1 고 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 18. 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? 1. Dear Ms. Blake, Blake씨께, 2. I understand that on May 3, 2018 when you were a guest at our restaurant

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[ 영어영문학 ] 제 55 권 4 호 (2010) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1) Kyuchul Yoon, Ji-Yeon Oh & Sang-Cheol Ahn. Teaching English prosody through English poems with clon

Output file



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레이아웃 1


한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구


1 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 18. 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? 1. Dear Ms. Blake, Blake씨께, 2. I understand that on May 3, 2018 when you were a guest at our restaurant in the Four Hills Plaza, you experienced an unfortunate incident that resulted in a beverage being spilled on your coat. 2018년 5월 3일당신이 Four Hills Plaza에있는저희레스토랑에고객으로오셨을때당신의코트에음료를엎지르게된안타까운사고를경험하셨던것을알게되었습니다 3. Please accept my sincere apology. 진심어린사과를받아주시기바랍니다. 4. Unfortunately the staff on duty at the time did not reflect our customer service policy. 안타깝게도그때근무중이었던직원들이저희의고객서비스정책을잘반영하지못했습니다. 5. I have investigated the situation and scheduled additional customer service training for them. 저는그상황에대해자세히알아보고직원들을대상으로한추가적인고객서비스훈련을계획하였습니다. 6. We d like to have you back as a customer so I m sending you a coupon for two free entrees that can be used at any of our five locations in New Parkland. 저희는당신을다시고객으로맞이하기를바라며 New Parkland의다섯지점중어느곳에서든사용할수있는 2인무료초대쿠폰을보내드립니다. 7. Again, my apologies for the incident. I hope you give us the opportunity to make this right. 다시한번, 그일에대해사과드립니다. 저희가이일을바로잡을수있는기회를주시기를바랍니다. 1 직원교육의강화를요구하려고 2 호텔내식당의개업을홍보하려고 3 세탁서비스에대한불만을제기하려고 4 식당에서일어난실수에대해사과하려고 5 새로발행된쿠폰사용방법을안내하려고 소재 : 식당에서일어난직원의실수에대한사과

2 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 19. 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? 1. Patricia is eager to be the best mom she can be, but she finds parenting a hard task. Patricia 는가능한최고의엄마가되기를간절히바라지만, 양육이어려운일이라는것을알게되었다 2. Here s how she put it: Just when I think I have it down, then something changes, and I have to make major adjustments. Parenting well feels like a moving target. Patricia is correct. 그녀는이렇게말했다 : 내가그것을숙지했다고생각했을때, 그때무언가가변하고, 나는많은것을바 꾸어야만한다. 양육을잘하는것은움직이는과녁과같이느껴진다. Patricia 가옳다. 3. In fact, much research has been done on the developmental stages of childhood. 사실, 유년기의발달단계에대한많은연구가이루어지고있다. 4. Babies learn to sit up, then crawl, and finally walk. 아기들은앉고, 기어다니고, 마침내걷는것을배운다. 5. Kids have a greater ability to reason as they get older, and logic makes sense as they move further into preadolescence. 아이들은나이가들어감에따라추론할수있는더나은능력을가지게되고, 그들이사춘기이전단계로 접어듦에따라논리를갖추게된다. 6. A logical implication of these developmental changes is that parents will need to make parenting shifts along the way. 이러한발달상의변화가논리적으로암시하는바는부모가그과정에따라양육방법을변화시킬필요가 있다는것이다. 7. In other words, the one strategy to keep in mind as your children grow and change is that you must also change to meet their new developmental needs and abilities. 주제문 즉, 아이들이성장하고변화함에따라명심해야할하나의전략은그들의새로운발달적필요와능력을충 족시키기위해당신또한변화해야한다는것이다. 1 부모는자녀의다양한요구에일관성을유지해야한다. 2 양육법은아이의발달단계에따라달라져야한다. 3 아동의성장과정에대한학문적연구가필요하다. 4 훈육은아이의성격에맞추어이루어져야한다. 5 양육에있어부모의개입을최소화해야한다. 소재 : 아이의양육법 주장 : 아이의양육법은아이의발달단계에따라달라져야한다.

3 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 20. 다음글에드러난 Masami의심경변화로가장적절한것은? 1. While backpacking through Costa Rica, Masami found herself in a bad situation. Costa Rica를배낭여행하던중, Masami는그녀가불운한상황에놓여있는것을알게되었다. 2. She had lost all of her belongings, and had only $5 in cash. 그녀는모든소지품을잃어버렸고단지현금 5달러만을갖고있었다. 3. To make matters worse, because of a recent tropical storm, all telephone and Internet services were down. 설상가상으로, 최근의열대폭풍우때문에, 모든전화와인터넷서비스가중지되었다 4. She had no way to get money, so decided to go knocking door to door, explaining that she needed a place to stay until she could contact her family back in Japan to send her some money. 그녀는돈을구할방법이없었다. 그래서일본에있는그녀의가족들이그녀에게약간의돈을보내도록연락을취할수있기전까지머무를장소가필요하다는설명을하면서, 이집저집문을두드려보기로결심했다. F 능동분사구문 ; explaining 5. Everybody told her they had no space or extra food and pointed her in the direction of the next house. 모두들그녀에게그들은 ( 머무를 ) 장소와여분의음식이없다고말했고, 옆집방향을가리켰다. 6. It was already dark when she arrived at a small roadside restaurant. 그녀가길가의작은식당에도착했을때는이미어두워져있었다. 7. The owner of the restaurant heard her story and really empathized. 식당의주인은그녀의이야기를듣고진정으로공감해주었다 8. Much to her delight, Masami was invited in. 너무기쁘게도, Masami는안으로초대되었다. 9. The owner gave her some food, and allowed her to stay there until she could contact her parents. 주인은그녀에게약간의음식을주었고, 그녀가자신의부모에게연락을취할수있기전까지그곳에머무를수있도록해주었다. F allow 목 to V : 목적어가 V하도록하다. 1 desperate relieved 3 jealous delighted 5 indifferent curious 2 gloomy irritated 4 excited worried 소재 : 여행지에서어려움에처했던 Masami

4 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 21. 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? 1. The development of writing was pioneered not by gossips, storytellers, or poets, but by accountants. 쓰기의발달은수다쟁이, 이야기꾼, 시인에의해서가아니라회계사에의해개척되었다. F not A but B : A가아니라 B ~ 2. The earliest writing system has its roots in the Neolithic period, when humans first began to switch from hunting and gathering to a settled lifestyle based on agriculture. 가장초기의쓰기체계는인간이처음으로수렵과채집에서농업에기초한정착생활로옮겨가기시작한신석기시대에뿌리를두고있다. F from A to B ; A로부터 B로 / based on : ~ 을기초로하여 3. This shift began around 9500 B.C. in a region known as the Fertile Crescent, which stretches from modern day Egypt, up to southeastern Turkey, and down again to the border between Iraq and Iran. 이러한변화는기원전 9500년경현대의이집트에서부터터키남동부까지, 아래로는이라크와이란사이의국경지대까지뻗어있는비옥한초승달지대라고알려진지역에서시작되었다. F 수동과거분사 known as : ~ 로알려진 4. Writing seems to have evolved in this region from the custom of using small clay pieces to account for transactions involving agricultural goods such as grain, sheep, and cattle. 쓰기는이지역에서곡물, 양, 소와같은농업적상품들을포함하는거래 ( 내역 ) 를설명하기위해작은점토조각을사용하는관습으로부터발달한것처럼보인다. F to have p.p : 주동사보다하나앞선시제 ( 완료형준동사 ) 5. The first written documents, which come from the Mesopotamian city of Uruk and date back to around 3400 B.C., record amounts of bread, payment of taxes, and other transactions using simple symbols and marks on clay tablets. * transaction: 거래메소포타미아도시 Uruk에서발견된기원전 3400년경으로거슬러올라가는최초로쓰여진문서는빵의양, 세금의지불, 다른거래들을간단한부호와표시를사용하여점토판에기록하고있다. 1 various tools to improve agricultural production 2 regional differences in using the writing system 3 ways to store agricultural goods in ancient cities 4 changed lifestyles based on agricultural development 5 early writing as a means of recording economic activities 소재 : 쓰기의발달주제 : 경제활동의기록으로부터발달된인류초기의쓰기

5 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 22. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1. Why do you go to the library? For books, yes and you like books because they tell stories. 당신은왜도서관에가는가? 그렇다, 책때문이다 그리고당신은그책들이이야기를들려주기때문에책을좋아한다. 2. You hope to get lost in a story or be transported into someone else s life. 당신은이야기에몰입하거나다른사람의삶속으로들어가보기를바란다. 3. At one type of library, you can do just that even though there s not a single book. 한형태의도서관에서는, 비록그곳에는책이한권도없지만당신은그렇게할수있다. 4. At a Human Library, people with unique life stories volunteer to be the books. Human Library에서는, 특별한인생이야기를가진사람들은 책 이되기를자원한다 5. For a certain amount of time, you can ask them questions and listen to their stories, which are as fascinating and inspiring as any you can find in a book. 정해진시간동안, 당신은그들에게질문할수있고그들의이야기를들을수있는데, 이것은당신이책에서발견할수있는것만큼이나매력적이고감동적이다 6. Many of the stories have to do with some kind of stereotype. 그이야기들중많은것들은일종의고정관념과관련이있다. 7. You can speak with a refugee, a soldier suffering from PTSD, and a homeless person. 당신은피난민, 외상후스트레스장애를갖고있는군인또는노숙자와이야기할수있다. 8. The Human Library encourages people to challenge their own existing notions to truly get to know, and learn from, someone they might otherwise make quick judgements about. * PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder): 외상후스트레스장애 Human Library는사람들이기존의관념에도전하도록장려하는데, 즉, 그렇지않았다면섣부른판단을내렸을누군가에대해진정으로알고, 그사람으로부터배울수있도록해준다. 1 Useful Books for Learning Languages 2 The Place Where People Are the Books 3 Library: Starting Point for Your Academic Research 4 How to Choose People in the Human Library 5 What a Touching Story of a Booklover! 소재 : 특별한이야기를들려주는인간세상도서관

6 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 23. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1. We create a picture of the world using the examples that most easily come to mind. 우리는가장쉽게떠오르는예시를사용하여세상에대한그림을만들어낸다. 2. This is foolish, of course, because in reality, things don t happen more frequently just because we can imagine them more easily. 물론, 이것은어리석은데, 왜냐하면현실에서사건들은단지우리가더쉽게상상할수있다는이유로더자주발생하지는않기때문이다. 3. Thanks to this prejudice, we travel through life with an incorrect risk map in our heads. 이편견때문에, 우리는우리의머릿속에있는부정확한위험지도를가지고삶을헤쳐나간다. 4. Thus, we overestimate the risk of being the victims of a plane crash, a car accident, or a murder. 따라서, 우리는우리가비행기추락, 자동차사고, 또는살인의희생자가될위험성을과대평가한다. 5. And we underestimate the risk of dying from less spectacular means, such as diabetes or stomach cancer. 그리고우리는당뇨병또는위암과같은덜극적인방법으로죽을위험성은과소평가한다. 6. The chances of bomb attacks are much rarer than we think, and the chances of suffering depression are much higher. 폭탄공격의가능성은우리가생각하는것보다훨씬희박하고, 우울증으로고통받을가능성은훨씬더높다. 7. We attach too much likelihood to spectacular, flashy, or loud outcomes. 우리는극적이고, 눈에띄고, 요란한결과에지나치게많은가능성을부여한다. 8. Anything silent or invisible we downgrade in our minds. 우리는조용하고보이지않는것은우리의마음속에서평가절하한다. 9. Our brains imagine impressive outcomes more readily than ordinary ones. 주제문 우리의뇌는평범한것보다인상적인결과를더쉽게상상한다. 1 We Weigh Dramatic Things More! 2 Brains Think Logically, Not Emotionally 3 Our Brains Preference for Positive Images 4 How Can People Overcome Their Prejudices? 5 The Way to Reduce Errors in Risk Analysis 소재 : 편견을가진뇌의상상력 주제 : 우리의뇌는평범한것보다인상적인결과를더쉽게상상한다.

7 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 27. Halet Cambel에대한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? 1. After earning her doctorate degree from the University of Istanbul in 1940, Halet Cambel fought tirelessly for the advancement of archaeology. 1940년에이스탄불대학에서박사학위를받은후, Halet Cambel은고고학의발전을위해끊임없이애썼다. 2. She helped preserve some of Turkey s most important archaeological sites near the Ceyhan River and established an outdoor museum at Karatepe. 그녀는 Ceyhan 강근처의, 터키에서가장중요한고고학적유적지들중일부를보존하는것을도왔고, Karatepe에야외박물관을건립했다. 3. There, she broke ground on one of humanity s oldest known civilizations by discovering a Phoenician alphabet tablet. 그곳에서, 그녀는페니키아문자판을발견함으로써인류의가장오래된것으로알려진문명중하나에대해발굴했다. 4. Her work preserving Turkey s cultural heritage won her a Prince Claus Award. 그녀는터키의문화유산을보존한그녀의업적으로 Prince Claus 상을받았다 5. But as well as revealing the secrets of the past, she also firmly addressed the political atmosphere of her present. 그러나과거의비밀들을밝힌것뿐만아니라, 그녀는또한동시대의정치적분위기에대해지대한관심을가졌다. 6. As just a 20 year old archaeology student, Cambel went to the 1936 Berlin Olympics, becoming the first Muslim woman to compete in the Games. F 분사구문 becoming 7. She was later invited to meet Adolf Hitler but she rejected the offer on political grounds. 그녀는후에 Adolf Hitler를만나도록초대를받았지만정치적인이유로그제안을거절했다. 1 고고학의발전을위해끊임없이애썼다. 2 Karatepe에야외박물관을건립했다. 3 터키문화유산보존으로 Prince Claus상을받았다. 4 올림픽에참가한최초의무슬림여성이다. 5 Adolf Hitler의초대를수락했다.

8 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 28. (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서어법에맞는표현으로가장적절한것은? [3점] 1. Getting in the habit of asking questions (A) transform / transforms you into an active listener. 질문을하는습관을갖는것은당신을적극적청자로바꾼다. 2. This practice forces you to have a different inner life experience, since you will, in fact, be listening more effectively. 이러한습관은당신이다른내적삶의경험을갖도록하는데, 왜냐하면사실상당신이더욱효과적으로들을것이기때문이다. F force N to V N이하도록하다 (5형식) 3. You know that sometimes when you are supposed to be listening to someone, your mind starts to wander. 때때로당신이어떤이의말을듣기로되어있을때, 당신의마음은산만해지기시작한다는것을안다. F be supposed to V ; V 하기로되어있다. 4. All teachers know that this happens frequently with students in classes. 모든교사들은이러한것이수업중학생들에게서빈번하게발생한다는것을알고있다. 5. It s what goes on inside your head that makes all the difference in how well you will convert (B) what / that you hear into something you learn. 당신이듣는것을배우는것으로얼마나잘바꾸는가에있어서전적으로차이를만들어내는것은바로당신의머릿속에서일어나는것이다. F It is ~ that 강조용법 / 선행사포함주격관계대명사 what 6. Listening is not enough. 듣는것으로는충분하지않다. 7. If you are constantly engaged in asking yourself questions about things you are hearing, you will find that even boring lecturers become a bit more (C) interesting / interested, because much of the interest will be coming from what you are generating rather than what the lecturer is offering. 만약당신이듣고있는것에대하여스스로에게질문하는것에꾸준히몰두한다면, 당신은심지어따분한강의자조차도약간더흥미롭다고생각할것인데, 왜냐하면그흥미중많은부분이강의자가제공하고있는것보다는당신이만들어내고있는것으로부터오기때문이다. F 현재시제가사용된미래조건부사절 / 감정분사형용사능동 / 수동 ; boring lecture, interesting lecture. 8. When someone else speaks, you need to be thought provoking! * thought provoking: 생각을불러일으키는다른누군가가이야기를할때, 당신은생각을불러일으킬필요가있다. (A) (B) (C) 1 transform what interesting 2 transform that interested 3 transforms what interesting 4 transforms that interesting 5 transforms what interested 소재 : 청자의태도 주제 : 질문하는습관은적극적인청자로만들어준다..

9 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 29. 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 문맥상낱말의쓰임이적절하지않은것은? 1. Allowing people to influence each other reduces the 1 precision of a group s estimate. 사람들이서로에게영향을미치도록하는것은집단평가의정확도를낮춘다 2. To derive the most useful information from multiple sources of evidence, you should always try to make these sources 2 independent of each other. 증거에대한다수의출처로부터가장유용한정보를도출하기위해서, 당신은항상이출처들을서로독립적상태로만들도록노력해야한다. 3. This rule is part of good police procedure. 이러한원칙은좋은수사절차의한부분이다. 4. When there are multiple witnesses to an event, they are not allowed to 3 discuss it before giving their testimony. 한사건에대한다수의목격자들이있을때, 그들은증언하기전에사건에대해의견을나누는것이허락되지않는다. F be allowed to V ; V도록허락하다 5. The goal is not only to prevent collusion by hostile witnesses, it is also to prevent witnesses from influencing each other. 그목적은적대적인목격자들에의한공모를예방하는것일뿐만아니라, 목격자들이서로에게영향을미치는것을막기위해서이기도하다. F 병렬 not only A (but) also B 6. Witnesses who exchange their experiences will tend to make similar errors in their testimony, 4 reducing (improving) the total value of the information they provide. 그들의경험을교환한목격자들은증언할때비슷한오류를범하는경향이있을것이고, ( 이것은 ) 그들이제공하는정보의전체가치를떨어뜨린다. 7. The standard practice of 5 open discussion gives too much weight to the opinions of those who speak early and confidently, causing others to line up behind them. * testimony: 증언 ** collusion: 공모, 담합개방적인의견교환의일반적인관행은먼저그리고자신감있게말하는사람들의의견에너무많은무게를실어주고 ( 이것은 ) 다른사람들이그들뒤에줄을서도록한다. 소재 : 집단의견에대한평가의정확도 주제 : 상호간에영향를미치는것은집단평가의정확도를낮춘다.

10 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 30. 밑줄친부분이가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1. Loneliness can creep into your life as you get older, which is why it s nice to find some ways to not be lonely. 당신이나이가들어감에따라외로움이당신의삶에스며들수있기때문에, 외롭지않기위한몇몇방법을찾는것이좋다. 2. Patrick Arbore knows this, and it s why 1 he values meaningful conversation. Patrick Arbore는이것을알기때문에그는의미있는대화를가치있게여긴다. 3. Director and founder of Elderly Suicide Prevention, Arbore, founded the Friendship Line, a 24 hour hotline whose volunteers reach out to potentially suicidal seniors. Elderly Suicide Prevention의관리자이자설립자인 Arbore는자원봉사자들이잠재적으로자살할가능성이있는노인들에게연락을취할수있는 24시간긴급직통전화인 Friendship Line을만들었다. F 소유격관계형용사 whose 4. He says, What brings me joy is when 2 I can be the listener when someone is hungry for connection. 그는 내가즐거울때는관계에목마른사람들의이야기를내가들을수있을때이다. 라고말한다. F 선행사포함관계대명사 what / 관계부사 when 5. Arbore remembers one man in particular who was feeling suicidal in his 70 s after his wife s death. Arbore는그의아내가죽은후 70대에자살충동을느꼈던한남자를특별히기억한다 6. The man spoke with 3 him on the Friendship Line at a stage when he wanted to end his life. 그남자는그가그의삶을마감하고싶어하는단계에서 Friendship Line을통해그와이야기를했다 7. After some time he said to him 4 I am no longer thinking about suicide because people care about me. 얼마후에그는그에게 사람들이나에게관심을가져주었기때문에나는더이상자살을생각하지않아요. 라고말했다. 8. Arbore found this exchange profound. All we did was express caring, 5 he says. Our work is really quite simple. It s connection and care. Arbore는이교류가깊은의미를가지고있다는것을알았다. 우리가했던것이라고는관심을표현하는것이전부였어요, 그는말했다. 우리의일은꽤단순합니다. 그것은관계와관심입니다. 소재 : 외로운노인문제 주제 : 외로운노인들에게필요한것은관계와관심이다.

11 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 31. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 중요지문 1. Do you advise your kids to keep away from strangers? That s a tall order for adults. 당신은당신의아이들에게낯선사람을멀리하라고조언하는가? 그것은어른들에게는무리한요구이다 2. After all, you expand your network of friends and create potential business partners by meeting strangers. 결국, 당신은낯선사람들을만남으로써당신의친구의범위를확장하고잠재적인사업파트너를만든다. 3. Throughout this process, however, analyzing people to understand their personalities is not all about potential economic or social benefit. 그러나이과정에서, 사람들의성격을이해하기위해그들을분석하는것은잠재적인경제적또는사회적 이익에대한것만은아니다. F 동명사주어 analyzing 4. There is your safety to think about, as well as the safety of your loved ones. 당신이사랑하는사람들의안전뿐아니라, 당신의안전도생각해봐야한다. 5. For that reason, Mary Ellen O Toole, who is a retired FBI profiler, emphasizes the need to go beyond a person s superficial qualities in order to understand them. 그런이유로, 은퇴한 FBI 프로파일러인 Mary Ellen O Toole 은그들을이해하기위해사람의피상적인특 성을넘어설필요성을강조한다. 6. It is not safe, for instance, to assume that a stranger is a good neighbor, just because they re polite. 예를들어, 단지낯선이들이공손하다는이유로그들이좋은이웃이라고가정하는것은안전하지않다 7. Seeing them follow a routine of going out every morning well dressed doesn t mean that s the whole story. 매일아침잘차려입고외출하는그들을보는것이전부는아니다. F 동명사주어 seeing / 지각동사 see 의목적격보어 follow ( 원형부정사 ) 8. In fact, O Toole says that when you are dealing with a criminal, even your feelings may fail you. 사실, O Toole 은당신이범죄자를다룰때, 심지어당신의느낌도당신을틀리게할수있다고말한다. 9. That s because criminals have perfected the art of manipulation and deceit. [3 점 ] * tall order: 무리 한요구 그것은범죄자들이조작과사기의기술에통달했기때문이다. 1 narrow down your network in social media 2 go beyond a person s superficial qualities 3 focus on intelligence rather than wealth 4 trust your first impressions of others 5 take advantage of criminals

12 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 32. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1. Survivorship bias is a common logical fallacy. 생존편향 은흔한논리적오류이다. 2. We re prone to listen to the success stories from survivors because the others aren t around to tell the tale. 우리는생존자들의성공담을듣는경향이있는데, 왜냐하면이야기를해줄다른이들은주변에없기때문이다. F be prone to V = be likely to V = tend to V 3. A dramatic example from history is the case of statistician Abraham Wald who, during World War Ⅱ, was hired by the U.S. Air Force to determine how to make their bomber planes safer. 역사상극적인예는 2차세계대전동안폭격기를더안전하게만들수있는방법을결정하기위해미국공군에의해고용된통계학자 Abraham Wald의경우이다. 4. The planes that returned tended to have bullet holes along the wings, body, and tail, and commanders wanted to reinforce those areas because they seemed to get hit most often. 살아돌아온비행기는날개, 본체, 그리고꼬리부분을따라총알자국을갖고있는경향이있었고, 그부분들이가장총알을자주맞는부분인것처럼보였기때문에지휘관들은이부분들을강화하기를원했다. 5. Wald, however, saw that the important thing was that these bullet holes had not destroyed the planes, and what needed more protection were the areas that were not hit. 그러나 Wald는중요한것은이총알구멍들이비행기를파괴한것이아니며, 더보호해야할부분은 ( 총알을 ) 맞지않은부분이라는것을알게되었다. 6. Those were the parts where, if a plane was struck by a bullet, it would never be seen again. 그부분들은만약비행기가총알을맞았다면다시는그것 ( 비행기 ) 을볼수없게했었을부분들이었다. 7. His calculations based on that logic are still in use today, and they have saved many pilots. [3점] * fallacy: 오류그논리에기초한그의계산은오늘날에도여전히사용되며, 그것은많은조종사들의목숨을구했다. 1 the areas that were not hit 2 high technologies to make airplanes 3 military plans for bombing the targets 4 the data that analyzed broken parts 5 the commanders of the army 소재 : 생존편향 요지 : 가시적인것에과신하는생존편향의예

13 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 쉬어가는코너 배경지식읽기 : 생존편향 Survivorship bias 2 차세계대전당시미군전투기가격추되는것을줄이기위해전장에서돌아온전투기들의외상을분석하여취약부분을보강하는계획을세웠다고한다. 분석결과비행기의외상대부분이날개및꼬리부분에집중되어있었고, 이에당연히해당부분에추가장갑을설치하려하는데분석을총괄한연구원이당장조종석과엔진부분을집중보완해야한다는뜬금없는주장을했다고한다. 그의분석에의하면비행기의각부분들이적군의총탄에손상을입을확률이비슷한데, 조종석과엔진부분에총탄의흔적이없다는것은그부분이적군에의해손상을받으면치명타를입고돌아오지못했다는증거라는것. 만약이훌륭한연구원이아니었으면편향된데이터분석으로쓸데없는곳에두꺼운갑판을덧댈뻔했던이사건을일반화시켜 생존자편향의오류 (survivorship bias) 라고한다. 지난 10년간치킨가게는 3배이상늘어 3만 600개를넘었다. 치킨가게뿐만아니다. 인구 1,000명당음식점수는 12개로, 미국의 6배, 일본의 2배이상에달한다. 왜치킨가게가 3만개를넘어섰을까? 한국의조기은퇴시스템이가장큰이유다. 대부분의조기은퇴자들은자영업이외에다른선택이없다. 그런데그게전부일까? 치킨가게가 자영업자들의무덤 이라는사실이꽤알려졌는데도, 은퇴후단지할일이없다는이유만으로성패여부에관계없이치킨가게를여는걸까? 그렇진않을것이다. 나름시장조사를해보기마련이다. 그런데이시장조사에함정이있다. 죽은자는말이없다지만, 죽은자만말이없는게아니다. 실패자도말이없는법이다. 실패자는찾기어렵다. 실패사례를애써찾아낸다해도성공사례를더많이접할가능성이훨씬높다. 앞에서살펴본 과신오류 가작동하기마련이다. 그런데이경우의과신오류에는성공사례, 즉살아남은자들의사례를많이접한게원인으로작용하고있으므로이문제를따로살펴볼필요가있다. 이른바 생존편향 (survivorship bias) 의문제다. 생존자편향 이라고도한다. 생존편향은생존에실패한사람들의가시성결여 (lack of visibility) 로인해비교적가시성이두드러지는생존자들의사례에집중함으로써생기는편향을말한다. 이편향은 낙관주의편향 과 과신오류 를일으키는원인이된다. 연구자들에게실패사례는기록이없거나빈약한반면, 성공사례는풍부한기록이남아있으므로본의아니게성공사례를일반화하는오류에빠질가능성이높다.3) 언론도 성공미담 위주의기사를양산해내는데, 이또한기사의흥미성을높이기위한의도도있지만실패사례를찾기가어려운탓도있다. 실패를한사람이뭐가좋다고자신이나서서 왜나는실패를했는가 에대해말하고싶어하겠는가말이다. 물론예외적으로그런기사들도나오긴하지만, 그건그야말로예외적인것일뿐성공보다훨씬많은실패사례는언론취재와보도에서사장되기마련이다. 언론에재미교포로성공한미담들은자주실리지만, 비참한실패를한사례는거의실리지않는것도바로그런이유때문이다. 주식투자의실패요인중하나도바로 생존편향 이다. 주식시장에서승자는자신의승리를과시하며, 큰성공을거둔이들은책을쓰고연사로나선다. 이들의성공신화에매료된이들은리스크에눈이멀게되고, 주식투자를쉽게여기며가볍게뛰어든다. 급등주나대박주의환상에젖어자신의전재산을거는사람들마저생겨난다. 반면돈을잃은패자는말이없다. 아니말이없을수밖에없다. 이들은책을쓸수도없으며강연도할수없다. 이들의경험이더보편적인것이지만승자들만활개치니어떤결과가초래될것인지뻔하지않은가.4) 성공한사람들이털어놓는자신의실패경험담도생존편향을강화시킨다. 이들의이야기는늘해피엔딩이기때문이다. 미국발명가토머스에디슨 (Thomas A. Edison) 은 나는실패한것이아니라아직까지작동하지않는실험 1 만가지를해보았을뿐이다 (I have not failed. I ve just found 10,000 ways that won t work) 고했지만,9) 이런말을그대로믿으면곤란하다. 특히한국처럼이른바 패자부활전 이없는나라에서는실패를두려워하지말라는말은믿지않는게좋다. 소심해져야한다는게아니라신중해져야한다는것이다. [ 네이버지식백과 ] 생존편향 - 왜치킨가게가 3 만개를넘어섰을까? ( 감정독재, 2014. 1. 9., 인물과사상사 ) 와 Andrew Ahn 의글에서일부발췌

14 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 33. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1. In the early 2000s, British psychologist Richard Wiseman performed a series of experiments with people who viewed themselves as either lucky (they were successful and happy, and events in their lives seemed to favor them) or unlucky (life just seemed to go wrong for them). 2000년대초반에, 영국의심리학자 Richard Wiseman은자기자신을 운이좋다 ( 그들은성공했고행복하며, 그들의삶에서일어난일들은그들에게우호적인것처럼보였다 ) 혹은 운이나쁘다 ( 삶이그들에게잘풀리지않는것처럼보였다 ) 라고생각하는사람들을대상으로일련의실험을수행했다. 2. What he found was that the lucky people were good at spotting opportunities. 그가발견한것은 운이좋은 사람들은기회를발견하는데능숙하다는것이었다. 3. In one experiment he told both groups to count the number of pictures in a newspaper. 한실험에서그는두집단에게신문에있는그림의수를세게했다. 4. The unlucky diligently ground their way through the task; the lucky usually noticed that the second page contained an announcement that said: Stop counting there are 43 photographs in this newspaper. 운이나쁜 집단은자신의과업을열심히수행했다 ; 운이좋은 집단은두번째페이지에 숫자세기를멈추시오-이신문에는 43개의사진이있습니다. 라고적혀있는안내가포함되어있다는것을대체적으로알아차렸다. 5. On a later page, the unlucky were also too busy counting images to spot a note reading: Stop counting, tell the experimenter you have seen this, and win $250. 그이후페이지에서 운이나쁜 집단은여전히그림의개수를세는데에만너무바쁜나머지 숫자세는것을멈추고, 실험자에게당신이이것 ( 문구 ) 을봤다는것을말하고, 250 달러를받아가시오. 라는안내를발견하지못했다. F too 형 / 부 to V : 너무형 / 부하여 V하지못하다 6. Wiseman s conclusion was that, when faced with a challenge, unlucky people were less flexible. Wiseman의결론은, 운이나쁜 사람들은도전과제에직면했을때융통성을덜발휘한다는것이었다. 7. They focused on a specific goal, and failed to notice that other options were passing them by. [3점] 그들은특정한목표에초점을맞추었고, 다른선택사항들이그들을지나쳐가고있다는것을알지못했다. 1 instructions should be followed at all costs 2 their mission was impossible to complete 3 other options were passing them by 4 counting was such a demanding task 5 efforts would pay off in the long run 소재 : 운좋은사람들과운이나쁜사람들의차이 주제 : 운좋은사람들이운이나쁜사람들보다기회를발견하는데능숙하다.

15 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 34. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 중요지문 1. Appreciating the collective nature of knowledge can correct our false notions of how we see the world. 지식의집단적속성을이해하는것은우리가세상을어떻게바라보는가에대한오개념을바로잡아줄수 있다. 2. People love heroes. Individuals are given credit for major breakthroughs. 사람들은영웅을사랑한다. 개인들은주요한획기적발견에대해공로를인정받는다 3. Marie Curie is treated as if she worked alone to discover radioactivity and Newton ^as if he discovered the laws of motion by himself. Marie Curie 는그녀가방사능을발견하기위해홀로연구한것처럼간주되며 Newton 은그가운동의법칙 을홀로발견한것으로간주된다. 4. The truth is that in the real world, nobody operates alone. 진실은실제세계에서어느누구도홀로일하지않는다는것이다. 5. Scientists not only have labs with students who contribute critical ideas, but also have colleagues who are doing similar work, thinking similar thoughts, and without whom the scientist would get nowhere. 과학자들은중요한아이디어에공헌하는학생들과함께하는실험실을가지고있을뿐만아니라유사한연 구를하고유사한생각을하는동료들도가지고있으며, 그들이없다면그과학자는어떠한성취도이루지 못할것이다. 6. And then there are other scientists who are working on different problems, sometimes in different fields, but nevertheless set the stage through their own findings and ideas. 그리고나서다른문제들, 때로는다른분야에서연구하지만그럼에도자신의발견과생각들을통해장을 마련해주는다른과학자들이있다. 7. Once we start understanding that knowledge isn t all in the head, that it s shared within a community, our heroes change. 일단지식이모두 ( 한명의 ) 머릿속에있는것이아니라, 공동체속에서공유된다는것을이해하기시작하 면우리의영웅은바뀐다. 8. Instead of focusing on the individual, we begin to focus on a larger group. [3 점 ] * radioactivity: 방사 능 개인에게초점을맞추는대신에우리는더큰집단에초점을맞추기시작한다. 1 the process of trial and error 2 the changeable patterns of nature 3 the academic superiority of scholars 4 the diversity of scientific theories 5 the collective nature of knowledge 소재 : 지식의집단적속성 요지 : 지식의발전은특정개인의능력만이아닌집단적협동의결과이다.

16 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 35. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1. Your story is what makes you special. 당신의이야기는당신을특별하게만드는것이다. F 목적격보어로쓰인형용사 special 2. But the tricky part is showing how special you are without talking about yourself. 그러나까다로운부분은당신자신에대한이야기를하지않고당신이얼마나특별한지를보여주는것이다. F how 형 S V ; S가얼마형용사한지 / 재귀대명사 yourself 3. Effective personal branding isn t about talking about yourself all the time. 효과적인퍼스널브랜딩은항상당신자신에대해이야기하는것이아니다. 4. (B) Although everyone would like to think that friends and family are eagerly waiting by their computers hoping to hear some news about what you re doing, they are not. (B) 모든사람들은친구들이나가족이당신이무엇을하고있는지에대한소식을듣기를희망하며컴퓨터옆에서간절히기다린다고생각하고싶겠지만, 그렇지않다. F 명사절접속사 that / 능동분사구문 hoping / 의문사절접속사 what / do not 이아님 5. (C) Actually, they re hoping you re sitting by your computer, waiting for news about them. (C) 사실, 그들은당신이그들에대한소식을기다리며컴퓨터옆에앉아있기를희망한다. 6. The best way to build your personal brand is to talk more about other people, events, and ideas than you talk about yourself. 당신의퍼스널브랜드를구축하는최선의방법은당신자신에대한이야기를하는것보다타인, ( 그들의 ) 사건들, 그리고 ( 그들의 ) 생각들에대한이야기를더많이하는것이다. F 불특정부정대명사 other 7. (A) By doing so, you promote their victories and their ideas, and you become an influencer. (A) 그렇게함으로써당신은다른사람들의성취와생각을추켜세워주고, 영향을주는사람이된다. 8. You are seen as someone who is not only helpful, but is also a valuable resource. 당신은도움이되는사람일뿐아니라, 귀중한자원이되는사람으로여겨진다. 9. That helps your brand more than if you just talk about yourself over and over. * tricky: 교묘한, 까다로운그것은당신이당신자신의이야기를반복해서하는것보다당신의브랜드에더도움이된다. 1 (A) (C) (B) 3 (B) (C) (A) 5 (C) (B) (A) 2 (B) (A) (C) 4 (C) (A) (B) 소재 : 효과적인개인브랜드화 ( 특별한존재화 ) 주제 : 효과적인개인브랜드화를위해선타인의이야기를들어라

17 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 36. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1. Many years ago I visited the chief investment officer of a large financial firm, who had just invested some tens of millions of dollars in the stock of the ABC Motor Company. 수년전에나는한큰금융회사의최고운용책임자를방문했는데, 그는 ABC Motor Company의주식에수천만달러상당의돈을투자했었다. F 사람주격관계대명사 who / 대과거로쓰인과거완료 had invested 2. (C) When I asked how he had made that decision, he replied that he had recently attended an automobile show and had been impressed. He said, Boy, they do know how to make a car! (C) 내가어떻게그가그러한결정을하게되었는지를묻자, 그는최근에자동차쇼에참석했고깊은인상을받았다고대답했다. 그는 오, 그들은자동차를만드는법을알더라니까! 라고말했다. 3. (B) His response made it very clear that he trusted his gut feeling and was satisfied with himself and with his decision. (B) 그의반응은그가자신의직감을믿으며, 자기자신과자신의결정에만족한다는것을분명히했다. F 가목적어 it 진목적어 that 명사절 / 수동감정과거분사 satisfied / 재귀대명사 himself 4. I found it remarkable that he had apparently not considered the one question that an economist would call relevant: Is the ABC stock currently underpriced? * 나는그가경제학자들이적절하다고할만한한가지질문을명백히고려하지않았다는것이놀랍다고생각했다 : ABC 주식이현재저평가되었는가? F 가목적어 it 진목적어 that 명사절 / 목적격관계대명사 that 5. (A) Instead, he had listened to his intuition; he liked the cars, he liked the company, and he liked the idea of owning its stock. (A) 대신에, 그는그의직감을믿었다 ; 그는자동차를좋아하고, 그회사를좋아하며, 그회사의주식을소유한다는생각이좋았다. 6. From what we know about the accuracy of stock picking, it is reasonable to believe that he did not know what he was doing. * gut feeling: 직감주식선택의정확성에대해우리가알고있는것에비추어볼때, 그가자신이하고있는일을몰랐다고믿는것이타당하다. F 명사절로쓰인선행사포함관계대명사 what 1 (A) (C) (B) 2 (B) (A) (C) 3 (B) (C) (A) 4 (C) (A) (B) 5 (C) (B) (A) 소재 : 직감을믿고주식에투자한금융회사최고책임자

18 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 37. 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳을고르시오. 1. You may be wondering why people prefer to prioritize internal disposition over external situations when seeking causes to explain behaviour. 당신은행동을설명하기위한원인을찾을때사람들이왜외적상황보다는내적기질을우선시하기를좋아하는지를궁금해할것이다. 2. One answer is simplicity. 한가지답은단순함이다. 3. Thinking of an internal cause for a person s behaviour is easy the strict teacher is a stubborn person, the devoted parents just love their kids. 한사람의행동에대한내적원인을생각해내는것은쉽다 엄격한선생님은완고한사람이며, 헌신적부모는단지아이들을사랑하는것이다. 4. ( 1 ) In contrast, situational explanations can be complex. 반대로, 상황적설명은복잡할수있다. 5. ( 2 ) Perhaps the teacher appears stubborn because she s seen the consequences of not trying hard in generations of students and wants to develop self discipline in them. 아마그선생님은여러세대의학생들이노력하지않는것의결과를보아왔고, 학생들이자신을단련하는법을발전시키기를원하기때문에완고하게보였을것이다. F 수동불가자동사 appear / 병렬 6. ( 3 ) Perhaps the parents who re boasting of the achievements of their children are anxious about their failures, and conscious of the cost of their school fees. 아마도자녀들의성취를뽐내는부모들은그들의실패에대해걱정하고수업료를의식하고있을것이다. F 수일치 / be anxious about ~ 에대해염려하다 cf) be anxious to V ; V하는것을갈망하다. 7. ( 4 ) These situational factors require knowledge, insight, and time to think through. 이러한상황적요소들은곰곰이생각하기위해서지식, 통찰, 그리고시간을필요로한다. 8. ( 5 )Whereas, jumping to a dispositional attribution is far easier. [3점] * disposition: 성질, 기질반면에, 기질적속성으로넘어가는것은훨씬쉽다. 소재 : 사람들의행동의내외적원인탐구

19 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 38. 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳을고르시오. 1. A child bounces up to you holding her school work; perhaps she s your daughter, cousin, or neighbour. 아마도당신의딸, 사촌, 혹은이웃일지도모르는한아이가그녀의학교과제를손에들고당신에게뛰어오른다. F 동시상황분사구문 holding 2. ( 1 ) She proudly shows you a big red A at the bottom of her test paper. 그녀는자랑스럽게당신에게시험지아래에큼지막하게붉은색으로쓰인 A를보여준다 3. ( 2 ) How do you praise her? 당신은그녀를어떻게칭찬할것인가? 4. ( 3 ) For decades, people have been told that praise is vital for happy and healthy children and that the most important job in raising a child is nurturing her self esteem. 수십년간, 사람들은칭찬이아이가행복하고건강해지기위해필수적이며, 아이를기를때가장중요한것은아이의자존감을길러주는것이라는이야기를들어왔다.. F 수동태 / 명사절병렬 that SV and that SV 5. Recently, however, some researchers found that how people are praised is very important. 그러나최근에몇몇연구자들은사람들이칭찬받는방식이매우중요하다는것을발견했다. 6. ( 4 ) They discovered that if you say What a very clever girl you are! to the child showing you an A, you may cause her more harm than good. 연구자들은만약당신이 A를보여주는아이에게 넌정말똑똑한아이야! 라고칭찬을한다면, 당신은그아이에게득보다는해를끼칠수도있다는것을발견했다. 7. ( 5 ) For your children to succeed and be happy, you need to convince them that success comes from effort, not from some talent that they re born with or without. 당신의아이가성공하고행복해지려면, 당신은그들에게성공은노력에서오는것이지, 타고났거나타고나지않은약간의재능에서오는것은아니라는것을확신시킬필요가있다. 소재 : 아이를칭찬하는방식 주제 : 아이를칭찬하는방식이아이의미래에중요하다.

20 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 39. 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? 1. The body has an effective system of natural defence against parasites, called the immune system. 신체는면역체계라불리는, 병균에대항하는효율적인자연적방어체계를갖고있다. 2. The immune system is so complicated that it would take a whole book to explain it. 면역체계는너무나복잡해서그것을설명하려면책한권이있어야할것이다. 3. 1 Briefly, when it senses a dangerous parasite, the body is mobilized to produce special cells, which are carried by the blood into battle like a kind of army. 간단히말해, 면역체계가위험한균을감지할때, 신체는특별한세포를만들어내기위해가동되며, 그세포는마치군대처럼혈액에의해전쟁터로운반된다. 4. 2 Usually the immune system wins, and the person recovers. 보통은면역체계가승리하고, 그사람은회복한다. 5. 3 After that, the immune system remembers the molecular equipment that it developed for that particular battle, and any following infection by the same kind of parasite is beaten off so quickly that we don t notice it. 그후, 면역체계는그특정한전투를위해발달시켰던분자로된장비를기억해서, 똑같은균에대한후속감염은너무빨리퇴치되어우리는그것을알아차리지도못한다. 6. 4 As a result, the weakened immune system leads to infection, and the infection causes damage to the immune system, which further weakens resistance. ( 그결과, 약해진면역체계는감염을일으키고, 그감염은면역체계에손상을일으켜, 더나아가저항력을약화시킨다.) 7. 5 That is why, once you have had a disease like the measles or chicken pox, you re unlikely to get it again. * parasite: 기생충, 균 ** molecular: 분자의그것이당신이홍역이나천연두와같은질병을한번앓고나면, 그것에다시걸릴가능성은거의없어지는이유이다. 소재 : 신체의면역체계

21 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 40. 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 1. The wife of American physiologist Hudson Hoagland became sick with a severe flu. 미국의생리학자인 Hudson Hoagland의아내가심각한독감에걸려아프게되었다. 2. Dr. Hoagland was curious enough to notice that whenever he left his wife s room for a short while, she complained that he had been gone for a long time. Hoagland 박사는그가짧은시간동안아내의방을떠날때마다, 오랫동안자리를떠나있었다고아내가불평하는것을알아차릴정도로호기심이많았다. F A enough to V ; V할만큼 A ( 이 / 하 ) 다 (to부정사부사용법중결과 ) 3. In the interest of scientific investigation, he asked his wife to count to 60, with each count corresponding to what she felt was one second, while he kept a record of her temperature. 과학적탐구에대한흥미로인해, 그는아내에게 1초라고느껴지는것에상응하게숫자를하나씩세어서 60까지세어보라고말하고, 아내의체온을기록했다. 4. His wife reluctantly accepted and he quickly noticed that the hotter she was, the faster she counted. 그의아내는마지못해응하였고, 그는그녀가열이나면날수록더빨리숫자를센다는것을재빨리알아차렸다. 5. When her temperature was 38 degrees Celsius, for instance, she counted to 60 in 45 seconds. 예를들어, 그녀의체온이섭씨 38도였을때, 그녀는 45초만에숫자를 60까지세었다. 6. He repeated the experiment a few more times, and found that when her temperature reached 39.5 degrees Celsius, she counted one minute in just 37 seconds. 그는몇번더반복하여실험을하였고, 그녀의체온이섭씨 39.5도에달했을때, 37초만에 1분을 ( 숫자를 60 까지 ) 세었다는것을알게되었다. 7. The doctor thought that his wife must have some kind of internal clock inside her brain that ran faster as the fever went up. 그박사는그의아내가열이오를수록더빨라지는일종의 생체시계 를머릿속에가지고있음이틀림없다고생각했다. The results of Dr. Hoagland s investigation showed that his wife felt (A) more time had passed than actually had as her body temperature (B) increased. Hoagland 박사의연구결과는그의아내가체온이높아짐에따라, 실제보다더많은시간이흘렀던것처 럼느꼈다는것을보여주었다. (A) (B) 1 more increased 2 more decreased 3 less increased 4 less decreased 5 less changed 소재 : 생리학자 Hudson Hoagland 의생체시계연구 주제 : 사람은체온이높을수록시간이많이흘렀다고느낀다.

22 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp [41 ~ 42] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. 1. David Stenbill, Monica Bigoutski, Shana Tirana. I just made up these names. David Stenbill, Monica Bigoutski, Shana Tirana. 나는방금이이름들을지어냈다. 2. If you encounter any of them within the next few minutes, you are likely to remember where you saw them. 만약여러분이앞으로몇분이내에이이름들중어떤이름을마주친다면, 여러분은아마도그이름을어디서봤었는지를기억해낼수있을것이다. 3. You know, and will know for a while, that these are not the names of minor celebrities. 여러분은이들이덜유명한사람의이름이아니라는것을알고있고, 잠시동안은알고있을것이다. 4. But suppose that a few days from now you are shown a long list of names, including those of some minor celebrities and new names of people that you have never heard of; your task will be to check every name of a celebrity on the list. 그러나지금부터며칠후에, 여러분들에게덜유명한사람의이름과한번도듣지못한이들의 새로운 이름을포함한긴이름목록을보여준다고가정해보자 ; 여러분의임무는그목록속에있는모든유명인의이름을체크하는것이다. 5. There is a substantial probability that you will identify David Stenbill as a well known person, although you will not know whether you encountered his name in the context of movies, sports, or politics. 비록여러분이그이름을영화, 스포츠또는정치상황에서만났는지모른다하더라도, 여러분은 David Stenbill을유명한사람으로인식할상당한가능성이있다. 6. Larry Jacoby, the psychologist who first demonstrated this memory illusion in the laboratory, titled his article Becoming Famous Overnight. 연구실에서이러한기억착오를최초로입증한심리학자인 Larry Jacoby는그의논문을 하룻밤사이에유명해지다 라고이름붙였다. 7. How does this happen? Start by asking yourself how you know whether or not someone is famous. 이러한일이어떻게발생할까? 당신이누군가가유명한지아닌지를어떻게알게되었는지를자문함으로써시작하라. 8. In some cases of truly famous people, you have a mental file with rich information about a person think Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, or Hillary Clinton. 진짜유명한사람의경우, 여러분은그사람에대한풍부한정보로채워진머릿속파일을가지고있다 Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, Hillary Clinton을생각해보라. 9. But you will have no file of information about David Stenbill if you encounter his name in a few days. 하지만, 여러분이 David Stenbill의이름을며칠후에마주한다해도, 여러분은그에대한어떠한정보파일도갖고있지않을것이다. 10. All you will have is a sense of familiarity 여러분이갖고있는전부는친숙함의느낌이다. 소재 : 기억의착오를일으키는것 주제 : 친숙함의느낌은기억의착오를유발한다.

23 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 41. 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? [3점] 1 Strategies for Boosting Memory 기억력을신장시키기위한전략들 2 How Celebrities Maintain Popularity 어떻게유명인들이인기를유지하는가 3 Useful and Accurate Ways of Identifying People 사람들을알아볼수있는유용하고정확한방법들 4 Recognize, Analyze, and Standardize Names! 인식하고, 분석하고, 표준화하라, 이름들을! 5 What Causes the Illusion of Remembering? 무엇이기억의착오를일으키는가? 42. 윗글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 1 predictability 예측가능성 2 fairness 공정성 3 familiarity 익숙함 4 responsibility 책임감 5 belonging 소유 ( 물 )

24 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp [43 ~ 45] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. (A) 1. Is it possible that two words can change someone s day, someone s life? What if those same two words could change the world? (A) 두단어가누군가의하루를, 누군가의인생을바꿀수있다는것이가능할까? 그두단어가세상을바꿀수있다면어떻게될까? 2. Well, Cheryl Rice is on a quest to find out. Cheryl Rice는이를알아내기위해탐색중이다. 3. This quest accidentally began in November, 2016 in a grocery store. (a) She was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her 60 s. 이탐색은 2016년 11월, 한식료품가게에서우연히시작되었다. 그녀는계산대에서 60대로보이는한여인의뒤에서있었다. 4. When it was the woman s turn to pay, the cashier greeted her by name and asked her how she was doing. 그여인이계산할차례가되었을때, 계산원이그녀의이름을부르며인사했고, 어떻게지내는지를물었다. (C) 5. The woman looked down, shook her head and said, Not so good. My husband just lost his job. I don t know how I m going to get through the holidays. (C) 그여인은아래를내려다보고, 머리를흔들며 그다지좋지않아요. 남편이실직했어요. 이연휴를어떻게견뎌야할지모르겠네요. 라고말했다. 6. Then (c) she gave the cashier some food stamps. Cheryl s heart ached. She wanted to help but didn t know how. 그리고그녀는구호대상자용식량카드를계산원에게건넸다. Cheryl은마음이아팠다. 그녀는도움을주고싶었지만, 방법을몰랐다. 7. Should I offer to pay for her groceries, ask for her husband s resume? She did nothing yet. And the woman left the store. 내가그녀의식료품구입비를지불하겠다고제안을해야할까? 그녀의남편의이력서를요청할까? 그녀는아무것도하지않았다 아직까지는. 그리고그여인은가게를떠났다. (B) 8. As Cheryl walked into the parking lot, she spotted the woman returning her shopping cart, and she remembered something in her purse that could help her. (B) Cheryl이주차장으로걸어갈때, 그녀는그여인이쇼핑카트를반납하고있는것을발견하였고, 그녀를도울수있는무엇인가가지갑에있다는것을기억해냈다. 9. She approached the woman and said, Excuse me, I couldn t help overhearing what you said to the cashier. 그녀는그여인에게다가가서 실례합니다만, 당신이계산원에게했던말을엿듣게되었어요. 10. It sounds like you re going through a really hard time right now. I m so sorry. I d like to give you something. And (b) she handed her a small card. 당신은지금매우힘든시간을보내고계신것처럼들리더군요. 너무안됐어요. 제가당신에게무엇인가를드리고싶네요. 라고말했다. 그리고그녀는그여인에게작은카드를건넸다. (D) 11. When the woman read the card s only two words, she began to cry. And through her tears, she said, You have no idea how much this means to me. (D) 그여인이카드에적힌단두단어를읽었을때, 그녀는울기시작했다. 눈물을흘리며, 그녀는 당신

25 고 2 2018 년 6 월한줄해석.hwp 은이것이나에게얼마나큰의미인지를모를거예요. 라고말했다. 12. (d) She was a little startled by her reply. Having never done anything like this before, Cheryl hadn t anticipated the reaction she might receive. 그녀는그여인의대답에다소놀랐다. 이러한일을이전에는해본적이없었기때문에, Cheryl은그녀가어떠한반응을받게될지를예측하지못했었다. 13. All (e) she could think ^ to respond was, Oh, my. Would it be OK to give you a hug? 그녀가그반응에대해생각할수있었던전부는 오, 세상에, 당신을안아드려도괜찮을까요? 였다. 14. After they embraced, she walked back to her car and began to cry too. The words on the card? You Matter. * quest: 탐색 * food stamp: 구호대상자용식량카드그들이껴안고난후, 그녀는그녀의차로돌아가울기시작했다. 그카드에있던두단어는? 당신은소중합니다. 43. 주어진글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B) - (D) - (C) 2 (C) - (B) - (D) 3 (C) - (D) - (B) 4 (D) - (B) - (C) 5 (D) - (C) - (B) 44. 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중에서가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 45. 윗글의 Cheryl Rice에관한내용과일치하지않는것은? 1 계산대줄에서있었다. 2 대화를우연히엿들었다고말했다. 3 작은카드를건넸다. 4 식료품구입비를대신지불했다. 5 차로돌아와서울었다.