사람들의관람목록 1순위인레오나르도다빈치의 모나리자 도그중하나였다. 나폴레옹은이그림을너무나좋아해서처음엔자신의침실에걸어놨다고한다. 루브르를세계최대규모의박물관중하나로꼽는데별다른이견이없을듯하다. 몇해전부터는세계적인건축가이오밍페이가디자인한대형유리피라미드를설치해이제그곳을통해전시실

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장




Special Destination 파리센강유역의문화명소 파리를남북으로가르며흐르는강줄기를따라한가로이오가는것만으로도찬란한문화의만화경을경험할수있다. 루브르박물관과오르세미술관, 그리고에펠탑등센강주변명소들이야말로파리를세계최고의여행지중하나로꼽게한저력이다. Seine Meditation Weave along the banks of river to witness a cultural kaleidoscope like no other. Waterside sights like the Louvre, Musée d Orsay and Eiffel Tower are the reasons is one of the world s most visited cities.

사람들의관람목록 1순위인레오나르도다빈치의 모나리자 도그중하나였다. 나폴레옹은이그림을너무나좋아해서처음엔자신의침실에걸어놨다고한다. 루브르를세계최대규모의박물관중하나로꼽는데별다른이견이없을듯하다. 몇해전부터는세계적인건축가이오밍페이가디자인한대형유리피라미드를설치해이제그곳을통해전시실에입장하게된다. 루브르박물관은여러층에걸쳐약 3만5000점의작품이배치되어있을만큼방대한규모를자랑한다. 또한그명성에걸맞게, 해마다약 1000만명이찾는다고한다. 예술을감상했으니이젠강가에서시원한바람을즐길차례다. 튀일리정원은파리에서가장큰규모로손꼽히는데, 이곳의가치를한층높여주는상징중하나가바로오랑주리미술관이다. 원래는겨울에오렌지나무를보관할용도로지은건물이지만, 리모델링을거쳐지금은클로드모네의대표작중하나인 수련 연작을전시하는미술관으로자리잡았다. 모네의이유명한작품은얼마전에파리를배경으로한우디앨런의영화 < 미드나잇인파리 > 를통해자세히소개되기도했다. 정원북쪽모퉁이에는자그마한현대미술전문갤러리인주드폼미술관이있다. 이곳의커다란유리창으로는센강건너 Lisa. The pint-sized French leader loved the painting so much that he originally kept it in his bedroom. Today, visitors enter what is arguably the greatest museum in the world through a vast glass pyramid designed by architect IM Pei. Be aware that the Louvre has an embarrassment of riches: Some 35,000 works are displayed throughout the sprawling multistory structure. With almost 10 million annual sightseers, it is also the city s most visited museum. It is time for a breath of air near the riverbank. The Tuileries Garden is one of the largest parks in. The garden s edifying icon is the Musée de l Orangerie. Originally constructed to shelter orange trees each winter, it was remodeled to house artist Claude Monet s landmark Nymphéas series. Also known as the Water Lilies, this collection of paintings was pretentiously perused in the Woody Allen movie Midnight in. On the opposite side of the gardens is the Jeu de Paume, a petite gallery of contemporary art. Its grand windows afford views of the Eiffel Tower, across the Seine. 이번파리여행은센강한가운데에자리잡은시테섬에서시작된다. 여기서갈리아족 ( 族 ) 의한갈래이자파리원주민이라할수있는켈트계의파리시족은로마군에맞서싸웠고, 12 세기에는 노트르담 이라는이름의성당을이곳에짓기시작했다. 자유롭게감상할수있는섬세한조각품과화려한프레스코화, 오싹한형상의괴물석상때문에이곳은파리에서도특히파리다운가장생생한문화유적으로손꼽힌다. 고개를들면당장이라도빅토르위고의동명소설주인공인노트르담의꼽추가종루에서줄을당기는모습이보일것만같다. 더근사한건, 엘리베이터없이 387개의계단으로이루어진성당의탑에오르면센강을따라곳곳에자리잡은, 파리가자랑하는문화유적이한눈에보인다는점이다. 하지만일단섬서쪽끄트머리베르갈랑광장부터돌아보자. 화가들은그림을그리고연인들은소풍을즐기며꼬마들은신나게뛰논다. 멀지않은퐁뇌프다리에는센강유람선선착장이있다. 강을따라서쪽으로 5분쯤이동하면루브르박물관이나온다. 루브르는 1793년프랑스혁명당시에압수한예술작품을일반에공개하며문을열었다. 10년뒤나폴레옹보나파르트황제는아주많은그림으로전시실을채웠는데, 이곳을찾는 Our story starts on the Île de la Cité, an island in the center of the River Seine. Here the ii tribe battled the Romans. Construction of a cathedral named Notre- Dame started on the island in the 12 th century. Its solemn statues, dramatic frescoes and eerie gargoyles make it the most tangible cultural offering in. Look up and you half expect to see novelist Victor Hugo s hunchback, Quasimodo, swinging in the belfry. Better still, by visiting the tower (387 steps, no elevator), you can take in a dozen other cultural icons stretching up and down the Seine. But start below the cathedral in the leafy Square du Vert-Galant, at the tip of the island. Here artists paint and lovers picnic as Seine boat tours depart from the nearby Pont-Neuf bridge. A mere five minutes downriver is the Louvre. The museum opened in 1793, filled with art confiscated during the French Revolution. Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte stuffed the salons with yet more paintings a decade later, including Leonardo da Vinci s chef d oeuvre, the Mona 유람선 베데트뒤퐁뇌프 ( 왼쪽페이지 ) 를타고 모나리자 같은명작 ( 아래 ) 을소장하고대형유리피라미드 ( 오른쪽 ) 를설치한루브르박물관등파리의명소를두루둘러보는방법은센강여행의인기코스중하나다. famous River Seine may be experienced on a boat cruise such as that offered by Vedettes du Pont Neuf (opposite), which passes the Louvre, home of the Mona Lisa (below) and a glass pyramid (right). 24 morningcalm

에펠탑의전경이한눈에들어온다. 안타까운점이라면프랑스발명가인자크샤를이 200여년전에누린것만큼전망이좋지는않다는사실인데, 그는 1783년 12월 1일 40만명이운집한가운데세계최초로수소풍선을타고튀일리정원위로날아올랐다. 550미터상공까지올라간샤를은당시영국해협을향해북쪽으로꼬박 2시간을날아갔다. 다분히낭만적이긴하지만하늘을날아가는방법보다는배를타거나자전거, 또는강을따라걸어서에펠탑으로가는편이더안전한것은물론이다. 파리를대표하는상징인에펠탑에오르면파리시내는물론센강을따라먼곳까지의풍경이파노라마처럼펼쳐진다. 프랑스혁명 100주년을기념해세운에펠탑은 1889 년일반에개방되기전부터그자체로일대사건이었다. 당시세계에서가장높은건축물인 324미터의철탑을짓겠다는귀스타브에펠을미친사람으로치부한이도많았다. 정식개장을앞두고사전공개행사를진행할때공교롭게도엘리베이터가고장나는바람에에펠은시관계자와신문기자들을대동한채약 1700개에달하는계단을 1시간가까이걸어올라가야했다. 어쨌든이기념비적건축물의개장을기념해프랑스국기의적, 백, 청삼색의가스등이도시전역을비추었다. Alas, the view is not as impressive as the one French inventor Jacques Charles had some 200 years ago. In front of 400,000 spectators, he made the world s first manned hydrogen balloon flight from the Tuileries Garden. Charles ascended to 550m, then floated northwards toward the English Channel for a good two hours. It would be safer to sail, cycle or stroll further downriver to the Eiffel Tower. Climb cultural beacon for a sweeping panorama of the far reaches of the Seine, beyond the city limits. The tower caused a stir even before it opened in 1889. Locals claimed Gustave Eiffel had gone mad when he submitted plans for the 324m pylon, then the world s tallest building. On a tour ahead of the grand opening, the elevators were out of order, so Eiffel, together with a group of city officials and news reporters, took a whole hour to hike the approximately 1,700 steps (the current world record for running up the tower is around eight minutes). Gas lamps shone the red, white and blue of France s flag across town. 도보길이조성된퐁데자르다리는센강북안의루브르박물관과남안의마자랭도서관을이어준다 ( 왼쪽페이지 ). 박물관이여럿들어서있는트로카데로정원에서는에펠탑의위용이한눈에들어온다 ( 위 ). The Pont des Arts pedestrian bridge stretches across the Seine from the Louvre to the Mazarin Library (opposite). The Trocadéro Gardens offer a view of the Eiffel Tower and have several museums, including a recently reopened anthropology gallery (above). Two Scoops of Art The Eiffel Tower was not appreciated by the somewhat grumpy novelist Guy de Maupassant, who supposedly lunched in the tower s restaurant every day so as to avoid gazing at the structure itself. The eatery, now known as Le Jules Verne, is managed by Michelin-starred chef Alain Ducasse. The Eiffel Tower remains such an imposing structure that 예술의고장까다로운성미로유명했던소설가기드모파상은에펠탑이세워질당시이를맹렬히비난했다는데, 그가보기에이기이한형상물은아름다운문화도시의조경을심하게훼손할것임에틀림없었던모양이다. 그러면서도모파상은매일에펠탑내에있는레스토랑에서점심을먹었다고하는데, 그이유는탑이보이지않는곳이파리내에서는그곳밖에없기때문이었다는재미있는에피소드도전해지고있다. 지금은그자리에미슐랭별점을받은유명셰프알랭뒤카스의레스토랑 르쥘베른 이있다. 에펠탑은그후로도위풍당당한존재감을과시했는데, 1984년에는로버트모리아티라는미국인이비행기를몰고그사이를통과하는모험을시도하기도했다. 이듬해에는제임스본드시리즈인 American pilot Robert J Moriarty was inspired to fly an airplane through it in 1984. The following year, Roger Moore chased Grace Jones from the tower s edge in the James Bond movie A View to a Kill. This summer, 120,000 revelers will be invited to a Fan Zone at the base of the structure to watch all 51 games of the UEFA Euro 2016 soccer tournament, hosted by France. For further culture, it is best to stick to the river. Seine tour boats, from luxury cruises to hop-on, hop-off shuttles, routinely round the Île aux Cygnes, a skinny pedestrian island that splits the river in two near the Eiffel Tower. Have your camera ready for the Statue 27

< 뷰투어킬 > 에로저무어가에펠탑위에서그레이스존스를추격하는장면이나왔다. 그리고 2016년여름에는 12만명의축구팬이탑아래의지정된 팬존 에모여프랑스가개최하는 UEFA 유로 2016의 51개경기를관람할예정이다. 파리의문화를조금더만끽하고싶다면강에서멀리벗어나지않는게좋다. 센강유람선은에펠탑인근에서강줄기를둘로가르는보행자길이조성된시뉴섬을정기적으로지나가는데, 자유의여신상을카메라에담으려면미리대비를하고있어야한다. 이조각상은뉴욕에있는자유의여신상을 4분의 1로축소한것인데, 미국뉴욕항의리버티섬에세워진자유의여신상은실은프랑스가제작해미국시민에게선물한것이다. 센강하류로내려갈때는왼쪽에서반짝이는레쟁발리드의황금돔을잊지말고눈여겨보자. 나폴레옹보나파르트를비롯한프랑스의전쟁영웅들이그곳에잠들어있다. 레쟁발리드에서센강건너를바라보면상상력이발동할것이다. 그때까지아무도경험하지못한인류최대의문화행사였던 1900년만국박람회가그강둑을중심으로펼쳐졌기때문이다. 말그대로놀라운혁신이었던유성영화와자동으로움직이는계단, 그리고땅콩기름을연료로방문객을수송하는디젤열차를보기위해무려 5000만명이만국박람회장을 of Liberty. It is a quarter-scale replica of the New York original, which was constructed in France and given to the American people. Downriver on the left, look out for the shining gold dome of Les Invalides. French war heroes, including Napoléon Bonaparte, are buried inside. The side of the Seine across from Les Invalides captures the imagination. Back in 1900, this stretch of riverbank was the focal point for the greatest cultural show the world had ever seen, the Universal Exposition. Also known as the World s Fair, it brought about 50 million visitors to to see such groundbreaking innovations as films with sound, mechanical escalators and diesel trains, which, fueled by peanut oil, shuttled visitors around the capital. Much of the show took place under the 45m-high dome of the Grand Palais, made of glass and steel. Though it served as a military hospital during World War I, it now hosts exhibitions dedicated to the likes of French fashionista Jean Paul Gaultier. Be sure to catch the current exhibition Picasso.mania, which runs until the end of February 2016. Renaissance paintings, plus 19 th - 생루이섬 ( 왼쪽 ) 은같은센강에자리한, 인근시테섬 ( 위 ) 의명성에가려그리알려지지않은편이지만이섬에있는 글라시에베르티용 의아이스크림맛은일품이다. 오르세미술관전경 ( 오른쪽페이지 ). Île Saint-Louis (left) is often overshadowed by its larger neighbor on the River Seine, Île de la Cité (above), though it has ice cream shops like Glacier Berthillon. The Musée d Orsay (opposite). 찾았다. 당시수많은행사가유리와강철로만든그랑팔레의돔지붕아래에서열렸고, 오늘날에도파블로피카소에서부터장폴고티에에이르기까지다양한장르에걸친작가들의전시회가개최된다. 르네상스시대의회화, 세잔과모네를비롯한 19세기화가들의작품은바로옆에있는프티팔레에서만날수있다. 20세기이후의작품이보고싶다면강을따라조금동쪽에있는오르세미술관으로가자. 1900년에만국박람회를찾은방문객을위해세운기차역이지금은매력적인예술공간으로새롭게태어났다. 미술관앞으로흐르는센강의풍경화를즐겨그린피에르보나르와알베르마르케의작품도유리천장을통해비쳐드는햇빛아래반짝이고있다. 미술감상을충분히즐겼다면, 이제문화순례에서벗어나생루이섬을찾아가보자. 이유람기에서맨처음언급했던노트르담성당건너편에있는조그만섬이다. 그럴싸한미술관도없고, 여행객도거의찾지않는파리한귀퉁이의이울창한섬에는낭만적인노천카페가즐비하다. 글라시에베르티용앞의긴줄을발견한다면조용히순서를기다리자. 1954년에문을연이곳은파리에서가장맛있는아이스크림을판다고알려진 가게다. 글카트린토마세티사진루시데벨코바 century work by artists including Paul Cézanne, Claude Monet and Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, are exhibited in the Petit Palais, next door. For a collection of definitive art from the 20 th century, look no further than the Musée d Orsay, just upstream. A former train station built to bring travelers to the 1900 Universal Exposition, it is now an artistic emblem in its own right. Light pours onto canvases by Pierre Bonnard and Albert Marquet, who both painted scenes of the Seine, which flows by out front. Other great names in its collection include Paul Gaugain and Auguste Rodin. Enough art for one day? Step off the cultural tour trail and onto Île Saint-Louis, the tiny Seine island opposite the Notre-Dame Cathedral, where our story started. With few museums and tourists, this leafy corner of the capital is sprinkled with sidewalk cafés. Join the queue of locals at Glacier Berthillon. In business since 1954, it offers the tastiest traditional ice cream in. By Kathryn Tomasetti Photographs by Lucie Debelkova 29

Special Destination Guidebook Culture Along the Canals 센강의별자리강변박물관과미술관 End of the Line 신 ( 新 ) 문화공간의간판오르세미술관 파리가자랑하는세계적인예술과문화를감상하고싶은사람이라면이도시의대동맥과도같은센강변에서멀리벗어날필요가없다. To see the world-class art and culture on display in, you need not stray far from the city s main artery. 명실공히파리를대표하는명소로부상한오르세미술관은몇십년전만해도기차가오가는역이었지만, 오늘날문화도시파리에서도손꼽히는문화예술공간으로탈바꿈했다. Though the Musée d Orsay has become an essential tourist stop in, it was established in a former transportation hub only a few decades ago. still. Interactive displays (such The Universal Exposition of as moving streams of words 1900 brought the world to projected onto the floor) for a six-month festival highlight artifacts from non- of innovation and left the city European societies, including with several enduring icons, a giant head from Easter Island including the Grand Palais. and tree-bark paintings by The summer Olympic Games Australian Aboriginals. Hold were even held near the river your nose as you head further at the same time. Authorities 센강주변에는동서로점점이 유물을강조하는전시가참신하다. A constellation of cultural sights east. The Musée des Égouts de sought a train station on par demolition by a French 1900 년파리에서개최된 같다고평가하기도했다. 박혀별자리를이루는문화명소가 캐브랑리미술관에서동쪽으로 extends along both banks of, or Sewer Museum, with the grandeur of the fair. minister and turned into yet 만국박람회는무려여섯달에 하지만안타깝게도, 열차가 많다. 물론도심쪽의방문객수가 향할때는코를막는게좋다. the Seine. Quite naturally, the invites visitors into the bowels of On the opposite bank of the another museum. By 1986, 걸쳐진행된혁신의축제였고, 전 서서히파리외곽으로벗어남에 많고, 양쪽끝의박물관은관람객 파리하수구박물관은도시의 museums at either end are the city. Walk along portions of river from the Grand Palais, the the station s creative 세계가그축제에동참하기위해 따라오르세역의위상도쇠퇴했다. 수가상대적으로적다. 이문화 깊숙한곳으로방문객을안내한다. among least visited. the 2,400km of historic tunnels Gare d Orsay rail terminus was renaissance had come to 도시로몰려들었다. 만국박람회는 제 2 차세계대전이후이눈부신 순례길의출발점은트로카데로 여러세기동안이도시의 This artistic avenue starts, on that have served the city s built to bring the crowds to the fruition. In place of train tracks, 이도시에영원한상징몇가지를 건축물은꽤오랫동안방치되었다. 정원이다. 1937 년에조성한이곳의 땅밑을지나간유서깊은 the west, with the Trocadéro nether regions for centuries. culture. In keeping with the era, a central sculpture alley 남겼는데, 그중하나가샹젤리제 급기야철거위험에처했지만, 샤요궁에는여러개의박물관이 터널 2400 킬로미터가운데 Gardens. Built in 1937 for It is a bit smelly, but at least it was designed in beaux-arts adorned the brand-new Musée 거리에자리잡은건축물인그랑 기차역을미술관으로조성한다는 모여있다. 해군박물관과 일부를따라걸어볼수있다. an International Exposition, visitors do not have to row style. Its fleet of electric trains d Orsay. Canvases by van Gogh 팔레다. 또한파리만국박람회를 창의적인아이디어는 1986 년에 유적박물관외에, 2015 년 10 월에 국립장식미술관에서는현재 they contain a neoclassical through effluent as they were dispensed with soot and steam, and others grace the middle 주관한시당국은만국박람회의 완벽하게실현되었다. 재개관한민족학박물관도주목할 한국의공예디자인, 패션, 그래픽 palace that is home to several obliged to a century ago. allowing a glass roof to enclose levels. The top floor hosts 위상에걸맞은기차역의필요성을 과거철로가놓였던자리는 만하다. 강건너편은프랑스출신의 디자인을조명한 < 지금, 한국!> museums, including the Musée To the east is the Institut du the terminus. Period painter Postimpressionist paintings 느꼈고, 그랑팔레를마주보는강 현재조각상이전시된중앙 유명건축가, 장누벨이설계한 전시회가열리고있다. 그런가 de l Homme, an ethnography Monde Arabe (Arab World Édouard Detaille claimed that from the former station s epoch 건너편에박람회장을찾는수많은 통로로변모했다. 가운데층에는 캐브랑리미술관이다. 이곳의 하면동쪽에는이곳의랜드마크 gallery that reopened in October Institute). The building, also the structure resembles a works by Monet, Renoir and 방문객을위해오르세역을지었다. 고흐와고갱등대가들의작품이 가장큰특징은미술관전면의 격인아랍세계연구소가있다. 2015. Across the river is the by Jean Nouvel, uses 240 Palace of Fine Arts. Alas, as Cézanne. Light from the glass 이기차역은당시의스타일을 자리하고, 꼭대기층에는기차역 800제곱미터를이국적인식물로뒤덮은, 가히 살아있는벽 이라칭할만한외관이다. 세계의불가사의로손꼽히는칠레이스터섬석상과호주원주민의나무껍질회화같은, 유럽권밖의문화와 역시장누벨의작품인연구소건물은 240개의감광자동셔터를이용하여무어인의전통기법을표현한외관디자인이인상적이다. 이곳에서는아랍의역사와과학, 그리고예술세계를엿볼수있다. Musée du Quai Branly. Designed by Jean Nouvel, it is hard to miss. Its most innovative feature is a living wall of exotic plants that covers 800sqm of its facade. The inside is more interesting photosensitive mechanical shutters to filter the sunlight, a modern take on a Moorish screen. Permanent exhibitions at the institute shed light on Arabian history, science and art. Marianne Sera (above right) trains were slowly diverted to the suburbs, the Gare d Orsay declined in stature. In the years after World War II, the station fell into disuse. In a risky move, it was saved from roof now illuminates the art. Overlooking the entire scene is the original station clock. It is now the 10 th -most-visited museum in the world, according to The Art Newspaper. 좇아보자르양식으로설계되었다. 전기기관차가등장하면서매연과증기가사라졌기때문에기차역의지붕을유리로마감할수있었다. 풍속화가인에두아르드타유는이건축물이마치순수미술궁전과 시절을풍미한모네와마네, 르누아르, 세잔같은화가들의작품이걸려있다. < 아트뉴스페이퍼 > 에따르면, 오르세미술관은전세계미술관가운데관람객순위 10위에랭크되었다. 30 morningcalm 31

Special Destination Guidebook Korean Air Navigation Sailing the Seine 파리를즐기는가장낭만적방법센강유람선여행 찾아가는길샤를드골공항에서파리도심으로가려면에르에에르베철도노선을타거나루아시뷔스셔틀을타면 추천숙박지노트르담생미셸호텔 (www.hotel notredameparis.com) 은센강과노트르담성당을굽어보는위치에 추천레스토랑미슐랭별점을받은레스토랑만 70곳이넘는파리는미식가의천국이라고해도과언이아니지만, 센강주변서점 빛의도시 라는별명이어색하지않은파리는 1만종이넘는소설과가이드북, 여행서적에영감을주었다. 파리의문화적인면모를만끽할방법은많지만가장낭만적인방법은역시유람선을타는것이다. 다양한취향에기꺼이화답하는유람선들이센강을오간다. Among the many ways to experience the French capital s cultural waterway, the most romantic is surely a pleasure cruise. 되는데, 두가지모두대중교통회사인 RATP(www.ratp.fr) 가운영한다. 센강을따라이동하는방법으로는버스와지하철, 보트등 10여가지가있다. 벨리브 (http:// en.velib.paris.fr) 라는공영자전거 자리잡고있다. 문화계전반에서영향력을행사한패션디자이너크리스티앙라크루아가호텔의전반적인인테리어를맡았다는점도흥미롭다. 최고수준을누리고싶은사람에게는르루아얄 그래서어디서부터시작해야할지더난감할수도있다. 별점세개에빛나는파비용르두아앵 (www.pavillonledoyen.fr) 은센강에서멀지않은샹젤리제정원에있다. 레스토랑이위치한건물은시의소유이며, 어니스트헤밍웨이는한세기전에이곳에상주하며 < 파리는날마다축제 > 를집필했다. 사학자그레이엄롭이쓴 < 파리지앵 : 파리의모험사 > 는프랑스혁명부터퇴폐주의가휩쓴 1920년대에이르기까지파리의 대여프로그램도흥미롭다. 몽소 (www.leroyalmonceau.com) 를 1800 년대중반부터현재의자리를 극적인순간을풀어낸다. 센 1800 군데에달하는도시전역의 추천한다. 윈스턴처칠과어니스트 지켜왔다. 오랜세월동안이름만 강변의서점인 셰익스피어앤드 대여소에 2 만대의자전거가비치돼 헤밍웨이도새단장을하기전에 대면알만한작가와화가들이이곳을 컴퍼니 는 1950 년대부터이런 있다. RATP 는지하철과도시간열차, 이곳에묵었다. 2010 년에는개성이 거쳐갔다. 조금소박한음식을맛보고 책들을구비해놓고장서애호가들을 버스, 오를리공항전철, 몽마르트르 넘치는또한명의프랑스디자이너인 싶다면트로카데로정원근처에있는 맞이했다. 센강변을따라길게늘어선 언덕으로올라가는케이블을모두 필리프스타르크가이대형호텔의 라파티세리시릴리냐크 (www.lapati 노천의고서점들에서도보석같은 이용할수있는 1 일권을판매한다. 인테리어작업에참여했다. sseriecyrillignac.com) 에가보자. 문학서적을발견할수있다. Grand Palais 요트드파리 (www.yachtsde paris.fr) 는센강을오르내리는가장우아한유람선이라해도과언이아니다. 최고급을지향하는이유람선회사는 1993년에 동쥐앙 1호 를중심으로운영을시작했다. 그뒤를이은개츠비스타일의 동쥐앙 2호 는벽난로와참나무패널인테리어가특징이다. 요트드파리의대표적인서비스는 동쥐앙 2호 를타고즐기는저녁선상유람이다. 승객들은장인이라부를만한기크랑제르셰프가제공하는바닷가재가스파초를포함한다섯가지코스요리를즐기게된다. 하지만가장좋은건이배를타고루브르부터에펠탑에이르는파리의명소를두루구경할수있다는점인데, 매시정각에불빛쇼를펼치는에펠탑근처에이르면선장이잠시배를멈추고 샴페인으로축배를제안한다. 조금저렴한배편을원한다면 베데트뒤퐁뇌프 (www.vedettes dupontneuf.com) 를추천한다. 천장이개방된이바지선들은 1950년대부터노트르담성당근처의시테섬다리옆에서운항해왔다. 60년전의나무보트에는최대탑승인원이고작 30명에불과했지만, 지금은개폐식유리천장의호화로운선박이최대 550명의승객을태우고퐁알렉상드르 3세다리를지나에펠탑까지갔다가되돌아온다. 자유일정으로센강유람을즐기고싶다면 바토뷔스파리 (www.batobus.com) 에서 1일권을구입하자. 오르세미술관과루브르를포함한파리의명소가운데아홉곳을유람선을타고내리며관람할수있다. Yachts de (www. yachtsdeparis.fr) has the most elegant riverboats on the Seine. The high-end cruise company started in 1993 with the vintage vessel Don Juan I. Its successor, the Gatsbyesque Don Juan II, boasts an open fire and oakpaneled walls. The most famous of Yachts de offerings is its dinner cruise aboard the Don Juan II. Guests embark for a voyage gastronomique by the Pont de Sully bridge. Artisan chef Guy Krenzer then charms diners with a five-course menu that includes lobster gazpacho. The best part? The carousel of sights, from the Louvre to the Eiffel Tower, where the captain halts for a champagne toast during the tower s hourly light show. The cruise operator also offers a private art tour, during which the Seine s artistic highlights are described by an expert guide. For a less expensive cruise, try Vedettes du Pont Neuf (www. vedettesdupontneuf.com). These open-topped barges have lined up by the Île de la Cité bridge near Notre-Dame since the 1950s. Sixty years ago, the wooden boats had a capacity of just 30 guests. Now, vessels with retractable glass roofs escort up to 550 passengers under the Pont Alexandre III to the Eiffel Tower and back again. For the most flexible Seine cruise, purchase a day pass on Batobus (www.batobus. com). Use this hop-on, hop-off ticket to shuttle between nine of top sights, including the Musée d Orsay and the Louvre. Like floating conservatories, their all-glass sides offer 360-degree views of one of the world s most charming cities. Hotel Notre-Dame Saint Michel Jeu de Paume Musée de I Orangerie Tuileries Garden Musée d Orsay Eiffel Tower FRANCE Musée des Arts Décoratifs Seine Louvre Pont des Arts Pont Neuf Hotel Notre-Dame Saint Michel 대한항공은파리로매일운항합니다. Korean Air flies Incheon GETTING THERE To reach central from Charles de Gaulle Airport, simply catch an RER B train or a Roissybus shuttle, both of which are operated by the public transport company RATP (www. ratp.fr/en). There are many ways to navigate the Seine, including bus, Metro and boat. The funnest way to get around may be Vélib (http://en.velib.paris.fr) bike-share scheme. Grab one of the 20,000 bikes installed at 1,800 stations across the city. RATP offers day passes that cover its combined Metro, rapid transit, cross-city train, bus, Orly Airport links and funicular railway. Île de la Cité Shakespeare& Company Charles de Gaulle Airport Notre-Dame Cathedral île Saint-Louis Glacier Berthillon Institut du Monde Arabe daily. Where to Stay Hotel Notre-Dame Saint Michel (www.hotelnotredameparis. com) overlooks the River Seine and Notre-Dame Cathedral. The hotel interior was designed from top to bottom by zany fashion guru Christian Lacroix, whose influences include opera costumes and 1950s films starring Gina Lollobrigida. For unparalleled class, check into Le Royal Monceau (www. leroyalmonceau.com). Winston Churchill and Ernest Hemingway bedded down in its previous incarnation. In 2010, the offbeat French designer Philippe Starck applied his touch to the hotel. Where to Eat With more than 70 Michelinstarred restaurants, is a gastronome s paradise. One of the three-starred establishments is Pavillon Ledoyen (www. pavillon-ledoyen.fr/en), now run by Yannick Alléno and located not far from the Seine, in the Champs-Élysées Garden. The building is owned by the city and has stood in its present location since the mid-1800s. A who s who of writers and painters have dined there over the years. For something a bit more humble, like a croissant, try La Pâtisserie Cyril Lignac (www. lapatisseriecyrillignac.com/en). 노트르담생미셸호텔 Hotel Notre-Dame Saint Michel Literature on the Seine The City of Light has inspired over 10,000 novels, guides and travelogues. Ernest Hemingway was a resident columnist here a century ago. His memoir A Moveable Feast conjures up a of artists, easy virtue and boulevard culture. ians: An Adventure History of by Graham Robb is a lucid retelling of local drama, from the French Revolution to the decadent 1920s. Riverside bookshop Shakespeare & Company has been stocking such titles since the 1950s. Literary gems can also be found at the bouquinistes, the bookstalls that line the Seine. 32 morningcalm 33