 도시락을먹어요. 그다음에, 우리는선물가게를 방문해요. 나는아름다운그림 엽서를사요. 마지막으로, 내친구들과나는단체사진을찍어요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Chain Map. Our School Trip We visit an aquarium. We see lots of cool things. We learn about sea creatures. Our School Trip Today is our school trip. We visit an aquarium. We see lots of cool things. We learn about sea creatures. We also learn about the ocean. At noon, we take a break. We eat our sack lunches. After that, we visit the gift shop. I buy a dolphin key ring. Finally, my classmates and I take a group photo. We all have fun on our school trip! After that, we visit the gift shop. I buy a key ring. dolphin At noon, we take a break. We also learn We eat our sack. Finally, my classmates and I take a lunches group about the ocean. photo. creatures group aquarium trip lunches dolphin Chain Map 0 p. 0 Q&A. How do you say 우리는수족관을방문해요. in English? ( 우리는수족관을방문해요. 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) We visit an aquarium.. What does Bella buy at the gift shop? ( 벨라는선물가게에서무엇을사나요?) She buys a dolphin key ring. p. Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) dolphin. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) I buy a dolphin key ring. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 우리의현장학습오늘은우리의현장학습이있어요. 우리는수족관을방문해요. 우리는수많은멋진것들을봐요. 우리는바다생물에대해배워요. 우리는또한바다에대해배워요. 정오에, 우리는잠시휴식을취해요. 우리는점심도시락을먹어요. 그다음에, 우리는선물가게를방문해요. 나는돌고래열쇠고리를사요. 마지막으로, 우리반친구들과나는단체사진을찍어요. 우리는모두현장학습에서즐거운시간을보내요! Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 벨라의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Bella visits an aquarium. (True). Bella takes a group photo with her classmates. (True) Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 우리의 현장학습 우리는 수족관을방문해요. 우리는수많은멋진것들을봐요. 우리는바다 생물에대해배워요. 우리는또한바다에대해배워요. 정오에, 우리는잠시휴식을취해요. 우리는 점심도시락을먹어요. 그다음에, 우리는선물가게를방문해요. 나는 돌고래열쇠고리를사요. 마지막으로, 우리반친구들과나는 단체사진을찍어요. - -

Date:.. Write the words. Write the words. Then circle the word friends. Let s take a group photo. painting creature lunch She packed a sack. clothing Yunho wears traditional. past We learn about artists of the. aquarium tool trip They go on a school. of I buy a postcard the beach. sack postcard postcard creature sack aquarium tool painting clothing past lunch of group trip p. Q&A. Which word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) creature. What is the meaning of sack in Korean? ( sack 은우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 봉지, 자루 p. Q&A. Which word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) past. And read the complete sentence. (번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) We learn about artists of the past. Key Words Review 단어를그림에맞게써보세요. painting 그림, 그림그리기 creature 생물 aquarium 수족관 tool 도구, 연장 sack 봉지, 자루 postcard 엽서 - 단어의뜻을알고, 그림에알맞은단어를썼는지확인해주세요. Word Friends Review 단어를써보세요. 그리고단어친구들에동그라미해보세요. Let s take a group photo. 단체사진을찍자. She packed a sack lunch. 그녀는점심도시락을쌌어요. Yunho wears traditional clothing. 윤호는전통의상을입고있어요. We learn about artists of the past. 우리는과거의예술가들에대해배워요. They go on a school trip. 그들은현장학습을가요. I buy a postcard of the beach. 나는해변엽서를사요. - -

Listen and role-play. What else do you learn about? Where do you go on your school trip? We also learn about tools of the past. We visit a history museum. We also learn about the ocean. We visit an aquarium. We also learn about. We visit. What do you buy at the gift shop? What do you learn about? I buy a postcard of a beautiful painting. We learn about traditional clothing. I buy a dolphin key ring. We learn about sea creatures. I buy. I don t buy. We learn about. Speaking Tip Stress important parts of your speech. Use your voice to make key words stand out. pp. ~ Q&A. Answer the question on your own. Where do you go on your school trip? ( 예시 ) We visit a history museum. Speaking Practice 듣고역할극을해보세요. 여러분은현장학습으로어디에가나요? Minho: 우리는역사박물관에가요. Bella: 우리는수족관에가요. : 우리는 에가요. Words for an aquarium, a history museum, an art museum, a science center, a zoo 여러분은무엇에대해배우나요? Minho: 우리는전통의상에대해배워요. Bella: 우리는바다생물에대해배워요. : 우리는 에대해배워요. Words for space, our bodies, plants, animals, wild animals, the earth, the ocean, sea creatures, traditional clothing, famous paintings, tools of the past, artists of the past, events of the past 여러분은그외에무엇에대해배우나요? Minho: 우리는또한과거의도구에대해배워요. Bella: 우리는또한바다에대해배워요. : 우리는또한 에대해배워요. Words for space, our bodies, plants, animals, wild animals, the earth, the ocean, sea creatures, traditional clothing, famous paintings, tools of the past, artists of the past, events of the past 여러분은선물가게에서무엇을사나요? Minho: 우리는아름다운그림이그려진엽서를사요. Bella: 우리는돌고래열쇠고리를사요. : 나는 을사요. 나는 을사지않아요. Words for a postcard of a beautiful painting, a postcard of the stars, a postcard of wild animals, a postcard of the ocean, a shark key ring, a dolphin key ring, a giraffe key ring, an octopus doll, an elephant doll, a pen, a notebook, a book don t anything Speaking Tip 연설의중요한부분을강조하세요. 핵심단어가두드러질수있도록, 목소리의높낮이를이용해보세요. - -

Complete the Chain Map. Write and give your speech. We visit a science center. After that, we visit the gift shop. I ( ) a postcard of the earth. buy Our School Trip We see lots of things. At, we take a break. We eat our sack lunches. Finally, my 7 interesting noon classmates and I take a group photo. We learn about. We also learn about the earth stars. Chain Map Our School Trip Today is our school trip. We visit. We see lots of things. We learn about stars. At. Who listened to your speech?. We also learn about, we take a break. We eat our sack lunches. After that, we visit the gift shop. I ( ) buy. Finally, my 7 and I take a group photo. We all have fun on our school trip! Speaking Checklist interesting the earth noon a science center a postcard of the earth classmates. Did you use pauses in your speech? Yes No. Did you stress important parts of your speech? Yes No 7 p. Q&A. Look at No.. Please read the complete sentence. (번을보세요. 완성된문장을읽어보세요.) ( 예시 ) We learn about the Earth. My Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. < 예시 > 우리의현장학습 우리는 과학관에가요. 우리는수많은 흥미로운것들을봐요. 우리는 지구에대해배워요. 우리는또한 별에대해배워요. 정오에, 우리는휴식을취해요. 우리는점심도시락을먹어요. 그다음에, 우리는선물가게를방문해요. 나는 지구엽서를사요. 마지막으로, 7 우리반친구들과나는단체사진을찍어요. My Speech 여러분의연설문을쓰고발표해보세요. < 예시 > 우리의현장학습오늘은우리의현장학습이있어요. 우리는 과학관을방문해요. 우리는수많은 흥미로운것들을봐요. 우리는 지구에대해배워요. 우리는또한 별에대해배워요. 정오에, 우리는잠시휴식을취해요. 우리는점심도시락을먹어요. 그다음에, 우리는선물가게를방문해요. 나는 지구엽서를사요. 마지막으로, 7 우리반친구들과나는단체사진을찍어요. 우리는모두현장학습에서즐거운시간을보내요! Speaking Checklist. 누가여러분의연설을들었나요?. 연설할때 멈춤 을사용했나요? 예 아니오. 목소리의높낮이를이용했나요? 예 아니오 - 워크북 쪽, Words for My Idea Map에있는단어를참고해자신의아이디어맵을완성했는지확인해주세요. - 쪽에서배운 Speaking Tip을적용해연설할수있도록해주세요. - Speaking Checklist에어떻게표시했는지확인해주세요. - -

Unit Giving Di ec ions Date:.. Listen and repeat. Then write the phrases. Listen and answer the question. at the corner check a map at the corner directions to check a map go down a street Where will Bella and Minho go? Listen and repeat. block corner left directions to go down a street on the left on the right right straight turn 8 on the left on the right 9 Get Ready Unit Giving Directions 길안내하기 대화를듣고질문에대답해보세요. <Script> Bella: I m hungry. Let s go to the market! 나는배가고파. 우리시장에가자! Minho: How do we get there? 우리가거기에어떻게갈수있어? Bella: We go down this street. Then, we turn left. 우리는이길을쭉따라내려간다음, 왼쪽으로돌면돼. Minho: Oh, it s really close! 오, 정말가깝다! Q: Where will Bella and Minho go? 벨라와민호는어디로갈건가요? A: They will go to the market. 그들은시장에갈거예요. Key Words block: 구역, 블록 left: 왼쪽, 왼쪽으로 straight: 똑바로, 곧바로 corner: 모퉁이, 코너 right: 오른쪽, 오른쪽으로 turn: 돌다 p. 9 Q&A. Please read the phrases from No. to No.. (번부터 번까지표현을읽어보세요.). How do you say 모퉁이에서, 코너에서 in English? ( 모퉁이에서, 코너에서 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) at the corner. What is the meaning of on the left in Korean? ( on the left 는우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 왼쪽에 Word Friends 듣고따라해보세요. 그런다음표현들을써보세요. at the corner check a map directions to go down a street on the left on the right 모퉁이에서, 코너에서지도를확인하다 ~ 에가는길안내길을따라가다왼쪽에오른쪽에 - on 다음에 왼쪽, 오른쪽 을나타내는단어가오면, on the left 왼쪽에, on the right 오른쪽에 라는뜻이된다는것을알려주세요. - 7 -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Chain Map. Giving Directions Giving Directions My cousin needs directions to the art museum. I can help. I check a map. We are at the library. We go down the street. Then, we turn left at the corner. My cousin needs directions to the art museum. I a map. check We are at the library. We walk straight for about two blocks. We pass the market. We re almost there. Finally, we see the art museum on the right. It s next to the subway station. It s easy to get to the art museum! We walk straight for about two blocks. Then, we turn left at the corner. We go down the street. We pass the market. Finally, we see the art museum on the right. It's next to the subway station. Chain Map turn right to street check blocks 0 p. 0 Q&A. Where are they going? ( 그들은어디에가고있나요?) They re going to the post office. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 길안내하기내사촌은미술관에가는길안내가필요해요. 내가도와줄수있어요. 나는지도를확인해요. 우리는도서관에있어요. 우리는길을따라가요. 그다음에, 우리는모퉁이에서왼쪽으로돌아요. 우리는두블록정도곧바로걸어요. 우리는시장을지나가요. 우리는거의다왔어요. 마침내, 우리는오른쪽에미술관이보여요. 그곳은지하철역옆에있어요. 미술관에가는것은쉬워요! Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Minho and his brother go to the art museum. (False). The art museum is next to the library. (False) p. Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) check. Please read the complete phrase for No.. (번의완성된표현을읽어보세요.) I check a map. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 길안내하기 내사촌은미술관 에가는길안내가필요해요. 나는지도를 확인해요. 우리는도서관에있어요. 우리는 길을따라가요. 그다음에, 우리는모퉁이에서왼쪽으로 돌아요. 우리는두 블록정도곧바로걸어요. 우리는시장을지나가요. 마침내, 우리는 오른쪽에미술관이보여요. 그곳은지하철역옆에있어요. - 민호의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. - 민호의연설문을체인맵에맞게정리했는지확인해주세요. - 8 -

Listen and read aloud. Giving Directions Complete the Chain Map. Giving Directions My friend needs directions to the post office. I can help. I check a map. We are at our school. We walk straight for about one block. Then, we turn My friend needs directions to the post office. I check a map. We are at our school. right at the corner. We go down the street. We pass the bus stop. We re almost there. Finally, we see the post office on the left. It s next to the park. It s easy to get to the post office! We go down the street. Then, we turn right at the corner. We walk straight for about one block. We pass the bus stop. Finally, we see the post office on the left. It's next to the park. Chain Map corner directions go straight left map p. Q&A. Where are they going? ( 그들은어디에가고있나요?) They re going to the post office. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 길안내하기내친구는우체국에가는길안내가필요해요. 내가도와줄수있어요. 나는지도를확인해요. 우리는학교에있어요. 한블록정도곧바로걸어요. 그다음에, 우리는모퉁이에서오른쪽으로돌아요. 우리는길을따라가요. 우리는버스정류장을지나가요. 우리는거의다왔어요. 마침내, 우리는왼쪽에우체국이보여요. 그것은공원옆에있어요. 우체국에가는것은쉬워요! Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Bella and her friend turn left at the corner. (False). The post office is next to the park. (True) - 벨라의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. p. Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) straight. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) We walk straight for about one block. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 길안내하기 내친구는우체국에가는 길안내가필요해요. 나는 지도를확인해요. 우리는학교에있어요. 한블록정도 곧바로걸어요. 그다음에, 우리는 모퉁이에서오른쪽으로돌아요. 우리는길을따라 가요. 우리는버스정류장을지나가요 마침내, 우리는 왼쪽에우체국이보여요. 그것은공원옆에있어요. - 벨라의연설문을체인맵에맞게정리했는지확인해주세요. - 9 -

Date:.. Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words. Circle the correct words. Then write the sentences. a. left b. right c. straight a. box b. clock c. block We see the mall (at / on) the left. We see the mall on the left. Just (make / go) down this street. Just go down this street. I need directions (to / on) the bus stop. I need directions to the bus stop. a. square b. corner c. circle a. left b. straight c. right Our school is (top / on) the right. Our school is on the right. Jerry turns (for / at) the corner. Jerry turns at the corner. a. turn b. block c. take a. corner b. turn c. straight I (make sure / check) a map for directions. I check a map for directions. p. Q&A. Which word did you choose for No.? (번에어떤단어를선택했나요?) b. right. What is the meaning of straight in Korean? ( straight 는우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 똑바로, 곧바로 p. Q&A. Which phrase did you choose for No.? (번에서어떤단어에동그라미했나요?) go. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) Just go down this street. Key Words Review 그림에맞는단어를골라보세요. b. right 오른쪽, 오른쪽으로 c. block 구역, 블록 b. corner 모퉁이, 코너 a. left 왼쪽, 왼쪽으로 a. turn 돌다 c. straight 똑바로, 곧바로 - 단어의뜻을알고, 그림에알맞은단어를골랐는지확인해주세요. Word Friends Review 알맞은단어에동그라미하세요. 그런다음문장을써보세요. We see the mall on the left. 우리는왼쪽에쇼핑몰이보여요. Just go down this street. 그냥이길을따라가세요. I need directions to the bus stop. 나는버스정류장까지길안내가필요해요. Our school is on the right. 우리학교는오른쪽에있어요. Jerry turns at the corner. 제리는모퉁이에서돌아요. I check a map for directions. 나는지도에서길안내를확인해요. - 0 -

Listen and role-play. What do you do at the corner? Where do you need directions to? We turn left at the corner. We need directions to the art museum. We turn right at the corner. We need directions to the post office. We turn at the corner. We need directions to. What do you pass? What do you do first? We pass the market. We go down the street. We pass the bus stop. We walk straight for about one block. We pass. We. Speaking Tip Use body language while you talk. Move your hands and arms to add life to your speech. 7 pp. ~7 Q&A. Answer the question on your own. Where do you need directions to? ( 예시 ) We need directions to the park. Speaking Practice 듣고역할극을해보세요. 여러분은어디로가는길안내가필요하나요? Minho: 우리는미술관으로가는길안내가필요해요. Bella: 우리는우체국으로가는길안내가필요해요. : 우리는 로가는길안내가필요해요. Words for our school, our house, the post office, the park, the library, the science center, the history museum, the art museum, the market, the mall, the bus stop, the subway station 여러분은가장먼저무엇을하나요? Minho: 우리는길을따라내려가요. Bella: 우리는한블록정도곧바로내려가요. : 우리는. Words for go down the street, walk straight for about half a block, walk straight for about one block, walk straight for about two blocks 여러분은모퉁이에서무엇을하나요? Minho: 우리는모퉁이에서왼쪽으로돌아요. Bella: 우리는모퉁이에서오른쪽으로돌아요. : 우리는모퉁이에서 돌아요. Words for left, right 여러분은무엇을지나가나요? Minho: 우리는시장을지나가요. Bella: 우리는버스정류장을지나가요. : 우리는 을 / 를지나가요. Words for our school, our house, the post office, the park, the library, the science center, the history museum, the art museum, the market, the mall, the bus stop, the subway station Speaking Tip 말할때, 몸짓언어를사용하세요. 손이나팔을움직여서여러분의발표에생기를불어넣으세요. - Words for 은 pop-up으로제시되는단어나표현들입니다. 이를참고해자신의문장을완성했는지확인해주세요. - -

Complete the Chain Map. My needs directions to. We We pass friend the theater walk straight for about. two blocks the bus stop 7. Giving Directions I check a map. Then, we turn right at the corner. We are at We our school go down the street the theater Finally, we see on the 8 right. It's next to 9 the bakery... Chain Map Write and give your speech. Giving Directions My friend needs directions to the theater. I can help. I check a map. We are at our school. We go down the street. Then, we turn right at the corner. We walk straight for about two blocks. We pass 7 the bus stop. We re almost there. Finally, we see the theater on the 8 right. It s next to 9 the bakery. the theater It s easy to get to! Speaking Checklist. Who listened to your speech?. Did you stress important parts of your speech? Yes No. Did you use body language? Yes No 8 9 My Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. < 예시 > 길안내하기 내 친구는 영화관으로가는길안내가필요해요. 나는지도를확인해요. 우리는 학교에있어요. 우리는 길을따라가요. 그다음에, 우리는 모퉁이에서오른쪽으로돌아요. 우리는 두블록정도곧바로걸어요. 우리는 7 버스정류장을지나가요. 마침내, 우리는 8 오른쪽에 영화관이보여요. 그것은 9 빵집옆에있어요. My Speech 여러분의연설문을쓰고발표해보세요. < 예시 > 길안내하기내 친구는 영화관으로가는길안내가필요해요. 내가도와줄수있어요. 나는지도를확인해요. 우리는 학교에있어요. 우리는 길을따라가요. 그다음에, 우리는 모퉁이에서오른쪽으로돌아요. 우리는 두블록정도곧바로걸어요. 우리는 7 버스정류장을지나가요. 우리는거의다왔어요. 마침내, 우리는 8 오른쪽에 영화관이보여요. 그것은 9 빵집옆에있어요. 영화관에가는것은쉬워요! Speaking Checklist. 누가여러분의연설을들었나요?. 목소리의높낮이를사용했나요? 예 아니오. 말할때, 몸짓언어를사용했나요? 예 아니오 - 워크북 9쪽, Words for My Idea Map에있는단어를참고해자신의아이디어맵을완성했는지확인해주세요. - 7쪽에서배운 Speaking Tip을적용해연설할수있도록해주세요. - Speaking Checklist에어떻게표시했는지확인해주세요. - 자신의연설문을쓰고, 충분히연습해서다른사람앞에서발표하도록격려해주세요. - -

Unit How I Make A Date:.. Listen and repeat. Then write the phrases. Listen and answer the question. colored paper cut out colored paper draw a shape cut out in the hall Who made the painting? Listen and repeat. hall hang newspaper draw a shape in the hall leave a mess piece of paper paintbrush shape supplies 0 leave a mess piece of paper Get Ready Unit How I Make Art 내가미술작품을만드는방법 대화를듣고질문에대답해보세요. <Script> Bella: I like this painting. 나는이그림이좋아. Minho: Thanks! I made it. 고마워! 내가만들었어. Bella: It s really nice! I want to try painting too. 정말멋지다! 나도그림을그려보고싶어. Minho: Let s paint now! I have art supplies. 함께지금그림을그리자! 내가미술용품들이있어. Bella: Okay! That sounds fun! 좋아! 그거재밌겠다! Q: Who made the painting? 누가그그림을만들었나요? A: Minho made the painting. 민호는그그림을만들었어요. Key Words hall: 복도 newspaper: 신문 shape: 모양, 형태 hang: ~ 을걸다 paintbrush: 붓 supplies: 용품, 물품 p. Q&A. How do you say 모양을그리다 in English? ( 모양을그리다 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) draw a shape. What is the meaning of in the hall in Korean? ( in the hall 은우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 복도에서 Word Friends 듣고따라해보세요. 그런다음표현들을써보세요. colored paper 색종이 cut out ~ 을오려내다 draw a shape 모양을그리다 in the hall 복도에서 leave a mess 어질러놓다 piece of paper 종이한장 - a piece of paper는 종이한장 이라는뜻이고, two pieces of papers는 종이두장 이라는뜻이라는것을알려주세요. - mess는 지저분하고엉망인상태 를의미하고, leave a mess는 엉망인상태로남겨두다, 어질러놓다 는뜻이라는것을알려주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Chain Map. How I Make Art How I Make Art I like art! Anyone can make art. Here s how I make art. First, I cover the floor with newspapers. I don t want to leave a mess! Then, I gather my art supplies. I get paint and paintbrushes. First, I cover the floor with newspapers. I don't want to leave a mess! Then, I gather my art supplies. I get paint and paintbrushes. I get a piece of paper. I get a piece of paper. Next, I draw shapes. I paint them. I make a robot. Soon, I am finished. I hang my art in the hall. Finally, I clean up. I hang my art in the hall. I make a robot. Next, I draw shapes. I paint them. Art is fun! Finally, I clean up. Chain Map shapes hall paintbrushes newspapers mess supplies p. Q&A. What does Minho make? ( 민호는무엇을만드나요?) He makes a robot. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 내가미술작품을만드는방법나는미술을좋아해요! 누구나미술작품을만들수있어요. 여기내가미술작품을만드는방법이있어요. 먼저, 나는바닥을신문지로덮어요. 나는어질러놓고싶지않아요! 그러고나서, 나는내미술용품들을모아요. 나는물감과붓을가져와요. 나는종이한장을가져와요. 다음에, 나는모양을그려요. 나는그것들을색칠해요. 나는로봇을만들어요. 곧, 나는끝나요. 나는내미술작품을복도에걸어요. 마지막으로, 나는청소해요. 미술은재미있어요! Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Minho covers the floor with newspapers. (True). Minho hangs his art in the kitchen. (False) - 민호의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. p. Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) supplies. Please read the complete sentence for No.. (번의완성된표현을읽어보세요.) Then, I gather my art supplies. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 내가미술작품을만드는방법 먼저, 나는바닥을 신문지로덮어요. 나는 어질러놓고싶지않아요! 그러고나서, 나는내미술 용품들을모아요. 나는물감과 붓을가져와요. 나는종이한장을가져와요. 다음에, 나는 모양을그려요. 나는그것들을색칠해요. 나는로봇을만들어요. 나는내미술작품을 복도에걸어요. 마지막으로, 나는청소해요. - 체인맵은어떤일의과정이나순서를표현할때사용한다는것을알고있는지확인해주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Chain Map. How I Make Art How I Make Art I like art! Anyone can make art. Here s how I make art. First, I cover my desk with newspapers. I don t want to leave a mess! Then, I gather my art supplies. I get scissors and glue. I get colored paper. Next, I cut out shapes. I glue First, I cover my desk with newspapers. I don't want to leave a mess! Then, I gather my art supplies. I get scissors and glue. I get paper. colored the shapes together. I make a bird. Soon, I am finished. I hang my art in the kitchen. Finally, I clean up. Art is fun! I hang my art in the kitchen. I make a bird. Next, I cut out shapes. I glue the shapes together. Finally, I clean up. Chain Map cover hang gather colored cut together p. Q&A. How do you say 나는내미술작품을부엌에걸어요. in English? ( 나는내미술작품을부엌에걸어요. 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) I hang my art in the kitchen. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 내가미술작품을만드는방법나는미술을좋아해요! 누구나미술작품을만들수있어요. 여기내가미술작품을만드는방법이있어요. 먼저, 나는내책상을신문지로덮어요. 나는어질러놓고싶지않아요! 그러고나서, 나는내미술용품들을모아요. 나는가위와풀을가져와요. 나는색종이를가져와요. 다음에, 나는모양들을오려내요. 나는모양들을함께풀칠해요. 나는새를만들어요. 곧, 나는끝나요. 나는내미술작품을부엌에걸어요. 마지막으로, 나는청소해요. 미술은재미있어요! Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 벨라의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Bella uses colored paper to make art. (True). Bella makes a rocket. (False) p. Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) hang. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) I hang my art in the kitchen. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 내가미술작품을만드는방법 먼저, 나는내책상을신문지로 덮어요. 나는어질러놓고싶지않아요! 그러고나서, 나는내미술용품들을 모아요. 나는가위와풀을가져와요. 나는 색종이를가져와요. 다음에, 나는모양들을 오려내요. 나는모양들을 함께풀칠해요. 나는새를만들어요. 나는내미술작품을부엌에 걸어요. 마지막으로, 나는청소해요. - -

Date:.. Match the words to the pictures. Write the words. Then circle the word friends. paintbrush colored paper? A D Do we have green hall hall We hang the picture in the. shapes Karen draws with the crayons. supplies B E piece I need a of paper. hang leave They never a mess. shape out He cuts a star. C F newspaper out shapes piece leave colored hall 7 p. Q&A. Which picture matches the word paintbrush? ( paintbrush 와일치하는그림은무엇인가요?) E. What is the meaning of shape in Korean? ( shape 는우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 모양, 형태 Key Words Review 단어를그림에맞게연결해보세요. paintbrush: 붓 ------------- E hall: 복도 ------------------ B supplies: 용품, 물품-------- F hang: ~ 을걸다 ------------ A shape: 모양, 형태 --------- C newspaper: 신문 ---------- D p. 7 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) leave. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) They never leave a mess. Word Friends Review 단어를쓰세요. 그리고단어친구들에동그라미하세요. Do we have green colored paper? 우리가초록색색종이를가지고있나요? We hang the picture in the hall. 우리는복도에그림을걸어요. Karen draws shapes with the crayons. 캐런은크레용으로모양을그려요. I need a piece of paper. 나는종이한장이필요해요. They never leave a mess. 그들은절대어질러놓지않아요. He cuts out a star. 그는별모양을오려내요. - 단어의뜻을알고그림에맞게연결했는지확인해주세요. - -

Listen and role-play. What do you make? What art supplies do you use? I make a robot. I use paint, paintbrushes, and a piece of paper. I make a bird. I use scissors, glue, and colored paper. I make. I use,, and. Where do you hang your art? What do you do when you make art? I hang my art in the hall. I draw shapes. I paint them. I hang my art in the kitchen. I cut out shapes. I glue the shapes together. I hang my art. 8 I. I. Speaking Tip Smile while you speak. This will help your audience feel welcome. 9 pp. 8~9 Q&A. Answer the question on your own. What do you make? ( 예시 ) I make a tree. Speaking Practice 듣고역할극을해보세요. 여러분은어떤미술용품들을사용하나요? Minho: 나는물감, 붓, 그리고종이한장을사용해요. Bella: 나는가위, 풀, 그리고색종이를사용해요. : 나는,, 그리고 을 / 를사용해요. Words for paint, paintbrushes, crayons, colored pencils, markers, a pencil, an eraser, pens, scissors, glue, a piece of paper, colored paper 여러분은미술작품을만들때무엇을하나요? Minho: 나는모양들을그려요. 나는그것들을색칠해요. Bella: 나는모양들을오려내요. 나는모양들을함께풀칠해요. : 나는. 나는. Words for draw shapes, draw a picture, erase any mistakes, choose my favorite colors, color my drawing, paint my drawing, cut out shapes, glue the shapes together, glue the shapes onto paper 여러분은무엇을만드나요? Minho: 나는로봇을만들어요. Bella: 나는새를만들어요. : 나는 을 / 를만들어요. Words for a bird, a robot, a volcano, a horse, a tiger, an elephant, a ship, a tree, a sunset, the night sky 여러분은미술작품을어디에거나요? Minho: 나는내미술작품을복도에걸어요. Bella: 나는내미술작품을부엌에걸어요. : 나는내미술작품을 에걸어요. Words for in the hall, in the kitchen, in the living room, in my bedroom, on the wall, on my door, above my desk Speaking Tip 발표하면서미소지으면듣는사람들이환영받는다고느끼게될거예요. - Words for 은 pop-up으로제시되는단어나표현들입니다. 이를참고해자신의문장을완성했는지확인해주세요. - 7 -

Complete the Chain Map. Write and give your speech. First, I cover my desk with newspapers. I don't want to leave a mess! I hang my art 8 in my bedroom. How I Make Art Then, I gather my art supplies. I make a tree 7. I get and. I get. Next, a pencil an eraser crayons I draw a picture I paint my drawings.. How I Make Art I like art! Anyone can make art. Here s how I make art. First, I cover with newspapers. I don t want to leave a mess! Then, I gather my art supplies. I get and. crayons picture I get. Next, I I make 7 my art 8 Art is fun!. I. a tree my desk a pencil in my bedroom an eraser draw a paint my drawings. Soon, I am finished. I hang. Finally, I clean up. Finally, I clean up. Speaking Checklist. Who listened to your speech? Chain Map. Did you use body language? Yes No. Did you smile? Yes No 0 p. 0 Q&A. Look at No. 8. Please read the complete sentence. (8번을보세요. 완성된문장을읽어보세요.) ( 예시 ) I hang my art in my room. My Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. < 예시 > 내가미술작품을만드는방법 먼저, 나는 내책상을신문지로덮어요. 나는어질러놓고싶지않아요! 그러고나서, 나는내미술용품들을모아요. 나는 연필과 지우개를가져와요. 나는 크레용을가져와요. 다음에, 나는 그림을그려요. 나는 내그림들을색칠해요. 나는 7 나무를만들어요. 나는내미술작품을 8 내침실에걸어요. 마지막으로, 나는청소해요. My Speech 여러분의연설문을쓰고발표해보세요. < 예시 > 내가미술작품을만드는방법나는미술을좋아해요! 누구나미술작품을만들수있어요. 여기내가미술작품을만드는방법이있어요. 먼저, 나는 내책상을신문지로덮어요. 나는어질러놓고싶지않아요! 그러고나서, 나는내미술용품들을모아요. 나는 연필과 지우개를가져와요. 나는 크레용을가져와요. 다음에, 나는 그림을그려요. 나는 내그림들을색칠해요. 나는 7 나무를만들어요. 곧, 나는끝나요. 나는내미술작품을 8 내침실에걸어요. 마지막으로, 나는청소해요. 미술은재미있어요! Speaking Checklist. 누가여러분의연설을들었나요?. 말할때, 몸짓언어를사용했나요? 예 아니오. 발표하면서미소지었나요? 예 아니오 - 워크북 쪽, Words for My Idea Map 에있는단어를참고해 자신의아이디어맵을완성했는지확인해주세요. - 자신의연설문을쓰고, 충분히연습해서다른사람앞에서발표하도록격려해주세요. - 9쪽에서배운 Speaking Tip을적용해연설할수있도록해주세요. - Speaking Checklist에어떻게표시했는지확인해주세요. - 8 -

Unit Date:.. How I Make a Sandwich Listen and repeat. Then write the phrases. Listen and answer the question. in half make a sandwich on top in half make a sandwich slice of bread What kind of sandwiches are they going to make? Listen and repeat. bite half jelly on top slice of bread bite into taste sweet lettuce simple sweet bite into taste sweet Get Ready Unit How I Make a Sandwich 내가샌드위치를만드는방법 대화를듣고질문에대답해보세요. <Script> Minho: Let s make a snack. 간식을만들자. Bella: What should we make? 우리가무엇을만들어야할까? Minho: How about sandwiches? 샌드위치어때? Bella: Sure! How about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? 좋아! 땅콩버터젤리샌드위치어때? Minho: That sounds good! 그거좋다! Q: What kind of sandwiches are they going to make? 그들이어떤종류의샌드위치를만들려고하나요? A: They are going to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 그들은땅콩버터젤리샌드위치를만들려고해요. Key Words bite: 물다 jelly: 젤리 simple: 간단한 half: 절반 lettuce: 상추 sweet: 달콤한, 단 p. Q&A. Please read the phrases from No. to No.. (번부터 번까지표현을읽어보세요.). How do you say 절반으로 in English? ( 절반으로 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) in half Word Friends 듣고따라해보세요. 그런다음표현들을써보세요. in half 절반으로 make a sandwich 샌드위치를만들다 on top 맨위에, 꼭대기에 slice of bread 빵한조각 bite into 한입베어물다 taste sweet 단맛이나다, 달콤하다 - slice는 조각 이라는뜻이므로, slice of는 ~ 의조각 이라는뜻이된다는것을알려주세요. - on은 ~ 의위에 라는뜻이고, on이쓰인표현 on land는 땅에서, on a tree는 나무에서, on a couch는 소파에서 라는뜻임을알고있는지확인해주세요. - 9 -

Listen and read aloud. How I Make a Ham and Cheese Sandwich Complete the Chain Map. How I Make a Ham and Cheese Sandwich I like ham and cheese sandwiches. They are simple to make. I make a sandwich for dinner. First, I get a slice of bread. I make a sandwich for dinner. First, I get a slice of bread. Then, I add ham. Then, I add ham. Next, I add cheese. Sometimes, I add lettuce. Finally, I put another slice of bread on top. Now I have a ham and cheese sandwich! I cut the sandwich in half. I bite into my sandwich. It tastes delicious. Finally, I put another slice of bread on top. Sometimes, I add lettuce. Next, I add cheese. What kind of sandwiches do you like? I cut the sandwich in half. I bite into my sandwich. It tastes delicious. Chain Map lettuce half dinner bite ham slice p. Q&A. What kind of sandwiches does Minho like? ( 민호는어떤종류의샌드위치를좋아하나요?) Minho likes ham and cheese sandwiches. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 내가햄치즈샌드위치를만드는방법나는햄치즈샌드위치를좋아해요. 그것은만들기간단해요. 나는저녁으로샌드위치를만들어요. 먼저, 나는빵한조각을준비해요. 그러고나서, 나는햄을넣어요. 다음에, 나는치즈를넣어요. 때때로, 나는상추를넣어요. 마지막으로, 나는또한장의식빵을맨위에올려놓아요. 이제나는햄치즈샌드위치가있어요! 나는샌드위치를반으로잘라요. 나는샌드위치를한입베어물어요. 그것은맛있어요. 여러분은어떤종류의샌드위치를좋아하나요? Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Minho likes turkey and cheese sandwiches. (False). Minho makes a sandwich for dinner. (True) p. Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) slice. Please read the complete sentence for No.. (번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) First, I get a slice of bread. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 내가 햄치즈샌드위치를만드는방법 나는 저녁으로샌드위치를만들어요. 먼저, 나는빵한 조각을준비해요. 그러고나서, 나는햄을넣어요. 다음에, 나는치즈를넣어요. 때때로, 나는 상추를넣어요. 마지막으로, 나는또한장의식빵을맨위에올려놓아요. 나는샌드위치를 반으로잘라요. 나는샌드위치를한입베어 물어요. 그것은맛있어요. - 0 -

Listen and read aloud. How I Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich I like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They are simple to make. I make a sandwich for lunch. First, I get a slice of bread. Then, I add peanut butter. Next, I add jelly. Sometimes, I add banana slices. Finally, I put another slice of bread on top. Now I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! I cut the sandwich in half. I bite into my sandwich. It tastes sweet. What kind of sandwiches do you like? Complete the Chain Map. How I Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich I make a sandwich for lunch. Finally, I put another slice of bread on top. I cut the sandwich in half. First, I get a Then, I add slice of bread. peanut butter. Sometimes, I add slices. I bite into my sandwich. It tastes banana sweet. Next, I add jelly. Chain Map top jelly sandwich sweet lunch banana 7 p. Q&A. How does the peanut butter and jelly sandwich taste? ( 땅콩버터젤리샌드위치는어떤맛이나나요?) It tastes sweet. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 내가땅콩버터젤리샌드위치를만드는방법나는땅콩버터젤리샌드위치를좋아해요. 그것은만들기간단해요. 나는점심으로샌드위치를만들어요. 먼저, 나는빵한조각을준비해요. 그러고나서, 나는땅콩버터를넣어요. 다음에, 나는젤리를넣어요. 때때로, 나는바나나조각들을넣어요. 마지막으로, 나는다른빵한조각을맨위에올려놓아요. 이제나는땅콩버터젤리샌드위치가있어요! 나는샌드위치를반으로잘라요. 나는내샌드위치를한입베어물어요. 그것은달콤해요. 여러분은어떤종류의샌드위치를좋아하나요? Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 벨라의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Bella makes a sandwich for breakfast. (False). Bella s sandwich tastes sweet. (True) p. 7 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) banana. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) Sometimes, I add banana slices. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 내가땅콩버터젤리 샌드위치를만드는방법 나는 점심으로샌드위치를만들어요. 먼저, 나는빵한조각을준비해요. 그러고나서, 나는땅콩버터를넣어요. 다음에, 나는 젤리를넣어요. 때때로, 나는 바나나조각들을넣어요. 마지막으로, 나는다른빵한조각을맨 위에올려놓아요. 나는샌드위치를반으로잘라요. 나는내샌드위치를한입베어물어요. 그것은 달콤해요. - -

Date:.. Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words. Circle the correct phrases and write. slice of bread I eat a. a. slice of bread b. slice at bread a. simple b. sweet c. sandwich a. belly b. jelly c. butter tastes sweet This candy. a. takes sweet b. tastes sweet Lauren bites into the a. bites to cookie. b. bites into a. half b. whole c. third a. slice b. lick c. bite makes Sejin in the kitchen. a sandwich a. makes a sandwich b. does a sandwich She cuts the orange half. in a. in half b. to half a. simple b. hard c. skin a. seed b. grass c. lettuce on top We put a cherry. a. on top b. at top 8 9 p. 8 Q&A. Which word did you choose for No.? (번에어떤단어를선택했나요?) a. half. What is the meaning of simple in Korean? ( simple 은우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 간단한 p. 9 Q&A. Which phrase did you choose for No.? (번에어떤표현을골랐나요?) bites into. And read the complete sentence. (번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) Lauren bites into the cookie. Key Words Review 그림을보고알맞은단어를고르세요. b. sweet 달콤한, 단 b. jelly 젤리 a. half 절반 c. bite 물다 a. simple 간단한 c. lettuce 상추 - 단어의뜻을알고, 그림에알맞은단어를골랐는지확인해주세요. Word Friends Review 알맞은표현에동그라미하고써보세요. I eat a slice of bread. - a 나는빵한조각을먹어요. This candy tastes sweet. - b 이사탕은달콤해요. Lauren bites into the cookie. - b 로렌은쿠키를한입베어물어요. Sejin makes a sandwich in the kitchen. - a 세진이는부엌에서샌드위치를만들어요. She cuts the orange in half. - a 그녀는오렌지를반으로잘라요. We put a cherry on top. - a 우리는체리하나를맨위에올려놓아요. - 알맞은연어표현을고르고올바르게썼는지확인해주세요. - -

Listen and role-play. What do you sometimes add to your sandwich? What kind of sandwiches do you like? Sometimes, I add lettuce. I like ham and cheese sandwiches. Sometimes, I add banana slices. I like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sometimes, I add. I like and sandwiches. How does the sandwich taste? When do you make a sandwich? It tastes delicious. I make a sandwich for dinner. 0:0 p.m. It tastes sweet. I make a sandwich for lunch. :00 p.m. It tastes. 0 I make a sandwich for. Speaking Tip When you speak, look someone in the eye for three to five seconds. They will listen more closely. pp. 0~ Q&A. Answer the question on your own. What kind of sandwiches do you like? ( 예시 ) I like egg and cheese sandwiches. Speaking Practice 듣고역할극을해보세요. 여러분은어떤종류의샌드위치를좋아하나요? Minho: 나는햄치즈샌드위치를좋아해요. Bella: 나는땅콩버터젤리샌드위치를좋아해요. : 나는 샌드위치를좋아해요. Words for ham, cheese, peanut butter, jelly, honey, turkey, chicken, roast beef, egg, pork 여러분은언제샌드위치를만드나요? Minho: 나는저녁을위해샌드위치를만들어요. Bella: 나는점심을위해샌드위치를만들어요. : 나는 을위해샌드위치를만들어요. Words for breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack 여러분은때때로샌드위치에무엇을넣나요? Minho: 때때로, 나는상추를넣어요. Bella: 때때로, 나는바나나조각들을넣어요. : 때때로, 나는 을넣어요. Words for banana slices, pickles, cucumbers, bacon, lettuce, mushrooms, tomatoes 여러분의샌드위치는어떤맛이나나요? Minho: 그것은맛있어요. Bella: 그것은달콤해요. : 그것은. Words for sweet, delicious, salty, great, good Speaking Tip 말하면서, 누군가의눈을 초에서 초동안바라보면그들은더욱주의깊게들을거예요. - Words for 은 pop-up으로제시되는단어나표현들입니다. 이를참고해자신의문장을완성했는지확인해주세요. - -

Complete the Chain Map. How I Make a Chicken and Cheese Sandwich I make a sandwich for breakfast. Finally, I put another slice of bread on top. I cut the sandwich in half. First, I get a slice of bread. Sometimes, I add ham. I bite into my sandwich. It tastes delicious. Then, I add chicken. Next, I add cheese. Chain Map Write and give your speech. How I Make a Chicken and Cheese Sandwich I like and sandwiches. They are simple to make. I make a sandwich for. First, I get a slice of bread. Then, I add. Next, I add ham. Sometimes, I add. Finally, I put another slice of bread on top. Now I have a and cheese sandwich! I cut the sandwich in half. I bite into my sandwich. It tastes. What kind of sandwiches do you like? Speaking Checklist chicken cheese delicious. Who listened to your speech? chicken cheese breakfast chicken. Did you smile? Yes No. Did you look someone in the eye? Yes No p. Q&A. Look at No.. Please read the complete sentence. (번을보세요. 완성된문장을읽어보세요.) ( 예시 ) Sometimes, I add bacon. My Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. < 예시 > 내가 치킨 치즈샌드위치를만드는방법 나는 아침으로샌드위치를만들어요. 먼저, 나는빵한조각을준비해요. 그러고나서, 나는 치킨을넣어요. 다음에, 나는 치즈를넣어요. 때때로, 나는 햄을넣어요. 마지막으로, 나는다른빵한조각을맨위에올려놓아요. 나는샌드위치를반으로잘라요. 나는내샌드위치를한입베어물어요. 그것은 맛있어요. - 워크북 쪽, Words for My Idea Map에있는단어를참고해자신의아이디어맵을완성했는지확인해주세요. My Speech 여러분의연설문을쓰고발표해보세요. < 예시 > 내가 치킨 치즈샌드위치를만드는방법나는 치킨 치즈샌드위치를좋아해요. 그것은만들기간단해요. 나는 아침으로샌드위치를만들어요. 먼저, 나는빵한조각을준비해요. 그러고나서, 나는 치킨을넣어요. 다음에, 나는 치즈를넣어요. 때때로, 나는 햄을넣어요. 마지막으로, 나는다른빵한조각을맨위에올려놓아요. 이제나는 치킨 치즈샌드위치가있어요! 나는샌드위치를반으로잘라요. 나는내샌드위치를한입베어물어요. 그것은 맛있어요. 여러분은어떤종류의샌드위치를좋아하나요? Speaking Checklist. 누가여러분의연설을들었나요?. 발표하면서미소지었나요? 예 아니오. 말하면서눈을바라보았나요? 예 아니오 - 쪽에서배운 Speaking Tip을적용해연설할수있도록해주세요. - Speaking Checklist에어떻게표시했는지확인해주세요. - -

Unit G owing Plan s Date:.. Listen and repeat. Then write the phrases. Listen and answer the question. a little bit drop something into a little bit fill a pot drop something into make a hole What did Bella plant? Listen and repeat. fill plant row fill a pot make a hole plant a seed sunny spot shovel soil sunny plant a seed sunny spot Get Ready Unit Growing Plants 식물기르기 대화를듣고질문에대답해보세요. <Script> Minho: Bella, what are those? 벨라야, 그것들은무엇이니? Bella: I planted pumpkin seeds with my brother earlier this year. They re still growing. 나는오빠와올해초에호박씨앗을심었어. 그것들은여전히자라고있어. Minho: Cool! I hope they grow big soon. 멋지다! 나는그것들이크게자라길바라. Bella: Me too! 나도그래! Q: What did Bella plant? 벨라는무엇을심었나요? A: She planted pumpkin seeds. 그녀는호박씨앗을심었어요. p. Q&A. Please read the phrases from No. to No.. (번부터 번까지표현을읽어보세요.). How do you say 씨앗을심다 in English? ( 씨앗을심다 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) plant a seed. What is the meaning of fill a pot in Korean? ( fill a pot 은우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 화분을채우다, 냄비를채우다 Word Friends 듣고따라해보세요. 그런다음표현들을써보세요. a little bit 약간, 조금 drop something into 무언가를 ~ 안으로떨어뜨리다 fill a pot 화분을채우다, 냄비를채우다 make a hole 구멍을만들다 plant a seed 씨앗을심다 sunny spot 양지바른곳, 햇볕이잘드는장소 Key Words fill: 채우다 row: 줄, 열 soil: 흙, 토양 plant: 식물, 심다 shovel: 삽 sunny: 햇볕이잘드는, 화창한 - pot은화분, 냄비라는뜻이므로, fill a pot은 화분을채우다, 냄비를채우다 라는뜻임을알려주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Chain Map. Growing Tomatoes I want to grow tomatoes. So, I plant seeds with my mom. First, we pick a sunny spot inside. We get our seeds. We I plant seeds with my mom. Growing Tomatoes First, we pick a sunny inside. spot We get our seeds. get some soil and a pot. Then, we fill the pot with soil. We make little holes in the soil. Next, we drop the seeds into the holes. We add a little bit of soil and some We make little holes in the soil. Then, we fill the pot with soil. We get some soil and a pot. water. After a few days, we see tiny plants. Our tomatoes are growing! Next, we drop the seeds into the holes. We add a little bit of soil and some water. After a few days, we see plants. tiny Chain Map fill seeds spot into tiny plant 7 p. Q&A. What does Minho want to grow? ( 민호는무엇을기르고싶어하나요?) He wants to grow tomatoes. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 토마토기르기나는토마토를기르고싶어요. 그래서, 나는엄마와씨앗들을심어요. 먼저, 우리는안에서햇볕이잘드는장소를골라요. 우리는씨앗들을가져와요. 우리는약간의흙과화분을가져와요. 그러고나서, 우리는흙으로화분을채워요. 우리는흙에작은구멍들을만들어요. 다음에, 우리는씨앗들을구멍들에떨어뜨려요. 우리는약간의흙과물을넣어요. 며칠뒤에, 우리는작은식물들을봐요. 우리토마토들이자라고있어요! Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Minho plants seeds with his aunt. (False). Minho plants the seeds in a pot. (True) p. 7 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) seeds. Please read the complete phrase for No.. (번의완성된표현을읽어보세요.) We get our seeds. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 토마토기르기 나는엄마와씨앗들을 심어요. 먼저, 우리는안에서햇볕이잘드는 장소를골라요. 우리는 씨앗들을가져와요. 우리는약간의흙과화분을가져와요. 그러고나서, 우리는흙으로화분을 채워요. 우리는흙에작은구멍들을만들어요. 다음에, 우리는씨앗들을구멍들 에떨어뜨려요. 우리는약간의흙과물을넣어요. 며칠뒤에, 우리는 작은식물들을봐요. - 민호의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. - 민호의연설문을체인맵에맞게정리했는지확인해주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Chain Map. Growing Pumpkins Growing Pumpkins I want to grow pumpkins. So, I plant seeds with my brother. First, we pick a I plant seeds with my brother. First, we pick a sunny spot outside. We get our seeds. sunny spot outside. We get our seeds. We get some soil and a shovel. Then, we spread the soil in the garden. We make little rows in the soil. Next, we drop the seeds into the rows. We add a little bit of We make little rows in the soil. Then, we spread the soil in the garden. We get some soil and a shovel. soil and some water. After a few weeks, we see tiny plants. Our pumpkins are growing! Next, we drop the seeds into the rows. We add a little bit of soil and some water. After a few weeks, we see tiny plants. Chain Map shovel bit rows sunny soil brother 8 9 p. 8 Q&A. With whom Bella grows seeds? ( 누구와벨라는씨앗을심나요?) She plants seeds with her brother. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 호박기르기나는호박을기르고싶어요. 그래서, 나는오빠와씨앗들을심어요. 먼저, 우리는밖에서햇볕이잘드는장소를골라요. 우리는씨앗들을가져와요. 우리는약간의흙과삽을가져와요. 그러고나서, 우리는정원에흙을펼쳐요. 우리는흙에작은줄들을만들어요. 다음에, 우리는씨앗들을줄들안으로떨어뜨려요. 우리는약간의흙과물을좀넣어요. 몇주뒤에, 우리는작은식물들을봐요. 우리호박들이자라고있어요! Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 벨라의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Bella plants seeds with her brother. (True). Bella sees tiny plants after one day. (False) p. 9 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) shovel. And read the complete phrase. ( 그리고 번의완성된표현을읽어보세요.) We get some soil and a shovel. Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. 호박기르기 나는 오빠와씨앗들을심어요. 먼저, 우리는밖에서 햇볕이잘드는장소를골라요. 우리는씨앗들을가져와요. 우리는약간의흙과 삽을가져와요. 그러고나서, 우리는정원에 흙을펼쳐요. 우리는흙에작은 줄들을만들어요. 다음에, 우리는씨앗들을줄들안으로떨어뜨려요. 우리는 약간의흙과물을좀넣어요. 몇주뒤에, 우리는작은식물들을봐요. - 벨라의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. - 벨라의연설문을체인맵에맞게정리했는지확인해주세요. - 7 -

Date:.. Write the words. Circle the correct words. Then write the sentences. They (plant / tree) a seed together. They plant a seed together. fill sunny He (does / fills) the pot with water. He fills the pot with water. She (makes / does) a hole in the ground. She makes a hole in the ground. shovel plant I have a (little / short) bit of juice in my cup. I have a little bit of juice in my cup. Kelly drops the ball (to / into) the bucket. Kelly drops the ball into the bucket. soil row row plant fill soil shovel sunny There s a sunny (dot / spot) in the room. There s a sunny spot in the room. 70 7 p. 70 Q&A. Which word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) fill. What is the meaning of shovel in Korean? ( shovel 은우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 삽 p. 7 Q&A. Which word did you choose for No.? (번에서어떤단어에동그라미했나요?) makes. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) She makes a hole in the ground. Key Words Review 단어를그림에맞게써보세요. fill : 채우다 sunny : 햇볕이잘드는, 화창한 shovel : 삽 plant : 식물, 심다 soil : 흙, 토양 row: 줄, 열 - 단어의뜻을알고, 그림에알맞은단어를썼는지확인해주세요. Word Friends Review 알맞은단어에동그라미하세요. 그런다음문장을써보세요. They plant a seed together. 그들은함께씨앗을심어요. He fills the pot with water. 그는물로냄비를채워요. She makes a hole in the ground. 그녀는땅에구멍을만들어요. I have a little bit of juice in my cup. 내컵에약간의주스가있어요. Kelly drops the ball into the bucket. 켈리는양동이안에공을떨어뜨려요. There s a sunny spot in the room. 그방에햇볕이잘드는곳이있어요. - 연어의뜻을알고, 알맞은단어에동그라미했는지확인해주세요. - 8 -

Listen and role-play. Where do you plant them? What do you want to grow? We plant them in a pot. I want to grow tomatoes. We plant them in the garden. I want to grow pumpkins. We plant them. I want to grow. What do you need? With whom do you plant seeds? We need seeds, some soil, and a pot. I plant seeds with my mom. We need seeds, some soil, and a shovel. I plant seeds with my brother. We need seeds, some soil, and. 7 I plant seeds with my. Speaking Tip Stand up straight when you speak. Your voice will sound clearer. 7 pp. 7~7 Q&A. Answer the question on your own. What do you want to grow? ( 예시 ) I want to grow potatoes. Speaking Practice 듣고역할극을해보세요. 여러분은어떤식물을기르고싶나요? Minho: 나는토마토를기르고싶어요. Bella: 나는호박을기르고싶어요. : 나는 을 / 를기르고싶어요. Words for tomatoes, pumpkins, carrots, watermelons, strawberries, cucumbers, beans, peas 여러분은누구와함께씨앗을심나요? Minho: 나는엄마와함께씨앗을심어요. Bella: 나는오빠와함께씨앗을심어요. : 나는 와 / 과함께씨앗을심어요. Words for mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, cousin, friend 여러분은그것들을어디에심나요? Minho: 우리는그것들을화분에심어요. Bella: 우리는그것들을정원에심어요. : 우리는그것들을 에심어요. Words for inside, outside, in a pot, in the garden, in cups 여러분은식물을심기위해무엇이필요한가요? Minho: 우리는씨앗과약간의흙, 그리고화분이필요해요. Bella: 우리는씨앗과약간의흙, 그리고삽이필요해요. : 우리는씨앗과약간의흙, 그리고 이 / 가필요해요. Words for a shovel, a rake, a pot, some cups Speaking Tip 말할때똑바로서세요. 목소리가더욱또렷하게들릴거예요. - Words for 은 pop-up으로제시되는단어나표현들입니다. 이를참고해자신의문장을완성했는지확인해주세요. - 9 -

Complete the Chain Map. Growing Potatoes Write and give your speech. I plant seeds with my. We make little dad rows in the soil. First, we pick a sunny spot. Then, outside we spread the soil outside. We get our seeds. We get some soil and a shovel. Growing potatoes Potatoes I want to grow. So, I plant seeds with my dad. First, we pick a sunny spot outside. We get our seeds. We get some soil and a shovel. Then, we. We make little rows in the soil. Next, we drop the seeds into the rows. We add a spread the soil outside Next, we drop the seeds into the rows. We add a little bit of soil and some water. After a few 7, we see weeks tiny plants 8. Chain Map little bit of soil and some water. After a few 7 weeks, we see 8 tiny plants. Our potatoes are growing! Speaking Checklist. Who listened to your speech?. Did you look someone in the eye? Yes No. Did you stand up straight? Yes No 7 7 My Idea Map 체인맵을완성해보세요. < 예시 > 감자기르기 나는 아빠와씨앗들을심어요. 먼저, 우리는 밖에서햇볕이잘드는장소를골라요. 우리는씨앗들을가져와요. 우리는약간의흙과 삽을가져와요. 그러고나서, 우리는 밖에흙을펼쳐요. 우리는흙에작은 줄들을만들어요. 다음에, 우리는씨앗들을 줄들안으로떨어뜨려요. 우리는약간의흙과물을넣어요. 몇 7 주뒤에, 우리는 8 작은식물들을봐요. My Speech 여러분의연설문을쓰고발표해보세요. < 예시 > 감자기르기나는 감자를기르고싶어요. 그래서, 나는 아빠와씨앗들을심어요. 먼저, 우리는 밖에서햇볕이잘드는장소를골라요. 우리는씨앗들을가져와요. 우리는약간의흙과 삽을가져와요. 그러고나서, 우리는 밖에흙을펼쳐요. 우리는흙에작은 줄들을만들어요. 다음에, 우리는씨앗들을 줄들안으로떨어뜨려요. 우리는약간의흙과물을넣어요. 몇 7 주뒤에, 우리는 8 작은식물들을봐요. 우리 감자들이자라고있어요! Speaking Checklist. 누가여러분의연설을들었나요?. 말하면서눈을바라보았나요? 예 아니오. 말할때똑바로섰나요? 예 아니오 - 워크북 7쪽, Words for My Idea Map에있는단어를참고해자신의아이디어맵을완성했는지확인해주세요. - 7쪽에서배운 Speaking Tip을적용해연설할수있도록해주세요. - Speaking Checklist에어떻게표시했는지확인해주세요. - 자신의연설문을쓰고, 충분히연습해서다른사람앞에서발표하도록격려해주세요. - 0 -

Unit 7 Keeping a Pe Date:.. Listen and repeat. Then write the phrases. Listen and answer the question. get exercise give someone a bath get exercise give someone a bath keep a pet play with What kind of pet will Minho get? Listen and repeat. brush example exercise keep a pet play with soft fur take a nap fur pet soft soft fur take a nap 7 77 Get Ready Unit 7 Keeping a Pet 반려동물기르기 대화를듣고질문에대답해보세요. <Script> Minho: Bella: Minho: Bella: Wow, those cats are so cute! 와, 저고양이들매우귀엽다! Do you like cats? 고양이들을좋아하니? Yes! I m going to get a pet cat soon. 응! 나는고양이를곧기를거야. How exciting! 신나겠다! Q: What kind of pet will Minho get? 민호는어떤종류의반려동물을기를건가요? A: Minho will get a pet cat. 민호는고양이를반려동물로기를거예요. p. 77 Q&A. How do you say 운동하다 in English? ( 운동하다 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) get exercise. What is the meaning of give someone a bath in Korean? ( give someone a bath 는우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 누군가를목욕시키다 Word Friends 듣고따라해보세요. 그런다음표현들을써보세요. get exercise 운동하다 give someone a bath 누군가를목욕시키다 keep a pet 반려동물을기르다 play with ~ 와함께놀다 soft fur 부드러운털 take a nap 낮잠을자다 Key Words brush: 빗질하다, 빗겨주다 exercise: 운동 pet: 반려동물, 쓰다듬다 example: 예, 본보기 fur: 털 soft: 부드러운 - give someone a bath는 누군가에게목욕시켜주다, 즉누군가를목욕시키다 라는뜻이라는것을알려주세요. - pet은 반려동물 이라는뜻이고, keep a pet은 반려동물을기르다 는뜻이라는것을알려주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Keeping a Pet Many people keep pets. Keeping a pet is fun. We can do a lot with pets. For example, with cats, we can take naps. We can pet their soft fur. Keeping a pet is also an important job. Pets need care. We need to brush their fur. And we need to clean up after them. Everyone can learn from keeping a pet. How do you feel about pets? Complete the Branch Map. fun Keeping a Pet an important job With cats, we can naps. We can pet their fur. We need to their fur. We need to clean after them. take soft brush up Branch Map soft keeping important take brush up 78 79 p. 78 Q&A. How does Minho think about keeping a pet? ( 민호는반려동물을기르는것에대해어떻게생각하나요?) Keeping a pet is fun and important. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 반려동물기르기많은사람들이반려동물을길러요. 반려동물을기르는것은재미있어요. 우리는반려동물과많은것을할수있어요. 예를들어, 고양이와함께, 우리는낮잠을잘수있어요. 우리는고양이의부드러운털을쓰다듬을수있어요. 반려동물을기르는것은또한중요한일이에요. 반려동물은보살핌이필요해요. 우리는반려동물의털을빗겨줘야해요. 그리고우리는반려동물의뒤처리를해야해요. 모든사람들은반려동물을기르는것으로부터배울수있어요. 여러분은반려동물에대해어떻게느끼나요? Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Minho thinks keeping a pet is boring. (False). Minho talks about getting exercise. (False) - 민호의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. p. 79 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) soft. Please read the complete sentence for No.. (번의완성된표현을읽어보세요.) We can pet their soft fur. Idea Map 브랜취맵을완성해보세요. 반려동물 기르기 재미있는 고양이와함께, 우리는낮잠을 잘수있어요. 우리는고양이의 부드러운털을쓰다듬을수있어요. 중요한일 우리는반려동물의털을 빗겨줘야해요. 우리는반려동물의 뒤처리를해야해요. - 브랜취맵은무언가를분류하거나구성요소의관계를나타낼때사용한다는것을알고있는지확인해주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Branch Map. With dogs, we can get exercise. Keeping a Pet Many people keep pets. Keeping a pet is exciting. We can do a lot with pets. For example, with dogs, we can get exercise. We can play with them outside. Keeping a pet is also a nice job. Pets need care. We need to give them baths. And we need to take them for walks. Everyone can learn from keeping a pet. How do you feel about pets? Keeping a Pet a nice exciting job We can play them outside. We need to them baths. We need to them for walks. with give take Branch Map job take exciting exercise with give 80 8 p. 80 Q&A. How do you say 우리는반려동물을목욕시켜줘야해요. in English? ( 우리는반려동물을목욕시켜줘야해요. 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) We need to give them baths. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 반려동물기르기많은사람들이반려동물을길러요. 반려동물을기르는것은신나요. 우리는반려동물과많은것을할수있어요. 예를들어, 개와함께, 우리는운동을할수있어요. 우리는개와밖에서놀수있어요. 반려동물을기르는것은또한멋진일이에요. 반려동물은보살핌이필요해요. 우리는반려동물을목욕시켜줘야해요. 그리고우리는반려동물을산책시켜줘야해요. 모든사람들이반려동물을기르는것으로부터배울수있어요. 여러분은반려동물에대해어떻게느끼나요? p. 8 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) exercise. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) With dogs, we can get exercise. Idea Map 브랜취맵을완성해보세요. 반려동물기르기 신나는 개와함께, 우리는 운동을할수있어요. 우리는개 와밖에서놀수있어요. 멋진 일 우리는반려동물을목욕시켜 줘야해요. 우리는반려동물을산책시켜 줘야해요. Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 벨라의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Bella thinks keeping a pet is exciting. (True). Bella thinks pets need care. (True) - -

Date:.. Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words. Write the words. Then circle the word friends. I like to play with my cat. a. far b. fur c. skin a. brush b. bush c. block takes Lynn a nap after school. exercise They get at the park. a. work b. example c. exercise a. smooth b. soft c. cold Dad gives the baby a every evening. fur bath The rabbit has soft. keep Many people in my apartment pets. a. example b. excited c. excuse a. put b. pot c. pet exercise fur with keep takes bath 8 8 p. 8 Q&A. Which picture matches the word fur? ( fur 와일치하는그림은무엇인가요?). What is the meaning of exercise in Korean? ( exercise 는우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 운동 Key Words Review 그림에맞는단어를골라보세요. fur: 털 ------------------------ b brush: 빗질하다, 빗겨주다 -- a exercise: 운동 ---------------- c soft: 부드러운 ---------------- b example: 예, 본보기 --------- a pet: 반려동물, 쓰다듬다 ---- c p. 8 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) fur. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) The rabbit has soft fur. Word Friends Review 단어를쓰세요. 그리고단어친구들에동그라미하세요. I like to play with my cat. 나는내고양이와함께노는것을좋아해요. Lynn takes a nap after school. 린은방과후에낮잠을자요. They get exercise at the park. 그들은공원에서운동을해요. Dad gives the baby a bath every evening. 아빠는매일저녁아기를목욕시켜요. The rabbit has soft fur. 토끼는부드러운털을가지고있어요. Many people in my apartment keep pets. 우리아파트에사는많은사람들이반려동물을키워요. - 단어의뜻을알고그림에맞는단어를골랐는지확인해주세요. - -

Listen and role-play. What else can we do with pets? What do you think about keeping a pet? We can pet their soft fur. Keeping a pet is fun. We can play with them outside. Keeping a pet is exciting. We. Keeping a pet is. What do we need to do for pets? What can we do with pets? We need to brush their fur. We can take naps. We need to give them baths. We can get exercise. We need to. 8 We. Speaking Tip Practice breathing slowly before your speech. This will help you be calm. 8 pp. 8~8 Q&A. Answer the question on your own. What do you think about keeping a pet? ( 예시 ) Keeping a pet is nice. Speaking Practice 듣고역할극을해보세요. 여러분은반려동물을기르는것에대해어떻게생각하나요? Minho: 반려동물을기르는것은재미있어요. Bella: 반려동물을기르는것은신나요. : 반려동물을기르는것은. Words for fun, exciting, interesting, great, nice 우리는반려동물과무엇을할수있나요? Minho: 우리는낮잠을잘수있어요. Bella: 우리는운동을할수있어요. : 우리는. Words for can relax, can take naps, can pet their soft fur, can pet their soft feathers, can play with them inside, can play with them outside, can get exercise, can enjoy their beautiful colors, can watch them swim, can watch them fly, can listen to them sing, can watch them grow 우리는반려동물과또무엇을할수있을까요? Minho: 우리는그들의부드러운털을쓰다듬을수있어요. Bella: 우리는그들과밖에서놀수있어요. : 우리는. Words for can take naps, can pet their soft fur, can pet their soft feathers, can play with them inside, can play with them outside, can get exercise, can enjoy their beautiful colors, can watch them swim, can watch them fly, can listen to them sing, can watch them grow, won t feel bored, won t feel lonely 우리는반려동물을위해무엇을해야할까요? Minho: 우리는그들의털을빗겨줘야해요. Bella: 우리는그들을목욕시켜줘야해요. : 우리는 해요. Words for brush their fur, keep their feathers clean, keep their area clean, clean up after them, keep them safe, change their water, clean their tanks, clean their cages, take them for walks, give them lots of love, buy toys for them Speaking Tip 발표하기전에천천히호흡하는법을연습하세요. 그러면여러분이침착해지는데도움이될거예요. - -

Complete the Branch Map. Keeping a Pet nice an important job With, we fish can watch them swim We can enjoy their beautiful colors clean their tanks We need to change their water We need to 7.... Branch Map Write and give your speech.. Who listened to your speech? Keeping a Pet Many people keep pets. Keeping a pet is. We can do a lot with pets. For example, with, we We. Keeping a pet is also job. Pets need care. We need to. And we need to 7. Everyone can learn from keeping a pet. How do you feel about pets? Speaking Checklist nice fish can watch them swim can enjoy their beautiful colors an important clean their tanks change their water. Did you stand up straight? Yes No. Did you practice breathing slowly before your speech? Yes No. 8 87 p. 8 Q&A. Look at No.. Please read the complete sentence. (번을보세요. 완성된문장을읽어보세요.) ( 예시 ) We need to clean their tanks. My Idea Map 브랜취맵을완성해보세요. < 예시 > 반려동물기르기 멋진 물고기와함께, 우리는 그들이수영하는것을지켜볼수있어요. 우리는 그들의예쁜색깔을즐길수있어요. 중요한일 우리는 그들의탱크를청소해줘야해요. 우리는 7 그들의물을갈아줘야해요. My Speech 여러분의연설문을쓰고발표해보세요. < 예시 > 반려동물기르기많은사람들이반려동물을길러요. 반려동물을기르는것은 멋져요. 우리는반려동물과많은것을할수있어요. 예를들어, 물고기와함께, 우리는 그들이수영하는것을지켜볼수있어요. 우리는 그들의예쁜색깔을즐길수있어요. 반려동물을기르는것은또한 중요한일이에요. 반려동물은보살핌이필요해요. 우리는그들의 탱크를청소해줘야해요. 그리고우리는그들에게 7 그들의물을갈아줘야해요. 모든사람들이반려동물을기르는것으로부터배울수있어요. 여러분은반려동물에대해어떻게느끼나요? Speaking Checklist. 누가여러분의연설을들었나요?. 말할때, 똑바로섰나요? 예 아니오. 발표하기전에천천히호흡했나요? 예 아니오 - 워크북 쪽, Words for My Idea Map에있는단어를참고해자신의아이디어맵을완성했는지확인해주세요. - 자신의연설문을쓰고, 충분히연습해서다른사람앞에서발표하도록격려해주세요. - 8쪽에서배운 Speaking Tip을적용해연설할수있도록해주세요. - Speaking Checklist에어떻게표시했는지확인해주세요. - -

Unit 8 My Favo i e Subjec Date:.. Listen and repeat. Then write the phrases. Listen and answer the question. favorite subject in class favorite subject learn about in class listen to a song What is Minho s favorite subject? Listen and repeat. build email listen learn about listen to a song solve a problem speak with number subject word 88 solve a problem speak with 89 Get Ready Unit 8 My Favorite Subject 내가가장좋아하는과목 대화를듣고질문에대답해보세요. <Script> Bella: What s that, Minho? 그게뭐니, 민호야? Minho: It s my English homework. I need to read this book, then write about it. 그것은내영어숙제야. 나는책을읽고, 그다음에그것에대해써야해. Bella: The book looks fun. 그책은재미있겠다. Minho: It is! My English class is also fun. It s my favorite subject. 맞아! 내영어수업은재미있어. 영어는내가가장좋아하는과목이야. Q: What is Minho s favorite subject? 민호가가장좋아하는과목은무엇인가요? A: His favorite subject is English. 그가제일좋아하는과목은영어에요. Key Words build: 만들어내다, 짓다 listen: 듣다 subject: 과목 email: 이메일, 전자우편 number: 숫자 word: 단어 p. 89 Q&A. Please read the phrases from No. to No.. (번부터 번까지표현을읽어보세요.). How do you say 수업시간에 in English? ( 수업시간에 는영어로어떻게말하나요?) in class Word Friends 듣고따라해보세요. 그런다음표현들을써보세요. favorite subject 가장좋아하는과목 in class 수업시간에 learn about ~ 에대해배우다 listen to a song 노래를듣다 solve a problem 문제를해결하다 speak with ~ 와말하다 - favorite이 가장좋아하는 이라는뜻임을알고있는지확인해주세요. - about은 ~ 에대해 라는뜻이므로, learn about은 ~ 에대해배우다 라는뜻임을알고있는지확인해주세요. - 7 -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Square Map. My Favorite Subject I take different classes at school. I like most of my subjects. But my favorite I like English because it is interesting. I use it to write emails. I use it when I listen to songs. subject is English. I like English because it is interesting. I use English a lot. I use it to write emails. I use it when I listen to songs. I use it when I speak with my American friends. I love English learning about words. I always have fun in class. That s why my favorite subject is English. I always have fun in class. I love learning about words. I use it when I speak with my American friends. Square Map listen interesting with class words write 90 9 p. 90 Q&A. What is Minho s favorite subject? ( 민호가가장좋아하는과목은무엇인가요?) Minho s favorite subject is English. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 내가가장좋아하는과목나는학교에서다양한수업을들어요. 나는대부분의과목을좋아해요. 그러나내가가장좋아하는과목은영어에요. 나는영어가흥미롭기때문에좋아해요. 나는영어를많이사용해요. 나는이메일을쓰기위해영어를사용해요. 나는노래를들을때영어를사용해요. 나는미국친구들과대화할때영어를사용해요. 나는단어들에대해배우는것을정말좋아해요. 나는항상수업시간에즐거워요. 그렇기때문에내가가장좋아하는과목은영어에요. p. 9 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) listen. Please read the complete sentence for No.. (번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) I use it when I listen to songs. Idea Map 스퀘어맵을완성해보세요. 영어 나는영어가 흥미롭기때문에좋아해요. 나는이메일을 쓰기위해영어를사용해요. 나는노래를 들을때영어를사용해요. 나는미국친구들 과대화할때영어를사용해요. 나는 단어들에대해배우는것을정말좋아해요. 나는항상 수업시간에즐거워요. Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Minho s favorite subject is science. (False). Minho uses English when he writes emails. (True) - 8 -

Listen and read aloud. Complete the Square Map. My Favorite Subject I like math because it is helpful. I use it to solve problems. I use it when I go shopping. I take different classes at school. I like most of my subjects. But my favorite subject is math. I like math because it is helpful. I use math a lot. I use it to solve problems. I use it when I go shopping. I use it when I build things. I love learning about numbers. Math I always have fun in class. That s why my favorite subject is math. I always have fun in class. I love learning about numbers. I use it when I build things. Square Map solve numbers build go in helpful 9 9 p. 9 Q&A. Why does Bella like math? ( 왜벨라는수학을좋아하나요?) She likes math because it is helpful. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 내가가장좋아하는과목나는학교에서다양한수업을들어요. 나는대부분의과목을좋아해요. 그러나내가가장좋아하는과목은수학이에요. 나는수학이도움이되기때문에좋아해요. 나는수학을많이이용해요. 나는문제를풀기위해수학을이용해요. 나는쇼핑을갈때수학을이용해요. 나는무엇인가를만들어낼때수학을이용해요. 나는숫자들에대해배우는것을정말좋아해요. 나는항상수업시간에즐거워요. 그렇기때문에내가가장좋아하는과목이수학이에요. p. 9 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) build. And read the complete sentence. ( 그리고 번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) I use it when I build things. Idea Map 스퀘어맵을완성해보세요. 수학 나는수학이 도움이되기때문에좋아해요. 나는 문제를풀기위해수학을이용해요. 나는쇼핑을 갈때수학을이용해요. 나는무엇인가를 만들어낼때수학을이용해요. 나는 숫자들에대해배우는것을정말좋아해요. 나는항상수업시간 에즐거워요. Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 벨라의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Bella s favorite subject is history. (False). Bella loves learning about numbers. (True) - 9 -

Date:.. Write the words. Circle the correct phrases and write. I solve the problem a. solve the problem on the board. b. loose the problem email subject We learn about in science class. plants a. learn about b. learn on They speak with each a. speak at other every day. b. speak with build word History is my subject. favorite a. most subject b. favorite subject Brittany likes to songs. listen to a. listen at songs b. listen to songs number listen word number build subject email listen in class Kevin learns a lot. a. in class b. on class 9 9 p. 9 Q&A. Which word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) subject. What is the meaning of listen in Korean? ( listen 은우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 듣다 p. 9 Q&A. Which phrase did you choose for No.? (번에어떤표현을골랐나요?) b. speak with. And read the complete sentence. (번의완성된문장을읽어보세요.) They speak with each other every day. Key Words Review 그림을보고알맞은단어를고르세요. email 이메일 subject 과목 build 만들어내다, 짓다 word 단어 number 숫자 listen 듣다 - 단어의뜻을알고, 그림에알맞은단어를골랐는지확인해주세요. Word Friends Review 알맞은표현에동그라미하고써보세요. I solve the problem on the board. - a 나는칠판에있는문제를풀어요. We learn about plants in science class. - a 우리는과학수업에서식물에대해배워요. They speak with each other every day. b 그들은매일서로이야기해요. History is my favorite subject. - b 역사는내가가장좋아하는과목이에요. Brittany likes to listen to songs. - b 브리트니는노래듣는것을좋아해요. Kevin learns a lot in class. - a 케빈은수업시간에많은것을배워요. - 알맞은연어표현을고르고올바르게썼는지확인해주세요. - 0 -

Listen and role-play. What do you use it for? What is your favorite subject? I use it to write emails. My favorite subject is English. I use it to solve problems. My favorite subject is math. I use it to. My favorite subject is. What do you love learning about? Why do you like it? I love learning about words. I like it because it is interesting. I love learning about numbers. I like it because it is helpful. I love learning about. 9 I like it because it is. Speaking Tip Do some light exercise before your speech. Shake out your arms and legs. This will help you relax. 97 pp. 9~97 Q&A. Answer the question on your own. What is your favorite subject? ( 예시 ) My favorite subject is Korean. Speaking Practice 듣고역할극을해보세요. 여러분이가장좋아하는과목은무엇인가요? Minho: 내가가장좋아하는과목은영어에요. Bella: 내가가장좋아하는과목은수학이에요. : 내가가장좋아하는과목은 에요. Words for art, music, science, math, English, Korean, history, P.E., social studies 여러분은왜그과목을좋아하나요? Minho: 나는그것이재미있어서좋아해요. Bella: 나는그것이도움이돼서좋아해요. : 나는 좋아해요. Words for helpful, interesting, fun, easy, exciting 여러분은무엇을하기위해그것을이용하나요? Minho: 나는이메일을쓰기위해그것을사용해요. Bella: 나는문제를풀기위해그것을사용해요. : 나는 위해그것을사용해요. Words for read books, read messages, write emails, count, build things, cook, go shopping, listen to songs, point, draw, make things, solve problems, decorate, perform, play instruments, speak with my American friends, speak with my British friends, speak with people from other countries, exercise, stay healthy, play games, do sports 여러분은무엇에대해배우는것을정말좋아하나요? Minho: 나는단어들에대해배우는것을정말좋아해요. Bella: 나는숫자들에대해배우는것을정말좋아해요. : 나는 에대해배우는것을정말좋아해요. Words for words, numbers, the past, language, theater, film, music, musicians, artists, works of art, our world, the earth, health, sports Speaking Tip 발표를시작하기전에가벼운운동을해보세요. 팔이나다리를흔들어보세요. 이렇게하면여러분이긴장을푸는데도움이될거예요. - -

Complete the Square Map. Write and give your speech. I like Korean because it is fun. I use it to write a diary Korean. I use it when I read books. My Favorite Subject I take different classes at school. I like most of my subjects. But my favorite subject is. Korean Korean a diary books a poem letters I like because it is. I use a lot. I use it to.. I use it when I. I use it when I. I love learning about Korean fun write read write I always have fun in class. I love learning about letters. I use it when I write a poem. I always have fun in class. That s why my favorite subject is. Speaking Checklist Korean Square Map. Who listened to your speech?. Did you practice breathing slowly before your speech? Yes No. Did you do some light exercise before your speech? Yes No 98 99 p. 98 Q&A. Look at No.. Please read the complete sentence. (번을보세요. 완성된문장을읽어보세요.) ( 예시 ) I use it to write a diary. My Speech 여러분의연설문을쓰고발표해보세요. < 예시 > 내가가장좋아하는과목 My Idea Map 스퀘어맵을완성해보세요. < 예시 > 한국어 나는 한국어가 재미있기때문에좋아해요. 나는 일기를쓰기위해그것을이용해요. 나는 책을읽을때그것을이용해요. 나는 시를쓸때그것을이용해요. 나는 글자들에대해배우는것을정말좋아해요. 나는항상수업시간에즐거워요. 나는학교에서다양한수업을들어요. 나는대부분의과목을좋아해요. 그러나내가가장좋아하는과목은 한국어에요. 나는 한국어가 재미있기때문에좋아해요. 나는 한국어를많이이용해요. 나는 일기를쓰기위해수학을이용해요. 나는 책을읽을때한국어를이용해요. 나는 시를쓸때한국어를이용해요. 나는 글자들에대해배우는것을정말좋아해요. 나는항상수업시간에즐거워요. 그렇기때문에내가가장좋아하는과목이 한국어에요. Speaking Checklist. 누가여러분의연설을들었나요?. 발표하기전에천천히호흡했나요? 예 아니오. 발표하기전에가벼운운동을했나요? 예 아니오 - 워크북 9쪽, Words for My Idea Map에있는단어를참고해자신의아이디어맵을완성했는지확인해주세요. - 97쪽에서배운 Speaking Tip을적용해연설할수있도록해주세요. - Speaking Checklist에어떻게표시했는지확인해주세요. - -

Unit 9 My D eam Job Date:.. Listen and repeat. Then write the phrases. Listen and answer the question. dream job forest ranger dream job forest ranger in nature protect the environment What is Bella s dream job? Listen and repeat. anywhere become environment in nature protect the environment work hard write a book novel study writer 00 work hard write a book 0 Get Ready Unit 9 My Dream Job 나의장래희망 대화를듣고질문에대답해보세요. <Script> Minho: What s your dream job? 너의장래희망은무엇이니? Bella: I want to be a forest ranger! They help protect forests. 나는산림경비원이되고싶어! 그들은숲을보호하도록도와줘. Minho: That sounds like a fun job! 재미있는직업같다! Bella: What about you? What s your dream job? 너는어때? 너의꿈의직업은무엇이니? Minho: I want to be a writer. 나는작가가되고싶어. Bella: That sounds fun, too. 그것도재밌을것같아. Q: What is Bella s dream job? 벨라의장래희망은무엇인가요? A: Bella s dream job is to be a forest ranger. 벨라의장래희망은산림관리원이되는거예요. Key Words anywhere: 어디에서나 environment: 환경 study: ~ 을공부하다 become: ~ 이되다 novel: 소설 writer: 작가 p. 0 Q&A. Please read the phrases from No. to No.. ( 번부터 번까지표현을읽어보세요.). How do you say 산림관리원 in English? ( 산림관리원 은영어로어떻게말하나요?) forest ranger. What is the meaning of work hard in Korean? ( work hard 는우리말뜻이무엇인가요?) 열심히노력하다, 열심히일하다 Word Friends 듣고따라해보세요. 그런다음표현들을써보세요. dream job forest ranger in nature protect the environment work hard write a book 장래희망, 꿈꾸는직업 산림관리원 자연에서 환경을보호하다 열심히노력하다, 열심히일하다 책을쓰다 - ranger 는 경비대원이나관리원 이라는뜻이므로, forest 숲 이라는단어와함께쓰이면 forest ranger 산림관리원 이라는뜻이된다는것을알려주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. My Dream Job Complete the Branch Map. I have to hard. work I want to be a writer. It is my dream job. I have to work hard to become a writer. I will study novels. I will learn about reading and writing. When I become a writer, I will write books. I will often work alone. I can work anywhere I want to. I like that. I can t wait to be a writer! I think it will make me happy. a to become writer My Dream Job when I become a writer I will study. I will about reading and writing. I will novels learn write books. I will often work alone. I can work anywhere I want to. Branch Map learn write novels writer anywhere work 0 0 p. 0 Q&A. What does Minho want to be? ( 민호는무엇이되고싶어하나요?) He wants to be a writer. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 나의장래희망나는작가가되고싶어요. 그것이나의장래희망이에요. 나는작가가되기위해열심히노력해야해요. 나는소설을공부할거예요. 나는읽기와쓰기에대해서배울거예요. 내가작가가되면, 나는책을쓸거예요. 나는보통혼자서일할거예요. 나는내가원하는어디에서나일할수있어요. 나는그것이좋아요. 나는빨리작가가되고싶어요! 나는그것이나를행복하게해줄거라고생각해요. Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 민호의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Minho wants to be a writer. (True). Minho will study science. (False) - 민호의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. p. 0 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) novels. Please read the complete phrase for No.. (번의완성된표현을읽어보세요.) I will study novels. Idea Map 브랜취맵을완성해보세요. 나의장래희망 작가가되기위해서 나는열심히 노력해야해요. 나는 소설을공부할거예요. 나는읽기와쓰기에대해서 배울거예요. 작가가되면 나는책을 쓸거예요. 나는때때로혼자일할거예요. 나는내가원하는 어디에서나일할수있어요. - 민호의연설문을브랜취맵에맞게정리했는지확인해주세요. - -

Listen and read aloud. My Dream Job I want to be a forest ranger. It is my dream job. I have to work hard to become a forest ranger. I will study science. I will learn about nature and the environment. When I become a forest ranger, I will protect the environment. I will often work with other people. I can work in nature. I like that. I can t wait to be a forest ranger! I think it will make me happy. Complete the Branch Map. to become My Dream Job when I become a forest ranger a forest ranger I have to work hard. I will science. I will learn about nature and the environment. I will the environment. I will often work with other study protect people. I can work in nature. Branch Map in protect nature study other ranger 0 0 p. 0 Q&A. What will Bella learn about to become a forest ranger? ( 산림관리원이되기위해벨라는무엇에대해배울건가요?) She will learn about nature and the environment. Speak Up 듣고소리내어읽어보세요. 나의장래희망나는산림관리원이되고싶어요. 그것이나의장래희망이에요. 나는산림관리원이되기위해열심히노력해야해요. 나는과학을공부할거예요. 나는자연과환경에대해서배울거예요. 내가산림관리원이되면, 나는환경을보호할거예요. 나는보통다른사람들과함께일할거예요. 나는자연에서일할수있어요. 나는그것이좋아요. 나는빨리산림관리원이되고싶어요! 나는그것이나를행복하게해줄거라고생각해요. Quick Check (Pop Quiz) 문장을듣고, 벨라의글과일치하면 True, 일치하지않으면 False를선택하세요.. Bella wants to be a doctor. (False). Forest rangers protect the environment. (True) - 벨라의연설문의뜻을이해하고, 잘따라읽었는지확인해주세요. p. 0 Q&A. What word did you write for No.? (번에어떤단어를썼나요?) study. And read the complete phrase. ( 그리고 번의완성된표현을읽어보세요.) I will study science. Idea Map 브랜취맵을완성해보세요. 나의장래희망 산림 관리원이되기위해 나는열심히노력해야해요. 나는과학을 공부할거예요. 나는 자연과환경에대해서배울거예요. 내가산림관리원이되면 나는환경을 보호할거예요. 나는보통 다른사람들과함께일할거예요. 나는자연 에서일할수있어요. - 벨라의연설문을브랜취맵에맞게정리했는지확인해주세요. - -