ST. PATRICK S CATHOLIC CHURCH Third Sunday of Advent 2140 Beaver Ruin Road December 11, 2011 Norcross, Georgia Fax (770)

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ST. PATRICK S CLERGY Rev. Refugio Onate Pastor Ext. 111 Rev. Cyril Soo-Gil Chae Parochial Vicar Ext.





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3 Sunday of Advent 3 Domingo de Adviento ST. PATRICK S CATHOLIC CHURCH Parish office 770-448-2028/ Fax 770 448-7046/ Emergency # 770-208-0214 2140 Beaver Ruin Road / Norcross, Ga. 30071

ST. PATRICK S CATHOLIC CHURCH Third Sunday of Advent 2140 Beaver Ruin Road December 11, 2011 Norcross, Georgia 30071 Fax (770) 448-7046 Phone (770) 448-2028 Emergency Pager: (770) 208-0214 ST. PATRICK S CLERGY Rev. Refugio Onate Pastor Rev. Cyril Soo-Gil Chae Parochial Vicar Rev. Henry Atem Parochial Vicar Rev. Dominic Joseph Priest in res. Rev. Mr. José Narvaez Deacon Rev. Mr. William McKenzie Deacon PARISH OFFICE Rev. Refugio Onate Ext. 111 Rev. Cyril Soo-Gil Chae Ext. 112 Rev. Henry Atem Ext. 113 Rev. Dominic Joseph Ext. 152 Michelle Maisonet Ext. 158 Cathy Marchman Ext. 114 Cheryl Stewart Ext. 115 Damellys Giardini Ext. 116 Sofia Martinez Ext. 117 MASS - MISA Saturday - Sabado 9:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. (Vigil), 6:30 p.m.(español) Sunday - Domingo 8:00 a.m.,10:00 a.m. (English-Church) 10:00 a.m. (Korean - Chapel),12:00 p.m. Noon, 2:00 p.m.(español), 5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. Español) Monday - Lunes 9:00 a.m.,12:00 p.m. Noon, 7:00 p.m.(español) Tuesday - Martes 7:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. Noon, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday - Miércoless 9:00 a.m., 7:00 P.D.. Thursday - Jueves 9:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Friday - Viernes 9:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. CONFESSIONS - CONFESIONES Monday - Friday De Lunes a Viernes 6:30 p.m. - 6:55 p.m. Saturday - Sabado 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sunday - Domingo 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Or by appointment - O con cita Eucharistic Adoration Mon/Tue/Thu. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Wed & Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. PARISH NEWS / NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Day (Dec.25, 2011) Vigil Masses (Dec.24): 5:00 pm (Children s) 7:00 pm (Youth) 7:00 pm (Korean - Chapel) 9:00 pm (en Español) 12:00 am (Midnight) Christmas Day Masses: 8:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am (Korean - Chapel) 12:00 pm (Noon - Niños en Español) 2:00 pm (en Español) 7:00 pm (en Español) Mary, Mother of God (Jan.1, 2012) Masses: Regular Sunday schedule Music for the New Translation of the Mass With the beginning of Advent, we have begun using the new translation of the Mass. The music for the Mass parts is also affected because of the new wording. A Chant Mass has been developed by the ICEL (International Commission on English in the Liturgy) and is being recommended for use by the Archdiocesan Office. This is what we are starting with at St. Patrick s. The music for the Chant Mass is included in the new missal along with the text of The Order of Mass, beginning on Page 3. This makes it easy to follow and learn. The Chant Mass setting will serve as a beginning foundation for the entire congregation in learning the new Mass parts. After a few months, individual choirs may introduce another music setting for their Masses. We look forward to an easy transition to the new translation as we all put our minds and hearts toward this effort. If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact Helen Frick at 678-978-2621. If you would like to look up the Chant Mass on the internet, go to The Youth Group of St. Patrick s is hosting a Breakfast TODAY, Sunday, December 11, after all morning Masses. Get your family and friends together and stop by the Social Hall for some great food and help support the youth of our parish! All proceeds will be used by the youth group for their Spring activities. INVEST IN OUR YOUTH!!!!

PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE IF YOU VE MOVED OR NEED TO UPDATE ANY CHANGE THAT WOULD AFFECT RECEIVING YOUR TITHING ENVELOPES. Offertory.$11,534.28 Our Faith, Our Future $ 2,145.88 Retired religious need your support. By 2019, it is projected that retired religious will outnumber wage-earning religious by nearly four to one. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps ensure that elderly Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests receive the care they so richly deserve, now and in the future. Please give generously to today s second collection. Semana de la campaña. Los religiosos jubilados necesitan su ayuda. Se calcula que para 2019 el número de religiosos jubilados será cuatro veces mayor que el de los que cobran un salario. Su donativo para el Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos ayuda a asegurar que los hermanos, hermanas y padres católicos reciban el cuidado que tanto merecen ahora y en el futuro. Le rogamos que haga una aportación generosa en la segunda colecta de hoy. Why be a Catechist? Listen, are you being called? Our young people are in great need of adults willing to share their faith with them. But, more often it is God who calls us, gently, nudging us a bit to draw our attention. Is God calling you? Why be a Catechist? Why not? Contact Damellys Giardini in the Parish office to learn more about this great opportunity to serve, share, and grown in your own faith. St. Patrick s Catholic Church has an opening for a part-time Bookkeeper. Under the direction of the Pastor, the Bookkeeper will be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the parish, including preparing reports, generating and processing invoices, processing payroll, and maintaining databases. Qualified applicants will have a minimum of five years of previous bookkeeping experience, preferably under the direction of accounting professionals. Extensive working knowledge of the various financial software packages used by the Archdiocese of Atlanta is preferred. Please forward your resume, including cover letter with salary requirements to: Marquita Richburg, Archdiocese of Atlanta Human Resources Department at: NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE MISA Monday, December 12, 2011 9:00 a.m. Joseph Zigui 12:00 p.m. Antonio Gonzalez 7:00 p.m. Acción de Gracias de la Virgen Milagrosa Zec.2:14-17 or Rev.11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab Lk.1:26-38 or Lk.1:39-47 Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:00 a.m. All Souls in Purgatory 12:00 p.m. Gerry Crate 7:00 p.m. Jim Powers Zep.3:1-2, 9-13, Mt.21:28-32 Wednesday, December 14, 2011 9:00 a.m. Thanksgiving to God through the saints and angels 7:00 p.m. All Souls in Purgatory Is.45:6c-8, 18, 21c-25, Lk.7:18b-23 Thursday, December 15, 2011 9:00 a.m. Safe travel for the Nkoloagu Family 7:00 p.m. NO MASS Penance Service Is.54:1-10, Lk.7:24-30 Friday, December 16, 2011 9:00 a.m. In Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Hope 7:00 p.m. All Souls in Purgatory Is.56:1-3a, 6-8, Jn.5:33-6. Saturday, December 17, 2011 9:00 a.m. Priest Intention 5:00 p.m. People of the Parish 6:30 p.m. Luis & Josefina Wong Gn.49:2, 8-10, Mt.1:1-17 Sunday, December 18, 2011 8:00 a.m. All Souls in Purgatory 10:00 a.m. Celina & Toei Omogha 12:00 p.m. Mballo Family 2:00 p.m. Luis & Josephina Wong 5:00 p.m. Nicholas Kinabo 7:00 p.m. Pedro Hercciga 2Sm.7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16, Rom.16:25-27, Lk.1:26-38 ALTAR CANDLES & ALTAR FLOWERS If you are interested in donating for the purchase of our Altar candles or Altar flowers, please contact the parish office. Candle donations are either $25 for one week or $100 for a month. Your name and intention will be placed in the bulletin. A donation for Altar Candles was made by Clara Kim with a Special Intention for Joseph Yim.

Bautismos para niños(as) menores de 7 anos: llame al Diácono José A. Narváez tel: (770) 925-3121. Registraciones después de las misas los sábados y domingos. Por favor traiga el certificado de nacimiento de su niño(a). Village of St. Joseph es un departamento de Servicios Católicos que ofrece consejería en nuestra parroquia. La terapista atiende a personas individuales, niños y parejas, o a cualquier persona que está teniendo problemas en su vida. Si usted está interesado, por favor llame a Marie González, LCSW para una cita 678 662-5356. Sobres de ofrendas Por favor recuerden de utilizar un sobre o cheque para su ofrenda semanal. Ésta es la única manera que podemos saber si usted está viniendo a la Iglesia y si es activo. Si no está registrado, por favor regístrese. Presentaciones en el Templo: Para la presentación de los 40 días no es requisito que el niño(a) este bautizado(a), pero sí para la presentación de los 3 años. Les pedimos que antes de cualquier Misa en Español, anoten con el Diácono, el nombre del niño(a) que va a ser presentado casi al final de la Misa. Quinceañeras: Para información sobre la celebración de Quinceañera llamar a Sofía Frank Ramirez, Manuel De Abreu, Dan Willis, Gigi Kirn, Gillian Fowler, William Myers, Fred Gozzi, Mario Mejia, Gwendolyn Smith, Mary C. Sherrill, Ramon Enrile, Marsie Sierra, Frank Martire, Bridgette O Neal, Iris Self, Katy Bierenfeld, Julie Jordan, Adela Bermudz, Don Stubbs, Ponce A. Jacob, Betty Campbell, Daniel O Laughlin, Glenn Joseph, Jeannelle Carlisle, Frederick Etchison, Darlene Etchison, Ian Richardson, Bilaal Campbell, Josephine Sarau, Tucker Mitchell, Mary Catherine Riley, Augustino Ezeilo, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ethridge Okoechuku Okoy, John Sherrill, Beatrice Nwosu, Ronnie Blankenship, Margie Segura, Patty Hamilton, Vincent Valenzuela, Laurel Simpson, Linda Cannington-Bell, Laura Rosales, Cesar Alfonso Leon, Fabian Jasso, Jim Edward, Maria Luisa Martinez, Alejandro Garcia Merida, Edward Bouchard, Eunice Bellar, Celina Ana Hardt, Oscar Gutierrez, Bob Butler, Gloria Diaz & Family, Emilia Merlos, Teresa Kull, Jimmy Eubanks, Bernice Christensen, Danielle McNally, Carolyn Stewart, Lynn Harper, Marlene Villarreal, Ligorio Hernandez Bondad, Robert Botchway, Nancy Bunker Charlie Sullivan, Dan & Margie Sinnott, Tony Segura, Francisco Javier Villalpando Cruz, Clermont Root, Lynn Richardson, Connie Riley, Isiah O Neal, Mireille Agueyzinsou, Henrietta Brocato, Luis Mauricio Herrera, Mary Reuss, Mary Jones, Debbie Carter, Bernarda, Tomas, & Fatima Vilchez, Miguel Guzman, Carlos Rodriguez, Ramona Jimenez, Teresa Pino Choy, Stephanie Cato, Margaret Cannalli, Coy Finger, Rauna Long, Tura Freeman Please contact the parish office when someone s health improves or if they need to be removed from the list. Thank You! Favor de contactar la oficina cuando la salud de alguien mejore o si ellos necesitan ser removidos de la lista. Gracias! WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Next Saturday, December 17, starting at 8:00am, is Clean-Up Day here at St. Patrick s. As we prepare for the Christmas season, it s time to make everything clean again. The more help we have, the lesser the load, so come join your St. Patrick s family in making our Church shine!! NECESITAMOS SU AYUDA! El próximo sábado, 17 de diciembre a partir de las 8:00 am, es día de limpieza aquí en San Patricio. Mientras nos preparamos para la temporada de Navidad, es tiempo de hacer todo lo "limpio de nuevo." Cuanta más ayuda tengamos, menor será la carga, así que ven unirse a la familia de San Patricio en la toma de brillar nuestra Iglesia!

Attention, All Seniors Here at St. Patrick s we are trying to establish a monthly gathering of seniors in our parish. Many people of this age group have minimal contact with others, except for people they see at Mass and other Church functions. Some, have only members of their Church families as personal, caring contacts. Like many of the Churches in this area, we at St. Patrick s need a monthly gathering, if only to extend the contacts we have with our Church family. Our next meeting will be Friday, January 6, 2012. We will begin with morning Mass at 9:00am. We ask that each person bring a dish to share with others. We ll enjoy lunch together, share thoughts and ideas, and make plans for future gatherings. If you have any questions, please call: Marilyn at 770-449-8322. AVISO POSADAS Ven y acompáñanos a celebrar las posadas en esta época de Adviento, comenzando el día Viernes 16 de Diciembre de 2011 a las 8:00 p.m. aqui en la Iglesia San Patricio. Pueden traer a sus niños vestidos de angelitos o pastores. Los esperamos. Advent Penance Services Confesiones en Adviento The Catholic Church commands us to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once a year. It is very appropriate to do so during this Advent season. La Iglesia nos manda confesarnos al menos una vez al año y este tiempo de adviento es muy apropiado para ello. Busque oportunamente celebrar este Sacramento. Grupo de Oración El Grupo de oración Caminantes en la fe les invita a conocer mas de nuestro Dios y Señor a través de temas cantos y oración. Todos los lunes después de la Santa Misa de 7:00 p.m. Para información llamar a: Manuel Ramírez 678-477-4039. Tree of Life Prayer Group We meet every Thursday evening after the 7:00 p.m. Mass. Join us for prayer, scripture reading, and songs of praise and worship to build up the Body of Christ. La Voix de l Immaculée We are a Charismatic French Prayer Group that meets every Saturday night (except the 4th Saturday of each month) from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Join us in worshipping our Lord through adoration, intercession, and songs of praise (African style). English translations will be available! For more Information please contact: Ernest Ncho 404-553-3852 Ministerios de parejas Familias con Cristo Nos reunimos todos los viernes alas 8:00pm en los Salon # 3, 4, 5. Cristo te espera con los brazos abiertos. Lo invitamos a la Novena del Divino Nino Jesús el primer lunes de cada mes antes de la Eucaristía. Para mas información llamar a Estella Taborda 678-887-0989. Próximo 6 de enero 2012 a las 7:00pm en el salón social ven y apoya a tu Iglesia. Si te gusta el baile, el canto, la activación, la música, la poesía o tienes algún otro talento. Llamar al tel. 77-256-2467 o 770-895- 1255. December 13 Holy Cross 7:00pm December 14 St. Oliver 7:00pm DECEMBER 15 ST. PATRICK 7:00pm December 20 St. Marguerite 7:30pm December 21 Corpus Christi 7:00pm

입당성가 미사성가곡 오늘의미사 제1 독서 : 이사야서 (61,1-2ㄱ.10-11) 나는주님안에서크게기뻐하리라. 화답송 : 내영혼은나의하느님안에서기뻐하리라. 제2 독서 : 테살로니카 1서 (5,16-24) 주님께서재림하실때까지하느님께서 여러분의영과혼과몸을지켜주시기를빕니다. 복음환호송 알렐루야 주님의영이내위에내리셨다. 가난한 이들에게기쁜소식을전하라고나를보내셨다. 복음 : 요한 요한 (1,6-8.19-28) 너희가운데에는너희가모르는분이서 계신다. 영성체송 : 봉헌성가 마음이불안한이들에게말하여라. 힘을 내어라, 두려워하지마라. 보라, 우리하느님이 오시어, 우리를구원하시리라. 성패트릭천주교회한인공동체 (St. Patrick's Catholic Korean Community) 성체성가 퇴장성가 92 번 216 번 175 번 93 번 사회 독서 기도 봉헌 성체, 성혈 분배자 주일미사 고백성사 2011 년 12 월 11 일 ( 주보제 284 호 ) ( 자 ) 대림제 3 주일 ( 자선주일 ) 너희는주님의길을곧게내어라. 하고광야에서외치는이의소리다. ( 요한복음 1,23) 오전 10 시 일요일미사시작 30 분전 치유미사셋째금요일오후 7 시 ( 영어 / 본당 ) 성체조배 성령기도회 성경공부 셋째금요일오후 11 시 토요일오전 5 시 ( 소성당 ) 금요일오후 7 시 30 분 금요일오후 9 시 찬미감사의밤첫째토요일오후 8 시 ( 본당친교실 ) 종교학교 교리 전례봉사자 12/11 이마리아 12/18 한마리아 12/11 유유스티나 / 문마리아 12/18 유유스티나 / 문마리아 12/11 한마리아 12/18 이마리아 12/11 김케빈 / 김마리아 12/18 김케빈 / 김마리아 12/11 박토마스 / 우마크 12/18 박토마스 / 우마크 주임신부 : 채수길 일요일오전 9 시 일요일오전 9 시 + 영적독서 여러분이그리스도의온갖충만함으로채워지기를 바랍니다. 하느님의자녀가되고성령안에서새로 태어나며그들을비추어주고그들에게새 생명을주시는그리스도를자기안에모시게 된사람들은여러모양으로성령에의해 인도되고, 눈에안보이게그들마음속에 영적평온을누리며, 은총으로인도됩니다. 그들은어떤때인류를생각해서슬픔과 탄식에빠져모든이를위해끊임없이기도드리고인간에대한영적사랑으로 불타올라애통하는가운데울음을터뜨리고맙니다. 다른때에는성령으로인해크나큰기쁨과사랑으로불타올라, 할수만있다면 선한사람들이건악한사람들이건차별없이포옹하고싶어합니다. 또어떤 때에는마음의겸손으로자신을다른이들의아래에다두고자신을모든이들 중에가장천하고낮은사람이라생각합니다. 또다른때에는성령께서그들을 표현할수없는기쁨가운데존속시키십니다. 어떤때에는왕의갑옷을두르고 싸움터에내려가원수들을대항하여용감히싸워이기는강력한사람처럼 보입니다. 사실영적인사람은영의갑옷을입고싸움터에내려가원수들을 대항하여싸워그들을자기발아래굴복시킵니다. 또어떤때에는그들의 영혼은깊은침묵과평온과평화속에편히쉬고온갖영적기쁨과말로다할 수없는평온과참된행복속에머무르게됩니다. 어떤때에는성령께로부터 이해력과표현할수없는지혜와파악할수없는영의지식을얻어, 입으로도 말로도다표현할수없는것을은총으로인식하게됩니다. 다른때에그들은 보통인간처럼처신합니다. 이렇게은총은그들안에여러모양으로부어져 여러방법으로그들의영혼을인도하고하느님의뜻에따라새롭게하며, 그들이하늘의아버지앞에흠없고깨끗하며완전한상태로나아갈수있도록 여러모로단련시킵니다. 그러므로하느님께서우리에게성령이라는천상은총의선물을주시고우리가 성령의인도아래하느님의뜻을채우며여러방법으로평온을얻도록 하느님께크나큰사랑과희망으로기도합시다. 은총이우리안에역사함으로 우리가영적완성에로진보를이룰때, 우리는사도의말씀대로그리스도의 완전한충만을누리게될것입니다. " 여러분이그리스도의온갖충만함으로 채워지기를바랍니다." 4 세기어느교부의강론에서 (Hom. 18.7-11: PG 34,639-642) 판공성사 : 12월 (11일, 18일 ), 오전 10시미사후 무료기타레슨 : 매주금요일 7시 30분 미사전, 후성당에서조용히입, 퇴장해주시기바랍니다. 공지사항 가정방문찬양 : 일시 : 12월 17일, 오후 8시 장소 : 박토마스사목회장가정 1470 Brisbane Dr., Dacula, GA 30019 ( 전화 : 404-434-6906) 채수길 ( 치릴로 ) 신부 / 사목회장 : 박종윤 ( 토마스 ) ( 404-434-6906)/ Website:

Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe Día 11 Día 12 8:30pm Santo Rosario 9:00am y 12:00 Misa en Ingles 9:30pm Danzas 6:00pm Procesión - Danzas 10:00pm Representación de las apariciones 6:30pm Santo Rosario 11:00 Santa Misa - Danzas 7:00pm Santa Misa 12:00 Mañanitas con mariachi 8:00pm Mañanitas, Grupo Norteño Bandido 8:30pm Mañanitas Banda Filarmónica Santa Cecilia -Danza 9:00pm Música a la Virgen, Raymundo Orquesta -Danza 9:30pm Cantos a la Virgen, Grupo Ilusión Norteña