(JBE Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2014) (Special Paper) 19 1, 2014 1 (JBE Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2014) http://dx.doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2014.19.1.14 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) SDN a), a) A Study of Development for High-speed Cloud Video Service using SDN based Multi Radio Access Technology Control Methods Dongha Kim a) and Sungwon Lee a), SDN(Software Defined Network) (Multiple Radio Access Technology)., 3rd-party (off-loading),. OpenStack SDN., OpenFlow Open vswitch 2 2.4GHz 3 5GHz 820 Mbps. Abstract This paper proposed controlling methods for SDN(Software Defined Network) based multiple radio access technology as the solutions of following two issues which were mainly occurred by explosive increasing of video traffic. The first one is a requirement for traffic off-loading caused by 3rd-party video service providers from the mobile network operator's viewpoint. The other one is a provision of high-speed video contents transmission services with low price. Furthermore, the performance evaluation was also conducted on the real test-bed which is composed of OpenStack cloud and SDN technology such as OpenFlow and Open vswitch. A virtual machine running on the OpenStack provide a video service and the terminal which is able to use multiple radio access technology supports two 2.4GHz WLANs(Wireless Local Area Network) and three 5GHz WLANs, concurrently. Finally, we can get 820Mbps of the maximum transmission speed by using that five WLAN links for the single service at the same time. Keyword : SDN, cloud video service, traffic offloading, multiple-rat, heterogeneous network a) (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyung Hee Univ.) Corresponding Author : (Sungwon Lee) E-mail: drsungwon@khu.ac.kr Tel: +82-31-201-3841 IT (NIPA-2013-(H0301-13-4006)) Manuscript received November 15, 2013 Revised January 20, 2014 Accepted January 20, 2014
1 : SDN (Dongha Kim et al. : A Study of Development for High-speed Cloud Video Service using SDN based Multi Radio Access Technology Control Methods).. 50%, 2017 70% [1-2].. 3rd-party (off-loading),,,. HetNet (Heterogeneous Network) [3]., (WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network). [4-6], ABC(Always-Best-Connected),.,.,. SDN(Software Define Network),., SDN OpenFlow [7] OVS(Open vswitch) [8],. OpenStack [9], OpenStack.. SDN. SDN,... HetNet OpenFlow SDN.,. 1. Heterogeneous Network SDN. HetNet. HetNet ABC., M2M(Machine-to-Machine) IEEE 802.11 3GPP EPC (Evolved Packet Core) Network (vertical hand-over) [5], (context) [6]., ABC
(JBE Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2014)., [10] SDN [11-12]. 2. OpenFlow Open vswitch OpenFlow Martin Casado, 2007 (Ethane) [13]. OpenFlow, 2011 3 OpenFlow ONF(Open Networking Foundation). ONF OpenFlow SDN [14]. ONF SDN,., OS(Operating System) API. NOX [15] Floodlight [16] Network OS., [17]., OpenFlow, ONF., OpenFlow x86 PC, OpenFlow OVS. OpenFlow ( )., MAC IP,. 1 1.1 OpenFlow. OpenFlow 1 (Action)., (Drop),, MAC, IP 1. OpenFlow 1.1 Fig. 1. The flow table and header information of OpenFlow version 1.1
1 : SDN (Dongha Kim et al. : A Study of Development for High-speed Cloud Video Service using SDN based Multi Radio Access Technology Control Methods)., Open vswitch, Dom0 Xen (Management domain) [8]., OVS 1.4 OpenFlow 1.1 OpenFlow.. SDN,., OpenFlow Open vswitch. 1.. 2 SDN,. 2,,, IPTV, OpenFlow. 2 4., OVS OpenFlow. 2 (1) (off-loading).,. AP 3rd-party 2. OpenFlow Open vswitch Fig. 2. The main concept of controlling method for multiple radio access technology using OpenFlow and Open vswitch
(JBE Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2014).,., (fail-over). 2 (2)., AP.... OVS IP 1.,.,. 2 (3) 3GPP(3rd Generation Partnership Project) D2D(Device-to-Device) [18],. CDN(Content Delivery Network),., TCP/IP., SDN, 3. Fig. 3. Handling the transmission initiation request of client conducted by MRAT Controller
1 : SDN (Dongha Kim et al. : A Study of Development for High-speed Cloud Video Service using SDN based Multi Radio Access Technology Control Methods). 2. SDN.... 3 (Multi-RAT Controller) ( ) 4. Fig. 4. Determining process of network interfaces for notifying to the client.,,..,. OpenFlow, AP OpenFlow. 4. OpenFlow,. OVS OVS. OVS TCP [8].,.. 5. 3 MRAT(Multiple Radio Access Technology) TCP/ UDP., 3, OpenStack, OpenFlow 1Gbps.. OpenFlow
(JBE Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2014) 5. Fig. 5. Transmission procedure for large capacity of video file, TCP/UDP. OpenFlow... Open- Stack SDN.,. 1. OpenStack SDN OpenStack, OpenFlow. 6., OpenStack x86 PC 12.04 OpenStack Grizzly.,,.,. IP, IP NAT(Network Address Translation)., IP.
1 : SDN (Dongha Kim et al. : A Study of Development for High-speed Cloud Video Service using SDN based Multi Radio Access Technology Control Methods) 6. OpenStack SDN Fig. 6. The architecture of test-bed consist of OpenStack and SDN for performance evaluation purpose, OVS x86 PC Open- Flow. PC, 12.04., OpenFlow Hostapd [19]. 2. 6, Open- Stack OpenFlow, Open vswitch. OpenStack OpenFlow 1Gbps, OpenFlow Hostapd [19] AP SSID(Service Set Identifier) 1. 1. OpenFlow Table 1. Information of WLAN interfaces of OpenFlow switch AP Name SSID Frequency (Ch.) Note AP #1 osws_01 2.412GHz (Ch. 1) HT20 AP #2 osws_02 2.452GHz (Ch. 9) HT20 AP #3 osws_03 5.220GHz (Ch. 44) HT40+ AP #4 osws_04 5.745GHz (Ch. 149) HT40+ AP #5 osws_05 5.805GHz (Ch. 161) HT40-3, Iperf [20]., Iperf, Iperf UDP., 1Gbps. 7. 2.4GHz 20MHz
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