대한한방내과학회지제 27 권 1 호 (2006 년 3 월 ) Korean J.Orient.Int. Med. 2006:27(1):276-287 Effect of Sojukgunbihwan granule on Gastric Motility in Rats Jong-hee Hong, Sang-hyub Yoon, Jin-sung Kim, Bong-ha Ryu Background & Objective : The herbal medicine Sojukgunbihwan granule has been used for the treatment of functional dyspepsia, generally categorized as a gastric dysmotility disease. However, its mechanisms are not yet well known. Therefore, the effects of Sojukgunbihwan granules on gastric motility in rats was investigated. Methods : The myoelectrical activity of the gastric smooth muscle was recorded by a bipolar electrode placed at the gastric antrum of rats. The contractile waves were measured for 30 minutes before and after intragastric administration of each solution(normal saline, Pyungwisan 40 /, Sojukgunbihwan granules 60 / ) and expressed as the motility index. Gastric emptying was measured by the number of glass beads expelled from the stomach(containing one hundred 1 glass beads) within an hour after glass beads and test drugs(normal saline, Pyungwisan 40 /, Pyungwisan 120 /, Sojukgunbihwan granules 60 /, Sojukgunbihwan granules 180 / ) were administered. In another series of experiments to evaluate the mechanisms of Sojukgunbihwan granules under delayed conditions, the rats were treated with atropine sulfate(1 /, s.c.), cisplatin(10 /, i.p.), and NAME(N G -nitro-l-arginine methyl ester, /, s.c.) respectively. Results : Intragastric administration of Sojukgunbihwan granules increased the myoelectrical activity significantly, gastric motility index rose 25%, and gastric emptying of glass beads was significantly enhanced over a period of 60minutes. Under the delayed gastric emptying induced by atropine sulfate, cisplatin, and NAME, Sojukgunbihwan granules aggravated gastric emptying in the atropine sulfate(5.71±3.45 vs 3.71±4.42) and cisplatin(13.86±3.53 vs 5.14±5.05, p<0.01) treated groups, but enhanced gastric emptying in the NAME treated group(5.00±3.21 vs 11.71±5.65, p<0.05). Conclusions : Results suggest that Sojukgunbihwan granules stimulate gastric motility through cholinergic and 5-hydroxytryptamine 3 receptors. Results are indicative of Sojukgunbihwan as an especially effective remedy in dysmotility-like functional dyspepsia with impaired reservoir functions such as gastric adaptive relaxation.,,, 26 1. 2006. 2. 11. 2006. 3. 3., 1 3 (Tel. 02-958-9140, Fax. 02-958-9136 E-mail : sandrock58@nate.com),.,,,,,,,,,, 2.,. 3, 4, 5, 6
, 7,8. (succussion splash), 9. 25%,, (,,,,,, ) 10,11.,, 12.,,, 13-6, 17,18.,..,. 1) 350 450g ( ). (, Co.) 12. 2),. Table 1, 2, 1 (SJ ) 3.g, (PW ) 2.5g. atropine sulfate, N G - nitro-l-arginine methyl ester(name) Sigma, cisplatin. 1) protocol 60 11 ( 60 /, 40 / ) 1, 3 2.. 5, (NS), 1 (PW-1), 1 (SJ-1). 7 3060, 60 2 section. (NS), 1 (PW-1), 3 (PW-3), 1 (SJ-1), 3 (SJ-3). 2) Gastric myoelectrical activity 24, sodium pentobarbital(30 / ). Bipolar electrodespylorus
Herbal name Drug name Scientific name Dosage(g) Red Sandalwood Cyperi Rhizoma Puerariae Radix Atractylodies Rhizoma Magnoliae Cortex Auratii nobilis Pericarpium Pogostemonis Herba Zingiberis Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma Cinnamomi Cortex Crataegii Fructus Aucklandiae Radix Glycyrrhizae Radix Sparganii Rhizoma Zedoariae Rhizoma Citri Reticulatae Viride Pericarpium Massa Medicata Fermentata Hordei Fructus Germinatus Aurantii Fructus Arecae Semen Amomi Fructus Tsaoko Fructus Caryophylli Flos Amomi Rotundus Fructus Piperis Nigri Fructus Piperis Longi Fructus Pterocarpus santalinus Lignum Cyperus rotundus L. Pueraria thunbergiana BENTH. Atractylodes japonica Koidzumi Magnolia officinalis REHD. et WILS Citrus nobilis Makino Pogostemon cablin BENTH. Zingiber officinale ROSCOE Alpinia officinarum HANCE Cinnamomum cassia PRESL Crataegus pinnatifida BGE. Aucklandia lappa DECNE. Glycyrrhiza uralensis FISCH Sparganium stoloniferum BUCH.-HAM. Curcuma zedoaria ROSC. Citrus unshiu MARKOVICH Tricticum sativum Linne Hordeum vulgare Linne Citrus aurantum L. Areca catechu L. Amomum xanthioides WALL. Amonum tsaoko CREVOST et LEM. Eugenia caryophyllata THUNB Amomum kravanh PIERRE ex CAGNEP. Piper nigrum L. Piper longum L. 150 150 37.5 Total amount 1331.25 Herbal name Drug name Scientific name Dosage(g) Atractylodies Rhizoma Auratii nobilis Pericarpium Magnoliae Cortex Glycyrrhizae Radix Atractylodes japonica Koidzumi Citrus nobilis Makino Magnolia officinalis REHD. et WILS Glycyrrhiza uralensis FISCH 8 5.6 4 2.4 Total amount 20 5antrumserosal surface 7-0. Electrode 20 polyethylene tube(id 0.28, OD 0.61, Becton Dickinson and Company) stainless steel epoxy
(Fig. 1). silicon tube(id 0.58, OD 0.965 ). 2 electrode tube 19. Myoelectrical activitypolygraph( GRASS Model 79E.). cutoff frequency low 0.15, high 35. 5, 24. artifact 1 urethane 500 / Restrainer 20. 30 baseline recording, 30(Figure 2). Motility index PowerLab(Chart version 4.11, ADInstruments) 30 (volts/s). Motility index(%) = 100 3) Gastric emptying Gastric emptyingmiyata 21. 24 glass bead( 1 ) 100 nelaton catheter30 60 glass bead. glass bead. atropine sulfate(1 /, ), cisplatin(10 /, ), NAME(N G -nitro-l-arginine methyl ester, /, ). atropine sulfatename, cisplatin 30glass bead. ±(mean±s.e.), SPSS 10.0 for windows. one-way analysis of variance(anova), Mann-Whitney U-Test. test p<0.05. Gastric myoelectrical activity, 1 (SJ-1) 20 normal saline(ns) 1 (PW-1) (Fig. 3). Gastric motility index(%) 1 25.56±8.32% (P<0.05). Normal saline 7.98 ±13.06%, 1 3.66±6.35% motility (Fig. 4).
mv NS +0.2-0.2 PW-1 +0.2-0.2 SJ-1 +0.2-0.2 0 30 60 min Fasting Treatment Gastric motility index(%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 NS PW-1 SJ-1 * 1) 30.,,.. 1 11.71±6.29, 3 9.29±7.57, 1 7.43±4.86, 3 8.71±3.45, normal saline 6.71±5.02 (Fig. 5).
Gastric emptying (Glass beads expelled for 30min) r 20 15 10 5 0 NS PW-1 PW-3 SJ-1 SJ-3 60 1 (p<0.05)., normal saline,. 30. 1 27.57±13.05, 3 16.29±16.46, normal saline 12.43±5.06, 1 7.86±2.67, 3 11.57±11.18 (Fig. 6). 2) 1 atropine sulfate, cisplatin, NAME(N G -nitro-l-arginine methyl ester). Atropine sulfate NAME 5.71±3.45, 5.00±3.21, cisplatin13.86±3.53. 1 atropine sulfate Gastric emptying (Glass beads expelled for 60 min) r 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Atropine+NS Atropine+SJ Gastric emptying (Glass beads expelled for 60min) r 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 NS PW-1 PW-3 SJ-1 SJ-3 * Gastric emptying (Glass beads expelled for 60min) r 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Cisplatin+NS ** Cisplatin+SJ
(5.71±3.45vs 3.71±4.42 ), cisplatin (13.86±3.53 vs 5.14±5.05, p<0.01), NAME (5.00±3.21 vs 11.71±5.65, p<0.05)(fig. 7, 8, 9). Gastric emptying (Glass beads expelled for 60 min) r 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 NAME+NS * NAME+SJ. 1212 22,23. 25%,,, 10,11., 4-8.,,.,,.,,.,,,, 24,25.,, pepsin,, 13-6, 26..,.,,. 27. 3, 3.
... 1,. 1., vagus nerve. Vagus nerve acetylcholine. Atropinevagus nerve acetylcholine, atropine. 1 atropine., 28. vagus nerve., 5-HT 3 receptor cancer chemotherapy cisplatin. 5-HT 3 receptor enterochromaffin cell serotonin,,,,, 29-32. Cisplatin 5-HT 3 receptor, mouse rat gastric emptying. 5-HT 3 receptor antagonist cisplatin 33-5. Cancer chemotherapy,, receptor 33,36. (Zingiber officinale)acetone ethanol 5-HT 3 receptor antagonist ondansetron 37. cisplatin 10 / gastric emptying 37. 2% cellulose normal saline. cisplatin 1 normal saline. 5-HT 3 receptor cisplatin, cisplatindm. 5-HT 3 receptor., nonadrenergic noncholinergic(nanc) nerve. NANC nerve fundus receptive
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