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J KMA Continuing Education Column Recent Knowledge of Breast Reconstruction Paik Kwon Lee, MD Department of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine E mail : pklee@catholic.ac.kr J Korean Med Assoc 2006; 49(12): 1141-1153J KorJ Abstract Breast is one of the most important organ which characterize the femininity and the maternity. As growing not only in numbers of breast cancer patients but also concerns about the quality of life, breast reconstruction after mastectomy turns into hot topics in the area of plastic surgery. Historically, numerous operation techniques have been introduced for breast reconstruction using prosthesis (tissue expander and breast implant) and autologous tissues (various pedicled flaps and free flaps). The most ideal method for breast reconstruction is to make a natural soft breast with less complications and morbidities, and no single technique can be universally accepted in every cases. However, in terms of making a natural, good looking breast autologous tissue is more superior to tissue expander and breast implant in breast reconstruction. Usually a breast reconstruction is performed in 3 stages; 1 st stage is breast mound reconstruction using autologous tissue or tissue expander and implant. 2 nd stage is revision of the reconstructed breast and donor site such as abdomen (scar revision, volume adjustment using suction assisted lipectomy and excision), nipple reconstruction, and surgery of the opposite normal breast (augmentation, mastopexy, or reduction) for maximizing cosmetic results. 3 rd stage is a intradermal tattooing for nipple areolar complex. In this article, various techniques are presented with their indications, methods, advantages and disadvantages. For the choice of best modality, many factors should be considered including an extent of mastectomy, the size and shape of opposite breast, the condition of possible donor sites, postoperative adjuvant therapy (radiation, chemotherapy), patient s age, and patient's preferance. Key words : Breast reconstruction; 3 stages; Autologous tissue 1141

Lee PK Expander insertion below pectoralis major muscle(left) and after expansion(right)(23) 1142

Recent Knowledge of Breast Reconstruction Varions donor cites for antologous tissue breast reconstruction 1143

Lee PK Harvest of latissumus dorsi musculocutanous flap(left) and transposition of flap (right)(23) 1144

Recent Knowledge of Breast Reconstruction Harvest and rotation of transverse rectus abdomis musculocutaneous (TRAM) pedicled flap(23) 1145

Lee PK Free TRAM flap harvesting and insetting(23) 1146

Recent Knowledge of Breast Reconstruction Superficial inferior epigastric artery as a dominant pedicle(d) and flap territory of SIEA(23) Harvest of superior gluteal flap based on superior gluteal artery (14) 1147

Lee PK n=lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh; a=lateral circumflex femoral artery; s=sartorius; RF=rectus femoris; VL=vastus lateralis; TFL=tensor fasciae latae Dotted line denotes proposed fat takeout. Solid line with circle denotes proposed skin incision and skin island(16) 1148

Recent Knowledge of Breast Reconstruction Deep circumflex iliac artery as a dominant pedicle(d) and flap territory of Rubens flap(23) 1149

Lee PK A C (A) preoperative frontal view (B) postoperative 4 years frontal view (C) preoperative lateral view (D) postoperative 4 years lateral view A 59 year old woman had a fascia-sparing free TRAM flap Breast reconstruction on her left breast and periareolar mastopexy on her right breast B D 1150

Recent Knowledge of Breast Reconstruction 1. Bae YC, K. S., Kim JH. A study on the perception of breast reconstruction in mastectomized patients and general population in Korea. J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg 1997; 24: 1062-75 1151

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Recent Knowledge of Breast Reconstruction 22. Granzow JW, Levine JL, Chiu ES, Allen RJ. Breast reconstruction with the deep inferior epigastric perforator flap: history and an update on current technique. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2006; 59: 571-9 23. Mathes SJ. Plastic surgery. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2005; VI: 631-1052 complications and functional outcomes in free muscle sparing TRAM flap and free DIEP flap breast reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg 2006; 117: 737-46; discussion 747-50 25. Lee PK, Lim JH, Ahn ST. Oh DY, Rhie JW, Han KT. Nipple reconstruction with dermis(scar tissue) graft and C V flap. J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg 2006; 33: 101-6 24. Bajaj AK, Chevray PM, Chang DW. Comparison of donor site Peer Reviewer Commentary 1153