ATTENTION 1 Introduction 2 Referral Campaign 3 YouTube Videos 4 Facebook Share 6 Twitter Re-Tweet 8 Written Material 10 Translation Bounty 12 Thanks f

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Emotional AI Platform based on Hyperledger Fabric Bounty Program

ATTENTION 1 Introduction 2 Referral Campaign 3 YouTube Videos 4 Facebook Share 6 Twitter Re-Tweet 8 Written Material 10 Translation Bounty 12 Thanks from Director in Chief 13 Legal Notes 14 한국어 中国语 알아두실점 15 注意事项 TBA Introduction 16 Introduction 28 회원추천 17 会员推荐 29 유튜브동영상 18 YouTube 视频 30 페이스북게시글공유 20 脸书帖子分享 31 트위터게시글공유 22 推特帖子分享 33 게시글작성 24 帖子撰写 36 번역바운티 26 翻译奖励 38 Thanks from Director in Chief 27 Thanks from Director in Chief 39

ATTENTION - Applying for Elamachain Bounty Program requires a KYCapproved account at - Bounties will be rewarded 3 months after the day ELA Coin(ELAC) is listed to any cryptocurrency exchanges. (TBA) Why are there so much restriction (KYC, reward date) on bounty program? Elamachain project seeks to build a sustainable, functional, and promising relationship with its community. Incentives given to bounty participants, who by nature would become one of the valued members of the community, should work in a way it benefits the community itself which shares values and futures with Elamachain project. There have been several unfortunate occasions in crypto-community where rather hasty token sell, in part from bounties and giveaways, led to undermining the success of the crypto-project. Maintaining strong price momentum is especially critical to establishing successful initial stage of the project and our firmer guidelines on bounty program reflects such concerns both from the team and ELAMACHAIN community. 1

Introduction Welcome to Elamachain Bounty Program! Bounties for Elamachain project will be assigned and paid in accordance to condition for each category. Bounty is only valid only if Bounty Application is submitted at Elamachain website. You can see your bounty status at My Profile > Bounty Program. We give the sincerest thanks in advance to Elamachain community to vibrantly participate in Bounty Program spreading words and spirits for Token Sales success. There are five categories + translation available in Elamachain Bounty Program: - Referral Campaign - YouTube Videos - Facebook Post Share - Twitter Re-tweet - Written Material Translation Regardless of the category you wish to apply, you need a valid account in order to participate in Bounty Program. NOTICE - Please refer to Legal Notes section for any legal issues for Elamachain Bounty Program. 2

Referral Campaign Spread the words and let others sign up at Elamachain website for ELAC reward. 1) Create account at and check your own referral link. 2) Share the address. 3) If anyone sign up at Elamachain website through your referral link and participate in ELAC token sale, 5% of token purchase made by referred users will be given as bonus. CAP: 2,000,000 ELAC Referral bounty is automatically counted within the system and handed out to you right after referred users take part in token sales. CONDITIONS 1. Referral Campaign must in no way devalue Elamachain nor contain negative campaign on Elamachain Token Sales and/or Elamachain project 2. Manipulation and/or abuse of all or part of Bounty Program will be subject to suspension from all Bounty applications as well as cancellation of rewards for all previously conducted Bounties, regardless of their categories, in retroactive manner. 3

YouTube Videos Not many can be more viral than cool videos on YouTube, and you can earn ELAC by making one along the way. Make your own videos on Elamachain ICO and share them with us and others. Content of the video must be about Elamachain project and its ICO in order to be counted as viable Bounty entry. For example, your video may be about: 1) Walkthrough for signing up at Elamachain website and participating in ELAC token sales 2) Review on Elamachain ICO 3) and other positive, intriguing stories of/about Elamachain project CAP: 400,000 ELAC In order to evaluate Video entries for Elamachain Bounty we use 3-teir table depending on content quality and number of subscribers. Bounty Application for Youtube Videos will be reviewed on weekly basis. REWARD Quality Superb Average Poor Tier Tier-1 5,000 ELAC 2,500 ELAC 1,250 ELAC 10,000+ Subscribers Tier-2 2,500 ELAC 1,250 ELAC 500 ELAC 5,000+ Subscribers Tier-3 2,500 ELAC 500 ELAC 250 ELAC 1,000+ Subscribers 4

GUIDELINE 1. Create videos on Elamachain-related material, as supposed above, and upload to YouTube. 2. Submit Bounty Application for YouTube Videos. (weekly) Bounty Program > Apply for Bounty > Platform: YouTube CONDITIONS 1. Channel must be related to cryptocurrency or ICO. 2. Video material must not devalue Elamachain nor contain negative campaign on Elamachain Token Sales and/or Elamachain project. 3. Video should be 3+ minutes and must comply with GUIDELINE and CONDITIONS of Elamachain Bounty Program. Those followed GUIDELINE and CONDITIONS will have higher priority for rewards. 4. Video must stay uploaded and publicly accessible throughout entire period of remaining Elamachain Token Sale schedule to be valid bounty entry. 5. No more than 1 video per week will be counted for bounty purpose. If more than 2 videos are submitted within a weekly cycle for Bounty Program, only 1 video with higher quality will be counted. 6. Manipulation and/or abuse of all or part of Bounty Program will be subject to suspension from all Bounty applications as well as cancellation of rewards for all previously conducted Bounties, regardless of their categories, in retroactive manner. 5

Facebook Share Any Facebook users who meet the conditions below can earn ELAC tokens spreading words and likes for Elamachain. Add Elamachain Facebook page and spread our postings to help grow Elamachain community. Bounty Application for Facebook Share will be reviewed on weekly basis. URL: CAP: 200,000 ELAC REWARD Friends 300~ 1000 1001~ 2000 2001~ 3000 3001~ 4000 4001~ Bounty 25 ELAC 50 ELAC 75 ELAC 100 ELAC 125 ELAC GUIDELINE 1. Follow and Like Elamachain Facebook page: 2. Share the page and/or posts with following text: ELAMACHAIN: Emotional AI Platform based on Hyperledger Fabric 3. Submit Bounty Application for Facebook Share. (weekly) 6

CONDITIONS 1. Bounty applied Facebook account must have at least 300 friends. 2. The Facebook account must be genuine and active account of yours. Bounties applied on fake, inactive, and/or bot accounts will not be approved. 3. Privacy setting of your Facebook account must be Public; not Friends or Only Me. 4. Follow, Like and page/post share must stay on your Facebook page and publicly accessible throughout entire period of remaining Elamachain Token Sale schedule to be valid bounty entry. 5. No more than 1 share per week will be counted for bounty purpose. 6. Manipulation and/or abuse of all or part of Bounty Program will be subject to suspension from all Bounty applications as well as cancellation of rewards for all previously conducted Bounties, regardless of their categories, in retroactive manner. WALKTHROUGH 1. Sign up at 2. Follow and Like Elamachain Facebook page 3. Share posts. 4. Submit Bounty Application for Facebook Share. (weekly) Bounty Program > Apply for Bounty > Platform: Facebook 7

Twitter Re-Tweet Updates on Elamachain Token Sales will be posted on Twitter. Retweet the news for rewards. Bounty Application for Twitter Re-Twee will be reviewed on weekly basis. URL: CAP : 200,000 ELAC REWARD Followers 300~ 1000 1001~ 2000 2001~ 3000 3001~ 4000 4001~ Bounty 25 ELAC 50 ELAC 75 ELAC 100 ELAC 125 ELAC GUIDELINE 1. Follow Elamachain Twitter account: 2. Retweet a Tweet from Elamachain Twitter account. 3. Submit Bounty Application for Twitter Re-Tweet. (weekly) Bounty Program > Apply for Bounty > Platform: Twitter 8

CONDITIONS 1. Bounty applied Twitter account must have at least 300 followers. 2. Tweet and/or Retweet must be of appropriate material and must not devalue Elamachain and its Toke Sales. 3. Bounty applicant must follow Elamachain Twitter account throughout the period of Elamachain Token Sales. 4. Follow, and tweet/re-tweet must stay on your Twitter account and publicly accessible throughout entire period of remaining Elamachain Token Sale schedule to be valid bounty entry. 5. No more than 1 re-tweet per week will be counted for bounty purpose. 6. Manipulation and/or abuse of all or part of Bounty Program will be subject to suspension from all Bounty applications as well as cancellation of rewards for all previously conducted Bounties, regardless of their categories, in retroactive manner. 9

Written Material Elamachain offers rewards to those who publish quality written materials on Elamachain and/or Elamachain Token Sales. Available platforms eligible for bounty application include Medium, LikedIn, Facebook, Reddit, Steemit, Naver Blog, etc. The written material must be about Elamachain project and its ICO in order to be counted as viable Bounty entry. Bounty Application for Written Material will be reviewed on weekly basis. For example, your writing may be about 1) Review on Elamachain ICO 2) Utility and/or application of Elamachain project 3) Review on Elamachain eco-system and its reward structure. 4) Walkthrough for signing up at Elamachain website and participating in ELAC token sales CAP : 200,000 ELAC In order to evaluate Written Material entries for Elamachain Bounty we use 3-teir table depending on content quality. Superb Average Poor 1,250 ELAC 750 ELAC 500 ELAC 10

GUIDELINE 1. Write and publish your article on Elamachain-related material, as supposed above. 2. Submit Bounty Application for Written Material. (weekly) CONDITIONS 1. Bounty applied written material must be published public with little or no restriction for the access. 2. Article should be 500+ words. 3. Article must not contain grammatical errors or false and/or misleading information. 4. Article must be positive and not devalue Elamachain project and its Token Sales. 5. Article must stay publicly accessible throughout entire period of remaining Elamachain Token Sale schedule to be valid bounty entry. 6. No more than 1 article per week will be counted for bounty purpose. If more than 2 articles are submitted within a weekly cycle for Bounty Program, only 1 article with higher quality will be counted. 7. Manipulation and/or abuse of all or part of Bounty Program will be subject to suspension from all Bounty applications as well as cancellation of rewards for all previously conducted Bounties, regardless of their categories, in retroactive manner. 11

Translation Bounty Help Elamachain project reach all around the world! Translate Elamachain s written materials in your language and earn ELAC bounty to bring more people to participating in the Token Sales and furthermore Elamachain project. Notice English and Chinese translations have been done already. Translation Bounty is available for: 1. White Paper 2,000 ELAC 2. Website 1,250 ELAC 3. Bounty Program document(this very one!) 500 ELAC CONDITIONS 1. Translation must be original.(no Google Translation or any other automated translation services) 2. Reservation for language is required prior to the translation. 3. Translation Bounty will be accepted ONLY from translators with appropriate expertise in ICO documents and other related materials. Please contact us of more information on Translation Bounty. 12

Thanks from Director in Chief Elamachain value your support very dearly. From strong Elamachain community we understand the success of Elamachain project and its Token Sales comes. We firmly believe in rewarding community members who contribute much in so many ways, and we wish to grow together with our community. Thank you! Kevin Kang Founder, Director in Chief of Elamachain Foundation 13

Legal Notes Participants of the Elamachain Token Sale ( Referrers ) are eligible to participate in this Bounty Program ( Elamachain Bounty Program ). In respect of any referral submitted by the Referrer pursuant to this Elamachain Bounty Program, the Referrer warrants and confirms that: (a) the referred potential new token sale participant ( Referee ) has given consent for their personal data to be provided to Elamachain ( Foundation ) and to receive these referral program marketing communications from the Foundation;\ (b) the Referrer shall indemnify the Foundation for any loss, damage or liability suffered or incurred by the Foundation arising from or in relation to the Elamachain Bounty Program; and (c) this offer should only be sent to people with whom the Referrer have an existing relationship with such as friends or family. Elamachain has the sole discretion to determine whether or not the criteria to qualifications for a Bounty allocation are fulfilled (example: whether or a tweet is appropriate for the Elamachain Token Sale). Bounty distribution may be withheld at the discretion of Elamachain. The most common circumstance would be due to the incomplete Bounty condition requirements. Any disputes that may arise from the Elamachain Bounty Program will be dealt in the courts of Singapore Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for this bounty campaign, you are subject to the same regulations of the Elamachain Token Sale participation. You are not eligible to and you shall not purchase Elamachain Token through its token sale if you are a citizen or resident(tax or otherwise) of any country or state where the purchase of Elamachain Token or similar Crypto Token may be prohibited or the token sale is deemed to be not compliant with the applicable laws and regulations. 14

알아두실점 - 엘라마체인바운티프로그램에참여하기위해서는 KYC 인증을 완료한 계정이있어야합니다. - 바운티보상은 ELA Coin(ELAC) 이암호화폐거래소에상장된 시점으로부터 3 개월후에지급됩니다. ( 추후공지 ) 바운티프로그램에제한사항 (KYC, 지급시일 ) 이왜이렇게많죠?? 엘라마체인프로젝트는커뮤니티와지속가능하고, 활동적이며미래지향적인관계를맺어가고자합니다. 본질적으로엘라마체인커뮤니티의가장귀중한일원이라고할수있는바운티참여자에게지급되는보상은엘라마체인의가치와미래를공유하는커뮤니티전체에유익한형태로구성되어야할것입니다. 안타깝게도최근암호화폐커뮤니티에서는바운티또는무상지급으로분배된토큰이성급하게시장에매도되면서해당암호화폐프로젝트의성공을저해한경우가다수있었습니다. 암호화폐에있어탄탄한가격모멘텀을유지하는것은프로젝트의초기단계에서특히나중요한의미를갖고, 그러한맥락에서엘라마체인바운티프로그램은다소엄격한가이드라인을취하고있습니다. 이는엘라마체인팀과엘라마체인의커뮤니티가이사안에대해공유하는우려를반영한것입니다. 15

Introduction 엘라마체인바운티프로그램을소개합니다! 엘라마체인의바운티는각카테고리에정해진조건에따라계산및지급될예정입니다. 바운티는웹사이트내에있는바운티프로그램신청을통해서접수되어야만유효합니다. 바운티참여내역은내프로필 > 바운티프로그램에서확인할수있습니다. 엘라마체인프로젝트와토큰세일의성공을위해엘라마체인커뮤니티여러분의 열성적인바운티프로그램참여에먼저감사를표합니다. 엘라마체인바운티프로그램은총 5 개의카테고리가있고, 별도로번역바운티가있습니다. - 회원추천 - 유튜브동영상 - 페이스북게시글공유 - 트위터게시글공유 - 게시글작성 번역 카테고리와관계없이 에계정이있어야바운티프로그램에참여할수 있습니다. 알림 - 엘라마체인바운티프로그램과관련한법적내용은이문서의 Legal Notes 부분을참고하시기바랍니다. 16

회원추천 주변사람들에게웹사이트소개를통해서 ELAC 토큰을받을수있는기회입니다 1) 에가입하고내프로필 > 바운티프로그램에서추천링크를확인합니다. 2) 추천링크를공유합니다. 3) 누군가추천링크를통해가입후토큰세일에참여하면참여금액의 5% 에해당하는 ELAC 토큰이보상으로지급됩니다. 할당량 : 2,000,000 ELAC 회원추천바운티는시스템에의해서자동으로계산되며추천한회원이토큰세일에 참여한후바로지급됩니다. 요구조건 1. 회원추천의과정은엘라마체인에대한비난또는부정적인캠페인이거나엘라마체인프로젝트또는엘라마토큰의가치를떨어뜨려서는안됩니다. 2. 바운티프로그램의악용이발견된때에는모든바운티프로그램에서즉시제외될뿐아니라기존에수행하였던바운티역시모두소급하여취소되게됩니다. 17

유튜브동영상 멋있는동영상을만든뒤저희와공유함으로써 ELAC 토큰을받을수있습니다. 동영상의내용은엘라마체인 ICO 와관련된내용으로제한됩니다. 다음과같은주제를다루면됩니다 : 1) ICO 참여절차튜토리얼 / 설명영상 ( 가입, 코인송금절차등등 ) 2) 엘라마체인 ICO 리뷰 3) 엘라마체인에관한긍정적이거나흥미로운스토리 할당량 : 400,000 ELAC 유튜브동영상바운티는채널의구독자와콘텐츠의퀄리티에따라다음과같은 등급표를기준으로지급됩니다. 유튜브동영상바운티신청은 1 주일단위로검토될 예정입니다. REWARD 퀄리티 상중하 등급 1 등급 5,000 ELAC 2,500 ELAC 1,250 ELAC 구독자 10,000+ 2 등급 2,500 ELAC 1,250 ELAC 500 ELAC 구독자 5,000+ 3 등급 2,500 ELAC 500 ELAC 250 ELAC 구독자 1,000+ 18

가이드라인 1. 위에제시된주제와같이엘라마체인과관련된동영상을제작하여 YouTube 에업로드 2. 유튜브동영상바운티신청접수 (1 주일단위 ) 바운티프로그램 > 바운티신청 > Platform: YouTube 요구조건 1. 암호화폐또는 ICO 관련채널에한합니다. 2. 동영상의내용이엘라마체인에대한비난또는부정적인캠페인이거나엘라마체인프로젝트또는엘라마토큰의가치를떨어뜨려서는안됩니다. 3. 동영상은최소 3 분이상의길이이어야하고엘라마체인바운티프로그램의가이드라인과요구조건을따라야합니다. 가이드라인과요구조건을준수한동영상이우선적으로검토되고보상이지급됩니다. 4. 유효한바운티로인정되기위해서는엘라마체인토큰세일이종료될때까지동영상이업로드된상태로계속하여공개적으로게시되어있어야합니다. 5. 1 주일에 1 개의동영상만바운티로인정됩니다. 1 주일단위의검토기간에 2 개이상의동영상을제출할경우더나은퀄리티의동영상만바운티로인정됩니다. 6. 바운티프로그램의악용이발견된때에는모든바운티프로그램에서즉시제외될뿐아니라기존에수행하였던바운티역시모두소급하여취소되게됩니다. 19

페이스북게시글공유 페이스북사용자라면엘라마체인페이스북페이지를추가하고, 좋아요를누르고 게시글을공유함으로서 ELAC 토큰을받을수있습니다. 페이스북바운티프로그램 신청은 1 주일단위로검토될예정입니다. URL: 할당량 : 200,000 ELAC 보상 페이스북 300~ 1001~ 2001~ 3001~ 4001~ 친구 1000 2000 3000 4000 보상 25 ELAC 50 ELAC 75 ELAC 100 ELAC 125 ELAC 가이드라인 1. 엘라마체인페이스북페이지를팔로우및좋아요 : 2. 페이지또는글을공유합니다. 공유할때에는다음의문구를같이공유합니다 : 엘라마체인 : 하이퍼렛저기반감성 AI 플랫폼 3. 페이스북게시글공유바운티신청접수 (1 주일단위 ) 20

요구조건 1. 페이스북친구수가최소 300 명이상이어야합니다. 2. 바운티프로그램에참여하는계정은실제사용되는계정이어야합니다. 유령게정, 비활성화된계정, 봇계정등은바운티프로그램에참여할수없습니다. 3. 페이스북계정의프로필설정이공개계정이어야합니다. 4. 유효한바운티로인정되기위해서는엘라마체인페이스북페이지에대한팔로우, 좋아요및페이지 / 글공유내용이엘라마체인토큰세일이종료될때까지바운티참가자의페이지에계속하여공개적으로게시되어있어야합니다. 5. 1 주일에한번의공유만바운티로인정됩니다. 6. 바운티프로그램의악용이발견된때에는모든바운티프로그램에서즉시제외될뿐아니라기존에수행하였던바운티역시모두소급하여취소되게됩니다. 참여하는법 1. 엘라마체인웹사이트에가입 2. 엘라마체인페이스북페이지팔로우및좋아요 3. 페이지및게시글공유 4. 페이스북게시글공유바운티신청접수 (1 주일단위 ) 바운티프로그램 > 바운티신청 > Platform: Facebook 21

트위터게시글공유 엘라마체인트위터페이지는토큰세일및프로젝트에대해꾸준히업데이트됩니다. 해당내용을리트윗 / 공유하고바운티를받을수있습니다. 트위터게시글공유 바운티는 1 주일단위로검토될예정입니다. URL: 할당량 : 200,000 ELAC 보상 팔로워 300~ 1000 1001~ 2000 2001~ 3000 3001~ 4000 4001~ 보상 25 ELAC 50 ELAC 75 ELAC 100 ELAC 125 ELAC 가이드라인 1. 엘라마체인트위터계정을팔로우 : 2. 엘라마체인트위터에올라온게시글을리트윗 / 공유 3. 트위터게시글공유바운티신청접수 (1 주일단위 ) 바운티프로그램 > 바운티신청 > Platform: Twitter 22

요구조건 1. 트위터팔로워수가최소 300 명이상어이야합니다. 2. 바운티프로그램참가자의트위터게시글또는리트윗 / 공유는적절한내용이어야하고엘라마체인의가치를낮추는내용을담아서는안됩니다. 3. 바운티프로그램참가자는엘라마체인토큰세일기간동안계속하여엘라마체인트위터계정을팔로우하고있어야합니다. 4. 유효한바운티로인정되기위해서는엘라마체인트위터계정에대한팔로우및게시글리트윗 / 공유내용이엘라마체인토큰세일이종료될때까지바운티참가자의계정에계속하여공개적으로게시되어있어야합니다. 5. 1 주일에한번의리트윗 / 공유만바운티로인정됩니다. 6. 바운티프로그램의악용이발견된때에는모든바운티프로그램에서즉시제외될뿐아니라기존에수행하였던바운티역시모두소급하여취소되게됩니다. 23

게시글작성 엘라마체인은미디엄, 링크드인, 페이스북, 레딧, 스팀잇, 네이버블로그등에엘라마체인프로젝트또는엘라마체인의토큰세일에대해양질의게시글을작성해주시는분에게바운티를제공합니다. 바운티보상을받기위해서는게시글이엘라마체인프로젝트와엘라마체인의 ICO 에관한내용으로구성되어야합니다. 다음과같은주제를다루면됩니다 : 1) 엘라마체인 ICO 리뷰 2) 엘라마체인프로젝트의유틸리티, 사용성에대한리뷰 3) 엘라마체인의생태계와보상체계에대한리뷰 4) 엘라마체인웹사이트가입및토큰세일참여방법 할당량 : 200,000 ELAC 게시글바운티는채널의콘텐츠의퀄리티에따라다음과같은등급표를기준으로 지급됩니다. 게시글작성바운티신청은 1 주일단위로검토될예정입니다. 상중하 1,250 ELAC 750 ELAC 500 ELAC 24

가이드라인 1. 위에제시된주제와같이엘라마체인과관련된게시글을작성하여각플랫폼에업로드 2. 게시글작성바운티신청접수 (1 주일단위 ) 요구조건 1. 게시글은접근에제한이없거나거의없는공개게시글로작성되어야합니다. 2. 게시글은최소 500 단어이상의길어이어야합니다. 3. 문법적인오류또는거짓되거나오해의소지가있는내용이있어서는안됩니다. 4. 게시글의내용은엘라마체인에대한긍정적인내용이어야하고엘라마체인프로젝트또는엘라마토큰의가치를떨어뜨려서는안됩니다. 5. 유효한바운티로인정되기위해서는게시글이엘라마체인토큰세일이종료될때까지계속하여공개적으로게시되어있어야합니다. 6. 1 주일에 1 개의게시글만바운티로인정됩니다. 1 주일단위의검토기간에 2 개이상의게시글을제출할경우더나은퀄리티를가진 1 개의게시글만바운티로인정됩니다. 7. 바운티프로그램의악용이발견된때에는모든바운티프로그램에서즉시제외될뿐아니라기존에수행하였던바운티역시모두소급하여취소되게됩니다. 25

번역바운티 엘라마체인프로젝트가전세계로뻗어나갈수있도록도와주세요! 더많은사람이 엘라마체엔의토큰세일, 나아가엘라마체인프로젝트에참여할수있도록 엘라마체인의관련문서를번역하고 ELAC 바운티를받으실수있습니다. 알림 영어와중국어번역은이미완료되었습니다. 번역바운티는다음과같습니다 : 1. 백서 2,000 ELAC 2. 웹사이트 2,000 ELAC 3. 바운티프로그램문서 ( 바로이문서!),,500 ELAC 요구조건 1. 자체번역이원칙입니다.( 구글번역또는다른자동화된번역서비스를통한번역은받지않습니다.) 2. 번역작업이전에번역하고자할언어를예약해야만합니다. 3. ICO 문서및기타관련분야에대해적절한수준의전문성을갖춘번역가만이지원할수있습니다. 번역바운티에대한자세한사항은이메일로문의바랍니다. 26

Thanks from Director in Chief 엘라마체인에대한여러분의지원은저희에게큰의미가있습니다. 저희는엘라마체인의토큰세일뿐아니라엘라마체인프로젝트의성공이커뮤니티로부터온다는점을잘알고있고, 많은방면에서지원을아껴주시지않는커뮤니티일원에게그만한보상이있어야한다고믿습니다. 커뮤니티의성원과함께커가는엘라마체인이되기를소망합니다. 감사합니다! Kevin Kang Founder, Director in Chief of Elamachain Foundation 27

Introduction 下面来介绍 Elamachain 奖励活动! Elamachain 的奖励将根据每个类别规定的条件进行计算及支付 唯有通过网站内的奖 励活动申请才视为有效 活动参与内容可在 我的信息 > 奖励活动 中确认 为了 Elamachain 项目代币销售得以成功推进, 首先非常感谢 Elamachain 社区全体成 员的热情参与 Elamachain 奖励活动共有 5 个分类, 并有单独的翻译奖励 - 推荐会员 - Youtube 视频 - 分享脸书帖子 - 分享推特帖子 - 撰写帖子 - 翻译 无论哪个项目, 您必须在 上拥有一个帐户才能参与奖励活动 通知 - 奖励报酬在 Elamachain 代币销售结束后依次支付 - 有关 Elamachain 奖励活动相关的法律内容, 请参考本文的 Legal Notes 部分 28

会员推荐 通过向周围的人介绍网站, 获得 ELAC 代币的机会 1) 在 注册, 并在 我的信息 > 奖励活动 中确认推荐链接 2) 分享推荐链接 3) 如果有人通过推荐链接注册后参与代币销售, 可获得相当于参与金额的 5% 的代币奖励 分配量 :2,000,000 ELAC 推荐人的奖励金额由系统自动计算, 并在被推荐的会员参与代币销售时立即支付 要求事项 1. 会员推荐过程不应该是针对 Elama Chain 的批评或负面宣传, 也不应该削弱 ELAMACHAIN 项目或 ELA 币的价值 2. 当发现滥用奖励活动时, 不但在所有奖励项目中立即被排除, 已经获得的奖励也 将全部被追溯取消 29

YouTube 视频 通过制作有趣的视频与我们分享, 可获得 ELAC 代币 视频内容仅限于与 ELAMACHAIN 的 ICO 相关的内容 主题可参考以下指南 : 1) IOC 参与步骤教程 / 说明视频 ( 注册, 虚拟货币转账程序等 ) 2) Elamachain IOC 评论 3) 有关 Elamachain 的正面 有趣的事情 分配量 :400,000 ELAC YouTube 视频奖励根据频道的订阅数和内容的质量, 按以下评分标准进行支付 YouTube 视频奖励申请将每周进行一次审核 奖励 等级 1 级订阅数 10,000+ 2 级订阅数 5,000+ 3 级订阅数 1,000+ 质量 上 中 下 5,000 ELAC 2,500 ELAC 1,250 ELAC 2,500 ELAC 1,250 ELAC 500 ELAC 2,500 ELAC 500 ELAC 250 ELAC 30

准则 1. 根据上述指南, 制作与 ELAMACHAIN 有关的视频及上传 2. Youtube 视频奖励申请 ( 每周一次 ) 奖励活动 > 奖励申请 > 平台 :Youtube 要求事项 7. 仅限于加密货币或者 IOC 相关的渠道 8. 视频内容不能有对 Elamachain 的指责或者负面的活动, 不能降低 Elamachain 项目或者 Elama 代币的价值 9. 视频的长度必须至少 3 分钟, 并且必须遵循 Elamachain 奖励活动的准则和要求 符合我们准则和要求的视频将优先得到审核和奖励 10. 视频奖励, 每周只认定一个视频, 如果您在一周之内提交了多个视频, 则只会将质量较高的视频视为奖励对象 11. 当发现滥用奖励活动时, 不但在所有奖励项目中立即被排除, 已经获得的奖励也将全部被追溯取消 31

脸书帖子分享 如果您是脸书用户, 可添加 ELAMACHAIN 专页 点赞 共享文章, 来获得 ELAC 代 币奖励 脸书奖励活动的申请将每周进行一次审核 URL: 分配量 :200,000ELAC 奖励 脸书朋友 300~ 1000 1001~ 2000 2001~ 3000 3001~ 4000 4001~ 奖励 25 ELAC 50 ELAC 75 ELAC 100 ELAC 125 ELAC 准则 1. 关注 Elamachain 脸书页面及点赞 2. 分享页面或文章 分享时, 请附带以下声明 : ELAMACHAIN: Emotional AI Platform based on Hyperledger Fabric 3. 脸书帖子分享奖励申请 ( 每周一次 ) 32

要求事项 1. 在脸书上至少有 300 个朋友 2. 参与奖励活动的账号必须是实际使用的账号, Ghost 帐号, 休眠账号, 机器人帐号等不能参与活动 3. 脸书帐户应设为公开 4. 每周只认定一个分享内容 5. 当发现滥用奖励活动时, 不但在所有奖励项目中立即被排除, 已经获得的奖励也将全部被追溯取消 参与方法 1. 在 Elamachain 网站注册 2. 关注及点赞 Elamachain 脸书主页 3. 分享网页及帖子 4. 脸书帖子分享奖励活动申请 ( 每周一次 ) 奖励活动 > 奖励申请 >Platform:Facebook 33

推特帖子分享 Elamachain 推特页面不断更新对于关于代币销售及项目的内容 通过对于该内容的转 发 / 分享可获得奖励 推特帖子分享奖励活动的申请将每周进行一次审核 URL: 分配量 :200,000 ELAC 奖励 关注者 300~ 1001~ 2001~ 3001~ 4001~ 1000 2000 3000 4000 奖励 25 ELAC 50 ELAC 75 ELAC 100 ELAC 125 ELAC 准则 1. 关注 Elamachain 推特账号 : 2. 转发 / 分享 Elamachain 推特发布的帖子 3. 推特帖子分享奖励申请 ( 每周一次 ) 奖励活动 > 奖励申请 >Platform:Twitter 34

要求事项 1. 推特上至少有 300 个朋友 2. 活动参与者的推特帖子或者转发 / 分享的内容要适当, 不可以有降低 Elamachain 价值的内容 3. 在 Elamachain 代币销售期间, 奖励活动参与者必须持续关注 Elamachain 推特 账户 4. 每周只认定一次转发 / 分享内容 5. 当发现滥用奖励活动时, 不但在所有奖励项目中立即被排除, 已经获得的奖励也 将全部被追溯取消 35

帖子撰写 Elamachain 对于在 Medium 领英 脸书 Reddit Steemit Naver 博客中撰写关于 Elamachain 项目或者 Elamachain 的代币销售的高质量帖子的人提供奖励 为了获得奖励, 该帖子应该与 Elamachain 项目和 Elamachain 的 ICO 相关的内容构成 推荐以下主题 : 1) 评论 Elamachain ICO 2) 评论 Elamachain 项目的实用性和可用性 3) 评论 Elamachain 的生态系统和奖励体系 4) 注册 Elamachain 网站及代币销的售参与方法 分配量 :200,00 ELAC 帖子撰写奖励根据内容的质量, 按以下评分标准进行支付 帖子撰写奖励申请将每周 进行一次审核 上中下 1,250 ELAC 750 ELAC 500 ELAC 36

准则 1. 如上提示, 撰写有关 Elamachain 的帖子将其上传到每个平台 2. 帖子撰写奖励申请 ( 每周一次 ) 要求条件. 1. 发表的帖子应设为公开或者没有访问权限 2. 帖子应在 500 单词以上 3. 不应存在语法错误或虚假或与事实不符的内容 4. 帖子内容应该是有关 Elamachain 的正面内容, 不能降低 Elamachain 项目或者 Elama 代币的价值 5. 帖子撰写奖励, 每周只认定一个帖子, 如果您在一周之内提交多个帖子, 则只会将质量较高的帖子视为奖励对象 6. 当发现滥用奖励活动时, 不但在所有奖励项目中立即被排除, 已经获得的奖励也将全部被追溯取消 37

翻译奖励 请让 Elamachain 项目走向世界吧! 为使更多的人能够参与 Elamachain 的代币销售 和 Elamachain 项目, 翻译有关 Elamachain 的文件并且获得 ELAC 奖励 通知 中文和英文翻译已经完成 翻译奖励如下 1. 白皮书 2,000 ELAC 2. 网站 1,250 ELAC 3. 奖励活动文本 ( 即此文本!) 500 ELAC 要求事项 1. 原则上要求自己翻译 ( 我们不接受谷歌翻译或者其他自动翻译服务的翻译 ) 2. 在翻译之前, 您需要提前预约要翻译的语言 3. 只有在 ICO 文件和其他相关领域具有适当专业水平的翻译人员才能申请 有关翻译奖励的详细内容请通过电子邮件进行咨询 38

Thanks from Director in Chief 来自总经理的致谢 您对 ELAMACHAIN 的支持对我们有非常重大的意义 我们相信, 不仅 ELAMACHAIN 的代币销售, 而且 ELAMACHAIN 项目的成功来自社区, 对于那些在诸多方面提供无尽支持的社区会员应该给与相应的回报 我们同社区的成员一起祝愿 Elamachain 更加壮大发展 非常感谢! Kevin Kang Founder, Director in Chief of Elamachain Foundation 39