Seoul ADEX 2017 Sponsorship & Ads Catalogue
Sponsorship & Ads Catalogue Summary Category Price (USD) Category Price (USD) Sponsorship Official Opening Reception 30,000 Official Press Day 15,000 Exhibitor Directory 7,000 ~ 2,000 Entrance & Exit Gate 20,000 Acrobatic Display 30,000 Wall Ad 10,000 ~ 5,000 Tram 15,000 Ceiling Banner 10,000 ~ 5,000 Advertisement LED Screen Ad 10,000 T-Type Street Banner 30,000 Official Invitation Card 10,000 Advertisement Footprints 10,000 Directional Signage 10,000 Official Trade Show Bag 10,000 Lanyard of Trade Visitor Badge 10,000 Information Tower 5,000 Show Guide 10,000 Registration Desk 5,000 Flight Display Program 10,000 On-site Billboard 4,000 2
Official Opening Reception Official Opening Reception is the only official event of Seoul ADEX inviting the delegation, government/military personnel, representatives of exhibitors as guests. The reception will be served under the name of sponsor. Sponsor's Benefit - Demonstrably visible and tasteful co-sponsor branding in all relevant elements of the reception production - 10 tickets to the reception - Co-sponsor logo on the reception invitation cards - Logo with hyperlink to the URL, plus 100 word written profile displayed on the sponsorship page(s) on - Complimentary billboards with the name and logo of sponsor at the exhibition site Sponsorship Price : USD 30,000 for co-sponsorship (Maximum 4 companies) Official Opening Reception Outline Date : Oct. 16 (Mon), 2017 Venue : Official Hotel (TBD) Participants : About 700 3
Press Day The Official Press Conference will be held at the exhibition site to introduce exhibition and release news to the press from all around the world. Co-chief of Seoul ADEX and each representative of supporting organizations such as military headquarters, government bodies will give briefing and answer questions. Sponsor's Benefit - The logo of sponsor on the podium at the press release and press kit - The luncheon will be served under the name of sponsor - Logo with hyperlink to the URL, plus 100 word written profile displayed on the sponsorship page(s) on Sponsorship Price : USD 15,000 Press Day Outline Date : Oct. 16 (Mon), 2017 Venue : Exhibition Site Participants : About 250 domestic and overseas reporters 4
Aerobatic Display Aerobatic Display will be conducted by invited world famous aerobatic team. It will draw a significant attention from all audience in the exhibition site. Sponsor will have remarkable chances to expand its brand value to all of its guests. Sponsor's Benefit - The logo of sponsor on the aircraft - The logo of sponsor on the uniform of aerobatic team - Logo with hyperlink to the URL, plus 100 word written profile displayed on the sponsorship page(s) on - Complimentary billboards with the name and logo of sponsor at the exhibition site Sponsorship Price : USD 30,000 Aerobatic Display Outline Display will be performed twice during Public Day 1 or 2 aircraft will be used for the display 5
Tram The tram will be operated to help exhibitors and trade visitors get around the exhibition site. The logo or ads of sponsor will be printed on the display panel of the tram. Ad Price : USD 15,000 for co-advertisement (Maximum 2 companies) Tram Operation Outline Duration : Business Day (Oct. 17 21 / 4 Days) Number of vehicle : 2 vehicles Operation route : Main Entrance to Outdoor Exhibition Area 6
LED Screen Ad Large sized LED screen will be operated at the exhibition site to guide visitors and deliver practical information. Ads film of sponsor will be screened. It will be great advertising opportunities for exhibitors to expose their products and brand. Ad Price : USD 10,000 for 1 slot At least 5 participants are needed to install LED Screen. On Site LED Screen Ad Outline Duration : Oct. 17 (Tue) 22 (Sun), 2017 Location : Main routes at the exhibition site Exposure : 15 seconds The number of daily exposure : 240 times (About 1 hour) Size : 200 inches (3m 4m), 2ea 7
T-type Street Banner T-type Street Banner will be installed on the street around the exhibition site in the Seongnam City to promote the exhibition. The sponsor logo will be featured on the banner. Ad Price : USD 30,000 T-type Street Banner Ad Outline Duration : Oct. 11 (Wed) 22 (Sun), 2017 Location : Around exhibition site in the Seongnam City Quantity : 1,000ea 8
Official Invitation Card Complimentary Official Invitation Card will be given to exhibitors based on participation scale and available for purchase. The card allows trade visitors to enter the exhibition site during business day. Advertisement Price : USD 10,000 Official Invitation Card Ad Outline Ad size : 1 page of the card The volume of issue : 10,000 AD placement : Inside page of the card 9
Lanyards of Trade Visitor Badge The sponsor logo will be featured on the lanyards of trade visitor badge. Ad Price : USD 10,000 Show Guide The Show Guide is a must-have item and on-site navigation tool for Seoul ADEX 2017. This handy size guidebook includes booth number listings and brief information about the exhibition. Ad Price : USD 10,000 Show Guide Ad Outline Ad size : 1 page of the guidebook The volume of issue : 40,000 Ad placement : Inside page of the guidebook Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition 2015 기간 2015. 10. 20(Tue/ 화 ) ~ 10. 25(Sun/ 일 ) 6days(6일간 ) Business Day 전문관람일 10. 20(Tue/ 화 ) ~ 10. 23(Fri/ 금 ) 4일간, 09:30~17:00 Public Day 일반관람일 10. 24(Sat/ 토 ) ~ 10. 25(Sun/ 일 ) 2일간, 09:30~17:00 장소서울공항 (Seoul Airport) 주최후원국방부, 산업통상자원부, 국토교통부, 대한민국육군ㆍ공군ㆍ해병대, 방위사업청, 성남시, 한국관광공사협찬 Outline of the Exhibition 전시회소개 General Information 행사개요 Title Seoul ADEX 2015 전시회명 (The Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition 2015) 서울국제항공우주및방위산업전시회 2015 Period Oct. 20th(Tue) ~ 25th(Sun), 2015 (6 days) 기간 - Business Day 전문관람일 10. 20(Tue/ 화 ) ~ 23(Fri/ 금 ) 09:30~17:00 - Public Day 일반관람일 10. 24(Sat/ 토 ) ~ 25(Sun/ 일 ) 09:30~17:00 Venue Seoul Airport 서울공항장소 Organization - Honorary Chairman: The Prime Minister 국무총리조직 - Co-chairmen Minister of National Defense 국방부장관 Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy 산업통상자원부장관 Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport 국토교통부장관 - Organized by Korea Aerospace Industries Association(KAIA) 한국항공우주산업진흥협회 Korea Defense Industry Association(KDIA) 한국방위산업진흥회 Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency(KOTRA) 대한무역투자진흥공사 Supporter - Ministry of National Defense 국방부후원 - Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 산업통상자원부 - Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport 국토교통부 - Republic of Korea Army 육군본부 - Republic of Korea Air Force 공군본부 - Republic of Korea Marine Corps 해병대 - Defense Acquisition Program Administration 방위사업청 - Seongnam City 성남시 - Korea Tourism Organization 한국관광공사 Exhibition 전시회 Indoor/outdoor Exhibition of Aerospace, Defense Technology and Equipment 항공우주및방위산업관련장비, 제품실내외전시 Aircraft Exhibition 항공기전시 - Aircraft made by Korean own technology / T(A)-50, KT-1, KC-100 우리나라기술로개발한항공기전시 T(A)-50, KT-1, KC-100 등 - Overseas Aircraft / A400M, F-22, F-35, C-17. KC-135 최신해외항공기전시 A400M, F-22, F-35, C-17. KC-135 Ground Equipment 지상장비전시 - Representative and main export equipment of Korea / K2, K1A1, K1 ARV, K1 AVLB, K9, K10, K55A1, K21IFV, K31 CHUNMA 한국을대표하는주요수출장비전시 / K2, K1A1, K1구난전차, K1교량전차, K9, K10, K55A1, K21, K31천마등 Demo Flight 시범비행 Acrobatic Flight 곡예비행 Demo-maneuver of Ground Equipment 지상장비기동시범 Participation Scale 참가규모 386 Exhibitors from 32 Countries (Domestic 208, Overseas 178) 32개국 386개업체 ( 국내 208개, 해외 196개 ) Main Events 주요행사일정 Main Events 주요행사일정 Seminar 세미나 Category 구분 Date 일자 Venue 장소 Host 주관 Press Day 언론설명회 Seoul Airport Press Center 서울공항프레스센터 10. 19th (Mon/ 월 ) Welcome Reception JW Marriott Seoul Seoul ADEX 환영만찬 JW메리어트호텔 Organizer 운영본부 Opening Ceremony 10. 20th Seoul Airport 개막식 (Tue/ 화 ) 서울공항 The 19th International Aerospace 10.19th InterContinental Hotel ROKAF Symposium (Mon/ 월 ) 인터컨티넨탈호텔 공군본부 국제항공우주심포지엄 24th Aerospace Weapons System Seoul Airport 10.21st ROKAF Development Seminar Seminar Room 1 (Wed/ 수 ) 공군연구분석평가단 항공우주무기체계발전세미나 서울공항세미나실 1 8th Civilian-Military Cooperative Weapons System Development Seoul Airport ROKAF Workshop Seminar Room 1 공군연구분석평가단 서울공항세미나실 1 민 군협력무기체계발전워크숍 2015 the 2nd Int l Symposium for the 10.22nd Militopia Hotel Army HQs / KRINS Development of Future Land Forces (Thur/ 목 ) 밀리토피아호텔 육군본부 / 한국국가전략연구원 미래지상군발전국제심포지엄 3rd International Defense Industry Seoul Airport Symposium Seminar Room 2 한국방위산업진흥회 (KADIS) / Global Defense News 국제방산학술대회 서울공항세미나실 2 International Unmanned Aircraft Seoul Airport KAIA/ System Symposium Seminar Room 2 Korea UVS Association 국제무인항공시스템심포지엄 서울공항세미나실 2 한국항공우주산업진흥협회 / 한국무인기시스템협회 10.23rd (Fri/ 금 ) The 24th International Aerotechnology Seoul Airport Symposium Seminar Room 1 ROKAF 공군항공기술연구소 국제항공기술심포지엄 서울공항세미나실 1 Demo Flight Seoul Airport ROK Air Force / Seoul ADEX Acrobatic Flight 서울공항 Organizer 항공기시범 / 곡예비행 공군 / 운영본부 10. 20th Seoul Airport Demo-maneuver of (Tue/ 화 ) Army Equipment ROK Army / Ground Equipment ~ Demonstration Ground Seoul ADEX Organizer 지상장비시범 10. 25th 서울공항 육군본부 / 운영본부 (Sun/ 일 ) 지상장비기동시범장 Seoul Airport DUPEX 군수품상용화및수출지원전시회 DUPEX 서울공항 Opening Ceremony 10. 21st KODAS 2015 Luncheon Hall KOTRA (Wed/ 수 ) 개막오찬장 1,580 Booths, 32 Chalets 1,580부스, 샬레 32동 67 Types, 80 Equipment (41 Aircraft, 39 Ground Equipment) 야외전시장비 ( 기동시범장비포함 : 총 67종 80대 ( 항공기 41대, 지상장비 39대 ) BtoB Meeting Program Hall I 10. 21st~22nd BtoB Meeing Booth(I-10) (Wed, Thur/ 수, 목 ) BtoB 미팅부스 (I-10) Seoul ADEX Organizer 10
Flight Display Program The pocket guide of Flight Program will be published during the exhibition. The guide will be available at several stands of the exhibition site for distribution and also distributed to all chalets and exhibition stands throughout the event. The sponsor logo will be featured on front cover. Ad Price : USD 10,000 Flight Display Program Ad Outline The volume of issue : 60,000 Ad placement : Front cover 11
Exhibitor Directory Not only is it a vital source of information at the exhibition but also a popular reference tool in the aerospace and defense industry. The Exhibitor Directory Books will be distributed to exhibitors free of charge but available for the purchase for visitors. Your ads can be put according to the table below. Ad Size and Price Table Category Size (W H) cm Price (USD) Inside Double Page Spread 34 24 7,000 Outside Back Cover 17 24 6,500 Inside Front Cover 17 24 4,500 Inside Back Cover 17 24 4,500 Inside Full Page 17 24 3,500 Inside Half Page 17 12 2,000 12
Entrance and Exit Gate Ads will be located at the main entrance and the exit gate, providing ultimate opportunities for high-impact targeted banner placement for visitors. This enormous branding opportunity guarantees advertiser to impress the audience. Ad Price : USD 20,000 Entrance and Exit Gate Ad Outline Location : On the entrance and exit gate Number of ad : 1 pillar each of the entrance and exit gate 13
Wall Ad Large sized graphic ad will be located at the wall of indoor exhibition, restaurant and seminar hall. Your ads can be put according to the table below. Category Price (USD) Location Size Indoor Exhibition Hall 10,000 Restaurant Hall 10,000 Seminar Hall 5,000 Only 1 large sized graphic will be installed on the each wall. Front or side of tent TBD 14
Ceiling Banner Double-sided hanging banners will be set up at the ceiling of indoor exhibition and restaurant halls. Your ads can be put according to the table below. Category Price (USD) Number of banner Size Indoor Exhibition Hall 10,000 6 Restaurant Hall 10,000 4 TBD 15
Footprints This advertising opportunity will bring the advertising message at the important locations through the entire indoor exhibition hall. People will be able to gaze at your ads while touring the exhibition. Ad Price : USD 10,000 Footprints Ad Outline Location : Indoor exhibition hall Number of ad : 10 Size : TBD Directional Signage Directional Signage will be installed around exhibition area to provide location information to visitors, guiding people and cars from outside road into exhibition site. Many boards will be also installed to provide shuttle information. The sponsor logo will be featured on the board. Ad Price : USD 10,000 Directional Signage Ad Outline Location : Outside road of exhibition site Number of Signage : Around 100 AD placement : Bottom of board 16
Official Trade Show Bag Branding will be printed on one side of the Official Trade Show Bag. The bag will be distributed to delegations, exhibitors and trade visitors during Business Day. Ad Price : USD 10,000 Official Trade Show Bag Ad Outline Distribution location : Information Desk, Registration Desk, Exhibitor Service Center Ad size : TBD 17
Information Tower Information Towers will be installed in the exhibition site to provide basic and useful information to visitors. Branding will be printed on one side of the tower. Ad Price : USD 5,000 Information Tower Ad Outline Location : In the exhibition site Number of Tower : TBD Ad Size : TBD 18
Registration Desk This is an awesome advertising opportunity to let people know your company in a prominent area. Registration desks are the first-stop for any visitors and the highest on-site traffic. Placement : At the signage banner and the bottom of each registration desk Ad Price : USD 5,000 On-site Billboard On-site billboard will be installed at the exhibition site and make remarkable advertising effects. Ad Price : USD 4,000 On-site Billboard Ad Outline Type : A Type (One side) - Basic Billboard Location : Exhibition entrance area, outdoor exhibition area, parking and etc. Size : 10m(W) 2m(H) 2 units Contents : short phrase, logos or images with full color 19