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Introduction 신뢰성 있는 결과 높은 품질의 제품을 생산하기 위해서는 제품의 공정 시스템이 중요 품질관리실험실은 품질보증과정에서 매우 중요한 역할 분석시스템은 품질관리실험실의 매우 중요한 요소 분석시스템의 결과를 기본으로 하여 제품의 품질을 결정 R&D 실험실


6단계 08권 TG


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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구


Coping with Your Baby s Crying All babies cry, but some babies cry more than others. Sometimes you can tell that your baby is crying because he or she is hungry or uncomfortable. At other times, you may not know why your baby is crying. Babies use crying to communicate their needs. Crying peaks at 2 months and a baby can cry up to 3 hours a day. When your baby starts crying, try to stop the crying. By responding to the crying quickly, you may keep him or her from getting too upset. You will not spoil your baby by doing this. Common causes of crying are wet or soiled diaper, hunger, gas, feeling too warm or too cold, or illness. Try these tips: Check diapers often and change when they are wet or soiled. Your baby should have at least 6 wet diapers a day. Check clothing or diaper for fit. Make sure the diaper is not too tight or clothing is not irritating the skin. Check for hunger. Your baby needs to eat every 3 to 4 hours and may want more food. Burp your baby during and after feedings to prevent gas. Check your baby s mouth and throat for white spots. This is a sign of infection. Call your baby s doctor. Check for sweating or coolness. Add or remove blankets and clothing as needed. If you have concerns about your baby s crying or health, call your baby s doctor. 1

우는아기다루기 모든아기들은당연히울지만심하게우는아기들이있습니다. 종종아기가우는경우는배고프거나불편해서운다는사실을알수있습니다. 하지만때로우는원인을알수없을때가있습니다. 아기는그들의필요를소통하기위해울음을대신합니다. 아기가 2 개월쯤에가장많이울고, 길게는하루에 3 시간까지도웁니다. 아기가울기시작하면달래서그치도록하십시오. 울때금방달래주면아기가너무울어격양되는것을예방할수있습니다. 아기가울때금방달래준다고해서아기의버릇이나빠지는것은아닙니다. 아기가우는흔한원인은대소변으로기저귀가축축하거나, 배고프거나, 배에가스가찼거나또는너무덥거나또는춥거나아프기때문입니다. 이렇게해보십시오 : 기저귀를자주검사하여대소변을했을때갈아주십시오. 최소한하루에 6 회정도는기저귀를적셔야합니다. 옷이나기저기가잘맞는지확인하세요. 기저귀가너무조이거나옷이피부를자극하지않는지확인해야합니다. 배고픈지여부를확인하십시오. 아기는매 3~4 시간마다먹어야하고더많은음식을원할수있습니다. 수유시나수유후에가스방지를위해트림을시켜야합니다.. 아기입주위에그리고목에흰반점이있는가확인하십시오. 감염이되었다는증상입니다. 의사에게연락하십시오. 땀이나는지아니면몸이차가운지확인하십시오. 필요하면담요와옷을덮어주거나제거하십시오. 아기가우는것이좀이상하거나어디가아픈것같으면의사에게연락하십시오. Coping with Your Baby s Crying. Korean. 1

Calming Your Baby There are many ways to soothe and calm your baby. Try these and find what works best. Give a pacifier. Never put the pacifier on a string or cord around your baby s neck. Never use a bottle nipple for a pacifier. Wrap your baby snugly in a blanket. Rock your baby gently. Hold your baby close and sing or talk in a quiet, singsong way. Keep the room quiet and the lights low. Put your baby in a soft front carrier, close to your body. Walk or dance with your baby. Give your baby a warm, relaxing bath. Lay your baby on your chest, skin to skin. Give your baby an infant massage by gently rubbing your baby. Play soothing music, run the vacuum cleaner, or let the water run a few minutes. Give a noisy toy. Shake or rattle it. Put your baby in a baby swing or take your baby for a ride in the stroller or car. Sometimes nothing works. It is not your fault as long as you have tried to calm your baby and made sure your baby is clean, fed and not sick. Gently put your baby in his or her crib and leave the room. Check on your baby every 15 minutes. If you are concerned about your baby, call your baby s doctor. Never shake your baby. Shaking can cause damage to your baby s brain or even death. Crying is the main reason that babies are shaken. If you feel you are losing control, gently place your baby in a crib and try one of these ideas: 2

우는아기달래기 아기를달래는방법은여러가지있습니다. 다음과같은방법을시도해보고어떤방법이아기에게가장좋은지판단하십시오. 고무젖꼭지를물려주세요. 고무젖꼭지를절대로끈이나줄에묶어서목에걸지마세요. 절대로우유병꼭지를고무젖꼭지용으로주지마세요.. 아기를포대기에꼭싸주십시오.. 아기를가만히흔들어주세요. 아기를꼭안고노래를불러주거나조용하게그리고노래부르듯이얘기하십시오.. 방에소음을줄이고전등을약간어둡게해주십시오.. 아기를천으로만든앞쪽캐리어에넣어엄마몸에닿게하십시오. 아기와함께걷거나춤을추십시오.. 아기를따뜻한물에목욕을시켜긴장이풀리도록하십시오.. 아기를엄마가슴에올려놓고피부와피부접촉을하십시오.. 아기를부드럽게문질러마사지해주십시오.. 잔잔한음악을틀어주거나진공소제기를돌리거나, 물을몇분간틀어주십시오. 소리나는 장난감을주고, 그것을흔들어소리를내주십시오.. 아기를아기그네에태우거나유모차나차에태우십시오.. 이것저것해줘도소용없을때도있습니다. 아기를달래기위한시도를다하거나기저귀가깨끗하고, 수유가되었는지, 또는아프지않은지확인한한은이는엄마의잘못이아닙니다. 아기를아기침대에눕히고방을나온다음 15 분마다확인을하십시오. 아무래도걱정이되면의사에게연락하십시오. 절대로아기를흔들지마세요. 아기를흔들면뇌에손상이가거나사망까지할수있습니다. 아기가운다고흔들어대는경우가많습니다. 엄마자신이자제력을잃고있다고느끼면, 아기를가만히침대에놓고다음과같은방법으로자신을진정시켜보십시오. Coping with Your Baby s Crying. Korean. 2

Let your anger out in a safe way. Scrub a floor, do dishes or laundry, shake a rug, or just sit down and have a good cry. Calm down. Sit or lie down, close your eyes, take some deep breaths, think of something pleasant for several minutes or count to 100 until you are calm. Do something for yourself. Listen to music, exercise or take a shower or bath. Stop and think about why you feel so angry. It is okay to feel frustrated, as long as you do not take it out on your baby. Call a friend, relative or neighbor to talk about your feelings or see if someone can take over for a while. If you need help, call: In Central Ohio, the 24-hour Parent Connection Line at (614) 722-5437, a service of Nationwide Children s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio Child Help USA National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453, 24 hours a day Child Abuse National Hotline at 1-800-252-2873 Remember crying does not hurt a baby shaking does. When to Call Your Baby s Doctor Most of the time crying will stop when your baby s comfort needs are met. But you should call your baby s doctor if any of these things occur: Your baby is vomiting or has diarrhea. Your baby is having less than 6 wet diapers a day. Your baby has a fever over 100.4 degrees F or 38 degrees C when taken under the arm. 3

안전한방법으로자신의화냄을제거하십시오. 바닥을훔치거나, 접시를닦거나, 빨래를하거나, 러그의먼지를털거나아니면앉아서한바탕울어보는것도좋은방법입니다. 진정하십시오. 앉거나누워서눈을감고숨을천천히깊게쉬면서즐거운일들을몇분동안상상하거나진정될때까지 100 까지세어보십시오. 자신을위해서뭔가하십시오. 음악을듣거나, 운동을하거나, 샤워나목욕을합니다. 잠시멈추고자신이왜화가났는가를생각해봅니다. 화풀이를아기한테하지않는이상좌절감을느끼는것은괜찮습니다. 친구나친척또는이웃에게전화하여감정을좀풀거나잠시아기를대신봐줄사람을찾아봅니다. 도움이필요하시면전화하십시오 : 오하이오주중부, 24 시간부모연결라인전화 (614) 722-5437, 전국적인아동병원, 오하이오주, 컬럼버스 Child Help USA 전국아동학대핫라인 1-800-422-4453, 24 시간가동 아동학대전국핫라인 1-800-252-2873 유념사항 울음은아기를해치지않지만 아기를흔들면다칩니다. 의사에게언제전화해야할경우 대부분의경우아기가 " 편안해지면 " 울음을그칩니다. 하지만아래와같은경우의사에게연락하셔야합니다 : 아기가토하거나설사를하는경우. 아기가기저기를하루에 6 개이하적시는경우. 겨드랑열을재었을때아기의열이섭씨 38 도 ( 화씨 100.4 도 ) 이상인경우. Coping with Your Baby s Crying. Korean. 3

Your baby cries constantly for more than 3 hours. The cry changes from a fussy to a painful cry. The constant crying continues after 3 months of age. You cannot soothe your baby no matter what you try. You are afraid you might hurt your baby. Never shake your baby. Talk to your baby s doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns about your baby s crying. 2005 5/2010 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 4

아기가 3 시간이상계속우는경우. 울음소리가짜증에서고통스러운소리로변하는경우. 쉬지않고우는것이 3 개월이지났는데도계속되는경우. 어떤수단과방법을써도아기를진정시킬수없는경우. 혹시아기를다칠게할까바겁이나는경우. 아기를절대로흔들지마십시오. 아기우는것과관련하여질문이나문제가있으면의사나간호사에게상의하십시오. 2005 5/2010 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Coping with Your Baby s Crying. Korean. 4