Part 7 의기본원칙 Lesson 01 1 글의종류를확인후문제부터읽는다. 지문과문제를반복해서오가거나, 다시지문을읽게되는경우를줄일수있다. 단, 꾸준한연습이필요 2 속독 명사 와 동사 위주로읽어나간다. 모르는단어 * 에집착하거나, 문장구조분석등을피한다. 문장의전체내용만파

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Lesson 01 Part 7 접근법 Part 7 스피드문제풀이주교재 Preview 강의를보기전에반드시읽어봅시다 Study Objective 1 Part 7 에출제되는지문구성을숙지한다. 2 각파트별시간배분에전략을익힌다. 3 Part 7 에자주출제되는지문의종류를숙지한다. 4 Part 7 에출제되는 5 가지종류의문제를숙지한다. Main Lecture Part 7 구성과시간배분구성과시간배분 지문유형문제시간 단일지문 (9 개 ) 153 번 ~180 번 20 분 ~25 분 복수지문 (4 개 ) 181 번 ~200 번 20 분 ~25 분 Total 40 분 ~50 분 * Part 5 + Part 6 = 20 분 ~25 분 지문의종류 편지 / 이메일 광고 공지 / 회람 기사 / 보고서 표 질문유형 주제 / 목적을묻는문제 육하원칙문제 추론문제 동의어문제 NOT / TRUE 문제 008

Part 7 의기본원칙 Lesson 01 1 글의종류를확인후문제부터읽는다. 지문과문제를반복해서오가거나, 다시지문을읽게되는경우를줄일수있다. 단, 꾸준한연습이필요 2 속독 명사 와 동사 위주로읽어나간다. 모르는단어 * 에집착하거나, 문장구조분석등을피한다. 문장의전체내용만파악되었으면과감히넘어간다. 3 항상시간을체크하며연습한다. 평균적으로문제하나당 1분의시간을할애. 실제시험에서도무작정푸는것이아니라, 계속해서시계를확인. 4 넘겨짚지않는다. 모든문제 ( 추론문제포함 ) 는반드시명확한근거가있다. 내상식에맞춰생각하지말고지문에서근거를찾는다. Part 7의최근경향 1 지문이길어졌다.. 2 추론문제의비중이늘어났다. 3 paraphrasing 문제는여전히많이출제된다. 4 정답의단서가 2군데이상흩어져있는문제의비중이늘어났다. 단서가 2군데이상이며, 눈에잘띄지않는부분에있는단서의경우가증가. 5 동의어문제가까다롭게출제된다. 다의어출제및생소한단어출제. 6 요령이통하지않는문제가늘어났다. 문제의종류에따라지문에서의단서가정해져있는문제의비중이낮아졌다. 주제찾기문제 009

Lesson 01 PART7 접근법 Part 7 스피드문제풀이주교재 Practice Questions Questions 1-3 refer to the following notice. NOTICE Renowned historian and author of multiple best-selling books Jennifer Horton will have a special lecture on the history of modern European cities Next Friday at 5:30 P.M. in the Winston Auditorium of University of Winston. This event is open to the public and supported by University of Winston history department. At the door, there will be copies of Ms. Horton s new book, Modern Cities with Ancient Vestiges, available at a discounted price for attendees. Jennifer Horton had taught history at Loyola University for 25 years and now is conducting her studies as an independent scholar after her retirement. One of the goals of this lecture and her new book is to help people living in cities understand what the meaning of city life is. The lecture will be also broadcast for those who are unable to attend. For more information on Ms. Horton s biography and a complete list of her books, please visit her official Web site at 01 Why was this notice written? (A) To promote a newly released book (B) To confirm details of a contract (C) To encourage people to attend an event (D) To review a new TV program 02 What will attendees get at a reduced price? (A) A beverage (B) A book (C) A pamphlet (D) An admission ticket 03 What information is available on Ms. Horton s Web site? (A) Her lecture details (B) Her photos (C) Her contact information (D) Her background 010

Questions 1-2 refer to the following memo. Lesson 01 Discounted Rates for Subscribers Henderson Magazine and Newspaper Inc. We send out all magazines on the first of each month, so that you can receive them no later than the fifth, and all newspapers before 5:00 every morning. Our subscribers can access our Web site and enjoy many informative features including an online forum and articles from previous issues and dates. New subscribers to our service are entitled to a gift package of a mug cup and a short sleeve t-shirt with Henderson Magazine and Newspaper logos on them. Furthermore, if you subscribe to our magazine and newspaper together, we will send you a coupon which will give you a 40% discount off the regular admission fee for the quarterly magazine conference to be held in May. Rates (per year) Payment before March 20 Payment on or after March 20 Member - Magazines only: $ 45 - Newspapers only: $ 38 - Magazines and newspapers: $ 75 Non-member - Magazines only: $55 - Newspapers only: $ 48 - Magazines and newspapers: $ 95 Member - Magazines only: $ 50 - Newspapers only: $ 43 - Magazines and newspapers: $ 85 Non-members - Magazines only: $ 60 - Newspapers only: $ 53 - Magazines and newspapers: $ 105 01 What does a subscription to a newspaper NOT include? (A) A coupon (B) A t-shirt (C) A mug cup (D) An online forum 02 How much should a non-member pay for a newspaper-only subscription on March 20? (A) $ 38 (B) $ 43 (C) $ 48 (D) $ 53 011

Lesson 01 PART7 접근법 Part 7 스피드문제풀이주교재 Sum-Up 1 Part 7 문제 5 가지종류는무엇인가? 2 Part 7 문제풀이전략 4 가지 3 최근 Part 7 의지문과문제의특성은? [ PART 7 ] 기출어휘 01 crash ( 기계등의 ) 작동이멎다 02 enter into ( 논의를 ) 시작하다 03 range from A to B ( 범위가 ) A부터 B에까지이르다 04 license plate 번호판 05 run over ( 차로 ) 치다 06 brew ( 커피등을 ) 끓이다 07 in light of ~ 라는견지에서 08 consist of ~ 로구성되다 09 be composed of ~ 로이루어지다 10 be directed to 명사 ~ 로전달되다 11 take somebody by surprise ~ 를놀래키다 12 on one s behalf ~ 를대리하여 / 대신하여 13 on behalf of ~ 를대신하여 / 대표하여 14 make way for ~ 를위해자리를내주다 15 struck by ~ 에감명받은 16 be appreciative of ~ 에감사하다 012

17 resistant to 명사 ~ 에강한 Lesson 01 18 regarding ~ 에관하여 19 meet the challenge ~ 에대처하다 20 as per ~ 에따라 21 adapt to ~ 에적응하다 22 pay attention to 명사 ~ 에주의를기울이다 / 주목하다 23 be restricted to 명사 ~ 에제한되다 24 originate from ~ 에서출발하다 / 비롯되다 25 do business with ~ 와거래하다 26 have dealings with ~ 와거래하다 27 coupled with ~ 와결합된 28 be combined with ~ 와합쳐지다 29 pertain to 명사 ~ 와관련된, ~ 에관해 30 be involved with ~ 와관련되어있다 31 conflict with ~ 와충돌 / 상충되다 32 get along with ~ 와잘지내다 / 어울리다 33 coincide with ~ 와일치하다 34 in keeping with ~ 와일치하여 35 in conjunction with ~ 와함께 36 pending ~ 을기다리는 37 be in charge of ~ 을담당하다 38 be exempt from ~ 을면제받다 39 catch sight of ~ 을보다 40 get one s hands on ~ 을얻다 013