금융기관 Platform 으로서 Sun Mainframe Rehosting Solution 소개 2003. 11. 05 한국썬마이크로시스템즈
Contents I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경 II. Sun MFR 소개 III. 사례소개 -2-
I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경금융산업비즈니스환경 고객 중심으로 전환 용이한금융상품및가격정보검색및비교 구매교섭력이금융기관에서고객으로이전 이익감소 압력증대 경쟁심화로수익성악화 이익극대화를위한귀족마케팅 금융사 PB, FP 등 비즈니스 모델변화 경쟁력강화를위한아웃소싱등다양한비즈니스모델등장 유연한비즈니스적응성필요 채널구조의 변화 on-line 채널기능강화 ( 홍보 -> 수익창출 ) 신규채널 / 상품의등장 차세대뱅킹, 방카슈랑스, 증권등 -3-
I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경금융산업 IT 환경 전사적데이터통합고려전사적데이터웨어하우스운영데이터저장소 EAI 구축을통한실시간업무처리및인터페이스의단 순화, 표준화 고객중심프로세스를통한시스템간의통합기반 호환성보장되는플랫폼도입새로운계정계시스템구축플랫폼관점 : 호환성, 확장성, 안정성응용관점 : 재사용성, 개발용이성 다중채널통합프레임워크구축 -4-
I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경금융산업현재 IT 환경 100% 대형은행에서사용중인 Core Banking 시스템 % of Banks 80% 60% 40% Primarily Best of Breed Core Systems Primarily Proprietary Core Systems Integration Difficulty Core Banking Application. 20% 0% Primarily Integrated Package 1 10 100 1,000 Total Assets of Bank (US$ billions)? Source: Tower Group Research -5-
I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경금융기관 Platform Trend (%) 30 25 20 15 기술인력현황 Mainframe Open system Platform 10 5 WW Software 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 ( 나이 ) Source : Meta Group Survey, 2002 (450 Large US companies) 기업선호기술방향 Appl. Ap pl. Web Cobol* 49 34 40 8 37 10 Source : IDC, 2002 DB Oracle DB2* 38 28 23 11 22 10 Net wo rk Internet SNA* 80 27 35 8 35 6 Source : Computer World Survey, 2001 (307 Companies) * : Mainframe 관련 Skill 단위 : 투표비율 (%), 복수응답가능 -6-
I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경 Net-work 전산환경고려Top Ten Issues Issue #1: Enabling New Business Models through Technology Flexibility, advanced technology, serviceability & interoperability Issue #2: Implementing Flexible Technology for Unpredictable Requirements ISV momentum, HA, resource management, Scalability, transition 비용 Issue #3: Managing Complexity Single point of management, server consolidation, outsourcing Issue #4: Leveraging New Applications Application availability, Solution sets, development platform Issue #5: Delivering High Performance and Capacity for Growth Workload 성능, balanced architecture, binary compatibility Issue #6: Leveraging Current Investments Interoperability, best practice, EAI, upgrade Issue #7: Supporting an Adaptive, Service-Driven Architecture Standards, Modularity, Independence Issue #8: Implementing Lifecycle Service and Support System supports, Education/Training, Consulting Issue #9: Delivering Vision, Focus, and Execution Consistency, Success, Transition Issue #10: Reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Transition cost and impact, acquisition options -7-
I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경 Platform으로서의 Mainframe 전략플랫폼으로써메인프레임에대한이슈 ISV 포트폴리오 : 신규어플리케이션부족 TCO : 고비용의 H/W 및 S/W 복잡성 (Complexity) : 유연성부족, 변화에매우둔감 대안 (Alternatives) : 경쟁제품이없고, IBM만이유일한공급사 숙련도 (Skills) : 숙련된요원의감소추세 11% 19% 11% 24% 35% 2001, Gartner ISV Portfolio TCO Complexity Alternatives Skills 메인프레임은안정성, 보안, 관리도구와절차부분의효과가확실히보장한다 그러나... 새로운 IT 기술의 85% 가 Mainframe 을목표로하고있지않다 ( 메타그룹 2000/11) 응답자의 58% 가메인프레임의 application 을 migration 하기위한계획을하고있다 ( 메릴린치조사 ) IBM 은오래된메인프레임에대한유지보수비용을 25% 증가하기로했다. 사용자들은메인프레임을 upgrade 하거나다른대체장비를결정해야되는문제에직면해있다 ( 가트너그룹 2001/07) -8-
I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경총소유비용 (TCO) Pricing trend SW (+17% per year) +25% maintenance +5% HW (-10% per year) time Cost drivers in the IT environment Application Integration 32% Hardware 10% Maintenance 30% Software 12% Staff 16% TCO Study, Meta Group 6/99 IBM은오래된모델의 Mainframe에대해 maintenance 비용을 25% 증가시켰습니다. 사용자는다른 platform의선택이나 Upgrade에직면하고있습니다. ( 가트너그룹 ) S/390 사용자는 hardware비용으로 $ 1M을소비한다면, Software비용으로약 $7M 를소비합니다. ( 기가그룹 ) -9-
I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경 Platform으로서 Mainframe 대안 Strategy 목표 Real-Time Enterprise 내부 Process 자동화및통합 Biz Process의 Partner 확대 Collaboration 구성 대안으로서개방형시스템에서의 CICS 및Batch 처리 유사한시스템환경제공 원칙 기투자를보호하면서, 현재의기술력, 업무 Logic을재활용 협력업체package들과잘통합 사용하면서업무 logic 을계속발전 성공사례기반 -10-
I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경 Mainframe Data Center 선택 1. 완전 Re-hosting 이중화 UNIX시스템이메인프레임어플리케이션실행 검증된기존어플리케이션코드와데이터의재사용 저렴한비용, 신속한전환, 낮은 risk, 동일한비즈니스로직유지 Existing Applications Mainframe Existing Applications UNIX 2. 병존 (Co-existence) UNIX는메인프레임업무의일부분담당 단순하고 critical하지않은메인프레임업무이전 구조가복잡하고다소높은비용발생 점차적인 Re-hosting이용이 Existing Applications Mainframe Off-loaded Applications UNIX 3. 마이그레이션 (Migration) UNIX 플랫폼상에신규어플리케이션개발 고비용, 높은 risk, 장기간소요 New Applications UNIX -11-
Contents I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경 II. Sun MFR 소개 III. 사례소개 -12-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Rehosting 이란? Rehosting 은고객의환경을 re-writing 하거나 re-architecting 을의미하지않습니다. 이미검증된 M/F applications 인 CICS/ DB2 & VSAM (Cobol,PL/1) and BATCH 환경을재사용합니다. Rehosting 의장점 Typical savings - 50% 유지비용감소 ( 약 24 개월 ROI) Low Risk 고객의 Mainframe 환경유지 M/F Apps 과 Data Files 의재사용 상대적으로빠른 Migration Path. e-business Technology 를 Mainframe Rehosting 과결합 SunONE. -13-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Sun Rehosting Overview 솔루션명칭 : Sun MFR 2001/09 Sun 의 Critical Path 사기술및그룹인수. IBM Mainframe SPARC/Solaris Server CICS Custom Apps Batch MTP Custom Apps MBM VSAM, DB2; 3274, TCP/IP VSAM, Oracle, DB2... 3274, TCP/IP MTP(Mainframe Transaction Processing) MBM(Mainframe Batch Manager) -14-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Rehosting 이전 Architecture - Overview Presentation Business Rules Specific to Application ConfigurationAdministration Security Development Monitoring OLTP Batch Infrastructure Languages API Data Bases JCL Comm's 3 rd Party Products System 390-15-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Rehosting 이후 Architecture - Overview Presentation Business Rules Specific to Application Configuration Administration Security Development Monitoring SUN MTP SUN MBM Infrastructure Languages API Data Bases JCL Comm's 3 rd Party Products SUN Solaris Operating Environment -16-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Sun MFR components Sun TM Mainframe Transaction Processing Software (MTP) - CICS 호환 - Performance Monitor Tool 제공 - VSAM 처리 - COBOL, PL/1, C, and JAVA 지원 Sun TM Mainframe Batch Manager Software (MBM) - Job Step Processing 지원 - Automatic JCL Translation 지원 - Submit/Cancel/Suspend jobs; Recovery at the job step level - 특정 Job 에대한 List status 와수행 report 통지기능 Sun TM 3270 Pathway software - Web Service 지원 기타 : MTK (Toolkit), MAT(Administration Tool) 등등 -17-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Sun MTP Software Solaris 운영환경에서의 CICS 호환소프트웨어 (Native, fully-functional implementation of CICS on the Solaris OS) Specific to Application Specific to Sun Mainframe Rehosting Software Basic Server Platform Configuration Client Facilities OLTP Presentation Business Rules Administration Security Development Batch Monitoring Languages APls JCL DB Comms 3rd Party Products Solaris Operating Environment 다양한 Languages 지원 - MF cobol, PL/I, C - DB access - pro*cobol, VSAM access - MF cobol,pl/i,c CICS Interface - EXEC CICS/END EXEC command level interface - EXEC SQL/END EXEC interfaces MTP File Editor - Default Editor VI DB Integration - Oracle, Sybase, DB2 UDB -18-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Sun MBM Software 소개 Solaris 운영환경에서의 Batch 업무환경제공 (To provide a complete environment for the administration, execution and management of batch workloads on Sun servers) PPF(Parallel Processing Facility) VSE JCL COBOL PL/1 BATCH View Business Logic MVS JCL Sun Mainframe Batch Manager PPF VSAM SORT RDBMS Schedulers Macro Language Print Spooler Solaris Operating Environment MBM provides complete environment for batch jobs Preserves mainframe concepts and skills VSE and MVS JCL translation Job step processing and restarts Commit / rollback Job classes Integration with 3 rd party schedulers Condition code processing Remote job submission -19-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Rehosting Application Components App Programs Cobol, PL/1, C with copybooks & include files Mainframe CICS Online and Batch Environment BMS Maps JCL Utility Directives Assembler Subroutines Application Programs 4GL Natural, Pacbase ADSO, Coolgen, CSP/VisualAgeGen, IDEAL, etc. App Programs Cobol, PL/1, C with copybooks & include files BMS Maps JCL & File Map Utility Directives COBOL or C Subroutines Sun MTP and MBM Environment Approach varies: Re-host Re-implement / Re-write -20-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Rehosting Data Component Current Mainframe Environment Sequential or GDG VSAM DB2 or Oracle Adabase Other:Adabase, Datacomm, IDMS, IMS/DB, Supra, etc. Flat file or MBM GDG MTP VSAM RDBMS Adabase RDBMS Rehost with MTP / MBM Rehost (Software AG) Re-engineer Sun MTP and MBM Environment -21-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Rehosting 기타 Component - MF Rehosting 제품과의 Integration Report Writing Microstrategy,Focus(IBI) Easytrieve(CA), Cognos.. Sorting Syncsort Cosort Security MSF(Sun) Control-SA(BMC) Unicenter TNG(CA) Print Management ISIS Papyrus, Macro4, Quest Vista Plus.. Sys. Mgmt Teamquest,BMC patrol CA Unicenter, HP Openview Job Scheduling Control-M(BMC) Autosys or Workload Manager(CA).. http://haigh.uk.sun.com:8080/mapping/index.jsp -22-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Rehosting Solution Architecture -23-
II. Sun MFR 소개 Sun PS 의 MFR 서비스절차 Application Summary Form Application Assessment/Audit MFR Reference Architecture Source Audit : Automated and manual analysis (source programs, copybooks, maps, JCL, Procs, Sort Param files, DDL, CICS config tables) Missing Component Identification Special Rehosting Considerations Audit Report with Audit Results Revised Budgetary Estimate 2-3 weeks Initiate Project Typical Engagements - Rehosting migration Project Compilable code delivered Data Conversion programs are generated & delivered Testing usually done by customer 6-12 months -24-
Contents I. Main Frame Re-hosting 주변환경 II. Sun MFR 소개 III. 사례소개 -25-
III. 사례소개 Sun Rehosting Reference 금융회사사례 회사명국가년도업무서버구분 Transamerica Life Canada Canada 2000 년 4 월 MTP SF6800 2 달소요 IOOF Australia 2002 년 6 월 MBM SF4800*2, V880 113IBM MIPS, TCO 50% 절감 The Landrum Company USA 2002 년 6 월 MTP V880 년간 100 만불절감 Lloyd's of London Canada 2002 년 6 월 MTP,MBM Sun Enterprise3500 2628 programs, 703 screens Banque International Arabe de Tunisie (BIAT) Tunisia 2002 년 6 월 MTP,MBM Sun Enterprise10000 Job runtime 20% 향상 CedCamera Italy 2002 년 4 월 MTP Enterprise3500, 220 TCO 70% 절감 Ingegneria Sistemi Elaborazione Dati, S.p.A Spain 2002 년 4 월 MTP E10000, E4500 Application 응답시간 66% 향상 TowneBank USA 2003 년 6 월 MTP V880 1 년안에 50 만불절감 Central State Health & Life Co. of Omaha USA 2003 년 3 월 MTP,MBM V880 220 online, 250 batch program -26-
III. 사례소개 References( 캐나다 Lloyd s of London 보험 ) MF 환경에서 CICS application 사용, 400 개이상의지점 Legacy Mainframe(VSE) 필요성 : broker 에게보다나은서비스제공, 신규 Biz 수용 고객의요구사항 TCO 절감, 적은노력으로 Migration 요구 프로젝트과정 결과 2628 Programs, 703 Screens, 1050 Files, 3514 Batch Jobs 등 2 Million line code conversion. 약 8 개월소요 운영비용감소 10 % Batch 작업성능향상 -27-
III. 사례소개 References( 일본CASCO 카드회사 ) Sun Mainframe Rehosting solution 을사용하여 Mainframe 에서 운영되는모든업무를 Sun platform 에적용하였습니다. Sun Fire 4800 Sun Fire 4800 MTP 서비스 MBM 서비스 DB2 서비스 MTP 서비스 MBM 서비스 DB2 서비스 DB2 UDB -28-
III. 사례소개 References( 일본 CASCO 카드회사 ) 기존환경 HOST IBM 9672 R15, OS OS/390 V2.1, DB IMS/DB V7.1, DC CICS 4.1 현재시스템구축현황 Server SF4800 * 2(MTP,MBM), SF280R * 5(TEST,Development, Backup) OS Solaris 8, DB DB2 UDB 고객의요구사항 1. TCO 의절감, 업무증가에따른서버의교체시기 고객의초기고려사항 1.IBM Txseries(CICS/6000) 사용, P670 * 2 2.Sun MF rehosting 제품을사용하여대체호스팅 3.HP migration Service 기간때문에탈락 Sun 을선택한이유 1. Txseries 를사용하다가 Sun Mainframe rehosting 솔루션을선택한사례를참조 2. Batch 작업을위한 JCL 도다시사용가능한장점 결과 1. 운영비용감소 ( 매달 4 만불감소 ) 2. TCO 50 % 이상감소예상 -29-
결론 Rehosting 의 KEY Point 적용시위험부담, 기간과비용최소화 ( 기존 Application 재활용 ). TCO(Total Cost Ownership: 총소유비용 ) 50% 이상절감. 기존 MF 환경유지로사용자, 개발자, 관리자거부감없이사용. 신기술, 3rd party Application, 네트웍 application 도입용이. 이미검증된 50+ 개국 1000+ 의 Reference 보유. -30-
Q & A Thank You 이화수이사 hwasoo.lee@sun.com Tel. 02-2193-5045-31-