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232 도시행정학보 제25집 제4호 I. 서 론 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 사회가 다원화될수록 다양성과 복합성의 요소는 증가하게 된다. 도시의 발달은 사회의 다원 화와 밀접하게 관련되어 있기 때문에 현대화된 도시는 경제, 사회, 정치 등이 복합적으로 연 계되어 있어 특


w» wz, 7«4y(2005) Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 4, (2005), pp. 265~273 skÿ m yw w» 1 Á 2 Á x 3 Á½ 4 1 w y w, 2 œ œ, 3 w w, 4 w w (2005 11 1 ; 2005 12 6 ) Chemical Properties and Heavy Metal Content of Forest Soils around Abandoned Coal Mine Lands in the Mungyeong Area Jae-Gee Min 1, Eun-Hee Park 2,GHyun-Shik Moon 3 and Jong-Kab Kim 4 1 Department of Forest Resources and Environment, Sangju National University, Sangju 742-711, Korea 2 Korea National Park Service, Tongyeong 650-140, Korea 3 Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Korea 4 Division of Forest Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Korea (Received November 1, 2005; Accepted December 6, 2005) ABSTRACT Chemical properties and heavy metal concentrations of forest soils of four abandoned coal mine lands affected by coal mining activities in the Mungyeong area were investigated to provide basic information for revegetation of abandoned coal mine lands. Soil ph in abandoned coal mine lands ranged from 5.30 to 6.76 it in the control site was 5.23. Contents of organic matter and total N in abandoned coal mine lands were 4.46~7.19% and 0.07~0.15%, respectively. Available P contents were 6.54 for A (Samchang), 6.52 for B (Bongmyeong), 3.94 for C (Kabjung), 5.45 mg/kg for D (Danbong coal mine land) and 5.25 mg/kg for the control site, which had a positive correlation with soil ph. Contents of exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Na in abandoned coal mile lands averaged 196.1, 88.7, 88.2 and 10.2 cmol + /kg, with a range of 132.1~242.1, 24.2~138. 64.9~120.8 and 8~12.2 cmol + /kg, respectively. Those of the control site were 192.8, 95.8, 104 and 21.2 cmol + /kg, respectively. Heavy metals such as Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn of forest soil in abandoned coal mine lands have a larger content than those of the control site. Al, Mn and Pb content was especially high in abandoned coal mine lands. The Al content of forest soil in abandoned coal mine lands ranged from 397 to 917 ppm, which was considered to be high enough to inhibit tree growth. Therefore, it is suggested that soils of abandoned coal mine lands contaminated by mining activities need to be properly treated for remediation of environmental problems. Key words : Abandoned coal mine, Forest soil, Heavy metal, Soil chemical properties I. m k ƒ w w wš, w y y w w xk Á š, mw,», m sww y g. m j w, ƒ ƒw k z sÿ Ÿ, w Ÿ w e e k w Corresponding Author : H. S. Moon (hsmoon@gsnu.ac.kr)

266 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 4 Ÿ, s, Ÿ s w m jš. skÿ xy š w w Ÿ s m, w, w jš, s Ÿ Ÿ e š s» m yy y «y š (Alloway, 1990). x ü 900 Ÿ, 380 kÿ 1,200 Ÿ sww 2,500 jš Ÿ, 80%ƒ {Ÿ sÿ Ÿ Ÿ {/sÿ z w y k w m w ƒ š. p s Ÿ Ÿ ù ŸÁ Ÿ y w Ÿ s» (s, Ÿ, Ÿ Ÿ, Ÿ s ) Ÿ e, m k ù t w w w ù Ÿ w y š. m š w ª w ƒw»w (Jung, 1996; Kim and Chon, 1993; Park et al., 1995). w, m w wƒ wš s Ÿ» y w. Kelly(1988) Ÿ e s Ÿ Ÿ yw ty, w sww y y, ¾ ww w e š šw. w s ü w yÿ (y ) yw ty mw y ù w w, m y y»w (Cidu et al., 1997; Jung and Thornton, 1997). y w,»,, û wš 32 s Ÿ m k w ù, Ÿ ù s e w š, l xy, m» e, š ƒ. s e š skÿ m p w š skÿ mw w y w ƒ š (Kim et al., 2000; Kim et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2002; Min et al., 2004), k Ÿ y w skÿ w m yw p ù w (Min et al., 1997; Kim et al., 1998). skÿ» m s w m w š w m» w ûš z ƒ w w y š, k wù m p q w w š w. skÿ w» œwš ew 4 skÿ m yw p xy w šw. II. 2.1. y 4 skÿ (,,, kÿ) skÿ w w (Fig. 1). skÿ l 3 km, ù ƒ ù, ù, ù ù ƒ yz œ w. y, {/sÿ m, k w, sƒ Ÿ w Ÿw š, m w w. k û ù ewš û z e p x y r ƒ. kÿ ù (Betula platyphylla var. japonica), kÿ ¾ ù (Robinia pseudoacacia), ù (Alnus hirsuta), kÿ kÿ ¾ ù

Min et al.: Chemical Properties and Heavy Metal Content of... 267 Fig. 1. Location map of the survey area in Mungyeong (A: Samchang, B: Bongmyeong, C: Kabjung, D: Danbong coal mine and E: Control). Table 1. Site description of the investigated site Site Altitude(m) Aspect Topography Slope ( o ) Soil depth Samchang(A) 210 SW piedmont 25 shallow Bongmyeong(B) 250 SW piedmont 29 shallow Kabjung(C) 320 WN piedmont 27 medium Planted species Betula platyphylla var. japonica Robinia pseudoacacia, Alnus hirsuta R. pseudoacacia. A. hirsuta, Pinus rigida, P. koraiensis Planted year Danbong(D) 280 WN piedmont 31 medium R. pseudoacacia. A. hirsuta, Pinus rigida, P. koraiensis 1991 Control(E) 220 SW piedmont 26 medium - - 1994 1991 1992, ù,» ù (Pinus rigida), ù (P. koraiensis)ƒ 1991-94.. s³» 6.7 o C, 1,401 mm ùkû, y Table 1. 2.2. m kÿ, k Ÿ, kÿ, kÿ skÿ ù d w z 0~10 cm ¾ tm ƒ 7 w t z 20 mesh e z w. m yw w w m ph ph meter,» w Tyurin, z (available P 2 O 5 ) Lancaster, H 2 SO 4 w z Kjeldahl w. ey (Ca 2+, Mg 2+, K +, Na ) + 1N ammonium acetate(ph 7.0) e w. ƒ 7 m w m w 0.1N HCl e w 10 (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) w v Ÿ (Atomscan25, USA) d w. III. š 3.1. skÿ m yw sÿ kÿ, kÿ, kÿ, kÿ tm w m yw w r (Fig. 2), m ph, kÿ(a) 6.76, kÿ(b) 6.16, kÿ(c) 5.30, kÿ(d) 5.63 š (E) 5.23 ùkû. sÿ m y ùkû. Kim et al.(1999) w 16 {ÁsŸ w m

268 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 4 Fig. 2. Soil ph and contents of organic matter, total N and available P 2 O 5 from the abandoned coal mine lands in Mungyeong. yw p phƒ y e ùkü 9 š šw, Ok et al.(2003)» Ÿ wš Ÿ w m ph 7.5~8.3 ùkü š šw. sÿ m phƒ m ph ùkû, m y w w w w q, m w z ³ ƒ».» w A 7.19, B 6.81, C 4.52, D 4.46%, š D 5.77%» w wš ùkù ù m s³» w 4.49%(Jeong et al., 2002) w ù. Kim et al.(1999) 19 {ÁsŸ m» w 0.29~11.51% ƒ w, 8%» w ùkü k w» w Ÿ šw. p A B m» w ùkù k y w» w s l»k ƒ w. m w skÿ 0.20% û 0.07~0.15% ùkü. skÿ ù m s³ w 0.19%(Jeong et al., 2002) û. w k,, x, kÿ 0.18~0.27%(Min et al., 2004), wkÿ 0.17% kÿ 0.27%(Min, 2004) û ùkû. m w w Tilman(1987) m w ƒ g p w ƒ ƒw š šw, Aber et al.(1989) m w kƒ wš ƒ nw ƒ š šw. 0.20% w w ùkü m w w vw q. z w C ( kÿ) 3.94 mg/kg ƒ û ùkû ù 5.25~6.54 mg/kg. m z w m ph w ƒ phƒ û y w z w û š ( x, 1994). skÿ m ph z r=0.83(p<0.01) ùkü z w m ph w ƒ w ew ùkû. k Ÿ z sÿ m s³ z w 1.19~20.83 mg/kg(kim et al., 1999) ü ùkû ù, Lee

Min et al.: Chemical Properties and Heavy Metal Content of... 269 Fig. 3. Contents of exchangeable cation of soil from the abandoned coal mine lands in Mungyeong. Table 2. Heavy metal contents of forest soil in investigated sites Site* A B C D E Al As Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Zn ppm 612.4 (45.2) 397.3 (29.8) 916.5 (56.7) 546.1 (42.5) 344.4 (31.9) 2.20 (0.38) 2.28 (0.45) 1.25 (0.29) 1.83 (0.61) 1.25 (0.57) 0.19 (0.05) 0.19 (0.02) 0.16 (0.06) 0.14 (0.04) 0.10 (0.02) 0.11 (0.02) 0.14 (0.02) 0.18 (0.04) 0.25 (0.03) 0.10 (0.01) *Refer to Table 1 for A, B, C, D and E of locations 7.9 (0.59) 18.4 (1.42) 16.6 (1.29) 19.6 (2.41) 6.3 (1.31) 49.12 (4.19) 43.16 (3.46) 39.24 (3.57) 43.13 (3.59) 23.85 (3.14) 90.52 (4.51) 97.66 (6.82) 99.94 (5.94) 29.07 (3.27) 22.53 (2.59) 0.96 (0.16) 2.01 (0.24) 0.41 (0.13) 0.39 (0.08) 0.24 (0.04) 7.16 (1.53) 7.84 (2.21) 4.68 (1.30) 6.84 (0.89) 2.82 (0.46) 9.92 (1.67) 4.69 (1.14) 1.98 (0.31) 2.93 (0.59) 1.50 (0.48) (1981) w z w ƒ j š ew ùk û. w skÿ m ü z w j ƒ Finkelman (1981) k Pƒ w w skÿ w š ew ùkû. z w ƒ m ph w ƒ š ey (Ca 2+, Mg 2+, K +, Na ) 2+ + r (Fig. 3), Ca C 132.1 cmol /kg ƒ + û, A 229 cmol /kg ƒ w + ùkü. m Ca w k sk 2+ Ÿ 370.6~388.7 cmol + /kg(min et al., 2004) w û w ùkü. m ph Ca w 2+ r=0.76(p<0.01) ƒ w ùkû. ey + w A B Ca 2+ >Mg 2+ >K + >Na ùkù m ey w Ca 2+ >Mg 2+ >K + >Na w + š(ª, 1989) ew ùkû ù, C, D, E + K Mg w ùkù 2+ m w ew. 3.2. skÿ m w skÿ m w

270 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 4 Table 2 ùkü. x ù m» Cd, Cu, As, Hg, Pb, Cr, Hg w w š Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn ƒ w. m Al skÿ 397.3~916.5 ppm ƒ j ùkû, 344.4 ppm d. w m phƒ û C( kÿ) E( ) m Al w m ü w Al w m yƒ w ƒw š(lindsay, 1979) ew w. Ilvesniemi(1992) Thornton et (1989) w Al w m ü ƒ Al ƒ w ƒ ù, w w Al ƒ û Al ùkù š šw, m phƒ û ƒ Al w ƒw w g ƒ w w (Hutchinson et al. 1986). p Al Ca Mg w» w j w j ƒ ƒ w š (Stienen and Bauch, 1988), z m Al w ƒ v w. Cd w D 0.10 ppm ù skÿ 0.14~0.19 ppm. skÿ Cd w m Cd w 0.35 ppm Bowen(1979) š m m 1ppm w Cd w w š (Alloway, 1990) û ùkù skÿ Cd q. w s Ÿ Cd w 0.8 ppm( zk, 1997) û. Cu w ƒ 6.3~19.6 ppm ü. Cu w Min et al.(1997) û skÿ w m Cu w 21 ppm š û e ùkü. w, m Cu w 30 ppm(bowen, 1979) Ÿ al. m Cu w 26.4 ppm(jung, 1999) û, Cu yw d ƒ û w» l m w q. Fe w E 23.9 ppm, sk Ÿ A~D 39.2~49.1 ppm skÿ m Fe w ùkû. Fe w Ok et al.(2003) s Ÿ w w Fe w 140 ppm, 30.6 ppm s³ 91.5 ppm š û w ùk ü. Mn w E 22. 5 ppm, s kÿ 29.1~99.9 ppm ùkù œ (shales) w m Mn w 7.97`45 ppm(lee et al., 2004) w ù s Ÿ Mn w 56.1~95.1 ppm(ok et al., 2003) w ùkû. Mn Mg» m ü w Mg w j (Duncan et al., 1991), w j ƒ w š» (Alva and Edwards, 1990; Ohno et al., 1988) Mn w Mg w x w. Ni Pb w ƒƒ 0.24(E)~2.01 ppm(b), 2.82(E)~7.84 ppm(b). Ni w û skÿ 44 ppm(min et al., 1997) s Ÿ 1.80 ppm(ok et al., 2003) û. Zn w E 1.50 ppm, skÿ 1.98~9.92 ppm ƒ j ùkû. Kim et al.(1999) Min et al.(1997) skÿ m Zn w ƒƒ 4.50~344.4 ppm, 81 ppm š w m Zn w û. w w xk w w w š š (Yoo et al., 1985; Lim et al., 1991). w de Matos et al.(2000) m ü m y w w Cd Zn w m ü Ca w š Cu Pb w CEC» w w ƒ š šw, Martinez and Motto(2000) m ph m ü w

Min et al.: Chemical Properties and Heavy Metal Content of... 271 z w ƒ j š šw. m phƒ w û C m w ù w w ùkù C w z ƒ xk w w e. m xk s p m w, w m ph,» w, yy œ (Lim et al., 1991). x ù m» As, Cd, Cu, Pb w m y m» As 6, Cd 1.5, Cu 50, Pb 100 mg/kg w, w w w ù skÿ m w ùkû. m w 0.1N HCl e» m kù w z ùkü. m w yw xk wš k w ƒ» ùkù skÿ m y w ywš w m kù z ƒ w m y w ü w w ƒ w w. w skÿ w ¾ m w vw w m yw p y n w q. skÿ m w m vw w vw ù kù q ù w s kÿ m ü w ùkù wz w m e vw w w. IV. skÿ w» œwš ew skÿ 4 Ÿ m yw p xy w šw. skÿ m ph 5.30~6.76, m ph 5.23. skÿ m» w ƒƒ 4.46~7.19%, 0.07~0.15%. s³ z w kÿ 6.54, kÿ 6.52, kÿ 3.94, kÿ 5.45 š 5.25 mg/kg m ph ƒ ùkû. skÿ ey s³ w Ca 196.1, Mg 88.7, K 88.2 š Na 10.2 cmol /kg ùk + û, Ca 132.1~242.1, Mg 24.2~138.6, K 64.9~120.8 š Na 8~12.2 cmol /kg +. Ca, Mg, K, Na s³ w ƒƒ 192.8, 95.8, 104 and 21.2 cmol + /kg. skÿ m (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) w m. p, Al, Mn š Pb w w skÿ ƒ ùkû. skÿ m Al w 397~917 ppm ùkù w e. k y w skÿ w y yw» w m w w ƒ v w. x x,,, ½,, 1994: m w. w, 325pp. ª, 1989: Š ª., 399pp. zk,,, 1997: ü w Ÿ y p. z n», 182-188. Aber, J. D., K. J. Nadelhoffer, P. Steudler, and J. M. Melillo, 1989: Nitrogen saturation in northern forest ecosystems. BioScience 39, 378-386.

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