사용사례 (Use Case)
Objectives 2
소개? (story) vs. 3
UC 와 UP 산출물과의관계 Sample UP Artifact Relationships Domain Model Business Modeling date... Sale 1 1..* Sales... LineItem... quantity Use-Case Model objects, attributes, associations Process Sale scope, goals, actors, features Vision Requirements Cashier Process Sale Use Case Diagram use case names 1. Customer arrives... 2. Cashier makes new sale. 3.... Use Case Text system events terms, attributes, validation Glossary : System Operation: enteritem( ) Post-conditions: -... Operation Contracts system operations : Cashier make NewSale() enteritem (id, quantity) System Sequence Diagrams non-functional reqs, quality attributes Supplementary Specification requirements : Register Design Model : ProductCatalog : Sale Design enteritem (itemid, quantity) spec = getproductspec( itemid ) addlineitem( spec, quantity ) 4
1 유스케이스예제. UC UC1 - Process Sale ():. POS..,..,.. 5
Background 1986 Ivar Jacobson... 6
2 정의 : 액터, 시나리오, 유스케이스,, (behavior). 3 : SuD (System Under Development). : SuD.. :.. ( ). 7
UC 예제 ( 계속 ) (casual format) UC UC2 Handle Return () :. POS :,.,.,.. * :,,, (p. 133) * UML ( ) p. 120 8
유스케이스및모델. (FRUPS+ F)... (what) (responsibility) (analysis). (design) (how). 9
유스케이스작성형식. Brief :, Casual : fully dressed : 10
8 완전형식예제 : Process Sale fully dressed.,,. http://www.usecases.org or http://alistair.cockburn.us/index.php/resources_for_writing_u se_cases). 11
완전형식예제 : Process Sale( 계속 ) UC1: : : :,. :. ():. ( ): 1. POS. 2.. 3.. 4.,,,.. 3~4. ( ): *a. :, 3a. : 1. : 3a.. 3b. :. :? 12
완전형식예제 : Process Sale( 계속 ) :. Rebecca Wirfs-Brock ( ): 1. POS. 2.. 3.. 4.,,,.. 3~4. 5.. 13
완전형식예제 : Process Sale( 계속 )? Cockburn,... one-column style. one-column. Me too! 14
Explaining the Sections(1/4). :?, () (). 15
Explaining the Sections(2/4) ( ) Happy Path <<>> ( ) 1. 2. 3. (, ) 16
Explaining the Sections(3/4) ( ) : : ) 5a. : ) *a. : ( ): 3a. 1.. 3b. 1.. 17
Explaining the Sections(4/4),, - UI, 1m - 30 - - 2, 6 3a. 3b. UPC, EAN, JAN, SKU. <<>>. ( ) 18
Goals and Scope of a Use Case(1/2) (EBP)? Elementary Business Process(EBP) EBP, <<>> 19
Goals and Scope of a Use Case(2/2) - 1.. 2.. : POS? :,. :? :. :? :,,.,,. 20
Finding Primary Actors, Goals, and Use Cases(1/3) 1.? 2. 3. EBP 4. 1:? 21
Finding Primary Actors, Goals, and Use Cases(2/3) 2 3:??? SW? (push or Pull)?? (?)??? : :!. 22
Finding Primary Actors, Goals, and Use Cases(3/3) -.. 23
유스케이스는작성되었다 4. EBP- CRUD Manage EBP (EBP: elementary business process) -. -)... - O. (too large) O. (Good) O. (too small) O. (?) 24
Write Use Cases in an Essential UI-Free Style / :? essential style (), - 1.. 2.. 1. ID. 2.. 3.... 25
Actors System under Development (SuD) SuD, SuD 26
Use Case Diagrams, <<>> - 27
유스케이스다이어그램 system boundary NextGen POS communication Customer Process Sale Handle Returns Payment Authorization Service alternate notation for a computer system actor actor Cashier Tax Calculator Manager Cash In Accounting System Sales Activity System Analyze Activity HR System Manage Security System Administrator Manage Users... use case 28
다이어그램그리기 For a use case context diagram, limit the use cases to user-goal level use cases. Show computer system actors with an alternate notation to human actors. NextGen Cashier Process Sale... Payment Authorization Service <<actor>> primary actors on the left supporting actors on the right 29
유스케이스분석환경 30
Requirements in Context and Low-Level Feature Lists OK!! Use Cases Are Not Object-Oriented 32
Use Cases Within the UP(1/2) -., 33
Use Cases Within the UP(2/2) Inception 10~20% : Elaboration,, : Construction 34
Case Study: Use Cases in the NextGen Inception Phase.. 35
Further Readings Writing Effective Use Cases, Cockburn, 2001 Structuring Use Cases with Goals, Cockburn, 1997 Use Cases:Requirements in Context, Guiney, Kulak, 2000 Applying Use Cases: A Practical Guide, Schneider, Winters, 1998 www.usecases.org 36