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(3) Construction design and construction design assessment(decree 59 제61조 ) a) Class I: 모든공사업무수행가능 b) Class II: 2등급 (Grade II) 이하의공사업무수행가능 c) Class III: 3등급 (Grade III) 이하의공사업무수행가능 (4) Construction project planning and assessment(decree 59 제62조 ) b) Class II: B그룹 (Group-B) 이하의프로젝트수행가능 b) Class III: C그룹 (Group-C) 이하의프로젝트및건설경제-기술보고서 (construction economictechnical reports) 수행가능 (5) Project management consultancy(decree 59 제63조 ) b) Class II: B그룹 (Group-B) 이하의프로젝트수행가능 c) Class III: C그룹 (Group-C) 이하의프로젝트및건설경제-기술보고서 (construction economictechnical reports) 만을필요로하는공사업무수행가능 (6) Execution of construction works(decree 59 제65조 ) a) Class I: 모든공사업무수행가능 b) Class II: 2등급 (Grade II) 이하의공사업무수행가능 b) Class III: 3등급 (Grade III) 이하의공사업무수행가능 (7) Construction supervision and inspection(decree 59 제66조 ) a) Class I: 3등급 (Grade III) 이하의공사업무수행가능 b) Class II: 2등급 (Grade II) 이하의공사업무수행가능 c) Class III: 3등급 (Grade III) 이하의공사업무수행가능 2

(8) Construction cost management consultancy(decree 59 제67조 ) b) Class II: B그룹 (Group-B) 이하의프로젝트수행가능 c) Class III: C그룹 (Group-C) 이하의프로젝트및건설경제-기술보고서 (construction economictechnical reports) 만을필요로하는프로젝트수행가능 2. 건설업 (Execution of Construction Works) 의등급별요건 Class I Class II Class III 1등급공사감독관자격자 3인 2등급공사감독관자격자 2인 3등급공사감독관자격자 1인이상채용이상채용이상채용관리자는건설분야학사관리자는건설분야에서학사관리자는건설분야에서전문학위자는 3년이상, 전문대학위자또는전문대졸업자로직업능력보유졸업자는 5년이상경력보유 3년이상경력보유품질관리및직업안전관리품질관리및직업안전관리품질관리및직업안전관리담당자 15인이상채용담당자 10인이상채용담당자 5인이상채용건설기술자격증보유자 30인건설기술자격증보유자 20인건설기술자격증보유자 5인이상채용이상채용이상채용적정한기계설비조달능력보유 - - 1급공사 1건이상또는 2급 2급공사 1건이상또는 3급 - 공사 2건이상실적보유공사 2건이상실적보유 3. 프로젝트의등급 (Group) 구분 (Decree 59 Appendix 1) No. Construction project type Total investment PROJECT OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE I 1. By total investment: Project funded by public investment capital 2. By degree of impact on environment or potential serious risks to the environment, including: VND 10,000 billion Regardless of total investment 3

No. Construction project type Total investment II II.1 II.2 a) Nuclear power plants; b) Use of following land types requesting for changes in land use purposes: national parks, nature reserves, protected landscape areas, research and scientific experiment forests with at least 50 hectares in area; riverhead protective forests with at least 50 hectares in area; windbreak, sand break, surf break,, sea encroachment, environment protective forests with at least 500 hectares in area; or production forests with at least 1,000 hectares in area; c) Use of paddy land plot that is cultivated for at least two crops and requested for changes in land use purposes with at least 500 hectares in area; d) Relocation of at least 20,000 emigrants in mountainous region or at least 50,000 emigrants in other regions; dd) Projects that require special polices decided by the National Assembly. GROUP A 1. Projects located in administrative divisions having special national vestige. 2. Projects located in essential administrative divisions to national defense and security as prescribed. 3. Projects related to national defense and security and state secrets. 4. Projects of manufacturing of noxious agents or explosives. 5. Projects of industrial zone or processing and exporting zone infrastructure. 1. Transportation, including bridges, sea ports, river ports, airports, railway and highway. 2. Electrical industry. 3. Petroleum extraction. 4. Chemical, fertilizer, cement. 5. Mechanical manufacture, metallurgy. Regardless of total investment VND 2,300 billion 4

No. Construction project type Total investment II.3 II.4 II.5 III 6. Mineral extraction and processing. 7. Residential area construction. 1. Transportation projects, excluding projects prescribed in Point 1 of Section II.2 2. Irrigation. 3. Water supply and drainage and infrastructural constructions. 4. Electrical engineering. 5. Communications or electronics equipment manufacture. 6. Pharmaceutical chemistry. 7. Material manufacture, excluding projects prescribed in Point 4 of Section II.2 8. Mechanical construction, excluding projects prescribed in Point 5 of Section II.2 9. Post and telecommunications. 1. Agricultural production, forestry, aquaculture. 2. National parks, wildlife sanctuary. 3. New urban area infrastructure. 4. Industry, excluding projects of industrial field prescribed in Sections I.1, I.2 and I.3. 1. Health, culture, education; 2. Scientific research, computing, broadcast; 3. Depot; 4. Tourism, sports; 5. Civil construction, excluding residential construction prescribed in Section II.2. GROUP B III.1 Projects prescribed in Section II.2 III.2 Projects prescribed in Section II.3 III.3 Projects prescribed in Section II.4 III.4 Projects prescribed in Section II.5 VND 1,500 billion VND 1,000 billion VND 800 billion From VND 12 billion to VND 2,300 billion From VND 80 billion to VND 1,500 billion From VND 60 billion to VND 1,000 billion From VND 45 billion to VND 800 billion 5

No. Construction project type Total investment IV GROUP C IV.1 Projects prescribed in Section II.2 IV.2 Projects prescribed in Section II.3 IV.3 Projects prescribed in Section II.4 IV.4 Projects prescribed in Section II.5 < VND 120 billion < VND 80 billion < VND 60 billion < VND 45 billion 4. 공사등급 (Grade) 구분 베트남건설부가 2016 년 3 월 10 일제정한 Circular 03/2016/TT-BXD Appendix 1 및 Appendix 2 에서 시설물의종류와규모에따라세분하여 Special, Grade I, Grade II, Grade III, Grade IV 5 등급으로 구분하고있습니다. 5. 위반시제재조치 각공사관련업체가자신의등급에따라수행가능한업무범위를초월하여공사관련업무를 수행할경우, 베트남동화 3 천만동내지 4 천만동 ( 약 1,500 만원내지 2,000 만원 ) 의과태료처분을 받을수있습니다 ( 베트남정부가 2013 년 10 월 10 일제정한 Decree 121/2013/NĐ -CP 제 21 조제 3 항 ). 6