Innovation: CEO In 2006, 2 in 3 CEOs said they would have to bring about fundamental change to their business in the next 2 years to implement their s

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IBM : MIRAGE - - IBM Software Consulting Services

Innovation: CEO In 2006, 2 in 3 CEOs said they would have to bring about fundamental change to their business in the next 2 years to implement their strategy. - Source: IBM Global CEO Study 2006 - More and more CEOs are adopting an innovation agenda. We will fight our battles not on the low road to commoditization, but on the high road of innovation. Howard Stringer, Chairman and CEO, Sony Corporation Oct. 4, 2005 Sam Palmisano IBM Board of Advisors Oct. 13, 2005 Electronics Industry Lacks Innovation, Philips CEO Charges EE Times, Sept. 27, 2005

21 Innovation Commoditization of technology : IT Doesn t Matter on Harvard Business Review Commoditization of technology Globalization of market Vertical Businesses It is occurring more rapidly It requires wider collaboration across disciplines and specialties The concept of intellectual property is being reexamined 500 IBM patents opened for use by anyone More IBM patents open to healthcare/education industry Potential to transform business processes Potential to drive substantial societal benefits

Innovation: INNOVATION THAT MATTERS Broaden the definition of innovation Product Innovation Services Innovation Business process innovation Business model innovation Management & culture of innovation Innovation in policy & society Establish credentials Open Integration Collaboration Global Portfolio of capabilities ON DEMAND BUSINESS Business Transformation Evolving to a More Competitive IT Environment New Collaborative Approaches CBM BPTS Human Capital Mgmt Supply Chain & Proc. Industry Biz solutions SOA RFID Solutions Managed Services Flexible, virtualized systems On Demand Workplace: Portal E&TS ODIS: Optimization BTO Center for Biz Optimization

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PORTAL? PORTAL Integration Single Access Point Personalization Real Portal

Enterprise Portal Enterprise Portal Front-End ( ),,,. BACK-END SYSTEM DATA REPOSITORY Portal Front-End

EP Trend Gartner 1) Enterprise Portal SES (Smart Enterprise Suite). SESCollaboration, EDMS, Searching, Portal, Content Management, BPM. INTEGRATION LEVEL Enterprise Portal - EP / EAI BPM SES Knowledge Connectivity - EKP KMS Component EKP Coordinated Enterprise - EIP / Knowledge Retrieval - Groupware EDMS,, * Gartner 1) : IT TIME

MIRAGE: An IBM Portal Methodology 1 Enterprise Portal 2 IBMPortal 3 4

IBM EP IBMEnterprise Portal,,. Awareness Realtime People to People Communication People to System Single Sign On Security EP, (ERP, CRM, PRM) BE, EIS BPM Framework Framework Collaboration Coordination System to System

IBM EP Project Strategy IBM / MIRAGE,. MPA Manufacturing GALAXIA Product Design FPM Finance BPM SSO EAI WPI, ModelerTAM, TDS Portal WBI MB, WMQ WPS, RAD Architecture Foundation Support IAA Insurance People Group & User Solution Process Support MIRAGE Strategy Engagement Support Technology PoC, PoT Output Reuse & Template Support BPVA IRM Value Assessment Survey Theme Portlet Documents Skin

IBM EP Project Strategy IBM EP Activity/Task (Work Product) MIRAGE EP. UI Kick Off OPEN / MIRAGE IBM SCS, IBM SCS.

IBM EP Project Strategy / Grouping. PEOPLE TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM CULTURE System Architecture WSRP, JSR168 STRATEGY Interview Grouping Grouping,,

IBM EP Project Strategy EP. EP Task. 1. 3. 5. 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.

IBM EP Project Strategy. A C A1 A2 A3 A4 Content C1 EVENT C2 C3 User D Application B B1 B2 EVENT D1 D2 Process D3 Information

IBM EP Project Strategy 8 (,,,,, /,, ). << >> Draft Level Ownership ()

IBM EP Project Strategy Task. << >> << >>

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S S,. IBM /KMS /KMS KM Single Sign On KM KM Security :, :,.. :, DW,, KMS, : : 133 83


S,,. / / / / / /

S S. 35(2.2%) 263(16.4%) 10(0.6%) 277(17.3%) 90(5.6%) 133(8.3%) 1,211(75.7%) 1,179(73.7%) Source : (200410)

D D Role-Based. IBM TAI WebSphere Portal 80 SDI 39,,, CEO,,, :,, 80 : 395 136

D / /. AS-IS TO-BE (CEO,,,, / / ) 7Major

D.. PORTAL D Rolebased Engine

D. Source : (200510) 20% OOO, IT. << D >>

Svs. D S 2,500 17 MIRAGE D 30,000 3 MIRAGE : 2 : 6 ( : 3 ) : 4 : 3 : 2 : 3 week : 3 week ( : 3 week) : 4 week : 3 week : 1 week Sub Project D EP OPEN Scope 68 M/M 18 M/M (D 20M/M)

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Enterprise Portal (Portal) User Process Application Information Enterprise Portal. Enterprise Portal Process, Application, User, Information. Enterprise Portal

Enterprise Portal. / IT /. Old Paradigm Value Of Integration New Paradigm / /

Enterprise Portal Enterprise Portal.,.,,.

IBM Software Consulting Service IBM SCS (Software Consulting Service) Best Solution Service. IBM SCS, IBM Asset (Value Oriented). Innovation Oriented Value Oriented Speedy Flexible Creative New Business Passion 3 Factors Industry Solution On demand solution Customer Success Asset Oriented Mirage WINC IAA/ IFW

.. Q&A IBM Software Consulting Service Principal ( 011-898-4580 )