07-SIP H.323 기반의 멀티미디어 서비스(홍융기).ppt

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Outline VoIP protocol H.323 SIP VoIP Multimedia control protocol SIP-H.323 interworking Multimedia service

VoIP protocol H.323 Large install base H.323 is still being developed and deployed Enterprises are currently staying with H.323 IP-PBX primarily supports H.323 SIP On carriers roadmap in addition to H.323 Softswitches mostly support SIP IP Mobile Phones 3GPP has adopted SIP SIP and H.323 seem as though they will coexist for years to come Interworking functionality is required!

Multimedia Service? : CEATEC JAPAN 2001 -

Outline VoIP protocol H.323 SIP VoIP Multimedia control protocol SIP-H.323 interworking Multimedia service

H.323 Scope H.323 Terminal Scope of H.323 Packet-based Network H.323 MCU H.323 Gatekeeper H.323 Gateway H.323 Terminal H.323 Terminal N-ISDN Guaranteed QoS LAN B-ISDN GSTN Speech Terminal H.320 Terminal H.322 Terminal H.321 Terminal H.321 Terminal V.70 Terminal H.324 Terminal Speech Terminal H.310 terminal operating in h.321 mode DSVD (H.324M)

H.323 Audio CODEC G.711, G.722, G.728, G.723.1, G.729 Video CODEC H.261, H.263 H.225.0 Call setup RAS (Registration, Admission and Status) H.245 Control protocol for multimedia communication Exchange the facilities of terminal between systems within a conferencing Setup the conferencing mode through get the capability of terminal Make the RTP sessions RTP/RTCP RTP/RTCP (Real-time Transport Protocol and Real-time Transport Control protocol : RFC 1889) Gatekeeper

H.323 Decomposition RTP/RTCP RAS/H.225.0 Q.931/H.225.0 H.245 Real Time Protocol Registration Admission & Status Call Signaling Media (Call) Control UDP TCP/UDP(Annex E) Network Layer Link Layer Physical Layer


Outline VoIP protocol H.323 SIP VoIP Multimedia control protocol SIP-H.323 interworking Multimedia service

SIP Part of IETF conference control architecture: SAP for advertising multimedia sessions RTSP for controlling delivery of streaming media [RFC 2326] SDP for describing multimedia sessions [RFC 2327] RTP for transporting real-time data and providing QoS feedback [RFC 1889] RSVP for reserving network resources [RFC 2205] others: malloc, multicast, conference bus,... HTTP-like [RFC 2616] URI and URL [RFC 2396]

SIP server and client UAC (User-Agent Client) caller application UAS (User-Agent Server) Accept, redirect, refuse call Redirect Server Redirect requests Proxy Server Server + client Registrar Track user locations User agent = UAC + UAS Often combine registrar + (proxy or redirect server)

SIP Architecture Request Response SIP Redirect Server(3.81) Location Service 2 3 Location Server 1 4 11 5 6 7 12 SIP Client (3.74) (UAC:User Agent Client) SIP Proxy (3.81) 10 SIP Client(3.209) (User Agent Server) 8 9 SIP Proxy

SIP call flow UAC:User Agent Client UAS:User Agent Server INVITE 100 Trying 180 Ringing 200 OK ACK Both Way RTP Media BYE 200 OK

Carrier Class SIP Architecture

Outline VoIP protocol H.323 SIP VoIP Multimedia control protocol SIP-H.323 interworking Multimedia service

Multimedia control protocol SIP H.323 Text-based request / response SDP (media types and media transport address) Server roles : registrar, proxy, redirect Binary ASN.1 PER encoding Sub-protocols : H.245, H.225 (Q.931, RAS, RTP/RTCP), H.332, H.450.x H.323 Gatekeeper SIP

Multimedia control protocol SIP H.323 SIP H.323 SIP text H.323 SIP SIP Conference size H.323 Multipoint Controller(MC) SIP

Outline VoIP protocol H.323 SIP VoIP Multimedia control protocol SIP-H.323 Interworking Multimedia service

H.323 / SIP Protocol stack Application Layer Application Layer TPKT Codecs Q.931 H.245 RAS RTCP RTP SIP SDP Codecs RTP RTCP TCP UDP IP Layer

Interworking functions (IWF) Message translation between H.323 and entity and SIP entity Signaling translation for all phases of a call No media format conversion May include a Media Switching Function for switching RTP packets which is out of scope

Basic call scenario SIP to H.323 Setup(vipin@sip.com) INVITE Alerting H.323 Endpoint Connect H.245 May be included in Fast Start IWF 180 Ringing 200 OK ACK SIP User Agent RTP/RTCP Common protocol

Basic call scenario H.323 to SIP Setup(vipin@.sip.com) INVITE H.323 Endpoint Alerting Connect H.245 May be included in Fast Start IWF 180 Ringing 200 OK ACK SIP User Agent RTP/RTCP Common protocol

IWF Scenario IWF without H.323 GK and SIP server H.323 EP IWF SIP UA IWF with H.323 GK and without SIP server IWF with SIP server and without SIP server H.323 GK IWF with H.323 GK and SIP server SIP Server

Interworking Problems Mapping between SIP and H.323 Address Message Call sequence Message parameters Audio/Video formats Call setup translation User registration Media description Advance services

Outline VoIP protocol H.323 SIP VoIP Multimedia control protocol SIP-H.323 interworking Multimedia service

SIP Multimedia service HomeNetwork Access ISP Services Home Gateway Cable Modem DSL Fixed Wireless Fiber Satellite Powerline Digital Terrestrial

SIP Multimedia service UMS(Unified Messaging Service) IMPP(Instance Messaging & Presence Protocol) Conference


PC to PC PC to Phone Phone to Phone 4255551212 ex) MSN messanger

UMS VoIP, FAX, E-Mail, Voice Mail Desktop PC, Telephone, Web Browser Media Phone to Phone PC to PC voice Phone PC to Phone Text(E-Mail, Texture Document) to Speech Phone to Fax Fax to Web

Text Voice Email Fax

mp3 mpeg-4 Network

VoIP Home Gateway, Home Server RGW MGCP/MEGACO H.323 RGW VoIP Gateway PBX IP-phone, ADSL VoDSL ADSL PC VoIP VoIP Protocol VoIP, Home Automation, UMS, etc SIP RGW VoIP

Accessing Appliances from the wide area Addressing, Numbering, Protocols and Interfaces Where s What Simon s protocol should bedroom I use? lamp? B0 (X.10) X.10 B1 (X.10) Appliance Controller (X.10) RGW/NAT/ Firewall Home.simon.net (public) Proprietary Any one of a multitude of systems. DNS (Private IP) tv.home.simon.net (Public IP)

Why SIP for Network Appliances With simple extensions, can meet the requirements for access to devices from the wide area Allow the re-use of the infrastructure constructed for SIP in a whole new domain

SIP - Internet SIP Firewall /NAT RGW SIP Proxy UPnP SIP UA SIP UA Appliance Appliance Controller Controller SIP UA SIP Home Ntwk SIP UA Appliance Appliance Controller Controller X.10 SIP UA HAVi Outside World In Home Protection

IMPP Presence The dynamically changing set of means, willingness, capabilities, characteristics, and ability for users to communicate with each other Means: Instant Messaging, VoIP, Mobile phone, Email, Games, Willingness: available, in a meeting, only if urgent, Capabilities and characteristics: voicemail available, voice or video, Mobile or fixed, Presence for Instant Messaging: online/offline Instant Messages Short instant message

IMPP ex) Windows Messager Presence Instant message

Conference Server PSTN

Outline VoIP protocol H.323 SIP SIP-H.323 interworking Multimedia service

VoIP Protocol VoIP :,, UMS,, conference Home Automation:,, SIP RGW, Home Server VoIP SIP-H.323 Interworking SIP