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1 51 DOI : /KPI ) 2) Received : Accepted : Effect of herb drug medicine Treatment for Functional Dyspepsia: Controlled Trial Lee Jae-Jin 1), Son mi-won 2), Hong Kwon-eui 1) Key Words: Herb drug medicine treatment, Functional Dyspepsia, Nepean Dyspepsia Index 1) Dept. of Acupunture & Moxibustation, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University, 2) Dong-A Phamaceutical Co. ABSTRACT Obejective : Functional dyspepsia is a prevalent disease. It impedes subjective quality of life. The purpose of this research is to examine the equivalent effect of herb drug medicine treatment(h-d)and Over the Counter(OTC) for functional dyspepsia. Method : In this controlled study, we compared herb drug medicine(h-d) with Over the Counter(OTC) of functional dyspepsia. 30 volunteers who satisfied the requirements were enrolled in study. Severity of dyspepsia was measured by Nepean Dyspepsia Index(NDI-K) before and after treatments. Result : The results are summarized as follows. 1. In Herb drug medicine and Over the Counter groups, total key symptoms score of after treatment were significantly decreased and improve rate of key symptoms was higher than before treatment, but there were no statistical significance between two groups. 2. In Herb drug medicine and Over the Counter groups, each symptoms score of after treatment were significantly decreased and improve rate of key symptoms was higher than before treatment, but there were no statistical significance between two groups. 3. In Herb drug medicine and Over the Counter groups, quality of life score of after treatment were significantly decreased and improve rate of key symptoms was higher than before treatment, but there were no statistical significance between two groups. Conclusion : Herb drug medicine treatment(h-d) is effective to improve the symptoms and quality of life in patients with functional dyspepsia. I dyspepsia functional dyspepsia Corresponding author : Hong Kwon-eui, Dept. of Acupunture and Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University Tel hkeacu@dju.ac.kr

2 % % 30 Herb drug medicine, H-D Over The Counter OTC Nepean Dyspepsia Index NDI-K II ) 2) KGMP H-D 75 5% 3 (H-D) (OTC) 167 mg 8mg 230mg, 100mg mg 12 mg 100mg 150 mg 6 mg 40 mg 167 mg 150 mg 3 mg mg 180 mg 16 mg 250 mg 50 mg 20 75

3 53 H-D OTC ) 4) Rome Criteria Table mild 1 moderate 2 severe 3 5) ) H-D OTC NDI-K NDI-K NDI-K CRF Case Report Form CRF dropout 7) NDI-K 1 NDI-K )

4 NDI-K 8 2 NDI-K 15 NDI-K NDI-K NDI-K Fig 1 9) t paired t-test t independent t-test Fisher s exact test Kappa Windows SAS 9.1 p p-value 0.05 Table 3 3 Table 4 4 NDI-K NDI-K 15 8 Table 5 1) NDI-K NDI-K 8 p=0.002 p=<0.0001) Table 6 III 1 30 H-D OTC 15 Table NDI-K 15 1) NDI-K 15 NDI-K Table 7 2) NDI-K 15 H-D NDI-K

5 55 12 Table 8 7 3) OTC NDI-K 15 OTC NDI-K 10 Table 9 4) NDI-K 15 NDI-K Table 10 6 NDI-K 1) NDI-K NDI-K Table 11 2) H-D NDI-K H-D NDI-K Table 12 3) OTC NDI-K OTC NDI-K Table 13 4) NDI-K 15 NDI-K Table 14 IV 25% 38-41% 32% 13.4% 15.4% 15.5% 25% dyspepsia 3 81%

6 OTC 30 H-D OTC Nepean Dyspepsia Index NDI- K H-D OTC H-D 1 20 OTC H-D OTC 15 Table 2 H-D 4:11 Table 3

7 57 H-D OTC 73.33, % Table 4 H-D OTC 40,00, % Table 4 Table 4 NDI-K Talley NDI-K 15 8 Table 5 NDI-K 8 p=0.002, p=< Table 6 H-D OTC NDI-K 15 NDI-K Table 7 H-D NDI-K H-D 12 Table 8 OTC 10 Table 9 H-D NDI-K NDI-K Table 11 NDI- K H-D Table 12 OTC Table 13 Table 14

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10 Research Doctor statistician Research Doctor Pharmacist Research Doctor H-D& OTC screening assignment NDI-K during 2wk NDI-K Fig. 1. Design of study. NDI-K: Nepean dyspepsia index H-D: Herb drug medicine treatment OTC: Over The Counter Table 1. Definition of Functional Dyspepsia in Rome Criteria 2) At least 12 weeks, which need not be consecutive, in the preceding 12 months of: 1. Persistent or recurrent symptoms (pain or discomfort centered in the upper abdomen); 2. No evidence of organic disease that is likely to explain the symptoms; and 3. No evidence that dyspepsia is exclusively relieved by defecation or associated with the onset of a change in stool frequency or stool form (i.e., not irritable bowel). Table 2. Clinical Characteristics of Two Patients Groups Treated with H-D and OTC H-D OTC Fisher s exact test p-values T-test Total number Gender(n(%)) Male 4(26.7%) 4(26.7%) Female 11(73.3%) 11(73.3%) 1.0 Mean Age(y) a) Height( ) Weight( ) Severity of dyspepsia symptom a) : Mean standard deviation Table 3. Surmise about Treatment in Two Patients Groups Treated with H-D and OTC H-D OTC Kappa(95% CI) Surmise about treatment(%) H-D OTC 11(73.3) 4(33.3) 5(26.7) 10(66.7) 0.40 ( )

11 61 Table 4. Subtype and Byeonjeung Type of Functional Dyspepsia in Treated with H-D and OTC H-D OTC Fisher s exact test Ulcer-like Dyspepsia 1(6.67) 1(6.67) Subtype Dysmotility-like Dyspepsia 11(73.33) 13(86.67) Unspecified Dyspepsia 3(20.00) 1(6.67) Disharmony between liver and stomach syndrome 6(40.00) 6(40.00) Stagnated meal syndrome 2(13.33) 2(13.33) Byeonjeung Type Spleen-stomach dampness-heat syndrome 0(0.00) 1(6.67) Simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat syndrome 3(20.00) 2(13.33) Hypofunction of spleen and stomach syndrome 4(26.67) 4(26.67) Table 5. Mean Changes of Dyspepsia Key Symptoms between before and after Treatment NDI-K score H-D OTC p-value b) Before treatment a) After treatment a): Mean standard deviation b): independent t-test Table 6. Mean changes of dyspepsia key symptoms between before and after treatment with H-D and OTC NDI-K score Mean change Paird t-test H-D a) *** OTC *** p-value b) a): Mean standard deviation b): independent t-test (***: p 0.001)

12 Table 7. Score of NDI-K Symptoms in the Two Group Before Treatment Symptom H-D OTC p-value b) Pain in upper abdomen a) Discomfort in upper abdomen Burning in upper abdomen * Inability to finish a regular meal Fullness after eating Pressure in upper abdomen Bloating in upper abdomen Nausea Heartburn * Cramps in upper abdomen Chest pain * Bitter tasting fluid that comes to your mouth Burping Vomiting Bad breath Total symptom score * a): Mean standard deviation. b): independent t-test (*: p 0.05)

13 63 Table 8. Mean Changes of NDI-K Symptoms in the Group Treated with H-D Symptom After score Mean change Parid t-test Pain in upper abdomen a) ** Discomfort in upper abdomen ** Burning in upper abdomen ** Inability to finish a regular meal *** Fullness after eating *** Pressure in upper abdomen * Bloating in upper abdomen ** Nausea Heartburn * Cramps in upper abdomen Chest pain *** Bitter tasting fluid that comes to your mouth *** Burping Vomiting * Bad breath ** Total symptom score *** a): Mean standard deviation. (*: p 0.05, **: p 0.01, ***: p 0.001)

14 Table 9. Mean Changes of NDI-K Symptoms in the Group Treated with OTC Symptom After score Mean change Parid t-test Pain in upper abdomen a) 0.009** Discomfort in upper abdomen *** Burning in upper abdomen ** Inability to finish a regular meal *** Fullness after eating *** Pressure in upper abdomen * Bloating in upper abdomen ** Nausea Heartburn Cramps in upper abdomen Chest pain * Bitter tasting fluid that comes to your mouth * Burping ** Vomiting Bad breath Total symptom score *** a): Mean standard deviation. (*: p 0.05, **: p 0.01, ***: p 0.001)

15 65 Table 10. Mean Changes of NDI-K Symptoms in Two Patients Groups Treated with H-D and OTC Symptom H-D OTC p-value b) Pain in upper abdomen a a) Discomfort in upper abdomen Burning in upper abdomen Inability to finish a regular meal Fullness after eating Pressure in upper abdomen Bloating in upper abdomen Nausea Heartburn Cramps in upper abdomen Chest pain Bitter tasting fluid that comes to your mouth Burping Vomiting Bad breath Total symptom score a): Mean standard deviation. b): independent t-test Table 11. Quality of Life Score of NDI-K Symptoms in the Two Group Before Treatment Quality of Life H-D OTC p-value b) Interference a) Knowledge/Control Eat/drink Sleep disturb Total symptom score a): Mean standard deviation. b): independent t-test

16 Table 12. Mean Changes of NDI-K Quality of Life Score in the Group Treated with H-D Quality of Life After score Mean change Paird t-test Interference a) *** Knowledge/Contro l *** Eat/drink Sleep disturb * Total symptom score *** a): Mean standard deviation. *:p 0.05, ***: p Table 13. Mean Changes of NDI-K Quality of Life Score in the Group Treated with H-D Quality of Life After score OTC Paird t-test Interference a) ** Knowledge/Control ** Eat/drink Sleep disturb ** Total symptom score ** a): Mean standard deviation. *: p Table 14. Mean Changes of NDI-K Symptoms in Two Patients Groups Treated with H-D and OTC Quality of Life H-D OTC p-value b) Interference a) a) Knowledge/Control Eat/drink Sleep disturb Total symptom score a): Mean standard deviation. b): independent t-test

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