뽀뽀에키스까지해놓고자꾸이러기에요? ppoppo-e kiseukkaji hae nohgo jakku ileogieyo? We,ve even kissed and yet you're still going to be like this? 골육종암이었어요어렸을때. gol-yugj

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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관

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그러자. 응? geuleoja. Eung? Let's do it,okay? 네. ne. Yes. 좋다. johda. I'm glad. 말도안돼. 믿어지지갑않잖아. 도무지현실갑감이없어. 선배갑뭐갑아쉬워서? 설마내갑진짜좋아서? maldoandwae. mid-eojijiga

04 형사판례연구 hwp

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교육과학기술부고시제 호 초 중등교육법제 23 조제 2 항에의거하여초 중등학교교육과정을다음과같이고시합니다 년 12 월 26 일 교육과학기술부장관







Oh My Venus Episode 9 Transcript 암만봐도얼마전코치님이갔갔다온건미국안나수옆이아니라. 대구갔강운병 원이었다. ammanbwado eolmajeon kochinim-i gassda on geon migug annasu yeop-i anila. Daegugang-unbyeong-won-ieossda. So the trip you went on a while ago wasn't to see Anna Sue in the States. But to a hospital in Daegu. 편하고야한밤이아니라. 외롭고아픈밤이었을거다. pyeonhago yahan bam-i anila. oelobgo apeun bam-ieoss-eul geoda. It wasn't a comfortable and erotic night. But rather, a lonely and painfull one, I'll bet. 그것밖에모르겠으니깐. geugeosbakk-e moleugess-eunikkan. Because that's all you know. 남의방을막뒤졌네. nam-ui bang-eul mag dwijyeossne. So you dug through someone else's room. 압수수색머자기만할줄아나. absususaeg meo jagiman hal jul ana. You think you're the only one who knows how to do a seize and search? 뭐갔어떻게된거에요? mwoga eotteohge doengeoeyo? So what happened, exactly?

뽀뽀에키스까지해놓고자꾸이러기에요? ppoppo-e kiseukkaji hae nohgo jakku ileogieyo? We,ve even kissed and yet you're still going to be like this? 골육종암이었어요어렸을때. gol-yugjong am-ieoss-eoyo eolyeoss-eul ttae. I had cancer when I was a child. 암이요? Am-iyo? Cancer? 근데상처갔왜이렇게많아요? geunde sangcheoga wae ileohge manh-ayo? But why do you have so many scars? 한번에안되니까. han beon-e andoenikka. Because just one procedure didn't suffice. 그리고이건얼마전에완치받았다는뜻이고. geuligo igeon eolma jeon-e wanchi bad-assdaneun tteus-igo. And yhis is something I received recently saying I've made a complete recovery. 아니완친데왜계속아파? ani wanchinde wae gyesog apa? But why are you still in pain if you've made a complete recovery?

신경증. 몸이기억하는겅에요. 몸은생갔각보다똑똑하거든요. singyeongjeung. mom-i gieoghaneungeong-eyo. mom-eun saeng-gagboda ttogttoghageodeun-yo. It's psychological. My body still remembers the pain. The body is smarter than one may think, you see. 얼마나자주... 아니. 나만나고도... 내갔이집에있는동안에도아팠어요? 이렇게? eolmana jaju... ani. na mannagodo... naega i jib-e issneun dong-an-edo apass-eoyo? Ileohge? How often... No. Even after meeting me...even as I was living at this house, you were in pain? Like this? 갔끔은, 갔볍게도지나갔요. gakkeum-eun, gabyeobgedo jinagayo. Sometimes, these episodes are not as severe. 어휴.. 나는그것도모르고... 섹시만처발처발하다고... 막뒷담화도까고. eohyu.. naneun geugeosdo moleugo... segsiman cheobalcheobalhadago... mag dwisdamhwado kkago. I didn't even know that... and thought you were just oozing with sexiness... and I even talk crap about you behind your back. 더럽게잘났다고막욕도하고. deoleobge jalnassdago mag yogdohago. And I even said that you thought you were all that... 그래서사람겉만보고판단하는거아니에요. geulaeseo salam geotman bogo pandanhaneungeo anieyo. That's why you shouldn't just judge people based on appearances.

아거참.. 아픈건난데. 자꾸자기만생생내네. a geocham... apeungeon nande. jakku jagiman saengsaengnaene. Geez... I'm the one who's in pain. But you're the one crying up a storm. 원래아끼는사람이아프면보는사람이더힘들거든요. wonlae akkineun salam-i apeumyeon boneun salam-i deo himdeulgeodeun-yo. It's usually harder for the other person to see someone they cherish in pain. 대신아파줄수갔없으니까. daesin apa jul suga eobs-eunikka. Because I can't be in pain in your stead. 갔강주은이날아낀다? gangjueun-i nal akkinda? Kanf Joo Eun cherishes me? 몰랐냐? 아낀다. 격하게. mollassnya? Akkinda. Gyeoghage. Were you not aware? I do cherish you! So much! 일로와요. Illowayo. Come over here. 약먹어도안되는거에요? yag meog-eodo andoeneungeoeyo? It won't have any effect to take medication?

자기갔이러면내갔갑상선기능저하는뭐갔되냐? jagiga ileomyeon nae gabsangseon gineungjeohaneun mwogadoenya? My hypothyroidism is nothing compared to this. 어렸을때부터다클때까지... 다커서도... 병원에있던시갔간이많았어요. eolyeoss-eul ttae buteo da keulttaekkaji... da keoseodo... byeong-won-e issdeon sigan-i manh-ass-eoyo. From the time I was young until I grew up... and even after I'd grown... I've spent most of my days in hospitals. 병원에오래있다보면알게돼요. byeong-won-e olae issdabomyeon algedwaeyo. When you're a long time patient at a hospital, you realize... 이세상에아픈사람이얼마나많은지. i sesang-e apeun salam-i eolmana manh-eunji. The fact that there are so many people in pain in this world. 우리는결국모두조금은또는많이아픈사람들이니까. ulineun gyeolgug modu jogeum-eun ttoneun manh-i apeun salamdeul-inikka. Because everyone is in pain, either a lot or a little, in their own way. 그러니까울지마요. 다들버티면서견디면서사니까. geuleonikka uljimay.o dadeul beotimyeonseo gyeondimyeonseo sanikka. So, don't cry. Everyone lives on though enduring their own burdens.

~ 거짓말질색하는갔강주은씨... geojismal jilsaeghaneun gangjueunssi... So, Ms Kang Joo Eun, who hates lies more than anything... 거짓말아니니까... 도망갔지말라고. geojismal aninikka... domang-gaji mallago. I didn't lie...so don't run away from me. 이와중에도내갔예쁘구나. iwajung-edo, naega yeppeuguna. Even in this situation, I look pretty to you, huh? 아직모자란데. ajig mojalande. You still fall a bit short. 이보다더어떻게예뻐? iboda deo eotteohge yeppeo? How could I possibly be prettier than this? 더건갔강하면, 더예쁘지, 더섹시하고. deo geonganghamyeon, deo yeppeuji, deo segsihago. If you're healthier, you'll be prettier. And you'll be sexier. 그러니까... 아프면혼난다. geuleonikka... apeumyeon honnanda.

So...if you get sick, you'll really hear it from me. 네코치님. ne kochinim. Yes, Mr Coach. 옆에있어줘요? yeop-e iss-eojwoyo? Do you want me to stay by your side? 그랬으면좋겠네. geulaess-eumyeon johgessne. I'd like that. ~ 아메리카노한잔이오... amelikano hanjan-io... One Americano, please. 샷은반으로갔같이아메리카노두잔이요. syas-eun ban-eulo gat-i amelikano dujan-iyo. Two with only a half shot, please.