xtended Calculations of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Member [191] Beam: B_202 W18x86 (A992) Seq: A Length: 37-1 7/16 Camber: 0 ABM: N/Assign ------------ Left End ------------ ------------ Right End ----------- Connection : Shear conn Connection : End plate Plate, Size as required Wide gage, Welded extended tee: No Shr pl on Auto, Skew holes: Automatic Safety AutomaticExpand Vertical bolt s Comb shear plates: Automatic pacing: Automatic Two bolt columns Elevation : 114-6 Elevation : 114-6 Minus Dim : 7 3/4 (AUTO) Minus Dim : 0 (AUTO) Mtrl Setback : 7 3/4 (AUTO) Mtrl Setback : 1/4 (AUTO) Std Detail : None Std Detail : None Web : Web vertical Web : Web vertical Shear (kips) : 45 Shear (kips) : 60 (AUTO) Moment(kip-ft): 0 (AUTO) Moment(kip-ft): 0 (AUTO) Tension (kips): 0 Tension (kips): 0 Compress(kips): 0 Compress(kips): 0
xtended Calculations of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM JOB: MyJob_J FABR: MyJob_F 01 Apr 2014 10:07:48 CONNECTION STRENGTH CHECK SDS/2 v7.323 AISC 2010 SPECIFICATION (ASD) BEAM B_202 (W18x86) LEFT END Member number [191] Depth = 1-6 3/8 Tw = 1/2 Bf = 11 1/8 Tf = 3/4 Ix = 1530.00 Detail T = 1-3 1/8 Detail k = 1 5/8 Design k = 1.170 Material grade: A992 Fu = 65.0 Ksi Fy = 50.0 Ksi End elevation: 114-6 Other end elev.: 114-6 Span length: 37-1 7/16 Slope: 0.00 degrees Beam: Ix/L = 3.43 D/L = 0.041 < Fy/1000 = 0.050 (AISC C-L3) Left end rotation = 0.00 Right end rotation = 0.00 Material length = 36-5 7/16 Plan rotation: 0.00 degrees Connecting nodes-- Node 1 = [190] Column W14x90 Z coordinates End 0 = 1190.0000 End 1 = 1512.0000 Frames to web of Column (W14x90) C_201 Supporting member material grade: A992 Detail k = 2 Design k = 1.310 Thickness = 0.440 Non-composite design Reaction has been input Design loads: Shear = 45.0 Kips Moment = 0. Design reaction is 45.0 % of the allow. uniform steel bm. load SINGLE-PLATE SHEAR CONNECTION Connection material-- Plate: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Weld metal strength: Fexx = 70.0 Connection PL: Thick = 1/2 Width = 1-2 Depth = 1-3 9/16 Plate projection depth = 1-3 Stabilizer PL: Thick = 1 1/8 Width = 6 1/2 Length = 1-0 9/16 b/t = 5.78 l/r = 38.64 Weld line to bolt group c.g. = 10 3/4 Beam horiz. edge distance = 1 3/4 Fillet weld size: 5/16 (Total effective throat = 0.44 ) Dihedral angle = 90.00 degrees Bolt type: A325N Bolt dia: 7/8 Bolt rows: 5 Bolt columns: 2 Bolt spacing: 3 Hole type in conn. to supported member: Short slot
xtended Calculations of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM (BEAM B_202 LEFT END CONTINUED) Allow. web bolt shear load: ss = 16.2 Kips, ds = 32.5 Kips Fnv/OMEGA = 27.0 Ksi Allow. bolt tension Fnt = 90.00Ksi Fnt/OMEGA = 45.00Ksi Bolt area = 0.6013 ALLOWABLE STRENGTH CALCULATION NUMBER Rn/OMEGA AISC REF Beam web shear ( 2) 176.6 Kips J4-2(a) Bolt brg. on web ( 20) 108.2 Kips J3.10 Connection block shear ( 6) 94.2 Kips J4.3 PL gross area shear yielding ( 38) 108.0 Kips J4.2 PL net area shear fracture ( 21) 87.0 Kips J4.2 Plate flexure (345) 55.9 Kips B4 Supported mbr. bolt shear ( 3) 53.6 Kips J3 Conn. brg.: supported mbr. ( 20) 92.3 Kips J3.10 Weld to supporting mbr. (112) 69.0 Kips J2, Table J2.5 Shear on support ( 36) 273.7 Kips G2 Plate buckling (346) 106.9 Kips Pg 9-7,8 AISC Manual Extended configuration and design method Coefficient C' = 38.67 6*Mmax/Fy*d^2 = 1.03 According to formula (10-6) of the 14th edition, stabilizer plates are necessary for this connection. t <= db/2 + 1/16 tw <= db/2 + 1/16 ---> See 'Single-plate connection' notes for design criteria applicable to this connection. <--- Max PL thick to prevent shear punching failure: 0.796 Supporting Column web b/t <= 1.49*SQRT[E/Fy], AISC B5.1. Column b/t = 22.73 maximum = 35.88 Connection strength: Load ratio (Design/Allow.) Shear = 53.6 Kips 0.84 CONNECTION IS OK (Strength equals or exceeds design loads)
4 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Expanded Design Calculation for Member [191]'s Left End Beam web shear (2) Ref: J4-2(a):, =, =., =., =()( ) =(.)(.) =. =., = (.)(). = =( )( ) =()(.) =.. o.k. = (.)( ) Bolt bearing on web (20) Ref: J3.10:, =., =, =, =, =. =., =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =. /,, =.,, =,,,
5 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM =(.,.) =. Edge bolt capacity:,. /, =., =(, )() =(.)(.) =. =( )() =(.)() =.. o.k. =, Connection block shear (6) Ref: J4.3:, =., =, =, =, =, =, =., =., =, =, =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)(( )( )+. (.)()) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =., =(.)( )( )
6 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., = + =.+. =. = = ()( ) = ()(.) =.. o.k. Plate gross area shear yielding (38), =, =.,, =, =( )( ) =(.)() =. =., = (.)(). =. =( )( ) =(.)(.) =. o.k. = (.)(,) Ref: J4.2: Plate net area shear fracture (21) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =, =., =, =, =( )( ()( ))
7 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM =(.)( ()()) =,, =, = = = (.)(,)() = (.)()() =. o.k. Plate flexure (345) Ref: B4:, =, =., =., =, =()() =(.)() =., = = =. =... =... =. + =. =. =.. +... o.k. Supported member bolt shear (3) Ref: J3:, =, =., =., =
8 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM =, = ()()(.)() =. =()( ) =(.)(.) =.. o.k. = ()( )( )() Connection bearing: supported member (20), =., =., =, =, =, =, =, =. =., =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Ref: J3.10: Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =. /, =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, Edge bolt capacity:,, = (.)( ) =. (.)(.) =.
9 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM =, = (.)(.)(.)() =. /, =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,,, =()() =()() =, = =, = = =, +, =()( ) =(.)( ((.)()+(.)()) ) =. =( )() =(.)() =.. o.k. Weld to supporting member (112) Ref: J2, Table J2.5:, =., =., = =., =()() =()(.) =, =. =()()() =(.)(.)() =.. o.k. Shear on support (36) Ref: G2:
10 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =., =, =., =( )( )() =(.)(.)() =. =. = (.)( )() = (.)()(.). =.. o.k. Plate buckling (346) Ref: Pg 9-7,8:, =,, =,, =, =., =., =., =., =., =, =. Buckling, design check 5:, =, = +()( ) =.+()(.) =., = + =.+. =., = =., = =, = =., = =., =( )( ) =()(.) =.
11 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Flexural Rupture:, = =. =. =, =.. = =., =( )() =(.. )() =. Flexural Local Buckling:, = =. =., =. (.)( ) =. (.)(.). =., =(, ) =(,.) =., =.. π =. π (.)()., = =. ()(), =... = =.,,,, =( )() =(.. )() =., =(, ) =(.,.)
xtended Calculations 2 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM =. = =.. o.k.
xtended Calculations 3 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM JOB: MyJob_J FABR: MyJob_F 01 Apr 2014 10:07:48 CONNECTION STRENGTH CHECK SDS/2 v7.323 AISC 2010 SPECIFICATION (ASD) BEAM B_202 (W18x86) RIGHT END Member number [191] Depth = 1-6 3/8 Tw = 1/2 Bf = 11 1/8 Tf = 3/4 Ix = 1530.00 Detail T = 1-3 1/8 Detail k = 1 5/8 Design k = 1.170 Material grade: A992 Fu = 65.0 Ksi Fy = 50.0 Ksi End elevation: 114-6 Other end elev.: 114-6 Span length: 37-1 7/16 Slope: 0.00 degrees Beam: Ix/L = 3.43 D/L = 0.041 < Fy/1000 = 0.050 (AISC C-L3) Left end rotation = 0.00 Right end rotation = 0.00 Material length = 36-5 7/16 Plan rotation: 0.00 degrees No connecting member Non-composite design Automatic reaction Design loads: Shear = 60.0 Kips Moment = 0. Design reaction is 60.0 % of the allow. uniform steel bm. load END PL SHEAR CONNECTION Connection material-- Plate: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Weld metal strength: Fexx = 70.0 End Pl Thick: 1/4 Width: 8 Length: 1-3 Fillet weld size = 1/4 Total eff. weld throat = 0.354 Bolt type: A325N Bolt dia: 3/4 No. of bolt rows: 5 Bolt spacing: 3 Connection gage: 5 1/2 Hole type in conn. to supported member: Short slot Dihedral angle = 90.00 degrees Plate Le = 1 1/2
xtended Calculations 4 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM (BEAM B_202 RIGHT END CONTINUED) Allow. web bolt shear load: ss = 11.9 Kips, ds = 23.9 Kips Fnv/OMEGA = 27.0 Ksi Allow. bolt tension Fnt = 90.00Ksi Fnt/OMEGA = 45.00Ksi Bolt area = 0.4418 ALLOWABLE STRENGTH CALCULATION NUMBER Rn/OMEGA AISC REF Beam web shear ( 2) 176.6 Kips J4-2(a) Beam net web shear ( 8) 135.7 Kips J4 Connection block shear (252) 83.3 Kips J4.3 Conn. gross shear ( 15) 108.0 Kips J4.2 Conn. net shear ( 21) 92.4 Kips J4.2 Weld to supported mbr. ( 24) 107.6 Kips J2, Table J2.5 Supporting mbr. bolt shear ( 1) 119.3 Kips J3 Conn. brg.: supporting mbr. (110) 123.4 Kips J3.10 Brg. on supporting mbr. (110) 522.0 Kips J3.10 Connection ductility check --- Min. OSL bolt diameter to preclude bolt fracture: 0.23 Effective weld length = PL length - 2 X weld size or beam T dist, whichever is less. Connection strength: Load ratio (Design/Allow.) Shear = 83.3 Kips 0.72 CONNECTION IS OK (Strength equals or exceeds design loads)
15 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Expanded Design Calculation for Member [191]'s Right End Beam web shear (2) Ref: J4-2(a):, =, =., =., =()( ) =(.)(.) =. =., = (.)(). = =( )( ) =()(.) =.. o.k. = (.)( ) Beam net web shear (8) Ref: J4:, =, =., =, =., =., =., =( )( ()(), ()()) =(.)( ()(.),. ()(.)) =. =, = (.)() =. =( )( ) =(.)(.) =.. o.k. = (.)( ) Connection block shear (252), = Ref: J4.3:
16 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =, =., =, =, =, =., =., =, = Connection block shear, NS (6):, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =, =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =()()(.) =., = + =.+. =. =,, = ()( ) = ()(.) =. Connection block shear, FS (6):
17 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =, =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =()()(.) =., = + =.+. =. =,, = ()( ) = ()(.) =. =, +, =.+. =.. o.k. Connection gross shear (15) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =., =., =
18 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =, =( )( )+( )( ) =()(.)+()(.) =. =. = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.). =. o.k. Connection net shear (21) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =, =., =, =., =( )( ()( )) =(.)( ()(.)) =.,, =, = = = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.) =.. o.k. Weld to supported member (24) Ref: J2, Table J2.5:, =, =., =., =, =., =., =( ()(), ()()) =( ()(.),. ()(.)) =. = = =
19 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM,, = = ()(.)(.)(.)() (.)() ()(.)()(.)( ) (.)() =., =, =.. =. = =, = (.)(.)( )() = (.)(.)()(.) =. =( )( )() =(.)(.)() =.. o.k. Supporting member bolt shear (1) Ref: J3:, =, =, =, =., = =, = ()()(.)() =. =( )()() =(.)()() =.. o.k. = ()( )( )() Connection bearing: supporting member (110), =, =. Ref: J3.10:
xtended Calculations 0 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =, =., =., =, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, Edge bolt capacity:,, = (.)( ) =. (.)(.) =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =.. o.k.
xtended Calculations 1 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Bearing on supporting member (110), =, =, =, =., =, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)()() =. Ref: J3.10:, =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)()() =., =(.,.) =. Edge bolt capacity:, =.,, =,,,,., =., =, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =. o.k.
xtended Calculations 2 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Member [192] Beam: B_203 W24x84 (A992) Seq: A Length: 21-3 7/16 Camber: 0 ABM: N/Assign ------------ Left End ------------ ------------ Right End ----------- Connection : End plate Connection : Shear conn Wide gage, Welded extended tee: No Plate, Size as required Safety AutomaticExpand Vertical bolt s Shr pl on Auto, Skew holes: Automatic pacing: Automatic Comb shear plates: Automatic One bolt column, Welded moment Re-entrant cut: Automatic Elevation : 114-6 Elevation : 114-6 Minus Dim : 0 (AUTO) Minus Dim : 7 3/8 (AUTO) Mtrl Setback : 3/8 (AUTO) Mtrl Setback : 7 3/8 (AUTO) Std Detail : None Std Detail : None Web : Web vertical Web : Web vertical Shear (kips) : 126.2 (AUTO) Shear (kips) : 126.2 (AUTO) Moment(kip-ft): 0 (AUTO) Moment(kip-ft): -408.4 (AUTO) Tension (kips): 0 Tension (kips): 0 Compress(kips): 0 Compress(kips): 0 Design for both dblrs & stiff
xtended Calculations 3 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM JOB: MyJob_J FABR: MyJob_F 01 Apr 2014 10:07:48 CONNECTION STRENGTH CHECK SDS/2 v7.323 AISC 2010 SPECIFICATION (ASD) BEAM B_203 (W24x84) LEFT END Member number [192] Depth = 2-0 1/8 Tw = 1/2 Bf = 9 Tf = 3/4 Ix = 2370.00 Detail T = 1-8 3/4 Detail k = 1 11/16 Design k = 1.270 Material grade: A992 Fu = 65.0 Ksi Fy = 50.0 Ksi End elevation: 114-6 Other end elev.: 114-6 Span length: 21-3 7/16 Slope: 0.00 degrees Beam: Ix/L = 9.28 D/L = 0.094 > Fy/800 = 0.062 (AISC C-L3) Left end rotation = 0.00 Right end rotation = 0.00 Material length = 20-7 11/16 Plan rotation: 90.00 degrees No connecting member Non-composite design Automatic reaction Design loads: Shear = 126.2 Kips Moment = 0. Design reaction is 60.0 % of the allow. uniform steel bm. load END PL SHEAR CONNECTION Connection material-- Plate: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Weld metal strength: Fexx = 70.0 End Pl Thick: 3/8 Width: 8 Length: 1-6 Fillet weld size = 1/4 Total eff. weld throat = 0.354 Bolt type: A325N Bolt dia: 3/4 No. of bolt rows: 6 Bolt spacing: 3 Connection gage: 5 1/2 Hole type in conn. to supported member: Short slot Dihedral angle = 90.00 degrees Plate Le = 1 1/2
xtended Calculations 4 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM (BEAM B_203 LEFT END CONTINUED) Allow. web bolt shear load: ss = 11.9 Kips, ds = 23.9 Kips Fnv/OMEGA = 27.0 Ksi Allow. bolt tension Fnt = 90.00Ksi Fnt/OMEGA = 45.00Ksi Bolt area = 0.4418 ALLOWABLE STRENGTH CALCULATION NUMBER Rn/OMEGA AISC REF Beam web shear ( 2) 226.5 Kips J4-2(a) Beam net web shear ( 8) 160.4 Kips J4 Connection block shear (252) 149.3 Kips J4.3 Conn. gross shear ( 15) 194.4 Kips J4.2 Conn. net shear ( 21) 166.4 Kips J4.2 Weld to supported mbr. ( 24) 129.9 Kips J2, Table J2.5 Supporting mbr. bolt shear ( 1) 143.1 Kips J3 Conn. brg.: supporting mbr. (110) 224.3 Kips J3.10 Brg. on supporting mbr. (110) 626.4 Kips J3.10 Connection ductility check --- Min. OSL bolt diameter to preclude bolt fracture: 0.35 Effective weld length = PL length - 2 X weld size or beam T dist, whichever is less. Connection strength: Load ratio (Design/Allow.) Shear = 129.9 Kips 0.97 CONNECTION IS OK (Strength equals or exceeds design loads)
25 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Expanded Design Calculation for Member [192]'s Left End Beam web shear (2) Ref: J4-2(a):, =, =., =., =()( ) =(.)(.) =. =., = (.)(). = =( )( ) =()(.) =... = (.)( ) o.k. Beam net web shear (8) Ref: J4:, =, =., =, =., =., =., =( )( ()(), ()()) =(.)( ()(.),. ()(.)) =. =, = (.)() =. =( )( ) =(.)(.) =... = (.)( ) o.k. Connection block shear (252), = Ref: J4.3:
26 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =, =., =, =, =, =., =., =, = Connection block shear, NS (6):, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =, =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =()()(.) =., = + =.+. =. =,, = ()( ) = ()(.) =. Connection block shear, FS (6):
27 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =, =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =()()(.) =., = + =.+. =. =,, = ()( ) = ()(.) =. =, +, =.+. =... o.k. Connection gross shear (15) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =., =., =
28 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =, =( )( )+( )( ) =()(.)+()(.) =. =. = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.). =... o.k. Connection net shear (21) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =, =., =, =., =( )( ()( )) =(.)( ()(.)) =.,, =, = = = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.) =... o.k. Weld to supported member (24) Ref: J2, Table J2.5:, =, =., =., =, =., =., =( ()(), ()()) =( ()(.),. ()(.)) =. = = =
29 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM,, = = ()(.)(.)(.)() (.)() ()(.)()(.)( ) (.)() =., =, =.. =. = =, = (.)(.)( )() = (.)(.)()(.) =. =( )( )() =(.)(.)() =... o.k. Supporting member bolt shear (1) Ref: J3:, =, =, =, =., = =, = ()()(.)() =. =( )()() =(.)()() =... o.k. = ()( )( )() Connection bearing: supporting member (110), =, =. Ref: J3.10:
xtended Calculations 0 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =, =., =., =, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, Edge bolt capacity:,, = (.)( ) =. (.)(.) =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =... o.k.
xtended Calculations 1 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Bearing on supporting member (110), =, =, =, =., =, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)()() =. Ref: J3.10:, =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)()() =., =(.,.) =. Edge bolt capacity:, =.,, =,,,,., =., =, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =... o.k.
xtended Calculations 2 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM JOB: MyJob_J FABR: MyJob_F 01 Apr 2014 10:07:48 CONNECTION STRENGTH CHECK SDS/2 v7.323 AISC 2010 SPECIFICATION (ASD) BEAM B_203 (W24x84) RIGHT END Member number [192] Depth = 2-0 1/8 Tw = 1/2 Bf = 9 Tf = 3/4 Ix = 2370.00 Detail T = 1-8 3/4 Detail k = 1 11/16 Design k = 1.270 Ix = 2370.0 Zx = 224.2 Material grade: A992 Fu = 65.0 Ksi Fy = 50.0 Ksi End elevation: 114-6 Other end elev.: 114-6 Span length: 21-3 7/16 Slope: 0.00 degrees Beam: Ix/L = 9.28 D/L = 0.094 > Fy/800 = 0.062 (AISC C-L3) Left end rotation = 0.00 Right end rotation = 0.00 Material length = 20-7 11/16 Plan rotation: 90.00 degrees Connecting nodes-- Node 1 = [190] Column W14x90 Z coordinates End 0 = 1190.0000 End 1 = 1512.0000 Frames to flange of Column (W14x90) C_201 Supporting member material grade: A992 Detail k = 2 Design k = 1.310 Thickness = 0.710 Non-composite design Automatic reaction Automatic moment Design loads: Shear = 126.2 Kips Moment = -408.4 Kip-ft Design reaction is 60.0 % of the allow. uniform steel bm. load Design moment is 73.0 % of the allowable plastic moment, Mp Column checked for web doublers and flg stiffeners SHEAR PL WEB CONN. WITH WELDED FLANGE MOMENT CONN. Connection material-- Plate: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Weld metal strength: Fexx = 70.0 Web plate: Thick = 5/8 Depth = 1-6 Web plate weld size = 1/4 Bolt type: A325N Bolt dia: 3/4 Bolt rows: 6 Bolt columns: 2 Bolt spacing: 3 Hole type in conn. to supported member: Short slot
xtended Calculations 3 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM (BEAM B_203 RIGHT END CONTINUED) Allow. web bolt shear load: ss = 11.9 Kips, ds = 23.9 Kips Fnv/OMEGA = 27.0 Ksi Allow. bolt tension Fnt = 90.00Ksi Fnt/OMEGA = 45.00Ksi Bolt area = 0.4418 Col. web doubler: 5/8 X 10 X 2-6 1/8 Grade: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Doubler on one side of col web. Col. flange stiffener: 1 1/8 X 6 1/2 X 1-0 7/16 Grade: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Option to design full depth stiffeners as needed was selected ALLOWABLE STRENGTH CALCULATION NUMBER Rn/OMEGA AISC REF Beam web shear ( 2) 226.5 Kips J4-2(a) Beam moment strength ( 59) 559.5 Kip-ft F Bolt brg. on web (110) 329.9 Kips J3.10 Connection block shear ( 6) 141.1 Kips J4.3 Conn. gross shear ( 17) 162.0 Kips J4.2 Conn. net shear ( 21) 138.7 Kips J4.2 Supported mbr. bolt shear ( 1) 143.1 Kips J3 Conn. brg.: supported mbr. (110) 373.8 Kips J3.10 Weld to supporting mbr. (112) 133.6 Kips J2, Table J2.5 Shear on support ( 36) 511.2 Kips G2 CJP Beam flg. weld (125) 559.5 Kip-ft J,Table J2.5 Column web crippling ( 25) 408.4 Kip-ft J10.3 Column flg. mom. strength ( 83) 408.4 Kip-ft J10.1 Eccentricity is neglected in the shear connection, misc note 34. Matching weld metal is required for the flange weld. Min. column web thickness = 0.851 J10.6, Fig. C-J10.3 d1 = 24.10 M1 = -408.41 d2 = 0.00 M2 = 0.00 Story shear = 0.00 Sigma F = -214.06 Col. resisting moment, Fy*Zx/OMEGA = 389.55 Kip-ft Unstiffened column strength: Flg bending AISC Spec J10.1: 94.33 Kips Web yielding AISC Spec J10.2: 107.36 Kips Web crippling AISC Spec J10.3: 127.99 Kips Web buckling AISC Spec J10.5: 129.54 Kips Panel zone shear AISC J10.6: 110.66 Kips Computed flange force: 214.06 Kips Connection strength: Load ratio (Design/Allow.) Shear = 133.6 Kips 0.94 Moment = 408.4 Kip-ft 1 CONNECTION IS OK (Strength equals or exceeds design loads)
34 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Expanded Design Calculation for Member [192]'s Right End Beam web shear (2) Ref: J4-2(a):, =, =., =., =()( ) =(.)(.) =. =., = (.)(). = =( )( ) =()(.) =... = (.)( ) o.k. Beam moment strength (59) Ref: F:, =, =. =., = ()()(.). =. = ()( )() = =.. ( -. =. ) o.k. Bolt bearing on web (110) Ref: J3.10:, =, =., =, =., =, =, =, =.
35 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =. Edge bolt capacity:, =.,, =,,,,., =., =, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =... o.k. Connection block shear (6) Ref: J4.3:, =., =, =, =, =, =, =., =., =, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.)
36 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., = + =.+. =. = = ()( ) = ()(.) =... o.k. Connection gross shear (17) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =., =, =( )( ) =(.)() =. =. = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.). =.. o.k.
37 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Connection net shear (21) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =, =., =, =., =( )( ()( )) =(.)( ()(.)) =.,, =, = = = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.) =... o.k. Supported member bolt shear (1) Ref: J3:, =, =, =, =., = =, = ()()(.)() =. =( )()() =(.)()() =... o.k. = ()( )( )() Connection bearing: supported member (110), =, =., =, =., =., = Ref: J3.10:
38 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, Edge bolt capacity:,, = (.)( ) =. (.)(.) =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =... o.k. Weld to supporting member (112), = Ref: J2, Table J2.5:
39 of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM, =., = = = = = (.)()()()(.)( ) = (.)(.)()()(.)() =... o.k. Shear on support (36) Ref: G2:, =, =, =., =( )( )() =()(.)() =. =. = (.)( )() = (.)()(.). =... o.k. CJP Beam flange weld (125) Ref: J,Table J2.5:, =. = =.. ( -. =. ) o.k.