- 창묵 장곡
- 6 years ago
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2 Concept of Object Introduction of UML Introduction of RUP Business Modeling Requirements Analysis & Design
3 Concept of Object Object-Oriented View What is a Object? Object Fundamental Benefit of Object-Oriented
4 Traditional View of Software Data a b c Function f1() f2() f3() Data(Structure) + Procedure(Algorithm) = Software
5 Object-Oriented View of Software Object Object Object a f1() b c f2() d e f3() Data(Structure) + Operation(Algorithm) = Object Object + Object = Software
6 What is a Object? ( ( ) ),
7 What is a Object? (2) State Behavior Identity
8 What is State? State. Behavior.
9 What is Behavior? Behavior State Interaction Message..
10 What is Identity? Identity.. identity.
11 What is Class? A class is Object is the instance of class
12 Abstraction Class Object Object (ex) :,,, Real World Abstraction Object Abstraction Class
13 Class Object Object Class instance & Class Object Data structure behavior Object Class
14 Class Class..
15 Object Fundamental Encapsulation Information Hiding Inheritance Polymorphism Message
16 What is Encapsulation? Data Operation Class. Transaction actions commit() rollback()
17 What is Information Hiding?
18 What is Inheritance? )
19 What is Inheritance? (2)
20 What is Inheritance? (3)
21 What is Polymorphism? One interface, multiple implementation. It provides another dimension of separation of interface from implementation, to decouple what from how. Dynamic binding, late binding, run-time binding
22 What is Polymorphism? Shape Draw() Class Shape { Void draw() {} } Square Draw() Class Square extends Shape { Void draw() { // print( Square ); } } Triangle Draw() Class Triangle extends Shape { Void draw() { // print( Triangle ); } } Shape[] s = new Shape[2]; s[0] = new Square(); s[1] = new Triangle(); for (int I = 0; I < s.length; I++) s[i].draw(); // if I = 0, print( Square ); if I = 1, print( Triangle );
23 What is Message?
24 Benefit of Object-Oriented
25 Concept of Object Introduction of UML Introduction of RUP Business Modeling Requirements Analysis & Design
26 Introduction of UML UML UML UML UML Common mechanism Building Blocks of UML UML Diagrams
27 UML (1) UML(Unified Modeling Language),,,
28 UML (2) Visualizing Constructing round-trip UML Specifying / Documenting,,
29 UML (1) James Rumbaugh : OMT Grady Booch : Booch Ivar Jacobson : OOSE Method War UML
30 UML (2) UML 1.3
31 UML Notation
32 UML Common mechanism (1) Specifications Textual statement of the syntax and semantics of each building block Adornments + : public - : private # : protected
33 UML Common mechanism (2) Extensibility Mechanism Stereotypes Tagged Values Constraints
34 UML Common mechanism (3) Extensibility Mechanism Example Stereotype <<exception>> Overflow EventQueue {version=3.2 Author = egb } add() remove() flush() Tagged Value {ordered } Constraint
35 Building Blocks of UML UML Building blocks Things Relationships Diagrams Structural things Behavioral things Grouping things Annotational things Dependency Association Static Structure Diagrams Dynamic Behavior Diagrams Class Interface Collaboration Use case Interaction State machine Packages Note Generalization Realization Class diagram Object diagram Component diagram Use case diagram Sequence diagram Collaboration diagram Active Classes Component Node Deployment diagram Statechart diagram Activity diagram
36 Diagrams Use Case Diagram Sequence Diagram Collaboration Diagram Class Diagram Object Diagram Statechart Diagram Activity Diagram Component Diagram Deployment Diagram
37 Use Case Diagram (Behavior)
38 Use Case Diagram Actor Use Case Association Extend Include Generalization
39 Use Case Diagram - Actor, Use Case User
40 Use Case Diagram Use Case Use Case, Actor Use Case Use Case Actor
41 Use Case Diagram Association Actor Use case Actor Use case Communication Association..
42 Use Case Diagram extend Use Case (Extension Point) Use Case Extension Point Use Case Extension points additional requests : after creation of the order <<extend>> The salesperson asks for the catalog Place Order Request Catalog
43 Use Case Diagram include Use case A Use case B include A B Supply Customer Data Order Product Arrange Payment <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> Place Order
44 Use Case Diagram generalization Child Elements Parent Element
45 Sequence Diagram (Use Case) Message Object Object Lifeline Focus of control Message
46 Sequence Diagram - Object Class Instance Object Name Class Name Object Name : Class Name Package :: Object1 : class1
47 Sequence Diagram Object Lifeline Object Create Destroy Object1 : class1
48 Sequence Diagram Focus of control Object Object Create Object1 : class1
49 Sequence Diagram - Message System Objects Message Object Message Object Object1 : class1 Object2 : class2 Do it
50 Sequence Diagram -
51 Collaboration Diagram Message Sequence Diagram Collaboration Diagram Path, Sequence Number Object Link Message
52 Collaboration Diagram Object Class Instance Name ObjectName / ClassfierRoleName : ClassfierName Attribute Value List Attribute Name : type = value Class Name Package :: Tutor / Teacher : Person queue : List of Call source : Object waitalarm : Alarm Capacity : Integer
53 Collaboration Diagram Link Object Object : Window color : Color location : Area :Observer:SlidingBarlcon color : Color range : Interval
54 Collaboration Diagram Message System Objects Message Message Object Tutor / Teacher : Person / Student : Person 1:namesOfTeachers()
55 Collaboration Diagram -
56 Class Diagram
57 Class Diagram - Class Attribute, Operation, Relationship, Attribute Operation
58 Class Diagram - Association has-a Class Association ( ) (Role name) (Multiplicity)
59 Class Diagram - Aggregation a part-of Destroy Destroy Whole Part
60 Class Diagram - Composition a part-of Whole Part
61 Class Diagram - Generalization is-a kind-of
62 Class Diagram - Realization Interface Implementation Class Realization <<interface>> DataStructure StackA
63 Class Diagram - Dependency Client/Server
64 Class Diagram
65 Statechart Diagram (1) Event : Action :
66 Statechart Diagram (2)
67 Statechart Diagram (3) event/action
68 Statechart Diagram (4) Conditions/Arguments/Do
69 Statechart Diagram (5) Chess Game
70 Activity Diagram Workflow Flow chart Activity Activity Decision Swimlane Synchronization Bar
71 Activity Diagram - Activity Workflow ( ) Drive to work
72 Activity Diagram - Decision boolean transitions Calculate Total cost [cost < $50 ] Charge customer s account [cost > $50 ] = Get authorization
73 Activity Diagram - Swimlane Activity Diagram Swimlane Activity
74 Activity Diagram - Synchronization Bar Activity Work Flow Put Filter in Machine Add Water To Reservoir Turn on Machine
75 Component Diagram Execute File, Library, Database Table, File, Document Component Interface Dependency
76 Component Diagram - Component Component
77 Component Diagram - Interface operation
78 Component Diagram - Dependency Software Component Component Component Component Dependency
79 Deployment Diagrams Node computer Memory Connection Components Dependencies
80 Deployment Diagrams
81 Concept of Object Introduction of UML Introduction of RUP Business Modeling Requirements Analysis & Design
82 6 Best Practices Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architecture Model Visually Continuously Verify Quality Manage Change
83 Software Risk
84 Iterative software development
85 Manage requirements traceability. Positioning Needs Use case Test Design, User Documentation traceability
86 Use component-based architecture Component :. Architecture.. Componet based Architecture with layer
87 Visually Model software,
88 Continuously Verify Software Quality Software problems are 100 to 1000 times more costly to find and repair after deployment.
89 Manage Change
90 History Process Plug-in e-business Solutions SPC/PMI Project Management Performance testing Business Engineering Configuration & Change Mgmt Requirements College Rational Unified Process Rational Unified Process Rational Unified Process Rational Unified Process Rational Unified Process Rational Unified Process 4.0 Objectory UI design Data Engineering UML 1.1 SQA Process OMT Booch 1995 Rational Approach UML 0.8 Objectory Process 3.8
91 Process Architecture
92 Features in RUP Iterative and incremental Architecture Centric Use-Case Driven
93 Iterative and Incremental Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Phases U C 1 U C 2 U C 3 orkflows
94 Architecture Centric Software View,.,,,, Software Architecture Multiple Views
95 4+1 View Logical View End User Implementation View Programmers Use Case View Process View System Integrators Deployment View System Engineering,,
96 Use Case Driven Process
97 Models in RUP Roles + Activities + Artifacts Workflow Process component
98 Disciplines in RUP Core Workflows Business modeling, Requirements, Analysis and Design, Implementation, Test, Deployment Support Workflows Project Management, Configuration and change management, Environment
99 Iterative lifecycle Water fall R D C T Iterative lifecycle R D C T R D C T R D C T R D C T R: Requirements Analysis D: Design C: Coding, Unit Testing T: Integration, Test Time
100 Benefit of Iterative Lifecycle Risk..
101 Phases & Milestones Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Time Lifecycle Objective Milestone Lifecycle Architecture Milestone Initial Operational Capability Milestone Product Relea Milestone
102 Inception 10%
103 Lifecycle Objective Milestone, Stakeholder. Requirements.,,..
104 Elaboration 30%
105 Lifecycle Architecture Milestone Vision? Architecture? Risk? Construction phase?
106 Construction Use Case % /
107 Initial Operational Capability Milestone Product release? stakeholder Transition?
108 Transition, (.) 10%
109 Product Release Milestone?.
110 Core Workflow - Business Modeling
111 Core Workflow - Requirements
112 Core Workflow - Analysis & Design,
113 Core Workflow - Implementation (layer) Component Component
114 Core Workflow - Test Component
115 Core Workflow - Deployment,
116 Concept of Object Introduction of UML Introduction of RUP Business Modeling Requirements Analysis & Design
117 Business Modeling? Business Modeling. System Modeling.
118 ..,,..
119 Workflow
120 Business Modeling Business Use Case Model - Business / - Business Actor - Business Use Case Business Object Model - Business Role Things - Business Worker - Business Entity - (Organization Unit)
121 Business Actor (Role) (External entities)
122 Business Use Case Business Actor Workflow
123 Business Worker Business Role Role Worker Realization Business Entity <<business worker>>
124 Business Entity Business Worker Things (ex),
125 Business Use Case Model
126 Business Object Model Business Use Case Realization.
127 Concept of Object Introduction of UML Introduction of RUP Business Modeling Requirements Analysis & Design
129 What is a Requirement? : A condition or capability to which a system must perform Quality attributes of a software system Functionality Usability Reliability Performance Supportability
130 What is Requirements Management? Needs Problem Problem Space Features Use Cases and Software Requirements Traceability Solution Space The Product To Be Built Test Procedures Design User Docs
131 Analyze the problem
132 Develop Vision
133 Develop Vision Detail Steps
134 Fish born Diagram Trading price too high/not competitive Poor customer access Losing customers to competition We Need Online Stock Trading Customers want More services Brokers too costly Insufficient trading process
135 Exercise : Develop Vision....(Fish Born Diagram )
136 Find Actor and Use Cases
137 Find Actors & Use Cases Detail Steps. System
138 Actors, Actor
139 Actor,,,
140 Capture a Common Vocabulary
141 Develop Requirements Managements Plan
142 Requirements Types Requirement Type Document Type Document Name Actor TERM REP STRQ FEAT SUPL UC None *.GLS *.RMP *.STR *.VIS *.SUPL *.UCS Actors(in database only) Glossary Reqts. Mgmt. Plan Stakeholder Request Vision Supplementary Specification Use Case Specification
143 Develop Requirement Management Plan Detail Steps Traceability Requirements Attributes Plan.
144 : RequisitePro Requirement Type Attribute Word Traceability matrix
145 Understand Stakeholder Needs
146 Elicit Stakeholders Request
147 Techniques for Eliciting Stakeholder Needs Interviews Role playing Requirements workshop Brainstorming Storyboards Prototypes Business Models
148 Define the System
149 Define the System
150 Develop Vision Detail Step System features features
151 Find Actors and Use Cases
152 Find Actors and Use Cases Detail Steps Outline
153 Use Case Actor Modeling
154 Use Case Actor,,, Actor Use Case,,, Actor Actor Use Case Use Case
155 Use Case Diagram <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<extend>>
156 Use Case Model Use Case Diagram + Use Case Report Actors Use Cases Use Case Reports
157 Flows of Events - (1). Actor Use Case. UI. Use Case..
158 Flows of Events (2) Basic Flow. Alternative Flow (Error) Use Case size
159 Use Case Outline Use case name Brief description Basic Flow First step Second step Third step Alternative flow1 Alternative flow2 Alternative flow3
160 Use Case Outline - Example Basic flow Customer logs on Customer selects Get Quote function Customer selects stock trading symbol Get desired quote from Quote System Display quote Customer gets other quotes Customer logs off Alternative Flows A1.Unidentified Trading Customer A2. Quote System Unavailable A3. Quit
161 Manage Scope
162 Prioritize Use Cases
163 Prioritize Use Cases Detail Steps Prioritieze Use Cases Document Use Case View in SAD
164 Manage Dependencies
165 Manage Dependencies Detail Steps Assign Attributes Establish and Verify Traceability
166 Refine the system definition
167 Detail a Use Case & Detail the Software Requirements
168 Detail a Use Case Detail Steps Detail the Flow of Events of the Use Case Structure the Flow of Events of the Use Case Illustrate Relationships with Actors and Other Use Cases Describe the Special Requirements of the Use Case Describe Communication Protocals Describe Preconditions of the Use Case Describe Postconditions of the Use Case Describe Extension Points
169 Detail Step Detail the Software Requirements Detail the Software Requirements Generate Supporting Reports
170 SRS SRS Actors Use Cases Use Case Reports Use-Case Model Supplementary Specification
171 Detailing Use Case <Use Case Name> 1. Brief Description 2. Flow of Events 1. Basic Flow of Events 2. Alternative Flows of Events 3. Special Requiremnts 4. Pre-Conditioin 5. Post-Condition 6. Extension Points 7. Relationship 8. Use-Case Diagrams 9. Other Diagrams/Enclosures
172 Detail Use Case - Example Basic Flow Customer Logs on The use case starts when the Trading Customer logs on. The system validates the customer id and password Customer Selects Get Quote Function The Trading Customer chooses to Get Quote. The system displays the list of securities on which it has quotes Customer Gets Quote The Trading Customer selects from the list of securities or enters the trading symbol for a security. The system sends the trading symbol to the Quote System, and receives the Quote System Response. Customer Logs off The Trading Customer logs off the system. The use cases ends.
173 Detail Use Case - Example Alternative Flows A1 Unidentified Trading Customer In Step1, Customer Logs On, in the Basic flow, if the system determines that the customer id and/or password are not valid A1 Quote System Unavailable In Step3, Customer Gets Quote, in the Basic flow, if the system is unable to communicate with the Quote System, the system A3 Quit The System allows the Trading Customer to quit at any time during the use case. The use case ends Quote System Cannot Locate Information In Step3, Customer Gets Quote, in the Basic Flow, if the Quote System responds that it does not have the requested information
174 Supplementary Specification Non-functional Requirements Usability Reliability Performance Supportability
175 Concept of Object Introduction of UML Introduction of RUP Business Modeling Requirements Analysis & Design
176 . Architecture..
177 Analysis vs Design Analysis Problem Design Solution Operation Attribute Object Lifecycle
178 Architecture System Structure. Architecture,,,.
179 Define Candidate Architecture
180 Architectural Analysis
181 Architectural Analysis Detail Step Define the High-Level Organization of Subsystems Identify Analysis Mechanisms Identify Key Abstraction Create Use-Case Realization
182 Typical Layering Approach
183 Identify Analysis Mechanisms Persistency Communication(IPC and RPC) Message routing Distribution Transaction management Process control and synchronization Security Error detection/handling/reporting Redundancy Legacy Interface
184 Identify Key Abstraction Key Abstraction System handling. Key Abstraction Source Domain knowledge Requirements Glossary Domain Model
185 Describing Analysis Mechanisms
186 Use-Case Analysis =
187 Use-Case Analysis Detail Steps Supplement the Use-Case Description For each use-case realization Find Classes from Use-Case Behavior Distribute Use-Case Behavior to Classes For each resulting analysis classes Describe Attributes and Associations Describe Responsibilities Qualify Analysis Mechanisms Unify Analysis Classes
188 Analysis Class Responsibility Attribute Relation 3 Stereo type - Boundary Class, Control Class, Entity Class
189 System 3 Interface Part Control Part Control Part Store Part
190 Stereotype and Class Interface Part <<boundary>> Control Part Control Part <<Control>> Store Part <<Entity>>
191 Boundary Class <<Boundary>>
192 Control Class Use Case Event Use Case <<Control>>
193 Entity Class <<Entity>>
194 Use Case Report and Class <<boundary>> <<Control>> <<boundary>> <<Entity>> <<Entity>>
195 Use Case Realization Use Case Use Case object Use Case flow interaction
196 Use Case Realization Diagram Realization Traceability Use-Case Model Analysis & Design Model
197 Sequence Diagram - (1) Sequence Sequence Logical View Use Case
198 Sequence Diagram - (2) Sequence Diagram Object Class Object Name Object Name and Class Name : Object Name :
199 Sequence Diagram - (3) Object:Class Message Time Lifeline Focus of control
200 Sequence Diagram - (4) - Diagram Note, Script - Diagram
201 Collaboration Diagram Object Link
202 Interaction Diagram (1) Interaction Diagram Sequence Diagram Collaboration Diagram
203 Interaction Diagram (2) Sequence Diagram - - Collaboration Diagram - -
204 Class Diagram Class Class Method, Attribute Class Name2 -Attributes Class Name1 -Attributes +Methods -Methods Class Name3 -Attributes #Methods + : public - : private # : protected
205 Relationships (Association) (Aggregation) Composition (Dependency) (Inheritance) Reflexive
206 (Association) Class Multiplicity 1 0..n 0 1..n ,9
207 (Aggregation) ( has-a ) Member Class
208 Multilevel aggregation
209 Association Class
210 - (Aggregation) Aggregation Association
211 (Dependency)
212 (Interaction Diagram). Interation Diagram Class Diagram
213 Reflexive
214 Inheritance (1) ( is-a-kind-of )
215 Inheritance (2) Generalization (Encapsulation) SuperClass Specialization Superclass Subclass
216 Inheritance (3)
217 Homogenize Class Class Class
218 Homogenize Use Case Class,,.
219 Class. Logic Control Class Control Class.
220 Class Class. Attribute.
221 Class Class Class Use case Control Class
222 Refine the Architecture
223 Identify Design Elements
224 Identify Design Elements Detail Steps Identify classes and subsystems Identify subsystem interfaces
225 Incorporate Existing Design Elements
226 Incorporate Existing Design Elements Detail Steps Identify Reuse Opportunities Update the organization of the design model
227 Identify Design Mechanisms
228 Identify Design Mechanisms Detail Steps Categorize Clients of Analysis Mechanisms Inventory the Implementation Mechanisms Map Design Mechanisms to Implementation Mechanisms Document Architectural Mechanisms
229 Describe Run-Time Architecture
230 Describe Run-Time Architecture Detail Steps Analyze concurrency requirements Identify processes and threads Identify process lifecycles Map processes onto the Implementation Distribute model elements among process
231 Describe Distribution
232 Describe Distributions Detail Steps Define the Network Configuration Allocate Processes to Nodes
233 Design Components
234 Use-Case Design
235 Use Case Design Detail Steps Describe interaction between design objects Simplify sequence diagrams using subsystems Describe persistence related behavior Refine the flow of events description Unify classes and subsystems
236 Subsystem Design
237 Subsystem Design Detail Steps Distribute subsystem behavior to subsystem elements Document subsystem elements Describe subsystem dependencies
238 Class Design
239 Class Design - Detail Steps Create Initial Design Classes Define operations Define Methods Define States Define Attributes Define Dependencies Define Associations Define Generalizations Resolve Use-Case Collisions Handle Non-Functional Requirements in General
Introduction to UML Team. 5 2014/03/14 원스타 200611494 김성원 200810047 허태경 200811466 - Index - 1. UML이란? - 3 2. UML Diagram - 4 3. UML 표기법 - 17 4. GRAPPLE에 따른 UML 작성 과정 - 21 5. UML Tool Star UML - 32 6. 참조문헌
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