2015 년도 국제회의참가결과 2015. 12. 22.
I. IAF/ILAC 합동총회
1. 회의개요
2. 주요성과 식품안전경영체제 (FSMS) IAF MLA 협약체결
2. 주요성과 KAB 제출 Discussion Paper 3 건발표및논의 IAF 기술위원회 (TC) 차원에서추후동문서의필요성을검토키로함 인정기관간인정심사협력시협력을요청하는인정기관이협력요청사항을보다구체적으로요구하여야한다는점에합의 IAF MLA 위원회 (MLA MC) 에서추후동내용을재검토예정 인정기관간의사소통이원활하지않거나처분이불합리할경우 IAF 에불만사항으로제기하는것을원칙으로하는데합의함. IAF MLA 위원회 (MLA MC) 에서추후동내용을재검토예정
2. 주요성과 16 년도 PAC MLA 갱신동등성평가일정협의 동갱신평가시자격인증분야 MLA 확대평가를동시에수행키로함 동등성평가반장으로 Mr. Bruce Li(TAF, 대만 ) 가배정됨.
3. 주요의결사항 인정범위내미인정인증서발행금지 IAF Resolution 2015-14 IAF Resolution 2015 14 (Agenda Item 10) Non-Accredited Certification Where the MS CB is Accredited for the Same Scope - The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, resolved that IAF Accreditation Body members shall have legally enforceable arrangements with their accredited CABs that prevents the CAB from issuing nonaccredited management systems certificates in scopes for which they are accredited. The General Assembly further agreed that the transition period will be one year from the date of endorsement.
3. 주요의결사항 정보보안경영체제 ISO/IEC 27006:2015 전환 IAF Resolution 2015-12 IAF Resolution 2015 12 (Agenda Item 10) Transitional Arrangement for ISO/IEC 27006:2015 - The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, resolved that the transition period for ISO/IEC 27006:2015 Information technology -- Security techniques -- Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems will be two years from the date of publication of the standard, i.e. 30 September 2017.
3. 주요의결사항 IAF TC 문서의 ISO/IEC 17021 인용문구해석 IAF Resolution 2015-15 IAF Resolution 2015 15 (Agenda Item 10) Maintenance of IAF Technical Committee Documents - The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, resolved that references to ISO/IEC 17021 in IAF documents shall be understood to refer to ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 in relation to CABs that have completed the transition and after the transition period. However ABs and CABs will need to take account of the changes in ISO/IEC 17021-1 when using IAF documents which may not be revised until after the transition period to reference ISO/IEC 17021-1.
3. 주요의결사항 IAF 문서개발절차간소화 IAF Resolution 2015-16 IAF Resolution 2015 16 (Agenda Item 10) Development of IAF Documents The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, resolved that a permanent committee may, subject to the agreement of its members, waive circulation of a draft document to its members for 30-day comment (ref: IAF PR-2, clause 3.5[ii]) and proceed directly to 60-day comment of all IAF members
3. 주요의결사항 지역기구 IAF MLA 범위확대 IAF Resolution 2015-18 Level 4 : ISO/TS 22003, ISO/IEC 27006, GlobalG.A.P. General Regulations Level 5 : ISO 22000, ISO/IEC 27001, GlobalG.A.P. IFA Control Points and Compliance Criteria IAF Resolution 2015-18 (Agenda Item 11) New Regional MLA Scope Extensions - The General Assembly noted the MLA scope extensions, since the 2014 General Assembly, of the following IAF Regional Body Members: PAC Pacific Sub-Scopes: Level 4: ISO/TS 22003, ISO/IEC 27006 and GlobalG.A.P General Regulations; Level 5: ISO 22000, ISO/IEC 27001 and Product, GlobalG.A.P. IFA Control Points and Compliance Criteria
3. 주요의결사항 인정기관 IAF MLA 범위확대 IAF Resolution 2015-20 IAF Resolution 2015-20 (Agenda Item 11) New AB MLA Scope Extensions The General Assembly noted the MLA scope extensions, since the 2014 General Assembly, of the following IAF AB Members: IAS USA - Main Scope: Management System Certification ISO/IEC 17021; Sub-Scopes: Level 5: ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (PAC) OUA Uruguay - Main Scope: Product Certification ISO/IEC 17065 (IAAC); Sub-Scopes: Level 4: GlobalG.A.P. General Regulations; Level 5: Product, GlobalG.A.P. IFA Control Points and Compliance Criteria BoA Vietnam - Level 4: GlobalG.A.P. General Regulations; Level 5: Product, GlobalG.A.P. IFA Control Points and Compliance Criteria (PAC) BoA Vietnam, CNAS China, EMA Mexico, JAB Japan, JAS-ANZ Aust. & NZ, KAB Korea, KAN Indonesia, NABCB India, SAC Singapore, SLAB Sri Lanka, TAF Chinese Taipei Level 4: ISO/TS 22003 and Level 5: ISO 22000 (PAC) JAB Japan, NABCB India, TAF Chinese Taipei - Level 4: ISO/IEC 27006; Level 5: ISO/IEC 27001 (PAC)
4. 기타사항 컨설턴트의인증기업품질네트워크구성
4. 기타사항 외부인증결정자의활용
I. 회의개요 ISO/IEC 17011 인정기관일반요구사항
2. 인증기관관련주요변경사항 인정프로그램 (assessment program) 변경 평가기술 - 현장평가 (on-site assessment) - 원격평가 (remote assessment) - 입회평가 (witnessing) - 문서검토 (document review) - 기록검토 (file review) - 불시평가 (unannounced assessment) 원격평가는현장평가가불가능한경우에만수행가능하며, 시작회의 / 종료회의는필수임
2. 인증기관관련주요변경사항 인정관련불만조사에협조
2. 인증기관관련주요변경사항 인정정지및인정취소대상명시 인정기준불충족 인정원칙미준수 부실인증, 정보의위조또는은폐의증거가있는경우 인증기관이인정기준을활용한인정서비스를제공하는경우
III. IAF 의무문서제 / 개정동향
1. 최근제 / 개정동향 IAF MD 5 QMS 및 EMS 인증심사시간결정 (`15.6.9. 개정, `16.6.9. 발효 ) - 관련문서 : KAB-A-02 (`15.9.3. 개정적용, `16.6.9. 까지적용완료 ) IAF MD 15 인증기관성과지표를위한데이터수집 (`14.7.14. 제정, `16.7.14. 발효 ) - 관련문서 : KAB-A-01 개정 (`15.9.3. 개정적용 ) IAF MD 16 FSMS 인증기관에대한 ISO/IEC 17011 적용 (`15.1.19. 개정, `16.12.15. 발효 ) - 관련문서 : KAB-A-01 개정 (`15.9.3. 개정적용 ) IAF MD 17 경영시스템인증기관입회 (`15.1.9. 개정, `18.1.7. 발효 ) - 관련문서 : KAB-G-01 (`15.9.3. 개정적용, `16.1.1. 발효 ) IAF MD 18 ISO/IEC 17021의서비스경영분야적용 (ITSMS) (`15.1.8. 제정및발효 )
1. 최근제 / 개정동향 IAF MD 12 해외소재인증기관인정심사 IAF MD X 샘플링대상이아닌복수사업장인증심사
2. IAF MD X ( 신규 ) 샘플링대상이아닌복수사업장인증 모든사업장에서각각다른활동을수행하는조직 조직이모든사업장에대해심사해줄것을요청한경우 인증기준또는법규에서모든사업장을심사할것을요구하는경우 핵심기능을포함하는주요프로세스는최초 / 갱신 / 사후관리시모두심사 부가프로세스는최초 / 갱신시모두심사, 사후관리시샘플링가능 단, 3년의인증주기내에경영시스템의모든프로세스를심사함을보장 최초심사일수대비심사일수를사후관리 1/3, 갱신심사 2/3 로일괄적용하는것은바람직하지않음