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ª ª (2009) 49ƒ 2 Korean J Vet Res(2009) 49(2) : 157~161 š xáá Á½zÁÁ Á½z 1w w, 2 ed j ( : 2009 4 15) Apocrine sweat gland adenocarcinoma in a cat Min-Hyeok Park 1, Ji-Youl Jung 1, Suk-Hee Jo 1, Jae-Hoon Kim 1, Jin-Yong Lee 2, Mi-Kyung Lee 2, Jae-Hoon Kim 1, * 1 College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea 2 Cats and Dogs Animal Clinic, Seoul 121-250, Korea (Accepted: April 15, 2009) Abstract : A 11-year-old female mixed cat with subcutaneous mass around the left 5th mammary glands was presented to local animal hospital. According to history taking, the mass recurred 2 times on the same site of abdomen. After surgical excision, subcutaneous mass was referred to Pathology Department of Veterinary Medicine in the Jeju National University. Grossly, round to oval, milky yellow or pale red nodules, measuring 0.1~1 cm in diameter, were occupied in the subcutis. Microscopically, the most neoplastic sweat glands were proliferated in the dermis and subcutis. Most tubules were lined by round to oval shaped epithelium with eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with high mitotic figures and severe central necrosis. The neoplastic epithelium also had periodic acid-schiff-positive diastase-resistant cytoplasmic granules, but was negative for Perl s iron stain. Based on the gross, histopathologic and special staining, this cat was diagnosed as apocrine sweat gland adenocarcinoma. In our best knowledge, this is the first report of apocrine sweat gland adenocarcinoma around abdominal mammary gland in a cat. Keywords : apocrine sweat gland adenocarcinoma, cat, diastase-resistant, PAS stain, tumor (sweat gland) xk» (apocrine sweat gland) (merocrine sweat gland). s w ƒ ù v sw. š (foot pads) pw v [3, 4]. w v w w xk, v w [3, 11, 14]. (apocrine adenocarcinoma) vsl y w wš, v 2.2% w [4]. š w 5~15 š wš, t Siamese š x ù domestic shorthaired š û [3]. š x, v w. 1~10 cm j» wš z xk v» w w x ùkú [3, 4]. š, ƒ *Corresponding author: Jae-Hoon Kim College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea [Tel: +82-64-754-3387, Fax: +82-64-702-9920, E-mail:] 157

158 xáá Á½zÁÁ Á½z, (eccrine adenocarcinoma), wû šƒ [1, 6, 7, 12]. ü [14] wx w š [11] ù, x¾ š w š. š d 5 w šwš, p mw w p wš w. 2008 1 11 f šƒ d 5 4.5 10 cm j» vw ƒ w üw, vw ƒ w w w. š 2007 4 d ƒ x fš 7 wù, 10 w 2 x. ù, w w w. 2 z s. 3 z doxorubin sw. yƒ w n w e w 2008 12 sw. w w 10% s š vw e qv swš 3~4 µm Ì r w hematoxylin-eosin(h&e) w z Ÿwx w. w w periodic acid-schiff(pas), diastase z PAS, Perl s iron Masson s trichrome w. ƒ vw, 0.5~1 cm x kx y ü (Fig. 1). w w j» x, kx ³ew xk š vd vw w swš v w. d d s, s w ü w (Fig. 2).»d y x x s s ƒ w, ü w s Õ» p (apical secretory Fig. 1. Round to oval subcutaneous masses around 5th mammary gland of 11-year-old mixed cat. Fig. 2. Apocrine adenocarcinoma, cat. Tumor cells formed glandular or tubular structure with central necrosis. Note typical apical blebs (arrows) and mitotic figures (open arrows). H&E, 200. blebs) ƒš. s w w wwš s w œsƒ tw y s ƒš, w ùküš (Fig. 2). y wì w ƒ ù y s û š. y 3~4 d dq š. s vw w w e ùküš, v x s (Fig. 3). xù v w» š ƒ wš. p wš s s PAS diastase ew PAS ƒš, Perl s iron

š 159 Fig. 3. Apocrine adenocarcinoma, dog. Note tumor cells emboli (arrows) in blood vessel. H&E, 200. Fig. 4. Apocrine adenocarcinoma, dog. Many tumor cells in neoplastic tubules show positive reaction for periodic acid-schiff (PAS) staining. PAS, 200. Insert: Note pink cytoplasmic granules in neoplastic cells. PAS stain after diastase digestion. 400. ùküš (Fig. 4). w š w Masson's trichrome t š. w p w. š š 7 d 5 vw ƒ w ù 2z ƒ w üw ww e ƒ. ù 3 w w,, w p m. w w s w ü w p ƒ xwš tubular type y.,, wû sw [2, 3, 10]. w š š [2, 3].»k 1, 3, wl 1 ƒ mö v ƒƒ 1ƒ š [3, 5, 8, 10, 15]. š v 0~6.5% w û š [7]. ww, ²i, Õ w š» wù [3, 7], p w ƒ š [7]. d x w p ùküš.,» w WHO w w solid, cystic, complex glandular, cribriform tubular xk y [2, 15]. ù solid, tubular cystic 3ƒ xkw p š [3, 15]. š y vs ü ü» w. d w» vw. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology w p y, s s PAS, diastase z PAS ƒ y s, Perl's iron, x, sw x wš [11, 15]. s PAS diastase w PAS ùküš, wš v s p ƒ y. w w, sw, y w ƒ. p œs ww y s ƒ v s œsƒ y s ƒš [15]. š x vw w yw. šƒ»

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