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I Fetal CNS - - (central nervous system, CNS), (alpha-fetoprotein, AFP) (viability) ( 24 ) (,, ), (fetal echocardiography) (termination),,, 1 (Hydrocephalus/Ventriculomegaly) 1) (ventricular system)

2) : 012-25/1,000 3) 50%, (cerebral capillaries) 50% (foramenof Monro) 3, 3 (aqueduct of Sylvius) 4 4 (foramenof Magendie) (spinal subarachnoidspace), (foramenof Luschka) (basal cistern) (superior sagittal sinus) (arachnoidgranulation) (bloodstream) 4) LVW: HW ratio (lateral ventricular to hemispheric width ratio), atrialdiameter 1,2) Atrialdiameter 15 35 7 mm 10 mm (dangling) 5) 85% ( 15%), 30% (intracranial) 65% (extracranial) 3) 10% 4) (spina bifida, 30%) (15%) 30% 1) 6),, (hydranencephaly), alobar,, 70% 59% 5) 7),,,

, (cytomegalovirus), (syphilis), (toxoplasmosis), (rubella) (idiopathicisolated hydrocephalus) 20% (agenesis of corpus callosum), (tracheoesophagealfistula), (imperforatedanus), (ventricular septaldefect, VSD) 37 cm (cephalocentesis) (macrocrania) 2 (Agenesis of corpus callosum) 1) (corpus callosum) 3 3 2), Dandy-Walker syndrome,,,,, 3) 3 atrium (teardrop appearance) 4) 85% 15% (handicap) 10% 6) 7)

3 Dandy-Walker malformation (DWM) 1) Dandy-Walker malformation,, (cerebellar vermis), 4 DWMvariant (cerebellar dysgenesis) (vermianhypoplasia)4 8) 2) : 1/25,000-1/35,000 3) 50% (agenesis of corpus callosum) ] 50%, (,,, ) 60% 9) 4) (cisternamagna) (>10 mm), (agenesis) 4, 5) 50% (handicap) 60% 1) 6) 20,,, 10) 4 (Holoprosencephaly) 1) (forebrain, prosencephalon) (sagittal division) (midlinefacial structure) (differentiation) (proboscis, cyclopia, cebocephaly, median cleft lip/palate)

2) : 4/1,000 3) (cerebral cortex), (thalamus), (hypothalamus) alobar, semilobar, lobar 11) Alobar (lobe), (interhemispheric fissure) (brain cortex) (thalamicfusion), (cerebellum) (midbrain) (single ventricle) 4) Alobar, semilobar (midlineecho) (posterior fossa) (hypotelorism, central cleft, facial asymmetry) Lobar (frontal horn) (cavumseptum pellucidum) 5) Alobar, semilobar (amentia), lobar 1) 6) Alobar, semilobar,,, 6 12) 5 (Neural tube defects, NTD) (neural tube) 18-20 (invagination) (neural groove) 24-27 (rostralopening, anterior neuropore) (caudalneuropore) (anencephaly), (encephalocele), (spinabifida), (90%) (multifactorial) 1/500-600

2-10% 13) CDC(Center for disease control) 1 3 14 mg (folic acid) 14)15) (1) (Anencephaly) 1), (hindbrain), (vascular membrane, rea cerebrovasculosa ) (brain stem) (basal ganglia) 2) : 1/1,000 3) (cranial vault) (froglike appearance) 10-12 13 16) 4) 50% (swallowing) 5% (amniotic band syndrome) 17) 5) (fatal), (2) (Encephalocele) 1) (bony defect) (herniated sac) 2) : 1/2,000 3)

Meckelsyndrome (polycystic kidney, encephalocele, polydactyly), (80%), (7-15%), (20%),, 4) (fluid) (brain-filled sac), (septum) (occipital, 75%), (frontal, 13%), (parietalregion, 12%) (cystic hygroma), (branchial cleft cyst), (teratoma), (hemangioma) (internal septum) (hydrops) 5) 1), 2), 3) 1) 40%, 80% (pure meningocele) 50% 18,19), 40% 18) 6),,, 19) (3) (Spinabifida) 1) (neural canal) (spinabifidacystica) (spinabifidaocculta) (posterior arch) (spinal cord) (meninges), (meningocele), (nerve roots) (meningomyelocele) (dimple)

2) : 1/1,000 3) (inferior cerebellum), 4 (caudaldisplacement) (medulla) (cervical spinal canal) Arnold -Chiarimalformation type, (peripheral nerve) (clubfoot, rockerbottomfoot) 1,4) (10%) (,,,, ) 1,12) 4), (segment) ( ) (transverse scan) (posterior ossification center) V U (soft tissue) ( ), (echogenicstructure) (coronal scan) (vertebral body) (transverse view) 80%, 20 (effacement, <4 mm, banana sign) (lemon sign) 1,4,20) (sacrococcygealteratoma), (hemangioma) 5),,, (high level) 986%, 4) 6),, 14) 16-20

AFPcholinesterase, 4,21,22) 6 (Microcephaly) 1) (mental retardation) 23) 2) : 16/1,000 3), (porencephaly), (agyria),,,,, 4) (head perimeter) 3SD (standard deviation) 24) Chervenak24) 3SD (sensitive) 4SD (specific) (biparietal diameter, BPD) 5) ( 4SD ) 7 (Choroidplexus cyst) 1) : 018-25/100 2) (atrium of lateral ventricle) (level) 3) 16 21 24

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